Esempio n. 1
//need to make a proper evaluation function
//get the best CPG function, delete the rest of CPGs and clear the m_birdCPGs array
void BirdOptimizer::evaluateCurrentGenerationBirds() {

    m_perturb_scaler = btExp(-btPow(((m_numGeneration - 1) * 2.8f/50.f + 1.5f), 1.2f));

    if (m_numGeneration == 0)

    //choose the best CPG
    float minEnergy = FLT_MAX;
    int minIndex = -1;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < m_birdTrajectoryData.size(); ++ii) {
        float energy =
            + calculateTotalUpTime(m_birdTrajectoryData[ii])
            + calculateEnergy(m_birdTrajectoryData[ii])/1500.0;
        std::cout << "\tenergy: " << energy << std::endl;
        if (energy < minEnergy)
            minEnergy = energy;
            minIndex = ii;
    std::cout << "---GENERATION: " << m_numGeneration << " :: "
              << "min_energy: " << minEnergy
              << ", index: " << minIndex
              << ", scaler: " << m_perturb_scaler
              << std::endl;
    m_currentBestInfo = m_birdInfos[minIndex];

    // Save bird configuration.

    proto::BirdOptimizerResult* result = m_result_data.add_result();

        std::ofstream ofs("C:\\Users\\k\\bird_data.pbdata", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary);
        ofs << m_result_data.SerializeAsString();
        std::ofstream ofs("C:\\Users\\k\\bird_data.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
        ofs << m_result_data.DebugString();

    for (int ii = 0; ii < m_birdTrajectoryData.size(); ++ii) {
        delete m_birdTrajectoryData[ii];

    for (int ii = 0; ii < m_birdInfos.size(); ii++) {
        if (m_birdInfos[ii] == m_currentBestInfo) continue;
        delete m_birdInfos[ii];

Esempio n. 2
btScalar Tire::PacejkaFx(
	btScalar sigma,
	btScalar Fz,
	btScalar dFz,
	btScalar friction_coeff) const
	const btScalar * p = coefficients;

	// vertical shift
	btScalar Sv = Fz * (p[PVX1] + p[PVX2] * dFz);

	// horizontal shift
	btScalar Sh = p[PHX1] + p[PHX2] * dFz;

	// composite slip
	btScalar S = sigma + Sh;

	// slope at origin
	btScalar K = Fz * (p[PKX1] + p[PKX2] * dFz) * btExp(-p[PKX3] * dFz);

	// curvature factor
	btScalar E = (p[PEX1] + p[PEX2] * dFz + p[PEX3] * dFz * dFz) * (1 - p[PEX4] * sgn(S));

	// peak factor
	btScalar D = Fz * (p[PDX1] + p[PDX2] * dFz);

	// shape factor
	btScalar C = p[PCX1];

	// stiffness factor
	btScalar B =  K / (C * D);

	// force
	btScalar F = D * btSin(C * btAtan(B * S - E * (B * S - btAtan(B * S)))) + Sv;

	// scale by surface friction
	F *= friction_coeff;

	return F;
Esempio n. 3
///applyDamping damps the velocity, using the given m_linearDamping and m_angularDamping
void			btRigidBody::applyDamping(btScalar timeStep)
	//On new damping: see discussion/issue report here:
	//todo: do some performance comparisons (but other parts of the engine are probably bottleneck anyway)

	// DrChat: bullet's old damping
	if (!btFuzzyZero(m_linearDamping) && !m_linearVelocity.fuzzyZero())
		m_linearVelocity *= btPow(btScalar(1)-m_linearDamping, timeStep);

	if (!btFuzzyZero(m_angularDamping) && !m_angularVelocity.fuzzyZero())
		m_angularVelocity *= btPow(btScalar(1)-m_angularDamping, timeStep);

	if (!btFuzzyZero(m_linearDamping) && !m_linearVelocity.fuzzyZero()) {
		m_linearVelocity *= btExp(-m_linearDamping * timeStep);

	if (!btFuzzyZero(m_angularDamping) && !m_angularVelocity.fuzzyZero()) {
		m_angularVelocity *= btExp(-m_angularDamping * timeStep);

	if (m_additionalDamping)
		//Additional damping can help avoiding lowpass jitter motion, help stability for ragdolls etc.
		//Such damping is undesirable, so once the overall simulation quality of the rigid body dynamics system has improved, this should become obsolete
		if ((m_angularVelocity.length2() < m_additionalAngularDampingThresholdSqr) &&
			(m_linearVelocity.length2() < m_additionalLinearDampingThresholdSqr))
			m_angularVelocity *= m_additionalDampingFactor;
			m_linearVelocity *= m_additionalDampingFactor;

		btScalar speed = m_linearVelocity.length();
		if (speed < m_linearDamping)
			btScalar dampVel = btScalar(0.005);
			if (speed > dampVel)
				btVector3 dir = m_linearVelocity.normalized();
				m_linearVelocity -=  dir * dampVel;
			} else
				m_linearVelocity.setValue(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.));

		btScalar angSpeed = m_angularVelocity.length();
		if (angSpeed < m_angularDamping)
			btScalar angDampVel = btScalar(0.005);
			if (angSpeed > angDampVel)
				btVector3 dir = m_angularVelocity.normalized();
				m_angularVelocity -=  dir * angDampVel;
			} else
				m_angularVelocity.setValue(btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.), btScalar(0.));