Esempio n. 1
static void query_vcf(args_t *args)
    kstring_t str = {0,0,0};

    if ( args->print_header )
        fwrite(str.s, str.l, 1, args->out);

    while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->files) )
        if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(args->files,0) ) continue;
        bcf1_t *line = args->files->readers[0].buffer[0];
        bcf_unpack(line, args->files->max_unpack);

        if ( args->filter )
            int pass = filter_test(args->filter, line, NULL);
            if ( args->filter_logic & FLT_EXCLUDE ) pass = pass ? 0 : 1;
            if ( !pass ) continue;

        str.l = 0;
        convert_line(args->convert, line, &str);
        if ( str.l )
            fwrite(str.s, str.l, 1, args->out);
    if ( str.m ) free(str.s);
Esempio n. 2
void debug_buffers(FILE *fp, bcf_srs_t *files)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
        fprintf(fp, "has_line: %d\t%s\n", bcf_sr_has_line(files,i),files->readers[i].fname);
        debug_buffer(fp, &files->readers[i]);
Esempio n. 3
void isec_vcf(args_t *args)
    bcf_srs_t *files = args->files;
    kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
    htsFile *out_fh = NULL;

    // When only one VCF is output, print VCF to pysam_stdout or -o file
    int out_std = 0;
    if ( args->nwrite==1 && !args->prefix ) out_std = 1;
    if ( args->targets_list && files->nreaders==1 ) out_std = 1;
    if ( out_std )
        out_fh = hts_open(args->output_fname? args->output_fname : "-",hts_bcf_wmode(args->output_type));
        if ( out_fh == NULL ) error("Can't write to %s: %s\n", args->output_fname? args->output_fname : "standard output", strerror(errno));
        if ( args->n_threads ) hts_set_threads(out_fh, args->n_threads);
        if (args->record_cmd_line) bcf_hdr_append_version(files->readers[args->iwrite].header,args->argc,args->argv,"bcftools_isec");
        bcf_hdr_write(out_fh, files->readers[args->iwrite].header);
    if ( !args->nwrite && !out_std && !args->prefix )
        fprintf(pysam_stderr,"Note: -w option not given, printing list of sites...\n");

    int n;
    while ( (n=bcf_sr_next_line(files)) )
        bcf_sr_t *reader = NULL;
        bcf1_t *line = NULL;
        int i, ret = 0;
        for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
            if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(files,i) ) continue;

            if ( args->nflt && args->flt[i] )
                bcf1_t *rec = bcf_sr_get_line(files, i);
                int pass = filter_test(args->flt[i], rec, NULL);
                if ( args->flt_logic[i] & FLT_EXCLUDE ) pass = pass ? 0 : 1;
                if ( !pass )
                    files->has_line[i] = 0;

            if ( !line )
                line = files->readers[i].buffer[0];
                reader = &files->readers[i];
            ret |= 1<<i;    // this may overflow for many files, but will be used only with two (OP_VENN)

        switch (args->isec_op)
            case OP_COMPLEMENT: if ( n!=1 || !bcf_sr_has_line(files,0) ) continue; break;
            case OP_EQUAL: if ( n != args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_PLUS: if ( n < args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_MINUS: if ( n > args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_EXACT:
                for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                    if ( files->has_line[i] != args->isec_exact[i] ) break;
                if ( i<files->nreaders ) continue;

        if ( out_std )
            if ( bcf_sr_has_line(files,args->iwrite) )
                bcf_write1(out_fh, files->readers[args->iwrite].header, files->readers[args->iwrite].buffer[0]);
        else if ( args->fh_sites )
            str.l = 0;
            kputs(reader->header->id[BCF_DT_CTG][line->rid].key, &str); kputc('\t', &str);
            kputw(line->pos+1, &str); kputc('\t', &str);
            if (line->n_allele > 0) kputs(line->d.allele[0], &str);
            else kputc('.', &str);
            kputc('\t', &str);
            if (line->n_allele > 1) kputs(line->d.allele[1], &str);
            else kputc('.', &str);
            for (i=2; i<line->n_allele; i++)
                kputc(',', &str);
                kputs(line->d.allele[i], &str);
            kputc('\t', &str);
            for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                kputc(bcf_sr_has_line(files,i)?'1':'0', &str);
            kputc('\n', &str);

