static void reload (CairoConfigIndicators *pPrevIndicators, CairoConfigIndicators *pIndicators)
	CairoDock *pDock = g_pMainDock;
	double fMaxScale = cairo_dock_get_max_scale (pDock);
	cairo_t* pCairoContext = cairo_dock_create_context_from_window (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
	if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (pPrevIndicators->cIndicatorImagePath, pIndicators->cIndicatorImagePath) ||
		pPrevIndicators->bLinkIndicatorWithIcon != pIndicators->bLinkIndicatorWithIcon ||
		pPrevIndicators->fIndicatorRatio != pIndicators->fIndicatorRatio)
		cairo_dock_load_task_indicator (myTaskBar.bShowAppli && myTaskBar.bMixLauncherAppli ? pIndicators->cIndicatorImagePath : NULL, pCairoContext, fMaxScale, pIndicators->fIndicatorRatio);
	if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (pPrevIndicators->cActiveIndicatorImagePath, pIndicators->cActiveIndicatorImagePath) ||
		pPrevIndicators->iActiveCornerRadius != pIndicators->iActiveCornerRadius ||
		pPrevIndicators->iActiveLineWidth != pIndicators->iActiveLineWidth ||
		cairo_dock_colors_differ (pPrevIndicators->fActiveColor, pIndicators->fActiveColor))
		cairo_dock_load_active_window_indicator (pCairoContext,
	if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (pPrevIndicators->cClassIndicatorImagePath, pIndicators->cClassIndicatorImagePath))
		cairo_dock_load_class_indicator (myTaskBar.bShowAppli && myTaskBar.bGroupAppliByClass ? pIndicators->cClassIndicatorImagePath : NULL, pCairoContext, fMaxScale);
	cairo_destroy (pCairoContext);
	cairo_dock_redraw_root_docks (FALSE);  // main dock inclus.
static void reload (CairoConfigTaskBar *pPrevTaskBar, CairoConfigTaskBar *pTaskBar)
	CairoDock *pDock = g_pMainDock;
	gboolean bUpdateSize = FALSE;
	if (/**pPrevTaskBar->bUniquePid != pTaskBar->bUniquePid ||*/
		pPrevTaskBar->bGroupAppliByClass != pTaskBar->bGroupAppliByClass ||
		pPrevTaskBar->bHideVisibleApplis != pTaskBar->bHideVisibleApplis ||
		pPrevTaskBar->bAppliOnCurrentDesktopOnly != pTaskBar->bAppliOnCurrentDesktopOnly ||
		pPrevTaskBar->bMixLauncherAppli != pTaskBar->bMixLauncherAppli ||
		pPrevTaskBar->bOverWriteXIcons != pTaskBar->bOverWriteXIcons ||
		pPrevTaskBar->bShowThumbnail != pTaskBar->bShowThumbnail ||
		pPrevTaskBar->iAppliMaxNameLength != pTaskBar->iAppliMaxNameLength ||
		cairo_dock_strings_differ (pPrevTaskBar->cGroupException, pTaskBar->cGroupException) ||
		cairo_dock_strings_differ (pPrevTaskBar->cOverwriteException, pTaskBar->cOverwriteException) ||
		(cairo_dock_application_manager_is_running () && ! pTaskBar->bShowAppli))  // on ne veut plus voir les applis, il faut donc les enlever.
		cairo_dock_stop_application_manager ();
		bUpdateSize = TRUE;
	if (cairo_dock_application_manager_is_running () &&
		pPrevTaskBar->bDrawIndicatorOnAppli != pTaskBar->bDrawIndicatorOnAppli)
		cairo_dock_foreach_applis ((CairoDockForeachIconFunc) _set_indicator, FALSE, GINT_TO_POINTER (pTaskBar->bDrawIndicatorOnAppli));
		gtk_widget_queue_draw (pDock->pWidget);
	if (! cairo_dock_application_manager_is_running () && pTaskBar->bShowAppli)  // maintenant on veut voir les applis !
		cairo_dock_start_application_manager (pDock);  // va inserer le separateur si necessaire.
		bUpdateSize = TRUE;
		gtk_widget_queue_draw (pDock->pWidget);  // pour le fVisibleAlpha
	if (pPrevTaskBar->bShowAppli != pTaskBar->bShowAppli ||
		pPrevTaskBar->bGroupAppliByClass != pTaskBar->bGroupAppliByClass)
		cairo_t *pCairoContext = cairo_dock_create_context_from_window (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock));
		double fMaxScale = cairo_dock_get_max_scale (pDock);
		cairo_dock_load_class_indicator (pTaskBar->bShowAppli && pTaskBar->bGroupAppliByClass ? myIndicators.cClassIndicatorImagePath : NULL, pCairoContext, fMaxScale);
		cairo_destroy (pCairoContext);
	/**if (bUpdateSize)  // utile ?...
		cairo_dock_calculate_dock_icons (pDock);
		gtk_widget_queue_draw (pDock->pWidget);  // le 'gdk_window_move_resize' ci-dessous ne provoquera pas le redessin si la taille n'a pas change.

