Esempio n. 1
bool rcBuildPolyMesh(rcContext* ctx, rcContourSet& cset, int nvp, rcPolyMesh& mesh)

	rcVcopy(mesh.bmin, cset.bmin);
	rcVcopy(mesh.bmax, cset.bmax);
	mesh.cs = cset.cs; =;
	int maxVertices = 0;
	int maxTris = 0;
	int maxVertsPerCont = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < cset.nconts; ++i)
		// Skip null contours.
		if (cset.conts[i].nverts < 3) continue;
		maxVertices += cset.conts[i].nverts;
		maxTris += cset.conts[i].nverts - 2;
		maxVertsPerCont = rcMax(maxVertsPerCont, cset.conts[i].nverts);
	if (maxVertices >= 0xfffe)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Too many vertices %d.", maxVertices);
		return false;
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned char> vflags = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*maxVertices, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!vflags)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.verts' (%d).", maxVertices);
		return false;
	memset(vflags, 0, maxVertices);
	mesh.verts = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxVertices*3, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.verts)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.verts' (%d).", maxVertices);
		return false;
	mesh.polys = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris*nvp*2*2, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.polys)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.polys' (%d).", maxTris*nvp*2);
		return false;
	mesh.regs = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.regs)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.regs' (%d).", maxTris);
		return false;
	mesh.areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*maxTris, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.areas)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.areas' (%d).", maxTris);
		return false;
	mesh.nverts = 0;
	mesh.npolys = 0;
	mesh.nvp = nvp;
	mesh.maxpolys = maxTris;
	memset(mesh.verts, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxVertices*3);
	memset(mesh.polys, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris*nvp*2);
	memset(mesh.regs, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris);
	memset(mesh.areas, 0, sizeof(unsigned char)*maxTris);
	rcScopedDelete<int> nextVert = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*maxVertices, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!nextVert)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'nextVert' (%d).", maxVertices);
		return false;
	memset(nextVert, 0, sizeof(int)*maxVertices);
	rcScopedDelete<int> firstVert = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!firstVert)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'firstVert' (%d).", VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT);
		return false;
	for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i)
		firstVert[i] = -1;
	rcScopedDelete<int> indices = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*maxVertsPerCont, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!indices)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'indices' (%d).", maxVertsPerCont);
		return false;
	rcScopedDelete<int> tris = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*maxVertsPerCont*3, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!tris)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'tris' (%d).", maxVertsPerCont*3);
		return false;
	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> polys = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*(maxVertsPerCont+1)*nvp, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!polys)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'polys' (%d).", maxVertsPerCont*nvp);
		return false;
	unsigned short* tmpPoly = &polys[maxVertsPerCont*nvp];

