  * @see cmd_line_base
 virtual bool process_specific_cmd(const string & cmd) {
     //Set the number of incoming pool threads
     if (begins_with(cmd, PROGRAM_SET_INT_CMD)) {
         try {
             int32_t num_inc_threads = get_int_value(cmd, PROGRAM_SET_INT_CMD);
             ASSERT_CONDITION_THROW((num_inc_threads <= 0),
                     "The number of worker threads is to be > 0!");
             //Set the number of threads
             //Remember the new number of threads
             m_params.m_num_req_threads = num_inc_threads;
         } catch (std::exception &ex) {
             LOG_ERROR << ex.what() << "\nEnter '" << PROGRAM_HELP_CMD << "' for help!" << END_LOG;
         return false;
     } else {
         //Set the number of outgoing pool threads
         if (begins_with(cmd, PROGRAM_SET_ONT_CMD)) {
             int32_t num_out_threads = get_int_value(cmd, PROGRAM_SET_ONT_CMD);
             ASSERT_CONDITION_THROW((num_out_threads <= 0),
                     "The number of worker threads is to be > 0!");
             //Set the number of threads
             //Remember the new number of threads
             m_params.m_num_resp_threads = num_out_threads;
             return false;
         } else {
             return true;
Esempio n. 2
void t_socket_line_reader(void *config) // read messages from socket
  CONFIG *c         = (CONFIG*) config;
  long message_id   = 0;
  bool configured   = false;

  while ( running )
    char line_buf[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
    memset(line_buf, 0, MAX_LINE_SIZE);

    // read a message (1 line) from the socket and increment message count
    if (read_line(c->sk, line_buf, MAX_LINE_SIZE) < 1) 
      running = false; // server socket closed

    // Telnet server may have latency, so sleep()-and-send() doesn't
    // work, and switching on message_id is no less brittle than
    // grepping for magic strings...
    // debug("message: %d %s", message_id, line_buf); 
    switch (message_id)
      case 26: send_message( c->ob_mq, "guest\n"  );  break;
      case 27: send_message( c->ob_mq, "\n\n"     );  break;
      case 28: 
         // we're logged in; it should be OK to send commands to the
         // server
         if ( ! configured )
          int w_y, w_x; getmaxyx(c->w2, w_y, w_x);
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "set height %d\n", w_y    );  // server-side paging height
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "set width %d\n", w_x     );  // server-side paging width
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "iset nowrap 1\n"         );  // don't wrap lines (breaks linewise hilighting)
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "iset gameinfo 1\n"       );  // request game information
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "iset ms 1\n"             );  // request timing in milliseconds
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "-channel 53\n"           );  // remove guest chat from channel list
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "set prompt %\n"          );  // a simpler prompt
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "set style 12\n"          );  // computer-readable output format
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "set seek 0\n"            );  // no seek advertisements TODO seek graph (?)
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "set bell off\n"          );  // bell off
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "set provshow 1\n"        );  // annotate provisional and estimated ratings
          send_message( c->ob_mq, "set interface %s\n", TITLE );
          configured = true;
         // user is now logged-in.  Handle any messages
         if ( begins_with(line_buf, "\a" ) )    continue;   // skip bells and empty prompts
         if ( begins_with(line_buf, "% \a" ) )  continue;
         if ( begins_with(line_buf, "% \n" ) )  continue;
         if ( equals(line_buf, FICS_PROMPT) )   continue;
    if ((mq_send(c->ib_mq, line_buf, MAX_LINE_SIZE, PRIORITY)) == -1) perror("mq_send");
Esempio n. 3
int parse_commit(struct commit_node* n, FILE *f)
        char lbuf[MAX_LBUF_SIZE];

        fgets(lbuf, MAX_LBUF_SIZE, f);
        if (begins_with(lbuf, COMMIT_TOKEN)) 
               memcpy(n->hash, lbuf + strlen(COMMIT_TOKEN), COMMIT_HASH_SIZE);
               return 0;
        while (strcmp(fgets(lbuf, MAX_LBUF_SIZE, f), "")
               &&  strcmp(lbuf, "\n")) 
                if (begins_with(lbuf, AUTHOR_TOKEN))
                        n->author = new_str_after_token(lbuf, AUTHOR_TOKEN);
                if (begins_with(lbuf, DATE_TOKEN)) 
                        n->date = new_str_after_token(lbuf, DATE_TOKEN);
        parse_comment(n, lbuf, f);

        return 1;
Esempio n. 4
void t_curses_term_reader(void *config) // read messages from terminal
  CONFIG *c = (CONFIG*) config;
  while ( running )
    char command_buf[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
    memset(command_buf, 0, MAX_LINE_SIZE);
    use_window(c->w3, (NCURSES_WINDOW_CB) cb_read_command, command_buf);
    if ( strlen(command_buf) < 1 )          continue;
    // user command to the server AND echo to the screen
    send_message(c->ob_mq, command_buf);
    send_message(c->ib_mq, command_buf);
    if ( begins_with(command_buf, FICS_QUIT) ) running = false;
Esempio n. 5
void parse_jit_arguments(JavaVMInitArgs* vm_arguments)
    const char* prefix = "-Xjit:";
    for (int arg_num = 0; arg_num < vm_arguments->nOptions; arg_num++)
        char *option = vm_arguments->options[arg_num].optionString;
        if (begins_with(option, prefix))
            // split option on 2 parts
            char *arg = option + strlen(prefix);
            JIT **jit;
            for(jit = jit_compilers; *jit; jit++)
                (*jit)->next_command_line_argument("-Xjit", arg);
} //parse_jit_arguments
Esempio n. 6
char *new_str_after_token(char *s, char *tkn) 
        char *ret, *p;

        ret = NULL;
        if (begins_with(s, tkn)) {
                /* Don't want spaces at the beginning */
                for (p = (s + strlen(tkn)); *p == ' '; p++);
                ret = (char*)malloc(strlen(p) + 1);
                memset(ret, '\0', strlen(p) + 1);
                strcpy(ret, p);
                /* Don't want newlines at the end */
                for (p = (ret + strlen(ret) - 1); *p == '\n' && p > ret; p--)
                        *p = '\0';

        return ret;
Esempio n. 7
search_path parse_leanpkg_path(std::string const & fn) {
    std::ifstream in(fn);
    if (!in) throw exception(sstream() << "cannot open " << fn);
    auto fn_dir = dirname(fn);
    search_path path;
    while (!in.eof()) {
        std::string line;
        std::getline(in, line);

        if (auto rest = begins_with(line, "path "))
            path.push_back(resolve(*rest, fn_dir));

        if (line == "builtin_path") {
            auto builtin = get_builtin_search_path();
            path.insert(path.end(), builtin.begin(), builtin.end());
    return path;
Esempio n. 8
int parse_comment(struct commit_node *cn, char *lbuf, FILE *f) 
        char cbuf[MAX_COMMENT_SIZE];
        char *cp, *lp;

        memset(cbuf, '\0', sizeof(cbuf));
        cp = cbuf;
        while (begins_with(fgets(lbuf, MAX_LBUF_SIZE, f), COMMENT_TOKEN))
                lp = lbuf + strlen(COMMENT_TOKEN);
                if (cp - cbuf + strlen(lp) < MAX_COMMENT_SIZE) {
                        memcpy(cp, lp, strlen(lp));
                        cp += strlen(lp);
        cn->comment = new_str_after_token(cbuf, "");  

        return 0;
Esempio n. 9
	// only for c++
	inline bool overwritearrayspec(std::vector<std::string>& params, bin2hpp::language){
		const auto itinend   = std::find(   params.begin(), params.end(), options::in);
		const auto ituseaarr = std::find_if(params.begin(), itinend,
		  [](const std::string& s){return begins_with(s, options::stdarr);}

			std::string usearr = ituseaarr->substr(options::stdarr.length());
			if(usearr == "true"){
				return true;
			} else if(usearr == "false"){
				return false;
			throw std::runtime_error("use stdarr without valid option");

		return true; // no option specified, use the default one
Esempio n. 10
	std::optional<ConditionInfo> get_condition (T & begin, const T & end) {
		bool negated=false;
		std::string name;
		if (is_whitespace(begin,end)) return std::optional<ConditionInfo>{};
		if (begins_with("Not_",begin,end)) negated=true;
		for (
				(begin==end) ||
		) name.push_back(*begin);
		return std::optional<ConditionInfo>({negated,std::move(name)});
Esempio n. 11
void cb_write_response(WINDOW *w, void *data)
  // match strings with these prefixes
  static char *highlight_prefixes[] = {
      "{Game ",
      "Game ",
      "    **ANNOUNCEMENT**",
      "Removing game ",
      "Notification: ",
      "Creating: ",
      "No ratings adjustment done.",
      "Your seek matches one",
      "You are now observing",
      "(told ",
      "% "
  // match strings containing these substrings
  static char *highlight_contains[] = {
      " tells you: ",
      " kibitzes: ",

  char *line = (char *) data;

