Esempio n. 1
void *buffer_thread(){
	PID pid;
	PacketDescriptor p1;
		p1 = blockingReadBB(buffer);
		pid = packet_descriptor_get_pid(&p1);
		blockingWriteBB(incoming[pid], p1);
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 2
void blocking_read_sector(SectorDescriptor sd, Voucher *v) {
    struct voucher* vouch = (struct voucher*) malloc(sizeof(struct voucher));
    vouch->sector = sd;
    vouch->status = -1;
    vouch->type = READ_REQ;
    pthread_mutex_init(&(vouch->voucherMutex), NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&(vouch->voucherCond), NULL);
    *v = (Voucher) vouch;

    blockingWriteBB(readVoucherBuffer, *v);
Esempio n. 3
//the 4 methods for read/write are very similar, so i only comment this one
void blocking_write_sector(SectorDescriptor sd, Voucher *v) {

	struct Voucher* vouch = (struct Voucher*) malloc(sizeof(struct Voucher)); //create a new voucher

	vouch->sector = sd; //initialise with sd that will be read/written
	vouch->status = -1; //initial status flag
	vouch->type = WRITE; //its of type write

	pthread_mutex_init(&(vouch->vouchMut), NULL); //initiate mutex
	pthread_cond_init(&(vouch->vouchCond), NULL); //initate condition variable

	*v = (Voucher) vouch; //return the created voucher inside v provided
	blockingWriteBB(writeBuffer, *v); //does a blocking add to the write buffer
Esempio n. 4
void blocking_read_sector(SectorDescriptor sd, Voucher *v) {

	struct Voucher* vouch = (struct Voucher*) malloc(sizeof(struct Voucher));

	pthread_mutex_init(&(vouch->vouchMut), NULL);
	pthread_cond_init(&(vouch->vouchCond), NULL);

	vouch->sector = sd;
	vouch->status = -1;
	vouch->type = READ;

	*v = (Voucher) vouch;
	blockingWriteBB(readBuffer, *v); //does a blocking add to the read buffer
Esempio n. 5
void blocking_send_packet(PacketDescriptor pd){//a way for applications to queue up their packets to be sent
	blockingWriteBB(outgoing, pd);