Esempio n. 1
TValue * LJ_FASTCALL lj_meta_equal_cd(lua_State *L, BCIns ins)
  ASMFunction cont = (bc_op(ins) & 1) ? lj_cont_condf : lj_cont_condt;
  int op = (int)bc_op(ins) & ~1;
  TValue tv;
  cTValue *mo, *o2, *o1 = &L->base[bc_a(ins)];
  cTValue *o1mm = o1;
  if (op == BC_ISEQV) {
    o2 = &L->base[bc_d(ins)];
    if (!tviscdata(o1mm)) o1mm = o2;
  } else if (op == BC_ISEQS) {
    setstrV(L, &tv, gco2str(proto_kgc(curr_proto(L), ~(ptrdiff_t)bc_d(ins))));
    o2 = &tv;
  } else if (op == BC_ISEQN) {
    o2 = &mref(curr_proto(L)->k, cTValue)[bc_d(ins)];
  } else {
    lua_assert(op == BC_ISEQP);
    setpriV(&tv, ~bc_d(ins));
    o2 = &tv;
  mo = lj_meta_lookup(L, o1mm, MM_eq);
  if (LJ_LIKELY(!tvisnil(mo)))
    return mmcall(L, cont, mo, o1, o2);
    return (TValue *)(intptr_t)(bc_op(ins) & 1);
Esempio n. 2
/* Calculate number of used stack slots in the current frame. */
static BCReg cur_topslot(GCproto *pt, const BCIns *pc, uint32_t nres)
  BCIns ins = pc[-1];
  if (bc_op(ins) == BC_UCLO)
    ins = pc[bc_j(ins)];
  switch (bc_op(ins)) {
  case BC_CALLM: case BC_CALLMT: return bc_a(ins) + bc_c(ins) + nres-1+1;
  case BC_RETM: return bc_a(ins) + bc_d(ins) + nres-1;
  case BC_TSETM: return bc_a(ins) + nres-1;
  default: return pt->framesize;
Esempio n. 3
/* Re-enable compiling a prototype by unpatching any modified bytecode. */
void lj_trace_reenableproto(GCproto *pt)
  if ((pt->flags & PROTO_ILOOP)) {
    BCIns *bc = proto_bc(pt);
    BCPos i, sizebc = pt->sizebc;;
    pt->flags &= ~PROTO_ILOOP;
    if (bc_op(bc[0]) == BC_IFUNCF)
      setbc_op(&bc[0], BC_FUNCF);
    for (i = 1; i < sizebc; i++) {
      BCOp op = bc_op(bc[i]);
      if (op == BC_IFORL || op == BC_IITERL || op == BC_ILOOP)
	setbc_op(&bc[i], (int)op+(int)BC_LOOP-(int)BC_ILOOP);
Esempio n. 4
 * Called whenever the interpreter performs a non-local jump (i.e.,
 * CALL[T], EVAL).
 * Takes care of incrementing hotness counters and switching the
 * interpreter mode.
 * @return address where to continue interpreting.
BCIns *
interpreterBranch(Capability *cap, JitState *J, BCIns *src_pc,
                  BCIns *dst_pc, Word *base, BranchType branchType)
    /* TODO: check for recording termination. */
    return dst_pc;
  } else {
    if (dst_pc < src_pc && bc_op(*dst_pc) != BC_JFUNC) {
      if (incrementHotCounter(cap, J, dst_pc) && !(cap->flags & CF_NO_JIT)) {
        /* It's hot now. */

        /* Start recording mode. */
        Thread *T = cap->T;
        cap->dispatch = cap->dispatch_record;
        T->pc = dst_pc;
        TraceType traceType =
        startRecording(J, dst_pc, T, base, traceType);

