** GiST support function. Called from gserialized_gist_consistent below.
static inline bool gserialized_gist_consistent_internal_2d(BOX2DF *key, BOX2DF *query, StrategyNumber strategy)
	bool retval;

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "[GIST] internal consistent, strategy [%d], count[%i], query[%s], key[%s]",
	               strategy, g2d_counter_internal++, box2df_to_string(query), box2df_to_string(key) );

	switch (strategy)
	case RTOverlapStrategyNumber:
		retval = (bool) box2df_overlaps(key, query);
	case RTSameStrategyNumber:
	case RTContainsStrategyNumber:
	case RTOldContainsStrategyNumber:
		retval = (bool) box2df_contains(key, query);
	case RTContainedByStrategyNumber:
	case RTOldContainedByStrategyNumber:
		retval = (bool) box2df_overlaps(key, query);
		retval = FALSE;

	return (retval);
static float box2df_union_size(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b)
	float result;

	POSTGIS_DEBUG(5,"entered function");

	if ( a == NULL && b == NULL )
		elog(ERROR, "box2df_union_size received two null arguments");
		return 0.0;
	if ( a == NULL )
		return box2df_size(b);

	if ( b == NULL )
		return box2df_size(a);

	result = ((double)Max(a->xmax,b->xmax) - (double)Min(a->xmin,b->xmin)) * 
 	         ((double)Max(a->ymax,b->ymax) - (double)Min(a->ymin,b->ymin));

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, "union size of %s and %s is %.8g", box2df_to_string(a), box2df_to_string(b), result);

	return result;
/* Enlarge b_union to contain b_new. If b_new contains more
   dimensions than b_union, expand b_union to contain those dimensions. */
static void box2df_merge(BOX2DF *b_union, BOX2DF *b_new)

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, "merging %s with %s", box2df_to_string(b_union), box2df_to_string(b_new));
	/* Adjust minimums */
	b_union->xmin = Min(b_union->xmin, b_new->xmin);
	b_union->ymin = Min(b_union->ymin, b_new->ymin);
	/* Adjust maximums */
	b_union->xmax = Max(b_union->xmax, b_new->xmax);
	b_union->ymax = Max(b_union->ymax, b_new->ymax);

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, "merge complete %s", box2df_to_string(b_union));
Datum gserialized_gist_union_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
	GistEntryVector	*entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);
	int *sizep = (int *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); /* Size of the return value */
	int	numranges, i;
	BOX2DF *box_cur, *box_union;

	POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'union' function called");

	numranges = entryvec->n;

	box_cur = (BOX2DF*) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[0].key);

	box_union = box2df_copy(box_cur);

	for ( i = 1; i < numranges; i++ )
		box_cur = (BOX2DF*) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[i].key);
		box2df_merge(box_union, box_cur);

	*sizep = sizeof(BOX2DF);

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "[GIST] 'union', numranges(%i), pageunion %s", numranges, box2df_to_string(box_union));


Esempio n. 5
* Support function. Based on two datums return true if
* they satisfy the predicate and false otherwise.
static int 
gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(Datum gs1, Datum gs2, box2df_predicate predicate)
	BOX2DF b1, b2;
	POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");

	/* Must be able to build box for each argument (ie, not empty geometry)
	   and overlap boxes to return true. */
	if ( (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs1, &b1) == LW_SUCCESS) &&
	     (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs2, &b2) == LW_SUCCESS) &&
	      predicate(&b1, &b2) )
		POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "got boxes %s and %s", box2df_to_string(&b1), box2df_to_string(&b2));
		return LW_TRUE;
	return LW_FALSE;
Datum gserialized_distance_box_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
	BOX2DF b1, b2;
	Datum gs1 = PG_GETARG_DATUM(0);
	Datum gs2 = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1);    
	POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");

