Esempio n. 1
 * Eval "process" from a list of definitions.
 * Strict evaluation of a block diagram expression by applying beta reduction.
 * @param eqlist a list of faust defintions forming the the global environment
 * @return the process block diagram in normal form
Tree evalprocess (Tree eqlist)
    Tree b = a2sb(eval(boxIdent("process"), gGlobal->nil, pushMultiClosureDefs(eqlist, gGlobal->nil, gGlobal->nil)));

    if (gGlobal->gSimplifyDiagrams) {
        b = boxSimplification(b);

    return b;
Esempio n. 2
static void writeIdentValue(std::string& dst, const std::string& format, const std::string& ident, Tree visited, Tree localValEnv)
    int     f = atoi(format.c_str());
    int     n = eval2int(boxIdent(ident.c_str()), visited, localValEnv);
    int     i = min(4,max(f,0));
    char    val[256];
    snprintf(val, 250, Formats[i], n);
    dst += val;
Esempio n. 3
static Tree realeval (Tree exp, Tree visited, Tree localValEnv)
	//Tree 	def;
	Tree 	fun;
	Tree 	arg;
	Tree	var, num, body, ldef;
	Tree 	label;
	Tree	cur, lo, hi, step;
	Tree	e1, e2, exp2, notused, visited2, lenv2;
	Tree	rules;
	Tree	id;

	//cerr << "EVAL " << *exp << " (visited : " << *visited << ")" << endl;
    //cerr << "REALEVAL of " << *exp << endl;
	xtended* xt = (xtended*) getUserData(exp);

	// constants
	if ( 	xt || 
			isBoxInt(exp) || isBoxReal(exp) || 
			isBoxWire(exp) || isBoxCut(exp) ||
			isBoxPrim0(exp) || isBoxPrim1(exp) || 
			isBoxPrim2(exp) || isBoxPrim3(exp) || 
			isBoxPrim4(exp) || isBoxPrim5(exp) ||
            isBoxFFun(exp) || isBoxFConst(exp) || isBoxFVar(exp) ||
            isBoxWaveform(exp)) {
		return exp;

	// block-diagram constructors
	} else if (isBoxSeq(exp, e1, e2)) {
		return boxSeq(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv));

	} else if (isBoxPar(exp, e1, e2)) {
		return boxPar(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv));

	} else if (isBoxRec(exp, e1, e2)) {
		return boxRec(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv));

	} else if (isBoxSplit(exp, e1, e2)) {
		return boxSplit(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv));

	} else if (isBoxMerge(exp, e1, e2)) {
		return boxMerge(eval(e1, visited, localValEnv), eval(e2, visited, localValEnv));
	// Modules

    } else if (isBoxAccess(exp, body, var)) {
        Tree val = eval(body, visited, localValEnv);
        if (isClosure(val, exp2, notused, visited2, lenv2)) {
            // it is a closure, we have an environment to access
            return eval(closure(var,notused,visited2,lenv2), visited, localValEnv);
        } else {
            evalerror(getDefFileProp(exp), getDefLineProp(exp), "no environment to access", exp);

//////////////////////en chantier////////////////////////////

    } else if (isBoxModifLocalDef(exp, body, ldef)) {
        Tree val = eval(body, visited, localValEnv);
        if (isClosure(val, exp2, notused, visited2, lenv2)) {
            // we rebuild the closure using a copy of the original environment
            // modified with some new definitions
            Tree lenv3 = copyEnvReplaceDefs(lenv2, ldef, visited2, localValEnv);
            return eval(closure(exp2,notused,visited2,lenv3), visited, localValEnv);
        } else {
            evalerror(getDefFileProp(exp), getDefLineProp(exp), "not a closure", val);
            evalerror(getDefFileProp(exp), getDefLineProp(exp), "no environment to access", exp);


    } else if (isBoxComponent(exp, label)) {
        string  fname   = tree2str(label);
        Tree    eqlst   = gGlobal->gReader.expandlist(gGlobal->gReader.getlist(fname));
        Tree    res     = closure(boxIdent("process"), gGlobal->nil, gGlobal->nil, pushMultiClosureDefs(eqlst, gGlobal->nil, gGlobal->nil));
        setDefNameProperty(res, label);
        //cerr << "component is " << boxpp(res) << endl;
        return res;

    } else if (isBoxLibrary(exp, label)) {
        string  fname   = tree2str(label);
        Tree    eqlst   = gGlobal->gReader.expandlist(gGlobal->gReader.getlist(fname));
        Tree    res     = closure(boxEnvironment(), gGlobal->nil, gGlobal->nil, pushMultiClosureDefs(eqlst, gGlobal->nil, gGlobal->nil));
        setDefNameProperty(res, label);
        //cerr << "component is " << boxpp(res) << endl;
        return res;

	// user interface elements
	} else if (isBoxButton(exp, label)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
     	const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		//cout << "button label : " << l1 << " become " << l2 << endl;
		return ((l1 == l2) ? exp : boxButton(tree(l2)));

