static block_t *PacketizeParse(void *p_private, bool *pb_ts_used, block_t *p_block) { decoder_t *p_dec = p_private; decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t * p_nal = NULL; while (p_block->i_buffer > 5 && p_block->p_buffer[p_block->i_buffer-1] == 0x00 ) p_block->i_buffer--; bs_t bs; bs_init(&bs, p_block->p_buffer+3, p_block->i_buffer-3); /* Get NALU type */ uint32_t forbidden_zero_bit = bs_read1(&bs); if (forbidden_zero_bit) { msg_Err(p_dec,"Forbidden zero bit not null, corrupted NAL"); p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->b_vcl = false; return NULL; } uint32_t nalu_type = bs_read(&bs,6); bs_skip(&bs, 9); if (nalu_type < VPS) { /* NAL is a VCL NAL */ p_sys->b_vcl = true; uint32_t first_slice_in_pic = bs_read1(&bs); if (first_slice_in_pic && p_sys->p_frame) { p_nal = block_ChainGather(p_sys->p_frame); p_sys->p_frame = NULL; } block_ChainAppend(&p_sys->p_frame, p_block); } else { if (p_sys->b_vcl) { p_nal = block_ChainGather(p_sys->p_frame); p_nal->p_next = p_block; p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->b_vcl =false; } else p_nal = p_block; } *pb_ts_used = false; return p_nal; }
block_t *scan_GetM3U( scan_t *p_scan ) { vlc_object_t *p_obj = p_scan->p_obj; block_t *p_playlist = NULL; if( p_scan->i_service <= 0 ) return NULL; /* */ qsort( p_scan->pp_service, p_scan->i_service, sizeof(scan_service_t*), ScanServiceCmp ); /* */ p_playlist = BlockString( "#EXTM3U\n\n" );/* */ for( int i = 0; i < p_scan->i_service; i++ ) { scan_service_t *s = p_scan->pp_service[i]; if( s->type == SERVICE_UNKNOWN ) { /* We should only select service that have been described by SDT */ msg_Dbg( p_obj, "scan_GetM3U: ignoring service number %d", s->i_program ); continue; } const char *psz_type; switch( s->type ) { case SERVICE_DIGITAL_TELEVISION: psz_type = "Digital television"; break; case SERVICE_DIGITAL_TELEVISION_AC_SD: psz_type = "Digital television advanced codec SD"; break; case SERVICE_DIGITAL_TELEVISION_AC_HD: psz_type = "Digital television advanced codec HD"; break; case SERVICE_DIGITAL_RADIO: psz_type = "Digital radio"; break; default: psz_type = "Unknown"; break; } msg_Warn( p_obj, "scan_GetM3U: service number %d type '%s' name '%s' channel %d cypted=%d| network_id %d (nit:%d sdt:%d)| f=%d bw=%d snr=%d", s->i_program, psz_type, s->psz_name, s->i_channel, s->b_crypted, s->i_network_id, s->i_nit_version, s->i_sdt_version, s->cfg.i_frequency, s->cfg.i_bandwidth, s->i_snr ); char *psz; if( asprintf( &psz, "#EXTINF:,,%s\n" "#EXTVLCOPT:program=%d\n" "dvb://frequency=%d:bandwidth=%d\n" "\n", s->psz_name && * s->psz_name ? s->psz_name : "Unknown", s->i_program, s->cfg.i_frequency, s->cfg.i_bandwidth ) < 0 ) psz = NULL; if( psz ) { block_t *p_block = BlockString( psz ); if( p_block ) block_ChainAppend( &p_playlist, p_block ); } } return p_playlist ? block_ChainGather( p_playlist ) : NULL; }
/***************************************************************************** * ParseNALBlock: parses annexB type NALs * All p_frag blocks are required to start with 0 0 0 1 4-byte startcode *****************************************************************************/ static block_t *ParseNALBlock(decoder_t *p_dec, bool *pb_ts_used, block_t *p_frag) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t * p_ret = NULL; if(unlikely(p_frag->i_buffer < 5)) { msg_Warn(p_dec,"NAL too small"); block_Release(p_frag); return NULL; } if(p_frag->p_buffer[4] & 0x80) { msg_Warn(p_dec,"Forbidden zero bit not null, corrupted NAL"); block_ChainRelease(p_sys->p_frame); block_Release(p_frag); p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->pp_frame_last = &p_sys->p_frame; return NULL; } /* Get NALU type */ uint8_t i_nal_type = hevc_getNALType(&p_frag->p_buffer[4]); if (i_nal_type < HEVC_NAL_VPS) { /* NAL is a VCL NAL */ p_ret = ParseVCL(p_dec, i_nal_type, p_frag); } else { p_ret = ParseNonVCL(p_dec, i_nal_type, p_frag); if (p_sys->p_frame) { p_frag = p_ret; if( (p_ret = block_ChainGather(p_sys->p_frame)) ) { p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->pp_frame_last = &p_sys->p_frame; p_ret->p_next = p_frag; } else p_ret = p_frag; } } *pb_ts_used = false; return p_ret; }
static block_t *GatherAndValidateChain(block_t *p_outputchain) { block_t *p_output = NULL; if(p_outputchain) { if(p_outputchain->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_CORRUPTED) p_output = p_outputchain; /* Avoid useless gather */ else p_output = block_ChainGather(p_outputchain); } if(p_output && (p_output->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_CORRUPTED)) { block_ChainRelease(p_output); /* Chain! see above */ p_output = NULL; } return p_output; }
void ts_sections_processor_Push( ts_sections_processor_t *p_chain, uint8_t i_table_id, uint8_t i_stream_type, demux_t *p_demux, ts_pid_t *p_pid, block_t *p_blockschain ) { while( p_chain ) { if( ( !p_chain->i_stream_type || p_chain->i_stream_type == i_stream_type ) && ( !p_chain->i_table_id || p_chain->i_table_id == i_table_id ) ) { block_t *p_block = block_ChainGather( p_blockschain ); if( p_block ) { p_block = ts_sections_assembler_Append( &p_chain->assembler, p_block ); if( p_block ) p_chain->pf_callback( p_demux, p_pid, p_block ); } return; } p_chain = p_chain->p_next; } block_ChainRelease( p_blockschain ); }
static block_t *OutputPicture( decoder_t *p_dec ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t *p_pic; if ( !p_sys->b_header && p_sys->i_recovery_frames != -1 ) { if( p_sys->i_recovery_frames == 0 ) { msg_Dbg( p_dec, "Recovery from SEI recovery point complete" ); p_sys->b_header = true; } --p_sys->i_recovery_frames; } if( !p_sys->b_header && p_sys->i_recovery_frames == -1 && p_sys->slice.i_frame_type != BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I) return NULL; const bool b_sps_pps_i = p_sys->slice.i_frame_type == BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I && p_sys->b_sps && p_sys->b_pps; if( b_sps_pps_i || p_sys->b_frame_sps || p_sys->b_frame_pps ) { block_t *p_head = NULL; if( p_sys->p_frame->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_AUD ) { p_head = p_sys->p_frame; p_sys->p_frame = p_sys->p_frame->p_next; if( p_sys->p_frame == NULL ) p_sys->pp_frame_last = &p_sys->p_frame; p_head->p_next = NULL; } block_t *p_list = NULL; block_t **pp_list_tail = &p_list; for( int i = 0; i <= H264_SPS_ID_MAX && (b_sps_pps_i || p_sys->b_frame_sps); i++ ) { if( p_sys->pp_sps[i] ) block_ChainLastAppend( &pp_list_tail, block_Duplicate( p_sys->pp_sps[i] ) ); } for( int i = 0; i < H264_PPS_ID_MAX && (b_sps_pps_i || p_sys->b_frame_pps); i++ ) { if( p_sys->pp_pps[i] ) block_ChainLastAppend( &pp_list_tail, block_Duplicate( p_sys->pp_pps[i] ) ); } if( b_sps_pps_i && p_list ) p_sys->b_header = true; if( p_list ) block_ChainAppend( &p_head, p_list ); if( p_sys->p_frame ) block_ChainAppend( &p_head, p_sys->p_frame ); p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_head ); } else { p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_frame ); } unsigned i_num_clock_ts = 2; if( p_sys->b_frame_mbs_only == 0 ) { if( p_sys->b_pic_struct_present_flag && p_sys->i_pic_struct < 9 ) { const uint8_t rgi_numclock[9] = { 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3 }; i_num_clock_ts = rgi_numclock[ p_sys->i_pic_struct ]; } else if( p_sys->slice.i_field_pic_flag ) /* See D-1 and E-6 */ { i_num_clock_ts = 1; } } if( p_sys->i_time_scale && p_pic->i_length == 0 ) { p_pic->i_length = CLOCK_FREQ * i_num_clock_ts * p_sys->i_num_units_in_tick / p_sys->i_time_scale; } mtime_t i_field_pts_diff = -1; if( p_sys->b_frame_mbs_only == 0 && p_sys->b_pic_struct_present_flag ) { switch( p_sys->i_pic_struct ) { /* Top and Bottom field slices */ case 1: case 2: if( !p_sys->b_even_frame ) { p_pic->i_flags |= (p_sys->i_pic_struct == 1) ? BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST : BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; } else if( p_pic->i_pts <= VLC_TS_INVALID && p_sys->i_prev_pts > VLC_TS_INVALID && p_pic->i_length ) { /* interpolate from even frame */ i_field_pts_diff = p_pic->i_length; } p_sys->b_even_frame = !p_sys->b_even_frame; break; /* Each of the following slices contains multiple fields */ case 3: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST; p_sys->b_even_frame = false; break; case 4: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; p_sys->b_even_frame = false; break; case 5: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST; break; case 6: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; break; default: p_sys->b_even_frame = false; break; } } /* set dts/pts to current block timestamps */ p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_frame_dts; p_pic->i_pts = p_sys->i_frame_pts; /* Fixup missing timestamps after split (multiple AU/block)*/ if( p_pic->i_dts <= VLC_TS_INVALID ) p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_prev_dts; /* PTS Fixup, interlaced fields (multiple AU/block) */ if( p_pic->i_pts <= VLC_TS_INVALID && p_sys->i_time_scale ) { mtime_t i_pts_delay = CLOCK_FREQ * p_sys->i_dpb_output_delay * p_sys->i_num_units_in_tick / p_sys->i_time_scale; p_pic->i_pts = p_pic->i_dts + i_pts_delay; if( i_field_pts_diff >= 0 ) p_pic->i_pts += i_field_pts_diff; } /* save for next pic fixups */ p_sys->i_prev_dts = p_pic->i_dts; p_sys->i_prev_pts = p_pic->i_pts; p_pic->i_flags |= p_sys->slice.i_frame_type; p_pic->i_flags &= ~BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_AUD; if( !p_sys->b_header ) p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_PREROLL; /* reset after output */ p_sys->i_frame_dts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->i_frame_pts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->i_dpb_output_delay = 0; p_sys->slice.i_frame_type = 0; p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->pp_frame_last = &p_sys->p_frame; p_sys->b_frame_sps = false; p_sys->b_frame_pps = false; p_sys->b_slice = false; /* CC */ cc_storage_commit( p_sys->p_ccs, p_pic ); return p_pic; }
static block_t *ParseVCL(decoder_t *p_dec, uint8_t i_nal_type, block_t *p_frag) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t *p_frame = NULL; const uint8_t *p_buffer = p_frag->p_buffer; size_t i_buffer = p_frag->i_buffer; if(unlikely(!hxxx_strip_AnnexB_startcode(&p_buffer, &i_buffer) || i_buffer < 3)) { block_ChainAppend(&p_sys->p_frame, p_frag); /* might corrupt */ return NULL; } bool b_first_slice_in_pic = p_buffer[2] & 0x80; if (b_first_slice_in_pic) { if(p_sys->p_frame) { /* Starting new frame, gather and return previous frame data */ p_frame = block_ChainGather(p_sys->p_frame); p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->pp_frame_last = &p_sys->p_frame; } switch(i_nal_type) { case HEVC_NAL_BLA_W_LP: case HEVC_NAL_BLA_W_RADL: case HEVC_NAL_BLA_N_LP: case HEVC_NAL_IDR_W_RADL: case HEVC_NAL_IDR_N_LP: case HEVC_NAL_CRA: p_frag->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; break; default: { hevc_slice_segment_header_t *p_sli = hevc_decode_slice_header( p_buffer, i_buffer, true, p_sys->rgi_p_decsps, p_sys->rgi_p_decpps ); if( p_sli ) { enum hevc_slice_type_e type; if( hevc_get_slice_type( p_sli, &type ) ) { if( type == HEVC_SLICE_TYPE_P ) p_frag->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P; else p_frag->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B; } hevc_rbsp_release_slice_header( p_sli ); } else p_frag->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B; } break; } } block_ChainLastAppend(&p_sys->pp_frame_last, p_frag); return p_frame; }
/***************************************************************************** * ParseMPEGBlock: Re-assemble fragments into a block containing a picture *****************************************************************************/ static block_t *ParseMPEGBlock( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_frag ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t *p_pic = NULL; /* * Check if previous picture is finished */ if( ( p_sys->b_frame_slice && (p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0x00 || p_frag->p_buffer[3] > 0xaf) ) && p_sys->p_seq == NULL ) { /* We have a picture but without a sequence header we can't * do anything */ msg_Dbg( p_dec, "waiting for sequence start" ); if( p_sys->p_frame ) block_ChainRelease( p_sys->p_frame ); p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->pp_last = &p_sys->p_frame; p_sys->b_frame_slice = false; } else if( p_sys->b_frame_slice && (p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0x00 || p_frag->p_buffer[3] > 0xaf) ) { const bool b_eos = p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0xb7; mtime_t i_duration; if( b_eos ) { block_ChainLastAppend( &p_sys->pp_last, p_frag ); p_frag = NULL; } p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_frame ); if( b_eos ) p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_END_OF_SEQUENCE; i_duration = (mtime_t)( 1000000 * p_sys->i_frame_rate_base / p_sys->i_frame_rate ); if( !p_sys->b_seq_progressive && p_sys->i_picture_structure != 0x03 ) { i_duration /= 2; } if( p_sys->b_seq_progressive ) { if( p_sys->i_top_field_first == 0 && p_sys->i_repeat_first_field == 1 ) { i_duration *= 2; } else if( p_sys->i_top_field_first == 1 && p_sys->i_repeat_first_field == 1 ) { i_duration *= 3; } } else { if( p_sys->i_picture_structure == 0x03 ) { if( p_sys->i_progressive_frame && p_sys->i_repeat_first_field ) { i_duration += i_duration / 2; } } } if( p_sys->b_low_delay || p_sys->i_picture_type == 0x03 ) { /* Trivial case (DTS == PTS) */ /* Correct interpolated dts when we receive a new pts/dts */ if( p_sys->i_pts > VLC_TS_INVALID ) p_sys->i_interpolated_dts = p_sys->i_pts; if( p_sys->i_dts > VLC_TS_INVALID ) p_sys->i_interpolated_dts = p_sys->i_dts; } else { /* Correct interpolated dts when we receive a new pts/dts */ if(p_sys->i_last_ref_pts > VLC_TS_INVALID && !p_sys->b_second_field) p_sys->i_interpolated_dts = p_sys->i_last_ref_pts; if( p_sys->i_dts > VLC_TS_INVALID ) p_sys->i_interpolated_dts = p_sys->i_dts; if( !p_sys->b_second_field ) p_sys->i_last_ref_pts = p_sys->i_pts; } p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_interpolated_dts; p_sys->i_interpolated_dts += i_duration; /* Set PTS only if we have a B frame or if it comes from the stream */ if( p_sys->i_pts > VLC_TS_INVALID ) { p_pic->i_pts = p_sys->i_pts; } else if( p_sys->i_picture_type == 0x03 ) { p_pic->i_pts = p_pic->i_dts; } else { p_pic->i_pts = VLC_TS_INVALID; } switch ( p_sys->i_picture_type ) { case 0x01: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; break; case 0x02: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P; break; case 0x03: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B; break; } p_pic->i_length = p_sys->i_interpolated_dts - p_pic->i_dts; #if 0 msg_Dbg( p_dec, "pic: type=%d dts=%"PRId64" pts-dts=%"PRId64, p_sys->i_picture_type, p_pic->i_dts, p_pic->i_pts - p_pic->i_dts); #endif /* Reset context */ p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->pp_last = &p_sys->p_frame; p_sys->b_frame_slice = false; if( p_sys->i_picture_structure != 0x03 ) { p_sys->b_second_field = !p_sys->b_second_field; } else { p_sys->b_second_field = 0; } /* CC */ p_sys->b_cc_reset = true; p_sys->i_cc_pts = p_pic->i_pts; p_sys->i_cc_dts = p_pic->i_dts; p_sys->i_cc_flags = p_pic->i_flags; } if( !p_pic && p_sys->b_cc_reset ) { p_sys->b_cc_reset = false; cc_Flush( &p_sys->cc ); } if( !p_frag ) return p_pic; /* * Check info of current fragment */ if( p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0xb8 ) { /* Group start code */ if( p_sys->p_seq && p_sys->i_seq_old > p_sys->i_frame_rate/p_sys->i_frame_rate_base ) { /* Useful for mpeg1: repeat