        if ( args->prefix )
            if ( args->isec_op==OP_VENN && ret==3 )
                if ( !args->nwrite || args->write[0] )
                    bcf_write1(args->fh_out[2], bcf_sr_get_header(files,0), bcf_sr_get_line(files,0));
                if ( !args->nwrite || args->write[1] )
                    bcf_write1(args->fh_out[3], bcf_sr_get_header(files,1), bcf_sr_get_line(files,1));
                for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                    if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(files,i) ) continue;
                    if ( args->write && !args->write[i] ) continue;
                    bcf_write1(args->fh_out[i], files->readers[i].header, files->readers[i].buffer[0]);
    if ( str.s ) free(str.s);
    if ( out_fh ) hts_close(out_fh);
Esempio n. 4
static void concat(args_t *args)
    int i;
    if ( args->phased_concat )  // phased concat
        // keep only two open files at a time
        while ( args->ifname < args->nfnames )
            int new_file = 0;
            while ( args->files->nreaders < 2 && args->ifname < args->nfnames )
                if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files,args->fnames[args->ifname]) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", args->fnames[args->ifname],bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
                new_file = 1;

                if ( args->start_pos[args->ifname-1]==-1 ) break;   // new chromosome, start with only one file open
                if ( args->ifname < args->nfnames && args->start_pos[args->ifname]==-1 ) break; // next file starts on a different chromosome

            // is there a line from the previous run? Seek the newly opened reader to that position
            int seek_pos = -1;
            int seek_chr = -1;
            if ( bcf_sr_has_line(args->files,0) )
                bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,0);
                bcf_sr_seek(args->files, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[0].header,line), line->pos);
                seek_pos = line->pos;
                seek_chr = bcf_hdr_name2id(args->out_hdr, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[0].header,line));
            else if ( new_file )
                bcf_sr_seek(args->files,NULL,0);  // set to start

            int nret;
            while ( (nret = bcf_sr_next_line(args->files)) )
                if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(args->files,0) )  // no input from the first reader
                    // We are assuming that there is a perfect overlap, sites which are not present in both files are dropped
                    if ( ! bcf_sr_region_done(args->files,0) ) continue;

                    bcf_sr_remove_reader(args->files, 0);

                // Get a line to learn about current position
                for (i=0; i<args->files->nreaders; i++)
                    if ( bcf_sr_has_line(args->files,i) ) break;
                bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,i);

                // This can happen after bcf_sr_seek: indel may start before the coordinate which we seek to.
                if ( seek_chr>=0 && seek_pos>line->pos && seek_chr==bcf_hdr_name2id(args->out_hdr, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[i].header,line)) ) continue;
                seek_pos = seek_chr = -1;

                //  Check if the position overlaps with the next, yet unopened, reader
                int must_seek = 0;
                while ( args->ifname < args->nfnames && args->start_pos[args->ifname]!=-1 && line->pos >= args->start_pos[args->ifname] )
                    must_seek = 1;
                    if ( !bcf_sr_add_reader(args->files,args->fnames[args->ifname]) ) error("Failed to open %s: %s\n", args->fnames[args->ifname],bcf_sr_strerror(args->files->errnum));
                if ( must_seek )
                    bcf_sr_seek(args->files, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[i].header,line), line->pos);
                    seek_pos = line->pos;
                    seek_chr = bcf_hdr_name2id(args->out_hdr, bcf_seqname(args->files->readers[i].header,line));

                // We are assuming that there is a perfect overlap, sites which are not present in both files are dropped
                if ( args->files->nreaders>1 && !bcf_sr_has_line(args->files,1) && !bcf_sr_region_done(args->files,1) ) continue;

                phased_push(args, bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,0), args->files->nreaders>1 ? bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,1) : NULL);

            if ( args->files->nreaders )
                while ( args->files->nreaders )
                    bcf_sr_remove_reader(args->files, 0);
    else if ( args->files )  // combining overlapping files, using synced reader
        while ( bcf_sr_next_line(args->files) )
            for (i=0; i<args->files->nreaders; i++)
                bcf1_t *line = bcf_sr_get_line(args->files,i);
                if ( !line ) continue;
                bcf_translate(args->out_hdr, args->files->readers[i].header, line);
                bcf_write1(args->out_fh, args->out_hdr, line);
                if ( args->remove_dups ) break;
    else    // concatenating
        kstring_t tmp = {0,0,0};
        int prev_chr_id = -1, prev_pos;
        bcf1_t *line = bcf_init();
        for (i=0; i<args->nfnames; i++)
            htsFile *fp = hts_open(args->fnames[i], "r"); if ( !fp ) error("Failed to open: %s\n", args->fnames[i]);
            bcf_hdr_t *hdr = bcf_hdr_read(fp); if ( !hdr ) error("Failed to parse header: %s\n", args->fnames[i]);
            if ( !fp->is_bin && args->output_type&FT_VCF )
                line->max_unpack = BCF_UN_STR;
                // if VCF is on both input and output, avoid VCF to BCF conversion
                while ( hts_getline(fp, KS_SEP_LINE, &fp->line) >=0 )
                    char *str = fp->line.s;
                    while ( *str && *str!='\t' ) str++;
                    tmp.l = 0;
                    int chr_id = bcf_hdr_name2id(args->out_hdr, tmp.s);
                    if ( chr_id<0 ) error("The sequence \"%s\" not defined in the header: %s\n(Quick workaround: index the file.)\n", tmp.s, args->fnames[i]);
                    if ( prev_chr_id!=chr_id )
                        prev_pos = -1;
                        if ( args->seen_seq[chr_id] )
                            error("\nThe chromosome block %s is not contiguous, consider running with -a.\n", tmp.s);
                    char *end;
                    int pos = strtol(str+1,&end,10) - 1;
                    if ( end==str+1 ) error("Could not parse line: %s\n", fp->line.s);
                    if ( prev_pos > pos )
                        error("The chromosome block %s is not sorted, consider running with -a.\n", tmp.s);
                    args->seen_seq[chr_id] = 1;
                    prev_chr_id = chr_id;

