Esempio n. 1
    void testMutate ()
        String s;
        DynamicArray <T> v;

        s = "push_back (" + String::fromNumber <int> (numberToMutate) + ")";
        beginTestCase (s);
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numberToMutate; ++i)
            v.push_back (T (String::fromNumber (i)));
        pass ();

        s = "read [] (" + String::fromNumber <int> (numberToMutate) + ")";
        beginTestCase (s);
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numberToMutate; ++i)
            expect (v [i].msg == String::fromNumber (i));

        s = "write [] (" + String::fromNumber <int> (numberToMutate) + ")";
        beginTestCase (s);
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numberToMutate; ++i)
            v [i].msg = "+" + String::fromNumber (i);
        pass ();

        s = "verify [] (" + String::fromNumber <int> (numberToMutate) + ")";
        beginTestCase (s);
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numberToMutate; ++i)
            expect (v [i].msg == String ("+") + String::fromNumber (i));
Esempio n. 2
    void testIterate ()
        typedef DynamicArray <T> V;

        V v;
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < numberToMutate; ++i)
            v.push_back (T (String::fromNumber (i)));

            int step = 1;
            beginTestCase ("iterator");
            V::iterator iter;
            for (iter = v.begin (); iter + step < v.end (); iter += step)
                step ++;
                V::difference_type d = iter - v.begin ();
                expect (iter->msg == String::fromNumber (d));

            int step = 1;
            beginTestCase ("const_iterator");
            V::const_iterator iter;
            for (iter = v.begin (); iter + step < v.end (); iter += step)
                step ++;
                V::difference_type d = iter - v.begin ();
                expect (iter->msg == String::fromNumber (d));

            int step = 1;
            beginTestCase ("reverse_iterator");
            V::reverse_iterator iter;
            for (iter = v.rbegin (); iter + step < v.rend (); iter += step)
                step ++;
                iter - v.rend ();
            pass ();

            int step = 1;
            beginTestCase ("const_reverse_iterator");
            V::const_reverse_iterator iter;
            for (iter = v.crbegin (); iter + step < v.crend (); iter += step)
                step ++;
                iter - v.crend ();
            pass ();
Esempio n. 3
	void runTest()
        for(int i=0; i<100; i++)
            performCalls ();
    // Check logic for comparing a source's fetch results
    void testCompare ()
        beginTestCase ("compare");

            Array <Validator::Info> results = TestSource (1, 32).fetch ();
            expect (results.size () == 32);

            Array <Validator::Info> oldInfo = TestSource (1, 4).fetch ();
            expect (oldInfo.size () == 4);

            Array <Validator::Info> newInfo = TestSource (3, 6).fetch ();
            expect (newInfo.size () == 4);

            ValidatorsImp::Logic logic;

            Validator::List::Ptr oldList = logic.createListFromInfo (oldInfo);
            expect (oldList->size () == 4);

            Validator::List::Ptr newList = logic.createListFromInfo (newInfo);
            expect (newList->size () == 4);

            TestCompareCallback cb;
            ValidatorsImp::compareLists (*oldList, *newList, cb);

            expect (cb.numAdded == 2);
            expect (cb.numRemoved == 2);
            expect (cb.numUnchanged == 2);
Esempio n. 5
    void testThreads (int const threadCount)
        String s;
        s << "threadCount = " << String (threadCount);
        beginTestCase (s);

        TestCallback cb (threadCount);

        Workers w (cb, "Test", 0);
        expect (w.getNumberOfThreads () == 0);

        w.setNumberOfThreads (threadCount);
        expect (w.getNumberOfThreads () == threadCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < threadCount; ++i)
            w.addTask ();

        // 10 seconds should be enough to finish on any system
        bool signaled = cb.finished.wait (10 * 1000);

        expect (signaled, "timed out");

        w.pauseAllThreadsAndWait ();

        int const count (cb.count.get ());

        expectEquals (count, 0);
Esempio n. 6
    void runTest ()
        beginTestCase ("List available unit tests");

        TestList const& list (UnitTest::getAllTests ());

        for (int i = 0; i < list.size (); ++i)
            UnitTest const& test (*list [i]);

