 * Method used to test if the device is working properly. It works by writing to a
 * register and then reading the same register.
 * @deprecated Currently not in use.
void EcgCapture::testDevice()
    QByteArray TESTIN;

    QByteArray TESTOUT;

    TESTIN[0] = 0x01;
    TESTIN[1] = 0x00;
    TESTIN[2] = 0x00;
    TESTIN[3] = 0x00;

    TESTOUT[0] = 0x11;
    TESTOUT[1] = 0x11;
    TESTOUT[2] = 0x11;
    TESTOUT[3] = 0x11;


    bcm2835_spi_transfernb(TESTIN.data(), TESTOUT.data(), TESTIN.size());


    if(bcm2835_gpio_lev(PIN16)==LOW) {
    } else {

    QByteArray FRAMES;
    QByteArray DATAOUT;

    FRAMES[0] = 0x00;
    FRAMES[1] = 0x00;
    FRAMES[2] = 0x00;
    FRAMES[3] = 0x00;

    DATAOUT[0] = 0x11;
    DATAOUT[1] = 0x11;
    DATAOUT[2] = 0x11;
    DATAOUT[3] = 0x11;

    bcm2835_spi_transfernb(FRAMES.data(), DATAOUT.data(), FRAMES.size());
Esempio n. 2
uint8_t RF24::read_register(uint8_t reg)
  uint8_t result;
  #if defined (RF24_LINUX)
  uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
  uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;	
  *ptx++ = ( R_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
  *ptx++ = NOP ; // Dummy operation, just for reading
  bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, 2);
  result = *++prx;   // result is 2nd byte of receive buffer  
  #elif defined (__arm__) && !defined ( CORE_TEENSY )
  _SPI.transfer(csn_pin, R_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) , SPI_CONTINUE);
  result = _SPI.transfer(csn_pin,0xff);
  _SPI.transfer( R_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
  result = _SPI.transfer(0xff);


  return result;
Esempio n. 3
uint8_t RF24::read_payload(void* buf, uint8_t len)
  uint8_t status;
	uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
	uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;
  uint8_t size ;

  uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(buf);

  uint8_t data_len = min(len,payload_size);
  uint8_t blank_len = dynamic_payloads_enabled ? 0 : payload_size - data_len;

	size = data_len + blank_len + 1; // Add register value to transmit buffer

  if (debug)
		printf("[Reading %u bytes %u blanks]",data_len,blank_len);

	*ptx++ =  R_RX_PAYLOAD;
		*ptx++ = NOP;

	// Size has been lost during while, re affect
	size = data_len + blank_len + 1; // Add register value to transmit buffer

	bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);

	// 1st byte is status
	status = *prx++;

	// Decrement before to skip 1st status byte
  while ( --size )
    *current++ = *prx++;

  return status;
Esempio n. 4
uint8_t RF24::write_register(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
  uint8_t status;


  #if defined (RF24_LINUX)
	uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
	uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;
	*ptx++ = ( W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
	*ptx = value ;	
	bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, 2);
	status = *prx++; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer
  #elif defined (__arm__) && !defined ( CORE_TEENSY )
  status = _SPI.transfer(csn_pin, W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ), SPI_CONTINUE);

  status = _SPI.transfer( W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );


  return status;
Esempio n. 5
uint8_t RF24::write_payload(const void* buf, uint8_t len, const uint8_t writeType)
  uint8_t status;
	uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
	uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;
  uint8_t size ;

  const uint8_t* current = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buf);

  uint8_t data_len = min(len,payload_size);
  uint8_t blank_len = dynamic_payloads_enabled ? 0 : payload_size - data_len;

	size = data_len + blank_len + 1 ; // Add register value to transmit buffer

  if (debug)
		printf("[Writing %u bytes %u blanks]",data_len,blank_len);

	*ptx++ =  W_TX_PAYLOAD;
  while ( data_len-- )
    *ptx++ =  *current++;
  while ( blank_len-- )
		*ptx++ =  0;

	bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);

	status = *prx; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer

  return status;
Esempio n. 6
quint8 QRF24::writePayload(const void* buf, quint8 len)
    quint8 status;
    quint8 * prx = spi_rxbuff;
    quint8 * ptx = spi_txbuff;
    quint8 size ;

    const quint8* current = reinterpret_cast<const quint8*>(buf);

    quint8 data_len = qMin(len,payload_size);
    quint8 blank_len = dynamic_payloads_enabled ? 0 : payload_size - data_len;

    size = data_len + blank_len + 1 ; // Add register value to transmit buffer

    if (debug)
        qDebug("[Writing %u bytes %u blanks]",data_len,blank_len);