  // highlight matches
  for (int i=0; i < LEN(highlight_prefixes); i++)
    if ( begins_with(line, highlight_prefixes[i]) )
      wattron(w, COLOR_PAIR( GREENISH ));
  for (int i=0; i < LEN(highlight_contains); i++)
    if ( contains(line, highlight_contains[i]) )
      wattron(w, COLOR_PAIR( GRAY_ON_BLACK ));

  waddstr(w, line); 
Esempio n. 12
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	char buffer[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
	static struct sockaddr_in addr;
	int rc, i, count;
	struct timeval t1, t2, dt;

	KICK(argc < 3, "incorrect usage\n"
	"./linphone_proxy <local_ip> <remote_ip>\n");
	local_ip = argv[1];
	remote_ip = argv[2];

	add_poll(&fds[0], STDIN_FILENO);

	proxy_to_linphone_socket = create_socket(SOCK_DGRAM, SIP_LINPHONE);
	init_sockaddr(&proxy_to_linphone_addr, "", SIP_PORT);
	add_poll(&fds[1], proxy_to_linphone_socket);
	eprintf("created proxy_to_linphone SIP socket   SRC:localhost:%d - DST:localhost:%d\n",

	proxy_to_proxy_socket = create_socket(SOCK_DGRAM, SIP_PROXY);
	init_sockaddr(&proxy_to_proxy_addr, remote_ip, SIP_PROXY);
	add_poll(&fds[2], proxy_to_proxy_socket);
	eprintf("created proxy_to_sip SIP socket        SRC:localhost:%d - DST:%s:%d\n",
			SIP_PROXY, remote_ip, SIP_PROXY);

	proxy_to_linphone_data_socket = create_socket(SOCK_DGRAM, DATA_LINPHONE);
	init_sockaddr(&proxy_to_linphone_data_addr, "", DATA_PORT);
	add_poll(&fds[3], proxy_to_linphone_data_socket);
	eprintf("created proxy_to_linphone DATA socket  SRC:localhost:%d - DST:localhost:%d\n",

	proxy_to_proxy_data_socket = create_socket(SOCK_DGRAM, DATA_PROXY);
	init_sockaddr(&proxy_to_proxy_data_addr, remote_ip, DATA_PROXY);
	add_poll(&fds[4], proxy_to_proxy_data_socket);
	eprintf("created proxy_to_proxy DATA socket     SRC:localhost:%d - DST:%s:%d\n",
			DATA_PROXY, remote_ip, DATA_PROXY);

	manager_socket = create_socket(SOCK_DGRAM, MANAGER_PORT);
	init_sockaddr(&manager_addr, "", MANAGER_PORT);
	add_poll(&fds[5], manager_socket);
	eprintf("created manager socket                 SRC:localhost:%d - DST:\n",

	while (1) {
		rc = poll(fds, NUM_FDS, -1);
		DIE(-1 == rc, "poll");

		for (i = 0; i < NUM_FDS; i++) {
			if (0 == fds[i].revents) {

			switch(i) {
			/* receive line from console */
			case 0:

			/* receive SIP packet from linphone */
			case 1:
				count = recv_msg(fds[i].fd, &proxy_to_linphone_addr, buffer);

				if (begins_with(buffer, "INVITE")) {
					copy_packet(&out_invite, buffer, count);
					//printf("captured INVITE packet:\n%s\n", out_invite.buffer);
				} else if (begins_with(buffer, "ACK")) {
					copy_packet(&out_ack, buffer, count);
					//printf("captured ACK packet:\n%s\n", out_ack.buffer);
				} else if (strstr(buffer, "200 OK") && strstr(buffer, "OPTIONS" )) {
					copy_packet(&out_op_ok, buffer, count);
					//printf("captured OPTIONS OK packet:\n%s\n", out_op_ok.buffer);

				send_msg(proxy_to_proxy_socket, &proxy_to_proxy_addr, buffer, count);
				time_diff(&t1, &t2, &dt);
				printf("time case 1: %lu.%06lu\n", dt.tv_sec, dt.tv_usec);


			/* receive SIP packet from proxy */
			case 2:
				count = recv_msg(fds[i].fd, &addr, buffer);
				send_msg(proxy_to_linphone_socket, &proxy_to_linphone_addr, buffer, count);
				time_diff(&t1, &t2, &dt);
				printf("time case 2: %lu.%06lu\n", dt.tv_sec, dt.tv_usec);

			/* receive data packet from linphone */
			case 3:
				count = recv_msg(fds[i].fd, &proxy_to_linphone_data_addr, buffer);
				send_msg(proxy_to_proxy_data_socket, &proxy_to_proxy_data_addr, buffer, count);
				time_diff(&t1, &t2, &dt);
				printf("time case 3: %lu.%06lu\n", dt.tv_sec, dt.tv_usec);

			/* receive data packet from proxy */
			case 4:
				count = recv_msg(fds[i].fd, &addr, buffer);
				send_msg(proxy_to_linphone_data_socket, &proxy_to_linphone_data_addr, buffer, count);
				time_diff(&t1, &t2, &dt);
				printf("time case 4: %lu.%06lu\n", dt.tv_sec, dt.tv_usec);

			/* receive command from manager */
			case 5:
				count = recv_msg(fds[i].fd, &manager_addr, buffer);

				if (begins_with(buffer, "IP: ")) {					
					while (!isdigit(buffer[count - 1])) {
						buffer[--count] = 0;
					strcpy(migrate_ip, buffer + 4);
				} else if (begins_with(buffer, "establish")) {
				} else if (begins_with(buffer, "redirect: ")) {
					while (!isdigit(buffer[count - 1])) {
						buffer[--count] = 0;
					strcpy(redirect_ip, buffer + 10);	

			/* error */

Esempio n. 13
static int do_mount(const char *mnt, char **typep, mode_t rootmode,
		    int fd, const char *opts, const char *dev, char **sourcep,
		    char **mnt_optsp, off_t rootsize)
	int res;
	int flags = MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV;
	char *optbuf;
	char *mnt_opts = NULL;
	const char *s;
	char *d;
	char *fsname = NULL;
	char *subtype = NULL;
	char *source = NULL;
	char *type = NULL;
	int check_empty = 1;
	int blkdev = 0;

	optbuf = (char *) malloc(strlen(opts) + 128);
	if (!optbuf) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to allocate memory\n", progname);
		return -1;

	for (s = opts, d = optbuf; *s;) {
		unsigned len;
		const char *fsname_str = "fsname=";
		const char *subtype_str = "subtype=";
		for (len = 0; s[len]; len++) {
			if (s[len] == '\\' && s[len + 1])
			else if (s[len] == ',')
		if (begins_with(s, fsname_str)) {
			if (!get_string_opt(s, len, fsname_str, &fsname))
				goto err;
		} else if (begins_with(s, subtype_str)) {
			if (!get_string_opt(s, len, subtype_str, &subtype))
				goto err;
		} else if (opt_eq(s, len, "blkdev")) {
			if (getuid() != 0) {
					"%s: option blkdev is privileged\n",
				goto err;
			blkdev = 1;
		} else if (opt_eq(s, len, "nonempty")) {
			check_empty = 0;
		} else if (!begins_with(s, "fd=") &&
			   !begins_with(s, "rootmode=") &&
			   !begins_with(s, "user_id=") &&
			   !begins_with(s, "group_id=")) {
			int on;
			int flag;
			int skip_option = 0;
			if (opt_eq(s, len, "large_read")) {
				struct utsname utsname;
				unsigned kmaj, kmin;
				res = uname(&utsname);
				if (res == 0 &&
				    sscanf(utsname.release, "%u.%u",
					   &kmaj, &kmin) == 2 &&
				    (kmaj > 2 || (kmaj == 2 && kmin > 4))) {
					fprintf(stderr, "%s: note: 'large_read' mount option is deprecated for %i.%i kernels\n", progname, kmaj, kmin);
					skip_option = 1;
			if (getuid() != 0 && !user_allow_other &&
			    (opt_eq(s, len, "allow_other") ||
			     opt_eq(s, len, "allow_root"))) {
				fprintf(stderr, "%s: option %.*s only allowed if 'user_allow_other' is set in /etc/fuse.conf\n", progname, len, s);
				goto err;
			if (!skip_option) {
				if (find_mount_flag(s, len, &on, &flag)) {
					if (on)
						flags |= flag;
						flags  &= ~flag;
				} else {
					memcpy(d, s, len);
					d += len;
					*d++ = ',';
		s += len;
		if (*s)
	*d = '\0';
	res = get_mnt_opts(flags, optbuf, &mnt_opts);
	if (res == -1)
		goto err;

