Esempio n. 1
    void SkeletonSerializer::readBone(DataStreamPtr& stream, Skeleton* pSkel)
        // char* name
        String name = readString(stream);
        // unsigned short handle            : handle of the bone, should be contiguous & start at 0
        unsigned short handle;
        readShorts(stream, &handle, 1);

        // Create new bone
        Bone* pBone = pSkel->createBone(name, handle);

        // Vector3 position                 : position of this bone relative to parent 
        Vector3 pos;
        readObject(stream, pos);
        // Quaternion orientation           : orientation of this bone relative to parent 
        Quaternion q;
        readObject(stream, q);

        // Hack to fix chunk size validation:
        mChunkSizeStack.back() += calcStringSize(name);
        // TODO: don't depend on mCurrentstreamLen in next skeleton format!
        // Currently we use wrong chunk sizes, but we can't fix it, because we depend on mCurrentstreamLen
        // Do we have scale?
        if (mCurrentstreamLen > calcBoneSizeWithoutScale(pSkel, pBone))
            Vector3 scale;
            readObject(stream, scale);
    void SkeletonSerializer::readBone(DataStreamPtr& stream, Skeleton* pSkel)
        // char* name
        String name = readString(stream);
        // unsigned short handle            : handle of the bone, should be contiguous & start at 0
        unsigned short handle;
        readShorts(stream, &handle, 1);

        // Create new bone
        Bone* pBone = pSkel->createBone(name, handle);

        // Vector3 position                 : position of this bone relative to parent 
        Vector3 pos;
        readObject(stream, pos);
        // Quaternion orientation           : orientation of this bone relative to parent 
        Quaternion q;
        readObject(stream, q);
        // Do we have scale?
        if (mCurrentstreamLen > calcBoneSizeWithoutScale(pSkel, pBone))
            Vector3 scale;
            readObject(stream, scale);
Esempio n. 3
    size_t SkeletonSerializer::calcBoneSize(const Skeleton* pSkel, 
        const Bone* pBone)
        size_t size = calcBoneSizeWithoutScale(pSkel, pBone);

        // scale
        if (pBone->getScale() != Vector3::UNIT_SCALE)
            size += sizeof(float) * 3;

        return size;