	} else if (isBoxCheckbox(exp, label)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
    	const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		//cout << "check box label : " << l1 << " become " << l2 << endl;
		return ((l1 == l2) ? exp : boxCheckbox(tree(l2)));

	} else if (isBoxVSlider(exp, label, cur, lo, hi, step)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
        const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		return ( boxVSlider(tree(l2),
					tree(eval2double(cur, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(step, visited, localValEnv))));

	} else if (isBoxHSlider(exp, label, cur, lo, hi, step)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
     	const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		return ( boxHSlider(tree(l2),
					tree(eval2double(cur, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(step, visited, localValEnv))));

	} else if (isBoxNumEntry(exp, label, cur, lo, hi, step)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
      	const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		return (boxNumEntry(tree(l2),
					tree(eval2double(cur, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(step, visited, localValEnv))));

	} else if (isBoxVGroup(exp, label, arg)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
        const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		return boxVGroup(tree(l2),	eval(arg, visited, localValEnv) );

	} else if (isBoxHGroup(exp, label, arg)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
 		const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		return boxHGroup(tree(l2),	eval(arg, visited, localValEnv) );

	} else if (isBoxTGroup(exp, label, arg)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
    	const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		return boxTGroup(tree(l2),	eval(arg, visited, localValEnv) );

	} else if (isBoxHBargraph(exp, label, lo, hi)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
    	const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		return boxHBargraph(tree(l2),
					tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv)));

	} else if (isBoxVBargraph(exp, label, lo, hi)) {
		const char* l1 = tree2str(label);
  		const char* l2 = evalLabel(l1, visited, localValEnv);
		return boxVBargraph(tree(l2),
					tree(eval2double(lo, visited, localValEnv)),
					tree(eval2double(hi, visited, localValEnv)));

	// lambda calculus
	} else if (isBoxIdent(exp)) {
		return evalIdDef(exp, visited, localValEnv);

	} else if (isBoxWithLocalDef(exp, body, ldef)) {
		return eval(body, visited, pushMultiClosureDefs(ldef, visited, localValEnv));
	} else if (isBoxAppl(exp, fun, arg)) {
        return applyList( eval(fun, visited, localValEnv),
						  revEvalList(arg, visited, localValEnv) );

    } else if (isBoxAbstr(exp)) {
        // it is an abstraction : return a closure
        return closure(exp, gGlobal->nil, visited, localValEnv);

    } else if (isBoxEnvironment(exp)) {
        // environment : return also a closure
        return closure(exp, gGlobal->nil, visited, localValEnv);

	} else if (isClosure(exp, exp2, notused, visited2, lenv2)) {

        if (isBoxAbstr(exp2)) {
            // a 'real' closure
            return closure(exp2, gGlobal->nil, setUnion(visited,visited2), lenv2);
        } else if (isBoxEnvironment(exp2)) {
            // a 'real' closure
            return closure(exp2, gGlobal->nil, setUnion(visited,visited2), lenv2);
        } else {
			// it was a suspended evaluation
			return eval(exp2, setUnion(visited,visited2), lenv2);

	// Algorithmic constructions
	} else if (isBoxIPar(exp, var, num, body)) {
		int n = eval2int(num, visited, localValEnv);
		return iteratePar(var, n, body, visited, localValEnv);

	} else if (isBoxISeq(exp, var, num, body)) {
		int n = eval2int(num, visited, localValEnv);
		return iterateSeq(var, n, body, visited, localValEnv);

	} else if (isBoxISum(exp, var, num, body)) {
		int n = eval2int(num, visited, localValEnv);
		return iterateSum(var, n, body, visited, localValEnv);

    } else if (isBoxIProd(exp, var, num, body)) {
        int n = eval2int(num, visited, localValEnv);
        return iterateProd(var, n, body, visited, localValEnv);

    // static
    } else if (isBoxInputs(exp, body)) {
        int ins, outs;
        Tree b = a2sb(eval(body, visited, localValEnv));
        if (getBoxType (b, &ins, &outs)) {
            return boxInt(ins);
        } else {
            stringstream error;
            error << "ERROR : can't evaluate ' : " << *exp << endl;
            throw faustexception(error.str());
    } else if (isBoxOutputs(exp, body)) {
        int ins, outs;
        Tree b = a2sb(eval(body, visited, localValEnv));
        if (getBoxType (b, &ins, &outs)) {
            return boxInt(outs);
        } else {
            stringstream error;
            error << "ERROR : can't evaluate ' : " << *exp << endl;
            throw faustexception(error.str());

	} else if (isBoxSlot(exp)) 		{ 
		return exp; 
	} else if (isBoxSymbolic(exp)) 	{
	 	return exp;

	// Pattern matching extension
	} else if (isBoxCase(exp, rules)) {
        return evalCase(rules, localValEnv);

	} else if (isBoxPatternVar(exp, id)) {
		return exp;
		//return evalIdDef(id, visited, localValEnv);

	} else if (isBoxPatternMatcher(exp)) {
		return exp;