            String s;
            switch (test.getWhen ())
            case UnitTest::runNormal:  s << "         "; break;
            case UnitTest::runManual:  s << "[manual] "; break;
            case UnitTest::runStartup: s << "[FORCED] "; break;

            s << test.getTestName ();

            logMessage (s);

        pass ();
Esempio n. 7
    void runTest ()
        beginTestCase ("Seed");
        RippleAddress seed;
        expect (seed.setSeedGeneric ("masterpassphrase"));
        expect (seed.humanSeed () == "snoPBrXtMeMyMHUVTgbuqAfg1SUTb", seed.humanSeed ());

        beginTestCase ("RipplePublicKey");
        RippleAddress deprecatedPublicKey (RippleAddress::createNodePublic (seed));
        expect (deprecatedPublicKey.humanNodePublic () ==
                deprecatedPublicKey.humanNodePublic ());
        RipplePublicKey publicKey (deprecatedPublicKey);
        expect (publicKey.to_string() == deprecatedPublicKey.humanNodePublic(),

        beginTestCase ("RipplePrivateKey");
        RippleAddress deprecatedPrivateKey (RippleAddress::createNodePrivate (seed));
        expect (deprecatedPrivateKey.humanNodePrivate () ==
                deprecatedPrivateKey.humanNodePrivate ());
        RipplePrivateKey privateKey (deprecatedPrivateKey);
        expect (privateKey.to_string() == deprecatedPrivateKey.humanNodePrivate(),

        beginTestCase ("Generator");
        RippleAddress generator (RippleAddress::createGeneratorPublic (seed));
        expect (generator.humanGenerator () ==
                generator.humanGenerator ());

        beginTestCase ("RippleAccountID");
        RippleAddress deprecatedAccountPublicKey (
            RippleAddress::createAccountPublic (generator, 0));
        expect (deprecatedAccountPublicKey.humanAccountID () ==
                deprecatedAccountPublicKey.humanAccountID ());
        RippleAccountID accountID (deprecatedAccountPublicKey);
        expect (accountID.to_string() ==

        beginTestCase ("RippleAccountPublicKey");
        expect (deprecatedAccountPublicKey.humanAccountPublic () ==
                deprecatedAccountPublicKey.humanAccountPublic ());

        beginTestCase ("RippleAccountPrivateKey");
        RippleAddress deprecatedAccountPrivateKey (
            RippleAddress::createAccountPrivate (generator, seed, 0));
        expect (deprecatedAccountPrivateKey.humanAccountPrivate () ==
                deprecatedAccountPrivateKey.humanAccountPrivate ());
        RippleAccountPrivateKey accountPrivateKey (deprecatedAccountPrivateKey);
        expect (accountPrivateKey.to_string() ==
Esempio n. 8
    void runTest ()
        beginTestCase ("report");

        FatalErrorReporter reporter;

        // We don't really expect the program to run after this
        // but the unit test is here so you can manually test it.

        FatalError ("The unit test intentionally failed", __FILE__, __LINE__);
Esempio n. 9
    void testAssign ()
        String s;
        s << "assign (" << String::fromNumber <int> (numberToAssign) << ")";
        beginTestCase (s);

        DynamicArray <T> v;
        v.assign (numberToAssign);

        pass ();
Esempio n. 10
    void testReserve ()
        String s;
        s << "reserve (" << String::fromNumber <int> (numberToReserve) << ")";
        beginTestCase (s);

        DynamicArray <T> v;
        v.reserve (numberToReserve);

        v.assign (numberToReserve);

        pass ();
Esempio n. 11
    void runTest ()
        beginTestCase ("diagnostics");

        logMessage ("operatingSystemName              = '" + SystemStats::getOperatingSystemName () + "'");
        logMessage ("_DEBUG                           = " + String::fromNumber (envDebug ()));
        logMessage ("BEAST_DEBUG                      = " + String::fromNumber (beastDebug ()));
        logMessage ("BEAST_FORCE_DEBUG                = " + String::fromNumber (beastForceDebug ()));
        logMessage ("sizeof(std::size_t)              = " + String::fromNumber (sizeof(std::size_t)));

        fail ();
Esempio n. 12
    void testBackend (String type, int64 const seedValue, int numObjectsToTest = 2000)
        DummyScheduler scheduler;

        beginTestCase (String ("Backend type=") + type);

        StringPairArray params;
        File const path (File::createTempFile ("node_db"));
        params.set ("type", type);
        params.set ("path", path.getFullPathName ());

