Esempio n. 1
static PyObject *
scaled_font_new (PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
    PycairoFontFace *ff;
    PycairoFontOptions *fo;
    PycairoMatrix *mx1, *mx2;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!O!O!:ScaledFont.__new__",
			  &PycairoFontFace_Type, &ff,
			  &PycairoMatrix_Type, &mx1,
			  &PycairoMatrix_Type, &mx2,
			  &PycairoFontOptions_Type, &fo))
	return NULL;

    PyObject *o = type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
    if (o != NULL) {
	cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font = cairo_scaled_font_create
	    (ff->font_face, &mx1->matrix, &mx2->matrix, fo->font_options);

	if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font))) {
	    cairo_scaled_font_destroy (scaled_font);
	    return NULL;
	((PycairoScaledFont *)o)->scaled_font = scaled_font;
    return o;
Esempio n. 2
    explicit font_fc(cairo_t* cairo, FcPattern* pattern, double offset, double dpi_x, double dpi_y) : font(cairo, offset), m_pattern(pattern) {
      cairo_matrix_t fm;
      cairo_matrix_t ctm;
      cairo_matrix_init_scale(&fm, size(dpi_x), size(dpi_y));
      cairo_get_matrix(m_cairo, &ctm);

      auto fontface = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern(m_pattern);
      auto opts = cairo_font_options_create();
      m_scaled = cairo_scaled_font_create(fontface, &fm, &ctm, opts);

      auto status = cairo_scaled_font_status(m_scaled);
      if (status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        throw application_error(sstream() << "cairo_scaled_font_create(): " << cairo_status_to_string(status));

      auto lock = make_unique<utils::ft_face_lock>(m_scaled);
      auto face = static_cast<FT_Face>(*lock);

      if (FT_Select_Charmap(face, FT_ENCODING_UNICODE) == FT_Err_Ok) {
      } else if (FT_Select_Charmap(face, FT_ENCODING_BIG5) == FT_Err_Ok) {
      } else if (FT_Select_Charmap(face, FT_ENCODING_SJIS) == FT_Err_Ok) {

Esempio n. 3
static int l_font_new(lua_State * L)
	const char * family = luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
	struct lfont_t * font = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(struct lfont_t));
		return 0;
	if(FT_New_Xfs_Face(font->library, family, 0, &font->fface))
		return 0;
	font->face = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face(font->fface, 0);
	if(font->face->status != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
		return 0;
	cairo_font_options_t * options = cairo_font_options_create();
	cairo_matrix_t identity;
	font->sfont = cairo_scaled_font_create(font->face, &identity, &identity, options);
	if(cairo_scaled_font_status(font->sfont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
		return 0;
	luaL_setmetatable(L, MT_FONT);
	return 1;
Esempio n. 4
static cairo_status_t
glyph_array_add_text(glyph_array_t *glyphs, cairo_t *cr, const char *s, double spacing)
    cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font;
    cairo_status_t status;
    FT_Face face;
    unsigned long charcode;
    unsigned int index;
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    const char *p;
    FT_Vector kerning;
    double kern_x;
    int first = TRUE;

    scaled_font = cairo_get_scaled_font (cr);
    status = cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font);
    if (status)
	return status;

    face = cairo_ft_scaled_font_lock_face (scaled_font);
    if (face == NULL)

    p = s;
    while (*p)
        charcode = *p;
        index = FT_Get_Char_Index (face, charcode);
        glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs].index = index;
        if (first) {
            first = FALSE;
            glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs].x = glyphs->x;
            glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs].y = glyphs->y;
        } else {
            cairo_glyph_extents (cr, &glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs - 1], 1, &extents);
            FT_Get_Kerning (face,
                            glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs - 1].index,
            kern_x = DOUBLE_FROM_26_6(kerning.x);
            glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs].x =
		glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs - 1].x + extents.x_advance + kern_x + spacing;
            glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs].y =
		glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs - 1].y + extents.y_advance;

	cairo_glyph_extents (cr, &glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs], 1, &extents);
	glyphs->x = glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs].x + extents.x_advance + spacing;
	glyphs->y = glyphs->glyph_list[glyphs->num_glyphs].y + extents.y_advance;

    cairo_ft_scaled_font_unlock_face (scaled_font);
Esempio n. 5
cairo_boilerplate_scaled_font_set_max_glyphs_cached (cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font,
						     int max_glyphs)
    if (cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font))

    scaled_font->glyphs->max_size = max_glyphs;
Esempio n. 6
static PyObject *
scaled_font_extents (PycairoScaledFont *o)
    cairo_font_extents_t e;

    cairo_scaled_font_extents (o->scaled_font, &e);
    if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_scaled_font_status(o->scaled_font)))
	return NULL;
    return Py_BuildValue ("(ddddd)", e.ascent, e.descent, e.height,
			  e.max_x_advance, e.max_y_advance);
Esempio n. 7
gfxDWriteFont::SetupCairoFont(gfxContext *aContext)
    cairo_scaled_font_t *scaledFont = CairoScaledFont();
    if (cairo_scaled_font_status(scaledFont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        // Don't cairo_set_scaled_font as that would propagate the error to
        // the cairo_t, precluding any further drawing.
        return PR_FALSE;
    cairo_set_scaled_font(aContext->GetCairo(), scaledFont);
    return PR_TRUE;
float SimpleFontData::platformWidthForGlyph(Glyph glyph) const