	for (int i = 0; i < cset.nconts; ++i)
		rcContour& cont = cset.conts[i];
		// Skip null contours.
		if (cont.nverts < 3)
		// Triangulate contour
		for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; ++j)
			indices[j] = j;
		int ntris = triangulate(cont.nverts, cont.verts, &indices[0], &tris[0]);
		if (ntris <= 0)
			// Bad triangulation, should not happen.
/*			printf("\tconst float bmin[3] = {%ff,%ff,%ff};\n", cset.bmin[0], cset.bmin[1], cset.bmin[2]);
			printf("\tconst float cs = %ff;\n", cset.cs);
			printf("\tconst float ch = %ff;\n",;
			printf("\tconst int verts[] = {\n");
			for (int k = 0; k < cont.nverts; ++k)
				const int* v = &cont.verts[k*4];
				printf("\t\t%d,%d,%d,%d,\n", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
			printf("\t};\n\tconst int nverts = sizeof(verts)/(sizeof(int)*4);\n");*/
			ctx->log(RC_LOG_WARNING, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Bad triangulation Contour %d.", i);
			ntris = -ntris;
		// Add and merge vertices.
		for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; ++j)
			const int* v = &cont.verts[j*4];
			indices[j] = addVertex((unsigned short)v[0], (unsigned short)v[1], (unsigned short)v[2],
								   mesh.verts, firstVert, nextVert, mesh.nverts);
			if (v[3] & RC_BORDER_VERTEX)
				// This vertex should be removed.
				vflags[indices[j]] = 1;
		// Build initial polygons.
		int npolys = 0;
		memset(polys, 0xff, maxVertsPerCont*nvp*sizeof(unsigned short));
		for (int j = 0; j < ntris; ++j)
			int* t = &tris[j*3];
			if (t[0] != t[1] && t[0] != t[2] && t[1] != t[2])
				polys[npolys*nvp+0] = (unsigned short)indices[t[0]];
				polys[npolys*nvp+1] = (unsigned short)indices[t[1]];
				polys[npolys*nvp+2] = (unsigned short)indices[t[2]];
		if (!npolys)
		// Merge polygons.
		if (nvp > 3)
				// Find best polygons to merge.
				int bestMergeVal = 0;
				int bestPa = 0, bestPb = 0, bestEa = 0, bestEb = 0;
				for (int j = 0; j < npolys-1; ++j)
					unsigned short* pj = &polys[j*nvp];
					for (int k = j+1; k < npolys; ++k)
						unsigned short* pk = &polys[k*nvp];
						int ea, eb;
						int v = getPolyMergeValue(pj, pk, mesh.verts, ea, eb, nvp);
						if (v > bestMergeVal)
							bestMergeVal = v;
							bestPa = j;
							bestPb = k;
							bestEa = ea;
							bestEb = eb;
				if (bestMergeVal > 0)
					// Found best, merge.
					unsigned short* pa = &polys[bestPa*nvp];
					unsigned short* pb = &polys[bestPb*nvp];
					mergePolys(pa, pb, bestEa, bestEb, tmpPoly, nvp);
					memcpy(pb, &polys[(npolys-1)*nvp], sizeof(unsigned short)*nvp);
					// Could not merge any polygons, stop.
		// Store polygons.
		for (int j = 0; j < npolys; ++j)
			unsigned short* p = &mesh.polys[mesh.npolys*nvp*2];
			unsigned short* q = &polys[j*nvp];
			for (int k = 0; k < nvp; ++k)
				p[k] = q[k];
			mesh.regs[mesh.npolys] = cont.reg;
			mesh.areas[mesh.npolys] = cont.area;
			if (mesh.npolys > maxTris)
				ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Too many polygons %d (max:%d).", mesh.npolys, maxTris);
				return false;
	// Remove edge vertices.
	for (int i = 0; i < mesh.nverts; ++i)
		if (vflags[i])
			if (!canRemoveVertex(ctx, mesh, (unsigned short)i))
			if (!removeVertex(ctx, mesh, (unsigned short)i, maxTris))
				// Failed to remove vertex
				ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Failed to remove edge vertex %d.", i);
				return false;
			// Remove vertex
			// Note: mesh.nverts is already decremented inside removeVertex()!
			for (int j = i; j < mesh.nverts; ++j)
				vflags[j] = vflags[j+1];
	// Calculate adjacency.
	if (!buildMeshAdjacency(mesh.polys, mesh.npolys, mesh.nverts, nvp))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Adjacency failed.");
		return false;

	// Just allocate the mesh flags array. The user is resposible to fill it.
	mesh.flags = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*mesh.npolys, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.flags)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.flags' (%d).", mesh.npolys);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.flags, 0, sizeof(unsigned short) * mesh.npolys);
	if (mesh.nverts > 0xffff)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: The resulting mesh has too many vertices %d (max %d). Data can be corrupted.", mesh.nverts, 0xffff);
	if (mesh.npolys > 0xffff)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: The resulting mesh has too many polygons %d (max %d). Data can be corrupted.", mesh.npolys, 0xffff);
	return true;
Esempio n. 2
bool rcMergePolyMeshes(rcContext* ctx, rcPolyMesh** meshes, const int nmeshes, rcPolyMesh& mesh)
	if (!nmeshes || !meshes)
		return true;


	mesh.nvp = meshes[0]->nvp;
	mesh.cs = meshes[0]->cs; = meshes[0]->ch;
	rcVcopy(mesh.bmin, meshes[0]->bmin);
	rcVcopy(mesh.bmax, meshes[0]->bmax);

	int maxVerts = 0;
	int maxPolys = 0;
	int maxVertsPerMesh = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < nmeshes; ++i)
		rcVmin(mesh.bmin, meshes[i]->bmin);
		rcVmax(mesh.bmax, meshes[i]->bmax);
		maxVertsPerMesh = rcMax(maxVertsPerMesh, meshes[i]->nverts);
		maxVerts += meshes[i]->nverts;
		maxPolys += meshes[i]->npolys;
	mesh.nverts = 0;
	mesh.verts = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxVerts*3, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.verts)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.verts' (%d).", maxVerts*3);
		return false;

