Esempio n. 1
gfxOS2Surface::gfxOS2Surface(HWND aWnd)
    : mWnd(aWnd), mDC(nullptr), mPS(nullptr), mBitmap(nullptr)
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes_2
    printf("gfxOS2Surface[%#x]::gfxOS2Surface(HWND=%#x)\n", (unsigned int)this,
           (unsigned int)aWnd);

    RECTL rectl;
    WinQueryWindowRect(aWnd, &rectl);
    mSize.width = rectl.xRight - rectl.xLeft;
    mSize.height = rectl.yTop - rectl.yBottom;
    if (mSize.width == 0) mSize.width = 1;   // fake a minimal surface area to let
    if (mSize.height == 0) mSize.height = 1; // cairo_os2_surface_create() return something

    // This variation on cairo_os2_surface_create() avoids creating a
    // persistent HPS that may never be used.  It also enables manual
    // refresh so nsWindow::OnPaint() controls when the screen is updated.
    cairo_surface_t *surf =
        cairo_os2_surface_create_for_window(mWnd, mSize.width, mSize.height);
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes_2
    printf("  type(%#x)=%d (ID=%#x, h/w=%d/%d)\n", (unsigned int)surf,
           cairo_surface_get_type(surf), (unsigned int)mPS, mSize.width, mSize.height);

Esempio n. 2
gfxOS2Surface::gfxOS2Surface(HWND aWnd)
    : mWnd(aWnd), mDC(0), mPS(0), mSize(0,0), mSurfType(os2Window)
    RECTL rectl;
    WinQueryWindowRect(aWnd, &rectl);

    mSize.width = rectl.xRight - rectl.xLeft;
    mSize.height = rectl.yTop - rectl.yBottom;
    // If necessary fake a minimal surface area to let
    // cairo_os2_surface_create() return something.
    if (mSize.width == 0)
        mSize.width = 1;
    if (mSize.height == 0)
        mSize.height = 1;

    cairo_surface_t *surf =
        cairo_os2_surface_create_for_window(mWnd, mSize.width, mSize.height);

    RecordMemoryUsed(mSize.width * mSize.height * 4 + OS2_OVERHEAD);