        // Create a batch
        Batch batch;
        createPredictableBatch (batch, 0, numObjectsToTest, seedValue);

            // Open the backend
            ScopedPointer <Backend> backend (DatabaseImp::createBackend (params, scheduler));

            // Write the batch
            storeBatch (*backend, batch);

                // Read it back in
                Batch copy;
                fetchCopyOfBatch (*backend, &copy, batch);
                expect (areBatchesEqual (batch, copy), "Should be equal");

                // Reorder and read the copy again
                Batch copy;
                UnitTestUtilities::repeatableShuffle (batch.size (), batch, seedValue);
                fetchCopyOfBatch (*backend, &copy, batch);
                expect (areBatchesEqual (batch, copy), "Should be equal");

            // Re-open the backend
            ScopedPointer <Backend> backend (DatabaseImp::createBackend (params, scheduler));

            // Read it back in
            Batch copy;
            fetchCopyOfBatch (*backend, &copy, batch);
            // Canonicalize the source and destination batches
            std::sort (batch.begin (), batch.end (), NodeObject::LessThan ());
            std::sort (copy.begin (), copy.end (), NodeObject::LessThan ());
            expect (areBatchesEqual (batch, copy), "Should be equal");
Esempio n. 13
    void testImport (String destBackendType, String srcBackendType, int64 seedValue)
        DummyScheduler scheduler;

        File const node_db (File::createTempFile ("node_db"));
        StringPairArray srcParams;
        srcParams.set ("type", srcBackendType);
        srcParams.set ("path", node_db.getFullPathName ());

        // Create a batch
        Batch batch;
        createPredictableBatch (batch, 0, numObjectsToTest, seedValue);

        // Write to source db
            ScopedPointer <Database> src (Database::New ("test", scheduler, srcParams));
            storeBatch (*src, batch);

        Batch copy;

            // Re-open the db
            ScopedPointer <Database> src (Database::New ("test", scheduler, srcParams));

            // Set up the destination database
            File const dest_db (File::createTempFile ("dest_db"));
            StringPairArray destParams;
            destParams.set ("type", destBackendType);
            destParams.set ("path", dest_db.getFullPathName ());

            ScopedPointer <Database> dest (Database::New ("test", scheduler, destParams));

            beginTestCase (String ("import into '") + destBackendType + "' from '" + srcBackendType + "'");

            // Do the import
            dest->import (*src);

            // Get the results of the import
            fetchCopyOfBatch (*dest, &copy, batch);

        // Canonicalize the source and destination batches
        std::sort (batch.begin (), batch.end (), NodeObject::LessThan ());
        std::sort (copy.begin (), copy.end (), NodeObject::LessThan ());
        expect (areBatchesEqual (batch, copy), "Should be equal");

Esempio n. 14
    void testPrevMissing ()
        beginTestCase ("prevMissing");

        RangeSet const set = createPredefinedSet ();

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            int const oneBelowRange = (10*(i/10))-1;

            int const expectedPrevMissing =
                ((i % 10) > 6) ? (i-1) : oneBelowRange;

            expect (set.prevMissing (i) == expectedPrevMissing);
Esempio n. 15
    // Make sure predictable object generation works!
    void testBatches (int64 const seedValue)
        beginTestCase ("batch");

        Batch batch1;
        createPredictableBatch (batch1, 0, numObjectsToTest, seedValue);

        Batch batch2;
        createPredictableBatch (batch2, 0, numObjectsToTest, seedValue);

        expect (areBatchesEqual (batch1, batch2), "Should be equal");

        Batch batch3;
        createPredictableBatch (batch3, 1, numObjectsToTest, seedValue);

        expect (! areBatchesEqual (batch1, batch3), "Should not be equal");
Esempio n. 16
    void runTest()
        beginTestCase ("Child Processes");

        ChildProcess p;

        expect (p.start ("tasklist"));
        expect (p.start ("ls /"));

        //String output (p.readAllProcessOutput());
        //expect (output.isNotEmpty());
Esempio n. 17
    void runTest()
        beginTestCase ("AbstractFifo");

        int buffer [5000];
        AbstractFifo fifo (numElementsInArray (buffer));