	mesh.npolys = 0;
	mesh.polys = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys*2*mesh.nvp, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.polys)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.polys' (%d).", maxPolys*2*mesh.nvp);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.polys, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys*2*mesh.nvp);

	mesh.regs = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.regs)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.regs' (%d).", maxPolys);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.regs, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys);

	mesh.areas = (unsigned char*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*maxPolys, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.areas)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.areas' (%d).", maxPolys);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.areas, 0, sizeof(unsigned char)*maxPolys);

	mesh.flags = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!mesh.flags)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.flags' (%d).", maxPolys);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.flags, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys);
	rcScopedDelete<int> nextVert = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*maxVerts, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!nextVert)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'nextVert' (%d).", maxVerts);
		return false;
	memset(nextVert, 0, sizeof(int)*maxVerts);
	rcScopedDelete<int> firstVert = (int*)rcAlloc(sizeof(int)*VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT, RC_ALLOC_TEMP);
	if (!firstVert)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'firstVert' (%d).", VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT);
		return false;
	for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i)
		firstVert[i] = -1;

	rcScopedDelete<unsigned short> vremap = (unsigned short*)rcAlloc(sizeof(unsigned short)*maxVertsPerMesh, RC_ALLOC_PERM);
	if (!vremap)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'vremap' (%d).", maxVertsPerMesh);
		return false;
	memset(nextVert, 0, sizeof(int)*maxVerts);
	for (int i = 0; i < nmeshes; ++i)
		const rcPolyMesh* pmesh = meshes[i];
		const unsigned short ox = (unsigned short)floorf((pmesh->bmin[0]-mesh.bmin[0])/mesh.cs+0.5f);
		const unsigned short oz = (unsigned short)floorf((pmesh->bmin[2]-mesh.bmin[2])/mesh.cs+0.5f);
		for (int j = 0; j < pmesh->nverts; ++j)
			unsigned short* v = &pmesh->verts[j*3];
			vremap[j] = addVertex(v[0]+ox, v[1], v[2]+oz,
								  mesh.verts, firstVert, nextVert, mesh.nverts);
		for (int j = 0; j < pmesh->npolys; ++j)
			unsigned short* tgt = &mesh.polys[mesh.npolys*2*mesh.nvp];
			unsigned short* src = &pmesh->polys[j*2*mesh.nvp];
			mesh.regs[mesh.npolys] = pmesh->regs[j];
			mesh.areas[mesh.npolys] = pmesh->areas[j];
			mesh.flags[mesh.npolys] = pmesh->flags[j];
			for (int k = 0; k < mesh.nvp; ++k)
				if (src[k] == RC_MESH_NULL_IDX) break;
				tgt[k] = vremap[src[k]];

	// Calculate adjacency.
	if (!buildMeshAdjacency(mesh.polys, mesh.npolys, mesh.nverts, mesh.nvp))
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Adjacency failed.");
		return false;

	if (mesh.nverts > 0xffff)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: The resulting mesh has too many vertices %d (max %d). Data can be corrupted.", mesh.nverts, 0xffff);
	if (mesh.npolys > 0xffff)
		ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: The resulting mesh has too many polygons %d (max %d). Data can be corrupted.", mesh.npolys, 0xffff);
	return true;
int recast_buildMeshAdjacency(unsigned short* polys, const int npolys,
			const int nverts, const int vertsPerPoly)
	return (int) buildMeshAdjacency(polys, npolys, nverts, vertsPerPoly);
bool KX_NavMeshObject::BuildNavMesh()
	if (m_navMesh)
		delete m_navMesh;
		m_navMesh = NULL;

	if (GetMeshCount()==0)
		printf("Can't find mesh for navmesh object: %s\n", m_name.ReadPtr());
		return false;

