Esempio n. 1
void RenderWidget::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (!shouldPaint(paintInfo, paintOffset))

    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();

    if (hasBoxDecorations() && (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection))
        paintBoxDecorations(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);

    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseMask) {
        paintMask(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);

    if ((paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline) && hasOutline())
        paintOutline(paintInfo, LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset, size()));

    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground)

    if (style().hasBorderRadius()) {
        LayoutRect borderRect = LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset, size());

        if (borderRect.isEmpty())

        // Push a clip if we have a border radius, since we want to round the foreground content that gets painted.
        FloatRoundedRect roundedInnerRect = FloatRoundedRect(style().getRoundedInnerBorderFor(borderRect,
            paddingTop() + borderTop(), paddingBottom() + borderBottom(), paddingLeft() + borderLeft(), paddingRight() + borderRight(), true, true));
        clipRoundedInnerRect(paintInfo.context, borderRect, roundedInnerRect);

    if (m_widget)
        paintContents(paintInfo, paintOffset);

    if (style().hasBorderRadius())

    // Paint a partially transparent wash over selected widgets.
    if (isSelected() && !document().printing()) {
        // FIXME: selectionRect() is in absolute, not painting coordinates.
        paintInfo.context->fillRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(selectionRect()), selectionBackgroundColor(), style().colorSpace());

    if (hasLayer() && layer()->canResize())
        layer()->paintResizer(paintInfo.context, roundedIntPoint(adjustedPaintOffset), paintInfo.rect);
Esempio n. 2
void RenderReplaced::paint(PaintInfo& paintInfo, const LayoutPoint& paintOffset)
    if (!shouldPaint(paintInfo, paintOffset))
    LayoutPoint adjustedPaintOffset = paintOffset + location();
    if (hasBoxDecorations() && (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)) 
        paintBoxDecorations(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);
    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseMask) {
        paintMask(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);

    LayoutRect paintRect = LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset, size());
    if ((paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelfOutline) && style().outlineWidth())
        paintOutline(paintInfo, paintRect);
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseForeground && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection && !canHaveChildren())
    if (!paintInfo.shouldPaintWithinRoot(*this))
    bool drawSelectionTint = selectionState() != SelectionNone && !document().printing();
    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection) {
        if (selectionState() == SelectionNone)
        drawSelectionTint = false;

    bool completelyClippedOut = false;
    if (style().hasBorderRadius()) {
        LayoutRect borderRect = LayoutRect(adjustedPaintOffset, size());

        if (borderRect.isEmpty())
            completelyClippedOut = true;
        else {
            // Push a clip if we have a border radius, since we want to round the foreground content that gets painted.
            FloatRoundedRect roundedInnerRect = FloatRoundedRect(style().getRoundedInnerBorderFor(paintRect,
                paddingTop() + borderTop(), paddingBottom() + borderBottom(), paddingLeft() + borderLeft(), paddingRight() + borderRight(), true, true));
            clipRoundedInnerRect(paintInfo.context, paintRect, roundedInnerRect);

    if (!completelyClippedOut) {
        paintReplaced(paintInfo, adjustedPaintOffset);

        if (style().hasBorderRadius())
    // The selection tint never gets clipped by border-radius rounding, since we want it to run right up to the edges of
    // surrounding content.
    if (drawSelectionTint) {
        LayoutRect selectionPaintingRect = localSelectionRect();
        paintInfo.context->fillRect(pixelSnappedIntRect(selectionPaintingRect), selectionBackgroundColor(), style().colorSpace());
Esempio n. 3
VisiblePosition RenderContainer::positionForCoordinates(int x, int y)
    // no children...return this render object's element, if there is one, and offset 0
    if (!m_firstChild)
        return VisiblePosition(element(), 0, DOWNSTREAM);

    if (isTable() && element()) {
        int right = contentWidth() + borderRight() + paddingRight() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
        int bottom = contentHeight() + borderTop() + paddingTop() + borderBottom() + paddingBottom();

        if (x < 0 || x > right || y < 0 || y > bottom) {
            if (x <= right / 2)
                return VisiblePosition(Position(element(), 0));
                return VisiblePosition(Position(element(), maxDeepOffset(element())));

    // Pass off to the closest child.
    int minDist = INT_MAX;
    RenderObject* closestRenderer = 0;
    int newX = x;
    int newY = y;
    if (isTableRow()) {
        newX += xPos();
        newY += yPos();
    for (RenderObject* renderer = m_firstChild; renderer; renderer = renderer->nextSibling()) {
        if (!renderer->firstChild() && !renderer->isInline() && !renderer->isBlockFlow()
                || renderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)

        int top = borderTop() + paddingTop() + (isTableRow() ? 0 : renderer->yPos());
        int bottom = top + renderer->contentHeight();
        int left = borderLeft() + paddingLeft() + (isTableRow() ? 0 : renderer->xPos());
        int right = left + renderer->contentWidth();

        if (x <= right && x >= left && y <= top && y >= bottom) {
            if (renderer->isTableRow())
                return renderer->positionForCoordinates(x + newX - renderer->xPos(), y + newY - renderer->yPos());
            return renderer->positionForCoordinates(x - renderer->xPos(), y - renderer->yPos());

        // Find the distance from (x, y) to the box.  Split the space around the box into 8 pieces
        // and use a different compare depending on which piece (x, y) is in.
        IntPoint cmp;
        if (x > right) {
            if (y < top)
                cmp = IntPoint(right, top);
            else if (y > bottom)
                cmp = IntPoint(right, bottom);
                cmp = IntPoint(right, y);
        } else if (x < left) {
            if (y < top)
                cmp = IntPoint(left, top);
            else if (y > bottom)
                cmp = IntPoint(left, bottom);
                cmp = IntPoint(left, y);
        } else {
            if (y < top)
                cmp = IntPoint(x, top);
                cmp = IntPoint(x, bottom);

        int x1minusx2 = cmp.x() - x;
        int y1minusy2 = cmp.y() - y;

        int dist = x1minusx2 * x1minusx2 + y1minusy2 * y1minusy2;
        if (dist < minDist) {
            closestRenderer = renderer;
            minDist = dist;

    if (closestRenderer)
        return closestRenderer->positionForCoordinates(newX - closestRenderer->xPos(), newY - closestRenderer->yPos());

    return VisiblePosition(element(), 0, DOWNSTREAM);