    cairo_glyph_t cglyph = { glyph, 0, 0 };
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents(m_platformData.m_scaledFont, &cglyph, 1, &extents);

    float w = (float)m_spaceWidth;
    if (cairo_scaled_font_status(m_platformData.m_scaledFont) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS && extents.x_advance != 0)
        w = (float)extents.x_advance;
    return w;
 * _pango_cairo_font_install:
 * @font: a #PangoCairoFont
 * @cr: a #cairo_t
 * Makes @font the current font for rendering in the specified
 * Cairo context.
 * Return value: %TRUE if font was installed successfully, %FALSE otherwise.
_pango_cairo_font_install (PangoFont *font,
			   cairo_t   *cr)
  cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font = pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font ((PangoCairoFont *)font);

  if (G_UNLIKELY (scaled_font == NULL || cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS))
    return FALSE;

  cairo_set_scaled_font (cr, scaled_font);

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 10
FloatRect SimpleFontData::platformBoundsForGlyph(Glyph glyph) const
    if (!m_platformData.size())
        return FloatRect();

    cairo_glyph_t cglyph = { glyph, 0, 0 };
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), &cglyph, 1, &extents);

    if (cairo_scaled_font_status(m_platformData.scaledFont()) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
        return FloatRect(extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing, extents.width, extents.height);

    return FloatRect();
float SimpleFontData::platformWidthForGlyph(Glyph glyph) const
    if (!m_platformData.size())
        return 0;

    if (cairo_scaled_font_status(m_platformData.scaledFont()) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
        return m_spaceWidth;

    cairo_glyph_t cairoGlyph = { glyph, 0, 0 };
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents(m_platformData.scaledFont(), &cairoGlyph, 1, &extents);
    float width = platformData().orientation() == Horizontal ? extents.x_advance : -extents.y_advance;
    return width ? width : m_spaceWidth;
Esempio n. 12
gfxGDIFont::SetupCairoFont(gfxContext *aContext)
    if (!mMetrics) {
    if (!mScaledFont ||
        cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        // Don't cairo_set_scaled_font as that would propagate the error to
        // the cairo_t, precluding any further drawing.
        return false;
    cairo_set_scaled_font(aContext->GetCairo(), mScaledFont);
    return true;
Esempio n. 13
gfxGDIFont::SetupCairoFont(gfxContext *aContext)
    if (!mMetrics) {
    if (!mScaledFont ||
        cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        // Don't cairo_set_scaled_font as that would propagate the error to
        // the cairo_t, precluding any further drawing.
        return PR_FALSE;
    cairo_set_scaled_font(aContext->GetCairo(), mScaledFont);
    cairo_win32_scaled_font_select_font(mScaledFont, DCFromContext(aContext));
    return PR_TRUE;
Esempio n. 14
/* PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont
 * Create a new PycairoScaledFont from a cairo_scaled_font_t
 * scaled_font - a cairo_scaled_font_t to 'wrap' into a Python object.
 *               it is unreferenced if the PycairoScaledFont creation fails
 * Return value: New reference or NULL on failure
PyObject *
PycairoScaledFont_FromScaledFont (cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font) {
  PyObject *o;

  assert (scaled_font != NULL);

  if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font))) {
    cairo_scaled_font_destroy (scaled_font);
    return NULL;

  o = PycairoScaledFont_Type.tp_alloc (&PycairoScaledFont_Type, 0);
  if (o == NULL)
    cairo_scaled_font_destroy (scaled_font);
    ((PycairoScaledFont *)o)->scaled_font = scaled_font;
  return o;
Esempio n. 15
cairo_scaled_font_t *
    if (!mCairoScaledFont) {
        cairo_matrix_t sizeMatrix;
        cairo_matrix_t identityMatrix;

        cairo_matrix_init_scale(&sizeMatrix, mAdjustedSize, mAdjustedSize);

        cairo_font_options_t *fontOptions = cairo_font_options_create();
        if (mNeedsOblique) {
            double skewfactor = OBLIQUE_SKEW_FACTOR;

            cairo_matrix_t style;
                              1,                //xx
                              0,                //yx
                              -1 * skewfactor,  //xy
                              1,                //yy
                              0,                //x0
                              0);               //y0
            cairo_matrix_multiply(&sizeMatrix, &sizeMatrix, &style);

        if (mAntialiasOption != kAntialiasDefault) {

        mCairoScaledFont = cairo_scaled_font_create(CairoFontFace(),

    NS_ASSERTION(mAdjustedSize == 0.0 ||
                   == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS,
                 "Failed to make scaled font");

    return mCairoScaledFont;
Esempio n. 16
static PyObject *
scaled_font_text_extents (PycairoScaledFont *o, PyObject *obj)
    cairo_text_extents_t extents;
    const char *utf8 = __PyBaseString_AsUTF8 (obj);
    if (utf8 == NULL) {
		"ScaledFont.text_extents() argument must be a string or "
		"unicode object");
	return NULL;

    cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (o->scaled_font, utf8, &extents);
    if (Pycairo_Check_Status (cairo_scaled_font_status(o->scaled_font)))
	return NULL;
    return Py_BuildValue("(dddddd)", extents.x_bearing, extents.y_bearing,
			 extents.width, extents.height, extents.x_advance,
static gboolean
_pango_cairo_font_private_glyph_extents_cache_init (PangoCairoFontPrivate *cf_priv)
  cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font = _pango_cairo_font_private_get_scaled_font (cf_priv);
  cairo_font_extents_t font_extents;