		cairo_dock_place_root_dock (pDock);
/* Recupere tout chaque seconde (aucun signal).
static void cd_exaile_read_data (void)
	if (! myData.dbus_enable)
		cd_warning ("couldn't connect to bus");
	if (! myData.bIsRunning)
		cd_musicplayer_dbus_detect_player ();
	if (myData.bIsRunning)
		g_print ("Exaile is running\n");
		cd_exaile_getSongInfos ();
		if (myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_PLAYING && cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cRawTitle, myData.cPreviousRawTitle))
			cd_exaile_getCoverPath ();
		else if (myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_STOPPED)  // en pause le temps et la chanson reste constants.
			myData.iCurrentTime = 0;
		cd_message (" myData.iCurrentTime <- %d", __func__, myData.iCurrentTime);
		cd_debug ("MP : lecteur non ouvert");
		myData.iPlayingStatus = PLAYER_NONE;
static gboolean _is_a_new_track (const gchar *cTrackID)
	cd_message ("  TrackId <- %s (was: %s)", cTrackID, myData.cTrackID);
	if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cTrackID, cTrackID))  // track has changed.
		g_free (myData.cTrackID);
		myData.cTrackID = g_strdup (cTrackID);
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
static void reload (CairoConfigDialogs *pPrevDialogs, CairoConfigDialogs *pDialogs)
	CairoDock *pDock = g_pMainDock;
	if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (pPrevDialogs->cButtonOkImage, pDialogs->cButtonOkImage) ||
		cairo_dock_strings_differ (pPrevDialogs->cButtonCancelImage, pDialogs->cButtonCancelImage) ||
		pPrevDialogs->iDialogIconSize != pDialogs->iDialogIconSize)
		cairo_dock_load_dialog_buttons (CAIRO_CONTAINER (pDock), pDialogs->cButtonOkImage, pDialogs->cButtonCancelImage);
	if (pDialogs->bHomogeneous)
		pDialogs->dialogTextDescription.iSize = myLabels.iconTextDescription.iSize;
		if (pDialogs->dialogTextDescription.iSize == 0)
			pDialogs->dialogTextDescription.iSize = 14;
		pDialogs->dialogTextDescription.cFont = g_strdup (myLabels.iconTextDescription.cFont);
		pDialogs->dialogTextDescription.iWeight = myLabels.iconTextDescription.iWeight;
		pDialogs->dialogTextDescription.iStyle = myLabels.iconTextDescription.iStyle;
/* Recupere tout chaque seconde (aucun signal).
static void cd_exaile_get_data (void)
	cd_debug ("Exaile is running\n");
	cd_exaile_getSongInfos ();
	if (myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_PLAYING && cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cRawTitle, myData.cPreviousRawTitle))
		cd_exaile_getCoverPath ();
	else if (myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_STOPPED)  // en pause le temps et la chanson reste constants.
		myData.iCurrentTime = 0;
	cd_message (" myData.iCurrentTime <- %d", __func__, myData.iCurrentTime);
static void reload (CairoConfigViews *pPrevViews, CairoConfigViews *pViews)
	CairoDock *pDock = g_pMainDock;
	if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (pPrevViews->cMainDockDefaultRendererName, pViews->cMainDockDefaultRendererName))
		cairo_dock_set_all_views_to_default (1);  // met a jour la taille des docks.
		cairo_dock_redraw_root_docks (FALSE);  // FALSE <=> main dock inclus.
		cairo_dock_reserve_space_for_all_root_docks (myAccessibility.bReserveSpace);
	if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (pPrevViews->cSubDockDefaultRendererName, pViews->cSubDockDefaultRendererName) ||
		pPrevViews->bSameHorizontality != pViews->bSameHorizontality ||
		pPrevViews->fSubDockSizeRatio != pViews->fSubDockSizeRatio)
		if (pPrevViews->bSameHorizontality != pViews->bSameHorizontality || pPrevViews->fSubDockSizeRatio != pViews->fSubDockSizeRatio)
			cairo_dock_synchronize_sub_docks_position (pDock, FALSE);
			cairo_dock_reload_buffers_in_all_docks (TRUE);  // y compris les applets.
		cairo_dock_set_all_views_to_default (2);  // met a jour la taille des docks.
static gboolean _check_cover_file_size (gpointer data)
	myData.iNbCheckCover ++;
	if (myData.iNbCheckCover > 5)
		// still no file, try to set it ourselves.
		g_free (myData.cCoverPath);
		myData.cCoverPath = _find_cover_in_common_dirs ();
		if (myData.cCoverPath != NULL)
			if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cCoverPath, myData.cPreviousCoverPath))  // cover has changed, apply it.
				cd_musiplayer_apply_cover ();
		else if (myConfig.bDownload)
			cd_musicplayer_dl_cover ();
		myData.iSidCheckCover = 0;
		return FALSE;
	if (cd_musicplayer_check_size_is_constant (myData.cCoverPath))
		/// file is complete, apply it on the icon...
		myData.cover_exist = TRUE;
		if (myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_PLAYING || myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_PAUSED)  // if it has stopped before we got the cover, don't draw it.
			cd_musiplayer_apply_cover ();
		myData.iSidCheckCover = 0;
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
static gboolean _check_cover_file_exists (gpointer data)
	myData.iNbCheckCover ++;
	if (myData.iNbCheckCover > 3)
		// still no file, try to set it ourselves.
		g_free (myData.cCoverPath);
		myData.cCoverPath = _find_cover_in_common_dirs ();
		if (myData.cCoverPath != NULL)
			if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cCoverPath, myData.cPreviousCoverPath))  // cover has changed, apply it.
				myData.iNbCheckCover = 0;
				myData.iSidCheckCover = g_timeout_add_seconds (1, (GSourceFunc)_check_cover_file_size, NULL);
				return FALSE;
		else if (myConfig.bDownload)
			cd_musicplayer_dl_cover ();
		myData.iSidCheckCover = 0;
		return FALSE;
	if (myData.cCoverPath && g_file_test (myData.cCoverPath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
		/// file exists, now check for its size
		myData.iNbCheckCover = 0;
		myData.iSidCheckCover = g_timeout_add_seconds (1, (GSourceFunc)_check_cover_file_size, NULL);
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 10
static gboolean _update_from_feeds (CDSharedMemory *pSharedMemory)
    GldiModuleInstance *myApplet = pSharedMemory->pApplet;
    if (! myData.bInit)  // pas encore initialise, on vire le message d'attente.
        cd_rssreader_free_item_list (myApplet);
        myData.pItemList = NULL;
        myData.bInit = TRUE;