        return cap->reload_state_pc;
    return dst_pc;
Esempio n. 5
/* Return bytecode position for function/frame or NO_BCPOS. */
static BCPos debug_framepc(lua_State *L, GCfunc *fn, cTValue *nextframe)
  const BCIns *ins;
  GCproto *pt;
  BCPos pos;
  lua_assert(fn->c.gct == ~LJ_TFUNC || fn->c.gct == ~LJ_TTHREAD);
  if (!isluafunc(fn)) {  /* Cannot derive a PC for non-Lua functions. */
    return NO_BCPOS;
  } else if (nextframe == NULL) {  /* Lua function on top. */
    void *cf = cframe_raw(L->cframe);
    if (cf == NULL || (char *)cframe_pc(cf) == (char *)cframe_L(cf))
      return NO_BCPOS;
    ins = cframe_pc(cf);  /* Only happens during error/hook handling. */
  } else {
    if (frame_islua(nextframe)) {
      ins = frame_pc(nextframe);
    } else if (frame_iscont(nextframe)) {
      ins = frame_contpc(nextframe);
    } else {
      /* Lua function below errfunc/gc/hook: find cframe to get the PC. */
      void *cf = cframe_raw(L->cframe);
      TValue *f = L->base-1;
      for (;;) {
	if (cf == NULL)
	  return NO_BCPOS;
	while (cframe_nres(cf) < 0) {
	  if (f >= restorestack(L, -cframe_nres(cf)))
	  cf = cframe_raw(cframe_prev(cf));
	  if (cf == NULL)
	    return NO_BCPOS;
	if (f < nextframe)
	if (frame_islua(f)) {
	  f = frame_prevl(f);
	} else {
	  if (frame_isc(f) || (LJ_HASFFI && frame_iscont(f) &&
			       (f-1)->u32.lo == LJ_CONT_FFI_CALLBACK))
	    cf = cframe_raw(cframe_prev(cf));
	  f = frame_prevd(f);
      ins = cframe_pc(cf);
  pt = funcproto(fn);
  pos = proto_bcpos(pt, ins) - 1;
  if (pos > pt->sizebc) {  /* Undo the effects of lj_trace_exit for JLOOP. */
    GCtrace *T = (GCtrace *)((char *)(ins-1) - offsetof(GCtrace, startins));
    pos = proto_bcpos(pt, mref(T->startpc, const BCIns));
Esempio n. 6
/* Unpatch the bytecode modified by a root trace. */
static void trace_unpatch(jit_State *J, GCtrace *T)
  BCOp op = bc_op(T->startins);
  BCIns *pc = mref(T->startpc, BCIns);
  if (op == BC_JMP)
    return;  /* No need to unpatch branches in parent traces (yet). */
  switch (bc_op(*pc)) {
  case BC_JFORL:
    lua_assert(traceref(J, bc_d(*pc)) == T);
    *pc = T->startins;
    pc += bc_j(T->startins);
    lua_assert(bc_op(*pc) == BC_JFORI);
    setbc_op(pc, BC_FORI);
  case BC_JITERL:
  case BC_JLOOP:
    lua_assert(op == BC_ITERL || op == BC_LOOP || bc_isret(op));
    *pc = T->startins;
  case BC_JMP:
    lua_assert(op == BC_ITERL);
    pc += bc_j(*pc)+2;
    if (bc_op(*pc) == BC_JITERL) {
      lua_assert(traceref(J, bc_d(*pc)) == T);
      *pc = T->startins;
  case BC_JFUNCF:
    lua_assert(op == BC_FUNCF);
    *pc = T->startins;
  default:  /* Already unpatched. */
Esempio n. 7
/* Call dispatch. Used by call hooks, hot calls or when recording. */
ASMFunction LJ_FASTCALL lj_dispatch_call(lua_State *L, const BCIns *pc)
  GCfunc *fn = curr_func(L);
  BCOp op;
  global_State *g = G(L);
  jit_State *J = G2J(g);
  int missing = call_init(L, fn);
  J->L = L;
  if ((uintptr_t)pc & 1) {  /* Marker for hot call. */
    pc = (const BCIns *)((uintptr_t)pc & ~(uintptr_t)1);
    lj_trace_hot(J, pc);
    goto out;
  } else if (J->state != LJ_TRACE_IDLE &&
	     !(g->hookmask & (HOOK_GC|HOOK_VMEVENT))) {
    /* Record the FUNC* bytecodes, too. */
    lj_trace_ins(J, pc-1);  /* The interpreter bytecode PC is offset by 1. */
  if ((g->hookmask & LUA_MASKCALL)) {
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < missing; i++)  /* Add missing parameters. */
    callhook(L, LUA_HOOKCALL, -1);
    /* Preserve modifications of missing parameters by lua_setlocal(). */
    while (missing-- > 0 && tvisnil(L->top - 1))
  op = bc_op(pc[-1]);  /* Get FUNC* op. */
  /* Use the non-hotcounting variants if JIT is off or while recording. */
  if ((!(J->flags & JIT_F_ON) || J->state != LJ_TRACE_IDLE) &&
      (op == BC_FUNCF || op == BC_FUNCV))
    op = (BCOp)((int)op+(int)BC_IFUNCF-(int)BC_FUNCF);
  return makeasmfunc(lj_bc_ofs[op]);  /* Return static dispatch target. */
Esempio n. 8
/* Instruction dispatch. Used by instr/line/return hooks or when recording. */
void LJ_FASTCALL lj_dispatch_ins(lua_State *L, const BCIns *pc)
  GCfunc *fn = curr_func(L);
  GCproto *pt = funcproto(fn);
  void *cf = cframe_raw(L->cframe);
  const BCIns *oldpc = cframe_pc(cf);
  global_State *g = G(L);
  BCReg slots;
  setcframe_pc(cf, pc);
  slots = cur_topslot(pt, pc, cframe_multres_n(cf));
  L->top = L->base + slots;  /* Fix top. */
    jit_State *J = G2J(g);
    if (J->state != LJ_TRACE_IDLE) {
      J->L = L;
      lj_trace_ins(J, pc-1);  /* The interpreter bytecode PC is offset by 1. */
  if ((g->hookmask & LUA_MASKCOUNT) && g->hookcount == 0) {
    g->hookcount = g->hookcstart;
    callhook(L, LUA_HOOKCOUNT, -1);
    L->top = L->base + slots;  /* Fix top again. */
  if ((g->hookmask & LUA_MASKLINE)) {
    BCPos npc = proto_bcpos(pt, pc) - 1;
    BCPos opc = proto_bcpos(pt, oldpc) - 1;
    BCLine line = proto_line(pt, npc);
    if (pc <= oldpc || opc >= pt->sizebc || line != proto_line(pt, opc)) {
      callhook(L, LUA_HOOKLINE, line);
      L->top = L->base + slots;  /* Fix top again. */
  if ((g->hookmask & LUA_MASKRET) && bc_isret(bc_op(pc[-1])))
    callhook(L, LUA_HOOKRET, -1);
Esempio n. 9
/* Restore interpreter state from exit state with the help of a snapshot. */
const BCIns *lj_snap_restore(jit_State *J, void *exptr)
  ExitState *ex = (ExitState *)exptr;
  SnapNo snapno = J->exitno;  /* For now, snapno == exitno. */
  GCtrace *T = traceref(J, J->parent);
  SnapShot *snap = &T->snap[snapno];
  MSize n, nent = snap->nent;
  SnapEntry *map = &T->snapmap[snap->mapofs];
  SnapEntry *flinks = &T->snapmap[snap_nextofs(T, snap)-1];
  ptrdiff_t ftsz0;
  TValue *frame;
  BloomFilter rfilt = snap_renamefilter(T, snapno);
  const BCIns *pc = snap_pc(map[nent]);
  lua_State *L = J->L;

