Vehicle::Vehicle(): m_carChassis(0) { rightIndex = 0; upIndex = 1; forwardIndex = 2; gEngineForce = 0.f; gBreakingForce = 0.f; maxEngineForce = 100000.f; //1500.f; //this should be engine/velocity dependent maxBreakingForce = 8000.f; // 100.f; gVehicleSteering = 0.f; steeringIncrement = 1.0f; //0.04f; steeringClamp = 0.3f; wheelRadius = 0.35f * PHYSCAR_SCALE; //** 0.5f; wheelWidth = 0.2f * PHYSCAR_SCALE; //* 0.4f; wheelFriction = 10; // 1000;//BT_LARGE_FLOAT; suspensionStiffness = 50.f; // 20.f; suspensionDamping = 0.3f * 2.0f * btSqrt(suspensionStiffness); // 2.3f; suspensionCompression = 0.2f * 2.0f * btSqrt(suspensionStiffness); // 4.4f; rollInfluence = 0.5f; wheelDirectionCS0 = btVector3(0,-1,0); wheelAxleCS = btVector3(-1,0,0); suspensionRestLength = 0.15f * PHYSCAR_SCALE; //** (0.6); m_vehicle = 0; m_wheelShape = 0; m_vehicleRayCaster = NULL; m_vehicle = NULL; m_compound = NULL; }
static void M3x3getRot_ref(const btMatrix3x3 &m, btQuaternion &q) { btVector3 m_el[3] = {m[0], m[1], m[2]}; btScalar trace = m_el[0].x() + m_el[1].y() + m_el[2].z(); btScalar temp[4]; if (trace > btScalar(0.0)) { btScalar s = btSqrt(trace + btScalar(1.0)); temp[3] = (s * btScalar(0.5)); s = btScalar(0.5) / s; temp[0] = ((m_el[2].y() - m_el[1].z()) * s); temp[1] = ((m_el[0].z() - m_el[2].x()) * s); temp[2] = ((m_el[1].x() - m_el[0].y()) * s); } else { int i = m_el[0].x() < m_el[1].y() ? (m_el[1].y() < m_el[2].z() ? 2 : 1) : (m_el[0].x() < m_el[2].z() ? 2 : 0); int j = (i + 1) % 3; int k = (i + 2) % 3; btScalar s = btSqrt(m_el[i][i] - m_el[j][j] - m_el[k][k] + btScalar(1.0)); temp[i] = s * btScalar(0.5); s = btScalar(0.5) / s; temp[3] = (m_el[k][j] - m_el[j][k]) * s; temp[j] = (m_el[j][i] + m_el[i][j]) * s; temp[k] = (m_el[k][i] + m_el[i][k]) * s; } q.setValue(temp[0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3]); }
btVector3 btPolyhedralConvexShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const { int i; btVector3 supVec(0,0,0); btScalar maxDot(btScalar(-1e30)); btVector3 vec = vec0; btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2(); if (lenSqr < btScalar(0.0001)) { vec.setValue(1,0,0); } else { btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr ); vec *= rlen; } btVector3 vtx; btScalar newDot; for (i=0;i<getNumVertices();i++) { getVertex(i,vtx); newDot =; if (newDot > maxDot) { maxDot = newDot; supVec = vtx; } } return supVec; }
btSoftBody* btSoftBodyHelpers::CreateEllipsoid(btSoftBodyWorldInfo& worldInfo,const btVector3& center, const btVector3& radius, int res) { struct Hammersley { static void Generate(btVector3* x,int n) { for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { btScalar p=0.5,t=0; for(int j=i;j;p*=0.5,j>>=1) if(j&1) t+=p; btScalar w=2*t-1; btScalar a=(SIMD_PI+2*i*SIMD_PI)/n; btScalar s=btSqrt(1-w*w); *x++=btVector3(s*btCos(a),s*btSin(a),w); } } }; btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> vtx; vtx.resize(3+res); Hammersley::Generate(&vtx[0],vtx.size()); for(int i=0;i<vtx.size();++i) { vtx[i]=vtx[i]*radius+center; } return(CreateFromConvexHull(worldInfo,&vtx[0],vtx.size())); }
btVector3 btConvexHullShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const { btVector3 supVec(btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.)); btScalar newDot,maxDot = btScalar(-BT_LARGE_FLOAT); btVector3 vec = vec0; btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2(); if (lenSqr < btScalar(0.0001)) { vec.setValue(1,0,0); } else { btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr ); vec *= rlen; } for (int i=0;i<m_unscaledPoints.size();i++) { btVector3 vtx = m_unscaledPoints[i] * m_localScaling; newDot =; if (newDot > maxDot) { maxDot = newDot; supVec = vtx; } } return supVec; }
