Esempio n. 1
 * Responds to a signal requesting that the fuel pump be run.
void CUXInterface::onFuelPumpRunRequest()
    if (m_initComplete && c14cux_isConnected(&m_cuxinfo))
Esempio n. 2
 * Calls readData() in a loop until commanded to disconnect and possibly
 * shut down the thread.
void CUXInterface::runServiceLoop()
    ReadResult res = ReadResult_NoStatement;

    bool connected = c14cux_isConnected(&m_cuxinfo);

    while (!m_stopPolling && !m_shutdownThread && connected)
        res = readData();
        if (res == ReadResult_Success)
            emit readSuccess();
            emit dataReady();
        else if (res == ReadResult_Failure)
            emit readError();

    if (connected)
    emit disconnected();


    if (m_shutdownThread)
Esempio n. 3
 * Reads the entire 16KB ROM.
void CUXInterface::onReadROMImageRequested()
    if (m_initComplete && c14cux_isConnected(&m_cuxinfo))
        if (m_romImage == 0)
            m_romImage = new QByteArray(16384, 0x00);

        if (c14cux_dumpROM(&m_cuxinfo, (uint8_t*)m_romImage->data()))
            if (!m_readCanceled)
                emit romImageReady();
            if (!m_readCanceled)
                emit romImageReadFailed();

        m_readCanceled = false;
        emit notConnected();
Esempio n. 4
 * Reads bytes from the serial device using an OS-specific call.
 * @param buffer Buffer into which data should be read
 * @param quantity Number of bytes to read
 * @return Number of bytes read from the device, or -1 if no bytes could be read
int16_t c14cux_readSerialBytes(c14cux_info* info, uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t quantity)
  int16_t bytesRead = -1;

  if (c14cux_isConnected(info))
#if defined(WIN32)
    DWORD w32BytesRead = 0;

    if ((ReadFile(info->sd, (UCHAR*) buffer, quantity, &w32BytesRead, NULL) == TRUE) &&
        (w32BytesRead > 0))
      bytesRead = w32BytesRead;

    bytesRead = read(info->sd, buffer, quantity);
    dprintf_warn("14CUX(warning): Not connected.\n");

  return bytesRead;
Esempio n. 5
 * Responds to a signal requesting that the idle air control valve be moved.
 * @param direction Direction of travel for the idle air control valve;
 *  0 to open and 1 to close
 * @param steps Number of steps to move the valve in the specified direction
void CUXInterface::onIdleAirControlMovementRequest(int direction, int steps)
    if (m_initComplete && c14cux_isConnected(&m_cuxinfo))
        c14cux_driveIdleAirControlMotor(&m_cuxinfo, (uint8_t)direction, (uint8_t)steps);
        emit notConnected();
Esempio n. 6
 * Cleans up and exits the worker thread.
void CUXInterface::onShutdownThreadRequest()
    // If we're currently connected, just set a flag to let the polling loop
    // shut the thread down. Otherwise, shut it down here.
    if (c14cux_isConnected(&m_cuxinfo))
        m_shutdownThread = true;
Esempio n. 7
 * Clears the block of fault codes.
void CUXInterface::onFaultCodesClearRequested()
    if (m_initComplete && c14cux_isConnected(&m_cuxinfo))
        if (c14cux_clearFaultCodes(&m_cuxinfo) &&
            c14cux_getFaultCodes(&m_cuxinfo, &m_faultCodes))
            emit faultCodesClearSuccess(m_faultCodes);
            emit faultCodesClearFailure();
        emit notConnected();
Esempio n. 8
 * Writes bytes to the serial device using an OS-specific call
 * @param buffer Buffer from which written data should be drawn
 * @param quantity Number of bytes to write
 * @return Number of bytes written to the device, or -1 if no bytes could be written
int16_t c14cux_writeSerialBytes(c14cux_info* info, uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t quantity)
    int16_t bytesWritten = -1;

    if (c14cux_isConnected(info))
#if defined(WIN32)
        DWORD w32BytesWritten = 0;
        if ((WriteFile(info->sd, (UCHAR *) buffer, quantity, &w32BytesWritten, NULL) == TRUE) &&
            (w32BytesWritten == quantity))
            bytesWritten = w32BytesWritten;
        bytesWritten = write(info->sd, buffer, quantity);

    return bytesWritten;
Esempio n. 9
 * Reads fault codes from the 14CUX and stores in a member structure.
void CUXInterface::onFaultCodesRequested()
    if (m_initComplete && c14cux_isConnected(&m_cuxinfo))
        memset(&m_faultCodes, 0, sizeof(m_faultCodes));