  if (G_UNLIKELY (scaled_font == NULL || cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS))
    return FALSE;

  cairo_scaled_font_extents (scaled_font, &font_extents);

  cf_priv->font_extents.x = 0;
  cf_priv->font_extents.width = 0;
  cf_priv->font_extents.height = pango_units_from_double (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent);
  switch (cf_priv->gravity)
	cf_priv->font_extents.y = - pango_units_from_double (font_extents.ascent);
	cf_priv->font_extents.y = - pango_units_from_double (font_extents.descent);
	  int ascent = pango_units_from_double (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent) / 2;
	  if (cf_priv->is_hinted)
	    ascent = PANGO_UNITS_ROUND (ascent);
	  cf_priv->font_extents.y = - ascent;

  cf_priv->glyph_extents_cache = g_new0 (PangoCairoFontGlyphExtentsCacheEntry, GLYPH_CACHE_NUM_ENTRIES);
  /* Make sure all cache entries are invalid initially */
  cf_priv->glyph_extents_cache[0].glyph = 1; /* glyph 1 cannot happen in bucket 0 */

  return TRUE;
Esempio n. 18
gfxFT2FontBase::SetupCairoFont(gfxContext *aContext)
    cairo_t *cr = aContext->GetCairo();

    // The scaled font ctm is not relevant right here because
    // cairo_set_scaled_font does not record the scaled font itself, but
    // merely the font_face, font_matrix, font_options.  The scaled_font used
    // for the target can be different from the scaled_font passed to
    // cairo_set_scaled_font.  (Unfortunately we have measured only for an
    // identity ctm.)
    cairo_scaled_font_t *cairoFont = CairoScaledFont();

    if (cairo_scaled_font_status(cairoFont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        // Don't cairo_set_scaled_font as that would propagate the error to
        // the cairo_t, precluding any further drawing.
        return PR_FALSE;
    // Thoughts on which font_options to set on the context:
    // cairoFont has been created for screen rendering.
    // When the context is being used for screen rendering, we should set
    // font_options such that the same scaled_font gets used (when the ctm is
    // the same).  The use of explicit font_options recorded in
    // CreateScaledFont ensures that this will happen.
    // XXXkt: For pdf and ps surfaces, I don't know whether it's better to
    // remove surface-specific options, or try to draw with the same
    // scaled_font that was used to measure.  As the same font_face is being
    // used, its font_options will often override some values anyway (unless
    // perhaps we remove those from the FcPattern at face creation).
    // I can't see any significant difference in printing, irrespective of
    // what is set here.  It's too late to change things here as measuring has
    // already taken place.  We should really be measuring with a different
    // font for pdf and ps surfaces (bug 403513).
    cairo_set_scaled_font(cr, cairoFont);
    return PR_TRUE;
Esempio n. 19
  cairo_font_face_t* cairoFontFace = GetCairoFontFace();
  if (!cairoFontFace) {
    return false;

  cairo_matrix_t sizeMatrix;
  cairo_matrix_t identityMatrix;

  cairo_matrix_init_scale(&sizeMatrix, mSize, mSize);

  cairo_font_options_t *fontOptions = cairo_font_options_create();

  mScaledFont = cairo_scaled_font_create(cairoFontFace, &sizeMatrix,
    &identityMatrix, fontOptions);


  return (cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS);
static cairo_status_t
create_scaled_font (cairo_t * cr,
                    cairo_scaled_font_t **out)
    FcPattern *pattern, *resolved;
    FcResult result;
    cairo_font_face_t *font_face;
    cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font;
    cairo_font_options_t *font_options;
    cairo_matrix_t font_matrix, ctm;
    cairo_status_t status;
    double pixel_size;

    font_options = cairo_font_options_create ();

    cairo_get_font_options (cr, font_options);

    pattern = FcPatternCreate ();
    if (pattern == NULL)
        return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;

    FcPatternAddString (pattern, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8 *)"Bitstream Vera Sans");
    FcPatternAddDouble (pattern, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, TEXT_SIZE);
    FcConfigSubstitute (NULL, pattern, FcMatchPattern);

    cairo_ft_font_options_substitute (font_options, pattern);

    FcDefaultSubstitute (pattern);
    resolved = FcFontMatch (NULL, pattern, &result);
    if (resolved == NULL) {
        FcPatternDestroy (pattern);
        return CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY;

    /* set layout to vertical */
    FcPatternDel (resolved, FC_VERTICAL_LAYOUT);
    FcPatternAddBool (resolved, FC_VERTICAL_LAYOUT, FcTrue);

    FcPatternGetDouble (resolved, FC_PIXEL_SIZE, 0, &pixel_size);

    font_face = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern (resolved);

    cairo_matrix_init_translate (&font_matrix, 10, 30);
    cairo_matrix_rotate (&font_matrix, M_PI_2/3);
    cairo_matrix_scale (&font_matrix, pixel_size, pixel_size);

    cairo_get_matrix (cr, &ctm);

    scaled_font = cairo_scaled_font_create (font_face,

    cairo_font_options_destroy (font_options);
    cairo_font_face_destroy (font_face);
    FcPatternDestroy (pattern);
    FcPatternDestroy (resolved);

    status = cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font);
    if (status) {
        cairo_scaled_font_destroy (scaled_font);
        return status;

