Esempio n. 1
size_t fmt_httpdate(char* dest,time_t t) {
  static const char days[] = "SunMonTueWedThuFriSat";
  static const char months[] = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec";
  struct tm* x=gmtime(&t);
  size_t i;

  if (dest==0) return 29;
  /* "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT" */
  byte_copy(dest,3,days+3*x->tm_wday); i=3;
  i+=fmt_str(dest+i,", ");
  i+=fmt_str(dest+i," ");
  byte_copy(dest+i,3,months+3*x->tm_mon); i+=3;
  i+=fmt_str(dest+i," ");
  i+=fmt_str(dest+i," ");
  i+=fmt_str(dest+i," GMT");
  return i;
Esempio n. 2
static inline int copyfds (char *s, int const *fds, unsigned int n, unsigned char const *bits)
  register unsigned int i = 0 ;
  for (; i < n ; i++)
    int fd = fds[i] ;
    if (fd < 0) return (errno = EINVAL, -1) ;
    if (bitarray_peek(bits, i)) fd = - fd - 1 ;
      fd = dup(fd) ;
      if (fd < 0)
        int e = errno ;
        while (i--)
          s -= sizeof(int) ;
          byte_copy((char *)fd, sizeof(int), s) ;
          if (fd >= 0) fd_close(fd) ;
        errno = e ;
        return 0 ;
    byte_copy(s, sizeof(int), (char const *)&fd) ;
    s += sizeof(int) ;
  return 1 ;
Esempio n. 3
check_essential (int si)
    if (rc == 0)
        struct stat st;
        const char *name = aa_service_name (aa_service (si));
        size_t l_name = strlen (name);
        char buf[l_name + 1 + sizeof (ESSENTIAL_FILENAME)];

        byte_copy (buf, l_name, name);
        byte_copy (buf + l_name, 1 + sizeof (ESSENTIAL_FILENAME), "/" ESSENTIAL_FILENAME);

        if (stat (buf, &st) < 0)
            if (errno != ENOENT)
                int e = errno;
                put_warn (name, "Failed to stat " ESSENTIAL_FILENAME ": ", 0);
                add_warn (strerror (e));
                end_warn ();
            rc = 1;
Esempio n. 4
int socket_accept6(int s,char ip[16],uint16 *port,uint32 *scope_id)
#ifdef LIBC_HAS_IP6
  struct sockaddr_in6 sa;
  struct sockaddr_in sa;
  unsigned int dummy = sizeof sa;
  int fd;

  fd = accept(s,(struct sockaddr *) &sa,&dummy);
  if (fd == -1) return -1;

#ifdef LIBC_HAS_IP6
  if (sa.sin6_family==AF_INET) {
    struct sockaddr_in *sa4=(struct sockaddr_in*)&sa;
    byte_copy(ip+12,4,(char *) &sa4->sin_addr);
    uint16_unpack_big((char *) &sa4->sin_port,port);
    return fd;
  byte_copy(ip,16,(char *) &sa.sin6_addr);
  uint16_unpack_big((char *) &sa.sin6_port,port);
  if (scope_id) *scope_id=sa.sin6_scope_id;

  return fd;
  byte_copy(ip+12,4,(char *) &sa.sin_addr);
  uint16_unpack_big((char *) &sa.sin_port,port);
  if (scope_id) *scope_id=0;
  return fd;
Esempio n. 5
aa_service_status_write (aa_service_status *svst, const char *dir)
    size_t len = strlen (dir);
    char file[len + 1 + sizeof (AA_SVST_FILENAME)];
    mode_t mask;
    int r;
    int e;

    if (!stralloc_ready_tuned (&svst->sa, AA_SVST_FIXED_SIZE, 0, 0, 1))
        return -1;

    tain_pack (svst->sa.s, &svst->stamp);
    uint32_pack (svst->sa.s + 12, (uint32_t) svst->event);
    uint32_pack (svst->sa.s + 16, (uint32_t) svst->code);
    if (svst->sa.len < AA_SVST_FIXED_SIZE)
        svst->sa.len = AA_SVST_FIXED_SIZE;

