Esempio n. 1
int64_t binom(int64_t n, int64_t k) {
    if(k == 0 || k == n) return 1;
    if(DP[n][k] != -1) return DP[n][k];
    DP[n][k] = binom(n - 1, k - 1) + binom(n - 1, k);
    DP[n][k] %= M;
    return DP[n][k];
Esempio n. 2
//This function generates the Zernike Polynomials. Please see: Efficient Cartesian representation of Zernike polynomials in computer memory
//SPIE Vol. 3190 pp. 382 to get more details about the implementation
void PolyZernikes::create(const Matrix1D<int> & coef)
    Matrix2D<int> * fMatT;

    int nMax=(int)VEC_XSIZE(coef);
    for (int nZ = 0; nZ < nMax; ++nZ)
        if (VEC_ELEM(coef,nZ) == 0)
            fMatT = new Matrix2D<int>(1,1);
            //*fMatT = 0;
            // Note that the paper starts in n=1 and we start in n=0
            int n = (size_t)ZERNIKE_ORDER(nZ);
            int l = 2*nZ-n*(n+2);
            int m = (n-l)/2;

            Matrix2D<int> testM(n+1,n+1);
            fMatT = new Matrix2D<int>(n+1,n+1);

            int p = (l>0);
            int q = ((n % 2 != 0) ? (abs(l)-1)/2 : (( l > 0 ) ? abs(l)/2-1 : abs(l)/2 ) );
            l = abs(l); //We want the positive value of l
            m = (n-l)/2;

            for (int i = 0; i <= q; ++i)
                int K1=binom(l,2*i+p);
                for (int j = 0; j <= m; ++j)
                    int factor = ( (i+j)%2 ==0 ) ? 1 : -1 ;
                    int K2=factor * K1 * fact(n-j)/(fact(j)*fact(m-j)*fact(n-m-j));
                    for (int k = 0; k <= (m-j); ++k)
                        int ypow = 2 * (i+k) + p;
                        int xpow = n - 2 * (i+j+k) - p;
                        dMij(*fMatT,xpow,ypow) +=K2 * binom(m-j,k);

Esempio n. 3
double log_fact_table::cum_binomial_left(int x, int N, double prob) {
    // this is less strictly p(x < kin_node)   *** NOT EQUAL ***
    if (x <= 0)
        return 0;
    if (x > N)
        return 1;
    if (prob < 1e-11)
        return 1;
    if (x > N * prob)
        return 1 - cum_binomial_right(x, N, prob);
    double pzero = binom(x, N, prob);
    if (pzero <= 1e-40)
        return 0;
    double z_zero = 1.;
    double sum = z_zero;
    while (true) {
        z_zero *= (1 - prob) * double(x + 1) / ((N - x) * prob);
        //cout<<"zzero sum "<<z_zero<<" "<<sum<<" "<<(ga + x)<<endl;
        if (z_zero < log_table_pr * sum)
        sum += z_zero;
    return pzero * sum;
Esempio n. 4
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent): QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow)

    /*kozepre teszi a nyito kepernyot*/
    QRect available_geom = QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry();
    QRect current_geom =  frameGeometry();

    setGeometry(available_geom.width() / 2 - current_geom.width() / 2,
        available_geom.height() / 2 - current_geom.height() / 2,

    connect(ui->actionExit, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close()));    
    connect(ui->actionSave, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(MenTXT()));
    connect(ui->actionAbout, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showAbout()));
    connect(ui->actionBinom, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(binom()) );
    connect(ui->actionHelp, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showHelp()));
    connect(ui->actionPrint, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(printIt()));


    verzio = "2010-03-03";