    // On parse le flux XML.
    if (pSharedMemory->cTaskBridge == NULL || *pSharedMemory->cTaskBridge == '\0')
        cd_warning ("RSSresader : no data");
        const gchar *cErrorMessage = (myConfig.cUrl == NULL ?
                                      D_("No URL is defined.") :
                                      D_("No data (no connection?)"));
        _insert_error_message (myApplet, cErrorMessage);
        if (myDesklet)
            cd_applet_update_my_icon (myApplet);
        myData.bUpdateIsManual = FALSE;

        if (myData.pTask->iPeriod > 20)
            cd_message ("no data, will re-try in 20s");
            gldi_task_change_frequency (myData.pTask, 20);  // on re-essaiera dans 20s.


    if (myData.pTask->iPeriod != myConfig.iRefreshTime)
        cd_message ("revert to normal frequency");
        gldi_task_change_frequency (myData.pTask, myConfig.iRefreshTime);

    //g_print (" --> RSS: '%s'\n", myData.cTaskBridge);
    xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseMemory (pSharedMemory->cTaskBridge, strlen (pSharedMemory->cTaskBridge));
    g_free (pSharedMemory->cTaskBridge);
    pSharedMemory->cTaskBridge = NULL;

    if (doc == NULL)
        cd_warning ("RSSresader : got invalid XML data");
        const gchar *cErrorMessage = D_("Invalid data (invalid RSS/Atom feed?)");
        _insert_error_message (myApplet, cErrorMessage);
        if (myDesklet)
            cd_applet_update_my_icon (myApplet);
        g_free (myData.PrevFirstTitle);
        myData.PrevFirstTitle = NULL;
        myData.bUpdateIsManual = FALSE;

