cVec4 cVec4::operator / (const float rhs) const { if (rhs==0.0f) return cVec4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); //cant divide by 0 float newX=x / rhs; float newY=y / rhs; float newZ=z / rhs; float newW=w / rhs; return cVec4(newX, newY, newZ, newW); }
//Plain the hierarchy void cScene::ConvertNodesToObjects( aiNode * lpNode, cMatrix lTransform) { // Create a new scene object for the node if this has meshes cMatrix lNodeTransform( cVec4 ( lpNode->mTransformation.a1, lpNode->mTransformation.b1, lpNode->mTransformation.c1, lpNode->mTransformation.d1), cVec4 ( lpNode->mTransformation.a2, lpNode->mTransformation.b2, lpNode->mTransformation.c2, lpNode->mTransformation.d2), cVec4 ( lpNode->mTransformation.a3, lpNode->mTransformation.b3, lpNode->mTransformation.c3, lpNode->mTransformation.d3), cVec4 ( lpNode->mTransformation.a4, lpNode->mTransformation.b4, lpNode->mTransformation.c4, lpNode->mTransformation.d4)); lTransform = lNodeTransform * lTransform; if ( lpNode->mNumMeshes > 0) { cObject *lpObject = new cObject; lpObject->Init(); lpObject->SetName( lpNode-> ); lpObject->SetWorldMatrix(lTransform); for (unsigned luiIndex=0; luiIndex<lpNode->mNumMeshes; ++luiIndex) { unsigned luiMeshIndex = lpNode->mMeshes[luiIndex]; unsigned luiMaterialIndex; luiMaterialIndex = mMeshMaterialIndexList[luiMeshIndex]; lpObject->AddMesh(mMeshList[luiMeshIndex], mMaterialList[luiMaterialIndex]); } mObjectList.push_back(lpObject); } //Recursive call for(unsigned luiIndex = 0; luiIndex<lpNode->mNumChildren; ++luiIndex) { ConvertNodesToObjects(lpNode->mChildren[luiIndex], lTransform); } }
cVec4 cVec4::GetRotatedAxis(double angle, const cVec3 & axis) const { cVec3 v3d(x, y, z); v3d.RotateAxis(angle, axis); return cVec4(v3d.x, v3d.y, v3d.z, w); }
cVec4 cVec4::GetRotatedZ(double angle) const { cVec3 v3d(x, y, z); v3d.RotateZ(angle); return cVec4(v3d.x, v3d.y, v3d.z, w); }
cVec4 cVec4::operator * (const float rhs) const { float newX=x * rhs; float newY=y * rhs; float newZ=z * rhs; float newW=w * rhs; return cVec4(newX, newY, newZ, newW); }
cVec4 cVec4::operator - (const cVec4 & rhs) const { float newX=x - rhs.x; float newY=y - rhs.y; float newZ=z - rhs.z; float newW=w - rhs.w; return cVec4(newX, newY, newZ, newW); }
cVec4 cVec4::operator + (const cVec4 & rhs) const { float newX=x + rhs.x; float newY=y + rhs.y; float newZ=z + rhs.z; float newW=w + rhs.w; return cVec4(newX, newY, newZ, newW); }