Esempio n. 5
double log_fact_table::cum_binomial_right(int x, int N, double prob) {
    // this is bigger  or equal p(x >= kin_node)   *** EQUAL ***
    //cout<<"x "<<x<<" N "<<N <<"  prob "<<prob<<endl;
    if (x <= 0)
        return 1;
    if (x > N)
        return 0;
    if (prob - 1 > -1e-11)
        return 1;
    if (x < N * prob)
        return 1 - cum_binomial_left(x, N, prob);
    double pzero = binom(x, N, prob);
    if (pzero <= 1e-40)
        return 0;
    double z_zero = 1.;
    double sum = z_zero;
    while (true) {
        z_zero *= prob * double(N - x) / ((x + 1) * (1 - prob));
        //cout<<"zzero sum "<<z_zero<<" "<<sum<<" "<<endl;
        if (z_zero < log_table_pr * sum)
        sum += z_zero;
    return pzero * sum;
Esempio n. 6
static void cache_3dfac(double *facs, int l, double *r)
        int l1 = l + 1;
        double *facx = facs;
        double *facy = facs + l1*l1;
        double *facz = facy + l1*l1;
        double xx[16];
        double yy[16];
        double zz[16];
        double bfac;
        int i, j, off;
        xx[0] = 1;
        yy[0] = 1;
        zz[0] = 1;
        for (i = 1; i <= l; i++) {
                xx[i] = xx[i-1] * r[0];
                yy[i] = yy[i-1] * r[1];
                zz[i] = zz[i-1] * r[2];
        for (i = 0; i <= l; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
                        bfac = binom(i,j);
                        off = i*l1+j;
                        facx[off] = bfac * xx[i-j];
                        facy[off] = bfac * yy[i-j];
                        facz[off] = bfac * zz[i-j];
Esempio n. 7
int main (){
   int n,k;
   while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &k) == 2)
     printf ("%d choose %d = %llu\n", n, k, binom(n,k));
   return 0;
Esempio n. 8
long long binommod(long long a,long long b,long long p){
  long long x=a,y=b;
  long long ret=1;
  return ret;
Esempio n. 9
/** basis polynomial for regularized kernel */
double BasisPoly(int m, int r, double xx)
  int k;
  double sum=0.0;

  for (k=0; k<=m-r; k++) {
  return sum*pow((xx+1.0),(double)r)*pow(1.0-xx,(double)(m+1))/(1<<(m+1))/fak(r); /* 1<<(m+1) = 2^(m+1) */
Esempio n. 10
  void BinomialFactor::mkFactor(matrix_t &m) const{
    boost::math::binomial binom(N_, prob_);
    //Return vector with probabilities over x
    for(int j = 0; j < m.size2(); ++j){
      if( j+minv_ > N_)
	m(0,j) = 0;
	m(0,j) = pdf( binom, j+minv_);
Esempio n. 11
/** Generalized Lagrange basis polynomials (including derivatives up to degree p)
 *    B_j(y) := r^j BasisPoly(p,j,y) 
 *  satisfies the 2p+2 Hermite interpolation conditions
 *    B_j^k(-1) = delta(k,j), for k=0,...,p,
 *    B_j^k(1)  = 0,          for k=0,...,p.
 *  I.e., each B_j(y) is equal to 1 in the j-th derivative at y=-1 and zero in all other interpolation points.
 *  Analogously, we get the derivates at y=1 via
 *    C_j(y) := (-r)^j BasisPoly(p,j,-y) 
 *  that satisfies the 2p+2 Hermite interpolation conditions
 *    C_j^k(-1) = 0,          for k=0,...,p,
 *    C_j^k(1)  = delta(k,j), for k=0,...,p.
 *  */
static fcs_float BasisPoly(fcs_int p, fcs_int j, fcs_float y)
  fcs_int k;
  fcs_float sum=0.0;

