Esempio n. 1
 * @brief Allow client to write data in cache in the current <peer> tag.
 * Data can be written directly or ciphered using the ZRTP Key Derivation Function and current s0.
 * If useKDF flag is set but no s0 is available, nothing is written in cache and an error is returned
 * @param[in/out]	zrtpContext			The ZRTP context we're dealing with
 * @param[in]		peerZID				The ZID identifying the peer node we want to write into
 * @param[in]		tagName				The name of the tag to be written
 * @param[in]		tagNameLength		The length in bytes of the tagName
 * @param[in]		tagContent			The content of the tag to be written(a string, if KDF is used the result will be turned into an hexa string)
 * @param[in]		tagContentLength	The length in bytes of tagContent
 * @param[in]		derivedDataLength	Used only in KDF mode, length in bytes of the derived data to use (max 32)
 * @param[in]		useKDF				A flag, if set to 0, write data as it is provided, if set to 1, write KDF(s0, "tagContent", KDF_Context, negotiated hash length)
 * @param[in]		fileFlag			Flag, if LOADFILE bit is set, reload the cache buffer from file before updating.
 * 										if WRITEFILE bit is set, update the cache file
 * @return	0 on success, errorcode otherwise
int bzrtp_addCustomDataInCache(bzrtpContext_t *zrtpContext, uint8_t peerZID[12], uint8_t *tagName, uint16_t tagNameLength, uint8_t *tagContent, uint16_t tagContentLength, uint8_t derivedDataLength, uint8_t useKDF, uint8_t fileFlag) {
	/* check we have a valid context, a cache access callback function and a valid channelContext[0] */
	if (zrtpContext == NULL || zrtpContext->zrtpCallbacks.bzrtp_loadCache == NULL || zrtpContext->channelContext[0]==NULL) {

	if (useKDF ==  BZRTP_CUSTOMCACHE_PLAINDATA) { /* write content as provided : content is a string and multiple tag is allowed as we are writing the peer URI(To be modified if needed) */
		return bzrtp_writePeerNode(zrtpContext, peerZID, tagName, tagNameLength, tagContent, tagContentLength, BZRTP_CACHE_TAGISSTRING|BZRTP_CACHE_ALLOWMULTIPLETAGS, fileFlag);
	} else { /* we must derive the content using the key derivation function */
		uint8_t derivedContent[32];
		/* check we have s0 and KDFContext in channel[0] */
		bzrtpChannelContext_t *zrtpChannelContext = zrtpContext->channelContext[0];
		if (zrtpChannelContext->s0 == NULL || zrtpChannelContext->KDFContext == NULL) {
		/* We derive a maximum of 32 bytes for a 256 bit key */
		if (derivedDataLength>32) { 
			derivedDataLength = 32;
		bzrtp_keyDerivationFunction(zrtpChannelContext->s0, zrtpChannelContext->hashLength, tagContent, tagContentLength, zrtpChannelContext->KDFContext, zrtpChannelContext->KDFContextLength, derivedDataLength, (void (*)(uint8_t *, uint8_t,  uint8_t *, uint32_t,  uint8_t,  uint8_t *))zrtpChannelContext->hmacFunction, derivedContent);

		/* if derivedDataLength is 4 it means we are writing the session Index, mask the first bit of first byte(MSB) to 0 in order to avoid any counter loop */
		if (derivedDataLength == 4) {
			derivedContent[0] &=0x7F;
		/* write it to cache, do not allow multiple tags */
		return bzrtp_writePeerNode(zrtpContext, peerZID, tagName, tagNameLength, derivedContent, derivedDataLength, BZRTP_CACHE_TAGISBYTE|BZRTP_CACHE_NOMULTIPLETAGS, fileFlag);
Esempio n. 2
void test_zrtpKDF(void) {

	int i;
	uint8_t keyKDF[32] = {0x33, 0xe6, 0x6c, 0x01, 0xca, 0x6f, 0xe6, 0x4f, 0xb7, 0x6f, 0xfd, 0xe3, 0x1c, 0xab, 0xc0, 0xfb, 0xad, 0x3d, 0x31, 0x02, 0x67, 0x6b, 0x0c, 0x09, 0x0f, 0xc9, 0x96, 0x38, 0x1e, 0x0a, 0x8c, 0x2f};
	uint8_t output[32];

	for (i=0; i<KDF_TEST_NUMBER; i++) {
		bzrtp_keyDerivationFunction(keyKDF, 32,
			patternKDFLabel[i], strlen((char *)patternKDFLabel[i]),
			patternKDFContext[i], patternKDFContextLength[i],
			(void (*)(uint8_t *, uint8_t, uint8_t *, uint32_t, uint8_t, uint8_t *))bctoolbox_hmacSha256,

		CU_ASSERT_TRUE(memcmp(output, patternKDFOutput[i], patternKDFHmacLength[i]) == 0);