inline btVector3 CylinderLocalSupportY(const btVector3& halfExtents,const btVector3& v) { const int cylinderUpAxis = 1; const int XX = 0; const int YY = 1; const int ZZ = 2; btScalar radius = halfExtents[XX]; btScalar halfHeight = halfExtents[cylinderUpAxis]; btVector3 tmp; btScalar d ; btScalar s = btSqrt(v[XX] * v[XX] + v[ZZ] * v[ZZ]); if (s != btScalar(0.0)) { d = radius / s; tmp[XX] = v[XX] * d; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = v[ZZ] * d; return tmp; } else { tmp[XX] = radius; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = btScalar(0.0); return tmp; } }
void EXPORT_API ProjectSphereCollisionConstraints(btVector3* predPosA, bool* posLocksA, int pointsCountA, float radiusA, float invMassA, btVector3* predPosB, bool* posLocksB, int pointsCountB, float radiusB, float invMassB, float Ks_prime) { // float Ks_prime = 1.0f - Mathf.Pow((1.0f - Ks), 1.0f / solverIterations); float radiusSum = radiusA + radiusB; float radiusSumSq = radiusSum * radiusSum; //#pragma omp parallel for for (int idA = 0; idA < pointsCountA; idA++) { for (int idB = 0; idB < pointsCountB; idB++) { btVector3 dir = predPosA[idA] - predPosB[idB]; float distanceSq = dir.length2(); if (distanceSq > radiusSumSq || distanceSq <= FLT_EPSILON) continue; float distance = btSqrt(distanceSq); btScalar w1 = posLocksA[idA] ? 0.0f : invMassA; btScalar w2 = posLocksB[idB] ? 0.0f : invMassB; float invMass = w1 + w2; btVector3 dP = (1.0f / invMass) * (distance - radiusSum) * (dir / distance) * Ks_prime; predPosA[idA] -= dP * w1; predPosB[idB] += dP * w2; } } }
btVector3 btConvexPointCloudShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const { btVector3 supVec(btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.)); btScalar maxDot = btScalar(-BT_LARGE_FLOAT); btVector3 vec = vec0; btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2(); if (lenSqr < btScalar(0.0001)) { vec.setValue(1,0,0); } else { btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr ); vec *= rlen; } if( m_numPoints > 0 ) { // Here we take advantage of dot(a*b, c) = dot( a, b*c) to do less work. Note this transformation is true mathematically, not numerically. // btVector3 scaled = vec * m_localScaling; int index = (int) vec.maxDot( &m_unscaledPoints[0], m_numPoints, maxDot); //FIXME: may violate encapsulation of m_unscaledPoints return getScaledPoint(index); } return supVec; }
void getInfo2 (btConstraintInfo2* info) { btVector3 relA = m_rbA.getCenterOfMassTransform().getBasis() * getPivotInA(); btVector3 relB = m_rbB.getCenterOfMassTransform().getBasis() * getPivotInB(); btVector3 posA = m_rbA.getCenterOfMassTransform().getOrigin() + relA; btVector3 posB = m_rbB.getCenterOfMassTransform().getOrigin() + relB; btVector3 del = posB - posA; btScalar currDist = btSqrt(; btVector3 ortho = del / currDist; info->m_J1linearAxis[0] = ortho[0]; info->m_J1linearAxis[1] = ortho[1]; info->m_J1linearAxis[2] = ortho[2]; btVector3 p, q; p = relA.cross(ortho); q = relB.cross(ortho); info->m_J1angularAxis[0] = p[0]; info->m_J1angularAxis[1] = p[1]; info->m_J1angularAxis[2] = p[2]; info->m_J2angularAxis[0] = -q[0]; info->m_J2angularAxis[1] = -q[1]; info->m_J2angularAxis[2] = -q[2]; btScalar rhs = (currDist - m_dist) * info->fps * info->erp; info->m_constraintError[0] = rhs; info->cfm[0] = btScalar(0.f); info->m_lowerLimit[0] = -SIMD_INFINITY; info->m_upperLimit[0] = SIMD_INFINITY; }
btVector3 btConvexPointCloudShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const { btVector3 supVec(btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.)); btScalar newDot,maxDot = btScalar(-1e30); btVector3 vec = vec0; btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2(); if (lenSqr < btScalar(0.0001)) { vec.setValue(1,0,0); } else { btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr ); vec *= rlen; } for (int i=0;i<m_numPoints;i++) { btVector3 vtx = getScaledPoint(i); newDot =; if (newDot > maxDot) { maxDot = newDot; supVec = vtx; } } return supVec; }