	sprintf(d, "fd=%i,rootmode=%o,user_id=%i,group_id=%i",
		fd, rootmode, getuid(), getgid());

	if (check_empty &&
	    fuse_mnt_check_empty(progname, mnt, rootmode, rootsize) == -1)
		goto err;

	source = malloc((fsname ? strlen(fsname) : 0) +
			(subtype ? strlen(subtype) : 0) + strlen(dev) + 32);

	type = malloc((subtype ? strlen(subtype) : 0) + 32);
	if (!type || !source) {
		fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to allocate memory\n", progname);
		goto err;

	if (subtype)
		sprintf(type, "%s.%s", blkdev ? "fuseblk" : "fuse", subtype);
		strcpy(type, blkdev ? "fuseblk" : "fuse");

	if (fsname)
		strcpy(source, fsname);
		strcpy(source, subtype ? subtype : dev);

	res = mount(source, mnt, type, flags, optbuf);
	if (res == -1 && errno == ENODEV && subtype) {
		/* Probably missing subtype support */
		strcpy(type, blkdev ? "fuseblk" : "fuse");
		if (fsname) {
			if (!blkdev)
				sprintf(source, "%s#%s", subtype, fsname);
		} else {
			strcpy(source, type);

		res = mount(source, mnt, type, flags, optbuf);
	if (res == -1 && errno == EINVAL) {
		/* It could be an old version not supporting group_id */
		sprintf(d, "fd=%i,rootmode=%o,user_id=%i",
			fd, rootmode, getuid());
		res = mount(source, mnt, type, flags, optbuf);
	if (res == -1) {
		int errno_save = errno;
		if (blkdev && errno == ENODEV && !fuse_mnt_check_fuseblk())
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: 'fuseblk' support missing\n",
			fprintf(stderr, "%s: mount failed: %s\n", progname,
		goto err;
	*sourcep = source;
	*typep = type;
	*mnt_optsp = mnt_opts;

	return 0;

	return -1;
Esempio n. 14
static int do_mount(const char *mnt, char **typep, mode_t rootmode,
                    int fd, const char *opts, const char *dev, char **sourcep,
                    char **mnt_optsp)
    int res;
    int flags = MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV;
    char *optbuf;
    char *mnt_opts = NULL;
    const char *s;
    char *d;
    char *fsname = NULL;
    char *source = NULL;
    char *type = NULL;
    int blkdev = 0;

    optbuf = (char *) malloc(strlen(opts) + 128);
    if (!optbuf) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to allocate memory\n", progname);
        return -1;

    for (s = opts, d = optbuf; *s;) {
        unsigned len;
        const char *fsname_str = "fsname=";
        for (len = 0; s[len] && s[len] != ','; len++);
        if (begins_with(s, fsname_str)) {
            if (!get_string_opt(s, len, fsname_str, &fsname))
                goto err;
        } else if (opt_eq(s, len, "blkdev")) {
            blkdev = 1;
        } else if (!begins_with(s, "fd=") &&
                   !begins_with(s, "rootmode=") &&
                   !begins_with(s, "user_id=") &&
                   !begins_with(s, "group_id=")) {
            int on;
            int flag;
            int skip_option = 0;
            if (opt_eq(s, len, "large_read")) {
                struct utsname utsname;
                unsigned kmaj, kmin;
                res = uname(&utsname);
                if (res == 0 &&
                    sscanf(utsname.release, "%u.%u", &kmaj, &kmin) == 2 &&
                    (kmaj > 2 || (kmaj == 2 && kmin > 4))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s: note: 'large_read' mount option is "
			    "deprecated for %i.%i kernels\n", progname, kmaj, kmin);
                    skip_option = 1;
            if (!skip_option) {
                if (find_mount_flag(s, len, &on, &flag)) {
                    if (on)
                        flags |= flag;
                        flags  &= ~flag;
                } else {
                    memcpy(d, s, len);
                    d += len;
                    *d++ = ',';
        s += len;
        if (*s)
    *d = '\0';
    res = get_mnt_opts(flags, optbuf, &mnt_opts);
    if (res == -1)
        goto err;

    sprintf(d, "fd=%i,rootmode=%o,user_id=%i,group_id=%i",
            fd, rootmode, getuid(), getgid());

    source = malloc((fsname ? strlen(fsname) : 0) + strlen(dev) + 32);

    type = malloc(32);
    if (!type || !source) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to allocate memory\n", progname);
        goto err;

    strcpy(type, blkdev ? "fuseblk" : "fuse");

    if (fsname)
        strcpy(source, fsname);
        strcpy(source, dev);

    if (restore_privs())
	goto err;
    res = mount(source, mnt, type, flags, optbuf);
    if (res == -1 && errno == EINVAL) {
        /* It could be an old version not supporting group_id */
        sprintf(d, "fd=%i,rootmode=%o,user_id=%i", fd, rootmode, getuid());
        res = mount(source, mnt, type, flags, optbuf);
    if (drop_privs())
	goto err;
    if (res == -1) {
        int errno_save = errno;
        if (blkdev && errno == ENODEV && !fuse_mnt_check_fuseblk())
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: 'fuseblk' support missing\n", progname);
	else {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: mount failed: %s\n", progname, strerror(errno_save));
	    if (errno_save == EPERM)
		    fprintf(stderr, "User doesn't have privilege to mount. "
			    "For more information\nplease see: "
	goto err;
    } else {
        *sourcep = source;
        *typep = type;
        *mnt_optsp = mnt_opts;
    return res;
    res = -1;
    goto out;
Esempio n. 15
void parse_vm_arguments2(Global_Env *p_env)
    bool version_printed = false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
    TRACE("p_env->vm_arguments.nOptions  = " << p_env->vm_arguments.nOptions);
    for (int _i = 0; _i < p_env->vm_arguments.nOptions; _i++)
        TRACE("p_env->vm_arguments.options[ " << _i << "] = " << p_env->vm_arguments.options[_i].optionString);
#endif //_DEBUG

    apr_pool_t *pool;
    apr_pool_create(&pool, 0);

    for (int i = 0; i < p_env->vm_arguments.nOptions; i++) {
        const char* option = p_env->vm_arguments.options[i].optionString;

        if (begins_with(option, XBOOTCLASSPATH)) {
             *  Override for bootclasspath - 
             *  set in the environment- the boot classloader will be responsible for 
             *  processing and setting up "vm.boot.class.path" and "sun.boot.class.path"
             *  Note that in the case of multiple arguments, the last one will be used
            p_env->VmProperties()->set(XBOOTCLASSPATH, option + strlen(XBOOTCLASSPATH));
        else if (begins_with(option, XBOOTCLASSPATH_A)) {
             *  addition to append to boot classpath
             *  set in environment - responsibility of boot classloader to process
             *  Note that we accumulate if multiple, appending each time

            char *bcp_old = p_env->VmProperties()->get(XBOOTCLASSPATH_A);
            const char *value = option + strlen(XBOOTCLASSPATH_A);
            char *bcp_new = NULL;
            if (bcp_old) { 
                 char *tmp = (char *) STD_MALLOC(strlen(bcp_old) + strlen(PORT_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR)
                                                        + strlen(value) + 1);
                 strcpy(tmp, bcp_old);
                 strcat(tmp, PORT_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR);
                 strcat(tmp, value);
                 bcp_new = tmp;
            p_env->VmProperties()->set(XBOOTCLASSPATH_A, bcp_old ? bcp_new : value);                       
        else if (begins_with(option, XBOOTCLASSPATH_P)) {
             *  addition to prepend to boot classpath
             *  set in environment - responsibility of boot classloader to process
             *  Note that we accumulate if multiple, prepending each time
            char *bcp_old = p_env->VmProperties()->get(XBOOTCLASSPATH_P);
            const char *value = option + strlen(XBOOTCLASSPATH_P);
            char *bcp_new = NULL;
            if (bcp_old) { 
                 char *tmp = (char *) STD_MALLOC(strlen(bcp_old) + strlen(PORT_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR)
                                                        + strlen(value) + 1);
                 strcpy(tmp, value);
                 strcat(tmp, PORT_PATH_SEPARATOR_STR);
                 strcat(tmp, bcp_old);
                 bcp_new = tmp;
            p_env->VmProperties()->set(XBOOTCLASSPATH_P, bcp_old ? bcp_new : value);
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xjit:")) {
            // Do nothing here, just skip this option for later parsing
        } else if (strcmp(option, "-Xint") == 0) {
            p_env->VmProperties()->set("vm.use_interpreter", "true");
#ifdef VM_STATS
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xstats:")) {
            vm_print_total_stats = true;
            const char* arg = option + strlen("-Xstats:");
            vm_print_total_stats_level = atoi(arg);
        } else if (strcmp(option, "-version") == 0) {
            // Print the version number and exit
        } else if (strcmp(option, "-showversion") == 0) {
            if (!version_printed) {
                // Print the version number and continue
                version_printed = true;
        } else if (strcmp(option, "-fullversion") == 0) {
            // Print the version number and exit