        if (c14cux_getFaultCodes(&m_cuxinfo, &m_faultCodes))
            emit faultCodesReady();
            emit faultCodesReadFailed();
        emit notConnected();
Esempio n. 10
 * Respond to a signal requesting fuel map data by reading the desired fuel
 * map from the ECU, and emitting a signal when done.
 * @param fuelMapId ID of the fuel map that should be retrieved (1 through 5)
void CUXInterface::onFuelMapRequested(unsigned int fuelMapId)
    if (m_initComplete && c14cux_isConnected(&m_cuxinfo))
        if (readFuelMap(fuelMapId))
            emit fuelMapReady(fuelMapId);

        if (c14cux_getRPMLimit(&m_cuxinfo, &m_rpmLimit))
            emit rpmLimitReady(m_rpmLimit);

        if (c14cux_getRpmTable(&m_cuxinfo, &m_rpmTable))
            emit rpmTableReady();
Esempio n. 11
 * Reads the specified number of bytes from memory at the specified address.
 * @param info State information for the active connection.
 * @param addr Address at which memory should be read.
 * @param len Number of bytes to read.
 * @param buffer Pointer to a buffer of at least len bytes
 * @return 1 when the operation was successful; 0 otherwise
bool c14cux_readMem(c14cux_info* info, uint16_t addr, uint16_t len, uint8_t* buffer)
#if defined(WIN32)
    if (WaitForSingleObject(info->mutex, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
        return 0;

    uint16_t totalBytesRead = 0;
    uint16_t singleReqQuantity = 0;
    uint16_t singleReqBytesRead = 0;
    bool readSuccess = false;
    int16_t readCallBytesRead = 1;
    bool sendLastByteOnly = false;

    info->cancelRead = 0;

    if (c14cux_isConnected(info))
        // loop until we've read all the bytes, or we experienced a read error
        while ((totalBytesRead < len) && (readCallBytesRead > 0) && (info->cancelRead == 0))
            // read the maximum number of bytes as is reasonable
            singleReqQuantity = c14cux_getByteCountForNextRead(len, totalBytesRead);

            // if the next address to read is within the 64-byte window
            // created by the last coarse address that was set, then we
            // can just send the final byte of the read command
            sendLastByteOnly =
                ((singleReqQuantity == info->lastReadQuantity) &&
                 ((addr + totalBytesRead) < (info->lastReadCoarseAddress + 64)) &&
                 (info->lastReadCoarseAddress <= (addr + totalBytesRead)));

            dprintf_info("14CUX(info): Sending cmd to read %d bytes at 0x%04X...\n",
                singleReqQuantity, addr + totalBytesRead);

            // if sending the read command is successful...
            if (c14cux_sendReadCmd(info, addr + totalBytesRead, singleReqQuantity, sendLastByteOnly))
                dprintf_info("14CUX(info): Successfully sent read command.\n");

                // reset the number of bytes read during this single read operation
                singleReqBytesRead = 0;

                // loop until we've read all the bytes for this single read operation,
                // or until we time out
                    readCallBytesRead =
                        c14cux_readSerialBytes(info, buffer + totalBytesRead + singleReqBytesRead,
                                               singleReqQuantity - singleReqBytesRead);

                    singleReqBytesRead += readCallBytesRead;
                while ((readCallBytesRead > 0) && (singleReqBytesRead < singleReqQuantity));

                // if all the reads were successful, add the total bytes
                // read from this request to the overall total
                if (readCallBytesRead > 0)
                    dprintf_info("14CUX(info): Successfully read %d bytes.\n", singleReqBytesRead);
                    totalBytesRead += singleReqBytesRead;

                    // remember the number of bytes read on this pass, in case we
                    // want to issue an abbreviated command next time (which will
                    // send the same number of bytes)
                    info->lastReadQuantity = singleReqQuantity;
                // if we were unable to even send the read command,
                // stop with failure
                dprintf_err("14CUX(error): Failed to send read command\n");
                readCallBytesRead = -1;

    // if we read as many bytes as were requested, indicate success
    if (totalBytesRead == len)
        dprintf_info("14CUX(info): Successfully read all requested bytes.\n");
        readSuccess = true;
        info->lastReadCoarseAddress = 0;
        info->lastReadQuantity = 0;

#if defined(WIN32)

    return readSuccess;
Esempio n. 12
 * Indicates whether the serial device is currently open/connected.
 * @return True when the device is connected; false otherwise.
bool CUXInterface::isConnected()
    return (m_initComplete && c14cux_isConnected(&m_cuxinfo));