btVector3 btConeShape::coneLocalSupport(const btVector3& v) const { btScalar halfHeight = m_height * btScalar(0.5); if (v[m_coneIndices[1]] > v.length() * m_sinAngle) { btVector3 tmp; tmp[m_coneIndices[0]] = btScalar(0.); tmp[m_coneIndices[1]] = halfHeight; tmp[m_coneIndices[2]] = btScalar(0.); return tmp; } else { btScalar s = btSqrt(v[m_coneIndices[0]] * v[m_coneIndices[0]] + v[m_coneIndices[2]] * v[m_coneIndices[2]]); if (s > SIMD_EPSILON) { btScalar d = m_radius / s; btVector3 tmp; tmp[m_coneIndices[0]] = v[m_coneIndices[0]] * d; tmp[m_coneIndices[1]] = -halfHeight; tmp[m_coneIndices[2]] = v[m_coneIndices[2]] * d; return tmp; } else { btVector3 tmp; tmp[m_coneIndices[0]] = btScalar(0.); tmp[m_coneIndices[1]] = -halfHeight; tmp[m_coneIndices[2]] = btScalar(0.); return tmp; } } }
void EXPORT_API ComputeSphereCollisionsDEM(btVector3* positions, btVector3* velocities, btVector3* forces, btVector3* temp, int pointsCount, int* neighbours, int* pointNeighboursCount, int maxNeighboursPerPoint, float radius, float spring, float damp, float shear, float attraction) { float radiusSum = radius + radius; float radiusSumSq = radiusSum * radiusSum; #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for for (int idA = 0; idA < pointsCount; idA++) { btVector3 force(0, 0, 0); for (int nId = 0; nId < pointNeighboursCount[idA]; nId++) { int idB = neighbours[idA * maxNeighboursPerPoint + nId]; // calculate relative position btVector3 relPos = positions[idB] - positions[idA]; float distanceSq = relPos.length2(); if (idA == idB || distanceSq > radiusSumSq || distanceSq <= FLT_EPSILON) continue; float dist = btSqrt(distanceSq); //btScalar w1 = posLocks[idA] ? 0.0f : massInv; //btScalar w2 = posLocks[idB] ? 0.0f : massInv; float collideDist = radiusSum; if (dist < collideDist) { btVector3 norm = relPos / dist; // relative velocity btVector3 relVel = velocities[idB] - velocities[idA]; // relative tangential velocity btVector3 tanVel = relVel - (btDot(relVel, norm) * norm); force += -spring*(collideDist - dist) * norm; force += damp*relVel; force += shear*tanVel; force += attraction*relPos; } } forces[idA] += force; } } }
void CarHandlingDemo::addWheels( btVector3* halfExtents, btRaycastVehicle* vehicle, btRaycastVehicle::btVehicleTuning tuning) { //The direction of the raycast, the btRaycastVehicle uses raycasts instead of simiulating the wheels with rigid bodies btVector3 wheelDirectionCS0(0, -1, 0); //The axis which the wheel rotates arround btVector3 wheelAxleCS(-1, 0, 0); btScalar suspensionRestLength(0.7); btScalar wheelWidth(0.4); btScalar wheelRadius(0.5); //The height where the wheels are connected to the chassis btScalar connectionHeight(1.2); //All the wheel configuration assumes the vehicle is centered at the origin and a right handed coordinate system is used btVector3 wheelConnectionPoint(halfExtents->x() - wheelRadius, connectionHeight, halfExtents->z() - wheelWidth); //Adds the front wheels vehicle->addWheel(wheelConnectionPoint, wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, tuning, true); vehicle->addWheel(wheelConnectionPoint * btVector3(-1, 1, 1), wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, tuning, true); //Adds the rear wheels vehicle->addWheel(wheelConnectionPoint* btVector3(1, 1, -1), wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, tuning, false); vehicle->addWheel(wheelConnectionPoint * btVector3(-1, 1, -1), wheelDirectionCS0, wheelAxleCS, suspensionRestLength, wheelRadius, tuning, false); //Configures each wheel of our vehicle, setting its friction, damping compression, etc. //For more details on what each parameter does, refer to the docs for (int i = 0; i < vehicle->getNumWheels(); i++) { btWheelInfo& wheel = vehicle->getWheelInfo(i); wheel.m_suspensionStiffness = 50; wheel.m_wheelsDampingCompression = btScalar(0.3) * 2 * btSqrt(wheel.m_suspensionStiffness);//btScalar(0.8); wheel.m_wheelsDampingRelaxation = btScalar(0.5) * 2 * btSqrt(wheel.m_suspensionStiffness);//1; //Larger friction slips will result in better handling wheel.m_frictionSlip = btScalar(1.2); wheel.m_rollInfluence = 1; } }
