Esempio n. 1
FeatureFloodCount::mergeSets(bool use_periodic_boundary_info)
  Moose::perf_log.push("mergeSets()", "FeatureFloodCount");
  std::set<dof_id_type> set_union;

  for (auto map_num = decltype(_maps_size)(0); map_num < _maps_size; ++map_num)
    for (auto it1 = _partial_feature_sets[map_num].begin(); it1 != _partial_feature_sets[map_num].end(); /* No increment on it1 */)
      bool merge_occured = false;
      for (auto it2 = _partial_feature_sets[map_num].begin(); it2 != _partial_feature_sets[map_num].end(); ++it2)
        bool pb_intersect = false;
        if (it1 != it2 &&                                                    // Make sure that these iterators aren't pointing at the same set
            it1->_var_idx == it2->_var_idx &&                                // and that the sets have matching variable indices
             ((use_periodic_boundary_info &&                                 // and (if merging across periodic nodes
               (pb_intersect = it1->periodicBoundariesIntersect(*it2)))      //      do those periodic nodes intersect?
                 ||                                                          //      or
               (it1->boundingBoxesIntersect(*it2) &&                         //      if the region bboxes intersect
                it1->ghostedIntersect(*it2)                                  //      do the ghosted entities also intersect)

          // Insert the new entity at the end of the list so that it may be checked against all other partial features again

           * Now remove both halves the merged features: it2 contains the "moved" feature cell just inserted
           * at the back of the list, it1 contains the mostly empty other half. We have to be careful about the
           * order in which these two elements are deleted. We delete it2 first since we don't care where its
           * iterator points after the deletion. We are going to break out of this loop anyway. If we delete
           * it1 first, it may end up pointing at the same location as it2 which after the second deletion would
           * cause both of the iterators to be invalidated.
          it1 = _partial_feature_sets[map_num].erase(it1); // it1 is incremented here!

          // A merge occurred, this is used to determine whether or not we increment the outer iterator
          merge_occured = true;

          // We need to start the list comparison over for the new it1 so break here
      } // it2 loop

      if (!merge_occured) // No merges so we need to manually increment the outer iterator

    } // it1 loop
  } // map loop

   * All of the merges are complete and stored in a vector of lists. To make several
   * of the sorting and tracking algorithms more straightforward, we will move these
   * items into a vector of vectors instead.
  _feature_count = 0;
  for (auto map_num = decltype(_maps_size)(0); map_num < _maps_size; ++map_num)
    for (auto & feature : _partial_feature_sets[map_num])
      // Adjust the halo marking region
      std::set<dof_id_type> set_difference;
      std::set_difference(feature._halo_ids.begin(), feature._halo_ids.end(), feature._local_ids.begin(), feature._local_ids.end(),
                          std::insert_iterator<std::set<dof_id_type> >(set_difference, set_difference.begin()));



  Moose::perf_log.pop("mergeSets()", "FeatureFloodCount");
Esempio n. 2
FeatureFloodCount::mergeSets(bool use_periodic_boundary_info)
  Moose::perf_log.push("mergeSets()", "FeatureFloodCount");

  // Since we gathered only on the root process, we only need to merge sets on the root process.
  mooseAssert(_is_master, "mergeSets() should only be called on the root process");

  // Local variable used for sizing structures, it will be >= the actual number of features
  for (auto map_num = decltype(_maps_size)(0); map_num < _maps_size; ++map_num)
    for (auto it1 = _partial_feature_sets[map_num].begin(); it1 != _partial_feature_sets[map_num].end(); /* No increment on it1 */)
      bool merge_occured = false;
      for (auto it2 = _partial_feature_sets[map_num].begin(); it2 != _partial_feature_sets[map_num].end(); ++it2)
        bool pb_intersect = false;
        if (it1 != it2 &&                                                    // Make sure that these iterators aren't pointing at the same set
            it1->_var_index == it2->_var_index &&                            // and that the sets have matching variable indices
             ((use_periodic_boundary_info &&                                 // and (if merging across periodic nodes
               (pb_intersect = it1->periodicBoundariesIntersect(*it2)))      //      do those periodic nodes intersect?
                 ||                                                          //      or
               (it1->boundingBoxesIntersect(*it2) &&                         //      if the region bboxes intersect
                it1->ghostedIntersect(*it2)                                  //      do the ghosted entities also intersect)

          // Insert the new entity at the end of the list so that it may be checked against all other partial features again

           * Now remove both halves the merged features: it2 contains the "moved" feature cell just inserted
           * at the back of the list, it1 contains the mostly empty other half. We have to be careful about the
           * order in which these two elements are deleted. We delete it2 first since we don't care where its
           * iterator points after the deletion. We are going to break out of this loop anyway. If we delete
           * it1 first, it may end up pointing at the same location as it2 which after the second deletion would
           * cause both of the iterators to be invalidated.
          it1 = _partial_feature_sets[map_num].erase(it1); // it1 is incremented here!

          // A merge occurred, this is used to determine whether or not we increment the outer iterator
          merge_occured = true;

          // We need to start the list comparison over for the new it1 so break here
      } // it2 loop

      if (!merge_occured) // No merges so we need to manually increment the outer iterator

    } // it1 loop
  } // map loop

   * Now that the merges are complete we need to adjust the centroid, and halos.
   * Additionally, To make several of the sorting and tracking algorithms more straightforward,
   * we will move the features into a flat vector. Finally we can count the final number
   * of features and find the max local index seen on any processor
   * Note: This is all occurring on rank 0 only!

  // Offset where the current set of features with the same variable id starts in the flat vector
  unsigned int feature_offset = 0;
  // Set the member feature count to zero and start counting the actual features
  _feature_count = 0;

  for (auto map_num = decltype(_maps_size)(0); map_num < _maps_size; ++map_num)
    std::set<dof_id_type> set_difference;
    for (auto & feature : _partial_feature_sets[map_num])
      // First we need to calculate the centroid now that we are doing merging all partial features
      if (feature._vol_count != 0)
        feature._centroid /= feature._vol_count;


    // Record the feature numbers just for the current map
    _feature_counts_per_map[map_num] = _feature_count - feature_offset;

    // Now update the running feature count so we can calculate the next map's contribution
    feature_offset = _feature_count;

    // Clean up the "moved" objects

   * IMPORTANT: FeatureFloodCount::_feature_count is set on rank 0 at this point but
   * we can't broadcast it here because this routine is not collective.

  Moose::perf_log.pop("mergeSets()", "FeatureFloodCount");