  for (k=0; k<=p-j; k++) {
  return sum*fcs_pow((y+1.0),(fcs_float)j)*fcs_pow(1.0-y,(fcs_float)(p+1))/(1<<(p+1))/fak(j); /* 1<<(p+1) = 2^(p+1) */
Esempio n. 12
/** Integrated generalized Lagrange basis polynomials
 *    B_j(y) := r^(j+1) (IntBasisPoly(p,j,y) - IntBasisPoly(p,j,-1))
 *  satisfies the 2p+1 Hermite interpolation conditions
 *    B_j^k(-1) = delta(k,j), for k=0,...,p,
 *    B_j^k(1)  = 0,          for k=1,...,p. (the function value at y=-1 is not interpolated)
 *  Analogously, we get the derivates at y=1 via
 *    C_j(y) := (-r)^(j+1) (IntBasisPoly(p,j,-y) - IntBasisPoly(p,j,1))
 *  that satisfies the 2p+1 Hermite interpolation conditions
 *    C_j^k(-1) = 0,          for k=0,...,p,
 *    C_j^k(1)  = delta(k,j), for k=1,...,p.
 *  */
static fcs_float IntBasisPoly(fcs_int p, fcs_int j, fcs_float y)
  fcs_int k,l;
  fcs_float sum1=0.0, sum2=0.0;
  for (l=0; l<=p; l++) {
    sum1 = 0.0;
    for (k=0; k<=p-j-1; k++) {
      sum1 += binom(p+k-1,k)*fak(j+k)/fak(j+k+1+l)*fcs_pow((1.0+y)/2.0,(fcs_float)k);
    sum2 += fcs_pow(1.0+y,(fcs_float)l)*fcs_pow(1.0-y,(fcs_float)(p-l))/fak(p-l)*sum1;
  return sum2 * fak(p)/fak(j)/(1<<p)*fcs_pow(1.0+y,(fcs_float)(j+1)); /* 1<<p = 2^p */
Esempio n. 13
* Function:  Cube::coord_slice_sorted
* Purpose:   Given a particular slice of edges, extract the associated sorted
*            slice coordinate from the current cube position.
* Params:    None.
* Returns:   The value of the sorted slice coordinate. This coordinate is a
*            number in the range 0..11879 which describes the positions (order
*            matters) of the 4 edges belonging in the slice.
* Operation: Calculates the lexicographic position x of the set of 4 positions
*            occupied by the four slice edges, and also the lexicographic
*            position y of the permutation of these 4 edges among themselves,
*            and calculates the coordinate as 24x + y.
int Cube::coord_slice_sorted(std::vector<int> edges)
    // Local variables n, k.
    int n = edge_permutation.size();
    int k = edges.size();

    // The order in which the edges making up this slice appear in the current
    // cube position.
    std::vector<int> order = {};

    // Calculate the lexicographic rank of the four positions occupied by
    // the slice edges.
    int pos_rank = 0;

    while (n-- > 0)
        int curr_edge = edge_permutation[n];
        if (std::find(edges.begin(), edges.end(), curr_edge) != edges.end())
            // We've found one of the slice edges, so update the rank and note
            // the order in which we found this edge.
            pos_rank += binom(n, k--);

    // Now calculate the lexicographic rank of the permutation of the four
    // edges among themselves
    int perm_rank = 0; int factorial = 1;
    for (int ii = order.size() - 1; ii >= 0; --ii)
        int high_count = 0;
        for (int jj = ii + 1; jj < order.size(); ++jj)
            if (order[jj] > order[ii])
        perm_rank += high_count * factorial;
        factorial *= (order.size() - ii);

    // Return the combination of these two data which makes the coordinate
    return 24 * pos_rank + perm_rank;
 * Computes binomial coefficient @a n over @a k.
 * The implementation takes care that numbers don't become
 * unnecessarily large during the computation to avoid
 * overflow.
 * @param n "over" parameter
 * @param k "under" parameter
 * @return @a n over @a k
static unsigned binom(unsigned n, unsigned k)
	unsigned result;
	unsigned i;

	if (0 == k) {
		return 1;

	if (2*k > n) {
		result = binom(n, n - k);
	} else {
		result = n;
		for (i = 2; i <= k; i++) {
			result *= (n + 1 - i);
			result /= i;

	return result;
void testPascal(double tol)
  for (int size=1; size<20; size++)
    Matrix<T,Dynamic,Dynamic> A(size,size), B(size,size), C(size,size);
    for (int i=0; i<size-1; i++)
      A(i+1,i) = static_cast<T>(i+1);
    for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
      for (int j=0; j<=i; j++)
    B(i,j) = static_cast<T>(binom(i,j));

    C = A.matrixFunction(expfn);
    std::cout << "testPascal: size = " << size << "   error funm = " << relerr(C, B);
    VERIFY(C.isApprox(B, static_cast<T>(tol)));