void EXPORT_API ProjectInternalCollisionConstraintsMT(btVector3* predictedPositions, bool* posLocks, btVector3* temp, int pointsCount, int* neighbours, int* pointNeighboursCount, int maxNeighboursPerPoint, float Ks_prime, float radius, float mass) { btScalar massInv = 1.0f / mass; // float Ks_prime = 1.0f - Mathf.Pow((1.0f - Ks), 1.0f / solverIterations); float radiusSum = radius + radius; float radiusSumSq = radiusSum * radiusSum; //#pragma omp parallel num_threads(3) #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for for (int idA = 0; idA < pointsCount; idA++) { btVector3 deltaP(0, 0, 0); int collisionsCount = 0; for (int nId = 0; nId < pointNeighboursCount[idA]; nId++) { int idB = neighbours[idA * maxNeighboursPerPoint + nId]; btVector3 dir = predictedPositions[idA] - predictedPositions[idB]; float distanceSq = dir.length2(); if (idA == idB || distanceSq > radiusSumSq || distanceSq <= FLT_EPSILON) continue; float distance = btSqrt(distanceSq); btScalar w1 = posLocks[idA] ? 0.0f : massInv; btScalar w2 = posLocks[idB] ? 0.0f : massInv; float invMass = w1 + w2; btVector3 dP = (1.0f / invMass) * (distance - radiusSum) * (dir / distance) * Ks_prime; deltaP -= dP * w1 / (btScalar)pointNeighboursCount[idA]; collisionsCount++; // predictedPositions[idA] -= dP * w1; // predictedPositions[idB] += dP * w2; } temp[idA] = deltaP; //if (collisionsCount > 0) // temp[idA] = deltaP / (btScalar)collisionsCount; //else // temp[idA] = btVector3(0, 0, 0); } #pragma omp for for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; i++) { predictedPositions[i] += temp[i]; } } }
btConeShape::btConeShape (btScalar radius,btScalar height): btConvexInternalShape (), m_radius (radius), m_height(height) { m_shapeType = CONE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE; setConeUpIndex(1); btVector3 halfExtents; m_sinAngle = (m_radius / btSqrt(m_radius * m_radius + m_height * m_height)); }
void btConeShape::setLocalScaling(const btVector3& scaling) { int axis = m_coneIndices[1]; int r1 = m_coneIndices[0]; int r2 = m_coneIndices[2]; m_height *= scaling[axis] / m_localScaling[axis]; m_radius *= (scaling[r1] / m_localScaling[r1] + scaling[r2] / m_localScaling[r2]) / 2; m_sinAngle = (m_radius / btSqrt(m_radius * m_radius + m_height * m_height)); btConvexInternalShape::setLocalScaling(scaling); }
/** Interpolates the normal at the given position for the triangle with * a given index. The position must be inside of the given triangle. * \param index Index of the triangle to use. * \param position The position for which to interpolate the normal. */ btVector3 TriangleMesh::getInterpolatedNormal(unsigned int index, const btVector3 &position) const { btVector3 p1, p2, p3; getTriangle(index, &p1, &p2, &p3); btVector3 n1, n2, n3; getNormals(index, &n1, &n2, &n3); // Compute the Barycentric coordinates of position inside triangle // p1, p2, p3. btVector3 edge1 = p2 - p1; btVector3 edge2 = p3 - p1; // Area of triangle ABC btScalar p1p2p3 = edge1.cross(edge2).length2(); // Area of BCP btScalar p2p3p = (p3 - p2).cross(position - p2).length2(); // Area of CAP btScalar p3p1p = edge2.cross(position - p3).length2(); btScalar s = btSqrt(p2p3p / p1p2p3); btScalar t = btSqrt(p3p1p / p1p2p3); btScalar w = 1.0f - s - t; #ifdef NORMAL_DEBUGGING btVector3 regen_position = s * p1 + t * p2 + w * p3; if((regen_position - position).length2() >= 0.0001f) { printf("bary:\n"); printf("new: %f %f %f\n", regen_position.getX(),regen_position.getY(),regen_position.getZ()); printf("old: %f %f %f\n", position.getX(), position.getY(),position.getZ()); printf("stw: %f %f %f\n", s, t, w); printf("p1: %f %f %f\n", p1.getX(),p1.getY(),p1.getZ()); printf("p2: %f %f %f\n", p2.getX(),p2.getY(),p2.getZ()); printf("p3: %f %f %f\n", p3.getX(),p3.getY(),p3.getZ()); printf("pos: %f %f %f\n", position.getX(),position.getY(),position.getZ()); } #endif return s*n1 + t*n2 + w*n3; } // getInterpolatedNormal