    byte_copy (file, len, dir);
    byte_copy (file + len, 1 + sizeof (AA_SVST_FILENAME), "/" AA_SVST_FILENAME);

    mask = umask (0033);
    if (!openwritenclose_suffix (file, svst->sa.s,
                svst->sa.len + ((svst->sa.len > AA_SVST_FIXED_SIZE) ? -1 : 0), ".new"))
        r = -1;
        r = 0;
    e = errno;
    umask (mask);

    tain_now_g ();
    errno = e;
    return r;
Esempio n. 6
/* if the <path> is relative and <cwd> is non-null then it is prepended
 * to the path, so it will work like shell_canonicalize, except that
 * relative paths will be resolved to absolute ones.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int shell_realpath(const char *path, stralloc *sa,
                   int symbolic, stralloc *cwd) {
  /* if its not absolute on the first recursion level then make it so */
  if(*path != '/' && sa->len == 0) {
    char buf[PATH_MAX + 1];

    /* check whether the name fits */
    unsigned long n;
    n = str_len(path);

    if(cwd->len + n + 1 > PATH_MAX) {
      errno = ENAMETOOLONG;
      return 0;

    /* copy current dir */
    byte_copy(buf, cwd->len, cwd->s);
    buf[cwd->len] = '/';
    byte_copy(&buf[cwd->len + 1], n + 1, path);

    /* run canonicalize with the concatenated path */
    return shell_canonicalize(buf, sa, symbolic);

  return shell_canonicalize(path, sa, symbolic);
int socket_remote6(int s,char ip[16],uint16 *port,uint32 *scope_id)
#ifdef LIBC_HAS_IP6
  struct sockaddr_in6 si;
  struct sockaddr_in si;
  socklen_t len = sizeof si;

  if (getpeername(s,(struct sockaddr *) &si,&len) == -1) return -1;
#ifdef LIBC_HAS_IP6
  if (si.sin6_family==AF_INET) {
    struct sockaddr_in *si4=(struct sockaddr_in*)&si;
    byte_copy(ip+12,4,(char *) &si4->sin_addr);
    uint16_unpack_big((char *) &si4->sin_port,port);
    return 0;
  byte_copy(ip,16,(char *) &si.sin6_addr);
  uint16_unpack_big((char *) &si.sin6_port,port);
  if (scope_id) *scope_id=si.sin6_scope_id;
  byte_copy(ip+12,4,(char *) &si.sin_addr);
  uint16_unpack_big((char *) &si.sin_port,port);
  if (scope_id) *scope_id=0;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 8
int socket_recv6(int s,char *buf,unsigned int len,char ip[16],uint16 *port,uint32 *scope_id)
#ifdef LIBC_HAS_IP6
  struct sockaddr_in6 sa;
  struct sockaddr_in sa;
  unsigned int dummy = sizeof sa;
  int r;

  r = recvfrom(s,buf,len,0,(struct sockaddr *) &sa,&dummy);
  if (r == -1) return -1;

#ifdef LIBC_HAS_IP6
  if (noipv6) {
    struct sockaddr_in *sa4=(struct sockaddr_in *)&sa;
    byte_copy(ip+12,4,(char *) &sa4->sin_addr);
    uint16_unpack_big((char *) &sa4->sin_port,port);
    return r;
  byte_copy(ip,16,(char *) &sa.sin6_addr);
  uint16_unpack_big((char *) &sa.sin6_port,port);
  if (scope_id) *scope_id=sa.sin6_scope_id;
  byte_copy(ip,12,(char *)V4mappedprefix);
  byte_copy(ip+12,4,(char *) &sa.sin_addr);
  uint16_unpack_big((char *) &sa.sin_port,port);
  if (scope_id) *scope_id=0;

