Esempio n. 1
static struct mypasswd *mypwenter(const struct passwd * pwd)
    struct mypasswd *mypwd;

     * Initialize on the fly.
    if (mypwcache_name == 0) {
	mypwcache_name = htable_create(0);
	mypwcache_uid = binhash_create(0);
    mypwd = (struct mypasswd *) mymalloc(sizeof(*mypwd));
    mypwd->refcount = 0;
    mypwd->pw_name = mystrdup(pwd->pw_name);
    mypwd->pw_passwd = mystrdup(pwd->pw_passwd);
    mypwd->pw_uid = pwd->pw_uid;
    mypwd->pw_gid = pwd->pw_gid;
    mypwd->pw_gecos = mystrdup(pwd->pw_gecos);
    mypwd->pw_dir = mystrdup(pwd->pw_dir);
    mypwd->pw_shell = mystrdup(*pwd->pw_shell ? pwd->pw_shell : _PATH_BSHELL);

     * Avoid mypwcache_uid memory leak when multiple names have the same UID.
     * This makes the lookup result dependent on program history. But, it was
     * already history-dependent before we added this extra check.
    htable_enter(mypwcache_name, mypwd->pw_name, (char *) mypwd);
    if (binhash_locate(mypwcache_uid, (char *) &mypwd->pw_uid,
		       sizeof(mypwd->pw_uid)) == 0)
	binhash_enter(mypwcache_uid, (char *) &mypwd->pw_uid,
		      sizeof(mypwd->pw_uid), (char *) mypwd);
    return (mypwd);
Esempio n. 2
 * Locate or allocate connection cache entry.
static void dict_ldap_conn_find(DICT_LDAP *dict_ldap)
    VSTRING *keybuf = vstring_alloc(10);
    char   *key;
    int     len;

    int     sslon = dict_ldap->start_tls || dict_ldap->ldap_ssl;

    LDAP_CONN *conn;

#define ADDSTR(vp, s) vstring_memcat((vp), (s), strlen((s))+1)
#define ADDINT(vp, i) vstring_sprintf_append((vp), "%lu", (unsigned long)(i))

    ADDSTR(keybuf, dict_ldap->server_host);
    ADDINT(keybuf, dict_ldap->server_port);
    ADDINT(keybuf, dict_ldap->bind);
    ADDSTR(keybuf, dict_ldap->bind ? dict_ldap->bind_dn : "");
    ADDSTR(keybuf, dict_ldap->bind ? dict_ldap->bind_pw : "");
    ADDINT(keybuf, dict_ldap->dereference);
    ADDINT(keybuf, dict_ldap->chase_referrals);
    ADDINT(keybuf, dict_ldap->debuglevel);
    ADDINT(keybuf, dict_ldap->version);
    ADDINT(keybuf, dict_ldap->ldap_ssl);
    ADDINT(keybuf, dict_ldap->start_tls);
    ADDINT(keybuf, sslon ? dict_ldap->tls_require_cert : 0);
    ADDSTR(keybuf, sslon ? dict_ldap->tls_ca_cert_file : "");
    ADDSTR(keybuf, sslon ? dict_ldap->tls_ca_cert_dir : "");
    ADDSTR(keybuf, sslon ? dict_ldap->tls_cert : "");
    ADDSTR(keybuf, sslon ? dict_ldap->tls_key : "");
    ADDSTR(keybuf, sslon ? dict_ldap->tls_random_file : "");
    ADDSTR(keybuf, sslon ? dict_ldap->tls_cipher_suite : "");

    key = vstring_str(keybuf);
    len = VSTRING_LEN(keybuf);

    if (conn_hash == 0)
	conn_hash = binhash_create(0);

    if ((dict_ldap->ht = binhash_locate(conn_hash, key, len)) == 0) {
	conn = (LDAP_CONN *) mymalloc(sizeof(LDAP_CONN));
	conn->conn_ld = 0;
	conn->conn_refcount = 0;
	dict_ldap->ht = binhash_enter(conn_hash, key, len, (char *) conn);

Esempio n. 3
void    master_spawn(MASTER_SERV *serv)
    const char *myname = "master_spawn";
    MASTER_PROC *proc;
    MASTER_PID pid;
    int     n;
    static unsigned master_generation = 0;
    static VSTRING *env_gen = 0;

    if (master_child_table == 0)
	master_child_table = binhash_create(0);
    if (env_gen == 0)
	env_gen = vstring_alloc(100);

