int render_keyvalue(cairo_t *cairo, int x, int y, char *k, char *v , int d) { uint32_t render_x; cairo_text_extents_t k_extents; cairo_text_extents_t v_extents; //we must set the fonts to measure extents cairo_set_font_face(cairo, conf->keyfont); cairo_set_font_size(cairo, conf->keyfontsize); cairo_text_extents(cairo, k, &k_extents); cairo_set_font_face(cairo, conf->valfont); cairo_set_font_size(cairo, conf->valfontsize); cairo_text_extents(cairo, v, &v_extents); //render key set_cairo_source_colour(cairo, conf->keycol); cairo_set_font_face(cairo, conf->keyfont); cairo_set_font_size(cairo, conf->keyfontsize); render_x = x; if(d == RIGHT) render_x = x - (k_extents.width + v_extents.width + conf->kvpadding); cairo_move_to(cairo, render_x, y); cairo_show_text(cairo, k); //render value set_cairo_source_colour(cairo, conf->valcol); cairo_set_font_face(cairo, conf->valfont); cairo_set_font_size(cairo, conf->valfontsize); render_x = x + k_extents.width + conf->kvpadding; if(d == RIGHT) render_x = x - v_extents.width; cairo_move_to(cairo, render_x, y); cairo_show_text(cairo, v); return k_extents.width + conf->kvpadding + v_extents.width; }
void CairoRenderer::SetFontFace(InputStream *pStream) { FT_Face face; static cairo_user_data_key_t key; if (m_cairo_face) { cairo_set_font_face(m_pCairo, NULL); cairo_font_face_destroy(m_cairo_face); m_cairo_face = NULL; } if (pStream) { face = FreeType::OpenFace(pStream); // face will be destroyed by FT_Done_Face if (face) { m_cairo_face = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face(face, 0); cairo_font_face_set_user_data(m_cairo_face, &key, face, (cairo_destroy_func_t)FT_Done_Face); } } else m_cairo_face = cairo_toy_font_face_create("unifont", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); if (m_cairo_face) cairo_set_font_face(m_pCairo, m_cairo_face); }
static PyObject * pycairo_set_font_face (PycairoContext *o, PyObject *obj) { if (PyObject_TypeCheck(obj, &PycairoFontFace_Type)) cairo_set_font_face (o->ctx, ((PycairoFontFace *)obj)->font_face); else if (obj == Py_None) cairo_set_font_face (o->ctx, NULL); else { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Context.set_font_face() argument must be " "cairo.FontFace or None"); return NULL; } RETURN_NULL_IF_CAIRO_CONTEXT_ERROR(o->ctx); Py_RETURN_NONE; }
int render_workspace(cairo_t *cairo, int x, int y, struct i3_workspace *ws, int d) { //set colour based on visibility struct colour *c = conf->inviswscol; if(strcmp(ws->visible, "true") == 0) c = conf->viswscol; set_cairo_source_colour(cairo, c); //set font cairo_set_font_face(cairo, conf->wsfont); cairo_set_font_size(cairo, conf->wsfontsize); cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_text_extents(cairo, ws->name, &extents); int render_x = x; if(d == RIGHT) render_x = x - extents.width; //draw the text cairo_move_to(cairo, render_x, y); cairo_show_text(cairo, ws->name); //update the padding return extents.width + 2; }
static VALUE cr_set_font_face (VALUE self, VALUE face) { cairo_set_font_face (_SELF, NIL_P (face) ? NULL : RVAL2CRFONTFACE (face)); cr_check_status (_SELF); return self; }