    xmlNodePtr rss = xmlDocGetRootElement (doc);
    if (rss == NULL || (xmlStrcmp (rss->name, BAD_CAST "rss") != 0 && xmlStrcmp (rss->name, BAD_CAST "feed") != 0 && xmlStrcmp (rss->name, BAD_CAST "RDF") != 0))
        cd_warning ("RSSresader : got invalid XML data");
        ///xmlCleanupParser ();
        xmlFreeDoc (doc);

        const gchar *cErrorMessage = D_("Invalid data (invalid RSS/Atom feed?)");
        _insert_error_message (myApplet, cErrorMessage);
        if (myDesklet)
            cd_applet_update_my_icon (myApplet);
        g_free (myData.PrevFirstTitle);
        myData.PrevFirstTitle = NULL;
        myData.bUpdateIsManual = FALSE;

    // on extrait chaque item.
    GList *pNewItemList = NULL;
    CDRssItem *pItem = g_new0 (CDRssItem, 1);  // on commence au debut de la liste (c'est le titre).
    pNewItemList = g_list_prepend (pNewItemList, pItem);
    if (myConfig.cUserTitle != NULL)
        pItem->cTitle = g_strdup (myConfig.cUserTitle);  // ne sera pas ecrase par les donnees du flux.

    if (xmlStrcmp (rss->name, BAD_CAST "rss") == 0)  // RSS
        xmlAttrPtr attr = xmlHasProp (rss, BAD_CAST "version");
        if (attr && attr->children)
            cd_debug ("RSS version : %s", attr->children->content);

        xmlNodePtr channel;
        for (channel = rss->children; channel != NULL; channel = channel->next)
            if (xmlStrcmp (channel->name, BAD_CAST "channel") == 0)
                pNewItemList = _parse_rss_item (channel, pItem, pNewItemList);  // on parse le channel comme un item, ce qui fait que le titre du flux est considere comme un simple item.
                break;  // un seul channel.
    else if (xmlStrcmp (rss->name, BAD_CAST "RDF") == 0)  // RDF
        pNewItemList = _parse_rss_item (rss, pItem, pNewItemList);  // on parse le premier groupe "channel" comme un item, ce qui fait que le titre du flux est considere comme un simple item.
    else  // Atom
        xmlNodePtr feed = rss;
        gchar *cBaseUrl = NULL;  // on recupere la base de l'URL, pour le cas ou les link seraient exprimes relativement a elle.
        gchar *str = g_strstr_len(myConfig.cUrl, 10, "://");
        if (str)
            str = strchr (str + 3, '/');
            if (str)
                cBaseUrl = g_strndup (myConfig.cUrl, (gpointer)str-(gpointer)myConfig.cUrl);
        pNewItemList = _parse_atom_item (feed, pItem, pNewItemList, cBaseUrl);  // on parse le feed comme un item, ce qui fait que le titre du flux est considere comme un simple item.
        g_free (cBaseUrl);
    pNewItemList = g_list_reverse (pNewItemList);

    xmlFreeDoc (doc);  // ne pas utiliser xmlCleanupParser dans un thread !

    // si aucune donnee, on l'affiche et on quitte.
    if (pNewItemList == NULL)
        cd_debug ("RSS: aucune donnee");

        const gchar *cErrorMessage = D_("No data");
        _insert_error_message (myApplet, cErrorMessage);
        if (myDesklet)
            cd_applet_update_my_icon (myApplet);
        g_free (myData.PrevFirstTitle);
        myData.PrevFirstTitle = NULL;
        myData.bUpdateIsManual = FALSE;

    // si on est arrive a ce point, c'est qu'il n'y a pas eu d'erreur.
    // on vide l'ancienne liste d'items.
    cd_rssreader_free_item_list (myApplet);
    myData.pItemList = pNewItemList;

    // on met a jour le titre.
    if (myIcon->cName == NULL)  // il faut mettre a jour le titre
        if (myDock && myConfig.cUserTitle == NULL)  // en mode desklet inutile, le titre sera redessine avec le reste.
            pItem = myData.pItemList->data;
            if (pItem != NULL && pItem->cTitle != NULL)
                CD_APPLET_SET_NAME_FOR_MY_ICON (pItem->cTitle);