  return r;
Esempio n. 9
int s6_svc_main (int argc, char const *const *argv, char const *optstring, char const *usage, char const *controldir)
  char data[DATASIZE] ;
  unsigned int datalen = 0 ;
  register int r ;
  for (;;)
    register int opt = subgetopt(argc, argv, optstring) ;
    if (opt == -1) break ;
    if (opt == '?') strerr_dieusage(100, usage) ;
    if (datalen >= DATASIZE) strerr_dief1x(100, "too many commands") ;
    data[datalen++] = opt ;
  argc -= subgetopt_here.ind ; argv += subgetopt_here.ind ;
  if (!argc) strerr_dieusage(100, usage) ;

    unsigned int arglen = str_len(*argv) ;
    unsigned int cdirlen = str_len(controldir) ;
    char tmp[arglen + cdirlen + 10] ;
    byte_copy(tmp, arglen, *argv) ;
    tmp[arglen] = '/' ;
    byte_copy(tmp + arglen + 1, cdirlen, controldir) ;
    byte_copy(tmp + arglen + 1 + cdirlen, 9, "/control") ;
    r = s6_svc_write(tmp, data, datalen) ;
  if (r < 0) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "control ", *argv) ;
  else if (!r) strerr_diefu3x(100, "control ", *argv, ": supervisor not listening") ;
  return 0 ;
Esempio n. 10
static int doit(char *q,char qtype[2],char ip[4])
    int r;
    uint32 dlen;
    unsigned int qlen;

    qlen = dns_domain_length(q);
    if (qlen > 255) return 0; /* impossible */

    if (byte_diff(qtype,2,DNS_T_A) && byte_diff(qtype,2,DNS_T_ANY)) goto REFUSE;

    key[0] = '%';
    byte_copy(key + 1,4,ip);

    r = cdb_find(&c,key,5);
    if (!r) r = cdb_find(&c,key,4);
    if (!r) r = cdb_find(&c,key,3);
    if (!r) r = cdb_find(&c,key,2);
    if (r == -1) return 0;

    key[0] = '+';
    byte_zero(key + 1,2);
    if (r && (cdb_datalen(&c) == 2))
        if (cdb_read(&c,key + 1,2,cdb_datapos(&c)) == -1) return 0;

    byte_copy(key + 3,qlen,q);
    case_lowerb(key + 3,qlen + 3);

    r = cdb_find(&c,key,qlen + 3);
    if (!r) {
        byte_zero(key + 1,2);
        r = cdb_find(&c,key,qlen + 3);
    if (!r) goto REFUSE;
    if (r == -1) return 0;
    dlen = cdb_datalen(&c);

    if (dlen > 512) dlen = 512;
    if (cdb_read(&c,data,dlen,cdb_datapos(&c)) == -1) return 0;


    if (dlen > 12) dlen = 12;
    while (dlen >= 4) {
        dlen -= 4;
        if (!response_rstart(q,DNS_T_A,"\0\0\0\5")) return 0;
        if (!response_addbytes(data + dlen,4)) return 0;

    return 1;

    response[2] &= ~4;
    response[3] &= ~15;
    response[3] |= 5;
    return 1;
Esempio n. 11
int dns_domain_fromdot_static(unsigned char *name,const unsigned char *buf,long long n)
  unsigned char label[63];
  long long labellen = 0; /* <= sizeof label */
  long long namelen = 0; /* <= sizeof name */
  unsigned char ch;

  errno = EPROTO;
  if (n < 0) return 0;
  byte_zero(name, 256);

  for (;;) {
    if (!n) break;
    ch = *buf++; --n;
    if (ch == '.') {
      if (labellen > 0) {
        if (namelen + labellen + 1 > 255) return 0;
        name[namelen++] = labellen;
        byte_copy(name + namelen,labellen,label);
        namelen += labellen;
        labellen = 0;
    if (ch == '\\') {
      if (!n) break;
      ch = *buf++; --n;
      if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '7')) {
        ch -= '0';
        if (n && (*buf >= '0') && (*buf <= '7')) {
          ch <<= 3;
          ch += *buf - '0';
          ++buf; --n;
          if (n && (*buf >= '0') && (*buf <= '7')) {
            ch <<= 3;
            ch += *buf - '0';
            ++buf; --n;
    if (labellen >= sizeof label) return 0;
    label[labellen++] = ch;