void label_t::paint() { clearSurface(); auto cr = graphics.getContext(); auto bounds = getBounds(); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0, 0, 0); int textLeft; int textBot = (bounds.height / 2 - lastExtents.height / 2) + lastExtents.height; if (alignment == g_text_alignment::CENTER) { textLeft = bounds.width / 2 - lastExtents.width / 2; } else if (alignment == g_text_alignment::RIGHT) { textLeft = bounds.width - lastExtents.width; } else { textLeft = 0; } cairo_move_to(cr, textLeft, textBot); cairo_set_font_face(cr, font->getFace()); cairo_set_font_size(cr, fontSize); cairo_show_text(cr, text.c_str()); }
static void draw (GtkWidget *drawing_area, cairo_t *cr, FT_Face face) { cairo_font_extents_t font_extents; gint *sizes = NULL, n_sizes, alpha_size, pos_y, i; const gchar *text; cairo_font_face_t *font; text = get_sample_string (face); sizes = build_sizes_table (face, &n_sizes, &alpha_size); font = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face (face, 0); cairo_set_font_face (cr, font); cairo_font_extents (cr, &font_extents); cairo_font_face_destroy (font); /* draw text */ pos_y = MAX (font_extents.height, 32) + 4; cairo_set_font_size (cr, alpha_size); draw_string (cr, lowercase_text, &pos_y); draw_string (cr, uppercase_text, &pos_y); draw_string (cr, punctuation_text, &pos_y); pos_y += 8; for (i = 0; i < n_sizes; i++) { cairo_set_font_size (cr, sizes[i]); draw_string (cr, text, &pos_y); } g_free (sizes); }
int toolwin_win_create(ToolWin *tw) { tw->win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, root, 20, 20, tw->w, tw->h, 0, 0, 0); tw->buf = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, tw->w, tw->h, DefaultDepth(dpy,scr)); cairo_surface_t *t = cairo_xlib_surface_create(dpy, tw->buf, DefaultVisual(dpy,scr), tw->w, tw->h); tw->ctx = cairo_create(t); cairo_surface_destroy(t); cairo_set_font_face(tw->ctx,conf.font); cairo_set_font_size(tw->ctx,conf.font_size); XSelectInput(dpy, tw->win, EVENT_MASK); XSetTransientForHint(dpy, tw->win, win); XSetWMProtocols(dpy, tw->win, &WM_DELETE_WINDOW, 1); XSizeHints *hints = XAllocSizeHints(); hints->min_width = hints->max_width = tw->w; hints->min_height = hints->max_height = tw->h; hints->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize; XSetWMNormalHints(dpy, tw->win, hints); XFree(hints); XStoreName(dpy, tw->win, tw->name); if (tw->backing) tw->backing(tw); else toolwin_backing(tw); XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(dpy, tw->win, tw->buf); XFlush(dpy); return 0; }
void ilG_gui_textlayout_getExtents(ilG_gui_textlayout *self, unsigned *rx, unsigned *ry, int *bx, int *by, int *ax, int *ay) { if (!self->have_size) { self->have_size = 1; cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, 0, 0); cairo_t *cr = cairo_create(surface); il_return_on_fail(self->cairo_glyphs); cairo_set_font_face(cr, self->cairo_ft_face); cairo_set_font_size(cr, self->pt); cairo_glyph_extents(cr, self->cairo_glyphs, self->glyph_count, &self->extents); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); cairo_destroy(cr); } if (rx) { *rx = self->extents.width; } if (ry) { *ry = self->extents.height + 1; // TODO: ???? } if (bx) { *bx = self->extents.x_bearing; } if (by) { *by = self->extents.y_bearing; } if (ax) { *ax = self->extents.x_advance; } if (ay) { *ay = self->extents.y_advance; } }