  /* Set interpreter PC to the next PC to get correct error messages. */
  setcframe_pc(cframe_raw(L->cframe), pc+1);

  /* Make sure the stack is big enough for the slots from the snapshot. */
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(L->base + snap->topslot >= tvref(L->maxstack))) {
    L->top = curr_topL(L);
    lj_state_growstack(L, snap->topslot - curr_proto(L)->framesize);

  /* Fill stack slots with data from the registers and spill slots. */
  frame = L->base-1;
  ftsz0 = frame_ftsz(frame);  /* Preserve link to previous frame in slot #0. */
  for (n = 0; n < nent; n++) {
    SnapEntry sn = map[n];
    if (!(sn & SNAP_NORESTORE)) {
      TValue *o = &frame[snap_slot(sn)];
      IRRef ref = snap_ref(sn);
      IRIns *ir = &T->ir[ref];
      if (ir->r == RID_SUNK) {
	MSize j;
	for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
	  if (snap_ref(map[j]) == ref) {  /* De-duplicate sunk allocations. */
	    copyTV(L, o, &frame[snap_slot(map[j])]);
	    goto dupslot;
	snap_unsink(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ir, o);
      snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ref, o);
      if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM) && tvisint(o)) {
	TValue tmp;
	snap_restoreval(J, T, ex, snapno, rfilt, ref+1, &tmp);
	o->u32.hi = tmp.u32.lo;
      } else if ((sn & (SNAP_CONT|SNAP_FRAME))) {
	lua_assert(!LJ_FR2);  /* TODO_FR2: store 64 bit PCs. */
	/* Overwrite tag with frame link. */
	setframe_ftsz(o, snap_slot(sn) != 0 ? (int32_t)*flinks-- : ftsz0);
	L->base = o+1;
  lua_assert(map + nent == flinks);

