cairo_bool_t cairocks_map_path_onto(cairo_t* cr, cairo_path_t* path) { cairo_path_t* cur_path = 0; parametrized_path_t param; if(cairo_status(cr) || !path) return FALSE; cur_path = cairo_copy_path(cr); param.path = path; param.parametrization = parametrize_path(path); cairo_new_path(cr); transform_path( cur_path, (transform_point_func_t)(point_on_path), ¶m ); cairo_append_path(cr, cur_path); free(param.parametrization); cairo_path_destroy(cur_path); return TRUE; }
Path::Path(const Path& other) : m_path(new CairoPath()) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); OwnPtr<cairo_path_t> pathCopy = adoptPtr(cairo_copy_path(other.platformPath()->context())); cairo_append_path(cr, pathCopy.get()); }
void Context::copyPath( cinder::Shape2d *resultPath ) { resultPath->clear(); cairo_path_t *path = cairo_copy_path( mCairo ); convertCairoToCinderPath( path, resultPath ); cairo_path_destroy( path ); }
// cairo_public cairo_path_t * // cairo_copy_path (cairo_t *cr); static int l_cairo_copy_path(lua_State* L) { cairo_t *cr = get_cairo_t (L, 1); cairo_path_t *v = cairo_copy_path (cr); lua_pushlightuserdata(L, v); return 1; }
String Path::debugString() const { String string = ""; cairo_path_t* path = cairo_copy_path(platformPath()->m_cr); cairo_path_data_t* data; if (!path->num_data ) string = "EMPTY"; for (int i = 0; i < path->num_data; i += path->data[i].header.length) { data = &path->data[i]; switch (data->header.type) { case CAIRO_PATH_MOVE_TO: string += String::format("M %.2f,%.2f", data[1].point.x, data[1].point.y); break; case CAIRO_PATH_LINE_TO: string += String::format("L %.2f,%.2f", data[1].point.x, data[1].point.y); break; case CAIRO_PATH_CURVE_TO: string += String::format("C %.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f", data[1].point.x, data[1].point.y, data[2].point.x, data[2].point.y, data[3].point.x, data[3].point.y); break; case CAIRO_PATH_CLOSE_PATH: string += "X"; break; } } cairo_path_destroy(path); return string; }
void SVGResourceClipper::applyClip(GraphicsContext* context, const FloatRect& boundingBox) const { cairo_t* cr = context->platformContext(); if (m_clipData.clipData().size() < 1) return; cairo_reset_clip(cr); context->beginPath(); for (unsigned int x = 0; x < m_clipData.clipData().size(); x++) { ClipData data = m_clipData.clipData()[x]; Path path = data.path; if (path.isEmpty()) continue; path.closeSubpath(); if (data.bboxUnits) { // Make use of the clipping units AffineTransform transform; transform.translate(boundingBox.x(), boundingBox.y()); transform.scale(boundingBox.width(), boundingBox.height()); path.transform(transform); } cairo_path_t* clipPath = cairo_copy_path(path.platformPath()->m_cr); cairo_append_path(cr, clipPath); cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, data.windRule == RULE_EVENODD ? CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD : CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING); } cairo_clip(cr); }
VALUE shoes_canvas_shape(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { int x; double x1, y1, x2, y2; cairo_t *shape = NULL; cairo_path_t *line = NULL; SETUP_SHAPE(); shape = canvas->shape; VALUE attr = shoes_shape_attr(argc, argv, 2, s_left, s_top); canvas->shape = cairo_create(cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 1, 1)); cairo_move_to(canvas->shape, 0, 0); if (rb_block_given_p()) rb_funcall(rb_block_proc(), s_call, 0); #if CAIRO_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 && CAIRO_VERSION_MINOR <= 4 cairo_fill_extents(canvas->shape, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); #else cairo_path_extents(canvas->shape, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2); #endif x = x2 - x1; ATTRSET(attr, width, INT2NUM(x)); x = y2 - y1; ATTRSET(attr, height, INT2NUM(x)); line = cairo_copy_path(canvas->shape); canvas->shape = shape; return shoes_add_shape(self, s_shape, attr, line); }
Path::Path(const Path& other) : m_path(new CairoPath()) { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->m_cr; cairo_path_t* p = cairo_copy_path(other.platformPath()->m_cr); cairo_append_path(cr, p); cairo_path_destroy(p); }
static PyObject * pycairo_copy_path (PycairoContext *o) { cairo_path_t *cp; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS; cp = cairo_copy_path (o->ctx); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS; return PycairoPath_FromPath (cp); }