        WriteThread writer (fifo, buffer);

        int n = 0;
        Random r;

        bool failed = false;

        for (int count = 100000; --count >= 0;)
            int num = r.nextInt (6000) + 1;

            int start1, size1, start2, size2;
            fifo.prepareToRead (num, start1, size1, start2, size2);

            if (! (size1 >= 0 && size2 >= 0)
                    && (size1 == 0 || (start1 >= 0 && start1 < fifo.getTotalSize()))
                    && (size2 == 0 || (start2 >= 0 && start2 < fifo.getTotalSize())))
                expect (false, "prepareToRead returned negative values");

            for (int i = 0; i < size1; ++i)
                failed = (buffer [start1 + i] != n++) || failed;

            for (int i = 0; i < size2; ++i)
                failed = (buffer [start2 + i] != n++) || failed;

            if (failed)

            fifo.finishedRead (size1 + size2);

        expect (! failed, "read values were incorrect");
Esempio n. 18
    void testMembership ()
        beginTestCase ("membership");

        RangeSet r1, r2;

        r1.setRange (1, 10);
        r1.clearValue (5);
        r1.setRange (11, 20);

        r2.setRange (1, 4);
        r2.setRange (6, 10);
        r2.setRange (10, 20);

        expect (!r1.hasValue (5));

        expect (r2.hasValue (9));
Esempio n. 19
    void runTest ()
        beginTestCase ("version");

        BoostVersion version (BOOST_VERSION);

        logMessage (String ("BOOST_VERSION = " + version.toString ()));
        logMessage (String ("BOOST_LIB_VERSION = '") + BOOST_LIB_VERSION + "'");

        if (BOOST_VERSION >= getMinimumVersion ())
            pass ();
            fail (String ("Boost version is below ") +
                BoostVersion (minimumVersion).toString ());
    void runTest ()
        Config d; // get a default configuration object
        LoadFeeTrack l;

        beginTestCase ("fee scaling");

        expect (l.scaleFeeBase (10000, d.FEE_DEFAULT, d.TRANSACTION_FEE_BASE) == 10000);
        expect (l.scaleFeeLoad (10000, d.FEE_DEFAULT, d.TRANSACTION_FEE_BASE, false) == 10000);
        expect (l.scaleFeeBase (1, d.FEE_DEFAULT, d.TRANSACTION_FEE_BASE) == 1);
        expect (l.scaleFeeLoad (1, d.FEE_DEFAULT, d.TRANSACTION_FEE_BASE, false) == 1);

        // Check new default fee values give same fees as old defaults
        expect (l.scaleFeeBase (d.FEE_DEFAULT, d.FEE_DEFAULT, d.TRANSACTION_FEE_BASE) == 10);
        expect (l.scaleFeeBase (d.FEE_NICKNAME_CREATE, d.FEE_DEFAULT, d.TRANSACTION_FEE_BASE) == 1000);
        expect (l.scaleFeeBase (d.FEE_OFFER, d.FEE_DEFAULT, d.TRANSACTION_FEE_BASE) == 10);
        expect (l.scaleFeeBase (d.FEE_CONTRACT_OPERATION, d.FEE_DEFAULT, d.TRANSACTION_FEE_BASE) == 1);
Esempio n. 21
    void runTest ()
        beginTestCase ("Syntax");

        logMessage ("steady_clock");
        test (get_abstract_clock <std::chrono::steady_clock,
            std::chrono::seconds> ());

        logMessage ("system_clock");
        test (get_abstract_clock <std::chrono::system_clock,
            std::chrono::seconds> ());

        logMessage ("high_resolution_clock");
        test (get_abstract_clock <std::chrono::high_resolution_clock,
            std::chrono::seconds> ());

        logMessage ("manual_clock");
        test_manual ();

        pass ();
Esempio n. 22
    void testFetch ()
        beginTestCase ("fetch");

        Livecache <> c (m_clock, Journal());

        add (1, 1, c);
        add (2, 1, c);
        add (3, 1, c);
        add (4, 1, c);
        add (4, 2, c);
        add (4, 3, c);
        add (5, 1, c);
        add (6, 1, c);
        add (6, 2, c);
        add (7, 1, c);

        // VFALCO TODO!!!