    *ptx++ =  W_TX_PAYLOAD;
    while ( data_len-- )
        *ptx++ =  *current++;
    while ( blank_len-- )
        *ptx++ =  0;

    bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);

    status = *prx; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer

    return status;
Esempio n. 7
    Function:	spi_lcd_off
    Purpose:	Turn off lcd display	
    Note:	Assumes spi_lcd_init() has been called
void spi_lcd_off(void)
	u8 tx_buff[4] = { CMD_CODE, CMD_OFF, 0, 0 };
	u8 rx_buff[4];
	bcm2835_spi_transfernb(tx_buff, rx_buff, 2);
Esempio n. 8
uint8_t readRegister(uint8_t cs_pin, uint8_t addr)
  char spibuf[2];
  spibuf[0] = addr & 0x7F;
  spibuf[1] = 0x00;

  bcm2835_spi_transfernb( spibuf, spibuf, sizeof(spibuf) );
  return spibuf[1];
Esempio n. 9
uint8_t RF24::read_register(uint8_t reg)
  uint8_t result;
	uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
	uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;

	*ptx++ = ( R_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
	*ptx++ = NOP ; // Dummy operation, just for reading

  bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, 2);

	result = *++prx;   // result is 2nd byte of receive buffer

  return result;
Esempio n. 10
quint8 QRF24::writeRegister(quint8 reg, const quint8* buf, quint8 len)
    quint8 status;
    quint8 * prx = spi_rxbuff;
    quint8 * ptx = spi_txbuff;
    quint8 size = len + 1; // Add register value to transmit buffer

    *ptx++ = ( W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
    while ( len-- )
        *ptx++ = *buf++;

    bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);

    status = *prx; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer

    return status;
Esempio n. 11
uint8_t RF24::write_register(uint8_t reg, const uint8_t* buf, uint8_t len)
  uint8_t status;
	uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
	uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;
  uint8_t size = len + 1; // Add register value to transmit buffer

	*ptx++ = ( W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
  while ( len-- )
    *ptx++ = *buf++;

  bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);

	status = *prx; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer

  return status;
Esempio n. 12
static PyObject *
PyBCM2835_spi_transfernb(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
	char *tbuf;
	char *rbuf;
	int tbuf_len;
	int rbuf_len;
	uint32_t len;

	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"s#s#i",&tbuf, &tbuf_len, &rbuf, &rbuf_len,&len)) {
		return NULL;


Esempio n. 13
uint8_t RF24::write_register(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value)
  uint8_t status;
	uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
	uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;

	*ptx++ = ( W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
	*ptx = value ;

  bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, 2);

	status = *prx++; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer

  if (debug)

  return status;
Esempio n. 14
quint8 QRF24::writeRegister(quint8 reg, quint8 value)
    quint8 status;
    quint8 * prx = spi_rxbuff;
    quint8 * ptx = spi_txbuff;

    *ptx++ = ( W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
    *ptx = value ;

    bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, 2);

    status = *prx++; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer

    // if (debug)
    //     qDebug("write_register(%02x,%02x)\r\n",reg,value);

    return status;
Esempio n. 15
uint8_t RF24::read_register(uint8_t reg, uint8_t* buf, uint8_t len)
  uint8_t status;

  #if defined (RF24_LINUX)
  csn(LOW); //In this case, calling csn(LOW) configures the spi settings 
  uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
  uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;
  uint8_t size = len + 1; // Add register value to transmit buffer

  *ptx++ = ( R_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );

  while (len--){ *ptx++ = NOP; } // Dummy operation, just for reading
  #if defined (RF24_SPIDEV)
  _SPI.transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);
  bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);
  status = *prx++; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer

  // decrement before to skip status byte
  while ( --size ){ *buf++ = *prx++; } 
#elif defined (__arm__) && !defined ( CORE_TEENSY )
  status = _SPI.transfer(csn_pin, R_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ), SPI_CONTINUE );
  while ( len-- > 1 ){
    *buf++ = _SPI.transfer(csn_pin,0xff, SPI_CONTINUE);
  *buf++ = _SPI.transfer(csn_pin,0xff);

  status = _SPI.transfer( R_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
  while ( len-- ){
    *buf++ = _SPI.transfer(0xff);


  return status;
Esempio n. 16
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	if (!bcm2835_init()) {
		printf("oops, could not init bcm2835\n");
		return 1;
	} else {

	bcm2835_spi_setBitOrder(BCM2835_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSBFIRST);      // The default
	bcm2835_spi_setDataMode(BCM2835_SPI_MODE0);                   // The default
	bcm2835_spi_setClockDivider(BCM2835_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1024);    // ~ 4 MHz
	bcm2835_spi_chipSelect(BCM2835_SPI_CS0);                      // The default
	bcm2835_spi_setChipSelectPolarity(BCM2835_SPI_CS0, LOW);      // the default

	uint8_t mosi[12] = { 0x60, 0x00 };
	uint8_t miso[12] = { 0 };

	int data[30000];
	for (int i = 0; i < 30000; i++) {
		bcm2835_spi_transfernb(mosi, miso, 2);
//		printf("%d\n", miso[1] + ((miso[0] & 3) << 8));
//		data[i] = miso[1] + ((miso[0] & 3) << 10);
		data[i] = miso[1] + miso[0];


	FILE *fp=fopen("output2.csv","wr");

        for(int i=0;i<30000;i++) {


	return 0;
Esempio n. 17
uint8_t RF24::write_register(uint8_t reg, const uint8_t* buf, uint8_t len)
  uint8_t status;

  #if defined (RF24_LINUX)

  uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
  uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;
  uint8_t size = len + 1; // Add register value to transmit buffer

  *ptx++ = ( W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
  while ( len-- )
    *ptx++ = *buf++;
  #if defined (RF24_SPIDEV)
  _SPI.transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);
  bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);
  status = *prx; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer
  #elif defined (__arm__) && !defined ( CORE_TEENSY )
  	status = _SPI.transfer(csn_pin, W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ), SPI_CONTINUE );
    while ( --len){
    	_SPI.transfer(csn_pin,*buf++, SPI_CONTINUE);

  status = _SPI.transfer( W_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
  while ( len-- )



  return status;
Esempio n. 18
uint8_t RF24::read_register(uint8_t reg, uint8_t* buf, uint8_t len)
  uint8_t status;
	uint8_t * prx = spi_rxbuff;
	uint8_t * ptx = spi_txbuff;
  uint8_t size = len + 1; // Add register value to transmit buffer

	*ptx++ = ( R_REGISTER | ( REGISTER_MASK & reg ) );
	while (len--)
		*ptx++ = NOP ; // Dummy operation, just for reading
  bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char *) spi_txbuff, (char *) spi_rxbuff, size);

	status = *prx++; // status is 1st byte of receive buffer

	// decrement before to skip status byte
	while ( --size )
		*buf++ = *prx++;

  return status;
Esempio n. 19
int mcp3008_adc_read(uint8_t single_diff, uint8_t channel, uint16_t *adcout) {

  if(single_diff != MCP3008_ADC_SINGLE && single_diff != MCP3008_ADC_DIFF )
    return -1;
  if(channel > ADC_7 )
    return -1;
  bcm2835_spi_setBitOrder(BCM2835_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSBFIRST); // The default
  bcm2835_spi_setDataMode(BCM2835_SPI_MODE3); // The default
  bcm2835_spi_setClockDivider(BCM2835_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_1024); // ~ 4 MHz
  bcm2835_spi_chipSelect(BCM2835_SPI_CS_NONE); // 

// Active the CS pin
 // SleepMs(1);
  uint8_t tx[10] = { MCP3008_SPI_START_BYTE, (single_diff|channel)<<4 };
	uint8_t rx[10] = { 0 };
  bcm2835_spi_transfernb(tx, rx, 3);


