static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_items(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self) { PyObject *ret; PyObject *item; int index; CustomData *data; int tot, i; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_layer_index(data, self->type); tot = (index != -1) ? CustomData_number_of_layers(data, self->type) : 0; ret = PyList_New(tot); for (i = 0; tot-- > 0; index++) { item = PyTuple_New(2); PyTuple_SET_ITEMS(item, PyUnicode_FromString(data->layers[index].name), BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, i)); PyList_SET_ITEM(ret, i++, item); } return ret; }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_new(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self, PyObject *args) { const char *name = NULL; int index; CustomData *data; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|s:new", &name)) { return NULL; } data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); if (CustomData_layertype_is_singleton(self->type) && CustomData_has_layer(data, self->type)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, " is a singleton, use verify() instead"); return NULL; } if (name) { BM_data_layer_add_named(self->bm, data, self->type, name); } else { BM_data_layer_add(self->bm, data, self->type); } index = CustomData_number_of_layers(data, self->type) - 1; BLI_assert(index >= 0); return BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, index); }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_remove(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self, BPy_BMLayerItem *value) { CustomData *data; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); if (!BPy_BMLayerItem_Check(value)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "layers.remove(x): expected BMLayerItem, not '%.200s'", Py_TYPE(value)->tp_name); return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(value); if ((self->bm != value->bm) || (self->type != value->type) || (self->htype != value->htype)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "layers.remove(x): x not in layers"); } data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); BM_data_layer_free_n(self->bm, data, self->type, value->index); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_get(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self, PyObject *args) { const char *key; PyObject *def = Py_None; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s|O:get", &key, &def)) { return NULL; } else { CustomData *data; int index; data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(data, self->type, key); /* absolute index */ if (index != -1) { index -= CustomData_get_layer_index(data, self->type); /* make relative */ return BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, index); } } return Py_INCREF(def), def; }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_items(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self) { PyObject *ret; PyObject *item; int index; CustomData *data; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_layer_index(data, self->type); ret = PyList_New(0); if (index != -1) { int tot = CustomData_number_of_layers(data, self->type); for ( ; tot-- > 0; index++) { item = BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, index); PyList_Append(ret, item); Py_DECREF(item); } } return ret; }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_values(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self) { PyObject *ret; PyObject *item; int index; CustomData *data; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_layer_index(data, self->type); ret = PyList_New(0); if (index != -1) { int tot = CustomData_number_of_layers(data, self->type); for ( ; tot-- > 0; index++) { item = PyTuple_New(2); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(item, 0, PyUnicode_FromString(data->layers[index].name)); PyTuple_SET_ITEM(item, 1, BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, index)); PyList_Append(ret, item); Py_DECREF(item); } } return ret; }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_keys(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self) { PyObject *ret; PyObject *item; int index; CustomData *data; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_layer_index(data, self->type); /* absolute, but no need to make relative */ ret = PyList_New(0); if (index != -1) { int tot = CustomData_number_of_layers(data, self->type); for ( ; tot-- > 0; index++) { item = PyUnicode_FromString(data->layers[index].name); PyList_Append(ret, item); Py_DECREF(item); } } return ret; }
static Py_ssize_t bpy_bmlayercollection_length(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self) { CustomData *data; BPY_BM_CHECK_INT(self); data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); return CustomData_number_of_layers(data, self->type); }
static CustomDataLayer *bpy_bmlayeritem_get(BPy_BMLayerItem *self) { CustomData *data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); const int index_absolute = CustomData_get_layer_index_n(data, self->type, self->index); if (index_absolute != -1) { return &data->layers[index_absolute]; } else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError, "layer has become invalid"); return NULL; } }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_active_get(BPy_BMLayerItem *self, void *UNUSED(flag)) { CustomData *data; int index; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_active_layer(data, self->type); /* type relative */ if (index != -1) { return BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, index); } else { Py_RETURN_NONE; } }
static int bpy_bmlayercollection_contains(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self, PyObject *value) { const char *keyname = _PyUnicode_AsString(value); CustomData *data; int index; BPY_BM_CHECK_INT(self); if (keyname == NULL) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "BMLayerCollection.__contains__: expected a string"); return -1; } data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_named_layer_index(data, self->type, keyname); return (index != -1) ? 1 : 0; }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_subscript_str(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self, const char *keyname) { CustomData *data; int index; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_named_layer(data, self->type, keyname); /* type relative */ if (index != -1) { return BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, index); } else { PyErr_Format(PyExc_KeyError, "BMLayerCollection[key]: key \"%.200s\" not found", keyname); return NULL; } }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_verify(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self) { int index; CustomData *data; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_active_layer(data, self->type); /* type relative */ if (index == -1) { BM_data_layer_add(self->bm, data, self->type); index = 0; } BLI_assert(index >= 0); return BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, index); }
/** * helper function for get/set, NULL return means the error is set */ static void *bpy_bmlayeritem_ptr_get(BPy_BMElem *py_ele, BPy_BMLayerItem *py_layer) { void *value; BMElem *ele = py_ele->ele; CustomData *data; /* error checking */ if (UNLIKELY(!BPy_BMLayerItem_Check(py_layer))) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_AttributeError, "BMElem[key]: invalid key, must be a BMLayerItem"); return NULL; } else if (UNLIKELY(py_ele->bm != py_layer->bm)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "BMElem[layer]: layer is from another mesh"); return NULL; } else if (UNLIKELY(ele->head.htype != py_layer->htype)) { char namestr_1[32], namestr_2[32]; PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError, "Layer/Element type mismatch, expected %.200s got layer type %.200s", BPy_BMElem_StringFromHType_ex(ele->head.htype, namestr_1), BPy_BMElem_StringFromHType_ex(py_layer->htype, namestr_2)); return NULL; } data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(py_layer->bm, py_layer->htype); value = CustomData_bmesh_get_n(data, ele->, py_layer->type, py_layer->index); if (UNLIKELY(value == NULL)) { /* this should be fairly unlikely but possible if layers move about after we get them */ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "BMElem[key]: layer not found"); return NULL; } else { return value; } }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayercollection_values(BPy_BMLayerCollection *self) { PyObject *ret; PyObject *item; int index; CustomData *data; int tot, i; BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); index = CustomData_get_layer_index(data, self->type); tot = (index != -1) ? CustomData_number_of_layers(data, self->type) : 0; ret = PyList_New(tot); for (i = 0; tot-- > 0; index++) { item = BPy_BMLayerItem_CreatePyObject(self->bm, self->htype, self->type, i); PyList_SET_ITEM(ret, i++, item); } return ret; }
static PyObject *bpy_bmlayeritem_copy_from(BPy_BMLayerItem *self, BPy_BMLayerItem *value) { CustomData *data; if (!BPy_BMLayerItem_Check(value)) { PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "layer.copy_from(x): expected BMLayerItem, not '%.200s'", Py_TYPE(value)->tp_name); return NULL; } BPY_BM_CHECK_OBJ(self); BPY_BM_CHECK_SOURCE_OBJ(self->bm, "layer.copy_from()", value); if ((self->htype != value->htype) || (self->type != value->type)) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "layer.copy_from(other): layer type mismatch"); } else if (self->index == value->index) { Py_RETURN_NONE; } data = bpy_bm_customdata_get(self->bm, self->htype); if ((bpy_bmlayeritem_get(self) == NULL) || (bpy_bmlayeritem_get(value) == NULL)) { return NULL; } BM_data_layer_copy(self->bm, data, self->type, value->index, self->index); Py_RETURN_NONE; }