Esempio n. 1
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::addRing( const QList<QgsPoint>& ring )
    if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
        return 5;

    int addRingReturnCode = 5; //default: return code for 'ring not inserted'
    double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
    QgsRectangle bBox;

    if ( boundingBoxFromPointList( ring, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax ) == 0 )
        bBox.setXMinimum( xMin );
        bBox.setYMinimum( yMin );
        bBox.setXMaximum( xMax );
        bBox.setYMaximum( yMax );
        return 3; //ring not valid

    QgsFeatureIterator fit = L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bBox ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );

    QgsFeature f;
    while ( fit.nextFeature( f ) )
        addRingReturnCode = f.geometry()->addRing( ring );
        if ( addRingReturnCode == 0 )
            L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, f.geometry() );

            //setModified( true, true );

    return addRingReturnCode;
Esempio n. 2
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::splitFeatures( const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, bool topologicalEditing )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return 4;

  QgsFeatureList newFeatures; //store all the newly created features
  double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
  QgsRectangle bBox; //bounding box of the split line
  int returnCode = 0;
  int splitFunctionReturn; //return code of QgsGeometry::splitGeometry
  int numberOfSplittedFeatures = 0;

  QgsFeatureIterator features;
  const QgsFeatureIds selectedIds = L->selectedFeaturesIds();

  if ( selectedIds.size() > 0 ) //consider only the selected features if there is a selection
    features = L->selectedFeaturesIterator();
  else //else consider all the feature that intersect the bounding box of the split line
    if ( boundingBoxFromPointList( splitLine, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax ) == 0 )
      bBox.setXMinimum( xMin ); bBox.setYMinimum( yMin );
      bBox.setXMaximum( xMax ); bBox.setYMaximum( yMax );
      return 1;

    if ( bBox.isEmpty() )
      //if the bbox is a line, try to make a square out of it
      if ( bBox.width() == 0.0 && bBox.height() > 0 )
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bBox.height() / 2 );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bBox.height() / 2 );
      else if ( bBox.height() == 0.0 && bBox.width() > 0 )
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bBox.width() / 2 );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bBox.width() / 2 );
        //If we have a single point, we still create a non-null box
        double bufferDistance = 0.000001;
        if ( L->crs().geographicFlag() )
          bufferDistance = 0.00000001;
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bufferDistance );

    features = L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bBox ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );

  QgsFeature feat;
  while ( features.nextFeature( feat ) )
    if ( !feat.constGeometry() )
    QList<QgsGeometry*> newGeometries;
    QList<QgsPoint> topologyTestPoints;
    QgsGeometry* newGeometry = 0;
    splitFunctionReturn = feat.geometry()->splitGeometry( splitLine, newGeometries, topologicalEditing, topologyTestPoints );
    if ( splitFunctionReturn == 0 )
      //change this geometry
      L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, feat.geometry() );

      //insert new features
      for ( int i = 0; i < newGeometries.size(); ++i )
        newGeometry = i );
        QgsFeature newFeature;
        newFeature.setGeometry( newGeometry );

        //use default value where possible for primary key (e.g. autoincrement),
        //and use the value from the original (split) feature if not primary key
        QgsAttributes newAttributes = feat.attributes();
        Q_FOREACH ( int pkIdx, L->dataProvider()->pkAttributeIndexes() )
          const QVariant defaultValue = L->dataProvider()->defaultValue( pkIdx );
          if ( !defaultValue.isNull() )
            newAttributes[ pkIdx ] = defaultValue;
          else //try with NULL
            newAttributes[ pkIdx ] = QVariant();

        newFeature.setAttributes( newAttributes );

        newFeatures.append( newFeature );

      if ( topologicalEditing )
        QList<QgsPoint>::const_iterator topol_it = topologyTestPoints.constBegin();
        for ( ; topol_it != topologyTestPoints.constEnd(); ++topol_it )
          addTopologicalPoints( *topol_it );
    else if ( splitFunctionReturn > 1 ) //1 means no split but also no error
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::splitFeatures( const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, bool topologicalEditing )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return 4;

  QgsFeatureList newFeatures; //store all the newly created features
  double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
  QgsRectangle bBox; //bounding box of the split line
  int returnCode = 0;
  int splitFunctionReturn; //return code of QgsGeometry::splitGeometry
  int numberOfSplittedFeatures = 0;