static int info_draw(ToolWin *tw) { toolwin_backing(tw); /* info */ cairo_set_source_rgba(tw->ctx,0,0,0,1.0); cairo_set_font_face(tw->ctx, conf.bfont); cairo_move_to(tw->ctx, 0, 8); info_printf(tw, A_CENTER, "%.3lf sec, %.2lf KHz", spect->fft->time[mx],spect->fft->freq[my]); cairo_rel_move_to(tw->ctx,0,12); info_split_printf(tw, "Threshold:", "%.2lf", -1.0 * conf.thresh); info_split_printf(tw, "Spectrogram Floor:", "%.2lf", -1.0 * conf.spect_floor); info_split_printf(tw, "Path Length:","%.2lf", spect->pex); info_split_printf(tw, "Path Duration:","%.3lf", spect->tex); info_split_printf(tw, "Frequency Excursion:","%.3lf", spect->fex); cairo_move_to(tw->ctx, 0, 145); /* modes */ info_split_printf(tw, "Modes:",""); cairo_set_font_face(tw->ctx, conf.bfont); /* erase */ set_color(tw->ctx,RGBA_ERASE1) if (mode & MODE_ERASE) set_color(tw->ctx,RGBA_ERASE1) else cairo_set_source_rgba(tw->ctx,0.8,0.8,0.8,1.0); cairo_rectangle(tw->ctx, 10, 170, tw->w / 2.0 - 15, 20); cairo_fill_preserve(tw->ctx); cairo_set_source_rgba(tw->ctx,0,0,0,1.0); cairo_stroke(tw->ctx); cairo_text_extents(tw->ctx,"Erase",&ext); cairo_move_to(tw->ctx, tw->w / 4.0 - ext.width / 2.0, 185); cairo_set_source_rgba(tw->ctx,0,0,0,1.0); cairo_show_text(tw->ctx,"Erase"); /* crop */ if (mode & MODE_CROP) set_color(tw->ctx, RGBA_CROP) else cairo_set_source_rgba(tw->ctx,0.8,0.8,0.8,1.0); cairo_rectangle(tw->ctx, 5 + tw->w / 2.0, 170, tw->w / 2.0 - 15, 20); cairo_fill_preserve(tw->ctx); cairo_set_source_rgba(tw->ctx,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0); cairo_stroke(tw->ctx); cairo_text_extents(tw->ctx,"Crop",&ext); cairo_move_to(tw->ctx, tw->w * 0.75 - ext.width / 2.0, 185); cairo_set_source_rgba(tw->ctx,0,0,0,1.0); cairo_show_text(tw->ctx,"Crop"); /* draw */ toolwin_draw(tw); return 0; }
int renderTruetypeSymbolCairo(imageObj *img, double x, double y, symbolObj *symbol, symbolStyleObj *s) { int unicode; cairo_glyph_t glyph; cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_matrix_t trans; double ox,oy; cairoCacheData *cache = MS_IMAGE_RENDERER_CACHE(img); cairo_renderer *r = CAIRO_RENDERER(img); faceCacheObj *face = getFontFace(cache,symbol->full_font_path); if(!face) return MS_FAILURE; cairo_save(r->cr); cairo_set_font_face(r->cr,face->face); cairo_set_font_size(r->cr,s->scale*96/72.0); msUTF8ToUniChar(symbol->character, &unicode); if (face->ftface->charmap && face->ftface->charmap->encoding == FT_ENCODING_MS_SYMBOL) unicode |= 0xf000; glyph.index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face->ftface, unicode); glyph.x=0; glyph.y=0; cairo_glyph_extents(r->cr,&glyph,1,&extents); ox=extents.x_bearing+extents.width/2.; oy=extents.y_bearing+extents.height/2.; cairo_matrix_init_rotate(&trans,-s->rotation); cairo_matrix_transform_point(&trans,&ox,&oy); /* cairo_translate(cr,-extents.width/2,-extents.height/2); */ cairo_translate(r->cr,x-ox,y-oy); cairo_rotate(r->cr, -s->rotation); cairo_glyph_path(r->cr,&glyph,1); if (s->outlinewidth) { msCairoSetSourceColor(r->cr, s->outlinecolor); cairo_set_line_width(r->cr, s->outlinewidth + 1); cairo_stroke_preserve(r->cr); } if(s->color) { msCairoSetSourceColor(r->cr, s->color); cairo_fill_preserve(r->cr); } cairo_new_path(r->cr); cairo_restore(r->cr); return MS_SUCCESS; }