        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xgc:")) {
            // make prop_key to be "gc.<something>"
            char* prop_key = strdup(option + strlen("-X"));
            prop_key[2] = '.';
            TRACE(prop_key << " = 1");
            p_env->VmProperties()->set(prop_key, "1");

        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xem:")) {
            const char* arg = option + strlen("-Xem:");
            p_env->VmProperties()->set("em.properties", arg);

        } else if (strcmp(option, "-client") == 0 || strcmp(option, "-server") == 0) {
            p_env->VmProperties()->set("em.properties", option + 1);

        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xms") || begins_with(option, "-ms")) {
            // cut -Xms || -ms
            const char* arg = option + (begins_with(option, "-ms") ? 3 : 4);
            TRACE("gc.ms = " << arg);
            if (atoi(arg) <= 0) {
                LECHO(34, "Negative or invalid heap size. Default value will be used!");
            p_env->VmProperties()->set("gc.ms", arg);

        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xmx") || begins_with(option, "-mx")) {
            // cut -Xmx
            const char* arg = option + (begins_with(option, "-mx") ? 3 : 4);
            TRACE("gc.mx = " << arg);
            if (atoi(arg) <= 0) {
                LECHO(34, "Negative or invalid heap size. Default value will be used!");
            p_env->VmProperties()->set("gc.mx", arg);
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xss")) {
            const char* arg = option + 4;
            TRACE("thread.stacksize = " << arg);
            if (atoi(arg) <= 0) {
                LECHO(34, "Negative or invalid stack size. Default value will be used!");
            p_env->VmProperties()->set("thread.stacksize", arg);
        else if (begins_with(option, STRING_POOL_SIZE_OPTION)) {
            // the pool is already created
        else if (begins_with(option, "-agentlib:")) {
        else if (begins_with(option, "-agentpath:")) {
        else if (begins_with(option, "-javaagent:")) {
            char* dest = (char*) STD_MALLOC(strlen("-agentlib:hyinstrument=") + strlen(option + 11) + 1);
            strcpy(dest, "-agentlib:hyinstrument=");
            strcat(dest, option + 11);
            STD_FREE((void*) dest);
        else if (begins_with(option, "-Xrun")) {
            // Compatibility with JNDI
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xnoagent") == 0) {
            // Do nothing, this option is only for compatibility with old JREs
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xdebug") == 0) {
            // Do nothing, this option is only for compatibility with old JREs
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xfuture") == 0) {
            // Do nothing, this option is only for compatibility with old JREs
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xinvisible") == 0) {
            p_env->retain_invisible_annotations = true;
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xverify") == 0) {
            p_env->verify_all = true;
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xverify:none") == 0 || strcmp(option, "-noverify") == 0) {
            p_env->VmProperties()->set("vm.use_verifier", "false");
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xverify:all") == 0) {
            p_env->verify_all = true;
            p_env->verify_strict = true;
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xverify:strict") == 0) {
            p_env->verify_all = true;
            p_env->verify_strict = true;
        else if (strcmp(option, "-verify") == 0) {
            p_env->verify_all = true;
        else if (begins_with(option, "-verbose")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xfileline")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xthread")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xcategory")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xtimestamp")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xverbose")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xwarn")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xfunction")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
#ifdef _DEBUG
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xlog")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xtrace")) {
            // Moved to set_log_levels_from_cmd
#endif //_DEBUG
        else if (strncmp(option, "-D", 2) == 0) {
        else if (strncmp(option, "-XD", 3) == 0 || strncmp(option, "-XX:", 4) == 0) {
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xdumpstubs") == 0) {
            dump_stubs = true;
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xparallel_jit") == 0) {
            parallel_jit = true;
        else if (strcmp(option, "-Xno_parallel_jit") == 0) {
            parallel_jit = false;
        else if (begins_with(option, "-Xdumpfile:")) {
            const char* arg = option + strlen("-Xdumpfile:");
            dump_file_name = arg;
        else if (strcmp(option, "_org.apache.harmony.vmi.portlib") == 0) {
            // Store a pointer to the portlib
            p_env->portLib = p_env->vm_arguments.options[i].extraInfo;
        else if (strcmp(option, "-help") == 0 
              || strcmp(option, "-h") == 0
              || strcmp(option, "-?") == 0) {
        else if (strcmp(option,"-X") == 0) {
        else if (begins_with(option, "-enableassertions")) {
            add_assert_rec(p_env, option, "-enableassertions", true);
        else if (begins_with(option, "-ea")) { 
            add_assert_rec(p_env, option, "-ea", true);
        else if (begins_with(option, "-disableassertions")) { 
            add_assert_rec(p_env, option, "-disableassertions", false);
        else if (begins_with(option, "-da")) { 
            add_assert_rec(p_env, option, "-da", false);
        else if (strcmp(option, "-esa") == 0 
            || strcmp(option, "-enablesystemassertions") == 0) {
            get_assert_reg(p_env)->enable_system = true;
        else if (strcmp(option, "-dsa") == 0 
            || strcmp(option, "-disablesystemassertions") == 0) {
                if (p_env->assert_reg) {
                    p_env->assert_reg->enable_system = false;
        else {
            LECHO(30, "Unknown option {0}" << option);
    } // for

} //parse_vm_arguments2
Esempio n. 16
void parse_vm_arguments1(JavaVMInitArgs *vm_args, size_t *p_string_pool_size,
                         jboolean *p_is_class_data_shared, apr_pool_t* pool)
    LogFormat logger_header = LOG_EMPTY;
    *p_string_pool_size = DEFAULT_STRING_TABLE_SIZE;

    // initialize logging system as soon as possible

    for (int i = 0; i < vm_args->nOptions; i++) {
        const char* option = vm_args->options[i].optionString;
        if (begins_with(option, STRING_POOL_SIZE_OPTION)) {
            const char* arg = option + strlen(STRING_POOL_SIZE_OPTION);
            *p_string_pool_size = parse_size(arg);
            if (0 == *p_string_pool_size) {
                LECHO(34, "Negative or invalid string pool size. A default value is used, "
                    << DEFAULT_STRING_TABLE_SIZE << " bytes.");
                *p_string_pool_size = DEFAULT_STRING_TABLE_SIZE;
            TRACE("string_pool_size = " << *p_string_pool_size);
        } else if (!strcmp(option, CLASS_DATA_SHARING_OFF_OPTION)) {
            *p_is_class_data_shared = JNI_FALSE;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, CLASS_DATA_SHARING_ON_OPTION)) {
            *p_is_class_data_shared = JNI_TRUE;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, PORTLIB_OPTION)) {
            log_set_portlib((HyPortLibrary*) vm_args->options[i].extraInfo);
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "vfprintf")) {
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "exit")) {
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "abort")) {
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xfileline")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_FILELINE;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xthread")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_THREAD_ID;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xcategory")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_CATEGORY;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xtimestamp")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_TIMESTAMP;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xfunction")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_FUNCTION;
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-Xwarn")) {
            logger_header |= LOG_WARN;
         * -verbose[:class|:gc|:jni] set specification log filters.
        } else if (!strcmp(option, "-verbose")) {
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_CLASS_INFO, 0);
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_GC_INFO, 0);
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_JNI_INFO, 0);
        }  else if (!strcmp(option, "-verbose:class")) {
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_CLASS_INFO, 0);
        }  else if (!strcmp(option, "-verbose:gc")) {
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_GC_INFO, 0);
        }  else if (!strcmp(option, "-verbose:jni")) {
            log_enable_info_category(LOG_JNI_INFO, 0);
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xverboselog:")) {
            const char* file_name = option + strlen("-Xverboselog:");
            FILE *f = fopen(file_name, "w");
            if (NULL != f) {
            } else {
                WARN(("Cannot open: %s", file_name));
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xverbose:")) {
            log_enable_info_category(option + strlen("-Xverbose:"), 1);
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xnoverbose:")) {
            log_disable_info_category(option + strlen("-Xnoverbose:"), 1);
#ifdef _DEBUG
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xtrace:")) {
            log_enable_trace_category(option + strlen("-Xtrace:"), 1);
        } else if (begins_with(option, "-Xnotrace:")) {
            log_disable_trace_category(option + strlen("-Xnotrace:"), 1);
#endif //_DEBUG
} // parse_vm_arguments1
Esempio n. 17
void t_curses_term_writer(void *config) // write messages to terminal
  CONFIG *c = (CONFIG*) config;
  UPDATE *u = malloc(sizeof *u); if ( u == NULL ) error("update malloc");