     * Sanity checks. The master_avail module is supposed to know what it is
     * doing.
    if (!MASTER_LIMIT_OK(serv->max_proc, serv->total_proc))
	msg_panic("%s: at process limit %d", myname, serv->total_proc);
    if (serv->avail_proc > 0)
	msg_panic("%s: processes available: %d", myname, serv->avail_proc);
    if (serv->flags & MASTER_FLAG_THROTTLE)
	msg_panic("%s: throttled service: %s", myname, serv->path);

     * Create a child process and connect parent and child via the status
     * pipe.
    master_generation += 1;
    switch (pid = fork()) {

	 * Error. We're out of some essential resource. Best recourse is to
	 * try again later.
    case -1:
	msg_warn("%s: fork: %m -- throttling", myname);

	 * Child process. Redirect child stdin/stdout to the parent-child
	 * connection and run the requested command. Leave child stderr
	 * alone. Disable exit handlers: they should be executed by the
	 * parent only.
	 * When we reach the process limit on a public internet service, we
	 * create stress-mode processes until the process count stays below
	 * the limit for some amount of time. See master_avail_listen().
    case 0:
	msg_cleanup((void (*) (void)) 0);	/* disable exit handler */
	closelog();				/* avoid filedes leak */

	if (master_flow_pipe[0] <= MASTER_FLOW_READ)
	    msg_fatal("%s: flow pipe read descriptor <= %d",
		      myname, MASTER_FLOW_READ);
	if (DUP2(master_flow_pipe[0], MASTER_FLOW_READ) < 0)
	    msg_fatal("%s: dup2: %m", myname);
	if (close(master_flow_pipe[0]) < 0)
	    msg_fatal("close %d: %m", master_flow_pipe[0]);

	if (master_flow_pipe[1] <= MASTER_FLOW_WRITE)
	    msg_fatal("%s: flow pipe read descriptor <= %d",
		      myname, MASTER_FLOW_WRITE);
	if (DUP2(master_flow_pipe[1], MASTER_FLOW_WRITE) < 0)
	    msg_fatal("%s: dup2: %m", myname);
	if (close(master_flow_pipe[1]) < 0)
	    msg_fatal("close %d: %m", master_flow_pipe[1]);

	close(serv->status_fd[0]);		/* status channel */
	if (serv->status_fd[1] <= MASTER_STATUS_FD)
	    msg_fatal("%s: status file descriptor collision", myname);
	if (DUP2(serv->status_fd[1], MASTER_STATUS_FD) < 0)
	    msg_fatal("%s: dup2 status_fd: %m", myname);
	(void) close(serv->status_fd[1]);

	for (n = 0; n < serv->listen_fd_count; n++) {
	    if (serv->listen_fd[n] <= MASTER_LISTEN_FD + n)
		msg_fatal("%s: listen file descriptor collision", myname);
	    if (DUP2(serv->listen_fd[n], MASTER_LISTEN_FD + n) < 0)
		msg_fatal("%s: dup2 listen_fd %d: %m",
			  myname, serv->listen_fd[n]);
	    (void) close(serv->listen_fd[n]);
	vstring_sprintf(env_gen, "%s=%o", MASTER_GEN_NAME, master_generation);
	if (putenv(vstring_str(env_gen)) < 0)
	    msg_fatal("%s: putenv: %m", myname);
	if (serv->stress_param_val && serv->stress_expire_time > event_time())
	    serv->stress_param_val[0] = CONFIG_BOOL_YES[0];

	execvp(serv->path, serv->args->argv);
	msg_fatal("%s: exec %s: %m", myname, serv->path);

	 * Parent. Fill in a process member data structure and set up links
	 * between child and process. Say this process has become available.
	 * If this service has a wakeup timer that is turned on only when the
	 * service is actually used, turn on the wakeup timer.
	if (msg_verbose)
	    msg_info("spawn command %s; pid %d", serv->path, pid);
	proc = (MASTER_PROC *) mymalloc(sizeof(MASTER_PROC));
	proc->serv = serv;
	proc->pid = pid;
	proc->gen = master_generation;
	proc->use_count = 0;
	proc->avail = 0;
	binhash_enter(master_child_table, (void *) &pid,
		      sizeof(pid), (void *) proc);
	master_avail_more(serv, proc);
	if (serv->flags & MASTER_FLAG_CONDWAKE) {
	    serv->flags &= ~MASTER_FLAG_CONDWAKE;
	    if (msg_verbose)
		msg_info("start conditional timer for %s", serv->name);