int bloom_add (bloom * bloom, char *str) { int ret; //printf("key--> %s\n",str); ret = bloom_test (bloom, str, SET); if (ret == 0) { bloom->inserts++; } return ret; }
int bloom_add (bloom * bloom, char *str) { int ret; char* pstr = str; //normalize sequence to lowercase do *pstr = (char)tolower(*pstr); while (*pstr++); ret = bloom_test (bloom, str, SET); if (ret == 0) { bloom->inserts++; } return ret; }
int bloom_check (bloom * bloom, char *str) { //printf("In bloom_check\n"); return bloom_test (bloom, str, RO); }
int bloom_check (bloom * bloom, char *str) { int result = 0; result = bloom_test (bloom, str, RO); return result; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint r = ROUNDS; uint only_crea = 0; uint do_judy = 0; uint seed = 0; float scaler = 0; uint sum = 0; uint false_hits = 0; uint nof_false = 0; Pvoid_t judy = NULL; dub_init(); PPARM_INT(seed, SEED); PPARM_FLOAT(scaler, SCALER); /* allow at most one false hit in 10^7 queries */ init_bloom(7, scaler); if (getenv("ONLY_CREATE")){ dub_msg("Only encoding %u lists", r); only_crea = 1; }else dub_msg("Encoding %u lists and testing %u items per list", r, TESTMAX); if (!only_crea && getenv("FALSE_HITS")){ dub_msg("Checking for false hits"); false_hits = 1; }else if (getenv("JUDY")){ dub_msg("Using Judy"); do_judy = 1; } srand(seed); while (r--){ uint sze = MAXSZE * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); u32 *p = xmalloc(sze * 4); bloom_s *b = NULL; uint j, k; for (j = 0; j < sze; j++) p[j] = 1000 * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); if (do_judy || false_hits){ uint tmp; for (j = 0; j < sze; j++) J1S(tmp, judy, p[j]); } if (!do_judy) b = new_bloom(p, sze); sum += sze; if (only_crea) goto next; for (j = 1; j < TESTMAX; j++){ if (false_hits){ J1T(k, judy, j); if (bloom_test(b, j)){ if (!k) ++nof_false; }else if (k){ print(p, sze); dub_die("False negative! " "Value %u not in bloom. " "Bloom broken!", j); } }else if (do_judy){ J1T(k, judy, j); }else bloom_test(b, j); } next: if (do_judy || false_hits){ J1FA(k, judy); } if (!do_judy){ free(b); free(p); } } dub_msg("In total %u items in lists", sum); if (false_hits) dub_msg("In total %u false hits found", nof_false); return 0; }