    *out = scaled_font;
Esempio n. 21
    NS_ASSERTION(!mMetrics, "re-creating metrics? this will leak");

    LOGFONTW logFont;

    // Figure out if we want to do synthetic oblique styling.
    GDIFontEntry* fe = static_cast<GDIFontEntry*>(GetFontEntry());
    bool wantFakeItalic =

    // If the font's family has an actual italic face (but font matching
    // didn't choose it), we have to use a cairo transform instead of asking
    // GDI to italicize, because that would use a different face and result
    // in a possible glyph ID mismatch between shaping and rendering.
    // We use the mFamilyHasItalicFace flag in the entry in case of user fonts,
    // where the *CSS* family may not know about italic faces that are present
    // in the *GDI* family, and which GDI would use if we asked it to perform
    // the "italicization".
    bool useCairoFakeItalic = wantFakeItalic && fe->mFamilyHasItalicFace;

    if (mAdjustedSize == 0.0) {
        mAdjustedSize = mStyle.size;
        if (mStyle.sizeAdjust != 0.0 && mAdjustedSize > 0.0) {
            // to implement font-size-adjust, we first create the "unadjusted" font
            FillLogFont(logFont, mAdjustedSize,
                        wantFakeItalic && !useCairoFakeItalic);
            mFont = ::CreateFontIndirectW(&logFont);

            // initialize its metrics so we can calculate size adjustment

            // calculate the properly adjusted size, and then proceed
            // to recreate mFont and recalculate metrics
            gfxFloat aspect = mMetrics->xHeight / mMetrics->emHeight;
            mAdjustedSize = mStyle.GetAdjustedSize(aspect);

            // delete the temporary font and metrics
            mFont = nullptr;
            delete mMetrics;
            mMetrics = nullptr;

    // (bug 724231) for local user fonts, we don't use GDI's synthetic bold,
    // as it could lead to a different, incompatible face being used
    // but instead do our own multi-striking
    if (mNeedsBold && GetFontEntry()->IsLocalUserFont()) {
        mApplySyntheticBold = true;

    // this may end up being zero
    mAdjustedSize = ROUND(mAdjustedSize);
    FillLogFont(logFont, mAdjustedSize, wantFakeItalic && !useCairoFakeItalic);
    mFont = ::CreateFontIndirectW(&logFont);

    mMetrics = new gfxFont::Metrics;
    ::memset(mMetrics, 0, sizeof(*mMetrics));

    AutoDC dc;
    SetGraphicsMode(dc.GetDC(), GM_ADVANCED);
    AutoSelectFont selectFont(dc.GetDC(), mFont);

    // Get font metrics if size > 0
    if (mAdjustedSize > 0.0) {

        TEXTMETRIC& metrics = oMetrics.otmTextMetrics;

        if (0 < GetOutlineTextMetrics(dc.GetDC(), sizeof(oMetrics), &oMetrics)) {
            mMetrics->superscriptOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmptSuperscriptOffset.y;
            // Some fonts have wrong sign on their subscript offset, bug 410917.
            mMetrics->subscriptOffset = fabs((double)oMetrics.otmptSubscriptOffset.y);
            mMetrics->strikeoutSize = (double)oMetrics.otmsStrikeoutSize;
            mMetrics->strikeoutOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmsStrikeoutPosition;
            mMetrics->underlineSize = (double)oMetrics.otmsUnderscoreSize;
            mMetrics->underlineOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmsUnderscorePosition;

            const MAT2 kIdentityMatrix = { {0, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 1} };
            GLYPHMETRICS gm;
            DWORD len = GetGlyphOutlineW(dc.GetDC(), PRUnichar('x'), GGO_METRICS, &gm, 0, nullptr, &kIdentityMatrix);
            if (len == GDI_ERROR || gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y <= 0) {
                // 56% of ascent, best guess for true type
                mMetrics->xHeight =
                    ROUND((double)metrics.tmAscent * DEFAULT_XHEIGHT_FACTOR);
            } else {
                mMetrics->xHeight = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y;
            mMetrics->emHeight = metrics.tmHeight - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
            gfxFloat typEmHeight = (double)oMetrics.otmAscent - (double)oMetrics.otmDescent;
            mMetrics->emAscent = ROUND(mMetrics->emHeight * (double)oMetrics.otmAscent / typEmHeight);
            mMetrics->emDescent = mMetrics->emHeight - mMetrics->emAscent;
            if (oMetrics.otmEMSquare > 0) {
                mFUnitsConvFactor = float(mAdjustedSize / oMetrics.otmEMSquare);
        } else {
            // Make a best-effort guess at extended metrics
            // this is based on general typographic guidelines