  // track changes matrix out as false
  bool changed[N_ROWS][N_COLS];// = { [0 ... N_ROWS-1][0 ... N_COLS-1] = false };

  int s12, g1, _ = 0;
  while ( running )
    char recv_buf[MAX_LINE_SIZE];
    memset(recv_buf, 0, MAX_LINE_SIZE);

    int MODE = IDLE;

    if ( mq_receive(c->ib_mq, recv_buf, MAX_LINE_SIZE, 0) == -1 ) error("mq_receive");

    // peek into the message and handle appropriately
    if ( begins_with(recv_buf, GAMEINFO_MARKER) )
      parse_gameinfo_string( recv_buf, u );
    else if ( begins_with(recv_buf, STYLE12_MARKER) )
      // make a copy of the existing ("old") board
      memset(u->old_board, 0, sizeof u->old_board);
      memcpy(u->old_board, u->board, sizeof u->board);

      // parse the new board
      parse_s12_string( recv_buf, u );

      if (s12 > 0) // this is not the first message
        // assume new board has not changed
        memset(changed, false, sizeof changed);
        // compare new board to old board
        for (int i=0; i<N_ROWS; i++)
          for (int j=0; j<N_ROWS; j++)
            changed[i][j] = (bool) (u->old_board[i][j] != u->board[i][j]);

      MODE = u->my_status;
      if ( ! ( u->white_rating == NULL) ) // have gameinfo
        use_window(c->w1, (NCURSES_WINDOW_CB) cb_write_board, u);

      // normal line, no parsing necessary.  write to w2
      use_window(c->w2, (NCURSES_WINDOW_CB) cb_write_response, recv_buf);

    // handle cursor placement in a mode-dependent way
    switch ( MODE )
      case PLAYING_MY_MOVE:
        // TODO move cursor to last remaining piece, or king pawn if
        // first move, etc
      case OBSERVING: 
      case IDLE:
        // move cursor to the input line
        // TODO command history (?)
        wmove(c->w3, LINES, COLS);
      default: break;
  // clear dynamic memory
  u = NULL;
Esempio n. 18
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	unsigned i, l, m;
	char buffer[200], *ptr, *ptr1;
	static unsigned lines[MAX_LINES], ltop = 0, increment = 10, start = 10;
	static FILE *fp, *fp1;

	printf("MICRO-BASIC 2.1 line renumbering program\n");

	if (argc < 3) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Use: renumber old new [start [increment]]\n\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Copyright 1993-2000 Dave Dunfield\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "All rights reserved.\n");
		return 1;

	fp = fopen(argv[1], "rvq");
	fp1 = fopen(argv[2], "wvq");
	if(argc > 3)
		start = atoi(argv[3]);
	if(argc > 4)
		increment = atoi(argv[4]);

/* Pass #1: Scan and record all line numbers */
	m = 0;
	while(fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, fp)) {
		if(!(l = atoi(buffer))) {
			printf("Invalid line number following line %u\n", m);
			return 0;
		if(l <= m) {
			printf("Improper line sequence following line %u\n", m);
			return 0;
		lines[ltop++] = m = l;

/* Pass #2: Copy lines and replace line numbers */
	m = 0;
	while(fgets(ptr1 = ptr = buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp)) {
		/* Replace line number with one from the new sequence */
fixnum:		while(isspace(*ptr))
		while(ptr1 < ptr)
			putc(*ptr1++, fp1);
		if(isdigit(*ptr)) {
			l = atoi(ptr);
			for(i=0; i < ltop; ++i)
				if(lines[i] == l) {
					fprintf(fp1, "%u", i * increment + start);
		while(*(ptr1 = ptr)) {
			if(begins_with(ptr, "THEN")) {
				ptr += 4;
				goto fixnum;
			if(begins_with(ptr, "ORDER")) {
				ptr += 5;
				goto fixnum;
			if(begins_with(ptr, "GOTO")) {
				ptr += 4;
				goto fixnum;
			if(begins_with(ptr, "GOSUB")) {
				ptr += 5;
				goto fixnum;
			if (*ptr != '\r' && *ptr != '\n')
				putc(*ptr, fp1);
		putc('\n', fp1);

	printf("%u lines read, %u fixups\n", ltop, m);
	return 0;
Esempio n. 19
static int do_mount(const char *mnt, const char **type, mode_t rootmode,
                    int fd, const char *opts, const char *dev, char **fsnamep,
                    char **mnt_optsp, off_t rootsize)
    int res;
    int flags = MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV;
    char *optbuf;
    char *mnt_opts = NULL;
    const char *s;
    char *d;
    char *fsname = NULL;
    int check_empty = 1;
    int blkdev = 0;

    optbuf = (char *) malloc(strlen(opts) + 128);
    if (!optbuf) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to allocate memory\n", progname);
        return -1;

    for (s = opts, d = optbuf; *s;) {
        unsigned len;
        const char *fsname_str = "fsname=";
        for (len = 0; s[len] && s[len] != ','; len++);
        if (begins_with(s, fsname_str)) {
            unsigned fsname_str_len = strlen(fsname_str);
            if (fsname)
            fsname = (char *) malloc(len - fsname_str_len + 1);
            if (!fsname) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to allocate memory\n", progname);
                goto err;
            memcpy(fsname, s + fsname_str_len, len - fsname_str_len);
            fsname[len - fsname_str_len] = '\0';
        } else if (opt_eq(s, len, "blkdev")) {
            if (getuid() != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: option blkdev is privileged\n", progname);
                goto err;
            blkdev = 1;
        } else if (opt_eq(s, len, "nonempty")) {
            check_empty = 0;
        } else if (!begins_with(s, "fd=") &&
                   !begins_with(s, "rootmode=") &&
                   !begins_with(s, "user_id=") &&
                   !begins_with(s, "group_id=")) {
            int on;
            int flag;
            int skip_option = 0;
            if (opt_eq(s, len, "large_read")) {
                struct utsname utsname;
                unsigned kmaj, kmin;
                res = uname(&utsname);
                if (res == 0 &&
                    sscanf(utsname.release, "%u.%u", &kmaj, &kmin) == 2 &&
                    (kmaj > 2 || (kmaj == 2 && kmin > 4))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s: note: 'large_read' mount option is deprecated for %i.%i kernels\n", progname, kmaj, kmin);
                    skip_option = 1;
            if (getuid() != 0 && !user_allow_other &&
                (opt_eq(s, len, "allow_other") ||
                 opt_eq(s, len, "allow_root"))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: option %.*s only allowed if 'user_allow_other' is set in /etc/fuse.conf\n", progname, len, s);
                goto err;
            if (!skip_option) {
                if (find_mount_flag(s, len, &on, &flag)) {
                    if (on)
                        flags |= flag;
                        flags  &= ~flag;
                } else {
                    memcpy(d, s, len);
                    d += len;
                    *d++ = ',';
        s += len;
        if (*s)
    *d = '\0';
    res = get_mnt_opts(flags, optbuf, &mnt_opts);
    if (res == -1)
        goto err;

    sprintf(d, "fd=%i,rootmode=%o,user_id=%i,group_id=%i",
            fd, rootmode, getuid(), getgid());
    if (fsname == NULL) {
        fsname = strdup(dev);
        if (!fsname) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to allocate memory\n", progname);
            goto err;

    if (check_empty && check_mountpoint_empty(mnt, rootmode, rootsize) == -1)
        goto err;

    if (blkdev)
        *type = "fuseblk";
    res = mount(fsname, mnt, *type, flags, optbuf);
    if (res == -1 && errno == EINVAL) {
        /* It could be an old version not supporting group_id */
        sprintf(d, "fd=%i,rootmode=%o,user_id=%i", fd, rootmode, getuid());
        res = mount(fsname, mnt, *type, flags, optbuf);
    if (res == -1) {
        int errno_save = errno;
        if (blkdev && errno == ENODEV && !has_fuseblk())
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: 'fuseblk' support missing; try the kernel module from fuse-2.6.0 or later\n", progname);
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: mount failed: %s\n", progname, strerror(errno_save));
        goto err;
    } else {
        *fsnamep = fsname;
        *mnt_optsp = mnt_opts;

    return res;

    return -1;
void TypeRegistry::define_properties()
    for (TypeMap::iterator j=tfmap_.begin(); j!=tfmap_.end(); ++j)
        for (TypeList::iterator i=j->second.begin(); i!=j->second.end(); ++i)
            typedef std::map<std::string, FunctionList> NameFunctionMap;
            typedef std::map<std::string, NameFunctionMap> FunctionMap;
            typedef std::map<std::size_t, FunctionMap> IndexFunctionMap;

            typedef std::map<std::string, PropertyList> PropertyMap;
            PropertyMap newprops;