    // si aucun changement, on le signale, et si aucune erreur precedente, on quitte.
    pItem = (myData.pItemList && myData.pItemList->next ? myData.pItemList->next->data : NULL);
    gchar *cFirstTitle = (pItem ? pItem->cTitle : NULL);
    if (! cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.PrevFirstTitle, cFirstTitle))
        cd_debug ("RSS: aucune modif");

        if (myData.bUpdateIsManual)  // L'update a ete manuel -> On affiche donc un dialogue meme s'il n'y a pas eu de changement
            gldi_dialogs_remove_on_icon (myIcon);
            gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("No modification"),
                                                  2000, // Suffisant vu que la MaJ est manuelle
                                                  myDock ? "same icon" : MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/"MY_APPLET_ICON_FILE);

            myData.bUpdateIsManual = FALSE;

        if (! myData.bError)
            CD_APPLET_LEAVE (TRUE);

    // on dessine le texte.
    if (myDesklet)
        cd_applet_update_my_icon (myApplet);

    // on avertit l'utilisateur.
    if (myData.PrevFirstTitle != NULL && myConfig.iNotificationType != 0)
        if (myConfig.iNotificationType != 1)
            gldi_dialogs_remove_on_icon (myIcon);
            gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (D_("This RSS feed has been modified..."),
                                                  myDock ? "same icon" : MY_APPLET_SHARE_DATA_DIR"/"MY_APPLET_ICON_FILE);
        if (myConfig.iNotificationType != 2)
            CD_APPLET_DEMANDS_ATTENTION (myConfig.cNotificationAnimation, 3);  /// myConfig.iNotificationDuration ?...

    g_free (myData.PrevFirstTitle);
    myData.PrevFirstTitle = g_strdup (cFirstTitle);
    myData.bUpdateIsManual = FALSE;
    myData.bError = FALSE;
static gboolean _extract_metadata (GHashTable *pMetadata)
	gboolean bTrackHasChanged = FALSE;
	GValue *v;
	const gchar *str = NULL;
	v = g_hash_table_lookup (pMetadata, "mpris:trackid");  // a string or a dbus object path that uniquely identifies the track within the scope of the playlist
	if (v != NULL)
		if (G_VALUE_HOLDS (v, DBUS_TYPE_G_OBJECT_PATH)) // now this attribute should be of D-Bus type "o"
			str = (gchar*) g_value_get_boxed (v);
		else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING (v)) // but can be a string... e.g. with Rhythmbox
			str = g_value_get_string (v);
		bTrackHasChanged = _is_a_new_track (str);

	v = g_hash_table_lookup (pMetadata, "mpris:length");  // length of the track, in microseconds (signed 64-bit integer)
	if (v != NULL)
		if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT64 (v)) // should be a int64
			myData.iSongLength = g_value_get_int64 (v) / 1000000;
		else if (G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT (v)) // but some players doesn't respect that... maybe a limitation?
			myData.iSongLength = g_value_get_int (v) / 1000000;
			cd_warning ("Length has a wrong type");
		cd_debug ("Length: %d", myData.iSongLength);

	gchar *cOldArtist = myData.cArtist;
	myData.cArtist = NULL;
	v = (GValue *) g_hash_table_lookup(pMetadata, "xesam:artist");
	if (v != NULL && G_VALUE_HOLDS(v, G_TYPE_STRV))
		gchar **artists = g_value_get_boxed(v);
		if (artists != NULL)
			myData.cArtist = g_strjoinv (NULL, artists);
	cd_message ("  cArtist <- %s", myData.cArtist);
	// maybe the user has renamed the tags of the current song...
	if (! bTrackHasChanged && cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cArtist, cOldArtist))
		bTrackHasChanged = TRUE;
	g_free (cOldArtist);
	g_free (myData.cAlbum);
	myData.cAlbum = NULL;
	v = (GValue *) g_hash_table_lookup(pMetadata, "xesam:album");
	if (v != NULL && G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING(v))
		str = g_value_get_string(v);
		if (str && *str != '\0')
			myData.cAlbum = g_strdup (str);
	cd_message ("  cAlbum <- %s", myData.cAlbum);

	gchar *cOldTitle = myData.cTitle;
	myData.cTitle = NULL;
	v = (GValue *) g_hash_table_lookup(pMetadata, "xesam:title");
	if (v != NULL && G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING(v))
		str = g_value_get_string(v);
		if (str && *str != '\0')
			myData.cTitle = g_strdup (str);
	cd_message ("  cTitle <- %s", myData.cTitle);