            // GetTextMetrics can fail if the font file has been removed
            // or corrupted recently.
            BOOL result = GetTextMetrics(dc.GetDC(), &metrics);
            if (!result) {
                NS_WARNING("Missing or corrupt font data, fasten your seatbelt");
                mIsValid = false;
                memset(mMetrics, 0, sizeof(*mMetrics));

            mMetrics->xHeight =
                ROUND((float)metrics.tmAscent * DEFAULT_XHEIGHT_FACTOR);
            mMetrics->superscriptOffset = mMetrics->xHeight;
            mMetrics->subscriptOffset = mMetrics->xHeight;
            mMetrics->strikeoutSize = 1;
            mMetrics->strikeoutOffset = ROUND(mMetrics->xHeight * 0.5f); // 50% of xHeight
            mMetrics->underlineSize = 1;
            mMetrics->underlineOffset = -ROUND((float)metrics.tmDescent * 0.30f); // 30% of descent
            mMetrics->emHeight = metrics.tmHeight - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
            mMetrics->emAscent = metrics.tmAscent - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
            mMetrics->emDescent = metrics.tmDescent;

        mMetrics->internalLeading = metrics.tmInternalLeading;
        mMetrics->externalLeading = metrics.tmExternalLeading;
        mMetrics->maxHeight = metrics.tmHeight;
        mMetrics->maxAscent = metrics.tmAscent;
        mMetrics->maxDescent = metrics.tmDescent;
        mMetrics->maxAdvance = metrics.tmMaxCharWidth;
        mMetrics->aveCharWidth = NS_MAX<gfxFloat>(1, metrics.tmAveCharWidth);
        // The font is monospace when TMPF_FIXED_PITCH is *not* set!
        // See
        if (!(metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH)) {
            mMetrics->maxAdvance = mMetrics->aveCharWidth;

        // Cache the width of a single space.
        SIZE size;
        GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc.GetDC(), L" ", 1, &size);
        mMetrics->spaceWidth = ROUND(;

        // Cache the width of digit zero.
        // XXX MSDN (
        // does not say what the failure modes for GetTextExtentPoint32 are -
        // is it safe to assume it will fail iff the font has no '0'?
        if (GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc.GetDC(), L"0", 1, &size)) {
            mMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = ROUND(;
        } else {
            mMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = mMetrics->aveCharWidth;

        mSpaceGlyph = 0;
        if (metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE) {
            WORD glyph;
            DWORD ret = GetGlyphIndicesW(dc.GetDC(), L" ", 1, &glyph,
            if (ret != GDI_ERROR && glyph != 0xFFFF) {
                mSpaceGlyph = glyph;

        SanitizeMetrics(mMetrics, GetFontEntry()->mIsBadUnderlineFont);

    if (IsSyntheticBold()) {
        mMetrics->aveCharWidth += GetSyntheticBoldOffset();
        mMetrics->maxAdvance += GetSyntheticBoldOffset();

    mFontFace = cairo_win32_font_face_create_for_logfontw_hfont(&logFont,

    cairo_matrix_t sizeMatrix, ctm;
    cairo_matrix_init_scale(&sizeMatrix, mAdjustedSize, mAdjustedSize);

    if (useCairoFakeItalic) {
        // Skew the matrix to do fake italic if it wasn't already applied
        // via the LOGFONT
        double skewfactor = OBLIQUE_SKEW_FACTOR;
        cairo_matrix_t style;
                          1,                //xx
                          0,                //yx
                          -1 * skewfactor,  //xy
                          1,                //yy
                          0,                //x0
                          0);               //y0
        cairo_matrix_multiply(&sizeMatrix, &sizeMatrix, &style);

    cairo_font_options_t *fontOptions = cairo_font_options_create();
    if (mAntialiasOption != kAntialiasDefault) {
    mScaledFont = cairo_scaled_font_create(mFontFace, &sizeMatrix,
                                           &ctm, fontOptions);

    if (!mScaledFont ||
        cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        char warnBuf[1024];
        sprintf(warnBuf, "Failed to create scaled font: %s status: %d",
                mScaledFont ? cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) : 0);
        mIsValid = false;
    } else {
        mIsValid = true;

#if 0
    printf("Font: %p (%s) size: %f adjusted size: %f valid: %s\n", this,
           NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(GetName()).get(), mStyle.size, mAdjustedSize, (mIsValid ? "yes" : "no"));
    printf("    emHeight: %f emAscent: %f emDescent: %f\n", mMetrics->emHeight, mMetrics->emAscent, mMetrics->emDescent);
    printf("    maxAscent: %f maxDescent: %f maxAdvance: %f\n", mMetrics->maxAscent, mMetrics->maxDescent, mMetrics->maxAdvance);
    printf("    internalLeading: %f externalLeading: %f\n", mMetrics->internalLeading, mMetrics->externalLeading);
    printf("    spaceWidth: %f aveCharWidth: %f xHeight: %f\n", mMetrics->spaceWidth, mMetrics->aveCharWidth, mMetrics->xHeight);
    printf("    uOff: %f uSize: %f stOff: %f stSize: %f supOff: %f subOff: %f\n",
           mMetrics->underlineOffset, mMetrics->underlineSize, mMetrics->strikeoutOffset, mMetrics->strikeoutSize,
           mMetrics->superscriptOffset, mMetrics->subscriptOffset);
static PangoCairoFontHexBoxInfo *
_pango_cairo_font_private_get_hex_box_info (PangoCairoFontPrivate *cf_priv)
  static const char hexdigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
  char c[2] = {0, 0};
  PangoFont *mini_font;
  PangoCairoFontHexBoxInfo *hbi;