  if (labellen > 0) {
    if (namelen + labellen + 1 > 255) return 0;
    name[namelen++] = labellen;
    byte_copy(name + namelen,labellen,label);
    namelen += labellen;
    labellen = 0;

  if (namelen + 1 > 255) return 0;
  name[namelen++] = 0;

  return 1;
Esempio n. 12
int main(void) {

    unsigned char b1[32];
    unsigned char b2[32];
    long long i, j;
    const char *x = "abcdefgh";
    char y[8];

    /* byte_zero test */
    for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
        for (j = 0; j < sizeof b1; ++j) b1[j] = 0;
        for (j = 0; j < sizeof b2; ++j) b2[j] = 0;
        b1[i] = 0xff; b2[i] = 0xff;
        byte_zero(b1, sizeof b1);

        if (byte_isequal(b1, 32, b2) != 0) fail("byte_zero failure");

    /* byte_isequal test */
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof b1; ++i) b1[i] = 0xff;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof b2; ++i) b2[i] = 0xff;

    if (byte_isequal(b1, 32, b2) == 0) fail("byte_isequal failure");

    for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
        b1[i] = 0;
        if (byte_isequal(b1, 32, b2) != 0) fail("byte_isequal failure");
        b1[i] = 0xff;

    /* byte_copy test */
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof b1; ++i) b1[i] = 0xff;
    for (i = 0; i < sizeof b2; ++i) b2[i] = 0x00;

    byte_copy(b1, 32, b2);
    if (byte_isequal(b1, 32, b2) == 0) fail("byte_copy failure");
    for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) {
        b1[i] = 0;
        byte_copy(b1, 32, b2);
        if (byte_isequal(b1, 32, b2) == 0) fail("byte_copy failure");
        b1[i] = 0xff;

    byte_zero(y, 8);
    if (!byte_isequal(y, 8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")) fail("byte_zero/byte_isequal failure");

    byte_copy(y, 8, x);
    if (!byte_isequal(y, 8, x)) fail("byte_copy/byte_isequal failure");

    byte_copy(y, 7, y + 1);
    if (!byte_isequal(y, 8, "bcdefghh")) fail("byte_copy/byte_isequal failure");

    byte_zero(y, 8);
    if (!byte_isequal(y, 8, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0")) fail("byte_zero/byte_isequal failure");

    return 0;
Esempio n. 13
int socket_bind(int fd,const unsigned char *ip,const unsigned char *port)
  struct sockaddr_in sa;
  byte_zero(&sa,sizeof sa);
  sa.sin_family = PF_INET;
  return bind(fd,(struct sockaddr *) &sa,sizeof sa);
Esempio n. 14
static void swap(unsigned char *x, long long len, unsigned char *y) {

    unsigned char t[33];

    byte_copy(t, len, x);
    byte_copy(x, len, y);
    byte_copy(y, len, t);

Esempio n. 15
void random_unsort (char *s, unsigned int n, unsigned int chunksize)
  char tmp[chunksize] ;
  while (n--)
    register unsigned int i = badrandom_int(n+1) ;
    byte_copy(tmp, chunksize, s + i * chunksize) ;
    byte_copy(s + i * chunksize, chunksize, s + n * chunksize) ;
    byte_copy(s + n * chunksize, chunksize, tmp) ;
Esempio n. 16
int main (int argc, char const *const *argv)
  s6_svstatus_t status ;
  char fmt[UINT_FMT] ;
  int isup, normallyup ;
  PROG = "s6-svstat" ;
  if (argc < 2) strerr_dieusage(100, USAGE) ;
  argv++ ; argc-- ;
  if (!s6_svstatus_read(*argv, &status))
    strerr_diefu2sys(111, "read status for ", *argv) ;