	float *vertices = NULL, *dvertices = NULL;
	unsigned short *polys = NULL, *dtris = NULL, *dmeshes = NULL;
	int nverts = 0, npolys = 0, ndvertsuniq = 0, ndtris = 0;
	int vertsPerPoly = 0;
	if (!BuildVertIndArrays(vertices, nverts, polys, npolys, 
							dmeshes, dvertices, ndvertsuniq, dtris, ndtris, vertsPerPoly ) 
			|| vertsPerPoly<3)
		printf("Can't build navigation mesh data for object:%s\n", m_name.ReadPtr());
		if (vertices) delete[] vertices;
		return false;
	MT_Point3 pos;
	if (dmeshes==NULL)
		for (int i=0; i<nverts; i++)
		for (int i=0; i<ndvertsuniq; i++)

	buildMeshAdjacency(polys, npolys, nverts, vertsPerPoly);
	float cs = 0.2f;

	if (!nverts || !npolys)
		if (vertices) delete[] vertices;
		return false;

	float bmin[3], bmax[3];
	calcMeshBounds(vertices, nverts, bmin, bmax);
	//quantize vertex pos
	unsigned short* vertsi = new unsigned short[3*nverts];
	float ics = 1.f/cs;
	for (int i=0; i<nverts; i++)
		vertsi[3*i+0] = static_cast<unsigned short>((vertices[3*i+0]-bmin[0])*ics);
		vertsi[3*i+1] = static_cast<unsigned short>((vertices[3*i+1]-bmin[1])*ics);
		vertsi[3*i+2] = static_cast<unsigned short>((vertices[3*i+2]-bmin[2])*ics);

	// Calculate data size
	const int headerSize = sizeof(dtStatNavMeshHeader);
	const int vertsSize = sizeof(float)*3*nverts;
	const int polysSize = sizeof(dtStatPoly)*npolys;
	const int nodesSize = sizeof(dtStatBVNode)*npolys*2;
	const int detailMeshesSize = sizeof(dtStatPolyDetail)*npolys;
	const int detailVertsSize = sizeof(float)*3*ndvertsuniq;
	const int detailTrisSize = sizeof(unsigned char)*4*ndtris;

	const int dataSize = headerSize + vertsSize + polysSize + nodesSize +
		detailMeshesSize + detailVertsSize + detailTrisSize;
	unsigned char* data = new unsigned char[dataSize];
	if (!data)
		return false;
	memset(data, 0, dataSize);

	unsigned char* d = data;
	dtStatNavMeshHeader* header = (dtStatNavMeshHeader*)d; d += headerSize;
	float* navVerts = (float*)d; d += vertsSize;
	dtStatPoly* navPolys = (dtStatPoly*)d; d += polysSize;
	dtStatBVNode* navNodes = (dtStatBVNode*)d; d += nodesSize;
	dtStatPolyDetail* navDMeshes = (dtStatPolyDetail*)d; d += detailMeshesSize;
	float* navDVerts = (float*)d; d += detailVertsSize;
	unsigned char* navDTris = (unsigned char*)d; d += detailTrisSize;

	// Store header
	header->magic = DT_STAT_NAVMESH_MAGIC;
	header->version = DT_STAT_NAVMESH_VERSION;
	header->npolys = npolys;
	header->nverts = nverts;
	header->cs = cs;
	header->bmin[0] = bmin[0];
	header->bmin[1] = bmin[1];
	header->bmin[2] = bmin[2];
	header->bmax[0] = bmax[0];
	header->bmax[1] = bmax[1];
	header->bmax[2] = bmax[2];
	header->ndmeshes = npolys;
	header->ndverts = ndvertsuniq;
	header->ndtris = ndtris;

	// Store vertices
	for (int i = 0; i < nverts; ++i)
		const unsigned short* iv = &vertsi[i*3];
		float* v = &navVerts[i*3];
		v[0] = bmin[0] + iv[0] * cs;
		v[1] = bmin[1] + iv[1] * cs;
		v[2] = bmin[2] + iv[2] * cs;
	//memcpy(navVerts, vertices, nverts*3*sizeof(float));