  /* Compute current stack top. */
  switch (bc_op(*pc)) {
    if (bc_op(*pc) < BC_FUNCF) {
      L->top = curr_topL(L);
    /* fallthrough */
  case BC_CALLM: case BC_CALLMT: case BC_RETM: case BC_TSETM:
    L->top = frame + snap->nslots;
  return pc;
Esempio n. 10
/* Find unused slots with reaching-definitions bytecode data-flow analysis. */
static BCReg snap_usedef(jit_State *J, uint8_t *udf,
			 const BCIns *pc, BCReg maxslot)
  BCReg s;
  GCobj *o;

  if (maxslot == 0) return 0;
  /* Avoid errors for harmless reads beyond maxslot. */
  memset(udf, 1, SNAP_USEDEF_SLOTS);
  memset(udf, 1, maxslot);

  /* Treat open upvalues as used. */
  o = gcref(J->L->openupval);
  while (o) {
    if (uvval(gco2uv(o)) < J->L->base) break;
    udf[uvval(gco2uv(o)) - J->L->base] = 0;
    o = gcref(o->gch.nextgc);

#define USE_SLOT(s)		udf[(s)] &= ~1
#define DEF_SLOT(s)		udf[(s)] *= 3

  /* Scan through following bytecode and check for uses/defs. */
  lua_assert(pc >= proto_bc(J->pt) && pc < proto_bc(J->pt) + J->pt->sizebc);
  for (;;) {
    BCIns ins = *pc++;
    BCOp op = bc_op(ins);
    switch (bcmode_b(op)) {
    case BCMvar: USE_SLOT(bc_b(ins)); break;
    default: break;
    switch (bcmode_c(op)) {
    case BCMvar: USE_SLOT(bc_c(ins)); break;
    case BCMrbase:
      lua_assert(op == BC_CAT);
      for (s = bc_b(ins); s <= bc_c(ins); s++) USE_SLOT(s);
      for (; s < maxslot; s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
    case BCMjump:
    handle_jump: {
      BCReg minslot = bc_a(ins);
      if (op >= BC_FORI && op <= BC_JFORL) minslot += FORL_EXT;
      else if (op >= BC_ITERL && op <= BC_JITERL) minslot += bc_b(pc[-2])-1;
      else if (op == BC_UCLO) { pc += bc_j(ins); break; }
      for (s = minslot; s < maxslot; s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
      return minslot < maxslot ? minslot : maxslot;
    case BCMlit:
      if (op == BC_JFORL || op == BC_JITERL || op == BC_JLOOP) {
	goto handle_jump;
      } else if (bc_isret(op)) {
	BCReg top = op == BC_RETM ? maxslot : (bc_a(ins) + bc_d(ins)-1);
	for (s = 0; s < bc_a(ins); s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
	for (; s < top; s++) USE_SLOT(s);
	for (; s < maxslot; s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
	return 0;
    case BCMfunc: return maxslot;  /* NYI: will abort, anyway. */
    default: break;
    switch (bcmode_a(op)) {
    case BCMvar: USE_SLOT(bc_a(ins)); break;
    case BCMdst:
       if (!(op == BC_ISTC || op == BC_ISFC)) DEF_SLOT(bc_a(ins));
    case BCMbase:
      if (op >= BC_CALLM && op <= BC_VARG) {
	BCReg top = (op == BC_CALLM || op == BC_CALLMT || bc_c(ins) == 0) ?
		    maxslot : (bc_a(ins) + bc_c(ins)+LJ_FR2);
	if (LJ_FR2) DEF_SLOT(bc_a(ins)+1);
	s = bc_a(ins) - ((op == BC_ITERC || op == BC_ITERN) ? 3 : 0);
	for (; s < top; s++) USE_SLOT(s);
	for (; s < maxslot; s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
	if (op == BC_CALLT || op == BC_CALLMT) {
	  for (s = 0; s < bc_a(ins); s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
	  return 0;
      } else if (op == BC_KNIL) {
	for (s = bc_a(ins); s <= bc_d(ins); s++) DEF_SLOT(s);
      } else if (op == BC_TSETM) {
	for (s = bc_a(ins)-1; s < maxslot; s++) USE_SLOT(s);
    default: break;
    lua_assert(pc >= proto_bc(J->pt) && pc < proto_bc(J->pt) + J->pt->sizebc);