	/* Must be able to build box for each argument (ie, not empty geometry). */
	if ( (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs1, &b1) == LW_SUCCESS) &&
	     (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs2, &b2) == LW_SUCCESS) )
		double distance = box2df_distance(&b1, &b2);
		POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "got boxes %s and %s", box2df_to_string(&b1), box2df_to_string(&b2));
static bool box2df_intersection(const BOX2DF *a, const BOX2DF *b, BOX2DF *n)
	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, "calculating intersection of %s with %s", box2df_to_string(a), box2df_to_string(b));

	if( a == NULL || b == NULL || n == NULL ) 
		return FALSE;
	n->xmax = Min(a->xmax, b->xmax);
	n->ymax = Min(a->ymax, b->ymax);
	n->xmin = Max(a->xmin, b->xmin);
	n->ymin = Max(a->ymin, b->ymin);

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5, "intersection is %s", box2df_to_string(n));

	if ( (n->xmax < n->xmin) || (n->ymax < n->ymin) )
		return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
* Peak into a #GSERIALIZED datum to find the bounding box. If the
* box is there, copy it out and return it. If not, calculate the box from the
* full object and return the box based on that. If no box is available,
* return #LW_FAILURE, otherwise #LW_SUCCESS.
static int 
gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(Datum gsdatum, BOX2DF *box2df)
	uint8_t flags;
	int result = LW_SUCCESS;

	POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "entered function");

	** The most info we need is the 8 bytes of serialized header plus the 
	** of floats necessary to hold the bounding box.
	gpart = (GSERIALIZED*)PG_DETOAST_DATUM_SLICE(gsdatum, 0, 8 + sizeof(BOX2DF));
	flags = gpart->flags;

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "got flags %d", gpart->flags);

	/* Do we even have a serialized bounding box? */
	if ( FLAGS_GET_BBOX(flags) )
		/* Yes! Copy it out into the box! */
		POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "copying box out of serialization");
		memcpy(box2df, gpart->data, sizeof(BOX2DF));
		result = LW_SUCCESS;
		/* No, we need to calculate it from the full object. */
		GBOX gbox;
		LWGEOM *lwgeom = lwgeom_from_gserialized(g);
		if ( lwgeom_calculate_gbox(lwgeom, &gbox) == LW_FAILURE )
			POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "could not calculate bbox, returning failure");
			return LW_FAILURE;
		result = box2df_from_gbox_p(&gbox, box2df);
	if ( result == LW_SUCCESS )
		POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "got box2df %s", box2df_to_string(box2df));

	return result;
* Support function. Based on two datums return true if
* they satisfy the predicate and false otherwise.
static int 
gserialized_datum_predicate_2d(Datum gs1, Datum gs2, box2df_predicate predicate)
	BOX2DF b1, b2, *br1=NULL, *br2=NULL;
	POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "entered function");

	if (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs1, &b1) == LW_SUCCESS) br1 = &b1;
	if (gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(gs2, &b2) == LW_SUCCESS) br2 = &b2;

	if ( predicate(br1, br2) )
		POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "got boxes %s and %s", br1 ? box2df_to_string(&b1) : "(null)", br2 ? box2df_to_string(&b2) : "(null)");
		return LW_TRUE;
	return LW_FALSE;
Esempio n. 10
/* Ensure all minimums are below maximums. */
static inline void box2df_validate(BOX2DF *b)
	float tmp;
	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(5,"validating box2df (%s)", box2df_to_string(b));
	if ( b->xmax < b->xmin ) 
		tmp = b->xmin;
		b->xmin = b->xmax;
		b->xmax = tmp;
	if ( b->ymax < b->ymin ) 
		tmp = b->ymin;
		b->ymin = b->ymax;
		b->ymax = tmp;
Esempio n. 11
Datum gserialized_gist_compress_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
	GISTENTRY *entry_out = NULL;
	BOX2DF bbox_out;
	int result = LW_SUCCESS;

	POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'compress' function called");

	** Not a leaf key? There's nothing to do.
	** Return the input unchanged.
	if ( ! entry_in->leafkey )
		POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] non-leafkey entry, returning input unaltered");

	POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] processing leafkey input");
	entry_out = palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY));

	** Null key? Make a copy of the input entry and
	** return.
	if ( DatumGetPointer(entry_in->key) == NULL )
		POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] leafkey is null");
		gistentryinit(*entry_out, (Datum) 0, entry_in->rel,
		              entry_in->page, entry_in->offset, FALSE);
		POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] returning copy of input");

