Esempio n. 1
void array_var_bool_element(IntVar* _x, vec<BoolView>& a, BoolView y, int offset) {
	IntView<4> x(_x, 1, -offset);
	vec<Lit> ps1(a.size()+1);
	vec<Lit> ps2(a.size()+1);
	// Add clause !y \/ c_1 \/ ... \/ c_n
	// Add clause y \/ d_1 \/ ... \/ d_n
	ps1[0] = ~y;
	ps2[0] = y;
	for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
		BoolView c_i(Lit(sat.newVar(),1));
		BoolView d_i(Lit(sat.newVar(),1));
		sat.addClause(~c_i, x = i);
		sat.addClause(~c_i, a[i]);
		sat.addClause(~d_i, x = i);
		sat.addClause(~d_i, ~a[i]);
		vec<Lit> ps3(3), ps4(3);
		ps3[0] = y; ps3[1] = ~a[i]; ps3[2] = (x != i);
		ps4[0] = ~y; ps4[1] = a[i]; ps4[2] = (x != i);
		ps1[i+1] = c_i;
		ps2[i+1] = d_i;
Esempio n. 2
// return (this * b)
SparseMatrix SparseMatrix::multiply(const SparseMatrix& b) const 
    SparseMatrix c(numRows(), b.numColumns());
    SparseMatrix bt = b.getTranspose();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < c.numRows(); ++i) 
        SparseArray c_i(c.numColumns());        
        SparseArray a_i = getRow(i);
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < c.numColumns(); ++j) 
            double value = dot(a_i, bt.getRow(j));
            if (abs(value) > 1e-10) c_i.insert(j, value);
        c.setRow(i, c_i);
    return c;
Esempio n. 3
// main function
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // Open channels to the FPGA board.
  // These channels appear as files to the Linux OS
  int fdr = open("/dev/xillybus_read_32", O_RDONLY);
  int fdw = open("/dev/xillybus_write_32", O_WRONLY);

  // Check that the channels are correctly opened
  if ((fdr < 0) || (fdw < 0)) {
    fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open Xillybus device channels\n");

  // sin output
  cos_sin_type s = 0;
  // cos output
  cos_sin_type c = 0;
  // radian input
  double radian; 
  // sin & cos calculated by math.h
  double m_s = 0.0, m_c = 0.0;

  // Error terms
  double err_ratio_sin = 0.0;
  double err_ratio_cos = 0.0;
  double accum_err_sin = 0.0;
  double accum_err_cos = 0.0;

  // arrays to store the output
  double c_array[NUM_DEGREE];
  double s_array[NUM_DEGREE];

  int nbytes;
  Timer timer("CORDIC fpga (batch)");


  // Send all values to the module
  for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; ++i) {
    radian = i * M_PI / 180;

    // Convert double value to fixed-point representation
    theta_type theta(radian);

    // Convert fixed-point to int64
    bit64_t theta_i;
    theta_i(theta.length()-1,0) = theta(theta.length()-1,0);
    int64_t input = theta_i;

    // Send bytes through the write channel
    // and assert that the right number of bytes were sent
    nbytes = write (fdw, (void*)&input, sizeof(input));
    assert (nbytes == sizeof(input));

  // Read all results
  for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; ++i) {
    // Receive bytes through the read channel
    // and assert that the right number of bytes were recieved
    int64_t c_out, s_out;
    nbytes = read (fdr, (void*)&c_out, sizeof(c_out));
    assert (nbytes == sizeof(c_out));
    nbytes = read (fdr, (void*)&s_out, sizeof(s_out));
    assert (nbytes == sizeof(s_out));
    // convert int64 to fixed point
    bit64_t c_i = c_out;
    bit64_t s_i = s_out;
    c(c.length()-1,0) = c_i(c.length()-1,0);
    s(s.length()-1,0) = s_i(s.length()-1,0);
    // Store to array
    c_array[i] = c;
    s_array[i] = s;

  // Check results
  for (int i = 1; i < NUM_DEGREE; ++i) {
    // Load the stored result
    c = c_array[i];
    s = s_array[i];

    // Call math lib
    radian = i * M_PI / 180;
    m_s = sin( radian );
    m_c = cos( radian );
    // Calculate normalized error
    err_ratio_sin = ( abs_double( (double)s - m_s) / (m_s) ) * 100.0;
    err_ratio_cos = ( abs_double( (double)c - m_c) / (m_c) ) * 100.0;
    // Accumulate error ratios
    accum_err_sin += err_ratio_sin * err_ratio_sin;
    accum_err_cos += err_ratio_cos * err_ratio_cos;

  // Write out root mean squared error (RMSE) of error ratios
  // Print to screen
  std::cout << "#------------------------------------------------\n"
            << "Overall_Error_Sin = " << RMSE(accum_err_sin) << "\n"
            << "Overall_Error_Cos = " << RMSE(accum_err_cos) << "\n"
            << "#------------------------------------------------\n";

  // Clean up

  return 0;