  // 0100 aaa r/w 
  *adcout = ((rx[1]&0x03) << 8) | rx[2];
  return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
//void bcm2835_spi_transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len);
/// Call bcm2835_spi_transfernb with 3 parameters
/// \par            Refer
/// \par            Modify
void ope_spi_transfernb(void)
char *tbuf;
char *rbuf;
uint32_t len;
    tbuf = *(char **)(buff+1);
    rbuf = *(char **)(buff+5);
    len = *((uint32_t *)(buff+9));
//  printf("B nb tbuf=%p rbuf=%p len=%d \n",tbuf,rbuf,len);
  bcm2835_spi_transfernb( bi_send_buff, bi_rec_buff, len );
    set_ope_code( OPE_SPI_TRANSFERNB );
    set_int_code( (int)rbuf );
    set_int_code( len );
//printf("w_buff=%p w_buff->wp=%d w_buff->rp=%d \n",w_buff,w_buff->wp,w_buff->rp);
//printf("w_buff=%p w_buff->wp=%d w_buff->rp=%d \n",w_buff,w_buff->wp,w_buff->rp);
Esempio n. 21
/* Writes (and reads) an number of bytes to SPI
// Read bytes are copied over onto the transmit buffer
void bcm2835_spi_transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len)
    bcm2835_spi_transfernb(buf, buf, len);
Esempio n. 22
// Writes (and reads) an number of bytes to SPI
void bcm2835_spi_transfernb(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len, uint32_t delay)
    volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4;
    volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_FIFO/4;
    uint32_t TXCnt=0;
    uint32_t RXCnt=0;
    uint32_t IGCnt = 0;
    uint32_t offset=0;
    uint32_t flip = 1;
	len -= 2*144;
	len *= 2;
    // This is Polled transfer as per section 10.6.1
    // BUG ALERT: what happens if we get interupted in this section, and someone else
    // accesses a different peripheral? 

    // Clear TX and RX fifos
    bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR);

    // Set TA = 1
    bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA);

    #if SPI_TX
    // Use the FIFO's to reduce the interbyte times
    while((TXCnt < len)||(RXCnt < len))
        // TX fifo not full, so add some more bytes
        while(((bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TXD))&&(TXCnt < len ))
           bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, tbuf[TXCnt]);
    /* Feed the dog before */
    bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, 0x00);
    bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, 0x00);
    bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, 0x00);
    int first = 4;
    while(RXCnt < len){
        //Rx fifo not empty, so get the next received bytes
        while(((bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXD))&&( RXCnt < len ))
		#if !SPI_TX
           		bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, 0x00);

		#if TEX_W == 176
			if(!(RXCnt % 174)){
				offset += 2;
				rbuf[RXCnt+offset-1] = 0xff;
			if(flip && !(RXCnt % 174)){
				offset += 2;

		        rbuf[RXCnt + offset] = bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo);
		#else /* Receiving full data, need to ignore UV values */
		           rbuf[RXCnt + offset] = bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo);
			flip ^= 1;

	usleep(delay); /* Let other threads do things */
    // Wait for DONE to be set
    while (!(bcm2835_peri_read_nb(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE))

    // Set TA = 0, and also set the barrier
    bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA);
//printf("Len: %d\t Rx: %d\tOffset: %d\tIg: %d\n", len, RXCnt, offset, IGCnt);
//printf("%x %x %x\n", rbuf[RXCnt + offset - 3], rbuf[RXCnt + offset - 2], rbuf[RXCnt + offset - 1]);

// Writes an number of bytes to SPI
void bcm2835_spi_writenb(char* tbuf, uint32_t len)
    volatile uint32_t* paddr = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_CS/4;
    volatile uint32_t* fifo = bcm2835_spi0 + BCM2835_SPI0_FIFO/4;

    // This is Polled transfer as per section 10.6.1
    // BUG ALERT: what happens if we get interupted in this section, and someone else
    // accesses a different peripheral?

    // Clear TX and RX fifos
    bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_CLEAR);

    // Set TA = 1
    bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA);

    uint32_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
	// Maybe wait for TXD
	while (!(bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TXD))
	// Write to FIFO, no barrier
	bcm2835_peri_write_nb(fifo, tbuf[i]);
	// Read from FIFO to prevent stalling
	while (bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXD)
	    (void) bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo);
    // Wait for DONE to be set
    while (!(bcm2835_peri_read_nb(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_DONE)) {
	while (bcm2835_peri_read(paddr) & BCM2835_SPI0_CS_RXD)
		(void) bcm2835_peri_read_nb(fifo);

    // Set TA = 0, and also set the barrier
    bcm2835_peri_set_bits(paddr, 0, BCM2835_SPI0_CS_TA);