    struct stat st ;
    unsigned int dirlen = str_len(*argv) ;
    char fn[dirlen + 6] ;
    byte_copy(fn, dirlen, *argv) ;
    byte_copy(fn + dirlen, 6, "/down") ;
    if (stat(fn, &st) == -1)
      if (errno != ENOENT) strerr_diefu2sys(111, "stat ", fn) ;
      else normallyup = 1 ;
    else normallyup = 0 ;

  taia_now_g() ;
  if (taia_future(&status.stamp)) taia_copynow(&status.stamp) ;
  taia_sub(&status.stamp, &STAMP, &status.stamp) ;

  isup = && !status.flagfinishing ;
  if (isup)
    buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small,"up (pid ", 8) ;
    buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small, fmt, uint_fmt(fmt, ;
    buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small, ") ", 2) ;
  else buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small, "down ", 5) ;

  buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small, fmt, uint64_fmt(fmt, status.stamp.sec.x)) ;
  buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small," seconds", 8) ;

  if (isup && !normallyup)
    buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small, ", normally down", 15) ;
  if (!isup && normallyup)
    buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small, ", normally up", 13) ;
  if (isup && status.flagpaused)
    buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small, ", paused", 8) ;
  if (!isup && (status.flagwant == 'u'))
    buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small, ", want up", 10) ;
  if (isup && (status.flagwant == 'd'))
    buffer_putnoflush(buffer_1small, ", want down", 12) ;

  if (buffer_putflush(buffer_1small, "\n", 1) == -1)
    strerr_diefu1sys(111, "write to stdout") ;
  return 0 ;
Esempio n. 17
 * dAVLInsert:
 * Create a new node and insert an item there.
 * Returns  0 on success,
 *         -1 on malloc failure,
 *          3 if duplicate key.
int dAVLInsert (dAVLTree *avltree, uint32 uid, char *ip4, char *ip6, char *loc)
  dAVLNode *newnode;
  dAVLNode *node;
  dAVLNode *balnode;
  dAVLNode *nextbalnode;

  newnode = malloc(sizeof(dAVLNode));
  if (newnode == NULL)
    return -1;
  newnode->key = uid;
  byte_copy(newnode->ip4, 4, ip4);
  byte_copy(newnode->ip6, 16, ip6);
  byte_copy(newnode->loc, 16, loc);
  newnode->depth = 1;
  newnode->left = NULL;
  newnode->right = NULL;
  newnode->parent = NULL;

  if (avltree->top != NULL) {
    node = dAVLCloseSearchNode(avltree, newnode->key);

    /* XXX: handle this more intelligent */ 
    if (node->key == newnode->key) {
      return 3;

    newnode->parent = node;

    if (newnode->key < node->key) {
      node->left = newnode;
      node->depth = CALC_DEPTH(node);

    else {
      node->right = newnode;
      node->depth = CALC_DEPTH(node);

    for (balnode = node->parent; balnode; balnode = nextbalnode) {
      nextbalnode = balnode->parent;
      dAVLRebalanceNode(avltree, balnode);

  else {
    avltree->top = newnode;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 18
int s6_svc_writectl (char const *service, char const *subdir, char const *s, unsigned int len)
  unsigned int svlen = str_len(service) ;
  unsigned int sublen = str_len(subdir) ;
  char fn[svlen + sublen + 10] ;
  byte_copy(fn, svlen, service) ;
  fn[svlen] = '/' ;
  byte_copy(fn + svlen + 1, sublen, subdir) ;
  byte_copy(fn + svlen + 1 + sublen, 9, "/control") ;
  return s6_svc_write(fn, s, len) ;
Esempio n. 19
static int xsocket_connect4(int s, const unsigned char *ip, const unsigned char *port, long long id) {

    struct sockaddr_in sa;

    if (!byte_isequal("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\377\377", 12, ip)) { errno = EPROTO; return -1; }