sequence header every second */ block_ChainLastAppend( &p_sys->pp_last, block_Duplicate( p_sys->p_seq ) ); if( p_sys->p_ext ) { block_ChainLastAppend( &p_sys->pp_last, block_Duplicate( p_sys->p_ext ) ); } p_sys->i_seq_old = 0; } } else if( p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0xb3 && p_frag->i_buffer >= 8 ) { /* Sequence header code */ static const int code_to_frame_rate[16][2] = { { 1, 1 }, /* invalid */ { 24000, 1001 }, { 24, 1 }, { 25, 1 }, { 30000, 1001 }, { 30, 1 }, { 50, 1 }, { 60000, 1001 }, { 60, 1 }, /* Unofficial 15fps from Xing*/ { 15, 1001 }, /* Unofficial economy rates from libmpeg3 */ { 5000, 1001 }, { 1000, 1001 }, { 12000, 1001 }, { 15000, 1001 }, { 1, 1 }, { 1, 1 } /* invalid */ }; if( p_sys->p_seq ) block_Release( p_sys->p_seq ); if( p_sys->p_ext ) block_Release( p_sys->p_ext ); p_sys->p_seq = block_Duplicate( p_frag ); p_sys->i_seq_old = 0; p_sys->p_ext = NULL; p_dec-> = ( p_frag->p_buffer[4] << 4)|(p_frag->p_buffer[5] >> 4 ); p_dec-> = ( (p_frag->p_buffer[5]&0x0f) << 8 )|p_frag->p_buffer[6]; p_sys->i_aspect_ratio_info = p_frag->p_buffer[7] >> 4; /* TODO: MPEG1 aspect ratio */ p_sys->i_frame_rate = code_to_frame_rate[p_frag->p_buffer[7]&0x0f][0]; p_sys->i_frame_rate_base = code_to_frame_rate[p_frag->p_buffer[7]&0x0f][1]; p_dec-> = p_sys->i_frame_rate; p_dec-> = p_sys->i_frame_rate_base; p_sys->b_seq_progressive = true; p_sys->b_low_delay = true; if ( !p_sys->b_inited ) { msg_Dbg( p_dec, "size %dx%d fps=%.3f", p_dec->, p_dec->, p_sys->i_frame_rate / (float)p_sys->i_frame_rate_base ); p_sys->b_inited = 1; } } else if( p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0xb5 )
static block_t *ParseNALBlock( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_frag ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t *p_pic = NULL; const int i_nal_ref_idc = (p_frag->p_buffer[3] >> 5)&0x03; const int i_nal_type = p_frag->p_buffer[3]&0x1f; if( p_sys->b_slice && !p_sys->b_sps ) { block_ChainRelease( p_sys->p_frame ); msg_Warn( p_dec, "waiting for SPS" ); /* Reset context */ p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->b_slice = VLC_FALSE; } if( !p_sys->b_sps && i_nal_type >= NAL_SLICE && i_nal_type <= NAL_SLICE_IDR ) { p_sys->b_slice = VLC_TRUE; /* Fragment will be discarded later on */ } else if( i_nal_type >= NAL_SLICE && i_nal_type <= NAL_SLICE_IDR ) { uint8_t *dec; int i_dec, i_first_mb, i_slice_type, i_frame_num, i_pic_flags = 0; vlc_bool_t b_pic = VLC_FALSE; bs_t s; /* do not convert the whole frame */ nal_get_decoded( &dec, &i_dec, &p_frag->p_buffer[4], __MIN( p_frag->i_buffer - 4, 60 ) ); bs_init( &s, dec, i_dec ); /* first_mb_in_slice */ i_first_mb = bs_read_ue( &s ); /* slice_type */ switch( (i_slice_type = bs_read_ue( &s )) ) { case 0: case 5: i_pic_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P; break; case 1: case 6: i_pic_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B; break; case 2: case 7: i_pic_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; break; case 3: case 8: /* SP */ i_pic_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P; break; case 4: case 9: i_pic_flags = BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; break; } /* pic_parameter_set_id */ bs_read_ue( &s ); /* frame_num */ i_frame_num = bs_read( &s, p_sys->i_log2_max_frame_num + 4 ); /* Detection of the first VCL NAL unit of a primary coded picture * (cf. */ if( i_frame_num != p_sys->i_frame_num || ( (i_nal_ref_idc != p_sys->i_nal_ref_idc) && (!i_nal_ref_idc || !p_sys->i_nal_ref_idc) ) ) { b_pic = VLC_TRUE; } p_sys->i_frame_num = i_frame_num; p_sys->i_nal_ref_idc = i_nal_ref_idc; if( !p_sys->b_frame_mbs_only ) { /* field_pic_flag */ if( bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) { /* bottom_field_flag */ bs_read( &s, 1 ); } } if( i_nal_type == NAL_SLICE_IDR ) { /* id_pic_id */ int i_idr_pic_id = bs_read_ue( &s ); if( p_sys->i_nal_type != i_nal_type ) b_pic = VLC_TRUE; if( p_sys->i_idr_pic_id != i_idr_pic_id ) b_pic = VLC_TRUE; p_sys->i_idr_pic_id = i_idr_pic_id; } p_sys->i_nal_type = i_nal_type; if( b_pic && p_sys->b_slice ) { p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_frame ); p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_dts; p_pic->i_pts = p_sys->i_pts; p_pic->i_length = 0; /* FIXME */ p_pic->i_flags = p_sys->i_flags; /* Reset context */ p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->b_slice = VLC_FALSE; } p_sys->b_slice = VLC_TRUE; p_sys->i_flags = i_pic_flags; p_sys->i_dts = p_frag->i_dts; p_sys->i_pts = p_frag->i_pts; free( dec ); } else if( i_nal_type == NAL_SPS ) { uint8_t *dec; int i_dec; bs_t s; int i_tmp; msg_Dbg( p_dec, "found NAL_SPS" ); p_sys->b_sps = VLC_TRUE; nal_get_decoded( &dec, &i_dec, &p_frag->p_buffer[4], p_frag->i_buffer - 4 ); bs_init( &s, dec, i_dec ); /* Skip profile(8), constraint_set012, reserver(5), level(8) */ bs_skip( &s, 8 + 1+1+1 + 5 + 8 ); /* sps id */ bs_read_ue( &s ); /* Skip i_log2_max_frame_num */ p_sys->i_log2_max_frame_num = bs_read_ue( &s ); /* Read poc_type */ i_tmp = bs_read_ue( &s ); if( i_tmp == 0 ) { /* skip i_log2_max_poc_lsb */ bs_read_ue( &s ); } else if( i_tmp == 1 ) { int i_cycle; /* skip b_delta_pic_order_always_zero */ bs_skip( &s, 1 ); /* skip i_offset_for_non_ref_pic */ bs_read_se( &s ); /* skip i_offset_for_top_to_bottom_field */ bs_read_se( &s ); /* read i_num_ref_frames_in_poc_cycle */ i_cycle = bs_read_ue( &s ); if( i_cycle > 256 ) i_cycle = 256; while( i_cycle > 0 ) { /* skip i_offset_for_ref_frame */ bs_read_se(&s ); } } /* i_num_ref_frames */ bs_read_ue( &s ); /* b_gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed */ bs_skip( &s, 1 ); /* Read size */ p_dec-> = 16 * ( bs_read_ue( &s ) + 1 ); p_dec-> = 16 * ( bs_read_ue( &s ) + 1 ); /* b_frame_mbs_only */ p_sys->b_frame_mbs_only = bs_read( &s, 1 ); if( p_sys->b_frame_mbs_only == 0 ) { bs_skip( &s, 1 ); } /* b_direct8x8_inference */ bs_skip( &s, 1 ); /* crop */ i_tmp = bs_read( &s, 1 ); if( i_tmp ) { /* left */ bs_read_ue( &s ); /* right */ bs_read_ue( &s ); /* top */ bs_read_ue( &s ); /* bottom */ bs_read_ue( &s ); } /* vui */ i_tmp = bs_read( &s, 1 ); if( i_tmp ) { /* read the aspect ratio part if any FIXME check it */ i_tmp = bs_read( &s, 1 ); if( i_tmp ) { static const struct { int w, h; } sar[14] = { { 0, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 12, 11 }, { 10, 11 }, { 16, 11 }, { 40, 33 }, { 24, 11 }, { 20, 11 }, { 32, 11 }, { 80, 33 }, { 18, 11 }, { 15, 11 }, { 64, 33 }, { 160,99 }, }; int i_sar = bs_read( &s, 8 ); int w, h; if( i_sar < 14 ) { w = sar[i_sar].w; h = sar[i_sar].h; } else { w = bs_read( &s, 16 ); h = bs_read( &s, 16 ); } p_dec-> = VOUT_ASPECT_FACTOR * w / h * p_dec-> / p_dec->; } } free( dec ); } else if( i_nal_type == NAL_PPS ) { bs_t s; bs_init( &s, &p_frag->p_buffer[4], p_frag->i_buffer - 4 ); /* TODO */ msg_Dbg( p_dec, "found NAL_PPS" ); } /* Append the block */ block_ChainAppend( &p_sys->p_frame, p_frag ); return p_pic; }