void CoordinateFrameDemoPhysicsSetup::initPhysics(GraphicsPhysicsBridge& gfxBridge) { createEmptyDynamicsWorld(); m_dynamicsWorld->setGravity(btVector3(0,0,0)); gfxBridge.createPhysicsDebugDrawer(m_dynamicsWorld); m_dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer()->setDebugMode(btIDebugDraw::DBG_DrawWireframe+btIDebugDraw::DBG_DrawContactPoints); m_dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer()->setDebugMode(m_dynamicsWorld->getDebugDrawer()->getDebugMode() + btIDebugDraw::DBG_DrawFrames); btScalar sqr2 = btSqrt(2); btVector3 tetraVerts[] = { btVector3(1.f, 0.f, -1/sqr2), btVector3(-1.f, 0.f, -1/sqr2), btVector3(0, 1.f, 1/sqr2), btVector3(0, -1.f, 1/sqr2), }; { //create a few dynamic rigidbodies // Re-using the same collision is better for memory usage and performance btCompoundShape* hull = new btCompoundShape(); btConvexHullShape* childHull = new btConvexHullShape(&tetraVerts[0].getX(),sizeof(tetraVerts)/sizeof(btVector3),sizeof(btVector3)); childHull->initializePolyhedralFeatures(); btTransform childTrans; childTrans.setIdentity(); childTrans.setOrigin(btVector3(2,0,0)); hull->addChildShape(childTrans,childHull); gfxBridge.createCollisionShapeGraphicsObject(hull); m_collisionShapes.push_back(hull); /// Create Dynamic Objects btTransform startTransform; startTransform.setIdentity(); btScalar mass(1.f); //rigidbody is dynamic if and only if mass is non zero, otherwise static bool isDynamic = (mass != 0.f); btVector3 localInertia(0,0,0); if (isDynamic) hull->calculateLocalInertia(mass,localInertia); startTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(0,0,0)); btRigidBody* body = createRigidBody(mass,startTransform,hull); gfxBridge.createRigidBodyGraphicsObject(body, btVector3(1, 1, 0)); } }
btVector3 btCapsuleShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const { btVector3 supVec(0,0,0); btScalar maxDot(btScalar(-BT_LARGE_FLOAT)); btVector3 vec = vec0; btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2(); if (lenSqr < btScalar(0.0001)) { vec.setValue(1,0,0); } else { btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr ); vec *= rlen; } btVector3 vtx; btScalar newDot; btScalar radius = getRadius(); { btVector3 pos(0,0,0); pos[getUpAxis()] = getHalfHeight(); vtx = pos +vec*(radius) - vec * getMargin(); newDot =; if (newDot > maxDot) { maxDot = newDot; supVec = vtx; } } { btVector3 pos(0,0,0); pos[getUpAxis()] = -getHalfHeight(); vtx = pos +vec*(radius) - vec * getMargin(); newDot =; if (newDot > maxDot) { maxDot = newDot; supVec = vtx; } } return supVec; }
btVector3 btRigidBody::computeGyroscopicForceExplicit(btScalar maxGyroscopicForce) const { btVector3 inertiaLocal = getLocalInertia(); btMatrix3x3 inertiaTensorWorld = getWorldTransform().getBasis().scaled(inertiaLocal) * getWorldTransform().getBasis().transpose(); btVector3 tmp = inertiaTensorWorld*getAngularVelocity(); btVector3 gf = getAngularVelocity().cross(tmp); btScalar l2 = gf.length2(); if (l2>maxGyroscopicForce*maxGyroscopicForce) { gf *= btScalar(1.)/btSqrt(l2)*maxGyroscopicForce; } return gf; }
int BU_AlgebraicPolynomialSolver::Solve2QuadraticFull(btScalar a,btScalar b, btScalar c) { btScalar radical = b * b - 4.0f * a * c; if(radical >= 0.f) { btScalar sqrtRadical = btSqrt(radical); btScalar idenom = 1.0f/(2.0f * a); m_roots[0]=(-b + sqrtRadical) * idenom; m_roots[1]=(-b - sqrtRadical) * idenom; return 2; } return 0; }