  QgsFeatureList featureList;
  const QgsFeatureIds selectedIds = L->selectedFeaturesIds();

  if ( selectedIds.size() > 0 ) //consider only the selected features if there is a selection
    featureList = L->selectedFeatures();
  else //else consider all the feature that intersect the bounding box of the split line
    if ( boundingBoxFromPointList( splitLine, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax ) == 0 )
      bBox.setXMinimum( xMin ); bBox.setYMinimum( yMin );
      bBox.setXMaximum( xMax ); bBox.setYMaximum( yMax );
      return 1;

    if ( bBox.isEmpty() )
      //if the bbox is a line, try to make a square out of it
      if ( bBox.width() == 0.0 && bBox.height() > 0 )
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bBox.height() / 2 );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bBox.height() / 2 );
      else if ( bBox.height() == 0.0 && bBox.width() > 0 )
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bBox.width() / 2 );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bBox.width() / 2 );
        return 2;

    QgsFeatureIterator fit = L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bBox ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );

    QgsFeature f;
    while ( fit.nextFeature( f ) )
      featureList << QgsFeature( f );

  QgsFeatureList::iterator select_it = featureList.begin();
  for ( ; select_it != featureList.end(); ++select_it )
    if ( !select_it->geometry() )
    QList<QgsGeometry*> newGeometries;
    QList<QgsPoint> topologyTestPoints;
    QgsGeometry* newGeometry = 0;
    splitFunctionReturn = select_it->geometry()->splitGeometry( splitLine, newGeometries, topologicalEditing, topologyTestPoints );
    if ( splitFunctionReturn == 0 )
      //change this geometry
      L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry( select_it->id(), select_it->geometry() );

      //insert new features
      for ( int i = 0; i < newGeometries.size(); ++i )
        newGeometry = i );
        QgsFeature newFeature;
        newFeature.setGeometry( newGeometry );

        //use default value where possible (primary key issue), otherwise the value from the original (split) feature
        QgsAttributes newAttributes = select_it->attributes();
        QVariant defaultValue;
        for ( int j = 0; j < newAttributes.count(); ++j )
          defaultValue = L->dataProvider()->defaultValue( j );
          if ( !defaultValue.isNull() )
            newAttributes[ j ] = defaultValue;

        newFeature.setAttributes( newAttributes );

        newFeatures.append( newFeature );

      if ( topologicalEditing )
        QList<QgsPoint>::const_iterator topol_it = topologyTestPoints.constBegin();
        for ( ; topol_it != topologyTestPoints.constEnd(); ++topol_it )
          addTopologicalPoints( *topol_it );
    else if ( splitFunctionReturn > 1 ) //1 means no split but also no error
      returnCode = splitFunctionReturn;

  if ( numberOfSplittedFeatures == 0 && selectedIds.size() > 0 )
    //There is a selection but no feature has been split.
    //Maybe user forgot that only the selected features are split
    returnCode = 4;

  //now add the new features to this vectorlayer
  L->editBuffer()->addFeatures( newFeatures );

  return returnCode;
Esempio n. 4
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::splitParts( const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, bool topologicalEditing )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return 4;

  double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
  QgsRectangle bBox; //bounding box of the split line
  int returnCode = 0;
  int splitFunctionReturn; //return code of QgsGeometry::splitGeometry
  int numberOfSplittedParts = 0;

  QgsFeatureIterator fit;

  if ( L->selectedFeatureCount() > 0 ) //consider only the selected features if there is a selection
    fit = L->selectedFeaturesIterator();
  else //else consider all the feature that intersect the bounding box of the split line
    if ( boundingBoxFromPointList( splitLine, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax ) == 0 )
      bBox.setXMinimum( xMin );
      bBox.setYMinimum( yMin );
      bBox.setXMaximum( xMax );
      bBox.setYMaximum( yMax );
      return 1;

    if ( bBox.isEmpty() )
      //if the bbox is a line, try to make a square out of it
      if ( bBox.width() == 0.0 && bBox.height() > 0 )
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bBox.height() / 2 );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bBox.height() / 2 );
      else if ( bBox.height() == 0.0 && bBox.width() > 0 )
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bBox.width() / 2 );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bBox.width() / 2 );
        //If we have a single point, we still create a non-null box
        double bufferDistance = 0.000001;
        if ( L->crs().isGeographic() )
          bufferDistance = 0.00000001;
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bufferDistance );

    fit = L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bBox ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );

  int addPartRet = 0;