static block_t * Resample( filter_t *p_filter, block_t *p_in ) { filter_sys_t *p_sys = p_filter->p_sys; const vlc_tick_t i_pts = p_in->i_pts; if( p_sys->vr_soxr ) { /* "audio resampler" with variable ratio: use the fixed resampler when * the ratio is the same than the fixed one, otherwise use the variable * resampler. */ soxr_t soxr; block_t *p_flushed_out = NULL, *p_out = NULL; const double f_ratio = p_filter-> / (double) p_filter->; const size_t i_olen = SoXR_GetOutLen( p_in->i_nb_samples, f_ratio ); if( f_ratio != p_sys->f_fixed_ratio ) { /* using variable resampler */ soxr_set_io_ratio( p_sys->vr_soxr, 1 / f_ratio, i_olen ); soxr = p_sys->vr_soxr; } else if( f_ratio == 1.0f ) { /* not using any resampler */ soxr = NULL; p_out = p_in; } else { /* using fixed resampler */ soxr = p_sys->soxr; } /* If the new soxr is different than the last one, flush it */ if( p_sys->last_soxr && soxr != p_sys->last_soxr && p_sys->i_last_olen ) { p_flushed_out = SoXR_Resample( p_filter, p_sys->last_soxr, NULL, p_sys->i_last_olen ); if( soxr ) msg_Dbg( p_filter, "Using '%s' engine", soxr_engine( soxr ) ); } if( soxr ) { assert( !p_out ); p_out = SoXR_Resample( p_filter, soxr, p_in, i_olen ); if( !p_out ) goto error; } if( p_flushed_out ) { /* Prepend the flushed output data to p_out */ const unsigned i_nb_samples = p_flushed_out->i_nb_samples + p_out->i_nb_samples; block_ChainAppend( &p_flushed_out, p_out ); p_out = block_ChainGather( p_flushed_out ); if( !p_out ) goto error; p_out->i_nb_samples = i_nb_samples; } p_out->i_pts = i_pts; return p_out; } else { /* "audio converter" with fixed ratio */ const size_t i_olen = SoXR_GetOutLen( p_in->i_nb_samples, p_sys->f_fixed_ratio ); block_t *p_out = SoXR_Resample( p_filter, p_sys->soxr, p_in, i_olen ); if( p_out ) p_out->i_pts = i_pts; return p_out; } error: block_Release( p_in ); return NULL; }
static block_t *OutputPicture( decoder_t *p_dec ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t *p_pic; if ( !p_sys->b_header && p_sys->i_recovery_frames != -1 ) { if( p_sys->i_recovery_frames == 0 ) { msg_Dbg( p_dec, "Recovery from SEI recovery point complete" ); p_sys->b_header = true; } --p_sys->i_recovery_frames; } if( !p_sys->b_header && p_sys->i_recovery_frames == -1 && p_sys->slice.i_frame_type != BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I) return NULL; const bool b_sps_pps_i = p_sys->slice.i_frame_type == BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I && p_sys->b_sps && p_sys->b_pps; if( b_sps_pps_i || p_sys->b_frame_sps || p_sys->b_frame_pps ) { block_t *p_head = NULL; if( p_sys->p_frame->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_AUD ) { p_head = p_sys->p_frame; p_sys->p_frame = p_sys->p_frame->p_next; } block_t *p_list = NULL; for( int i = 0; i < SPS_MAX && (b_sps_pps_i || p_sys->b_frame_sps); i++ ) { if( p_sys->pp_sps[i] ) block_ChainAppend( &p_list, block_Duplicate( p_sys->pp_sps[i] ) ); } for( int i = 0; i < PPS_MAX && (b_sps_pps_i || p_sys->b_frame_pps); i++ ) { if( p_sys->pp_pps[i] ) block_ChainAppend( &p_list, block_Duplicate( p_sys->pp_pps[i] ) ); } if( b_sps_pps_i && p_list ) p_sys->b_header = true; if( p_head ) p_head->p_next = p_list; else p_head = p_list; block_ChainAppend( &p_head, p_sys->p_frame ); p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_head ); } else { p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_frame ); } p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_frame_dts; p_pic->i_pts = p_sys->i_frame_pts; p_pic->i_length = 0; /* FIXME */ p_pic->i_flags |= p_sys->slice.i_frame_type; p_pic->i_flags &= ~BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_AUD; if( !p_sys->b_header ) p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_PREROLL; p_sys->slice.i_frame_type = 0; p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->i_frame_dts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->i_frame_pts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->b_frame_sps = false; p_sys->b_frame_pps = false; p_sys->b_slice = false; /* CC */ p_sys->i_cc_pts = p_pic->i_pts; p_sys->i_cc_dts = p_pic->i_dts; p_sys->i_cc_flags = p_pic->i_flags; p_sys->cc = p_sys->cc_next; cc_Flush( &p_sys->cc_next ); return p_pic; }
static block_t *OutputPicture( decoder_t *p_dec ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t *p_pic; if ( !p_sys->b_header && p_sys->i_recovery_frames != -1 ) { if( p_sys->i_recovery_frames == 0 ) { msg_Dbg( p_dec, "Recovery from SEI recovery point complete" ); p_sys->b_header = true; } --p_sys->i_recovery_frames; } if( !p_sys->b_header && p_sys->i_recovery_frames == -1 && p_sys->slice.i_frame_type != BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I) return NULL; const bool b_sps_pps_i = p_sys->slice.i_frame_type == BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I && p_sys->b_sps && p_sys->b_pps; if( b_sps_pps_i || p_sys->b_frame_sps || p_sys->b_frame_pps ) { block_t *p_head = NULL; if( p_sys->p_frame->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_AUD ) { p_head = p_sys->p_frame; p_sys->p_frame = p_sys->p_frame->p_next; } block_t *p_list = NULL; for( int i = 0; i < SPS_MAX && (b_sps_pps_i || p_sys->b_frame_sps); i++ ) { if( p_sys->pp_sps[i] ) block_ChainAppend( &p_list, block_Duplicate( p_sys->pp_sps[i] ) ); } for( int i = 0; i < PPS_MAX && (b_sps_pps_i || p_sys->b_frame_pps); i++ ) { if( p_sys->pp_pps[i] ) block_ChainAppend( &p_list, block_Duplicate( p_sys->pp_pps[i] ) ); } if( b_sps_pps_i && p_list ) p_sys->b_header = true; if( p_head ) p_head->p_next = p_list; else p_head = p_list; block_ChainAppend( &p_head, p_sys->p_frame ); p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_head ); } else { p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_frame ); } p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_frame_dts; p_pic->i_pts = p_sys->i_frame_pts; p_pic->i_length = 0; /* FIXME */ p_pic->i_flags |= p_sys->slice.i_frame_type; p_pic->i_flags &= ~BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_AUD; if( !p_sys->b_header ) p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_PREROLL; if( p_sys->b_frame_mbs_only == 0 && p_sys->b_pic_struct_present_flag ) { switch( p_sys->i_pic_struct ) { case 1: if( p_sys->i_fields_dts == 2 ) p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST; else p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; break; case 3: case 5: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST; break; case 2: if( p_sys->i_fields_dts == 2 ) p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; else p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST; break; case 4: case 6: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; break; default: break; } } p_sys->i_fields_dts -= (1 + p_sys->b_frame_mbs_only); if( p_sys->i_fields_dts <= 0 ) { p_sys->i_frame_dts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->i_frame_pts = VLC_TS_INVALID; } else if( p_sys->b_timing_info_present_flag && p_sys->i_time_scale ) { p_sys->i_frame_pts += CLOCK_FREQ * p_sys->i_num_units_in_tick / p_sys->i_time_scale; } else p_sys->i_frame_pts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->slice.i_frame_type = 0; p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->b_frame_sps = false; p_sys->b_frame_pps = false; p_sys->b_slice = false; /* CC */ p_sys->i_cc_pts = p_pic->i_pts; p_sys->i_cc_dts = p_pic->i_dts; p_sys->i_cc_flags = p_pic->i_flags; p_sys->cc = p_sys->cc_next; cc_Flush( &p_sys->cc_next ); return p_pic; }
/***************************************************************************** * ParseMPEGBlock: Re-assemble fragments into a block containing a picture *****************************************************************************/ static block_t *ParseMPEGBlock( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_frag ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t *p_pic = NULL; if( p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0xB0 || p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0xB1 || p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0xB2 ) { /* VOS and USERDATA */ #if 0 /* Remove VOS start/end code from the original stream */ block_Release( p_frag ); #else /* Append the block for now since ts/ps muxers rely on VOL * being present in the stream */ block_ChainLastAppend( &p_sys->pp_last, p_frag ); #endif return NULL; } if( p_frag->p_buffer[3] >= 0x20 && p_frag->p_buffer[3] <= 0x2f ) { /* Copy the complete VOL */ if( (size_t)p_dec->fmt_out.i_extra != p_frag->i_buffer ) { p_dec->fmt_out.p_extra = xrealloc( p_dec->fmt_out.p_extra, p_frag->i_buffer ); p_dec->fmt_out.i_extra = p_frag->i_buffer; } memcpy( p_dec->fmt_out.p_extra, p_frag->p_buffer, p_frag->i_buffer ); ParseVOL( p_dec, &p_dec->fmt_out, p_dec->fmt_out.p_extra, p_dec->fmt_out.i_extra ); #if 0 /* Remove from the original stream */ block_Release( p_frag ); #else /* Append the block for now since ts/ps muxers rely on VOL * being present in the stream */ block_ChainLastAppend( &p_sys->pp_last, p_frag ); #endif return NULL; } else { if( !p_dec->fmt_out.i_extra ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "waiting for VOL" ); block_Release( p_frag ); return NULL; } /* Append the block */ block_ChainLastAppend( &p_sys->pp_last, p_frag ); } if( p_frag->p_buffer[3] == 0xb6 && ParseVOP( p_dec, p_frag ) == VLC_SUCCESS ) { /* We are dealing with a VOP */ p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_frame ); p_pic->i_flags = p_sys->i_flags; p_pic->i_pts = p_sys->i_interpolated_pts; p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_interpolated_dts; if ( p_dec-> && p_dec->fmt_out.i_bitrate ) { mtime_t i_cpb_delay = p_sys->i_vbv_occupancy * INT64_C(1000000) / p_dec->fmt_out.i_bitrate; p_pic->i_delay = i_cpb_delay; } else p_pic->i_delay = DEFAULT_DELAY * 1000; /* Reset context */ p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->pp_last = &p_sys->p_frame; } return p_pic; }