    } else {
        stringstream error;
        error << "ERROR : EVAL doesn't intercept : " << *exp << endl;
        throw faustexception(error.str());
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 4
 * @brief Declare an automatic documentation.
 * This function simulates a default documentation : 
 * if no <mdoc> tag was found in the input faust file,
 * and yet the '-mdoc' option was called, 
 * then print a complete 'process' doc. 
void declareAutoDoc() 
	Tree autodoc = nil;
	Tree process = boxIdent("process");
	/** Autodoc's "head", with title, author, date, and metadatas. */
	/** The latex title macro is bound to the metadata "name" if it exists,
	 (corresponding to "declare name") or else just to the file name. */
	autodoc = cons(docTxt("\\title{"), autodoc);
	if (gMetaDataSet.count(tree("name"))) {
		autodoc = cons(docMtd(tree("name")), autodoc);
	} else {
		autodoc = cons(docTxt(gDocName.c_str()), autodoc);
	autodoc = cons(docTxt("}\n"), autodoc);
	/** The latex author macro is bound to the metadata "author" if it exists,
	 (corresponding to "declare author") or else no author item is printed. */
	if (gMetaDataSet.count(tree("author"))) {
		autodoc = cons(docTxt("\\author{"), autodoc);
		autodoc = cons(docMtd(tree("author")), autodoc);
		autodoc = cons(docTxt("}\n"), autodoc);
	/** The latex date macro is bound to the metadata "date" if it exists,
	 (corresponding to "declare date") or else to the today latex macro. */
	autodoc = cons(docTxt("\\date{"), autodoc);
	if (gMetaDataSet.count(tree("date"))) {
		autodoc = cons(docMtd(tree("date")), autodoc);
	} else {
		autodoc = cons(docTxt("\\today"), autodoc);
	autodoc = cons(docTxt("}\n"), autodoc);
	/** The latex maketitle macro. */
	autodoc = cons(docTxt("\\maketitle\n"), autodoc);

	/** Insert all declared metadatas in a latex tabular environment. */
	if (! gMetaDataSet.empty()) {
		autodoc = cons(docTxt("\\begin{tabular}{ll}\n"), autodoc);
		autodoc = cons(docTxt("\t\\hline\n"), autodoc);
		for (map<Tree, set<Tree> >::iterator i = gMetaDataSet.begin(); i != gMetaDataSet.end(); i++) {
			string mtdkey = tree2str(i->first);
			string mtdTranslatedKey = gDocMetadatasStringMap[mtdkey];
			if (mtdTranslatedKey.empty()) {
				mtdTranslatedKey = mtdkey;
			autodoc = cons(docTxt("\t\\textbf{"), autodoc);
			autodoc = cons(docTxt(mtdTranslatedKey.c_str()), autodoc);
			autodoc = cons(docTxt("} & "), autodoc);
			autodoc = cons(docMtd(tree(mtdkey.c_str())), autodoc);
			autodoc = cons(docTxt(" \\\\\n"), autodoc);
		autodoc = cons(docTxt("\t\\hline\n"), autodoc);
		autodoc = cons(docTxt("\\end{tabular}\n"), autodoc);
		autodoc = cons(docTxt("\\bigskip\n"), autodoc);

	/** Autodoc's "body", with equation and diagram of process, and notice and listing. */
	string autoPresentationTxt = "\n\\bigskip\n" + gDocAutodocStringMap["thisdoc"] + "\n\n";
	autodoc = cons(docTxt(autoPresentationTxt.c_str()), autodoc);
	string autoEquationTxt = "\n" + gDocAutodocStringMap["autoeqntitle"] + "\n\n";
	autoEquationTxt += gDocAutodocStringMap["autoeqntext"] + "\n";
	autodoc = cons(docTxt(autoEquationTxt.c_str()), autodoc);
	autodoc = cons(docEqn(process), autodoc);
	string autoDiagramTxt = "\n" + gDocAutodocStringMap["autodgmtitle"] + "\n\n";
	autoDiagramTxt += gDocAutodocStringMap["autodgmtext"] + "\n";
	autodoc = cons(docTxt(autoDiagramTxt.c_str()), autodoc);
	autodoc = cons(docDgm(process), autodoc);	
	string autoNoticeTxt = "\n" + gDocAutodocStringMap["autontctitle"] + "\n\n";
//	autoNoticeTxt += gDocAutodocStringMap["autontctext"] + "\n";
	autodoc = cons(docTxt(autoNoticeTxt.c_str()), autodoc);
	autodoc = cons(docNtc(), autodoc);
	string autoListingTxt;
	vector<string> pathnames = gReader.listSrcFiles();
	if(pathnames.size() > 1) {
		autoListingTxt = "\n" + gDocAutodocStringMap["autolsttitle2"] + "\n\n";
		autoListingTxt += gDocAutodocStringMap["autolsttext2"] + "\n";
	} else {
		autoListingTxt = "\n" + gDocAutodocStringMap["autolsttitle1"] + "\n\n";
		autoListingTxt += gDocAutodocStringMap["autolsttext1"] + "\n";
	autodoc = cons(docTxt(autoListingTxt.c_str()), autodoc);
	autodoc = cons(docLst(), autodoc);