	// Store polygons
	const unsigned short* src = polys;
	for (int i = 0; i < npolys; ++i)
		dtStatPoly* p = &navPolys[i];
		p->nv = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < vertsPerPoly; ++j)
			if (src[j] == 0xffff) break;
			p->v[j] = src[j];
			p->n[j] = src[vertsPerPoly+j]+1;
		src += vertsPerPoly*2;

	header->nnodes = createBVTree(vertsi, nverts, polys, npolys, vertsPerPoly,
								cs, cs, npolys*2, navNodes);
	if (dmeshes==NULL)
		//create fake detail meshes
		for (int i = 0; i < npolys; ++i)
			dtStatPolyDetail& dtl = navDMeshes[i];
			dtl.vbase = 0;
			dtl.nverts = 0;
			dtl.tbase = i;
			dtl.ntris = 1;
		// setup triangles.
		unsigned char* tri = navDTris;
		for (size_t i=0; i<ndtris; i++)
			for (size_t j=0; j<3; j++)
				tri[4*i+j] = j;
		memcpy(navDVerts, dvertices, ndvertsuniq*3*sizeof(float));
		unsigned char* tri = navDTris;
		for (size_t i=0; i<ndtris; i++)
			for (size_t j=0; j<3; j++)
				tri[4*i+j] = dtris[6*i+j];
		//detailed meshes
		for (int i = 0; i < npolys; ++i)
			dtStatPolyDetail& dtl = navDMeshes[i];
			dtl.vbase = dmeshes[i*4+0];
			dtl.nverts = dmeshes[i*4+1];
			dtl.tbase = dmeshes[i*4+2];
			dtl.ntris = dmeshes[i*4+3];

	m_navMesh = new dtStatNavMesh;
	m_navMesh->init(data, dataSize, true);

	delete [] vertices;

	/* navmesh conversion is using C guarded alloc for memory allocaitons */
	if (dmeshes) MEM_freeN(dmeshes);
	if (dtris) MEM_freeN(dtris);

	if (dvertices)
		delete [] dvertices;

	if (vertsi)
		delete [] vertsi;

	return true;
bool rcBuildPolyMesh(rcContourSet& cset, int nvp, rcPolyMesh& mesh)
	rcTimeVal startTime = rcGetPerformanceTimer();

	vcopy(mesh.bmin, cset.bmin);
	vcopy(mesh.bmax, cset.bmax);
	mesh.cs = cset.cs; =;
	int maxVertices = 0;
	int maxTris = 0;
	int maxVertsPerCont = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < cset.nconts; ++i)
		maxVertices += cset.conts[i].nverts;
		maxTris += cset.conts[i].nverts - 2;
		maxVertsPerCont = rcMax(maxVertsPerCont, cset.conts[i].nverts);
	if (maxVertices >= 0xfffe)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Too many vertices %d.", maxVertices);
		return false;
	unsigned char* vflags = 0;
	int* nextVert = 0;
	int* firstVert = 0;
	int* indices = 0;
	int* tris = 0;
	unsigned short* polys = 0;
	vflags = new unsigned char[maxVertices];
	if (!vflags)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.verts' (%d).", maxVertices);
		goto failure;
	memset(vflags, 0, maxVertices);
	mesh.verts = new unsigned short[maxVertices*3];
	if (!mesh.verts)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.verts' (%d).", maxVertices);
		goto failure;
	mesh.polys = new unsigned short[maxTris*nvp*2];
	if (!mesh.polys)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.polys' (%d).", maxTris*nvp*2);
		goto failure;
	mesh.regs = new unsigned short[maxTris];
	if (!mesh.regs)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'mesh.regs' (%d).", maxTris);
		goto failure;
	mesh.nverts = 0;
	mesh.npolys = 0;
	mesh.nvp = nvp;
	memset(mesh.verts, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxVertices*3);
	memset(mesh.polys, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris*nvp*2);
	memset(mesh.regs, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxTris);
	nextVert = new int[maxVertices];
	if (!nextVert)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'nextVert' (%d).", maxVertices);
		goto failure;
	memset(nextVert, 0, sizeof(int)*maxVertices);
	firstVert = new int[VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT];
	if (!firstVert)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'firstVert' (%d).", VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT);
		goto failure;
	for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i)
		firstVert[i] = -1;
	indices = new int[maxVertsPerCont];
	if (!indices)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'indices' (%d).", maxVertsPerCont);
		goto failure;
	tris = new int[maxVertsPerCont*3];
	if (!tris)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'tris' (%d).", maxVertsPerCont*3);
		goto failure;
	polys = new unsigned short[(maxVertsPerCont+1)*nvp];
	if (!polys)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Out of memory 'polys' (%d).", maxVertsPerCont*nvp);
		goto failure;
	unsigned short* tmpPoly = &polys[maxVertsPerCont*nvp];