  QgsFeature feat;
  while ( fit.nextFeature( feat ) )
    QList<QgsGeometry> newGeometries;
    QList<QgsPoint> topologyTestPoints;
    QgsGeometry featureGeom = feat.geometry();
    splitFunctionReturn = featureGeom.splitGeometry( splitLine, newGeometries, topologicalEditing, topologyTestPoints );
    if ( splitFunctionReturn == 0 )
      //add new parts
      if ( !newGeometries.isEmpty() )

      for ( int i = 0; i < newGeometries.size(); ++i )
        addPartRet = featureGeom.addPart( i ) );
        if ( addPartRet )

      // For test only: Exception already thrown here...
      // feat.geometry()->asWkb();

      if ( !addPartRet )
        L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, featureGeom );
        // Test addPartRet
        switch ( addPartRet )
          case 1:
            QgsDebugMsg( "Not a multipolygon" );

          case 2:
            QgsDebugMsg( "Not a valid geometry" );

          case 3:
            QgsDebugMsg( "New polygon ring" );
      L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, featureGeom );

      if ( topologicalEditing )
        QList<QgsPoint>::const_iterator topol_it = topologyTestPoints.constBegin();
        for ( ; topol_it != topologyTestPoints.constEnd(); ++topol_it )
          addTopologicalPoints( *topol_it );
    else if ( splitFunctionReturn > 1 ) //1 means no split but also no error
      returnCode = splitFunctionReturn;

  if ( numberOfSplittedParts == 0 && L->selectedFeatureCount() > 0  && returnCode == 0 )
    //There is a selection but no feature has been split.
    //Maybe user forgot that only the selected features are split
    returnCode = 4;

  return returnCode;
Esempio n. 5
int QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::splitFeatures( const QList<QgsPoint>& splitLine, bool topologicalEditing )
  if ( !L->hasGeometryType() )
    return 4;

  QgsFeatureList newFeatures; //store all the newly created features
  double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
  QgsRectangle bBox; //bounding box of the split line
  int returnCode = 0;
  int splitFunctionReturn; //return code of QgsGeometry::splitGeometry
  int numberOfSplittedFeatures = 0;

  QgsFeatureIterator features;
  const QgsFeatureIds selectedIds = L->selectedFeatureIds();

  if ( !selectedIds.isEmpty() ) //consider only the selected features if there is a selection
    features = L->selectedFeaturesIterator();
  else //else consider all the feature that intersect the bounding box of the split line
    if ( boundingBoxFromPointList( splitLine, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax ) == 0 )
      bBox.setXMinimum( xMin );
      bBox.setYMinimum( yMin );
      bBox.setXMaximum( xMax );
      bBox.setYMaximum( yMax );
      return 1;

    if ( bBox.isEmpty() )
      //if the bbox is a line, try to make a square out of it
      if ( bBox.width() == 0.0 && bBox.height() > 0 )
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bBox.height() / 2 );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bBox.height() / 2 );
      else if ( bBox.height() == 0.0 && bBox.width() > 0 )
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bBox.width() / 2 );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bBox.width() / 2 );
        //If we have a single point, we still create a non-null box
        double bufferDistance = 0.000001;
        if ( L->crs().isGeographic() )
          bufferDistance = 0.00000001;
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bufferDistance );

    features = L->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bBox ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );

  QgsFeature feat;
  while ( features.nextFeature( feat ) )
    if ( !feat.hasGeometry() )
    QList<QgsGeometry> newGeometries;
    QList<QgsPoint> topologyTestPoints;
    QgsGeometry featureGeom = feat.geometry();
    splitFunctionReturn = featureGeom.splitGeometry( splitLine, newGeometries, topologicalEditing, topologyTestPoints );
    if ( splitFunctionReturn == 0 )
      //change this geometry
      L->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, featureGeom );