    C = A.exp();
    std::cout << "   error expm = " << relerr(C, B) << "\n";
    VERIFY(C.isApprox(B, static_cast<T>(tol)));
int main()
   // Start with something we know will overflow:
   my_distributions::normal norm(10, 2);
   errno = 0;
   std::cout << "Result of quantile(norm, 0) is: " 
      << quantile(norm, 0) << std::endl;
   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
   errno = 0;
   std::cout << "Result of quantile(norm, 1) is: " 
      << quantile(norm, 1) << std::endl;
   std::cout << "errno = " << errno << std::endl;
   // Now try a discrete distribution:
   my_distributions::binomial binom(20, 0.25);
   std::cout << "Result of quantile(binom, 0.05) is: " 
      << quantile(binom, 0.05) << std::endl;
   std::cout << "Result of quantile(complement(binom, 0.05)) is: " 
      << quantile(complement(binom, 0.05)) << std::endl;
Esempio n. 17
int binom(int n, int k) {
    return (n < k) ? 0 :
        (n == k) ? 1 : (binom(n-1, k) * n / (n-k));
 * Return multiset coefficient.
 * @param n "over" parameter
 * @param k "under" parameter
 * @return @a n over @a k
static unsigned multiset_coeff(unsigned n, unsigned k)
	return binom(n + k - 1, k);
Esempio n. 19
int main()
    int n=6;
    double a=1.0;
    transform_args args( a,n,0 );
        double xi_f = 10.0;
        int N = 500;
        double h = xi_f/N;
        double *rp = ml_alloc<double> (2*N+1);
        double *ip = ml_alloc<double> (2*N+1);
        double *xi = ml_alloc<double> (2*N+1);
        for ( int j=-N; j<=N; j++ )
            args.xi = h*j;
            xi[j+N] = args.xi;
            rp[j+N] = integrate_R ( real_part, (void *)(&args) );
            ip[j+N] = integrate_R ( imag_part, (void *)(&args) );
        output( xi, rp, ip, 2*N+1, "/workspace/output/temp/FTF" );
        double xf = 10.0;
        int N = 500;
        double h = xf/N;
        double *F = ml_alloc<double> (2*N+1);
        double *X = ml_alloc<double> (2*N+1);
        for ( int j=-N; j<=N; j++ )
            double x = h*j;
            X[j+N] = x;
            F[j+N] = exp(-a*x*x)*pow(x,n);
        output( X, F, 2*N+1, "/workspace/output/temp/F" );
        double xi_f = 10.0;
        int N = 500;
        double h = xi_f/N;
        double *FTR = ml_alloc<double> (2*N+1);
        double *FTI = ml_alloc<double> (2*N+1);
        double *Xi = ml_alloc<double> (2*N+1);
        ml_poly<double > P0(n); P0 = 0.0;
        ml_poly<double > P1(n); P1 = 0.0;
        ml_poly<double > P2(n); P2 = 0.0;
        ml_poly<double > P3(n); P3 = 0.0;
        for ( int k=0; k<=n; k++ )
            if (k%4 == 0) P0[k] = binom(n,k)*dfact2n_n[n-k]*sqrtpi*pow(a,-n)*pow(2.0,k-2*n);
            if (k%4 == 1) P1[k] = binom(n,k)*dfact2n_n[n-k]*sqrtpi*pow(a,-n)*pow(2.0,k-2*n);
            if (k%4 == 2) P2[k] = binom(n,k)*dfact2n_n[n-k]*sqrtpi*pow(a,-n)*pow(2.0,k-2*n);
            if (k%4 == 3) P3[k] = binom(n,k)*dfact2n_n[n-k]*sqrtpi*pow(a,-n)*pow(2.0,k-2*n);
        ml_poly<double > PR(n); P0 = 0.0;
        ml_poly<double > PI(n); P1 = 0.0;
        PR = P0; PR -= P2;
        PI = P1; PI-= P3;
        for ( int j=-N; j<=N; j++ )
            double xi = h*j;
            Xi[j+N] = xi;
            FTR[j+N] = exp(-xi*xi/(a*4))*PR(xi);
            FTI[j+N] = exp(-xi*xi/(a*4))*PI(xi);
        output( Xi, FTR, FTI, 2*N+1, "/workspace/output/temp/test" );
Esempio n. 20
/* used as pileup callback function which is not ideal since this can
 * only work on one position (has to be ensured by caller).
 * No cov means I won't be called through mpileup and no output will
 * be generated. Non-sig pv means I'm not sure and no ouput will be
 * generated. Only if pv is sig we will print the var
 * needs to return void to be used as function pointer to mpileup
uniq_snv(const plp_col_t *p, void *confp)
     uniq_conf_t *conf = (uniq_conf_t *)confp;
     char *af_char = NULL;
     float af;
     int is_uniq = 0;
     int is_indel;
     int coverage;