  /* for metrics hinting */
  double scale_x = 1., scale_x_inv = 1., scale_y = 1., scale_y_inv = 1.;
  gboolean is_hinted;

  int i;
  int rows;
  double pad;
  double width = 0;
  double height = 0;
  cairo_font_options_t *font_options;
  cairo_font_extents_t font_extents;
  double size, mini_size;
  PangoFontDescription *desc;
  cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font, *scaled_mini_font;
  PangoMatrix pango_ctm;
  cairo_matrix_t cairo_ctm;
  PangoGravity gravity;

  if (!cf_priv)
    return NULL;

  if (cf_priv->hbi)
    return cf_priv->hbi;

  scaled_font = _pango_cairo_font_private_get_scaled_font (cf_priv);
  if (G_UNLIKELY (scaled_font == NULL || cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS))
    return NULL;

  is_hinted = cf_priv->is_hinted;

  font_options = cairo_font_options_create ();
  desc = pango_font_describe_with_absolute_size ((PangoFont *)cf_priv->cfont);
  size = pango_font_description_get_size (desc) / (1.*PANGO_SCALE);
  gravity = pango_font_description_get_gravity (desc);

  cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm (scaled_font, &cairo_ctm);
  cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options (scaled_font, font_options);
  /* I started adding support for vertical hexboxes here, but it's too much
   * work.  Easier to do with cairo user fonts and vertical writing mode
   * support in cairo.
  /*cairo_matrix_rotate (&cairo_ctm, pango_gravity_to_rotation (gravity));*/
  pango_ctm.xx = cairo_ctm.xx;
  pango_ctm.yx = cairo_ctm.yx;
  pango_ctm.xy = cairo_ctm.xy;
  pango_ctm.yy = cairo_ctm.yy;
  pango_ctm.x0 = cairo_ctm.x0;
  pango_ctm.y0 = cairo_ctm.y0;

  if (is_hinted)
      /* prepare for some hinting */
      double x, y;

      x = 1.; y = 0.;
      cairo_matrix_transform_distance (&cairo_ctm, &x, &y);
      scale_x = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
      scale_x_inv = 1 / scale_x;

      x = 0.; y = 1.;
      cairo_matrix_transform_distance (&cairo_ctm, &x, &y);
      scale_y = sqrt (x*x + y*y);
      scale_y_inv = 1 / scale_y;

/* we hint to the nearest device units */
#define HINT(value, scale, scale_inv) (ceil ((value-1e-5) * scale) * scale_inv)
#define HINT_X(value) HINT ((value), scale_x, scale_x_inv)
#define HINT_Y(value) HINT ((value), scale_y, scale_y_inv)

  /* create mini_font description */
    PangoFontMap *fontmap;
    PangoContext *context;

    /* XXX this is racy.  need a ref'ing getter... */
    fontmap = pango_font_get_font_map ((PangoFont *)cf_priv->cfont);
    if (!fontmap)
      return NULL;
    fontmap = g_object_ref (fontmap);

    /* we inherit most font properties for the mini font.  just
     * change family and size.  means, you get bold hex digits
     * in the hexbox for a bold font.

    /* We should rotate the box, not glyphs */
    pango_font_description_unset_fields (desc, PANGO_FONT_MASK_GRAVITY);

    pango_font_description_set_family_static (desc, "monospace");

    rows = 2;
    mini_size = size / 2.2;
    if (is_hinted)
	mini_size = HINT_Y (mini_size);

	if (mini_size < 6.0)
	    rows = 1;
	    mini_size = MIN (MAX (size - 1, 0), 6.0);

    pango_font_description_set_absolute_size (desc, pango_units_from_double (mini_size));

    /* load mini_font */

    context = pango_font_map_create_context (fontmap);

    pango_context_set_matrix (context, &pango_ctm);
    pango_context_set_language (context, pango_script_get_sample_language (PANGO_SCRIPT_LATIN));
    pango_cairo_context_set_font_options (context, font_options);
    mini_font = pango_font_map_load_font (fontmap, context, desc);

    g_object_unref (context);
    g_object_unref (fontmap);

  pango_font_description_free (desc);
  cairo_font_options_destroy (font_options);

  scaled_mini_font = pango_cairo_font_get_scaled_font ((PangoCairoFont *) mini_font);

  for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++)
      cairo_text_extents_t extents;

      c[0] = hexdigits[i];
      cairo_scaled_font_text_extents (scaled_mini_font, c, &extents);
      width = MAX (width, extents.width);
      height = MAX (height, extents.height);

  cairo_scaled_font_extents (scaled_font, &font_extents);
  if (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent <= 0)
      font_extents.ascent = PANGO_UNKNOWN_GLYPH_HEIGHT;
      font_extents.descent = 0;

  pad = (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent) / 43;
  pad = MIN (pad, mini_size);

  hbi = g_slice_new (PangoCairoFontHexBoxInfo);
  hbi->font = (PangoCairoFont *) mini_font;
  hbi->rows = rows;

  hbi->digit_width  = width;
  hbi->digit_height = height;

  hbi->pad_x = pad;
  hbi->pad_y = pad;

  if (is_hinted)
      hbi->digit_width  = HINT_X (hbi->digit_width);
      hbi->digit_height = HINT_Y (hbi->digit_height);
      hbi->pad_x = HINT_X (hbi->pad_x);
      hbi->pad_y = HINT_Y (hbi->pad_y);

  hbi->line_width = MIN (hbi->pad_x, hbi->pad_y);

  hbi->box_height = 3 * hbi->pad_y + rows * (hbi->pad_y + hbi->digit_height);

  if (rows == 1 || hbi->box_height <= font_extents.ascent)
      hbi->box_descent = 2 * hbi->pad_y;
  else if (hbi->box_height <= font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent - 2 * hbi->pad_y)
      hbi->box_descent = 2 * hbi->pad_y + hbi->box_height - font_extents.ascent;
      hbi->box_descent = font_extents.descent * hbi->box_height /
			 (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent);
  if (is_hinted)
       hbi->box_descent = HINT_Y (hbi->box_descent);

  cf_priv->hbi = hbi;
  return hbi;
cairo_scaled_font_t *
_pango_cairo_font_private_get_scaled_font (PangoCairoFontPrivate *cf_priv)
  cairo_font_face_t *font_face;

  if (G_LIKELY (cf_priv->scaled_font))
    return cf_priv->scaled_font;