static int cairo_set_font_face_l( lua_State* L ) { lua_cairo_t* lc = lua_cairo_check( L, 1 ); lua_cairo_font_face_t* lcff = lua_cairo_font_face_check( L, 2 ); cairo_set_font_face( lc->cairo, lcff->crface ); return( 0 ); }
static int info_split_printf(ToolWin *tw, char *bold, char *fmt, ...) { char str[MAX_STRING]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, fmt); vsprintf(str, fmt, arg); va_end(arg); cairo_set_font_face(tw->ctx, conf.bfont); cairo_text_extents(tw->ctx,bold,&ext); cairo_rel_move_to(tw->ctx, MARGIN, conf.font_size); cairo_show_text(tw->ctx,bold); cairo_rel_move_to(tw->ctx, -1.0 * ext.x_advance - MARGIN, 0); cairo_set_font_face(tw->ctx, conf.font); cairo_text_extents(tw->ctx,str,&ext); cairo_rel_move_to(tw->ctx, tw->w - ext.x_advance - MARGIN, 0); cairo_show_text(tw->ctx,str); cairo_rel_move_to(tw->ctx, MARGIN - tw->w, conf.font_size / 3.0); return 0; }
static int cr_set_font_face (lua_State *L) { cairo_t **obj = luaL_checkudata(L, 1, OOCAIRO_MT_NAME_CONTEXT); cairo_font_face_t *face = 0; if (!lua_isnoneornil(L, 2)) face = *(cairo_font_face_t **) luaL_checkudata(L, 2, OOCAIRO_MT_NAME_FONTFACE); cairo_set_font_face(*obj, face); return 0; }
void Aw::Label::getMetrics(cairo_t *cr, Size& min_size, bool& expandh, bool& expandv) { // We over-ride the switch (m_font_type) { case font_type::normal: cairo_set_font_face(cr, theApp->m_font.m_norm_face); break; case font_type::bold: cairo_set_font_face(cr, theApp->m_font.m_bold_face); break; case font_type::mono: cairo_set_font_face(cr, theApp->m_font.m_mono_face); break; } cairo_text_extents_t te; cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); cairo_set_font_size(cr, m_font_size); cairo_text_extents (cr, m_text.c_str(), &te); // anvil_syslog(0, "TEXT: %s %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", // m_text.c_str(), // (int)te.width, // (int)te.height, // (int)te.x_advance, // (int)te.y_advance, // (int)te.x_bearing, // (int)te.y_bearing // ); min_size = getMinSize(); if (te.width + 10 > min_size.m_width) { min_size.m_width = te.width + 10; } if (te.height + 10 > min_size.m_height) { min_size.m_height = te.height + 10; } expandh = expandH(); expandv = expandV(); }
void Context::setFont( const cinder::Font &font ) { #if defined( CINDER_COCOA ) cairo_font_face_t *cairoFont = cairo_quartz_font_face_create_for_cgfont( font.getCgFontRef() ); #elif defined( CINDER_MSW ) cairo_font_face_t *cairoFont = cairo_win32_font_face_create_for_logfontw( &font.getLogfont() ); #endif cairo_set_font_face( mCairo, cairoFont ); cairo_font_face_destroy( cairoFont ); }
void Aw::Label::Draw(cairo_t *cr) { //anvil_syslog(0, "AwLabel::Draw %s %d %d\n", m_text.c_str(), size.m_width, size.m_height); switch (m_font_type) { case font_type::normal: cairo_set_font_face(cr, theApp->m_font.m_norm_face); break; case font_type::bold: cairo_set_font_face(cr, theApp->m_font.m_bold_face); break; case font_type::mono: cairo_set_font_face(cr, theApp->m_font.m_mono_face); break; } cairo_text_extents_t te; cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); cairo_set_font_size(cr, m_font_size); cairo_text_extents (cr, m_text.c_str(), &te); double x, y; switch (m_just) { case just::left: x = te.x_bearing + k_text_gap; y = m_draw_size.m_height/2 - (te.height/2 + te.y_bearing); break; case just::centre: x = m_draw_size.m_width/2 - (te.width/2 + te.x_bearing); y = m_draw_size.m_height/2 - (te.height/2 + te.y_bearing); break; case just::right: x = m_draw_size.m_width - te.width - te.x_bearing; y = m_draw_size.m_height/2 - (te.height/2 + te.y_bearing); break; } cairo_move_to(cr, x, y); cairo_show_text(cr, m_text.c_str()); drawChild(cr); }