// Writes (and reads) an number of bytes to SPI
// Read bytes are copied over onto the transmit buffer
void bcm2835_spi_transfern(char* buf, uint32_t len)
    bcm2835_spi_transfernb(buf, buf, len, 0);
Esempio n. 23
void VM205::transfer(char* tbuf, char* rbuf, uint32_t len) {
	bcm2835_spi_transfernb(tbuf, rbuf, len);
Esempio n. 24
void MCP3008_getRawValue(void) {
    bcm2835_spi_transfernb(send_buf, receive_buf,3);
 * Reads a single frame
 * \return QVector<double> singleFrame
const QVector<double> EcgCapture::readFrame()
    unsigned int counter = 0;
    char FRAMES[] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
    char DATAOUT[] = {0,0,0,0};
    int lead = 0;
    QVector<double> frame;
    bool ecgFlag = false;
    bool respFlag = false;
    bool loffFlag = false;


    while (counter<nFrames) {
        if(bcm2835_gpio_lev(PIN16)==LOW) {
            bcm2835_spi_transfernb(FRAMES, DATAOUT, sizeof(FRAMES));

            //Uncomment theese lines to check if frames are dropped
            //NOTE: writing to the terminal is slow so for performance reasons
            //      theese code snipped is not used.
//            if (DATAOUT[0] == 0xb0) {
//                test++;
//                if (test%100 == 0) {
//                    printf("%d\n",test);
//                }
//            }

            lead = 0;

            if (DATAOUT[0] == 0x11) {
                //Lead I
                lead |= (DATAOUT[1] << 16);
                lead |= (DATAOUT[2] << 8);
                lead |= DATAOUT[3];
                ecgFlag = true;
            } else if (DATAOUT[0] == 0x12) {
                //Lead II
                lead |= (DATAOUT[1] << 16);
                lead |= (DATAOUT[2] << 8);
                lead |= DATAOUT[3];
                ecgFlag = true;
            } else if (DATAOUT[0] == 0x13) {
                //Lead III
                lead |= (DATAOUT[1] << 16);
                lead |= (DATAOUT[2] << 8);
                lead |= DATAOUT[3];
                ecgFlag = true;
            } else if (DATAOUT[0] == 27) {
                //Resp mag.
                lead |= (DATAOUT[1] << 16);
                lead |= (DATAOUT[2] << 8);
                lead |= DATAOUT[3];
                respFlag = true;
            } else if (DATAOUT[0] == 0x1D) {
                int mask = 0xF0;
                int tmp = (DATAOUT[1] & mask) >> 4;
                if (tmp == 0x00) {
                    //Leads connected
                    lead = 0;
                } else {
                    //Leads disconnected
                    lead = 1;
                loffFlag = true;

            if (ecgFlag) {
                frame.append(ecgVoltageConversion(lead, leadMode));
            } else if (respFlag) {
            } else if (loffFlag) {
                if (lead == 0) {
                    //Leads connected
                } else {
                    //Leads disconnected

            ecgFlag = false;
            respFlag = false;
            loffFlag = false;
Esempio n. 26
int get(uint8_t DIS_num, uint8_t cmd) {
	uint8_t curr_total_att = ATT_TOTAL;
	uint8_t curr_a5_att = ATT_A5;
	uint8_t curr_got_a5_att = ATT_GOT_A5;

	char read_tmp_buf[7];
	char dummy_byte = 0x55;
	char tmp = 0x55;
	uint8_t success = 0;

	// Стандартный стартовый байт
	write_packet.write_pos.start_byte = 0xAA;

	// Запишем команду
	write_packet.write_pos.cmd_number = cmd;

	// Данные - нули
	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		write_packet.write_pos.data[i] = 0x00;
	// Считаем CRC
	write_packet.write_pos.crc = Crc8(write_packet.write_frame, 6);

	// Начинаем пробовать получить 0хА5
	while (curr_total_att) {
//		printf("Chip select... \n");
//		printf("Done Chip select... \n");

		bcm2835_spi_transfernb((char*) write_packet.write_frame, read_tmp_buf, 7);
//		printf("Transferred cmd... \n");

		// ждем получения 0хА5
		while (curr_a5_att) {
			bcm2835_spi_transfernb(&dummy_byte, &tmp, 1);