            NameFunctionMap count_candidates;
            FunctionMap add_candidates;
            FunctionMap insert_candidates;
            IndexFunctionMap remove_candidates;
            IndexFunctionMap get_candidates;
            IndexFunctionMap set_candidates;

            typedef std::map<std::string, StringSet>    NameTypeMap;
            NameTypeMap nameTypeMap;
            std::size_t max_indices = 0;

            for (FunctionList::const_iterator k=i->methods.begin(); k!=i->methods.end(); ++k)
                if (!k->is_constructor(*i) && !k->is_destructor() && !k->is_static)
                    if (begins_with(k->name, "getOr") && k->name.size() > 5 && std::isupper(k->name[5], std::locale()))

                    if (begins_with(k->name, "getNum") && k->name.size() > 6 && std::isupper(k->name[6], std::locale()))
                        if (k->params.empty())
                            std::string name(k->name.substr(6));

                    if (begins_with(k->name, "get") && ((k->name.size() > 3 && std::isupper(k->name[3], std::locale())) || (k->name.size() == 3)))
                        std::string name(k->name.substr(3));
                        std::size_t indices = k->params.size();
                        if (indices > max_indices) max_indices = indices;

                    if (begins_with(k->name, "set") && k->name.size() > 3 && std::isupper(k->name[3], std::locale()))
                        if (!k->params.empty())
                            std::string name(k->name.substr(3));
                            std::size_t indices = k->params.size() - 1;
                            if (indices > max_indices) max_indices = indices;

                    if (begins_with(k->name, "add") && k->name.size() > 3 && std::isupper(k->name[3], std::locale()))
                        if (k->params.size() == 1)
                            std::string name(k->name.substr(3));

                    if (begins_with(k->name, "remove") && k->name.size() > 6 && std::isupper(k->name[6], std::locale()))
                        if (!k->params.empty())
                            std::string name(k->name.substr(6));
                            std::size_t indices = k->params.size();
                    if (begins_with(k->name, "insert") && k->name.size() > 6 && std::isupper(k->name[6], std::locale()))
                        if (k->params.size() >= 2)
                            std::string name(k->name.substr(6));

            for (NameTypeMap::const_iterator k=nameTypeMap.begin(); k!=nameTypeMap.end(); ++k)
                StringSet::const_iterator endIt = k->second.end();
                for (StringSet::const_iterator h=k->second.begin(); h!=endIt; ++h)

                    PropertyDesc pd;
                    pd.name = k->first;
                    pd.type_name = *h;

                    // simple property
                        const FunctionList &fl_get  = get_candidates[0][*h][k->first];
                        FunctionList fl_set;
                        fl_set.insert(fl_set.end(), set_candidates[0][*h][k->first].begin(), set_candidates[0][*h][k->first].end());
                        fl_set.insert(fl_set.end(), set_candidates[0]["const " + *h + " &"][k->first].begin(), set_candidates[0]["const " + *h + " &"][k->first].end());

                        if (!fl_get.empty())    pd.get_method = fl_get.front().name_signature;
                        if (!fl_set.empty())    pd.set_method = fl_set.front().name_signature;
                        if (!pd.get_method.empty() || !pd.set_method.empty())
                            pd.type = PropertyDesc::SIMPLE;

                    // array property 
                        FunctionList fl_count;
                        fl_count.insert(fl_count.end(), count_candidates[k->first].begin(), count_candidates[k->first].end());
                        fl_count.insert(fl_count.end(), count_candidates[k->first + "s"].begin(), count_candidates[k->first + "s"].end());
                        fl_count.insert(fl_count.end(), count_candidates[k->first + "es"].begin(), count_candidates[k->first + "es"].end());
                        fl_count.insert(fl_count.end(), count_candidates[k->first + "ren"].begin(), count_candidates[k->first + "ren"].end());

                        if (fl_count.size())

                            std::string& return_type_specifier = fl_count.front().return_type_specifier;

                            const FunctionList &fl_get = get_candidates[1][*h][k->first];
                            FunctionList fl_set;
                            fl_set.insert(fl_set.end(), set_candidates[1][*h][k->first].begin(), set_candidates[1][*h][k->first].end());
                            fl_set.insert(fl_set.end(), set_candidates[1]["const " + *h + " &"][k->first].begin(), set_candidates[1]["const " + *h + " &"][k->first].end());
                            const FunctionList &fl_add = add_candidates[*h][k->first];
                            FunctionList fl_remove;
                            fl_remove.insert(fl_remove.end(), remove_candidates[1][return_type_specifier][k->first].begin(), remove_candidates[1][return_type_specifier][k->first].end());
                            fl_remove.insert(fl_remove.end(), remove_candidates[1][return_type_specifier][k->first + "s"].begin(), remove_candidates[1][return_type_specifier][k->first + "s"].end());
                            fl_remove.insert(fl_remove.end(), remove_candidates[1][return_type_specifier][k->first + "es"].begin(), remove_candidates[1][return_type_specifier][k->first + "es"].end());
                            fl_remove.insert(fl_remove.end(), remove_candidates[1][return_type_specifier][k->first + "ren"].begin(), remove_candidates[1][return_type_specifier][k->first + "ren"].end());
                            fl_remove.insert(fl_remove.end(), remove_candidates[2][return_type_specifier][k->first].begin(), remove_candidates[2][return_type_specifier][k->first].end());
                            fl_remove.insert(fl_remove.end(), remove_candidates[2][return_type_specifier][k->first + "s"].begin(), remove_candidates[2][return_type_specifier][k->first + "s"].end());
                            fl_remove.insert(fl_remove.end(), remove_candidates[2][return_type_specifier][k->first + "es"].begin(), remove_candidates[2][return_type_specifier][k->first + "es"].end());
                            fl_remove.insert(fl_remove.end(), remove_candidates[2][return_type_specifier][k->first + "ren"].begin(), remove_candidates[2][return_type_specifier][k->first + "ren"].end());
                            FunctionList fl_insert = insert_candidates[return_type_specifier][k->first];

                            fl_insert.erase(std::remove_if(fl_insert.begin(), fl_insert.end(), PropertyFunctionFirstParameterNameFilter<2>(fl_count.front().return_type_specifier)), fl_insert.end());
                            fl_remove.erase(std::remove_if(fl_remove.begin(), fl_remove.end(), PropertyFunctionFirstParameterNameFilter<1>(fl_count.front().return_type_specifier)), fl_remove.end());

                            if (!fl_get.empty())        pd.get_method     = fl_get.front().name_signature;
                            if (!fl_set.empty())        pd.set_method     = fl_set.front().name_signature;
                            if (!fl_add.empty())        pd.add_method     = fl_add.front().name_signature;
                            if (!fl_insert.empty())     pd.insert_method  = fl_insert.front().name_signature;
                            if (!fl_remove.empty())     pd.remove_method  = fl_remove.front().name_signature;
                            if (!fl_count.empty())      pd.count_method   = fl_count.front().name_signature;
                            if (!pd.get_method.empty() || !pd.set_method.empty())
                                pd.type = PropertyDesc::ARRAY;

                    // indexed property
                    for (std::size_t u=1; u<=max_indices; ++u)
                        const FunctionList &fl_get = get_candidates[u][*h][k->first];
                        FunctionList fl_set;
                        fl_set.insert(fl_set.end(), set_candidates[u][*h][k->first].begin(), set_candidates[u][*h][k->first].end());
                        fl_set.insert(fl_set.end(), set_candidates[u]["const " + *h + " &"][k->first].begin(), set_candidates[u]["const " + *h + " &"][k->first].end());
                        if (!fl_get.empty())        pd.get_method     = fl_get.front().name_signature;
                        if (!fl_set.empty())        pd.set_method     = fl_set.front().name_signature;