	for (int i = 0; i < cset.nconts; ++i)
		rcContour& cont = cset.conts[i];
		// Skip empty contours.
		if (cont.nverts < 3)
		// Triangulate contour
		for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; ++j)
			indices[j] = j;
		int ntris = triangulate(cont.nverts, cont.verts, &indices[0], &tris[0]);
		if (ntris <= 0)
			// Bad triangulation, should not happen.
/*			for (int k = 0; k < cont.nverts; ++k)
				const int* v = &cont.verts[k*4];
				printf("\t\t%d,%d,%d,%d,\n", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]);
				if (nBadPos < 100)
					badPos[nBadPos*3+0] = v[0];
					badPos[nBadPos*3+1] = v[1];
					badPos[nBadPos*3+2] = v[2];
			ntris = -ntris;
		// Add and merge vertices.
		for (int j = 0; j < cont.nverts; ++j)
			const int* v = &cont.verts[j*4];
			indices[j] = addVertex((unsigned short)v[0], (unsigned short)v[1], (unsigned short)v[2],
								   mesh.verts, firstVert, nextVert, mesh.nverts);
			if (v[3] & RC_BORDER_VERTEX)
				// This vertex should be removed.
				vflags[indices[j]] = 1;
		// Build initial polygons.
		int npolys = 0;
		memset(polys, 0xff, maxVertsPerCont*nvp*sizeof(unsigned short));
		for (int j = 0; j < ntris; ++j)
			int* t = &tris[j*3];
			if (t[0] != t[1] && t[0] != t[2] && t[1] != t[2])
				polys[npolys*nvp+0] = (unsigned short)indices[t[0]];
				polys[npolys*nvp+1] = (unsigned short)indices[t[1]];
				polys[npolys*nvp+2] = (unsigned short)indices[t[2]];
		if (!npolys)
		// Merge polygons.
		if (nvp > 3)
			while (true)
				// Find best polygons to merge.
				int bestMergeVal = 0;
				int bestPa, bestPb, bestEa, bestEb;
				for (int j = 0; j < npolys-1; ++j)
					unsigned short* pj = &polys[j*nvp];
					for (int k = j+1; k < npolys; ++k)
						unsigned short* pk = &polys[k*nvp];
						int ea, eb;
						int v = getPolyMergeValue(pj, pk, mesh.verts, ea, eb, nvp);
						if (v > bestMergeVal)
							bestMergeVal = v;
							bestPa = j;
							bestPb = k;
							bestEa = ea;
							bestEb = eb;
				if (bestMergeVal > 0)
					// Found best, merge.
					unsigned short* pa = &polys[bestPa*nvp];
					unsigned short* pb = &polys[bestPb*nvp];
					mergePolys(pa, pb, mesh.verts, bestEa, bestEb, tmpPoly, nvp);
					memcpy(pb, &polys[(npolys-1)*nvp], sizeof(unsigned short)*nvp);
					// Could not merge any polygons, stop.
		// Store polygons.
		for (int j = 0; j < npolys; ++j)
			unsigned short* p = &mesh.polys[mesh.npolys*nvp*2];
			unsigned short* q = &polys[j*nvp];
			for (int k = 0; k < nvp; ++k)
				p[k] = q[k];
			mesh.regs[mesh.npolys] = cont.reg;
	// Remove edge vertices.
	for (int i = 0; i < mesh.nverts; ++i)
		if (vflags[i])
			if (!removeVertex(mesh, i, maxTris))
				goto failure;
			for (int j = i; j < mesh.nverts-1; ++j)
				vflags[j] = vflags[j+1];

	delete [] vflags;
	delete [] firstVert;
	delete [] nextVert;
	delete [] indices;
	delete [] tris;
	// Calculate adjacency.
	if (!buildMeshAdjacency(mesh.polys, mesh.npolys, mesh.nverts, nvp))
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcBuildPolyMesh: Adjacency failed.");
		return false;
	rcTimeVal endTime = rcGetPerformanceTimer();
//	if (rcGetLog())
//		rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_PROGRESS, "Build polymesh: %.3f ms", rcGetDeltaTimeUsec(startTime, endTime)/1000.0f);
	if (rcGetBuildTimes())
		rcGetBuildTimes()->buildPolymesh += rcGetDeltaTimeUsec(startTime, endTime);
	return true;