/* Paths */ static VALUE cr_copy_path (VALUE self) { cairo_path_t *path; path = cairo_copy_path (_SELF); rb_cairo_check_status (path->status); return CRPATH2RVAL (path); }
static inline void drawPathShadow(GraphicsContext* context, PathDrawingStyle drawingStyle) { ShadowBlur& shadow = context->platformContext()->shadowBlur(); if (shadow.type() == ShadowBlur::NoShadow) return; // Calculate the extents of the rendered solid paths. cairo_t* cairoContext = context->platformContext()->cr(); OwnPtr<cairo_path_t> path = adoptPtr(cairo_copy_path(cairoContext)); FloatRect solidFigureExtents; double x0 = 0; double x1 = 0; double y0 = 0; double y1 = 0; if (drawingStyle & Stroke) { cairo_stroke_extents(cairoContext, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); solidFigureExtents = FloatRect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); } if (drawingStyle & Fill) { cairo_fill_extents(cairoContext, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); FloatRect fillExtents(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); solidFigureExtents.unite(fillExtents); } GraphicsContext* shadowContext = shadow.beginShadowLayer(context, solidFigureExtents); if (!shadowContext) return; cairo_t* cairoShadowContext = shadowContext->platformContext()->cr(); // It's important to copy the context properties to the new shadow // context to preserve things such as the fill rule and stroke width. copyContextProperties(cairoContext, cairoShadowContext); if (drawingStyle & Fill) { cairo_save(cairoShadowContext); cairo_append_path(cairoShadowContext, path.get()); shadowContext->platformContext()->prepareForFilling(context->state(), PlatformContextCairo::NoAdjustment); cairo_fill(cairoShadowContext); cairo_restore(cairoShadowContext); } if (drawingStyle & Stroke) { cairo_append_path(cairoShadowContext, path.get()); shadowContext->platformContext()->prepareForStroking(context->state(), PlatformContextCairo::DoNotPreserveAlpha); cairo_stroke(cairoShadowContext); } // The original path may still be hanging around on the context and endShadowLayer // will take care of properly creating a path to draw the result shadow. We remove the path // temporarily and then restore it. // See: cairo_new_path(cairoContext); shadow.endShadowLayer(context); cairo_append_path(cairoContext, path.get()); }
static inline void drawPathShadow(GraphicsContext* context, PathDrawingStyle drawingStyle) { ShadowBlur& shadow = context->platformContext()->shadowBlur(); if (shadow.type() == ShadowBlur::NoShadow) return; // Calculate the extents of the rendered solid paths. cairo_t* cairoContext = context->platformContext()->cr(); OwnPtr<cairo_path_t> path = adoptPtr(cairo_copy_path(cairoContext)); FloatRect solidFigureExtents; double x0 = 0; double x1 = 0; double y0 = 0; double y1 = 0; if (drawingStyle & Stroke) { cairo_stroke_extents(cairoContext, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); solidFigureExtents = FloatRect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); } if (drawingStyle & Fill) { cairo_fill_extents(cairoContext, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); FloatRect fillExtents(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); solidFigureExtents.unite(fillExtents); } GraphicsContext* shadowContext = shadow.beginShadowLayer(context, solidFigureExtents); if (!shadowContext) return; cairo_t* cairoShadowContext = shadowContext->platformContext()->cr(); // It's important to copy the context properties to the new shadow // context to preserve things such as the fill rule and stroke width. copyContextProperties(cairoContext, cairoShadowContext); if (drawingStyle & Fill) { cairo_save(cairoShadowContext); cairo_append_path(cairoShadowContext, path.get()); shadowContext->platformContext()->prepareForFilling(context->state(), PlatformContextCairo::NoAdjustment); cairo_clip(cairoShadowContext); cairo_paint(cairoShadowContext); cairo_restore(cairoShadowContext); } if (drawingStyle & Stroke) { cairo_append_path(cairoShadowContext, path.get()); shadowContext->platformContext()->prepareForStroking(context->state(), PlatformContextCairo::DoNotPreserveAlpha); cairo_stroke(cairoShadowContext); } shadow.endShadowLayer(context); // ShadowBlur::endShadowLayer destroys the current path on the Cairo context. We restore it here. cairo_new_path(cairoContext); cairo_append_path(cairoContext, path.get()); }