     is_indel =  vcf_var_is_indel(conf->var);

     if (is_indel) {
          LOG_WARN("uniq logic can't be applied to indels."
                   " Skipping indel var at %s %d\n",
                   conf->var->chrom, conf->var->pos+1);

     if (0 != strcmp(p->target, conf->var->chrom) || p->pos != conf->var->pos) {
          LOG_ERROR("wrong pileup for var. pileup for %s %d. var for %s %d\n",
                    p->target, p->pos+1, conf->var->chrom, conf->var->pos+1);

     coverage = p->coverage_plp;
     if (is_indel) {
          coverage -= p->num_tails;
     if (1 > coverage) {

     if (conf->uni_freq <= 0.0) {
          if (! vcf_var_has_info_key(&af_char, conf->var, "AF")) {
               LOG_FATAL("%s\n", "Couldn't parse AF (key not found) from variant");
               /* hard to catch error later */
          af = strtof(af_char, (char **)NULL); /* atof */
          if (af < 0.0 || af > 1.0) {
               float new_af;
               new_af = af<0.0 ? 0.01 : 1.0;
               /* hard to catch error later */
               LOG_FATAL("Invalid (value out of bound) AF %f in variant. Resetting to %f\n", af, new_af);
               af = new_af;

     } else {
          assert(conf->uni_freq <= 1.0);
          af = conf->uni_freq;

     if (conf->use_det_lim) {
          /* given the current base counts and their error probs,
           * would we've been able to detect at given frequency.
          long double pvalues[NUM_NONCONS_BASES];
          double *err_probs; /* error probs (qualities) passed down to snpcaller */
          int num_err_probs;

          int alt_bases[NUM_NONCONS_BASES];/* actual alt bases */
          int alt_counts[NUM_NONCONS_BASES]; /* counts for alt bases handed down to snpcaller */
          int alt_raw_counts[NUM_NONCONS_BASES]; /* raw, unfiltered alt-counts */
          varcall_conf_t varcall_conf;

          int bonf = 1;
          float alpha = 0.01;

          if (debug) {
               dump_varcall_conf(&varcall_conf, stderr);

          plp_to_errprobs(&err_probs, &num_err_probs,
                          alt_bases, alt_counts, alt_raw_counts,
                          p, &varcall_conf);
          LOG_DEBUG("at %s:%d with cov %d and num_err_probs %d\n", 
              p->target, p->pos, coverage, num_err_probs);

          /* Now pretend we see AF(SNV-to-test)*coverage variant
           * bases. Truncate to int, i.e err on the side of caution
           * during rounding (assume fewer alt bases) */
          alt_counts[0] = af * num_err_probs; /* don't use coverage as that is before filtering */
          alt_counts[1] = alt_counts[2] = 0;

          if (snpcaller(pvalues, err_probs, num_err_probs,
                        alt_counts, bonf, alpha)) {
               fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: snpcaller() failed at %s:%s():%d\n",
                       __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

          /* only need to test first pv */
          if (pvalues[0] * (float)bonf < alpha) {
              /* significant value means given the counts and
               * qualities we would have been able to detect this
               * uncalled SNV had it been present at the given
               * frequency. But since we didn't this is a uniq
               * variant.
               * No point in adding this as phred qual because it
               * means the opposite of UQ

               vcf_var_add_to_info(conf->var, uniq_flag);