void SelectFont() { if (mFontSelected) return; cairo_t *cr = mContext->GetCairo(); cairo_set_font_face(cr, mShaper->GetFont()->CairoFontFace()); cairo_set_font_size(cr, mShaper->GetFont()->GetAdjustedSize()); cairo_scaled_font_t *scaledFont = mShaper->GetFont()->CairoScaledFont(); cairo_win32_scaled_font_select_font(scaledFont, mDC); mFontSelected = true; }
static gboolean pango_cairo_win32_font_install (PangoCairoFont *font, cairo_t *cr) { PangoCairoWin32Font *cwfont = PANGO_CAIRO_WIN32_FONT (font); cairo_set_font_face (cr, pango_cairo_win32_font_get_font_face (font)); cairo_set_font_matrix (cr, &cwfont->font_matrix); cairo_set_font_options (cr, cwfont->options); return TRUE; }
static void realize_callback (GtkWidget *drawing_area, FT_Face face) { gint i, pixmap_width, pixmap_height; const gchar *text; cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_font_face_t *font; gint *sizes = NULL, n_sizes, alpha_size; cairo_t *cr; cr = gdk_cairo_create (gtk_widget_get_window (drawing_area)); text = get_sample_string (face); sizes = build_sizes_table (face, &n_sizes, &alpha_size); /* calculate size of pixmap to use (with 4 pixels padding) ... */ pixmap_width = 8; pixmap_height = 8; font = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face (face, 0); cairo_set_font_face (cr, font); cairo_set_font_size (cr, alpha_size); cairo_font_face_destroy (font); cairo_text_extents (cr, lowercase_text, &extents); pixmap_height += extents.height + 4; pixmap_width = MAX (pixmap_width, 8 + extents.width); cairo_text_extents (cr, uppercase_text, &extents); pixmap_height += extents.height + 4; pixmap_width = MAX (pixmap_width, 8 + extents.width); cairo_text_extents (cr, punctuation_text, &extents); pixmap_height += extents.height + 4; pixmap_width = MAX (pixmap_width, 8 + extents.width); pixmap_height += 8; for (i = 0; i < n_sizes; i++) { cairo_set_font_size (cr, sizes[i]); cairo_text_extents (cr, text, &extents); pixmap_height += extents.height + 4; pixmap_width = MAX (pixmap_width, 8 + extents.width); } gtk_widget_set_size_request (drawing_area, pixmap_width, pixmap_height); cairo_destroy (cr); g_free (sizes); }
void renderLabels(cairo_t* cr, std::vector<std::pair<string, FloatPoint> >& toPlace) { cairo_save(cr); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5); cairo_font_face_t* font = cairo_toy_font_face_create(DEFAULT_FONT, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_face(cr, font); cairo_set_font_size(cr, 120.0); cairo_set_line_width(cr, 2.0); cairo_text_extents_t textSize; std::list<shared_ptr<Label> > labels; int i = 0; std::vector<shared_ptr<Style>> styles; for (auto& pair : toPlace) { string& text = pair.first; cairo_text_extents(cr, text.c_str(), &textSize); shared_ptr<Style> s = boost::make_shared<Style>(); s->text = text; styles.push_back(s); FloatPoint center = pair.second + FloatPoint(textSize.width/2.0, textSize.height/2.0); FloatRect owner = FloatRect(center.x, center.y, center.x, center.y); FloatPoint origin = pair.second - FloatPoint(textSize.x_bearing, textSize.y_bearing); shared_ptr<Label> l = boost::make_shared<Label>(FloatRect(pair.second, textSize.width, textSize.height), owner, s->text, s.get(), origin); cairo_rectangle(cr, l->box.minX, l->box.minY, l->box.getWidth(), l->box.getHeight()); cairo_stroke(cr); labels.push_back(l); } std::vector<shared_ptr<Label> > placed; placeLabels(labels, placed); for (auto& l: placed) { cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); cairo_move_to(cr, l->box.minX, l->box.maxY); cairo_show_text(cr, l->style->text.str().c_str()); cairo_fill(cr); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5); cairo_rectangle(cr, l->box.minX, l->box.minY, l->box.getWidth(), l->box.getHeight()); cairo_fill(cr); } cairo_restore(cr); }
void TermBox::Draw(cairo_t *cr) { m_cols = (m_draw_size.m_width - 10) / 6; m_rows = (m_draw_size.m_height - 10) / 13; m_screen->set_size(m_cols, m_rows); //anvil_syslog(0, "TermBox::Draw() r=%d c=%d\n", m_rows, m_cols); cairo_set_font_face(cr, theApp->m_font.m_mono_face); cairo_text_extents_t te; cairo_set_font_size(cr, 10); // int ncols = m_draw_size.m_width / 6; // int nrows = m_draw_size.m_height / 13; //anvil_syslog(0, "TermBox::Draw r=%d c=%d\n", nrows, m_cols); int xpos = 0; int ypos = 0; m_screen->prepare(); for (int r=0; r<m_rows; ++r) { for (int c=0; c<m_cols; ++c) { NormalScreen::term_cell cell = m_screen->GetChar(c, r); // Draw background cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, cell.back, cell.back, cell.back); cairo_rectangle(cr, xpos + 4.5, ypos + 7, 7, 13); cairo_fill(cr); // Draw char cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, cell.fore, cell.fore, cell.fore); cairo_move_to(cr, xpos + 5, ypos + 18); mbstate_t state; char buf[10]; int len = wcrtomb(buf,, &state); buf[len] = 0; cairo_show_text(cr, buf); xpos += 6; } ypos += 13; xpos = 0; } drawChild(cr); }
ilA_img *ilG_gui_textlayout_render(ilG_gui_textlayout *self, float col[4], enum ilG_gui_textoptions opts) { (void)opts; unsigned w = 0, h = 0; unsigned x = 0, y = 0; int bx = 0, by = 0; int scale = 64; unsigned i; self->cairo_ft_face = cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_ft_face(self->ft_face, 0); self->hb_ft_face = hb_ft_face_create(self->ft_face, NULL); x *= scale; y *= scale; self->cairo_glyphs = calloc(self->glyph_count, sizeof(cairo_glyph_t)); for (i = 0; i < self->glyph_count; i++) { self->cairo_glyphs[i].index = self->glyph_info[i].codepoint; self->cairo_glyphs[i].x = (x + self->glyph_pos[i].x_offset)/scale; self->cairo_glyphs[i].y = (y + self->glyph_pos[i].y_offset)/scale; x += self->glyph_pos[i].x_advance; y += self->glyph_pos[i].y_advance; } ilG_gui_textlayout_getExtents(self, &w, &h, &bx, &by, NULL, NULL); self->surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, w, h); self->cr = cairo_create(self->surface); cairo_translate(self->cr, -bx, 1-by); cairo_set_source_rgba(self->cr, col[0], col[1], col[2], col[3]); cairo_set_font_face(self->cr, self->cairo_ft_face); cairo_set_font_size(self->cr, self->pt); cairo_show_glyphs(self->cr, self->cairo_glyphs, self->glyph_count); cairo_surface_flush(self->surface); ilA_img *preswizzle = ilA_img_fromdata(cairo_image_surface_get_data(self->surface), w, h, 8, ILA_IMG_RGBA); /* R G B A | 0x * B 0 0 1 0 | 2 * G 0 1 0 0 | 4 * R 1 0 0 0 | 8 * A 0 0 0 1 | 1 */ ilA_img *img = ilA_img_bgra_to_rgba(preswizzle);//ilA_img_swizzle(preswizzle, 0x2481); ilA_img_free(preswizzle); return img; }