Esempio n. 23
    void runTest ()
        beginTestCase ("create");

        Factory <Object> factory;
        Callback1 callback1 (factory);
        Callback2 callback2 (factory);

        Object object (*this);
        factory.create_interfaces (object);

        // find existing interfaces
        expect (object.find_interface <Interface1> () != nullptr);
        expect (object.find_interface <Interface2> () != nullptr);
        // add duplicate interface
            object.add_interface (new Interface1);
            fail ("uncaught exeption");
        catch (std::invalid_argument const&)
            pass ();

        // request missing interface
            struct MissingInterface { };
            object.get_interface <MissingInterface> ();
            fail ("uncaught exeption");
        catch (std::bad_cast const&)
            pass ();
Esempio n. 24
void UnitTest::failException ()
    Item item (false, "An exception was thrown");

    if (m_case != nullptr)
        // This hack gives us a test case, to handle the condition where an
        // exception was thrown before beginTestCase() was called.
        beginTestCase ("Exception outside test case");

    int const caseNumber = m_case->items.add (item);

    String s;
    s << "#" << String (caseNumber) << " threw an exception ";
    logMessage (s);

    m_runner->onFailure ();
Esempio n. 25
    // Checks encoding/decoding blobs
    void testBlobs (int64 const seedValue)
        beginTestCase ("encoding");

        Batch batch;
        createPredictableBatch (batch, 0, numObjectsToTest, seedValue);

        EncodedBlob encoded;
        for (int i = 0; i < batch.size (); ++i)
            encoded.prepare (batch [i]);

            DecodedBlob decoded (encoded.getKey (), encoded.getData (), encoded.getSize ());

            expect (decoded.wasOk (), "Should be ok");

            if (decoded.wasOk ())
                NodeObject::Ptr const object (decoded.createObject ());

                expect (batch [i]->isCloneOf (object), "Should be clones");
Esempio n. 26
    void runTest()
        beginTestCase ("call");

        // Code from

        //  Make a couple of sequences
        using int3    = std::make_integer_sequence<int, 3>;     // generates int:    0,1,2
        using size7   = std::make_integer_sequence<size_t, 7>;  // generates size_t: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
        using size4   = std::make_index_sequence<4>;            // generates size_t: 0,1,2,3
        using size2   = std::index_sequence_for<int, size_t>;   // generates size_t: 0,1
        using intmix  = std::integer_sequence<int, 9, 8, 7, 2>; // generates int:    9,8,7,2
        using sizemix = std::index_sequence<1, 1, 2, 3, 5>;     // generates size_t: 1,1,2,3,5
        // Make sure they're what we expect
        static_assert ( std::is_same <int3::value_type, int>::value, "int3 type wrong" );
        static_assert ( int3::static_size == 3, "int3 size wrong" );
        static_assert ( std::is_same <size7::value_type, size_t>::value, "size7 type wrong" );
        static_assert ( size7::static_size == 7, "size7 size wrong" );
        static_assert ( std::is_same <size4::value_type, size_t>::value, "size4 type wrong" );
        static_assert ( size4::static_size == 4, "size4 size wrong" );
        static_assert ( std::is_same <size2::value_type, size_t>::value, "size2 type wrong" );
        static_assert ( size2::static_size == 2, "size2 size wrong" );
        static_assert ( std::is_same <intmix::value_type, int>::value, "intmix type wrong" );
        static_assert ( intmix::static_size == 4, "intmix size wrong" );

        static_assert ( std::is_same <sizemix::value_type, size_t>::value, "sizemix type wrong" );
        static_assert ( sizemix::static_size == 5, "sizemix size wrong" );

        auto tup = std::make_tuple ( 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 );
        //  Use them
        auto t3 = extract ( tup, int3() );
        static_assert ( std::tuple_size<decltype(t3)>::value == int3::static_size, "t3 size wrong");
        expect ( t3 == std::make_tuple ( 10, 11, 12 ));

        auto t7 = extract ( tup, size7 ());
        static_assert ( std::tuple_size<decltype(t7)>::value == size7::static_size, "t7 size wrong");
        expect ( t7 == std::make_tuple ( 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ));

        auto t4 = extract ( tup, size4 ());
        static_assert ( std::tuple_size<decltype(t4)>::value == size4::static_size, "t4 size wrong");
        expect ( t4 == std::make_tuple ( 10, 11, 12, 13 ));

        auto t2 = extract ( tup, size2 ());
        static_assert ( std::tuple_size<decltype(t2)>::value == size2::static_size, "t2 size wrong");
        expect ( t2 == std::make_tuple ( 10, 11 ));