          LOG_VERBOSE("%s %d num_quals=%d assumed-var-counts=%d would-have-been-detectable=%d\n",
               conf->var->chrom, conf->var->pos+1, num_err_probs, alt_counts[0], is_uniq);
     } else {
          int alt_count;
          double pvalue;
          char info_str[128];

          if (is_indel) {
               int ref_len = strlen(conf->var->ref);
               int alt_len = strlen(conf->var->alt);
               if (ref_len > alt_len) { /* deletion */
                    char *del_key = malloc((strlen(conf->var->ref)+1)*sizeof(char));
                    strcpy(del_key, conf->var->ref+1);
                    del_event *it_del = find_del_sequence(&p->del_event_counts, del_key);
                    if (it_del) {
                         alt_count = it_del->count;
                    } else {
                         alt_count = 0;
                    /* LOG_DEBUG("%s>%s k:%s c:%d\n", conf->var->ref, conf->var->alt, del_key, alt_count); */
               } else { /* insertion */
                    char *ins_key = malloc((strlen(conf->var->alt)+1)*sizeof(char));
                    strcpy(ins_key, conf->var->alt+1);
                    ins_event *it_ins = find_ins_sequence(&p->ins_event_counts, ins_key);
                    if (it_ins) {
                         alt_count = it_ins->count;
                    } else {
                         alt_count = 0;
                    /* LOG_DEBUG("%s>%s k:%s c:%d\n", conf->var->ref, conf->var->alt, ins_key, alt_count);*/

          } else {
               alt_count = base_count(p, conf->var->alt[0]);

#ifdef DEBUG
          LOG_DEBUG("Now testing af=%f cov=%d alt_count=%d at %s %d for var:",
                    af, coverage, alt_count, p->target, p->pos+1);
          /* this is a one sided test */
          if (0 != binom(&pvalue, NULL, coverage, alt_count, af)) {
               LOG_ERROR("%s\n", "binom() failed");

          snprintf(info_str, 128, "%s=%d", uniq_phred_tag, PROB_TO_PHREDQUAL_SAFE(pvalue));
          vcf_var_add_to_info(conf->var, info_str);

          LOG_DEBUG("%s %d %s>%s AF=%f | %s (p-value=%g) | BAM alt_count=%d cov=%d (freq=%f)\n",
                      conf->var->chrom, conf->var->pos+1, conf->var->ref, conf->var->alt, af,
                      is_uniq ? "unique" : "not necessarily unique", pvalue,
                      alt_count, coverage, alt_count/(float)coverage);
/* Неефективен рекурсивен вариант */
unsigned long binom(unsigned n, unsigned k) 
{ if (k > n) return 0;
    else if (0 == k || k == n) return 1;
    else return binom(n-1, k-1) + binom(n-1, k);
int main(void) {
  printf("%lu\n", binom(7,3));
  return 0;
Esempio n. 23
int main(void)

    char choice='x';
    int a,b, exit=0;
    float fa,fb;

    do {
        printf("> ");
        scanf("%1s", &choice);
        switch(choice) {
            case '+':
                scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
                printf("# %d\n",add(a,b));

            case '-':
                scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
                printf("# %d\n",sub(a,b));

            case '/':
                scanf("%f %f", &fa, &fb);
                printf("# %.2f\n",div(fa, fb));

            case 'd':
                scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
                printf("# %d\n",iDiv(a,b));

            case 'm':
                scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
                printf("# %d\n",mod(a,b));

            case '*':
                scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
                printf("# %d\n",mul(a,b));

            case '^':
                scanf("%d %d", &a,&b);
                printf("# %lld\n",nthPower(a, b));

            case '!':
                scanf("%d", &a);
                printf("# %lld\n",fact(a));

            case 's':
                scanf("%d", &a);
                printf("# %d\n",sum(a));

            case 'a':
                scanf("%d", &a);
                printf("# %.2f\n",avg(a));

            case 'c':
                scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
                printf("# %lld\n",binom(a,b));

            case 'p':
                scanf("%d", &a);
                if(prime(a)) printf("# y\n");
                    else printf("# n\n");

            case 'q':
                exit = 1;

            default:printf("Unknown arguement: %c\n", choice);
    } while(!exit);

    return 0;

Esempio n. 24
  * Return true with probability 1/&pi;.
  * @tparam Random the type of the random generator.
  * @param[in,out] r a random generator.
  * @return true with probability 1/&pi;.
 template<class Random> bool operator()(Random& r) {
   // Return true with prob 1/pi.
   int n = geom4(r) + geom4(r) + (prob59(r) ? 1 : 0);
   for (int j = 3; j--; ) if (!binom(r, n)) return false;
   return true;