      //insert new features
      for ( int i = 0; i < newGeometries.size(); ++i )
        QgsFeature f = QgsVectorLayerUtils::createFeature( L, i ), feat.attributes().toMap() );
        L->editBuffer()->addFeature( f );

      if ( topologicalEditing )
        QList<QgsPoint>::const_iterator topol_it = topologyTestPoints.constBegin();
        for ( ; topol_it != topologyTestPoints.constEnd(); ++topol_it )
          addTopologicalPoints( *topol_it );
    else if ( splitFunctionReturn > 1 ) //1 means no split but also no error
      returnCode = splitFunctionReturn;

  if ( numberOfSplittedFeatures == 0 && !selectedIds.isEmpty() )
    //There is a selection but no feature has been split.
    //Maybe user forgot that only the selected features are split
    returnCode = 4;

  return returnCode;
Esempio n. 6
QgsGeometry::OperationResult QgsVectorLayerEditUtils::splitParts( const QVector<QgsPointXY> &splitLine, bool topologicalEditing )
  if ( !mLayer->isSpatial() )
    return QgsGeometry::InvalidBaseGeometry;

  double xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;
  QgsRectangle bBox; //bounding box of the split line
  QgsGeometry::OperationResult returnCode = QgsGeometry::OperationResult::Success;
  QgsGeometry::OperationResult splitFunctionReturn; //return code of QgsGeometry::splitGeometry
  int numberOfSplitParts = 0;

  QgsFeatureIterator fit;

  if ( mLayer->selectedFeatureCount() > 0 ) //consider only the selected features if there is a selection
    fit = mLayer->getSelectedFeatures();
  else //else consider all the feature that intersect the bounding box of the split line
    if ( boundingBoxFromPointList( splitLine, xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax ) )
      bBox.setXMinimum( xMin );
      bBox.setYMinimum( yMin );
      bBox.setXMaximum( xMax );
      bBox.setYMaximum( yMax );
      return QgsGeometry::OperationResult::InvalidInputGeometryType;

    if ( bBox.isEmpty() )
      //if the bbox is a line, try to make a square out of it
      if ( bBox.width() == 0.0 && bBox.height() > 0 )
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bBox.height() / 2 );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bBox.height() / 2 );
      else if ( bBox.height() == 0.0 && bBox.width() > 0 )
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bBox.width() / 2 );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bBox.width() / 2 );
        //If we have a single point, we still create a non-null box
        double bufferDistance = 0.000001;
        if ( mLayer->crs().isGeographic() )
          bufferDistance = 0.00000001;
        bBox.setXMinimum( bBox.xMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setXMaximum( bBox.xMaximum() + bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMinimum( bBox.yMinimum() - bufferDistance );
        bBox.setYMaximum( bBox.yMaximum() + bufferDistance );

    fit = mLayer->getFeatures( QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect( bBox ).setFlags( QgsFeatureRequest::ExactIntersect ) );

  QgsGeometry::OperationResult addPartRet = QgsGeometry::OperationResult::Success;

  QgsFeature feat;
  while ( fit.nextFeature( feat ) )
    QVector<QgsGeometry> newGeometries;
    QVector<QgsPointXY> topologyTestPoints;
    QgsGeometry featureGeom = feat.geometry();
    splitFunctionReturn = featureGeom.splitGeometry( splitLine, newGeometries, topologicalEditing, topologyTestPoints );
    if ( splitFunctionReturn == 0 )
      //add new parts
      if ( !newGeometries.isEmpty() )

      for ( int i = 0; i < newGeometries.size(); ++i )
        addPartRet = featureGeom.addPart( i ) );
        if ( addPartRet )

      // For test only: Exception already thrown here...
      // feat.geometry()->asWkb();

      if ( !addPartRet )
        mLayer->editBuffer()->changeGeometry(, featureGeom );

      if ( topologicalEditing )
        QVector<QgsPointXY>::const_iterator topol_it = topologyTestPoints.constBegin();
        for ( ; topol_it != topologyTestPoints.constEnd(); ++topol_it )
          addTopologicalPoints( *topol_it );
    else if ( splitFunctionReturn != QgsGeometry::OperationResult::Success && splitFunctionReturn != QgsGeometry::OperationResult::NothingHappened )
      returnCode = splitFunctionReturn;

  if ( numberOfSplitParts == 0 && mLayer->selectedFeatureCount() > 0  && returnCode == QgsGeometry::Success )
    //There is a selection but no feature has been split.
    //Maybe user forgot that only the selected features are split
    returnCode = QgsGeometry::OperationResult::NothingHappened;

  return returnCode;