void GraphicsContext::addPath(const Path& path) { if (paintingDisabled()) return; cairo_t* cr = m_data->cr; cairo_path_t *p = cairo_copy_path(path.platformPath()->m_cr); cairo_append_path(cr, p); cairo_path_destroy(p); }
Path::Path(const Path& other) : m_path(0) { if (other.isNull()) return; cairo_t* cr = ensurePlatformPath()->context(); OwnPtr<cairo_path_t> pathCopy = adoptPtr(cairo_copy_path(other.platformPath()->context())); cairo_append_path(cr, pathCopy.get()); }
static int cr_copy_path (lua_State *L) { cairo_t **obj = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, OOCAIRO_MT_NAME_CONTEXT); cairo_path_t **path = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(cairo_path_t *)); *path = 0; luaL_getmetatable(L, OOCAIRO_MT_NAME_PATH); lua_setmetatable(L, -2); *path = cairo_copy_path(*obj); return 1; }
Path& Path::operator=(const Path& other) { if (&other == this) return *this; clear(); cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->context(); OwnPtr<cairo_path_t> pathCopy = adoptPtr(cairo_copy_path(other.platformPath()->context())); cairo_append_path(cr, pathCopy.get()); return *this; }
void CairoPathContext::CopyPathTo(cairo_t* aToContext, Matrix& aTransform) { if (aToContext != mContext) { CairoTempMatrix tempMatrix(mContext, aTransform); cairo_path_t* path = cairo_copy_path(mContext); cairo_new_path(aToContext); cairo_append_path(aToContext, path); cairo_path_destroy(path); } }
bool Path::isEmpty() const { cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->m_cr; #if CAIRO_VERSION >= CAIRO_VERSION_ENCODE(1,5,10) return !cairo_has_current_point(cr); #else cairo_path_t* p = cairo_copy_path(cr); bool hasData = p->num_data; cairo_path_destroy(p); return !hasData; #endif }
Path& Path::operator=(const Path& other) { if (&other == this) return *this; clear(); cairo_t* cr = platformPath()->m_cr; cairo_path_t* p = cairo_copy_path(other.platformPath()->m_cr); cairo_append_path(cr, p); cairo_path_destroy(p); return *this; }
void GraphicsContext::clip(const Path& path) { if (paintingDisabled()) return; cairo_t* cr = platformContext()->cr(); OwnPtr<cairo_path_t> pathCopy = adoptPtr(cairo_copy_path(path.platformPath()->context())); cairo_append_path(cr, pathCopy.get()); cairo_fill_rule_t savedFillRule = cairo_get_fill_rule(cr); cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING); cairo_clip(cr); cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, savedFillRule); m_data->clip(path); }
PathCairo::PathCairo(cairo_t *aContext) : mFillRule(FillRule::FILL_WINDING) , mContainingContext(nullptr) { cairo_path_t *path = cairo_copy_path(aContext); // XXX - mCurrentPoint is not properly set here, the same is true for the // D2D Path code, we never require current point when hitting this codepath // but this should be fixed. for (int i = 0; i < path->num_data; i++) { mPathData.push_back(path->data[i]); } cairo_path_destroy(path); }
void GraphicsContext::clip(const Path& path) { if (paintingDisabled()) return; cairo_t* cr = m_data->cr; cairo_path_t* p = cairo_copy_path(path.platformPath()->m_cr); cairo_append_path(cr, p); cairo_path_destroy(p); cairo_fill_rule_t savedFillRule = cairo_get_fill_rule(cr); cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING); cairo_clip(cr); cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, savedFillRule); m_data->clip(path); }
static cairo_test_status_t draw (cairo_t *cr, int width, int height) { cairo_matrix_t m; int xoffset = 50; int yoffset = 50; cairo_surface_t *shadow; cairo_t *shadow_cr; cairo_path_t *path; cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 130, 130); cairo_rotate (cr, .5);//2*M_PI*angle/360); cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, 50, 100); cairo_get_matrix (cr, &m); shadow = cairo_surface_create_similar (cairo_get_target (cr), CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA, 600 - xoffset, 600 - yoffset); cairo_surface_set_device_offset (shadow, xoffset, yoffset); shadow_cr = cairo_create (shadow); cairo_surface_destroy (shadow); cairo_set_source_rgb (shadow_cr, 0, 1, 0); cairo_set_matrix (shadow_cr, &m); path = cairo_copy_path (cr); cairo_new_path (shadow_cr); cairo_append_path (shadow_cr, path); cairo_fill (shadow_cr); cairo_path_destroy (path); cairo_identity_matrix (cr); cairo_translate (cr, 10, 50); cairo_set_source_surface (cr, cairo_get_target (shadow_cr), 0, 0); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_set_matrix (cr, &m); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 0, 0); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_destroy (shadow_cr); return CAIRO_TEST_SUCCESS; }