	/* Extract our index key from the GiST entry. */
	result = gserialized_datum_get_box2df_p(entry_in->key, &bbox_out);

	/* Is the bounding box valid (non-empty, non-infinite)? If not, return input uncompressed. */
	if ( result == LW_FAILURE )
		POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] empty geometry!");

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "[GIST] got entry_in->key: %s", box2df_to_string(&bbox_out));

	/* Check all the dimensions for finite values */
	if ( ! finite(bbox_out.xmax) || ! finite(bbox_out.xmin) ||
	     ! finite(bbox_out.ymax) || ! finite(bbox_out.ymin) )
		POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] infinite geometry!");

	/* Enure bounding box has minimums below maximums. */

	/* Prepare GISTENTRY for return. */
	gistentryinit(*entry_out, PointerGetDatum(box2df_copy(&bbox_out)),
	              entry_in->rel, entry_in->page, entry_in->offset, FALSE);

	/* Return GISTENTRY. */
	POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'compress' function complete");
Esempio n. 12
Datum gserialized_gist_picksplit_2d(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
	GistEntryVector	*entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0);

	OffsetNumber i;
	OffsetNumber *listL, *listR, *listB, *listT;
	BOX2DF *unionL, *unionR, *unionB, *unionT;
	int posL, posR, posB, posT;
	BOX2DF pageunion;
	BOX2DF *cur;
	char direction = ' ';
	bool allisequal = true;
	OffsetNumber maxoff;
	int nbytes;

	POSTGIS_DEBUG(3, "[GIST] 'picksplit' entered");

	posL = posR = posB = posT = 0;

	maxoff = entryvec->n - 1;
	cur = (BOX2DF*) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[FirstOffsetNumber].key);

	memcpy((void *) &pageunion, (void *) cur, sizeof(BOX2DF));

	/* find MBR */
	for (i = OffsetNumberNext(FirstOffsetNumber); i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
		cur = (BOX2DF *) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[i].key);

		if ( allisequal == true &&  (
		            pageunion.xmax != cur->xmax ||
		            pageunion.ymax != cur->ymax ||
		            pageunion.xmin != cur->xmin ||
		            pageunion.ymin != cur->ymin
		        ) )
			allisequal = false;

		if (pageunion.xmax < cur->xmax)
			pageunion.xmax = cur->xmax;
		if (pageunion.xmin > cur->xmin)
			pageunion.xmin = cur->xmin;
		if (pageunion.ymax < cur->ymax)
			pageunion.ymax = cur->ymax;
		if (pageunion.ymin > cur->ymin)
			pageunion.ymin = cur->ymin;

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "pageunion is %s", box2df_to_string(&pageunion));

	nbytes = (maxoff + 2) * sizeof(OffsetNumber);
	listL = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
	listR = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
	unionL = (BOX2DF *) palloc(sizeof(BOX2DF));
	unionR = (BOX2DF *) palloc(sizeof(BOX2DF));

	if (allisequal)
		POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, " AllIsEqual!");

		cur = (BOX2DF*) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[OffsetNumberNext(FirstOffsetNumber)].key);

		if (memcmp((void *) cur, (void *) &pageunion, sizeof(BOX2DF)) == 0)
			v->spl_left = listL;
			v->spl_right = listR;
			v->spl_nleft = v->spl_nright = 0;
			memcpy((void *) unionL, (void *) &pageunion, sizeof(BOX2DF));
			memcpy((void *) unionR, (void *) &pageunion, sizeof(BOX2DF));

			for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
				if (i <= (maxoff - FirstOffsetNumber + 1) / 2)
					v->spl_left[v->spl_nleft] = i;
					v->spl_right[v->spl_nright] = i;
			v->spl_ldatum = PointerGetDatum(unionL);
			v->spl_rdatum = PointerGetDatum(unionR);


	listB = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
	listT = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes);
	unionB = (BOX2DF *) palloc(sizeof(BOX2DF));
	unionT = (BOX2DF *) palloc(sizeof(BOX2DF));