static cairo_status_t test_scaled_font_init (cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font, cairo_t *cr, cairo_font_extents_t *extents) { cairo_set_font_face (cr, cairo_font_face_get_user_data (cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face (scaled_font), &fallback_font_key)); cairo_scaled_font_set_user_data (scaled_font, &fallback_font_key, cairo_scaled_font_reference (cairo_get_scaled_font (cr)), (cairo_destroy_func_t) cairo_scaled_font_destroy); cairo_font_extents (cr, extents); return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
static void Rcairo_setup_font(CairoGDDesc* xd, R_GE_gcontext *gc) { cairo_t *cc = xd->cb->cc; #ifdef CAIRO_HAS_FT_FONT int i = gc->fontface - 1; if (i < 0 || i >= 5) i = 0; if (Rcairo_fonts[i].updated || (xd->fontface != gc->fontface)){ cairo_set_font_face(cc,Rcairo_fonts[i].face); set_cf_antialias(cc); Rcairo_fonts[i].updated = 0; #ifdef JGD_DEBUG Rprintf(" font face changed to \"%d\" %fpt\n", gc->fontface, gc->cex*gc->ps + 0.5); #endif } xd->fontface = gc->fontface; #else char *Cfontface="Helvetica"; int slant = CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL; int wght = CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL; #ifdef WIN32 if (gc->fontface==5) Cfontface="Times"; #else if (gc->fontface==5) Cfontface="Symbol"; #endif if (gc->fontfamily[0]) Cfontface=gc->fontfamily; if (gc->fontface==3 || gc->fontface==4) slant=CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_ITALIC; if (gc->fontface==2 || gc->fontface==4) wght=CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD; cairo_select_font_face (cc, Cfontface, slant, wght); set_cf_antialias(cc); #ifdef JGD_DEBUG Rprintf(" font \"%s\" %fpt (slant:%d, weight:%d)\n", Cfontface, gc->cex*gc->ps + 0.5, slant, wght); #endif #endif /* Add 0.5 per devX11.c in R src. We want to match it's png output as close * as possible. */ cairo_set_font_size (cc, gc->cex * gc->ps * xd->fontscale + 0.5); }
void draw_axis(cairo_surface_t *cs,int mark){ int i; cairo_t *c = cairo_create(cs); cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_font_face_t *ff; double SW = 105; cairo_set_source_rgba(c,AXIS_COLOR); cairo_set_line_width(c,AXIS_LINE_WIDTH); cairo_move_to(c,0,CR); cairo_line_to(c,W,CR); cairo_move_to(c,W-SW/2,CR-SW/3); cairo_line_to(c,W,CR); cairo_line_to(c,W-SW/2,CR+SW/3); cairo_stroke(c); cairo_set_line_width(c,AXIS_LINE_WIDTH*.75); if(mark){ for(i=1;i*SPACING<W;i++){ double x = i*SPACING-8; cairo_move_to(c,x,CR-AXIS_LINE_WIDTH*2); cairo_line_to(c,x,CR+AXIS_LINE_WIDTH*2); } cairo_stroke(c); } ff = cairo_toy_font_face_create ("Adobe Garamond", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_ITALIC, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); if(!ff){ fprintf(stderr,"Unable to create axis font"); exit(1); } cairo_set_font_face(c,ff); cairo_set_font_size(c, AXIS_FONT_SIZE); cairo_text_extents(c, "time", &extents); cairo_move_to(c, W-extents.width-SW*.6, CR + AXIS_FONT_SIZE); cairo_show_text(c, "time"); cairo_font_face_destroy(ff); cairo_destroy(c); }