#undef USE_SLOT
#undef DEF_SLOT

  return 0;  /* unreachable */
Esempio n. 11
printInstruction_aux(FILE *stream, const BCIns *ins /*in*/, int oneline)
  const BCIns *ins0 = ins;
  u4 j;
  const BCIns i = *ins;
  const char *name = ins_name[bc_op(i)];

  fprintf(stream, "%p: ", ins);
  ++ ins;

  switch(ins_format[bc_op(i)]) {
  case IFM_R:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d\n", name, bc_a(i)); break;
  case IFM_RR:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, r%d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_d(i)); break;
  case IFM_RRR:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, r%d, r%d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_b(i), bc_c(i));
  case IFM_RN:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, %d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_d(i)); break;
  case IFM_RRN:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, r%d, %d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_b(i), bc_c(i));
  case IFM_RS:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, %d\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_sd(i)); break;
  case IFM_J:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\t%p\n", name, ins + bc_j(i)); break;
  case IFM_RRJ:
    fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d, r%d, %p\n", name, bc_a(i), bc_d(i),
           ins + 1 + bc_j(*ins));
  case IFM____:
    switch (bc_op(i)) {
    case BC_EVAL:
      { fprintf(stream, "EVAL\tr%d", bc_a(i));
        printInlineBitmap(stream, ins);
    case BC_CASE:
      { u2 *tgt = (u2*)ins;  u4 ncases = bc_d(i);
        ins += (ncases + 1) / 2;
        fprintf(stream, "CASE\tr%d\n", bc_a(i));
        if (!oneline) {
          for (j = 0; j < ncases; j++, tgt++) {
            fprintf(stream, "         %d: %p\n", j + 1, ins + bc_j_from_d(*tgt));
    case BC_CASE_S:
      fprintf(stream, "CASE_S\tr%d ...TODO...\n", bc_a(i));
      ins += bc_d(i);
    case BC_ALLOC1:
      fprintf(stream, "ALLOC1\tr%d, r%d, r%d", bc_a(i), bc_b(i), bc_c(i));
      printInlineBitmap(stream, ins);
      ins += 1;

    case BC_ALLOC:
        u1 *arg = (u1*)ins; ins += 1 + BC_ROUND(bc_c(i));
        fprintf(stream, "ALLOC\tr%d, r%d", bc_a(i), bc_b(i));
        for (j = 0; j < bc_c(i); j++, arg++)
          fprintf(stream, ", r%d", *arg);
        printInlineBitmap(stream, ins - 1);
    case BC_ALLOCAP:
        u1 *arg = (u1*)ins; ins += 1 + BC_ROUND(bc_c(i) + 1);
        fprintf(stream, "ALLOCAP\tr%d", bc_a(i));
        u1 ptrmask = bc_b(i);
        fprintf(stream, ", r%d", *arg++);
        for (j = 1; j < bc_c(i); j++, arg++) {
          fprintf(stream, ", r%d%c", *arg, ptrmask & 1 ? '*' : ' ');
          ptrmask >>= 1;
        printInlineBitmap(stream, ins - 1);
    case BC_CALL:
      { u1 *arg = (u1*)ins; ins += BC_ROUND(bc_c(i)) + 1;
        fprintf(stream, "%s\tr%d", name, bc_a(i));
        char comma = '(';
        for (j = 0; j < bc_c(i); j++, arg++) {
          fprintf(stream, "%cr%d", comma, *arg);
          comma = ',';
        fprintf(stream, ") [%x]", bc_b(i));
        printInlineBitmap(stream, ins - 1);
    case BC_CALLT:
        int j;
        u1 bitmask = bc_b(i);
        fprintf(stream, "CALLT r%d", bc_a(i));
        for (j = 0; j < bc_c(i); j++) {
          fprintf(stream, "%cr%d%c", j == 0 ? '(' : ',', j, bitmask & 1 ? '*' : ' ');
          bitmask >>= 1;
        fprintf(stream, ")\n");
      fprintf(stream, "%s ...TODO...\n", name);
    fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: Unknown intruction format: %d\n",

  return (u4)(ins - ins0);
Esempio n. 12
/* Restore interpreter state from exit state with the help of a snapshot. */
const BCIns *lj_snap_restore(jit_State *J, void *exptr)
  ExitState *ex = (ExitState *)exptr;
  SnapNo snapno = J->exitno;  /* For now, snapno == exitno. */
  GCtrace *T = traceref(J, J->parent);
  SnapShot *snap = &T->snap[snapno];
  MSize n, nent = snap->nent;
  SnapEntry *map = &T->snapmap[snap->mapofs];
  SnapEntry *flinks = map + nent + snap->depth;
  int32_t ftsz0;
  BCReg nslots = snap->nslots;
  TValue *frame;
  BloomFilter rfilt = snap_renamefilter(T, snapno);
  const BCIns *pc = snap_pc(map[nent]);
  lua_State *L = J->L;