    byte_zero(&sa, sizeof sa);
    sa.sin_family = PF_INET;
    byte_copy(&sa.sin_addr, 4, ip + 12);
    byte_copy(&sa.sin_port, 2, port);
    return connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, sizeof sa);
void stralloc_reverse_blocks (stralloc *sa, unsigned int size)
  register unsigned int n = sa->len / (size << 1) ;
  register unsigned int i = 0 ;
  char tmp[size] ;
  for (; i < n ; i++)
    byte_copy(tmp, size, sa->s + i * size) ;
    byte_copy(sa->s + i * size, size, sa->s + (2*n - 1 - i) * size) ;
    byte_copy(sa->s + (2*n - 1 - i) * size, size, tmp) ;
Esempio n. 21
int buffer_putalign(buffer *s,const char *buf,unsigned int len)
  unsigned int n;
  while (len > (n = s->n - s->p)) {
    byte_copy(s->x + s->p,n,buf); s->p += n; buf += n; len -= n;
    if (buffer_flush(s) == -1) return -1;
  /* now len <= s->n - s->p */
  byte_copy(s->x + s->p,len,buf);
  s->p += len;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 22
int substdio_bput(substdio *s,const char *buf,int len)
  int n;
  while (len > (n = s->n - s->p)) {
    byte_copy(s->x + s->p,n,buf); s->p += n; buf += n; len -= n;
    if (substdio_flush(s) == -1) return -1;
  /* now len <= s->n - s->p */
  byte_copy(s->x + s->p,len,buf);
  s->p += len;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 23
unsigned int bu_fmt (char *s, uint32 const *x, unsigned int n)
  unsigned int len = 0 ;
  while (n--)
    char fmt[8] ;
    unsigned int i = uint32_xfmt(fmt, x[n]) ;
    byte_copy(s+len, 8-i, "00000000") ;
    byte_copy(s+len+8-i, i, fmt) ;
    len += 8 ;
  return len ;
Esempio n. 24
int buffer_putalign(buffer* b,const char* buf,size_t len) {
  unsigned int tmp;
  while (len>(tmp=b->a-b->p)) {
    byte_copy(b->x+b->p, tmp, buf);
    if (buffer_flush(b)<0) return -1;
  byte_copy(b->x+b->p, len, buf);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 25
static int init(char ip[64])
  int i;
  unsigned int j;
  int iplen = 0;
  char *x;

  x = env_get("DNSCACHEIP");
  if (x)
    while (iplen <= 60) {
      if (*x == '.')
      else {
        i = ip4_scan(x,ip + iplen);
	if (!i) break;
	x += i;
	iplen += 4;

  if (!iplen) {
    i = openreadclose("/etc/resolv.conf",&data,64);
    if (i == -1) return -1;
    if (i) {
      if (!stralloc_append(&data,'\n')) return -1;
      i = 0;
      for (j = 0;j < data.len;++j)
        if (data.s[j] == '\n') {
          if (byte_equal("nameserver ",11,data.s + i) || byte_equal("nameserver\t",11,data.s + i)) {
            i += 10;
            while ((data.s[i] == ' ') || (data.s[i] == '\t'))
            if (iplen <= 60)
              if (ip4_scan(data.s + i,ip + iplen)) {
		if (byte_equal(ip + iplen,4,"\0\0\0\0"))
		  byte_copy(ip + iplen,4,"\177\0\0\1");
                iplen += 4;
          i = j + 1;