int renderGlyphs2Cairo(imageObj *img, textPathObj *tp, colorObj *c, colorObj *oc, int ow) { cairo_renderer *r = CAIRO_RENDERER(img); cairoCacheData *cache = MS_IMAGE_RENDERER_CACHE(img); cairoFaceCache *cairo_face = NULL; FT_Face prevface = NULL; int g; cairo_set_font_size(r->cr,MS_NINT(tp->glyph_size * 96.0/72.0)); for(g=0;g<tp->numglyphs;g++) { glyphObj *gl = &tp->glyphs[g]; cairo_glyph_t glyph; /* load the glyph's face into cairo, if not already present */ if(gl->face->face != prevface) { cairo_face = getCairoFontFace(cache,gl->face->face); cairo_set_font_face(r->cr, cairo_face->face); cairo_set_font_options(r->cr,cairo_face->options); prevface = gl->face->face; cairo_set_font_size(r->cr,MS_NINT(tp->glyph_size * 96.0/72.0)); } cairo_save(r->cr); cairo_translate(r->cr,gl->pnt.x,gl->pnt.y); if(gl->rot != 0.0) cairo_rotate(r->cr, -gl->rot); glyph.x = glyph.y = 0; glyph.index = gl->glyph->key.codepoint; cairo_glyph_path(r->cr,&glyph,1); cairo_restore(r->cr); } if (oc) { cairo_save(r->cr); msCairoSetSourceColor(r->cr, oc); cairo_set_line_width(r->cr, ow + 1); cairo_stroke_preserve(r->cr); cairo_restore(r->cr); } if(c) { msCairoSetSourceColor(r->cr, c); cairo_fill(r->cr); } cairo_new_path(r->cr); return MS_SUCCESS; }
static cairo_status_t test_scaled_font_render_glyph (cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font, unsigned long glyph, cairo_t *cr, cairo_text_extents_t *extents) { cairo_glyph_t cairo_glyph; cairo_glyph.index = glyph; cairo_glyph.x = 0; cairo_glyph.y = 0; cairo_set_font_face (cr, cairo_font_face_get_user_data (cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face (scaled_font), &fallback_font_key)); cairo_show_glyphs (cr, &cairo_glyph, 1); cairo_glyph_extents (cr, &cairo_glyph, 1, extents); return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
void Label_t::paint() { clearSurface(); cr = graphics.getContext(); bounds = getBounds(); cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, ARGB_TO_CAIRO_PARAMS(shapeColor)); int textLeft; int textBot = (bounds.height / 2 - lastExtents.height / 2) + lastExtents.height; if (alignment == TextAlignment::CENTER) textLeft = bounds.width / 2 - lastExtents.width / 2; else if (alignment == TextAlignment::RIGHT) textLeft = bounds.width - lastExtents.width; else textLeft = 0; cairo_move_to(cr, textLeft, textBot); cairo_set_font_face(cr, font->getFace()); cairo_set_font_size(cr, fontSize); cairo_show_text(cr, text.c_str()); }
void Label_t::update() { Rectangle thisBounds(0, 0, getBounds().width, getBounds().height); // Check if the component was ever layouted, otherwise set to a high value if (!thisBounds.width && !thisBounds.height) { thisBounds.width = 9999; thisBounds.height = 9999; } // get text bounds cr = graphics.getContext(); cairo_set_font_face(cr, font->getFace()); cairo_set_font_size(cr, fontSize); cairo_text_extents(cr, this->text.c_str(), &lastExtents); Dimension newPreferred(lastExtents.width + 3, lastExtents.height + 3); // Set new preferred size if (getPreferredSize() != newPreferred) setPreferredSize(newPreferred); markFor(COMPONENT_REQUIREMENT_PAINT); }