  /* Set interpreter PC to the next PC to get correct error messages. */
  setcframe_pc(cframe_raw(L->cframe), pc+1);

  /* Make sure the stack is big enough for the slots from the snapshot. */
  if (LJ_UNLIKELY(L->base + nslots > tvref(L->maxstack))) {
    L->top = curr_topL(L);
    lj_state_growstack(L, nslots - curr_proto(L)->framesize);

  /* Fill stack slots with data from the registers and spill slots. */
  frame = L->base-1;
  ftsz0 = frame_ftsz(frame);  /* Preserve link to previous frame in slot #0. */
  for (n = 0; n < nent; n++) {
    SnapEntry sn = map[n];
    IRRef ref = snap_ref(sn);
    BCReg s = snap_slot(sn);
    TValue *o = &frame[s];  /* Stack slots are relative to start frame. */
    IRIns *ir = &T->ir[ref];
    if (irref_isk(ref)) {  /* Restore constant slot. */
      lj_ir_kvalue(L, o, ir);
      if ((sn & (SNAP_CONT|SNAP_FRAME))) {
	/* Overwrite tag with frame link. */
	o-> = s != 0 ? (int32_t)*flinks-- : ftsz0;
	if ((sn & SNAP_FRAME)) {
	  GCfunc *fn = ir_kfunc(ir);
	  if (isluafunc(fn)) {
	    MSize framesize = funcproto(fn)->framesize;
	    L->base = ++o;
	    if (LJ_UNLIKELY(o + framesize > tvref(L->maxstack))) {
	      ptrdiff_t fsave = savestack(L, frame);
	      L->top = o;
	      lj_state_growstack(L, framesize);  /* Grow again. */
	      frame = restorestack(L, fsave);
    } else if (!(sn & SNAP_NORESTORE)) {
      IRType1 t = ir->t;
      RegSP rs = ir->prev;
      lua_assert(!(sn & (SNAP_CONT|SNAP_FRAME)));
      if (LJ_UNLIKELY(bloomtest(rfilt, ref)))
	rs = snap_renameref(T, snapno, ref, rs);
      if (ra_hasspill(regsp_spill(rs))) {  /* Restore from spill slot. */
	int32_t *sps = &ex->spill[regsp_spill(rs)];
	if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM)) {
	  o->u32.lo = (uint32_t)*sps;
	} else if (irt_isinteger(t)) {
	  setintV(o, *sps);
	} else if (irt_isnum(t)) {
	  o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps;
#if LJ_64
	} else if (irt_islightud(t)) {
	  /* 64 bit lightuserdata which may escape already has the tag bits. */
	  o->u64 = *(uint64_t *)sps;
	} else {
	  lua_assert(!irt_ispri(t));  /* PRI refs never have a spill slot. */
	  setgcrefi(o->gcr, *sps);
	  setitype(o, irt_toitype(t));
      } else {  /* Restore from register. */
	Reg r = regsp_reg(rs);
	if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM)) {
	  o->u32.lo = (uint32_t)ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR];
	} else if (irt_isinteger(t)) {
	  setintV(o, (int32_t)ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]);
	} else if (irt_isnum(t)) {
	  setnumV(o, ex->fpr[r-RID_MIN_FPR]);
#if LJ_64
	} else if (irt_islightud(t)) {
	  /* 64 bit lightuserdata which may escape already has the tag bits. */
	  o->u64 = ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR];
	} else {
	  if (!irt_ispri(t))
	    setgcrefi(o->gcr, ex->gpr[r-RID_MIN_GPR]);
	  setitype(o, irt_toitype(t));
      if (LJ_SOFTFP && (sn & SNAP_SOFTFPNUM)) {
	rs = (ir+1)->prev;
	if (LJ_UNLIKELY(bloomtest(rfilt, ref+1)))
	  rs = snap_renameref(T, snapno, ref+1, rs);
	o->u32.hi = (ra_hasspill(regsp_spill(rs))) ?
	    (uint32_t)*&ex->spill[regsp_spill(rs)] :
  switch (bc_op(*pc)) {
  case BC_CALLM: case BC_CALLMT: case BC_RETM: case BC_TSETM:
    L->top = frame + nslots;
    L->top = curr_topL(L);
  lua_assert(map + nent == flinks);
  return pc;