static block_t *Reassemble( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; uint8_t *p_buffer; uint16_t i_expected_image; uint8_t i_packet, i_expected_packet; if( p_block->i_flags & (BLOCK_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY|BLOCK_FLAG_CORRUPTED) ) { block_Release( p_block ); return NULL; } if( p_block->i_buffer < SPU_HEADER_LEN ) { msg_Dbg( p_dec, "invalid packet header (size %zu < %u)" , p_block->i_buffer, SPU_HEADER_LEN ); block_Release( p_block ); return NULL; } p_buffer = p_block->p_buffer; if( p_sys->i_state == SUBTITLE_BLOCK_EMPTY ) { i_expected_image = p_sys->i_image + 1; i_expected_packet = 0; } else { i_expected_image = p_sys->i_image; i_expected_packet = p_sys->i_packet + 1; } /* The dummy ES that the menu selection uses has an 0x70 at the head which we need to strip off. */ p_buffer += 2; if( *p_buffer & 0x80 ) { p_sys->i_state = SUBTITLE_BLOCK_COMPLETE; i_packet = *p_buffer++ & 0x7F; } else { p_sys->i_state = SUBTITLE_BLOCK_PARTIAL; i_packet = *p_buffer++; } p_sys->i_image = GETINT16(p_buffer); if( p_sys->i_image != i_expected_image ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "expected subtitle image %u but found %u", i_expected_image, p_sys->i_image ); } if( i_packet != i_expected_packet ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "expected subtitle image packet %u but found %u", i_expected_packet, i_packet ); } p_block->p_buffer += SPU_HEADER_LEN; p_block->i_buffer -= SPU_HEADER_LEN; p_sys->i_packet = i_packet; /* First packet in the subtitle block */ if( !p_sys->i_packet ) ParseHeader( p_dec, p_block ); block_ChainAppend( &p_sys->p_spu, p_block ); if( p_sys->i_state == SUBTITLE_BLOCK_COMPLETE ) { block_t *p_spu = block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_spu ); if( p_spu->i_buffer != p_sys->i_spu_size ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "subtitle packets size=%zu should be %zu", p_spu->i_buffer, p_sys->i_spu_size ); } dbg_print( "subtitle packet complete, size=%zu", p_spu->i_buffer ); p_sys->i_state = SUBTITLE_BLOCK_EMPTY; p_sys->p_spu = 0; return p_spu; } return NULL; }
/* ParseIDU: parse an Independent Decoding Unit */ static block_t *ParseIDU( decoder_t *p_dec, bool *pb_used_ts, block_t *p_frag ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t *p_pic; const idu_type_t idu = (const idu_type_t)(p_frag->p_buffer[3]); // sunqueen modify *pb_used_ts = false; if( !p_sys->b_sequence_header && idu != IDU_TYPE_SEQUENCE_HEADER ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "waiting for sequence header" ); block_Release( p_frag ); return NULL; } if( p_sys->b_sequence_header && !p_sys->b_entry_point && idu != IDU_TYPE_ENTRY_POINT ) { msg_Warn( p_dec, "waiting for entry point" ); block_Release( p_frag ); return NULL; } /* TODO we do not gather ENTRY_POINT and SEQUENCE_DATA user data * But It should not be a problem for decoder */ /* Do we have completed a frame */ p_pic = NULL; if( p_sys->b_frame && idu != IDU_TYPE_FRAME_USER_DATA && idu != IDU_TYPE_FIELD && idu != IDU_TYPE_FIELD_USER_DATA && idu != IDU_TYPE_SLICE && idu != IDU_TYPE_SLICE_USER_DATA && idu != IDU_TYPE_END_OF_SEQUENCE ) { /* Prepend SH and EP on I */ if( p_sys->p_frame->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I ) { block_t *p_list = block_Duplicate( p_sys->sh.p_sh ); block_ChainAppend( &p_list, block_Duplicate( p_sys->ep.p_ep ) ); block_ChainAppend( &p_list, p_sys->p_frame ); p_list->i_flags = p_sys->p_frame->i_flags; p_sys->p_frame = p_list; } /* */ p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_frame ); p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_frame_dts; p_pic->i_pts = p_sys->i_frame_pts; /* */ if( p_pic->i_dts > VLC_TS_INVALID ) p_sys->i_interpolated_dts = p_pic->i_dts; /* We can interpolate dts/pts only if we have a frame rate */ if( p_dec-> != 0 && p_dec-> != 0 ) { if( p_sys->i_interpolated_dts > VLC_TS_INVALID ) p_sys->i_interpolated_dts += INT64_C(1000000) * p_dec-> / p_dec->; //msg_Dbg( p_dec, "-------------- XXX0 dts=%"PRId64" pts=%"PRId64" interpolated=%"PRId64, // p_pic->i_dts, p_pic->i_pts, p_sys->i_interpolated_dts ); if( p_pic->i_dts <= VLC_TS_INVALID ) p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_interpolated_dts; if( p_pic->i_pts <= VLC_TS_INVALID ) { if( !p_sys->sh.b_has_bframe || (p_pic->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B ) ) p_pic->i_pts = p_pic->i_dts; /* TODO compute pts for other case */ } } //msg_Dbg( p_dec, "-------------- dts=%"PRId64" pts=%"PRId64, p_pic->i_dts, p_pic->i_pts ); /* Reset context */ p_sys->b_frame = false; p_sys->i_frame_dts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->i_frame_pts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->pp_last = &p_sys->p_frame; } /* */ if( p_sys->i_frame_dts <= VLC_TS_INVALID && p_sys->i_frame_pts <= VLC_TS_INVALID ) { p_sys->i_frame_dts = p_frag->i_dts; p_sys->i_frame_pts = p_frag->i_pts; *pb_used_ts = true; } /* We will add back SH and EP on I frames */ block_t *p_release = NULL; if( idu != IDU_TYPE_SEQUENCE_HEADER && idu != IDU_TYPE_ENTRY_POINT ) block_ChainLastAppend( &p_sys->pp_last, p_frag ); else p_release = p_frag; /* Parse IDU */ if( idu == IDU_TYPE_SEQUENCE_HEADER ) { es_format_t *p_es = &p_dec->fmt_out; bs_t s; int i_profile; uint8_t ridu[32]; int i_ridu = sizeof(ridu); /* */ if( p_sys->sh.p_sh ) block_Release( p_sys->sh.p_sh ); p_sys->sh.p_sh = block_Duplicate( p_frag ); /* Extract the raw IDU */ DecodeRIDU( ridu, &i_ridu, &p_frag->p_buffer[4], p_frag->i_buffer - 4 ); /* Auto detect VC-1_SPMP_PESpacket_PayloadFormatHeader (SMPTE RP 227) for simple/main profile * TODO find a test case and valid it */ if( i_ridu > 4 && (ridu[0]&0x80) == 0 ) /* for advanced profile, the first bit is 1 */ { video_format_t *p_v = &p_dec->; const size_t i_potential_width = GetWBE( &ridu[0] ); const size_t i_potential_height = GetWBE( &ridu[2] ); if( i_potential_width >= 2 && i_potential_width <= 8192 && i_potential_height >= 2 && i_potential_height <= 8192 ) { if( ( p_v->i_width <= 0 && p_v->i_height <= 0 ) || ( p_v->i_width == i_potential_width && p_v->i_height == i_potential_height ) ) { static const uint8_t startcode[4] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, IDU_TYPE_SEQUENCE_HEADER }; p_es->video.i_width = i_potential_width; p_es->video.i_height = i_potential_height; /* Remove it */ p_frag->p_buffer += 4; p_frag->i_buffer -= 4; memcpy( p_frag->p_buffer, startcode, sizeof(startcode) ); } } } /* Parse it */ bs_init( &s, ridu, i_ridu ); i_profile = bs_read( &s, 2 ); if( i_profile == 3 ) { const int i_level = bs_read( &s, 3 ); /* Advanced profile */ p_sys->sh.b_advanced_profile = true; p_sys->sh.b_range_reduction = false; p_sys->sh.b_has_bframe = true; bs_skip( &s, 2+3+5+1 ); // chroma format + frame rate Q + bit rate Q + postprocflag p_es->video.i_width = 2*bs_read( &s, 12 )+2; p_es->video.i_height = 2*bs_read( &s, 12 )+2; if( !p_sys->b_sequence_header ) msg_Dbg( p_dec, "found sequence header for advanced profile level L%d resolution %dx%d", i_level, p_es->video.i_width, p_es->video.i_height); bs_skip( &s, 1 );// pulldown p_sys->sh.b_interlaced = bs_read( &s, 1 ); bs_skip( &s, 1 );// frame counter p_sys->sh.b_frame_interpolation = bs_read( &s, 1 ); bs_skip( &s, 1 ); // Reserved bs_skip( &s, 1 ); // Psf if( bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) /* Display extension */ { const int i_display_width = bs_read( &s, 14 )+1; const int i_display_height = bs_read( &s, 14 )+1; p_es->video.i_sar_num = i_display_width * p_es->video.i_height; p_es->video.i_sar_den = i_display_height * p_es->video.i_width; if( !p_sys->b_sequence_header ) msg_Dbg( p_dec, "display size %dx%d", i_display_width, i_display_height ); if( bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) /* Pixel aspect ratio (PAR/SAR) */ { static const int p_ar[16][2] = { { 0, 0}, { 1, 1}, {12,11}, {10,11}, {16,11}, {40,33}, {24,11}, {20,11}, {32,11}, {80,33}, {18,11}, {15,11}, {64,33}, {160,99},{ 0, 0}, { 0, 0} }; int i_ar = bs_read( &s, 4 ); unsigned i_ar_w, i_ar_h; if( i_ar == 15 ) { i_ar_w = bs_read( &s, 8 ); i_ar_h = bs_read( &s, 8 ); } else { i_ar_w = p_ar[i_ar][0]; i_ar_h = p_ar[i_ar][1]; } vlc_ureduce( &i_ar_w, &i_ar_h, i_ar_w, i_ar_h, 0 ); if( !p_sys->b_sequence_header ) msg_Dbg( p_dec, "aspect ratio %d:%d", i_ar_w, i_ar_h ); } } if( bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) /* Frame rate */ { int i_fps_num = 0; int i_fps_den = 0; if( bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) { i_fps_num = bs_read( &s, 16 )+1; i_fps_den = 32; } else { const int i_nr = bs_read( &s, 8 ); const int i_dn = bs_read( &s, 4 ); switch( i_nr ) { case 1: i_fps_num = 24000; break; case 2: i_fps_num = 25000; break; case 3: i_fps_num = 30000; break; case 4: i_fps_num = 50000; break; case 5: i_fps_num = 60000; break; case 6: i_fps_num = 48000; break; case 7: i_fps_num = 72000; break; } switch( i_dn ) { case 1: i_fps_den = 1000; break; case 2: i_fps_den = 1001; break; } } if( i_fps_num != 0 && i_fps_den != 0 ) vlc_ureduce( &p_es->video.i_frame_rate, &p_es->video.i_frame_rate_base, i_fps_num, i_fps_den, 0 ); if( !p_sys->b_sequence_header ) msg_Dbg( p_dec, "frame rate %d/%d", p_es->video.i_frame_rate, p_es->video.i_frame_rate_base ); } } else { /* Simple and main profile */ p_sys->sh.b_advanced_profile = false; p_sys->sh.b_interlaced = false; if( !p_sys->b_sequence_header ) msg_Dbg( p_dec, "found sequence header for %s profile", i_profile == 0 ? "simple" : "main" ); bs_skip( &s, 2+3+5+1+1+ // reserved + frame rate Q + bit rate Q + loop filter + reserved 1+1+1+1+2+ // multiresolution + reserved + fast uv mc + extended mv + dquant 1+1+1+1 ); // variable size transform + reserved + overlap + sync marker p_sys->sh.b_range_reduction = bs_read( &s, 1 ); if( bs_read( &s, 3 ) > 0 ) p_sys->sh.b_has_bframe = true; else p_sys->sh.b_has_bframe = false; bs_skip( &s, 2 ); // quantizer p_sys->sh.b_frame_interpolation = bs_read( &s, 1 ); } p_sys->b_sequence_header = true; BuildExtraData( p_dec ); } else if( idu == IDU_TYPE_ENTRY_POINT ) { if( p_sys->ep.p_ep ) block_Release( p_sys->ep.p_ep ); p_sys->ep.p_ep = block_Duplicate( p_frag ); if( !p_sys->b_entry_point ) msg_Dbg( p_dec, "found entry point" ); p_sys->b_entry_point = true; BuildExtraData( p_dec ); } else if( idu == IDU_TYPE_FRAME ) { bs_t s; uint8_t ridu[8]; int i_ridu = sizeof(ridu); /* Extract the raw IDU */ DecodeRIDU( ridu, &i_ridu, &p_frag->p_buffer[4], p_frag->i_buffer - 4 ); /* Parse it + interpolate pts/dts if possible */ bs_init( &s, ridu, i_ridu ); if( p_sys->sh.b_advanced_profile ) { int i_fcm = 0; if( p_sys->sh.b_interlaced ) { if( bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) { if( bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) i_fcm = 1; /* interlaced field */ else i_fcm = 2; /* interlaced frame */ } } if( i_fcm == 1 ) /*interlaced field */ { /* XXX for mixed I/P we should check reference usage before marking them I (too much work) */ switch( bs_read( &s, 3 ) ) { case 0: /* II */ case 1: /* IP */ case 2: /* PI */ p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; break; case 3: /* PP */ p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P; break; case 4: /* BB */ case 5: /* BBi */ case 6: /* BiB */ case 7: /* BiBi */ p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B; break; } } else { if( !bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P; else if( !bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B; else if( !bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; else if( !bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B; /* Bi */ else p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P; /* P Skip */ } } else { if( p_sys->sh.b_frame_interpolation ) bs_skip( &s, 1 ); // interpolate bs_skip( &s, 2 ); // frame count if( p_sys->sh.b_range_reduction ) bs_skip( &s, 1 ); // range reduction if( bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P; else if( !p_sys->sh.b_has_bframe || bs_read( &s, 1 ) ) p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; else p_sys->p_frame->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B; } p_sys->b_frame = true; } if( p_release ) block_Release( p_release ); return p_pic; }
static block_t * ts_sections_assembler_Append( ts_sections_assembler_t *p_as, block_t *p_content ) { const bool b_short = !( p_content->p_buffer[1] & 0x80 ); const uint16_t i_private_length = ((p_content->p_buffer[1] & 0x0f) << 8) | p_content->p_buffer[2]; if( b_short ) { /* Short, unsegmented section */ if(unlikely(( i_private_length > 0xFFD || i_private_length > p_content->i_buffer - 3 ))) { block_Release( p_content ); return NULL; } if( !p_as->b_raw ) { p_content->p_buffer += 3; p_content->i_buffer = i_private_length; } return p_content; } else { /* Payload can span on multiple sections */ if (unlikely( p_content->i_buffer < (size_t)12 + i_private_length)) { block_Release( p_content ); return NULL; } /* TODO: CRC32 */ const uint8_t i_version = ( p_content->p_buffer[5] & 0x3F ) >> 1; const uint8_t i_current = p_content->p_buffer[5] & 0x01; const uint8_t i_section = p_content->p_buffer[6]; const uint8_t i_section_last = p_content->p_buffer[7]; if( !p_as->b_raw ) { p_content->p_buffer += 3 + 5; p_content->i_buffer = i_private_length - 4; } if( !i_current || ( p_as->i_version != -1 && i_version != p_as->i_version ) || /* Only merge same version */ p_as->i_prev_version == i_version || /* No duplicates */ i_section > i_section_last ) { block_Release( p_content ); return NULL; } if( i_section != p_as->i_prev_section + 1 ) /* first or unfinished sections gathering */ { ts_sections_assembler_Reset( p_as, false ); if( i_section > 0 || i_version == p_as->i_prev_version ) { block_Release( p_content ); return NULL; } } p_as->i_version = i_version; p_as->i_prev_section = i_section; /* Add one more section */ block_ChainLastAppend( &p_as->pp_sections_tail, p_content ); /* We finished gathering our sections */ if( i_section == i_section_last ) { block_t *p_all_sections = block_ChainGather( p_as->p_sections ); p_as->p_sections = NULL; p_as->pp_sections_tail = &p_as->p_sections; p_as->i_prev_version = i_version; ts_sections_assembler_Reset( p_as, false ); return p_all_sections; } } return NULL; }
