Esempio n. 1
// detect blobs
void Threshold::detect_blobs() {

	// set up and create the detector using the parameters
	CustomBlobDetector blob_detector(blobParams);
	blob_detector.detect(img, keyPoints);

	// display results
	//std::cout << (double)keyPoints.size() << " points detected" << std::endl;

TEST_F(BloBDetectorTest, AdvancedBlobDetector){
    vector<Blob> blobs = blob_detector(advanced_blob_image);

    ASSERT_EQ(3, blobs.size());
TEST_F(BloBDetectorTest, SimpleBlobDetector){
    vector<Blob> blobs = blob_detector(simple_blob_image);

    ASSERT_EQ(21, blobs.size());
void HeatDetection::imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& img, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr& info){
//    ROS_INFO("count: %i", ++image_count_);
    if (!mappingDefined_){
        ROS_WARN("Error: Mapping undefined -> cannot perform detection");

     //Read image with cvbridge
     cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cv_ptr;
     cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvShare(img, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8);
     cv::Mat img_filtered(cv_ptr->image);

     if ((img_thres_.rows != static_cast<int>(img->height)) || (img_thres_.cols != static_cast<int>(img->width))){
       img_thres_min_ = cv::Mat (img->height, img->width,CV_8UC1,1);
       img_thres_max_ = cv::Mat (img->height, img->width,CV_8UC1,1);
       img_thres_ = cv::Mat (img->height, img->width,CV_8UC1,1);

   //Perform thresholding

   //Define image thresholds for victim detection
   int minThreshold = (int)std::max(std::min(((minTempVictim_ - mapping_.minTemp) *(256.0/( mapping_.maxTemp -  mapping_.minTemp))),255.0),0.0);
   int maxThreshold = (int)std::max(std::min(((maxTempVictim_ - mapping_.minTemp) *(256.0/( mapping_.maxTemp -  mapping_.minTemp))),255.0),0.0);


   //Element-wise multiplication to obtain an image with respect to both thresholds
   IplImage img_thres_min_ipl = img_thres_min_;
   IplImage img_thres_max_ipl = img_thres_max_;
   IplImage img_thres_ipl = img_thres_;

   cvMul(&img_thres_min_ipl, &img_thres_max_ipl, &img_thres_ipl, 255);

   //Perform blob detection
   cv::SimpleBlobDetector::Params params;
   params.filterByColor = true;
   params.blobColor = 255;
   params.minDistBetweenBlobs = minDistBetweenBlobs_;
   params.filterByArea = true;
   params.minArea = minAreaVictim_;
   params.maxArea = img_filtered.rows * img_filtered.cols;
   params.filterByCircularity = false;
   params.filterByColor = false;
   params.filterByConvexity = false;
   params.filterByInertia = false;

   cv::SimpleBlobDetector blob_detector(params);
   std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypoints;


   //Publish results
   hector_worldmodel_msgs::ImagePercept ip;

   ip.header= img->header; = perceptClassId_; = 1;
   ip.camera_info =  *info;

   for(unsigned int i=0; i<keypoints.size();i++)
       ip.x =;
       ip.y =;
       ROS_DEBUG("Heat blob found at image coord: (%f, %f)", ip.x, ip.y);

   if(pub_detection_.getNumSubscribers() > 0){

   //Create image with detection frames
       int width = 3;
       int height = 3;

       IplImage ipl_img = img_filtered;

      //Display Keypoints
       for(unsigned int i = 0; i < keypoints.size(); i++){
           if ( > 1){

               //Write rectangle into image
               width = (int)( );
               height = (int)( );
               for(int j = -width; j <= width;j++){
                    if (( + j) >= 0  &&  ( + j) < ipl_img.width){
                       //Draw upper line
                       if (( - height) >= 0){
                            cvSet2D(&ipl_img,(int)( - height), (int)( + j),cv::Scalar(0));
                       //Draw lower line
                       if (( + height) < ipl_img.height){
                            cvSet2D(&ipl_img,(int)( + height), (int)( + j),cv::Scalar(0));

               for(int k = -height; k <= height;k++){
                   if (( + k) >= 0  &&  ( + k) < ipl_img.height){
                       //Draw left line
                       if (( - width) >= 0){
                            cvSet2D(&ipl_img,(int)( +k), (int)( - width),cv::Scalar(0));
                        //Draw right line
                       if (( + width) < ipl_img.width){
                            cvSet2D(&ipl_img,(int)( +k), (int)( + width),cv::Scalar(0));

       //cv::imshow("Converted Image",img_filtered);

       cv_bridge::CvImage cvImg;
       cvImg.image = img_filtered;

       cvImg.header = img->header;
       cvImg.encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8;