        auto tintmix = extract ( tup, intmix ());
        static_assert ( std::tuple_size<decltype(tintmix)>::value == intmix::static_size, "tintmix size wrong");
        expect ( tintmix == std::make_tuple ( 19, 18, 17, 12 ));

        auto tsizemix = extract ( tup, sizemix ());
        static_assert ( std::tuple_size<decltype(tsizemix)>::value == sizemix::static_size, "tsizemix size wrong");
        expect ( tsizemix == std::make_tuple ( 11, 11, 12, 13, 15 ));
Esempio n. 27
    void testNodeStore (String type,
                        bool const useEphemeralDatabase,
                        bool const testPersistence,
                        int64 const seedValue,
                        int numObjectsToTest = 2000)
        DummyScheduler scheduler;

        String s;
        s << String ("NodeStore backend '") + type + "'";
        if (useEphemeralDatabase)
            s << " (with ephemeral database)";

        beginTestCase (s);

        File const node_db (File::createTempFile ("node_db"));
        StringPairArray nodeParams;
        nodeParams.set ("type", type);
        nodeParams.set ("path", node_db.getFullPathName ());

        File const temp_db  (File::createTempFile ("temp_db"));
        StringPairArray tempParams;
        if (useEphemeralDatabase)
            tempParams.set ("type", type);
            tempParams.set ("path", temp_db.getFullPathName ());

        // Create a batch
        Batch batch;
        createPredictableBatch (batch, 0, numObjectsToTest, seedValue);

            // Open the database
            ScopedPointer <Database> db (Database::New ("test", scheduler, nodeParams, tempParams));

            // Write the batch
            storeBatch (*db, batch);

                // Read it back in
                Batch copy;
                fetchCopyOfBatch (*db, &copy, batch);
                expect (areBatchesEqual (batch, copy), "Should be equal");

                // Reorder and read the copy again
                Batch copy;
                UnitTestUtilities::repeatableShuffle (batch.size (), batch, seedValue);
                fetchCopyOfBatch (*db, &copy, batch);
                expect (areBatchesEqual (batch, copy), "Should be equal");

        if (testPersistence)
                // Re-open the database without the ephemeral DB
                ScopedPointer <Database> db (Database::New ("test", scheduler, nodeParams));

                // Read it back in
                Batch copy;
                fetchCopyOfBatch (*db, &copy, batch);

                // Canonicalize the source and destination batches
                std::sort (batch.begin (), batch.end (), NodeObject::LessThan ());
                std::sort (copy.begin (), copy.end (), NodeObject::LessThan ());
                expect (areBatchesEqual (batch, copy), "Should be equal");

            if (useEphemeralDatabase)
                // Verify the ephemeral db
                ScopedPointer <Database> db (Database::New ("test",
                    scheduler, tempParams, StringPairArray ()));

                // Read it back in
                Batch copy;
                fetchCopyOfBatch (*db, &copy, batch);

                // Canonicalize the source and destination batches
                std::sort (batch.begin (), batch.end (), NodeObject::LessThan ());
                std::sort (copy.begin (), copy.end (), NodeObject::LessThan ());
                expect (areBatchesEqual (batch, copy), "Should be equal");
Esempio n. 28
    void runTest ()
        unsigned int seed;

        // VFALCO TODO Replace this with beast::Random
        RAND_pseudo_bytes (reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*> (&seed), sizeof (seed));
        srand (seed);

        SHAMap source (smtFREE), destination (smtFREE);

        int items = 10000;
        for (int i = 0; i < items; ++i)
            source.addItem (*makeRandomAS (), false, false);

        beginTestCase ("add/remove");

        unexpected (!confuseMap (source, 500), "ConfuseMap");

        source.setImmutable ();

        std::vector<SHAMapNode> nodeIDs, gotNodeIDs;
        std::list< Blob > gotNodes;
        std::vector<uint256> hashes;

        std::vector<SHAMapNode>::iterator nodeIDIterator;
        std::list< Blob >::iterator rawNodeIterator;

        int passes = 0;
        int nodes = 0;

        destination.setSynching ();

        unexpected (!source.getNodeFat (SHAMapNode (), nodeIDs, gotNodes, (rand () % 2) == 0, (rand () % 2) == 0),

        unexpected (gotNodes.size () < 1, "NodeSize");

        unexpected (!destination.addRootNode (*gotNodes.begin (), snfWIRE, NULL), "AddRootNode");

        nodeIDs.clear ();
        gotNodes.clear ();

