Esempio n. 1
void calc_phase(PHASE_ENCODE_GRADIENT_T *grad, int write_flag, char VJparam_g[], char VJparam_t[]) 
   if ((ix > 1) && !sglarray) return;
   grad->writeToDisk = write_flag;          /* set writeToDiskFlag */
   strcpy(grad->param1,VJparam_g);          /* assign VNMRJ parameter 1 */
   strcpy(grad->param2,VJparam_t);          /* assign VNMRJ parameter 2 */
   calcPhase(grad);                         /* calculate and create phase encode grdient */
   /* return phase encode gradient parameters to VnmrJ space */   
   if (strcmp(VJparam_g, ""))
      putvalue(VJparam_g, grad->amp);
   if (strcmp(VJparam_t, "") )
      putvalue(VJparam_t, grad->duration);
Esempio n. 2
*  Function Name: calc_sim_gradient
*  Example:       calc_sim_gradient (GENERIC_GRADIENT_T  *grad0, 
*				    GENERIC_GRADIENT_T  *grad1,
*                                   GENERIC_GRADIENT_T  *grad2, 
*                                   double min_tpe, 
*                                   int write_flag)
*  Purpose:    Blocks up to three gradient
*  Input
*     Formal:  *grad0     - pointer to generic structure
*              *grad0     - pointer to generic structure
*              *grad0     - pointer to generic structure  
*              min_tpe    - minimum duration
*              write_flag - write to disk flag 
*     Private: none
*     Public:  
*  Output
*     Return:  double - duration of blocked greadients
*     Formal:  none
*     Private: none
*     Public:  none
*  Notes:      ONLY works for trapezoidal gradients
double calc_sim_gradient(GENERIC_GRADIENT_T  *grad0, GENERIC_GRADIENT_T  *grad1,
                         GENERIC_GRADIENT_T  *grad2, double min_tpe, int write_flag)
   int    i;                                /* loop counter */
   int    typesum = 0;                      /* check for gradient type */
   double time    = 0.0;                    /* longest duration of gradient */
   double tramp   = 0.0;                    /* longest ramp time */
   double duration0, duration1, duration2;  /* gradient durations */
   double tramp0, tramp1,tramp2;            /* gradient ramp time */
   double amp0, amp1, amp2;
   GENERIC_GRADIENT_T* grad[3];  /* internal array of structs to allow indexing */

   if ((ix > 1) && !sglarray) return(grad0->duration);
   /* assign input structs to internal array to allow use in for loop ***/
   grad[0] = grad0;
   grad[1] = grad1;
   grad[2] = grad2;

   /* check for  shape -> all gradients need to be trapezoidal */
   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
     if (grad[i]->shape != TRAPEZOID) {
       sgl_abort_message("ERROR calc_sim_gradient: Gradient %d ('%s') must be trapezoidal",i,grad[i]->name);   
   /* find longest gradient duration */
   duration0 = grad[0]->duration - grad[0]->tramp; /* duration of a square gradient with same integral & amplitude */
   duration1 = grad[1]->duration - grad[1]->tramp;
   duration2 = grad[2]->duration - grad[2]->tramp;
   time = MAX(MAX(duration0,duration1),duration2);  /* should already be granulated */

	if( trampfixed > 0.0 ) {

		tramp = grad[0]->tramp;

	} else {
		amp0   = (fabs(grad[0]->m0) + fabs(grad[0]->areaOffset))/time;  /* amplitude of square gradient with same integral and duration "time" */
		amp1   = (fabs(grad[1]->m0) + fabs(grad[1]->areaOffset))/time;
		amp2   = (fabs(grad[2]->m0) + fabs(grad[2]->areaOffset))/time;
   		tramp0 = amp0/grad[0]->slewRate; /* ramp time with new amplitude */
   		tramp1 = amp1/grad[1]->slewRate;
   		tramp2 = amp2/grad[2]->slewRate;

   		tramp = MAX(MAX(tramp0,tramp1),tramp2);
   		tramp = granularity(tramp,grad[0]->resolution);


   /* But use min_tpe as duration, if it is longer */
   time = MAX(time+tramp,granularity(min_tpe,grad[0]->resolution));
   /* assign new duration, ramp time, calc flag, and write flag to all 3 */
   grad[0]->duration = grad[1]->duration = grad[2]->duration = time;
   grad[0]->tramp    = grad[1]->tramp    = grad[2]->tramp    = tramp;
   grad[0]->calcFlag = grad[1]->calcFlag = grad[2]->calcFlag = AMPLITUDE_FROM_MOMENT_DURATION_RAMP;

   /* set writeToDisk flag */  
   grad[0]->writeToDisk = grad[1]->writeToDisk = grad[2]->writeToDisk = write_flag;  