static block_t *OutputPicture( decoder_t *p_dec ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; block_t *p_pic = NULL; block_t **pp_pic_last = &p_pic; if( unlikely(!p_sys->p_frame) ) { assert( p_sys->p_frame ); return NULL; } /* Bind matched/referred PPS and SPS */ const h264_picture_parameter_set_t *p_pps = p_sys->p_active_pps; const h264_sequence_parameter_set_t *p_sps = p_sys->p_active_sps; if( !p_pps || !p_sps ) { DropStoredNAL( p_sys ); return NULL; } if( !p_sys->b_recovered && p_sys->i_recoveryfnum == UINT_MAX && p_sys->i_recovery_frame_cnt == UINT_MAX && p_sys->slice.type == H264_SLICE_TYPE_I ) { /* No way to recover using SEI, just sync on I Slice */ p_sys->b_recovered = true; } bool b_need_sps_pps = p_sys->slice.type == H264_SLICE_TYPE_I && p_sys->p_active_pps && p_sys->p_active_sps; /* Handle SEI recovery */ if ( !p_sys->b_recovered && p_sys->i_recovery_frame_cnt != UINT_MAX && p_sys->i_recoveryfnum == UINT_MAX ) { p_sys->i_recoveryfnum = p_sys->slice.i_frame_num + p_sys->i_recovery_frame_cnt; b_need_sps_pps = true; /* SPS/PPS must be inserted for SEI recovery */ msg_Dbg( p_dec, "Recovering using SEI, prerolling %u reference pics", p_sys->i_recovery_frame_cnt ); } if( p_sys->i_recoveryfnum != UINT_MAX ) { assert(p_sys->b_recovered == false); const unsigned maxFrameNum = 1 << (p_sps->i_log2_max_frame_num + 4); if( (p_sys->i_recoveryfnum > maxFrameNum && (unsigned)p_sys->slice.i_frame_num <= maxFrameNum / 2 && (unsigned)p_sys->slice.i_frame_num >= p_sys->i_recoveryfnum % maxFrameNum ) || (unsigned)p_sys->slice.i_frame_num >= p_sys->i_recoveryfnum ) { p_sys->i_recoveryfnum = UINT_MAX; p_sys->b_recovered = true; msg_Dbg( p_dec, "Recovery from SEI recovery point complete" ); } } /* Gather PPS/SPS if required */ block_t *p_xpsnal = NULL; block_t **pp_xpsnal_tail = &p_xpsnal; if( b_need_sps_pps || p_sys->b_new_sps || p_sys->b_new_pps ) { for( int i = 0; i <= H264_SPS_ID_MAX && (b_need_sps_pps || p_sys->b_new_sps); i++ ) { if( p_sys->sps[i].p_block ) block_ChainLastAppend( &pp_xpsnal_tail, block_Duplicate( p_sys->sps[i].p_block ) ); } for( int i = 0; i < H264_PPS_ID_MAX && (b_need_sps_pps || p_sys->b_new_pps); i++ ) { if( p_sys->pps[i].p_block ) block_ChainLastAppend( &pp_xpsnal_tail, block_Duplicate( p_sys->pps[i].p_block ) ); } } /* Now rebuild NAL Sequence, inserting PPS/SPS if any */ if( p_sys->p_frame->i_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_AUD ) { block_t *p_au = p_sys->p_frame; p_sys->p_frame = p_au->p_next; p_au->p_next = NULL; p_au->i_flags &= ~BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_AUD; block_ChainLastAppend( &pp_pic_last, p_au ); } if( p_xpsnal ) block_ChainLastAppend( &pp_pic_last, p_xpsnal ); if( p_sys->p_sei ) block_ChainLastAppend( &pp_pic_last, p_sys->p_sei ); assert( p_sys->p_frame ); if( p_sys->p_frame ) block_ChainLastAppend( &pp_pic_last, p_sys->p_frame ); /* Reset chains, now empty */ p_sys->p_frame = NULL; p_sys->pp_frame_last = &p_sys->p_frame; p_sys->p_sei = NULL; p_sys->pp_sei_last = &p_sys->p_sei; p_pic = block_ChainGather( p_pic ); if( !p_pic ) return NULL; /* for PTS Fixup, interlaced fields (multiple AU/block) */ int tFOC = 0, bFOC = 0, PictureOrderCount = 0; h264_compute_poc( p_sps, &p_sys->slice, &p_sys->pocctx, &PictureOrderCount, &tFOC, &bFOC ); unsigned i_num_clock_ts = h264_get_num_ts( p_sps, &p_sys->slice, p_sys->i_pic_struct, tFOC, bFOC ); if( p_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag == 0 && p_sps->vui.b_pic_struct_present_flag ) { switch( p_sys->i_pic_struct ) { /* Top and Bottom field slices */ case 1: case 2: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_SINGLE_FIELD; p_pic->i_flags |= (!p_sys->slice.i_bottom_field_flag) ? BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST : BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; break; /* Each of the following slices contains multiple fields */ case 3: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST; break; case 4: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; break; case 5: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TOP_FIELD_FIRST; break; case 6: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST; break; default: break; } } /* set dts/pts to current block timestamps */ p_pic->i_dts = p_sys->i_frame_dts; p_pic->i_pts = p_sys->i_frame_pts; /* Fixup missing timestamps after split (multiple AU/block)*/ if( p_pic->i_dts <= VLC_TS_INVALID ) p_pic->i_dts = date_Get( &p_sys->dts ); if( p_sys->slice.type == H264_SLICE_TYPE_I ) p_sys->prevdatedpoc.pts = VLC_TS_INVALID; if( p_pic->i_pts == VLC_TS_INVALID ) { if( p_sys->prevdatedpoc.pts > VLC_TS_INVALID && date_Get( &p_sys->dts ) != VLC_TS_INVALID ) { date_t pts = p_sys->dts; date_Set( &pts, p_sys->prevdatedpoc.pts ); int diff = tFOC - p_sys->prevdatedpoc.num; if( diff > 0 ) date_Increment( &pts, diff ); else date_Decrement( &pts, -diff ); p_pic->i_pts = date_Get( &pts ); } /* In case there's no PTS at all */ else if( p_sys->slice.i_nal_ref_idc == 0 && p_sys->slice.type == H264_SLICE_TYPE_B ) { p_pic->i_pts = p_pic->i_dts; } else if( p_sys->slice.type == H264_SLICE_TYPE_I && date_Get( &p_sys->dts ) != VLC_TS_INVALID ) { /* Hell no PTS on IDR. We're totally blind */ date_t pts = p_sys->dts; date_Increment( &pts, 2 ); p_pic->i_pts = date_Get( &pts ); } } if( p_pic->i_pts > VLC_TS_INVALID ) { p_sys->prevdatedpoc.pts = p_pic->i_pts; p_sys->prevdatedpoc.num = PictureOrderCount; } if( p_pic->i_length == 0 ) { if( p_sps->vui.i_time_scale ) { p_pic->i_length = CLOCK_FREQ * i_num_clock_ts * p_sps->vui.i_num_units_in_tick / p_sps->vui.i_time_scale; } else { date_t next = p_sys->dts; date_Increment( &next, i_num_clock_ts ); p_pic->i_length = date_Get( &next ) - date_Get( &p_sys->dts ); } } #if 0 msg_Err(p_dec, "F/BOC %d/%d POC %d %d rec %d flags %x ref%d fn %d fp %d %d pts %ld len %ld", tFOC, bFOC, PictureOrderCount, p_sys->slice.type, p_sys->b_recovered, p_pic->i_flags, p_sys->slice.i_nal_ref_idc, p_sys->slice.i_frame_num, p_sys->slice.i_field_pic_flag, p_pic->i_pts - p_pic->i_dts, p_pic->i_pts % (100*CLOCK_FREQ), p_pic->i_length); #endif /* save for next pic fixups */ if( date_Get( &p_sys->dts ) != VLC_TS_INVALID ) { if( p_sys->i_next_block_flags & BLOCK_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY ) date_Set( &p_sys->dts, VLC_TS_INVALID ); else date_Increment( &p_sys->dts, i_num_clock_ts ); } if( p_pic ) { p_pic->i_flags |= p_sys->i_next_block_flags; p_sys->i_next_block_flags = 0; } switch( p_sys->slice.type ) { case H264_SLICE_TYPE_P: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_P; break; case H264_SLICE_TYPE_B: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_B; break; case H264_SLICE_TYPE_I: p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; default: break; } if( !p_sys->b_recovered ) { if( p_sys->i_recoveryfnum != UINT_MAX ) /* recovering from SEI */ p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_PREROLL; else p_pic->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_DROP; } p_pic->i_flags &= ~BLOCK_FLAG_PRIVATE_AUD; /* reset after output */ p_sys->i_frame_dts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->i_frame_pts = VLC_TS_INVALID; p_sys->i_dpb_output_delay = 0; p_sys->i_pic_struct = UINT8_MAX; p_sys->i_recovery_frame_cnt = UINT_MAX; p_sys->slice.type = H264_SLICE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; p_sys->p_sei = NULL; p_sys->pp_sei_last = &p_sys->p_sei; p_sys->b_new_sps = false; p_sys->b_new_pps = false; p_sys->b_slice = false; /* CC */ cc_storage_commit( p_sys->p_ccs, p_pic ); return p_pic; }