void btFluidSphSolverDefault::calculateSumsInCellSymmetric(const btFluidSphParametersGlobal& FG, int gridCellIndex, const btFluidSortingGrid& grid, btFluidParticles& particles, btFluidSphSolverDefault::SphParticles& sphData) { btFluidGridIterator currentCell = grid.getGridCell(gridCellIndex); if(currentCell.m_firstIndex <= currentCell.m_lastIndex) //if cell is not empty { btFluidSortingGrid::FoundCells foundCells; grid.findCellsSymmetric(particles.m_pos[currentCell.m_firstIndex], foundCells); for(int i = currentCell.m_firstIndex; i <= currentCell.m_lastIndex; ++i) { //Remove particle, with index i, from grid cell to prevent self-particle interactions ++foundCells.m_iterators[0].m_firstIndex; //Local cell; currentCell == foundCells.m_iterators[0] for(int cell = 0; cell < btFluidSortingGrid::NUM_FOUND_CELLS_SYMMETRIC; cell++) { btFluidGridIterator& FI = foundCells.m_iterators[cell]; for(int n = FI.m_firstIndex; n <= FI.m_lastIndex; ++n) { //Simulation-scale distance btVector3 difference = (particles.m_pos[i] - particles.m_pos[n]) * FG.m_simulationScale; btScalar distanceSquared = difference.length2(); if(FG.m_sphRadiusSquared > distanceSquared) { btScalar c = FG.m_sphRadiusSquared - distanceSquared; btScalar poly6KernPartialResult = c * c * c; sphData.m_invDensity[i] += poly6KernPartialResult; sphData.m_invDensity[n] += poly6KernPartialResult; btScalar distance = btSqrt(distanceSquared); if( !sphData.m_neighborTable[i].isFilled() ) sphData.m_neighborTable[i].addNeighbor(n, distance); else if( !sphData.m_neighborTable[n].isFilled() ) sphData.m_neighborTable[n].addNeighbor(i, distance); else { cell = btFluidSortingGrid::NUM_FOUND_CELLS_SYMMETRIC; //Break out of outer loop break; } } } } } } }
btVector3 btMultiSphereShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const { btVector3 supVec(0,0,0); btScalar maxDot(btScalar(-BT_LARGE_FLOAT)); btVector3 vec = vec0; btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2(); if (lenSqr < (SIMD_EPSILON*SIMD_EPSILON)) { vec.setValue(1,0,0); } else { btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr ); vec *= rlen; } btVector3 vtx; btScalar newDot; const btVector3* pos = &m_localPositionArray[0]; const btScalar* rad = &m_radiArray[0]; int numSpheres = m_localPositionArray.size(); for( int k = 0; k < numSpheres; k+= 128 ) { btVector3 temp[128]; int inner_count = MIN( numSpheres - k, 128 ); for( long i = 0; i < inner_count; i++ ) { temp[i] = (*pos) +vec*m_localScaling*(*rad) - vec * getMargin(); pos++; rad++; } long i = vec.maxDot( temp, inner_count, newDot); if( newDot > maxDot ) { maxDot = newDot; supVec = temp[i]; } } return supVec; }
btVector3 btMultiSphereShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const { int i; btVector3 supVec(0,0,0); btScalar maxDot(btScalar(-1e30)); btVector3 vec = vec0; btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2(); if (lenSqr < btScalar(0.0001)) { vec.setValue(1,0,0); } else { btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr ); vec *= rlen; } btVector3 vtx; btScalar newDot; const btVector3* pos = &m_localPositions[0]; const btScalar* rad = &m_radi[0]; for (i=0;i<m_numSpheres;i++) { vtx = (*pos) +vec*m_localScaling*(*rad) - vec * getMargin(); pos++; rad++; newDot =; if (newDot > maxDot) { maxDot = newDot; supVec = vtx; } } return supVec; }
btVector3 btPolyhedralConvexShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const { btVector3 supVec(0,0,0); #ifndef __SPU__ int i; btScalar maxDot(btScalar(-BT_LARGE_FLOAT)); btVector3 vec = vec0; btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2(); if (lenSqr < btScalar(0.0001)) { vec.setValue(1,0,0); } else { btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr ); vec *= rlen; } btVector3 vtx; btScalar newDot; for( int k = 0; k < getNumVertices(); k += 128 ) { btVector3 temp[128]; int inner_count = MIN(getNumVertices() - k, 128); for( i = 0; i < inner_count; i++ ) getVertex(i,temp[i]); i = (int) vec.maxDot( temp, inner_count, newDot); if (newDot > maxDot) { maxDot = newDot; supVec = temp[i]; } } #endif //__SPU__ return supVec; }
int BU_AlgebraicPolynomialSolver::Solve2Quadratic(btScalar p, btScalar q) { btScalar basic_h_local; btScalar basic_h_local_delta; basic_h_local = p * 0.5f; basic_h_local_delta = basic_h_local * basic_h_local - q; if (basic_h_local_delta > 0.0f) { basic_h_local_delta = btSqrt(basic_h_local_delta); m_roots[0] = - basic_h_local + basic_h_local_delta; m_roots[1] = - basic_h_local - basic_h_local_delta; return 2; } else if (btGreaterEqual(basic_h_local_delta, SIMD_EPSILON)) { m_roots[0] = - basic_h_local; return 1; } else { return 0; } }