   /* Re-calculate gradients */ 
   for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
         if (strcmp(grad[i]->param1, ""))
           putvalue(grad[i]->param1, grad[i]->amp);
         if (strcmp(grad[i]->param1, ""))
           putvalue(grad[i]->param1, grad[i]->amp);
         if (strcmp(grad[i]->param1, ""))
           putvalue(grad[i]->param1, grad[i]->amp);
         if (strcmp(grad[i]->param2, "")) 
           putvalue(grad[i]->param2, grad[i]->duration);
         if (strcmp(grad[i]->param1, ""))
           putvalue(grad[i]->param1, grad[i]->amp);
         typesum += 1;

   if (typesum >=2) {
     sgl_abort_message("ERROR calc_sim_gradient: 2 or more unspecified gradients as arguments");
   /* return longest duration */
Esempio n. 3
File: dmp.cpp Progetto: Lolu28/dmp
 * @brief Given a single demo trajectory, produces a multi-dim DMP
 * @param[in] demo An n-dim demonstration trajectory
 * @param[in] k_gains A proportional gain for each demo dimension
 * @param[in] d_gains A vector of differential gains for each demo dimension
 * @param[in] num_bases The number of basis functions to use for the fxn approx (i.e. the order of the Fourier series)
 * @param[out] dmp_list An n-dim list of DMPs that are all linked by a single canonical (phase) system
void learnFromDemo(const DMPTraj &demo,
				   const vector<double> &k_gains,
				   const vector<double> &d_gains,
				   const int &num_bases,
				   vector<DMPData> &dmp_list)
	//Determine traj length and dim
	int n_pts = demo.points.size();
	if(n_pts < 1){
		ROS_ERROR("Empty trajectory passed to learn_dmp_from_demo service!");
	int dims = demo.points[0].positions.size();
	double tau = demo.times[n_pts-1];

	double *x_demo = new double[n_pts];
	double *v_demo = new double[n_pts];
	double *v_dot_demo = new double[n_pts];
	double *f_domain = new double[n_pts];
	double *f_targets = new double[n_pts];
	FunctionApprox *f_approx = new FourierApprox(num_bases);

	//Compute the DMP weights for each DOF separately
	for(int d=0; d<dims; d++){
		double curr_k = k_gains[d];
		double curr_d = d_gains[d];
		double x_0 = demo.points[0].positions[d];
		double goal = demo.points[n_pts-1].positions[d];
		x_demo[0] = demo.points[0].positions[d];
		v_demo[0] = 0;
		v_dot_demo[0] = 0;

		//Calculate the demonstration v and v dot by assuming constant acceleration over a time period
		for(int i=1; i<n_pts; i++){
			x_demo[i] = demo.points[i].positions[d];
			double dx = x_demo[i] - x_demo[i-1];
			double dt = demo.times[i] - demo.times[i-1];
			v_demo[i] = dx/dt;
			v_dot_demo[i] = (v_demo[i] - v_demo[i-1]) / dt;

		//Calculate the target pairs so we can solve for the weights
		for(int i=0; i<n_pts; i++){
			double phase = calcPhase(demo.times[i],tau);
			f_domain[i] = demo.times[i]/tau;  //Scaled time is cleaner than phase for spacing reasons
			f_targets[i] = ((tau*tau*v_dot_demo[i] + curr_d*tau*v_demo[i]) / curr_k) - (goal-x_demo[i]) + ((goal-x_0)*phase);
			f_targets[i] /= phase; // Do this instead of having fxn approx scale its output based on phase

		//Solve for weights
		f_approx->leastSquaresWeights(f_domain, f_targets, n_pts);

		//Create the DMP structures
		DMPData *curr_dmp = new DMPData();
		curr_dmp->weights = f_approx->getWeights();
		curr_dmp->k_gain = curr_k;
		curr_dmp->d_gain = curr_d;

	delete[] x_demo;
	delete[] v_demo;
	delete[] v_dot_demo;
	delete[] f_domain;
	delete[] f_targets;
	delete f_approx;
Esempio n. 4
void calc_epi(EPI_GRADIENT_T          *epi_grad, 
              READOUT_GRADIENT_T      *ro_grad,
              PHASE_ENCODE_GRADIENT_T *pe_grad,
              REFOCUS_GRADIENT_T      *ror_grad,
              PHASE_ENCODE_GRADIENT_T *per_grad,
              READOUT_GRADIENT_T      *nav_grad,
              int write_flag) {

  /* Variables for generating gradient shapes */
  double dwint,blipint,skip,dw;
  int    np_ramp, np_flat, npro;
  double *dwell, *dac;
  double pos, neg;
  int    pt, pts, inx=0, lobe, lobes, blippts, zeropts;
  /* Variables for generating tables */
  int  n, seg, steps;
  char order_str[MAXSTR],gpe_tab[MAXSTR],tab_file[MAXSTR];
  FILE *fp;