/**************************************************************************** * Encode: the whole thing **************************************************************************** * This function spits out encapsulation units. ****************************************************************************/ static block_t *Encode( encoder_t *p_enc, picture_t *p_pic ) { encoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_enc->p_sys; block_t *p_block, *p_output_chain = NULL; int i_plane, i_line, i_width, i_src_stride; uint8_t *p_dst; if( !p_pic ) return NULL; /* we only know if the sequence is interlaced when the first * picture arrives, so final setup is done here */ /* XXX todo, detect change of interlace */ p_sys->ctx.src_params.topfieldfirst = p_pic->b_top_field_first; p_sys->ctx.src_params.source_sampling = !p_pic->b_progressive; if( p_sys->b_auto_field_coding ) p_sys->ctx.enc_params.picture_coding_mode = !p_pic->b_progressive; if( !p_sys->p_dirac ) { date_t date; /* Initialise the encoder with the encoder context */ p_sys->p_dirac = dirac_encoder_init( &p_sys->ctx, 0 ); if( !p_sys->p_dirac ) { msg_Err( p_enc, "Failed to initialize dirac encoder" ); return NULL; } date_Init( &date, p_enc->, p_enc-> ); #if DIRAC_RESEARCH_VERSION_ATLEAST(1,0,2) int i_delayinpics = dirac_encoder_pts_offset( p_sys->p_dirac ); i_delayinpics /= p_sys->ctx.enc_params.picture_coding_mode + 1; date_Increment( &date, i_delayinpics ); #else date_Increment( &date, 1 ); #endif p_sys->i_pts_offset = date_Get( &date ); /* picture_coding_mode = 1 == FIELD_CODING, two pictures are produced * for each frame input. Calculate time between fields for offsetting * the second field later. */ if( 1 == p_sys->ctx.enc_params.picture_coding_mode ) { date_Set( &date, 0 ); date_Increment( &date, 1 ); p_sys->i_field_time = date_Get( &date ) / 2; } } /* Copy input picture into encoder input buffer (stride by stride) */ /* Would be lovely to just pass the picture in, but there is noway for the * library to free it */ p_dst = p_sys->p_buffer_in; for( i_plane = 0; i_plane < p_pic->i_planes; i_plane++ ) { uint8_t *p_src = p_pic->p[i_plane].p_pixels; i_width = p_pic->p[i_plane].i_visible_pitch; i_src_stride = p_pic->p[i_plane].i_pitch; for( i_line = 0; i_line < p_pic->p[i_plane].i_visible_lines; i_line++ ) { vlc_memcpy( p_dst, p_src, i_width ); p_dst += i_width; p_src += i_src_stride; } } /* Load one frame of data into encoder */ if( dirac_encoder_load( p_sys->p_dirac, p_sys->p_buffer_in, p_sys->i_buffer_in ) < 0 ) { msg_Dbg( p_enc, "dirac_encoder_load() error" ); return NULL; } /* store pts in a lookaside buffer, so that the same pts may * be used for the picture in coded order */ StorePicturePTS( p_enc, p_sys->i_input_picnum, p_pic->date ); p_sys->i_input_picnum++; /* store dts in a queue, so that they appear in order in * coded order */ p_block = block_New( p_enc, 1 ); if( !p_block ) return NULL; p_block->i_dts = p_pic->date - p_sys->i_pts_offset; block_FifoPut( p_sys->p_dts_fifo, p_block ); p_block = NULL; /* for field coding mode, insert an extra value into both the * pts lookaside buffer and dts queue, offset to correspond * to a one field delay. */ if( 1 == p_sys->ctx.enc_params.picture_coding_mode ) { StorePicturePTS( p_enc, p_sys->i_input_picnum, p_pic->date + p_sys->i_field_time ); p_sys->i_input_picnum++; p_block = block_New( p_enc, 1 ); if( !p_block ) return NULL; p_block->i_dts = p_pic->date - p_sys->i_pts_offset + p_sys->i_field_time; block_FifoPut( p_sys->p_dts_fifo, p_block ); p_block = NULL; } dirac_encoder_state_t state; /* Retrieve encoded frames from encoder */ do { p_sys->p_dirac->enc_buf.buffer = p_sys->p_buffer_out; p_sys->p_dirac->enc_buf.size = p_sys->i_buffer_out; state = dirac_encoder_output( p_sys->p_dirac ); switch( state ) { case ENC_STATE_AVAIL: { uint32_t pic_num; /* extract data from encoder temporary buffer. */ p_block = block_New( p_enc, p_sys->p_dirac->enc_buf.size ); if( !p_block ) return NULL; memcpy( p_block->p_buffer, p_sys->p_dirac->enc_buf.buffer, p_sys->p_dirac->enc_buf.size ); /* if some flags were set for a previous block, prevent * them from getting lost */ if( p_sys->p_chain ) p_block->i_flags |= p_sys->p_chain->i_flags; /* store all extracted blocks in a chain and gather up when an * entire encapsulation unit is avaliable (ends with a picture) */ block_ChainAppend( &p_sys->p_chain, p_block ); /* Presence of a Sequence header indicates a seek point */ if( 0 == p_block->p_buffer[4] ) { p_block->i_flags |= BLOCK_FLAG_TYPE_I; if( !p_enc->fmt_out.p_extra ) { const uint8_t eos[] = { 'B','B','C','D',0x10,0,0,0,13,0,0,0,0 }; uint32_t len = GetDWBE( p_block->p_buffer + 5 ); /* if it hasn't been done so far, stash a copy of the * sequence header for muxers such as ogg */ /* The OggDirac spec advises that a Dirac EOS DataUnit * is appended to the sequence header to allow guard * against poor streaming servers */ /* XXX, should this be done using the packetizer ? */ p_enc->fmt_out.p_extra = malloc( len + sizeof(eos) ); if( !p_enc->fmt_out.p_extra ) return NULL; memcpy( p_enc->fmt_out.p_extra, p_block->p_buffer, len); memcpy( (uint8_t*)p_enc->fmt_out.p_extra + len, eos, sizeof(eos) ); SetDWBE( (uint8_t*)p_enc->fmt_out.p_extra + len + 10, len ); p_enc->fmt_out.i_extra = len + sizeof(eos); } } if( ReadDiracPictureNumber( &pic_num, p_block ) ) { /* Finding a picture terminates an ecapsulation unit, gather * all data and output; use the next dts value queued up * and find correct pts in the tlb */ p_block = block_FifoGet( p_sys->p_dts_fifo ); p_sys->p_chain->i_dts = p_block->i_dts; p_sys->p_chain->i_pts = GetPicturePTS( p_enc, pic_num ); block_Release( p_block ); block_ChainAppend( &p_output_chain, block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_chain ) ); p_sys->p_chain = NULL; } else { p_block = NULL; } break; } case ENC_STATE_BUFFER: break; case ENC_STATE_INVALID: default: break; } } while( state == ENC_STATE_AVAIL ); return p_output_chain; }
/*** * Encapsulation (packetization) suitable for all muxing standards * maps [DataUnit] -> EncapsulationUnit */ static block_t *dirac_BuildEncapsulationUnit( decoder_t *p_dec, block_t *p_block ) { decoder_sys_t *p_sys = p_dec->p_sys; assert(p_block->i_buffer >= 13 && 0x42424344 == GetDWBE( p_block->p_buffer )); if( p_sys->i_eu_pts <= VLC_TS_INVALID && p_sys->i_eu_dts <= VLC_TS_INVALID ) { /* earliest block with pts/dts gets to set the pts/dts for the dated * encapsulation unit as a whole */ /* NB, the 'earliest block' criteria is aribtary */ if( p_block->i_pts > VLC_TS_INVALID || p_block->i_dts > VLC_TS_INVALID ) { p_sys->i_eu_pts = p_block->i_pts; p_sys->i_eu_dts = p_block->i_dts; } } /* inpectdataunit also updates flags for the EU. * - if this is the first block in the EU, then it hasn't been added * to the chain yet (so, p_block will become the front of the chain * - otherwise, use the flags of the chain (first block) */ block_t *p_eu = p_sys->p_eu ? p_sys->p_eu : p_block; int i_block = dirac_InspectDataUnit( p_dec, &p_block, p_eu); if( !p_block ) { /* block has been discarded during inspection */ /* becareful, don't discard anything that is dated, * as this needs to go into the timegen loop. set * the DIRAC_DISCARD block flag, and it'll be dropped * at output time */ return NULL; } block_ChainLastAppend( &p_sys->pp_eu_last, p_block ); dirac_block_encap_t *p_dbe = dirac_GetBlockEncap( p_block ); #ifdef SANITIZE_PREV_PARSE_OFFSET /* fixup prev_parse_offset to point to the last data unit * to arrive */ if( p_dbe ) { SetDWBE( p_block->p_buffer + 9, p_sys->u_eu_last_npo ); p_sys->u_eu_last_npo = p_dbe->u_last_next_offset; } #endif if( i_block != DIRAC_DU_ENDS_EU ) { /* encapsulation unit not ended */ return NULL; } /* gather up encapsulation unit, reassociating the final * private state with the gathered block */ block_t *p_eu_last = (block_t*) p_sys->pp_eu_last - offsetof( block_t, p_next ); p_dbe = dirac_RemoveBlockEncap( p_eu_last ); uint8_t u_parse_code = p_block->p_buffer[4]; /* gather up the encapsulation unit */ p_block = block_ChainGather( p_sys->p_eu ); assert( p_block ); /* block_ChainGather doesn't define when it frees chain */ p_block->i_flags |= DIRAC_NON_DATED; if( p_dbe ) { dirac_AddBlockEncap( &p_block, p_dbe ); if( dirac_isPicture( u_parse_code ) ) p_block->i_flags &= ~DIRAC_NON_DATED; } p_sys->p_eu = NULL; p_sys->pp_eu_last = &p_sys->p_eu; return p_block; }