	/* some players doesn't support (well) the trackid. Even if this is not our
	 * problem, it can be interesting to also check if the title has changed.
	if (! bTrackHasChanged && cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cTitle, cOldTitle))
		bTrackHasChanged = TRUE;
	g_free (cOldTitle);
	g_free (myData.cPlayingUri);
	myData.cPlayingUri = NULL;
	v = (GValue *) g_hash_table_lookup(pMetadata, "xesam:url");
	if (!v)
		v = (GValue *) g_hash_table_lookup(pMetadata, "xesam:uri");
	if (v != NULL && G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING(v))
		str = g_value_get_string(v);
		if (str && *str != '\0')
			myData.cPlayingUri = g_strdup (str);
	cd_message ("  cUri <- %s", myData.cPlayingUri);

	myData.iTrackNumber = 0;  // not really useful, it's the track-number in the album.
	v = (GValue *) g_hash_table_lookup(pMetadata, "xesam:trackNumber");
	if (v != NULL && G_VALUE_HOLDS_INT(v))
		myData.iTrackNumber = g_value_get_int (v);
	cd_message ("  iTrackNumber <- %d", myData.iTrackNumber);

	const gchar *cCoverPath = NULL;
	v = g_hash_table_lookup(pMetadata, "mpris:artUrl");
	if (v != NULL && G_VALUE_HOLDS_STRING(v))
		cCoverPath = g_value_get_string(v);
	cd_musicplayer_set_cover_path (cCoverPath);  // do it at the end (we have to know the artist and the album if (cCoverPath == NULL))

	/// we miss iTrackListIndex and tracklist-length ...
	return bTrackHasChanged;
Esempio n. 12
static void _manage_event_on_drive (CairoDockFMEventType iEventType, const gchar *cBaseURI, GList *pIconsList, GldiContainer *pContainer, GldiModuleInstance *myApplet)
    gchar *cURI = (g_strdup (cBaseURI));
    cairo_dock_remove_html_spaces (cURI);
    cd_debug (" * event %d on '%s'", iEventType, cURI);

    switch (iEventType)
    case CAIRO_DOCK_FILE_DELETED :  // a mount point has been disconnected
        Icon *pConcernedIcon = cairo_dock_get_icon_with_base_uri (pIconsList, cURI);
        if (pConcernedIcon == NULL)  // search by name
            pConcernedIcon = cairo_dock_get_icon_with_name (pIconsList, cURI);
        if (pConcernedIcon == NULL)
            cd_warning ("  an unknown mount point was removed");
            return ;
        //g_print (" %s will be removed\n", pConcernedIcon->cName);

        g_free (myData.cLastDeletedUri);
        myData.cLastDeletedUri = g_strdup (cURI);
    break ;

    case CAIRO_DOCK_FILE_CREATED :  // a mount point has been connected
        //\_______________________does it already exist?
        Icon *pSameIcon = cairo_dock_get_icon_with_base_uri (pIconsList, cURI);
        if (pSameIcon != NULL)
            cd_warning ("this mount point (%s) already exists.", pSameIcon->cName);
            return;  // do nothing, certainly an useless/double signal

        //\_______________________ create a new icon
        Icon *pNewIcon = cairo_dock_fm_create_icon_from_URI (cURI, pContainer, CAIRO_DOCK_FM_SORT_BY_NAME);
        if (pNewIcon == NULL)
            cd_warning ("couldn't create an icon for this mount point");
            return ;
        pNewIcon->iGroup = CD_DRIVE_GROUP;

        //\_______________________ place it at the right position (by name)
        cd_shortcuts_set_icon_order_by_name (pNewIcon, pIconsList);
        cd_debug (" new drive : %s, %s", pNewIcon->cName, pNewIcon->cCommand);

        //\_______________________ added in the list
        _init_disk_usage (pNewIcon, myApplet);
        if (pNewIcon->cCommand)
            cd_shortcuts_add_progress_bar (pNewIcon, myApplet);
            cd_shortcuts_display_disk_usage (pNewIcon, myApplet);

        //\_______________________ display a notification
        gboolean bIsMounted = FALSE;
        gchar *cUri = cairo_dock_fm_is_mounted (pNewIcon->cBaseURI, &bIsMounted);
        g_free (cUri);
        gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon_printf (
            bIsMounted ? D_("%s is now mounted") : D_("%s has been connected"),
            pNewIcon, pContainer,
            NULL,  // it's icon is not already loaded
        g_free (myData.cLastCreatedUri);
        myData.cLastCreatedUri = g_strdup (cURI);
    break ;

    case CAIRO_DOCK_FILE_MODIFIED :  // a mount point has been (un)mounted
        //\_______________________ search the right icon
        Icon *pConcernedIcon = cairo_dock_get_icon_with_base_uri (pIconsList, cURI);
        if (pConcernedIcon == NULL)  // search by using the name
            pConcernedIcon = cairo_dock_get_icon_with_name (pIconsList, cURI);
        if (pConcernedIcon == NULL)
            cd_warning ("  an unknown mount point was modified");
            return ;
        cd_debug (" %s is modified (%s)", pConcernedIcon->cName, pConcernedIcon->cCommand);