                        for (FunctionList::const_iterator x=fl_get.begin(); x!=fl_get.end(); ++x)
                            ParameterList get_indices(x->params.begin(), x->params.end());
                            for (FunctionList::const_iterator y=fl_set.begin(); y!=fl_set.end(); ++y)
                                ParameterList set_indices(y->params.begin(), y->params.end());
                                if (same_parameters(get_indices, set_indices))
                                    pd.type = PropertyDesc::INDEXED;
                                    pd.get_method = x->name_signature;
                                    pd.set_method = y->name_signature;

            for (PropertyMap::iterator k=newprops.begin(); k!=newprops.end(); ++k)
                if (!k->second.empty())
                    std::sort(k->second.begin(), k->second.end(), PropertySorter());

                    PropertyDesc & pd = k->second.front();
                    const PropertyOptions *opt = cfg_.getPropertyOptions(i->type_name, pd.name);

                    if (opt)
                        if (!opt->get_method.empty())       pd.get_method       = opt->get_method;
                        if (!opt->set_method.empty())       pd.set_method       = opt->set_method;
                        if (!opt->remove_method.empty())    pd.remove_method    = opt->remove_method;
                        if (!opt->add_method.empty())       pd.add_method       = opt->add_method;
                        if (!opt->insert_method.empty())    pd.insert_method    = opt->insert_method;
                        if (!opt->count_method.empty())
                            Notify::info("define count method of property `" + pd.name + "' in type `" + i->type_name + "' on user request");
                            pd.type = PropertyDesc::ARRAY;
                            pd.count_method = opt->count_method;

Esempio n. 21
 * Parse the configuration file and set up variables
    int i;
    int l = 1;
    PARSE_LINE parse;
    char str[MAX_LEN + 1];
    char *var;
    char *value;
    char *tempptr;
    int result = 0;
    FILE *rc_file = 0;
    char *params;

     *  At startup, dialog determines the settings to use as follows:
     *  a) if the environment variable $DIALOGRC is set, its value determines
     *     the name of the configuration file.
     *  b) if the file in (a) can't be found, use the file $HOME/.dialogrc
     *     as the configuration file.
     *  c) if the file in (b) can't be found, try using the GLOBALRC file.
     *     Usually this will be /etc/dialogrc.
     *  d) if the file in (c) cannot be found, use the compiled-in defaults.

    /* try step (a) */
    if ((tempptr = getenv("DIALOGRC")) != NULL)
        rc_file = fopen(tempptr, "rt");

    if (rc_file == NULL) {	/* step (a) failed? */
        /* try step (b) */
        if ((tempptr = getenv("HOME")) != NULL
                && strlen(tempptr) < MAX_LEN - (sizeof(DIALOGRC) + 3)) {
            if (tempptr[0] == '\0' || lastch(tempptr) == '/')
                sprintf(str, "%s%s", tempptr, DIALOGRC);
                sprintf(str, "%s/%s", tempptr, DIALOGRC);
            rc_file = fopen(tempptr = str, "rt");

    if (rc_file == NULL) {	/* step (b) failed? */
        /* try step (c) */
        strcpy(str, GLOBALRC);
        if ((rc_file = fopen(tempptr = str, "rt")) == NULL)
            return 0;		/* step (c) failed, use default values */

    DLG_TRACE(("opened rc file \"%s\"\n", tempptr));
    /* Scan each line and set variables */
    while ((result == 0) && (fgets(str, MAX_LEN, rc_file) != NULL)) {
        DLG_TRACE(("rc:%s", str));
        if (*str == '\0' || lastch(str) != '\n') {
            /* ignore rest of file if line too long */
            fprintf(stderr, "\nParse error: line %d of configuration"
                    " file too long.\n", l);
            result = -1;	/* parse aborted */

        lastch(str) = '\0';
        if (begins_with(str, "bindkey", &params)) {
            if (!dlg_parse_bindkey(params)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "\nParse error: line %d of configuration\n", l);
                result = -1;
        parse = parse_line(str, &var, &value);	/* parse current line */

        switch (parse) {
        case LINE_EMPTY:	/* ignore blank lines and comments */
        case LINE_EQUALS:
            /* search table for matching config variable name */
            if ((i = find_vars(var)) >= 0) {
                switch (vars[i].type) {
                case VAL_INT:
                    *((int *) vars[i].var) = atoi(value);
                case VAL_STR:
                    if (!isquote(value[0]) || !isquote(lastch(value))
                            || strlen(value) < 2) {
                        fprintf(stderr, "\nParse error: string value "
                                "expected at line %d of configuration "
                                "file.\n", l);
                        result = -1;	/* parse aborted */
                    } else {
                        /* remove the (") quotes */
                        lastch(value) = '\0';
                        strcpy((char *) vars[i].var, value);
                case VAL_BOOL:
                    if (!dlg_strcmp(value, "ON"))
                        *((bool *) vars[i].var) = TRUE;
                    else if (!dlg_strcmp(value, "OFF"))
                        *((bool *) vars[i].var) = FALSE;
                    else {
                        fprintf(stderr, "\nParse error: boolean value "
                                "expected at line %d of configuration "
                                "file (found %s).\n", l, value);
                        result = -1;	/* parse aborted */
            } else if ((i = find_color(var)) >= 0) {
                int fg = 0;
                int bg = 0;
                int hl = 0;
                if (str_to_attr(value, &fg, &bg, &hl) == -1) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "\nParse error: attribute "
                            "value expected at line %d of configuration "
                            "file.\n", l);
                    result = -1;	/* parse aborted */
                } else {
                    dlg_color_table[i].fg = fg;
                    dlg_color_table[i].bg = bg;
                    dlg_color_table[i].hilite = hl;
            } else {
#endif /* HAVE_COLOR */
                fprintf(stderr, "\nParse error: unknown variable "
                        "at line %d of configuration file:\n\t%s\n", l, var);
                result = -1;	/* parse aborted */
        case LINE_ERROR:
            fprintf(stderr, "\nParse error: syntax error at line %d of "
                    "configuration file.\n", l);
            result = -1;	/* parse aborted */
        l++;			/* next line */

    (void) fclose(rc_file);
    return result;
Esempio n. 22
static int do_mount(const char *mnt, char **typep, mode_t rootmode,
                    int fd, const char *opts, const char *dev, char **sourcep,
                    char **mnt_optsp, off_t rootsize)
    int res;
#ifdef __SOLARIS__
     * In Solaris, nosuid is equivalent to nosetuid + nodevices. We only
     * have MS_NOSUID for mount flags (no MS_(NO)SETUID, etc.). But if
     * we set that as a default, it restricts specifying just nosetuid
     * or nodevices; there is no way for the user to specify setuid +
     * nodevices or vice-verse.
     * On the chance that this is being run from root, we won't try
     * to add nosetuid or nodevices restrictions; this program must
     * be exec'd from the library, where we've already sanitized the
     * options.
    int flags = 0;
    int flags = MS_NOSUID | MS_NODEV;
#endif /* __SOLARIS__ */
    char *optbuf;
    char *mnt_opts = NULL;
    const char *s;
    char *d;
    char *fsname = NULL;
    char *subtype = NULL;
    char *source = NULL;
    char *type = NULL;
    int check_empty = 1;
    int blkdev = 0;

    optbuf = (char *) malloc(strlen(opts) + 128);
    if (!optbuf) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to allocate memory\n", progname);
        return -1;

    for (s = opts, d = optbuf; *s;) {
        unsigned len;
        const char *fsname_str = "fsname=";
        const char *subtype_str = "subtype=";
        for (len = 0; s[len] && s[len] != ','; len++);
        if (begins_with(s, fsname_str)) {
            if (!get_string_opt(s, len, fsname_str, &fsname))
                goto err;
        } else if (begins_with(s, subtype_str)) {
            if (!get_string_opt(s, len, subtype_str, &subtype))
                goto err;
        } else if (opt_eq(s, len, "blkdev")) {
            if (getuid() != 0) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: option blkdev is privileged\n", progname);
                goto err;
            blkdev = 1;
        } else if (opt_eq(s, len, "nonempty")) {
            check_empty = 0;
        } else if (!begins_with(s, "fd=") &&
                   !begins_with(s, "rootmode=") &&
                   !begins_with(s, "user_id=") &&
                   !begins_with(s, "group_id=")) {
            int on;
            int flag;
            int skip_option = 0;
            if (opt_eq(s, len, "large_read")) {
                struct utsname utsname;
                unsigned kmaj, kmin;
                res = uname(&utsname);
                if (res == 0 &&
                    sscanf(utsname.release, "%u.%u", &kmaj, &kmin) == 2 &&
                    (kmaj > 2 || (kmaj == 2 && kmin > 4))) {
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s: note: 'large_read' mount option is deprecated for %i.%i kernels\n", progname, kmaj, kmin);
                    skip_option = 1;
            if (getuid() != 0 && !user_allow_other &&
                (opt_eq(s, len, "allow_other") ||
                 opt_eq(s, len, "allow_root"))) {
                fprintf(stderr, "%s: option %.*s only allowed if 'user_allow_other' is set in /etc/fuse.conf\n", progname, len, s);
                goto err;
            if (!skip_option) {
                if (find_mount_flag(s, len, &on, &flag)) {
                    if (on)
                        flags |= flag;
                        flags  &= ~flag;
                } else {
                    memcpy(d, s, len);
                    d += len;
                    *d++ = ',';
        s += len;
        if (*s)
    *d = '\0';
    res = get_mnt_opts(flags, optbuf, &mnt_opts);
    if (res == -1)
        goto err;