  if (!iplen) {
    iplen = 4;
  byte_zero(ip + iplen,64 - iplen);
  return 0;
Esempio n. 26
int ftrig1_make (ftrig1 *f, char const *path)
  ftrig1 ff = FTRIG1_ZERO ;
  unsigned int pathlen = str_len(path) ;
  int e = 0 ;
  char tmp[pathlen + 46 + FTRIG1_PREFIXLEN] ;
  byte_copy(tmp, pathlen, path) ;
  tmp[pathlen] = '/' ; tmp[pathlen+1] = '.' ;
  byte_copy(tmp + pathlen + 2, FTRIG1_PREFIXLEN, FTRIG1_PREFIX) ;
  tmp[pathlen + 2 + FTRIG1_PREFIXLEN] = ':' ;
  if (!timestamp(tmp + pathlen + 3 + FTRIG1_PREFIXLEN)) return 0 ;
  tmp[pathlen + 28 + FTRIG1_PREFIXLEN] = ':' ;
  if (random_name(tmp + pathlen + 29 + FTRIG1_PREFIXLEN, 16) < 16) return 0 ;
  tmp[pathlen + 45 + FTRIG1_PREFIXLEN] = 0 ;
    mode_t m = umask(0) ;
    if (fifo_make(tmp, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH) == -1)
      umask(m) ;
      return 0 ;
    umask(m) ;

  if (!stralloc_catb(&, tmp, pathlen+1)) { e = errno ; goto err0 ; }
  if (!stralloc_catb(&, tmp + pathlen + 2, FTRIG1_PREFIXLEN + 44))
    e = errno ; goto err1 ;
  ff.fd = open_read(tmp) ;
  if (ff.fd == -1) { e = errno ; goto err1 ; }
  ff.fdw = open_write(tmp) ;
  if (ff.fdw == -1) { e = errno ; goto err2 ; }
  if (rename(tmp, == -1) goto err3 ;
  *f = ff ;
  return 1 ;

  e = errno ;
  fd_close(ff.fdw) ;
  fd_close(ff.fd) ;
  stralloc_free(& ;
  unlink(tmp) ;
  errno = e ;
  return 0 ;
Esempio n. 27
void dns_sortip6(char *s,unsigned int n)
  unsigned int i;
  char tmp[16];

  n >>= 4;
  while (n > 1) {
    i = dns_random(n);
    byte_copy(tmp,16,s + (i << 4));
    byte_copy(s + (i << 4),16,s + (n << 4));
    byte_copy(s + (n << 4),16,tmp);
Esempio n. 28
void dns_sortip(char *s,unsigned int n)
  unsigned int i;
  char tmp[4];

  n >>= 2;
  while (n > 1) {
    i = dns_random(n);
    byte_copy(tmp,4,s + (i << 2));
    byte_copy(s + (i << 2),4,s + (n << 2));
    byte_copy(s + (n << 2),4,tmp);
Esempio n. 29
ssize_t socket_send6(int s,const char *buf,size_t len,const char ip[16],uint16 port,uint32 scope_id)
#ifdef LIBC_HAS_IP6
  struct sockaddr_in6 si;
  struct sockaddr_in si;

  byte_zero(&si,sizeof si);
#ifdef LIBC_HAS_IP6
  if (noipv6) {
    if (ip6_isv4mapped(ip))
      return socket_send4(s,buf,len,ip+12,port);
    if (byte_equal(ip,16,V6loopback))
      return socket_send4(s,buf,len,ip4loopback,port);
#ifdef LIBC_HAS_IP6
    return -1;
  si.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
  uint16_pack_big((char *) &si.sin6_port,port);
  byte_copy((char *) &si.sin6_addr,16,ip);
  return winsock2errno(sendto(s,buf,len,0,(void*) &si,sizeof si));
  return -1;
Esempio n. 30
int response_addname(char *d)
  unsigned int dlen;
  unsigned int i;
  char buf[2];

  dlen = dns_domain_length(d);

  while (*d) {
    for (i = 0;i < name_num;++i)
      if (dns_domain_equal(d,name[i])) {
        uint16_pack_big(buf,49152 + name_ptr[i]);
        return response_addbytes(buf,2);
    if (dlen <= 128)
      if (name_num < NAMES) {
	name_ptr[name_num] = response_len;
    i = (unsigned char) *d;
    if (!response_addbytes(d,i)) return 0;
    d += i;
    dlen -= i;
  return response_addbytes(d,1);