static bool copyPath_func(JSContext *context, unsigned argc, JS::Value *vp) { GJS_GET_PRIV(context, argc, vp, argv, obj, GjsCairoContext, priv); cairo_path_t *path; cairo_t *cr = priv ? priv->cr : NULL; if (!gjs_parse_call_args(context, "", argv, "")) return false; path = cairo_copy_path(cr); argv.rval().setObjectOrNull(gjs_cairo_path_from_path(context, path)); return true; }
/** * @brief Adds the path of the given way to current path, if path is not set it creates it form the data * @param cr the cairo contetx to add the path to * */ void WayRenderer::addWayPath(cairo_t* cr) { cairo_new_path(cr); if (path != NULL) { cairo_append_path(cr, path); return; } const std::vector<NodeId>& children = way->getNodeIDs(); paintLine(cr, children); path = cairo_copy_path(cr); double x0, y0, x1, y1; cairo_path_extents(cr, &x0, &y0, &x1, &y1); bounds = FloatRect(x0, y0, x1, y1); }
// Clip within the bounding box of the current_path() void clip_path_rect(cairo_t *cr) { double x1; double y1; double x2; double y2; cairo_path_extents(cr,&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); cairo_path_t *ol_path = cairo_copy_path(cr); cairo_new_path(cr); // Create the bounding box cairo_rectangle(cr, x1-1, y1-1, (x2-x1)+1, (y2-y1)+1); // cairo_set_source_rgba(canvas, 1, 0, 0); // cairo_stroke_preserve(canvas); cairo_clip(cr); // Restore the old path cairo_append_path(cr,ol_path); }
Path& Path::operator=(const Path& other) { if (&other == this) return *this; if (other.isNull()) { if (m_path) { delete m_path; m_path = 0; } } else { clear(); cairo_t* cr = ensurePlatformPath()->context(); OwnPtr<cairo_path_t> pathCopy = adoptPtr(cairo_copy_path(other.platformPath()->context())); cairo_append_path(cr, pathCopy.get()); } return *this; }
static JSBool copyPath_func(JSContext *context, uintN argc, jsval *vp) { jsval *argv = JS_ARGV(context, vp); JSObject *obj = JS_THIS_OBJECT(context, vp); cairo_path_t *path; cairo_t *cr; if (!gjs_parse_args(context, "", "", argc, argv)) return JS_FALSE; cr = gjs_cairo_context_get_context(context, obj); path = cairo_copy_path(cr); JS_SET_RVAL(context, vp, OBJECT_TO_JSVAL(gjs_cairo_path_from_path(context, path))); return JS_TRUE; }
static void draw_twisted (RsvgDrawingCtx * ctx, cairo_t *cr, cairo_path_t *path, double *x, double *y, const char *text) { cairo_path_t *path_copy; cairo_save (cr); /* Decrease tolerance a bit, since it's going to be magnified */ cairo_set_tolerance (cr, 0.01); /* Using cairo_copy_path() here shows our deficiency in handling * Bezier curves, specially around sharper curves. * * Using cairo_copy_path_flat() on the other hand, magnifies the * flattening error with large off-path values. We decreased * tolerance for that reason. Increase tolerance to see that * artifact. */ // Load the previously drawn path in order to make a copy cairo_new_path(cr); cairo_append_path(cr, path); path_copy = cairo_copy_path_flat (cr); // Draw the text cairo_new_path (cr); draw_text (ctx, cr, x, y, text); map_path_onto (cr, path_copy); cairo_path_destroy (path_copy); // Render the text path using current text settings //cairo_fill_preserve (cr); path_copy = cairo_copy_path(cr); ctx->render->render_path(ctx, path_copy); cairo_path_destroy (path_copy); cairo_restore (cr); }
void GraphicsContext::clip(const Path& path, WindRule windRule) { if (paintingDisabled()) return; cairo_t* cr = platformContext()->cr(); OwnPtr<cairo_path_t> pathCopy; if (!path.isNull()) { pathCopy = adoptPtr(cairo_copy_path(path.platformPath()->context())); cairo_append_path(cr, pathCopy.get()); } cairo_fill_rule_t savedFillRule = cairo_get_fill_rule(cr); if (windRule == RULE_NONZERO) cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING); else cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD); cairo_clip(cr); cairo_set_fill_rule(cr, savedFillRule); m_data->clip(path); }