    sprintf(d, "fd=%i,rootmode=%o,user_id=%i,group_id=%i",
            fd, rootmode, getuid(), getgid());

    if (check_empty &&
        fuse_mnt_check_empty(progname, mnt, rootmode, rootsize) == -1)
        goto err;

    source = malloc((fsname ? strlen(fsname) : 0) +
                    (subtype ? strlen(subtype) : 0) + strlen(dev) + 32);

    type = malloc((subtype ? strlen(subtype) : 0) + 32);
    if (!type || !source) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to allocate memory\n", progname);
        goto err;

    if (subtype)
        sprintf(type, "%s.%s", blkdev ? "fuseblk" : "fuse", subtype);
        strcpy(type, blkdev ? "fuseblk" : "fuse");

    if (fsname)
        strcpy(source, fsname);
        strcpy(source, subtype ? subtype : dev);

#ifdef __SOLARIS__
    res = mount(source, mnt, MS_OPTIONSTR|flags, type, NULL, 0,
        optbuf, MAX_MNTOPT_STR);
    res = mount(source, mnt, type, flags, optbuf);
#endif /* __SOLARIS__ */

#ifdef __SOLARIS__
    if (res == -1 && errno == EINVAL && subtype) {
    if (res == -1 && errno == ENODEV && subtype) {
        /* Probably missing subtype support */
        strcpy(type, blkdev ? "fuseblk" : "fuse");
        if (fsname) {
            if (!blkdev)
                sprintf(source, "%s#%s", subtype, fsname);
        } else {
            strcpy(source, type);
#ifdef __SOLARIS__
        res = mount(source, mnt, MS_OPTIONSTR|flags, type, NULL, 0,
            optbuf, MAX_MNTOPT_STR);
        res = mount(source, mnt, type, flags, optbuf);
#endif /* __SOLARIS__ */
    if (res == -1 && errno == EINVAL) {
        /* It could be an old version not supporting group_id */
        sprintf(d, "fd=%i,rootmode=%o,user_id=%i", fd, rootmode, getuid());
#ifdef __SOLARIS__
        res = mount(dev, mnt, MS_OPTIONSTR|flags, type, NULL, 0,
            optbuf, MAX_MNTOPT_STR);
        res = mount(source, mnt, type, flags, optbuf);
#endif /* __SOLARIS__ */
    if (res == -1) {
        int errno_save = errno;
        if (blkdev && errno == ENODEV && !fuse_mnt_check_fuseblk())
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: 'fuseblk' support missing\n", progname);
            fprintf(stderr, "%s: mount failed: %s\n", progname, strerror(errno_save));
        goto err;
    } else {
        *sourcep = source;
        *typep = type;
        *mnt_optsp = mnt_opts;

    return res;

    return -1;

static int check_version(const char *dev)
    int res;
    int majorver;
    int minorver;
    const char *version_file;
    FILE *vf;

    if (strcmp(dev, FUSE_DEV_OLD) != 0)
        return 0;

    version_file = FUSE_VERSION_FILE_OLD;
    vf = fopen(version_file, "r");
    if (vf == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: kernel interface too old\n", progname);
        return -1;
    res = fscanf(vf, "%i.%i", &majorver, &minorver);
    if (res != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: error reading %s\n", progname, version_file);
        return -1;
     if (majorver < 3) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: kernel interface too old\n", progname);
        return -1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 23
	inline bin2hpp::language getlanguage(std::vector<std::string>& params){
		const auto itinend = std::find(params.begin(), params.end(), options::in);
		const auto it   = std::find_if(params.begin(), itinend, [](const std::string& s){return begins_with(s, options::standard);});
		if( it != itinend ){
			assert(it->length() >= options::standard.length());
			if(it->length() == options::standard.length()){
				throw std::runtime_error("option -lang without name"); // invalidparam_namespace
			std::string lang = it->substr(options::standard.length()); // fixme: validate namespace
			return tolang(lang);
		bin2hpp::language toreturn;
		return toreturn;
Esempio n. 24
	inline void overwriteconstspec(std::vector<std::string>& params, const bin2hpp::language& constspec, bin2hpp::constid_array& c_arr, bin2hpp::constid_size& c_siz ){
		const auto itinend       = std::find(params.begin(), params.end(), options::in);

			const auto itcons = std::find_if(params.begin(), itinend,
											 [](const std::string &s) { return begins_with(s, options::constspec); }
			if (itcons != itinend) {
				if(constspec.id == bin2hpp::lang_id::java){
					throw std::runtime_error("java does not accept a const id");
				std::string o_c_size = itcons->substr(options::constspec.length());
				if (o_c_size == "const") {
					c_siz = bin2hpp::constid_size::_const;
					c_arr = bin2hpp::constid_array::_const;
				} else if (o_c_size == bin2hpp::constid::_constexpr) {
					if(constspec.id != bin2hpp::lang_id::cpp || !hasconstexpxr(constspec._cpprev)){
						throw std::runtime_error("invalid const specifier for the specified language");
					c_siz = bin2hpp::constid_size::_constexpr;
					c_arr = bin2hpp::constid_array::_constexpr;
				} else {
					throw std::runtime_error("invalid const specifier");

			const auto itconstsize = std::find_if(params.begin(), itinend,
												  [](const std::string &s) {
													  return begins_with(s, options::constsize);
			if (itconstsize != itinend) {
				if(constspec.id == bin2hpp::lang_id::java){
					throw std::runtime_error("java does not accept a const id");
				std::string o_c_size = itconstsize->substr(options::constsize.length()); // fixme: validate namespace
				if (o_c_size == bin2hpp::constid::_const) {
					c_siz = bin2hpp::constid_size::_const;
				} else if (o_c_size == bin2hpp::constid::_enum) {
					c_siz = bin2hpp::constid_size::_enum;
				} else if (o_c_size == bin2hpp::constid::_constexpr) {
					if(constspec.id != bin2hpp::lang_id::cpp || !hasconstexpxr(constspec._cpprev)){
						throw std::runtime_error("invalid const specifier for the specified language");
					c_siz = bin2hpp::constid_size::_constexpr;
				} else {
					throw std::runtime_error("invalid const specifier");

			const auto itconstarray = std::find_if(params.begin(), itinend,
												   [](const std::string &s) {
													   return begins_with(s, options::constarray);

			if (itconstarray != itinend) {
				if(constspec.id == bin2hpp::lang_id::java){
					throw std::runtime_error("java does not accept a const id");
				std::string o_c_arr = itconstarray->substr(options::constarray.length()); // fixme: validate namespace
				if (o_c_arr == bin2hpp::constid::_const) {
					c_arr = bin2hpp::constid_array::_const;
				} else if (o_c_arr == bin2hpp::constid::_constexpr) {
					if(constspec.id != bin2hpp::lang_id::cpp || !hasconstexpxr(constspec._cpprev)){
						throw std::runtime_error("invalid const specifier for the specified language");
					c_arr = bin2hpp::constid_array::_constexpr;
				} else {
					throw std::runtime_error("invalid const specifier");
Esempio n. 25
	inline std::string getnamespace(std::vector<std::string>& params){
		const auto itinend = std::find(params.begin(), params.end(), options::in);
		const auto it   = std::find_if(params.begin(), itinend, [](const std::string& s){return begins_with(s, options::ns);});
		if( it != itinend ) {
			assert(it->length() >= options::ns.length());
			std::string toreturn = it->substr(options::ns.length()); // fixme: validate namespace
			return toreturn;

		return bin2hpp::defaultnamespace;