  /* need to create it */

  if (G_UNLIKELY (cf_priv->data == NULL))
      /* we have tried to create and failed before */
      return NULL;

  font_face = (* PANGO_CAIRO_FONT_GET_IFACE (cf_priv->cfont)->create_font_face) (cf_priv->cfont);
  if (G_UNLIKELY (font_face == NULL))
    goto done;

  cf_priv->scaled_font = cairo_scaled_font_create (font_face,

  cairo_font_face_destroy (font_face);


  if (G_UNLIKELY (cf_priv->scaled_font == NULL || cairo_scaled_font_status (cf_priv->scaled_font) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS))
      cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font = cf_priv->scaled_font;
      PangoFont *font = PANGO_FONT (cf_priv->cfont);
      static GQuark warned_quark = 0;
      if (!warned_quark)
	warned_quark = g_quark_from_static_string ("pangocairo-scaledfont-warned");

      if (!g_object_get_qdata (G_OBJECT (font), warned_quark))
	  PangoFontDescription *desc;
	  char *s;

	  desc = pango_font_describe (font);
	  s = pango_font_description_to_string (desc);
	  pango_font_description_free (desc);

	  g_warning ("failed to create cairo %s, expect ugly output. the offending font is '%s'",
		     font_face ? "scaled font" : "font face",

	  if (!font_face)
		g_warning ("font_face is NULL");
		g_warning ("font_face status is: %s",
			   cairo_status_to_string (cairo_font_face_status (font_face)));

	  if (!scaled_font)
		g_warning ("scaled_font is NULL");
		g_warning ("scaled_font status is: %s",
			   cairo_status_to_string (cairo_scaled_font_status (scaled_font)));

	  g_free (s);

	  g_object_set_qdata_full (G_OBJECT (font), warned_quark,
				   GINT_TO_POINTER (1), NULL);

  _pango_cairo_font_private_scaled_font_data_destroy (cf_priv->data);
  cf_priv->data = NULL;

  return cf_priv->scaled_font;
Esempio n. 24
int32_t ScaledFont::status()
	return static_cast<int32_t>( cairo_scaled_font_status( mCairoScaledFont ) );
Esempio n. 25
    NS_ASSERTION(!mMetrics, "re-creating metrics? this will leak");

    LOGFONTW logFont;

    if (mAdjustedSize == 0.0) {
        mAdjustedSize = mStyle.size;
        if (mStyle.sizeAdjust != 0.0 && mAdjustedSize > 0.0) {
            // to implement font-size-adjust, we first create the "unadjusted" font
            FillLogFont(logFont, mAdjustedSize);
            mFont = ::CreateFontIndirectW(&logFont);

            // initialize its metrics so we can calculate size adjustment

            // calculate the properly adjusted size, and then proceed
            // to recreate mFont and recalculate metrics
            gfxFloat aspect = mMetrics->xHeight / mMetrics->emHeight;
            mAdjustedSize = mStyle.GetAdjustedSize(aspect);

            // delete the temporary font and metrics
            mFont = nsnull;
            delete mMetrics;
            mMetrics = nsnull;

    FillLogFont(logFont, mAdjustedSize);
    mFont = ::CreateFontIndirectW(&logFont);

    mMetrics = new gfxFont::Metrics;
    ::memset(mMetrics, 0, sizeof(*mMetrics));

    AutoDC dc;
    SetGraphicsMode(dc.GetDC(), GM_ADVANCED);
    AutoSelectFont selectFont(dc.GetDC(), mFont);

    // Get font metrics
    TEXTMETRIC& metrics = oMetrics.otmTextMetrics;

    if (0 < GetOutlineTextMetrics(dc.GetDC(), sizeof(oMetrics), &oMetrics)) {
        mMetrics->superscriptOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmptSuperscriptOffset.y;
        // Some fonts have wrong sign on their subscript offset, bug 410917.
        mMetrics->subscriptOffset = fabs((double)oMetrics.otmptSubscriptOffset.y);
        mMetrics->strikeoutSize = (double)oMetrics.otmsStrikeoutSize;
        mMetrics->strikeoutOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmsStrikeoutPosition;
        mMetrics->underlineSize = (double)oMetrics.otmsUnderscoreSize;
        mMetrics->underlineOffset = (double)oMetrics.otmsUnderscorePosition;