        //\_______________________ grab current info
        Icon *pNewIcon = cairo_dock_fm_create_icon_from_URI (cURI, pContainer, CAIRO_DOCK_FM_SORT_BY_NAME);
        if (pNewIcon == NULL)
            cd_warning ("couldn't create an icon for this mount point");
            return ;
        pNewIcon->iGroup = CD_DRIVE_GROUP;

        //\_______________________ replace the icon if smthg has changed
        if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (pConcernedIcon->cName, pNewIcon->cName)
                || cairo_dock_strings_differ (pConcernedIcon->cFileName, pNewIcon->cFileName))
            //g_print (" '%s' -> '%s'\n'%s' -> '%s'\n", pConcernedIcon->cName, pNewIcon->cName, pConcernedIcon->cFileName, pNewIcon->cFileName);

            CD_APPLET_REMOVE_ICON_FROM_MY_ICONS_LIST (pConcernedIcon);
            pIconsList = CD_APPLET_MY_ICONS_LIST;

            cd_shortcuts_set_icon_order_by_name (pNewIcon, pIconsList);
            _init_disk_usage (pNewIcon, myApplet);
            if (pNewIcon->cCommand)
                cd_shortcuts_add_progress_bar (pNewIcon, myApplet);

            // pConcernedIcon has been distroyed, assigned the new one to display a dialogue just after
            pConcernedIcon = pNewIcon;
            gldi_object_unref (GLDI_OBJECT (pNewIcon));
            pNewIcon = NULL;

        cd_shortcuts_display_disk_usage (pConcernedIcon, myApplet);