	delete [] vflags;
	delete [] tmpPoly;
	delete [] firstVert;
	delete [] nextVert;
	delete [] indices;
	delete [] tris;

	return false;
bool rcMergePolyMeshes(rcPolyMesh** meshes, const int nmeshes, rcPolyMesh& mesh)
	if (!nmeshes || !meshes)
		return true;

	rcTimeVal startTime = rcGetPerformanceTimer();

	int* nextVert = 0;
	int* firstVert = 0;
	unsigned short* vremap = 0;

	mesh.nvp = meshes[0]->nvp;
	mesh.cs = meshes[0]->cs; = meshes[0]->ch;
	vcopy(mesh.bmin, meshes[0]->bmin);
	vcopy(mesh.bmax, meshes[0]->bmax);

	int maxVerts = 0;
	int maxPolys = 0;
	int maxVertsPerMesh = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < nmeshes; ++i)
		vmin(mesh.bmin, meshes[i]->bmin);
		vmax(mesh.bmax, meshes[i]->bmax);
		maxVertsPerMesh = rcMax(maxVertsPerMesh, meshes[i]->nverts);
		maxVerts += meshes[i]->nverts;
		maxPolys += meshes[i]->npolys;
	mesh.nverts = 0;
	mesh.verts = new unsigned short[maxVerts*3];
	if (!mesh.verts)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.verts' (%d).", maxVerts*3);
		return false;

	mesh.npolys = 0;
	mesh.polys = new unsigned short[maxPolys*2*mesh.nvp];
	if (!mesh.polys)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.polys' (%d).", maxPolys*2*mesh.nvp);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.polys, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys*2*mesh.nvp);

	mesh.regs = new unsigned short[maxPolys];
	if (!mesh.regs)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'mesh.regs' (%d).", maxPolys);
		return false;
	memset(mesh.regs, 0, sizeof(unsigned short)*maxPolys);
	nextVert = new int[maxVerts];
	if (!nextVert)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'nextVert' (%d).", maxVerts);
		goto failure;
	memset(nextVert, 0, sizeof(int)*maxVerts);
	firstVert = new int[VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT];
	if (!firstVert)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'firstVert' (%d).", VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT);
		goto failure;
	for (int i = 0; i < VERTEX_BUCKET_COUNT; ++i)
		firstVert[i] = -1;

	vremap = new unsigned short[maxVertsPerMesh];
	if (!vremap)
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Out of memory 'vremap' (%d).", maxVertsPerMesh);
		goto failure;
	memset(nextVert, 0, sizeof(int)*maxVerts);
	for (int i = 0; i < nmeshes; ++i)
		const rcPolyMesh* pmesh = meshes[i];
		const unsigned short ox = (unsigned short)floorf((pmesh->bmin[0]-mesh.bmin[0])/mesh.cs+0.5f);
		const unsigned short oz = (unsigned short)floorf((pmesh->bmin[2]-mesh.bmin[2])/mesh.cs+0.5f);
		for (int j = 0; j < pmesh->nverts; ++j)
			unsigned short* v = &pmesh->verts[j*3];
			vremap[j] = addVertex(v[0]+ox, v[1], v[2]+oz,
						   mesh.verts, firstVert, nextVert, mesh.nverts);
		for (int j = 0; j < pmesh->npolys; ++j)
			unsigned short* tgt = &mesh.polys[mesh.npolys*2*mesh.nvp];
			unsigned short* src = &pmesh->polys[j*2*mesh.nvp];
			mesh.regs[mesh.npolys] = pmesh->regs[j];
			for (int k = 0; k < mesh.nvp; ++k)
				if (src[k] == 0xffff) break;
				tgt[k] = vremap[src[k]];

	// Calculate adjacency.
	if (!buildMeshAdjacency(mesh.polys, mesh.npolys, mesh.nverts, mesh.nvp))
		if (rcGetLog())
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "rcMergePolyMeshes: Adjacency failed.");
		return false;

	delete [] firstVert;
	delete [] nextVert;
	delete [] vremap;
	rcTimeVal endTime = rcGetPerformanceTimer();
	if (rcGetBuildTimes())
		rcGetBuildTimes()->mergePolyMesh += rcGetDeltaTimeUsec(startTime, endTime);
	return true;
	delete [] firstVert;
	delete [] nextVert;
	delete [] vremap;
	return false;