        const MAT2 kIdentityMatrix = { {0, 1}, {0, 0}, {0, 0}, {0, 1} };
        GLYPHMETRICS gm;
        DWORD len = GetGlyphOutlineW(dc.GetDC(), PRUnichar('x'), GGO_METRICS, &gm, 0, nsnull, &kIdentityMatrix);
        if (len == GDI_ERROR || gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y <= 0) {
            // 56% of ascent, best guess for true type
            mMetrics->xHeight =
                ROUND((double)metrics.tmAscent * DEFAULT_XHEIGHT_FACTOR);
        } else {
            mMetrics->xHeight = gm.gmptGlyphOrigin.y;
        mMetrics->emHeight = metrics.tmHeight - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
        gfxFloat typEmHeight = (double)oMetrics.otmAscent - (double)oMetrics.otmDescent;
        mMetrics->emAscent = ROUND(mMetrics->emHeight * (double)oMetrics.otmAscent / typEmHeight);
        mMetrics->emDescent = mMetrics->emHeight - mMetrics->emAscent;
        if (oMetrics.otmEMSquare > 0) {
            mFUnitsConvFactor = float(GetAdjustedSize() / oMetrics.otmEMSquare);
    } else {
        // Make a best-effort guess at extended metrics
        // this is based on general typographic guidelines
        // GetTextMetrics can fail if the font file has been removed
        // or corrupted recently.
        BOOL result = GetTextMetrics(dc.GetDC(), &metrics);
        if (!result) {
            NS_WARNING("Missing or corrupt font data, fasten your seatbelt");
            mIsValid = PR_FALSE;
            memset(mMetrics, 0, sizeof(*mMetrics));

        mMetrics->xHeight =
            ROUND((float)metrics.tmAscent * DEFAULT_XHEIGHT_FACTOR);
        mMetrics->superscriptOffset = mMetrics->xHeight;
        mMetrics->subscriptOffset = mMetrics->xHeight;
        mMetrics->strikeoutSize = 1;
        mMetrics->strikeoutOffset = ROUND(mMetrics->xHeight * 0.5f); // 50% of xHeight
        mMetrics->underlineSize = 1;
        mMetrics->underlineOffset = -ROUND((float)metrics.tmDescent * 0.30f); // 30% of descent
        mMetrics->emHeight = metrics.tmHeight - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
        mMetrics->emAscent = metrics.tmAscent - metrics.tmInternalLeading;
        mMetrics->emDescent = metrics.tmDescent;

    mMetrics->internalLeading = metrics.tmInternalLeading;
    mMetrics->externalLeading = metrics.tmExternalLeading;
    mMetrics->maxHeight = metrics.tmHeight;
    mMetrics->maxAscent = metrics.tmAscent;
    mMetrics->maxDescent = metrics.tmDescent;
    mMetrics->maxAdvance = metrics.tmMaxCharWidth;
    mMetrics->aveCharWidth = PR_MAX(1, metrics.tmAveCharWidth);
    // The font is monospace when TMPF_FIXED_PITCH is *not* set!
    // See
    if (!(metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_FIXED_PITCH)) {
        mMetrics->maxAdvance = mMetrics->aveCharWidth;

    // Cache the width of a single space.
    SIZE size;
    GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc.GetDC(), L" ", 1, &size);
    mMetrics->spaceWidth = ROUND(;

    // Cache the width of digit zero.
    // XXX MSDN (
    // does not say what the failure modes for GetTextExtentPoint32 are -
    // is it safe to assume it will fail iff the font has no '0'?
    if (GetTextExtentPoint32W(dc.GetDC(), L"0", 1, &size)) {
        mMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = ROUND(;
    } else {
        mMetrics->zeroOrAveCharWidth = mMetrics->aveCharWidth;

    mSpaceGlyph = 0;
    if (metrics.tmPitchAndFamily & TMPF_TRUETYPE) {
        WORD glyph;
        DWORD ret = GetGlyphIndicesW(dc.GetDC(), L" ", 1, &glyph,
        if (ret != GDI_ERROR && glyph != 0xFFFF) {
            mSpaceGlyph = glyph;

    SanitizeMetrics(mMetrics, GetFontEntry()->mIsBadUnderlineFont);

    mFontFace = cairo_win32_font_face_create_for_logfontw_hfont(&logFont,

    cairo_matrix_t sizeMatrix, ctm;
    cairo_matrix_init_scale(&sizeMatrix, mAdjustedSize, mAdjustedSize);

    cairo_font_options_t *fontOptions = cairo_font_options_create();
    if (mAntialiasOption != kAntialiasDefault) {
    mScaledFont = cairo_scaled_font_create(mFontFace, &sizeMatrix,
                                           &ctm, fontOptions);

    if (!mScaledFont ||
        cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
#ifdef DEBUG
        char warnBuf[1024];
        sprintf(warnBuf, "Failed to create scaled font: %s status: %d",
                mScaledFont ? cairo_scaled_font_status(mScaledFont) : 0);

    mIsValid = PR_TRUE;

#if 0
    printf("Font: %p (%s) size: %f\n", this,
           NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(GetName()).get(), mStyle.size);
    printf("    emHeight: %f emAscent: %f emDescent: %f\n", mMetrics.emHeight, mMetrics.emAscent, mMetrics.emDescent);
    printf("    maxAscent: %f maxDescent: %f maxAdvance: %f\n", mMetrics.maxAscent, mMetrics.maxDescent, mMetrics.maxAdvance);
    printf("    internalLeading: %f externalLeading: %f\n", mMetrics.internalLeading, mMetrics.externalLeading);
    printf("    spaceWidth: %f aveCharWidth: %f xHeight: %f\n", mMetrics.spaceWidth, mMetrics.aveCharWidth, mMetrics.xHeight);
    printf("    uOff: %f uSize: %f stOff: %f stSize: %f supOff: %f subOff: %f\n",
           mMetrics.underlineOffset, mMetrics.underlineSize, mMetrics.strikeoutOffset, mMetrics.strikeoutSize,
           mMetrics.superscriptOffset, mMetrics.subscriptOffset);