			// если получили, то перестаем ждать
			if (0xA5 == tmp) {

		// если был получен А5
		if (tmp == 0xA5) {
//			printf("Got 0xA5 \n");
			// ждем пока пройдут все A5
			while (((tmp == 0xA5) || (tmp == 0x55)) && curr_got_a5_att) {
				bcm2835_spi_transfernb(&dummy_byte, &tmp, 1);
			// получаем сами данные
			if (curr_got_a5_att) {
//				printf("Got data \n");
				bcm2835_spi_transfernb(&dummy_byte, (char*) read_packet.read_frame, 5);

				success = 1;
			curr_got_a5_att = ATT_GOT_A5;
		} else {
			curr_a5_att = ATT_A5;


	if (success == 1) {
		// скопируем в буфер данные
		for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 4; i++){
			usr_data_buf_ptr[i] = read_packet.read_pos.data[i];
			read_packet.read_pos.data[i] = 0;
		return 0;
	} else {
		printf("Failed to get \n");
		return 1;
Esempio n. 27
void SpiPlateformImplementation::writeReadMult( const uint8_t *send , uint8_t *rec , uint32_t length)
    bcm2835_spi_transfernb( (char*) send ,(char*) rec , length);
Esempio n. 28
 *@brief Reads an array of data from the SPI bus
 *@param sArray Buffer of data to send  
 *@param rArray Buffer of data to send  
 *@param length Length of data buffer
 *@return none
void SPI_Read_Array(char* sArray, char* rArray, char length)
Esempio n. 29
void magnet_thread(void)
	printf("Magnet thread started.\n");

	bcm2835_gpio_fsel(D6, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT);   // ATTENTION: If there's a problem in reading encoder data (the D6 and/or D5 Pins), this is the issue. Can be solved by changing the library.
	bcm2835_gpio_fsel(D5, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT);
    bcm2835_spi_setBitOrder(BCM2835_SPI_BIT_ORDER_MSBFIRST);      // The default
	bcm2835_spi_setClockDivider(BCM2835_SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER_32);  // 32 = 7.8125 MHz, 128 = 1.95 Mhz
 	//bcm2835_spi_chipSelect(BCM2835_SPI_CS0);                      // The default
    //bcm2835_spi_setChipSelectPolarity(BCM2835_SPI_CS0, LOW);      // the default

/*	// the sensor can be configured without the eeprom by writing data into it's registers using the following code
	char write_buf[] = {0xD2, 0x0B, 0x00};   //  Write data: first byte is op code (D2 for Register write), second is address third is data
	bcm2835_gpio_write(PA0, LOW);
	bcm2835_spi_transfern(write_buf, sizeof(write_buf));
	bcm2835_gpio_write(PA0, HIGH);
	// repeat the above code for settting up values of all the registers
	while(start == 0)

	bcm2835_gpio_fsel(D6, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT);   // ATTENTION: If there's a problem in reading encoder data (the D6 and/or D5 Pins), this is the issue. Can be solved by changing the library.
	bcm2835_gpio_fsel(D5, BCM2835_GPIO_FSEL_INPT);
			//code for obtaining value from iC-MU
			char mag_buf[] = {0xF5, 0x00};   //  Data to send: first byte is op code, rest depends on the opcode
			char mag_in[]  = {0x00, 0x00};
			bcm2835_gpio_write(PA0, LOW);
			bcm2835_spi_transfernb(mag_buf, mag_in, sizeof(mag_in));
			bcm2835_gpio_write(PA0, HIGH);
//			printf("OUT at %X is %X\n", mag_buf[0], mag_buf[1]);
//			printf("IN at %X is %X\n", mag_in[0], mag_in[1]);

			if(mag_in[1] == 0x80)
				printf("DATA NOT VALID\n");
			char status[] = {0xA6};
			char status_in[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
			bcm2835_gpio_write(PA0, LOW);
			bcm2835_spi_transfernb(status, status_in, sizeof(status_in));
			bcm2835_gpio_write(PA0, HIGH);
//			printf("OUT at %X is %X\n", status[0], status[1]);
//			printf("status is %X and data is %X, %X, %X, %X, %X, %X\n", status_in[0], status_in[1], status_in[2], status_in[3], status_in[4], status_in[5], status_in[6]);
			float mag_reading = (256.0 * status_in[1]) + status_in[2];

			// code for calculating xd

			float mag_position = (360.0 * mag_reading) / 65536.0;
//			printf("mag: Reading: %f,	angle: %f,	read: %X, %X\n", mag_reading, mag_position, status_in[1], status_in[2]);
//			xd = pow(sin(mag_reading),-0.5);

			xd = mag_position / 2.0;
//			xd = 100.0;
			//bcm2835_gpio_write(MAG_PIN, LOW);

			// reset sampling flag
			sample_magnet = 0;
			//set magnet flag high
			magnet_flag = 1;
	//			bcm2835_spi_end();