#define ADDLIST( list, unionD, pos, num ) do { \
	if ( pos ) { \
		if ( unionD->xmax < cur->xmax )    unionD->xmax	= cur->xmax; \
		if ( unionD->xmin	> cur->xmin  ) unionD->xmin	= cur->xmin; \
		if ( unionD->ymax < cur->ymax )    unionD->ymax	= cur->ymax; \
		if ( unionD->ymin	> cur->ymin  ) unionD->ymin	= cur->ymin; \
	} else { \
			memcpy( (void*)unionD, (void*) cur, sizeof( BOX2DF ) );  \
	} \
	list[pos] = num; \
	(pos)++; \
} while(0)

	for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
		cur = (BOX2DF*) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[i].key);

		if (cur->xmin - pageunion.xmin < pageunion.xmax - cur->xmax)
			ADDLIST(listL, unionL, posL,i);
			ADDLIST(listR, unionR, posR,i);
		if (cur->ymin - pageunion.ymin < pageunion.ymax - cur->ymax)
			ADDLIST(listB, unionB, posB,i);
			ADDLIST(listT, unionT, posT,i);

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "unionL is %s", box2df_to_string(unionL));
	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "unionR is %s", box2df_to_string(unionR));
	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "unionT is %s", box2df_to_string(unionT));
	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "unionB is %s", box2df_to_string(unionB));

	/* bad disposition, sort by ascending and resplit */
	if ( (posR==0 || posL==0) && (posT==0 || posB==0) )
		KBsort *arr = (KBsort*)palloc( sizeof(KBsort) * maxoff );
		posL = posR = posB = posT = 0;
		for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
			arr[i-1].key = (BOX2DF*) DatumGetPointer(entryvec->vector[i].key);
			arr[i-1].pos = i;
		qsort( arr, maxoff, sizeof(KBsort), compare_KB );
		for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i))
			cur = arr[i-1].key;
			if (cur->xmin - pageunion.xmin < pageunion.xmax - cur->xmax)
				ADDLIST(listL, unionL, posL,arr[i-1].pos);
			else if ( cur->xmin - pageunion.xmin == pageunion.xmax - cur->xmax )
				if ( posL>posR )
					ADDLIST(listR, unionR, posR,arr[i-1].pos);
					ADDLIST(listL, unionL, posL,arr[i-1].pos);
				ADDLIST(listR, unionR, posR,arr[i-1].pos);

			if (cur->ymin - pageunion.ymin < pageunion.ymax - cur->ymax)
				ADDLIST(listB, unionB, posB,arr[i-1].pos);
			else if ( cur->ymin - pageunion.ymin == pageunion.ymax - cur->ymax )
				if ( posB>posT )
					ADDLIST(listT, unionT, posT,arr[i-1].pos);
					ADDLIST(listB, unionB, posB,arr[i-1].pos);
				ADDLIST(listT, unionT, posT,arr[i-1].pos);

	/* which split more optimal? */
	if (Max(posL, posR) < Max(posB, posT))
		direction = 'x';
	else if (Max(posL, posR) > Max(posB, posT))
		direction = 'y';
		float sizeLR, sizeBT;
		BOX2DF interLR, interBT;
		if ( box2df_intersection(unionL, unionR, &interLR) == FALSE )
			sizeLR = 0.0;
			sizeLR = box2df_size(&interLR);

		if ( box2df_intersection(unionB, unionT, &interBT) == FALSE )
			sizeBT = 0.0;
			sizeBT = box2df_size(&interBT);
		if (sizeLR < sizeBT)
			direction = 'x';
			direction = 'y';

	POSTGIS_DEBUGF(4, "split direction '%c'", direction);

	if (direction == 'x')

		v->spl_left = listL;
		v->spl_right = listR;
		v->spl_nleft = posL;
		v->spl_nright = posR;
		v->spl_ldatum = PointerGetDatum(unionL);
		v->spl_rdatum = PointerGetDatum(unionR);

		v->spl_left = listB;
		v->spl_right = listT;
		v->spl_nleft = posB;
		v->spl_nright = posT;
		v->spl_ldatum = PointerGetDatum(unionB);
		v->spl_rdatum = PointerGetDatum(unionT);
	POSTGIS_DEBUG(4, "[GIST] 'picksplit' completed");