                    if ( vcf_write_line(args->out_fh, &fp->line)!=0 ) error("Failed to write %d bytes\n", fp->line.l);
                // BCF conversion is required
                line->max_unpack = 0;
                while ( bcf_read(fp, hdr, line)==0 )
                    bcf_translate(args->out_hdr, hdr, line);

                    if ( prev_chr_id!=line->rid )
                        prev_pos = -1;
                        if ( args->seen_seq[line->rid] )
                            error("\nThe chromosome block %s is not contiguous, consider running with -a.\n", bcf_seqname(args->out_hdr, line));
                    if ( prev_pos > line->pos )
                        error("The chromosome block %s is not sorted, consider running with -a.\n", bcf_seqname(args->out_hdr, line));
                    args->seen_seq[line->rid] = 1;
                    prev_chr_id = line->rid;

                    if ( bcf_write(args->out_fh, args->out_hdr, line)!=0 ) error("Failed to write\n");
Esempio n. 5
void isec_vcf(args_t *args)
    bcf_srs_t *files = args->files;
    kstring_t str = {0,0,0};
    htsFile *out_fh = NULL;

    // When only one VCF is output, print VCF to stdout
    int out_std = 0;
    if ( args->nwrite==1 ) out_std = 1;
    if ( args->targets_list && files->nreaders==1 ) out_std = 1;
    if ( out_std ) 
        out_fh = hts_open("-",hts_bcf_wmode(args->output_type));
        bcf_hdr_write(out_fh, files->readers[args->iwrite].header);
    if ( !args->nwrite && !out_std && !args->prefix )
        fprintf(stderr,"Note: -w option not given, printing list of sites...\n");

    int n;
    while ( (n=bcf_sr_next_line(files)) )
        bcf_sr_t *reader = NULL;
        bcf1_t *line = NULL;
        int i, ret = 0;
        for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
            if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(files,i) ) continue;
            if ( !line ) 
                line = files->readers[i].buffer[0];
                reader = &files->readers[i];
            ret |= 1<<i;    // this may overflow for many files, but will be used only with two (OP_VENN)

        switch (args->isec_op) 
            case OP_COMPLEMENT: if ( n!=1 || !bcf_sr_has_line(files,0) ) continue; break;
            case OP_EQUAL: if ( n != args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_PLUS: if ( n < args->isec_n ) continue; break;
            case OP_MINUS: if ( n > args->isec_n ) continue;

        if ( out_std )
            if ( bcf_sr_has_line(files,args->iwrite) )
                bcf_write1(out_fh, files->readers[args->iwrite].header, files->readers[args->iwrite].buffer[0]);
        else if ( args->fh_sites )
            str.l = 0;
            kputs(reader->header->id[BCF_DT_CTG][line->rid].key, &str); kputc('\t', &str);
            kputw(line->pos+1, &str); kputc('\t', &str);
            if (line->n_allele > 0) kputs(line->d.allele[0], &str);
            else kputc('.', &str);
            kputc('\t', &str);
            if (line->n_allele > 1) kputs(line->d.allele[1], &str);
            else kputc('.', &str);
            for (i=2; i<line->n_allele; i++)
                kputc(',', &str);
                kputs(line->d.allele[i], &str);
            kputc('\t', &str);
            for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                kputc(bcf_sr_has_line(files,i)?'1':'0', &str);
            kputc('\n', &str);

        if ( args->prefix )
            if ( args->isec_op==OP_VENN )
                bcf_write1(args->fh_out[ret-1], reader->header, line);
                for (i=0; i<files->nreaders; i++)
                    if ( !bcf_sr_has_line(files,i) ) continue;
                    if ( args->write && !args->write[i] ) continue;
                    bcf_write1(args->fh_out[i], files->readers[i].header, files->readers[i].buffer[0]);
    if ( str.s ) free(str.s);
    if ( out_fh ) hts_close(out_fh);