#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
        int bytes = 0;

            hashes.clear ();

            // get the list of nodes we know we need
            destination.getMissingNodes (nodeIDs, hashes, 2048, NULL);

            if (nodeIDs.empty ()) break;

            // get as many nodes as possible based on this information
            for (nodeIDIterator = nodeIDs.begin (); nodeIDIterator != nodeIDs.end (); ++nodeIDIterator)
                if (!source.getNodeFat (*nodeIDIterator, gotNodeIDs, gotNodes, (rand () % 2) == 0, (rand () % 2) == 0))
                    WriteLog (lsFATAL, SHAMap) << "GetNodeFat fails";
                    fail ("GetNodeFat");
                    pass ();

            assert (gotNodeIDs.size () == gotNodes.size ());
            nodeIDs.clear ();
            hashes.clear ();

            if (gotNodeIDs.empty ())
                fail ("Got Node ID");
                pass ();

            for (nodeIDIterator = gotNodeIDs.begin (), rawNodeIterator = gotNodes.begin ();
                    nodeIDIterator != gotNodeIDs.end (); ++nodeIDIterator, ++rawNodeIterator)
#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
                bytes += rawNodeIterator->size ();

                if (!destination.addKnownNode (*nodeIDIterator, *rawNodeIterator, NULL))
                    WriteLog (lsTRACE, SHAMap) << "AddKnownNode fails";
                    fail ("AddKnownNode");
                    pass ();

            gotNodeIDs.clear ();
            gotNodes.clear ();
        while (true);

        destination.clearSynching ();

#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
        WriteLog (lsINFO, SHAMap) << "SYNCHING COMPLETE " << items << " items, " << nodes << " nodes, " <<
                                  bytes / 1024 << " KB";

        if (!source.deepCompare (destination))
            fail ("Deep Compare");
            pass ();

#ifdef SMS_DEBUG
        WriteLog (lsINFO, SHAMap) << "SHAMapSync test passed: " << items << " items, " <<
                                  passes << " passes, " << nodes << " nodes";
Esempio n. 29
    void runTest()
        beginTestCase ("hooks");

        static_assert (! std::is_constructible <
            std::function <void(void)>, int&&>::value,
                "Cannot construct std::function from int&&");

        static_assert (! std::is_constructible <
            std::function <void(void)>, int>::value,
                "Cannot construct std::function from int");

        static_assert (! std::is_constructible <
            asio::shared_handler <void(void)>, int>::value,
                "Cannot construct shared_handler from int");

        static_assert (std::is_constructible <
            asio::shared_handler <void(int)>,
                asio::shared_handler <void(int)>>::value,
                    "Should construct <void(int)> from <void(int)>");

        static_assert (! std::is_constructible <
            asio::shared_handler <void(int)>,
                asio::shared_handler <void(void)>>::value,
                    "Can't construct <void(int)> from <void(void)>");

        // Hooks called when using the raw handler
            test_results r;
            test_handler h (r);

            async_op (h);
            expect (;
            expect (r.alloc);
            expect (r.dealloc);
            expect (r.cont);

            test_invokable f;
            boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke (std::ref (f), h);
            expect (r.invoke);
            expect (;

        // Use of std::function shows the hooks not getting called
            test_results r;
            std::function <void(void)> fh ((test_handler) (r));

            async_op (fh);
            expect (;
            unexpected (r.alloc);
            unexpected (r.dealloc);
            unexpected (r.cont);

            test_invokable f;
            boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke (std::ref (f), fh);
            unexpected (r.invoke);
            expect (;

        // Make sure shared_handler calls the hooks
            test_results r;
            asio::shared_handler <void(void)> sh ((test_handler)(r));

            async_op (sh);
            expect (;
            expect (r.alloc);
            expect (r.dealloc);
            expect (r.cont);

            test_invokable f;
            boost_asio_handler_invoke_helpers::invoke (std::ref (f), sh);
            expect (r.invoke);
            expect (;

        // Make sure shared_handler via implicit conversion calls hooks
            test_results r;
            test_handler h (r);

            virtual_async_op ((test_handler) (r));
            expect (;
            expect (r.alloc);
            expect (r.dealloc);
            expect (r.cont);
Esempio n. 30
 void runTest ()
     beginTestCase ("bassert");
     bassert (false);