btVector3 btConvexTriangleMeshShape::localGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(const btVector3& vec0)const { btVector3 supVec(btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.)); btVector3 vec = vec0; btScalar lenSqr = vec.length2(); if (lenSqr < btScalar(0.0001)) { vec.setValue(1,0,0); } else { btScalar rlen = btScalar(1.) / btSqrt(lenSqr ); vec *= rlen; } LocalSupportVertexCallback supportCallback(vec); btVector3 aabbMax(btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT),btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT),btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT)); m_stridingMesh->InternalProcessAllTriangles(&supportCallback,-aabbMax,aabbMax); supVec = supportCallback.GetSupportVertexLocal(); return supVec; }
void EXPORT_API ProjectInternalCollisionConstraints(btVector3* predictedPositions, bool* posLocks, btVector3* temp, int pointsCount, int* neighbours, int* pointNeighboursCount, int maxNeighboursPerPoint, float Ks_prime, float radius, float mass) { btScalar massInv = 1.0f / mass; // float Ks_prime = 1.0f - Mathf.Pow((1.0f - Ks), 1.0f / solverIterations); float radiusSum = radius + radius; float radiusSumSq = radiusSum * radiusSum; //#pragma omp parallel for for (int idA = 0; idA < pointsCount; idA++) { for (int nId = 0; nId < pointNeighboursCount[idA]; nId++) { int idB = neighbours[idA * maxNeighboursPerPoint + nId]; btVector3 dir = predictedPositions[idA] - predictedPositions[idB]; float distanceSq = dir.length2(); if (idA == idB || distanceSq > radiusSumSq || distanceSq <= FLT_EPSILON) continue; float distance = btSqrt(distanceSq); btScalar w1 = posLocks[idA] ? 0.0f : massInv; btScalar w2 = posLocks[idB] ? 0.0f : massInv; float invMass = w1 + w2; btVector3 dP = (1.0f / invMass) * (distance - radiusSum) * (dir / distance) * Ks_prime; predictedPositions[idA] -= dP * w1; predictedPositions[idB] += dP * w2; } } }
SIMD_FORCE_INLINE btVector3 CylinderLocalSupportX(const btVector3& halfExtents,const btVector3& v) { const int cylinderUpAxis = 0; const int XX = 1; const int YY = 0; const int ZZ = 2; //mapping depends on how cylinder local orientation is // extents of the cylinder is: X,Y is for radius, and Z for height btScalar radius = halfExtents[XX]; btScalar halfHeight = halfExtents[cylinderUpAxis]; btVector3 tmp; btScalar d ; btScalar s = btSqrt(v[XX] * v[XX] + v[ZZ] * v[ZZ]); if (s != btScalar(0.0)) { d = radius / s; tmp[XX] = v[XX] * d; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = v[ZZ] * d; return tmp; } else { tmp[XX] = radius; tmp[YY] = v[YY] < 0.0 ? -halfHeight : halfHeight; tmp[ZZ] = btScalar(0.0); return tmp; } }
void btRaycastVehicle::updateFriction(btScalar timeStep) { //calculate the impulse, so that the wheels don't move sidewards int numWheel = getNumWheels(); if (!numWheel) return; m_forwardWS.resize(numWheel); m_axle.resize(numWheel); m_forwardImpulse.resize(numWheel); m_sideImpulse.resize(numWheel); int numWheelsOnGround = 0; //collapse all those loops into one! for (int i=0; i<getNumWheels(); i++) { btWheelInfo& wheelInfo = m_wheelInfo[i]; class btRigidBody* groundObject = (class btRigidBody*) wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_groundObject; if (groundObject) numWheelsOnGround++; m_sideImpulse[i] = btScalar(0.); m_forwardImpulse[i] = btScalar(0.); } { for (int i=0; i<getNumWheels(); i++) { btWheelInfo& wheelInfo = m_wheelInfo[i]; class btRigidBody* groundObject = (class btRigidBody*) wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_groundObject; if (groundObject) { const btTransform& wheelTrans = getWheelTransformWS( i ); btMatrix3x3 wheelBasis0 = wheelTrans.getBasis(); m_axle[i] = btVector3( wheelBasis0[0][m_indexRightAxis], wheelBasis0[1][m_indexRightAxis], wheelBasis0[2][m_indexRightAxis]); const btVector3& surfNormalWS = wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS; btScalar proj = m_axle[i].dot(surfNormalWS); m_axle[i] -= surfNormalWS * proj; m_axle[i] = m_axle[i].normalize(); m_forwardWS[i] = surfNormalWS.cross(m_axle[i]); m_forwardWS[i].normalize(); resolveSingleBilateral(*m_chassisBody, wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS, *groundObject, wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS, btScalar(0.), m_axle[i],m_sideImpulse[i],timeStep); m_sideImpulse[i] *= sideFrictionStiffness2; } } } btScalar sideFactor = btScalar(1.); btScalar fwdFactor = 0.5; bool sliding = false; { for (int wheel =0; wheel <getNumWheels(); wheel++) { btWheelInfo& wheelInfo = m_wheelInfo[wheel]; class btRigidBody* groundObject = (class btRigidBody*) wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_groundObject; btScalar rollingFriction = 0.f; if (groundObject) { if (wheelInfo.m_engineForce != 0.f) { rollingFriction = wheelInfo.m_engineForce* timeStep; } else { btScalar defaultRollingFrictionImpulse = 0.f; btScalar maxImpulse = wheelInfo.m_brake ? wheelInfo.m_brake : defaultRollingFrictionImpulse; btWheelContactPoint contactPt(m_chassisBody,groundObject,wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS,m_forwardWS[wheel],maxImpulse); rollingFriction = calcRollingFriction(contactPt); } } //switch between active rolling (throttle), braking and non-active rolling friction (no throttle/break) m_forwardImpulse[wheel] = btScalar(0.); m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo= btScalar(1.); if (groundObject) { m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo= btScalar(1.); btScalar maximp = wheelInfo.m_wheelsSuspensionForce * timeStep * wheelInfo.m_frictionSlip; btScalar maximpSide = maximp; btScalar maximpSquared = maximp * maximpSide; m_forwardImpulse[wheel] = rollingFriction;//wheelInfo.m_engineForce* timeStep; btScalar x = (m_forwardImpulse[wheel] ) * fwdFactor; btScalar y = (m_sideImpulse[wheel] ) * sideFactor; btScalar impulseSquared = (x*x + y*y); if (impulseSquared > maximpSquared) { sliding = true; btScalar factor = maximp / btSqrt(impulseSquared); m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo *= factor; } } } } if (sliding) { for (int wheel = 0; wheel < getNumWheels(); wheel++) { if (m_sideImpulse[wheel] != btScalar(0.)) { if (m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo< btScalar(1.)) { m_forwardImpulse[wheel] *= m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo; m_sideImpulse[wheel] *= m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_skidInfo; } } } } // apply the impulses { for (int wheel = 0; wheel<getNumWheels() ; wheel++) { btWheelInfo& wheelInfo = m_wheelInfo[wheel]; btVector3 rel_pos = wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS - m_chassisBody->getCenterOfMassPosition(); if (m_forwardImpulse[wheel] != btScalar(0.)) { m_chassisBody->applyImpulse(m_forwardWS[wheel]*(m_forwardImpulse[wheel]),rel_pos); } if (m_sideImpulse[wheel] != btScalar(0.)) { class btRigidBody* groundObject = (class btRigidBody*) m_wheelInfo[wheel].m_raycastInfo.m_groundObject; btVector3 rel_pos2 = wheelInfo.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS - groundObject->getCenterOfMassPosition(); btVector3 sideImp = m_axle[wheel] * m_sideImpulse[wheel]; #if defined ROLLING_INFLUENCE_FIX // fix. It only worked if car's up was along Y - VT. btVector3 vChassisWorldUp = getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassTransform().getBasis().getColumn(m_indexUpAxis); rel_pos -= vChassisWorldUp * ( * (1.f-wheelInfo.m_rollInfluence)); #else rel_pos[m_indexUpAxis] *= wheelInfo.m_rollInfluence; #endif m_chassisBody->applyImpulse(sideImp,rel_pos); //apply friction impulse on the ground groundObject->applyImpulse(-sideImp,rel_pos2); } } } }