        //\_______________________ display a notification
        gldi_dialogs_remove_on_icon (pConcernedIcon); // avoid multiple dialogues
        gboolean bIsMounted = FALSE;
        gchar *cUri = cairo_dock_fm_is_mounted (pConcernedIcon->cBaseURI, &bIsMounted);
        g_free (cUri);
        gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon_printf (
            bIsMounted ? D_("%s is now mounted") : D_("%s is now unmounted"),
            pConcernedIcon, pContainer,
            "same icon",  // it's possible to not have the right icon, not so important
        // disk has been unmounted but a icon is needed
        if (! bIsMounted && pNewIcon == NULL)
            CDDiskUsage *pDiskUsage = CD_APPLET_GET_MY_ICON_DATA (pConcernedIcon);
            if (pDiskUsage != NULL)
                if (pDiskUsage->iTotal != 0)
                    pDiskUsage->iTotal = 0;
                    pDiskUsage->iAvail = 0;
                    // remove the quick-info because it has been unmounted
                    gldi_icon_set_quick_info (pConcernedIcon, NULL);
    break ;
        break ;
    g_free (cURI);
void cd_musicplayer_set_cover_path (const gchar *cGivenCoverPath)
	if (! myConfig.bEnableCover)  // cover not welcome => abort the mission.
		myData.cover_exist = FALSE;
	if (myData.cCoverPath && ! cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cCoverPath, cGivenCoverPath))  // cover has not changed => nothing to do (if we are checking for it, keep doing).
	cd_debug ("%s (%s -> %s)", __func__, myData.cCoverPath, cGivenCoverPath);
	g_free (myData.cPreviousCoverPath);
	myData.cPreviousCoverPath = myData.cCoverPath;  // remember the previous cover.
	myData.cCoverPath = NULL;
	if (cGivenCoverPath != NULL)  // we got something from the service, check it.
		if (strncmp (cGivenCoverPath, "file://", 7) == 0)  // local URI
			myData.cCoverPath = g_filename_from_uri (cGivenCoverPath, NULL, NULL);
		else  // local file or remote adress.
			myData.cCoverPath = g_strdup (cGivenCoverPath);
		if (myData.cCoverPath != NULL && cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cCoverPath, myData.cPreviousCoverPath))  // cover is valid and different from the previous one
			_reset_cover_state ();
			if (! g_file_test (myData.cCoverPath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))  // file does not exist, re-try a few times.
				myData.iSidCheckCover = g_timeout_add_seconds (1, (GSourceFunc)_check_cover_file_exists, NULL);
			else  // file exists, check its size until it's constant
				myData.iSidCheckCover = g_timeout_add_seconds (1, (GSourceFunc)_check_cover_file_size, NULL);
	else  // no data from the service, search by ourselves.
		myData.cCoverPath = _find_cover_in_common_dirs ();
		if (myData.cCoverPath != NULL && cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cCoverPath, myData.cPreviousCoverPath))  // cover is valid and different from the previous one.
			_reset_cover_state ();
			if (g_file_test (myData.cCoverPath, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS))  // cover is already persent on the disk -> check it
				myData.iSidCheckCover = g_timeout_add_seconds (1, (GSourceFunc)_check_cover_file_size, NULL);
			else  // cover is not yet on the disk (cache) -> download it.
				if (myConfig.bDownload)
					cd_musicplayer_dl_cover ();
Esempio n. 14
/* Update the icon on new song / status.
void cd_musicplayer_update_icon (void)
	cd_message ("%s (uri : %s / title : %s)", __func__, myData.cPlayingUri, myData.cTitle);
	if (myData.cPlayingUri != NULL || myData.cTitle != NULL)
		if (myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_PLAYING || myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_PAUSED)
			// display current song on the label
			if (myDock)
				if ((!myData.cArtist || !myData.cTitle) && myData.cPlayingUri)
					gchar *str = strrchr (myData.cPlayingUri, '/');
					if (str)
						str ++;
						str = myData.cPlayingUri;
					CD_APPLET_SET_NAME_FOR_MY_ICON_PRINTF ("%s - %s", myData.cArtist ? myData.cArtist : D_("Unknown artist"), myData.cTitle ? myData.cTitle : D_("Unknown title"));
			// display current track on the quick-info.
			if (myConfig.iQuickInfoType == MY_APPLET_TRACK && myData.iTrackListLength > 0 && myData.iTrackListIndex > 0)
				CD_APPLET_SET_QUICK_INFO_ON_MY_ICON_PRINTF ("%s%d", (myDesklet && myDesklet->container.iWidth >= 64 ? D_("Track") : ""), myData.iTrackListIndex);  // inutile de redessiner notre icone, ce sera fait plus loin.
			// animate the icon and pop-up the dialog.
			if (myData.iPlayingStatus == PLAYER_PLAYING)
				cd_musicplayer_animate_icon (1);
					cd_musicplayer_popup_info (myConfig.iDialogDuration);
			cd_musicplayer_apply_status_surface (PLAYER_STOPPED);
			CD_APPLET_SET_NAME_FOR_MY_ICON (myData.cTitle ? myData.cTitle : myData.pCurrentHandler ? myData.pCurrentHandler->name : myConfig.cDefaultTitle);
		// re-paint the icon if needed.
		if (myConfig.bEnableCover && myData.cover_exist && myData.cCoverPath != NULL)  // cover is available
			if (cairo_dock_strings_differ (myData.cCoverPath, myData.cPreviousCoverPath))  // and cover has changed -> apply the new one
				cd_musiplayer_apply_cover ();
		else  // no cover -> set the status surface.
			if ((myConfig.bEnableCover && myData.cPreviousCoverPath != NULL)  // currently a cover is set
			|| myData.pPreviousPlayingStatus != myData.iPlayingStatus)  // or the status has changed
			cd_musicplayer_apply_status_surface (myData.iPlayingStatus);
	else  // aucune donnees, c'est soit un probleme soit le lecteur qui s'est ferme.
		if (myData.bIsRunning)
			cd_musicplayer_apply_status_surface (PLAYER_STOPPED);
			if (myConfig.cDefaultTitle)
				CD_APPLET_SET_NAME_FOR_MY_ICON (myConfig.cDefaultTitle);
			else if (myData.pCurrentHandler->cDisplayedName != NULL)
				CD_APPLET_SET_NAME_FOR_MY_ICON (myData.pCurrentHandler->cDisplayedName);
				CD_APPLET_SET_NAME_FOR_MY_ICON (myData.pCurrentHandler->name);
			cd_musicplayer_apply_status_surface (PLAYER_NONE);
			if (myConfig.cDefaultTitle)
				CD_APPLET_SET_NAME_FOR_MY_ICON (myConfig.cDefaultTitle);
				CD_APPLET_SET_NAME_FOR_MY_ICON (myApplet->pModule->pVisitCard->cTitle);