int main() { BinaryOperation bin1("10101"); BinaryOperation bin2(5); BinaryOperation bin3("11"); BinaryOperation bin4 = bin1 + bin3; cout << bin4 << endl; cin.get(); }
void FOEFinder::computeFoE(VelocityBuffer & vb, bool vis){ //Step 1: Leaky Integaration bin2(vb); //Step 2: Find the patch of visual fiel with maximum value int centerX, centerY; double foeMaxValue; getFOEMapMax(centerX, centerY, foeMaxValue); //Step 3: Shift teh FOE toward the maximum patch if (vb.getSize() < 20){ foeX =int ( foeX + WEIGHT_FACTOR * (centerX - foeX) + .5 ); foeY =int ( foeY + WEIGHT_FACTOR * (centerY - foeY) + .5 ); if (foeX < 0) foeX = 0; if (foeY < 0 ) foeY = 0; if (foeX > X_DIM) foeX = X_DIM; if (foeY > Y_DIM) foeY = Y_DIM; } cout << foeX << " " << foeY << endl; //Send the FOE map to output port if (vis){ yarp::sig::ImageOf<yarp::sig::PixelRgb>& img=outPort-> prepare(); img.resize(X_DIM, Y_DIM);; // double normFactor = 254 / foeMaxValue; // for (int i = 0; i < X_DIM; ++i) { // for (int j = 0; j < Y_DIM; ++j) { // img(i,j) = yarp::sig::PixelRgb (0,0 , normFactor * foeMap(i,j) ); // } // } for (int i = 0; i < vb.getSize(); ++i) { img(vb.getX(i), vb.getY(i)) = yarp::sig::PixelRgb ( 100, 100, 100 ); } static const yarp::sig::PixelRgb pr(200,0,0); yarp::sig::draw::addCircle(img,pr,foeX,foeY,4); static const yarp::sig::PixelRgb pb(0,200,0); yarp::sig::draw::addCircle(img,pb,centerX,centerY,FOEMAP_MAXREG_SIZE); outPort -> write(); } }
void Binomial::demo() { std::cout << "------------Jackson Paul-------------" << std::endl; int three = 3; Binomial bin(6, 7, 8); Binomial bin2(bin); Binomial bin3 = bin + bin2; Binomial bin4 = bin * 3; bin.print(); bin2.print(); bin3.print(); bin4.print(); std::cout << "------------Jackson Paul-------------" << std::endl; }
double bin(const double *knots,int ii,int n,double x) { double delta = 1e-8; if(n == 0) { return bin0(knots,ii,n,x); } else if(n == 1) { return bin1(knots,ii,n,x); } else if(n == 2) { return bin2(knots,ii,n,x); } else { return (x-knots[ii])/(knots[ii+n]-knots[ii]+delta)*bin(knots,ii,n-1,x) + (knots[ii+n+1] - x)/(knots[ii+n+1]-knots[ii+1]+delta)*bin(knots,ii+1,n-1,x); } }
void save_factors() { printf("Saving factors to files... "); std::stringstream ss; ss<<"../../user_factors_st="<<steps<<"_fn="<<fact_n<<"_a="<<alfa<<"_l="<<lambda; QString file_name = QString::fromStdString(ss.str()); QFile binfile(file_name + ".bin");; QDataStream bin(&binfile); bin << user_factors; binfile.close(); file_name = file_name.replace("user", "item"); QFile binfile2(file_name + ".bin");; QDataStream bin2(&binfile2); bin2 << item_factors; binfile2.close(); printf("ok\n"); }