void CFootBotBaseGroundRotZOnlySensor::Update() {
     * We make the assumption that the robot is rotated only wrt to Z
    /* Get robot position and orientation */
    const CVector3& cEntityPos = m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetPosition();
    const CQuaternion& cEntityRot = m_pcEmbodiedEntity->GetOrientation();
    CRadians cRotZ, cRotY, cRotX;
    cEntityRot.ToEulerAngles(cRotZ, cRotY, cRotX);
    /* Set robot center */
    CVector2 cCenterPos(cEntityPos.GetX(), cEntityPos.GetY());
    /* Position of sensor on the ground after rototranslation */
    CVector2 cSensorPos;
    /* Go through the sensors */
    for(UInt32 i = 0; i < m_tReadings.size(); ++i) {
       /* Calculate sensor position on the ground */
       cSensorPos = m_pcGroundSensorEntity->GetSensor(i+4).Offset;
       cSensorPos += cCenterPos;
       /* Get the color */
       const CColor& cColor = m_pcFloorEntity->GetColorAtPoint(cSensorPos.GetX(),
       /* Set the reading */
       m_tReadings[i].Value = cColor.ToGrayScale() / 255.0f;
       /* Apply noise to the sensor */
       if(m_bAddNoise) {
          m_tReadings[i].Value += m_pcRNG->Uniform(m_cNoiseRange);
       /* Set the final reading */
       m_tReadings[i].Value = m_tReadings[i].Value < 0.5f ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
   void CFootBotMotorGroundSensor::Update() {
      /* We make the assumption that the foot-bot is rotated only wrt to Z */
      CFloorEntity& cFloorEntity = m_cSpace.GetFloorEntity();
      const CVector3& cEntityPos = GetEntity().GetEmbodiedEntity().GetPosition();
      const CQuaternion& cEntityRot = GetEntity().GetEmbodiedEntity().GetOrientation();
      CRadians cRotZ, cRotY, cRotX;
      cEntityRot.ToEulerAngles( cRotZ, cRotY, cRotX );
      CVector2 cCenterPos(cEntityPos.GetX(), cEntityPos.GetY());
      CVector2 cSensorPos;
      for(UInt32 i = 0; i < CCI_FootBotMotorGroundSensor::NUM_READINGS; ++i) {
         cSensorPos  = m_tReadings[i].Offset;
	 cSensorPos *= 0.01;
	 cSensorPos += cCenterPos;
         const CColor& cColor = cFloorEntity.GetColorAtPoint(cSensorPos.GetX(),cSensorPos.GetY());
         m_tReadings[i].Value = cColor.ToGrayScale()/255*FOOTBOT_MOTOR_GROUND_SENSOR_READING_RANGE.GetSpan();

	 if( m_fNoiseLevel > 0.0f ) {

	 /* Normalize reading between 0 and 1, only if calibration has been performed */
         if( m_bCalibrated ) {
	    m_tReadings[i].Value = FOOTBOT_MOTOR_GROUND_SENSOR_READING_RANGE.NormalizeValue(m_tReadings[i].Value);