  /* Error Checks */
  /* make sure that the combination of nseg, ky_order and fract_ky make sense */
  if (ky_order[0] == 'c') {
    /* Can't do just one segment with centric */
    if (nseg == 1) {
      if (ix == 1) {
        warn_message("WARNING %s: ky_order set to 'l'\n",seqfil);
        warn_message("            Only linear ordering allowed with single-shot acquisition\n");
      ky_order[0] = 'l';
    /* Must have even number of shots with centric ordering */
    if (((int) nseg % 2) == 1)
      abort_message("ERROR %s: Must do even number of shots with centric ordering\n",seqfil);

    /* Can't do fractional ky with centric acquisition */
    if (fract_ky != pe_grad->steps/2)
      abort_message("ERROR %s: fract_ky must be = nv/2 (%d) for centric acquisition\n",seqfil,(int) (pe_grad->steps/2));

  if (fract_ky > pe_grad->steps/2)
    abort_message("ERROR %s: fract_ky must be <= nv/2 (%d)\n",seqfil,(int) (pe_grad->steps/2));

  /* calculate etl */
  switch(ky_order[0]) {
    case 'l': 
      epi_grad->etl = (pe_grad->steps/2 + fract_ky)/nseg; 
      epi_grad->center_echo = fract_ky/nseg - 1;

      if (epi_grad->etl - ((int) epi_grad->etl) > 0.005)
        abort_message("%s: Echo train length ((%d/2+%d)/%d = %.2f) not an integer\n",
	  seqfil,(int)pe_grad->steps,(int) fract_ky, (int) nseg,epi_grad->etl);

    case 'c': 
      epi_grad->etl = pe_grad->steps/nseg; 
      epi_grad->center_echo = 0;
      if (epi_grad->etl - ((int) epi_grad->etl) > 0.005)
        abort_message("%s: Echo train length (%d/%d) not an integer\n",
	  seqfil,(int)pe_grad->steps,(int) nseg);

      abort_message("%s: ky_order %s not recognized, use 'l' (linear) or 'c' (centric)\n",
                     seqfil, ky_order);
  epi_grad->center_echo += ssepi*2;

  /* Generate a single phase encoding blip and the dephaser                       */
  blipint = 1/(pe_grad->fov/10*nuc_gamma()); /* base step in PE dimension */
  switch(ky_order[0]) {
    case 'l': /* each blip will jump nseg lines in ky: */
      pe_grad->m0     = blipint*nseg;
      per_grad->steps = pe_grad->steps;   /* each increment is = one blip unit */
      per_grad->m0    = blipint*per_grad->steps/2; /* start at nv/2, step 1 */
    case 'c': /* each blip will jump nseg/2 lines in ky: */
      pe_grad->m0     = blipint*nseg/2;
      per_grad->steps = nseg; 
      per_grad->m0    = blipint*per_grad->steps/2;  /* start at nseg/2, step 1 */
      abort_message("ky_order %s not recognized, use 'l' (linear) or 'c' (centric)\n",ky_order);

  /* Phase encoding blip */
  pe_grad->writeToDisk = FALSE;
  if ((pe_grad->duration < epi_grad->tblip) || (pe_grad->amp/pe_grad->tramp > pe_grad->slewRate)) {
    pe_grad->tramp    = granularity(MAX(epi_grad->tblip/2,pe_grad->amp/pe_grad->slewRate),pe_grad->resolution);
    pe_grad->duration = 2*pe_grad->tramp;

  /* Phase encoding dephaser */
  per_grad->maxGrad *= glim;
  per_grad->writeToDisk = write_flag;
  /* Now adjust the initial dephaser for fractional k-space */
  per_grad->amp *= (fract_ky/(pe_grad->steps/2));

  /* Create an array for dwell times */
  npro = ro_grad->numPointsFreq; 
  if ((dwell = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*npro)) == NULL) {
    abort_message("Can't allocate memory for dwell");

  /* Generate a single readout lobe */  
  ro_grad->writeToDisk = nav_grad->writeToDisk = FALSE;

  dw    = granularity(1/sw,1/epi_grad->ddrsr);
  dwint = dw*ro_grad->amp;

  skip  = getval("skip");              /* User specified min delay between acquisitions */
  skip  = MAX(skip,pe_grad->duration); /* Is PE blip longer? Then use that */
  skip /= 2;  /* in further calculations, skip is the skipped part on either ramp */

  /* If RO ramp - skip isn't at least one dwell, then we can't do ramp sampling */
  if (ro_grad->tramp - (skip + dw + getval("aqtm") - at) < dw) {
    if (rampsamp[0] == 'y') {
      printf("Blip duration or Min echo spacing is long (%.2fus), ramp sampling turned off",2*skip*1e6);
      rampsamp[0] = 'n';
    /* set ramp time and recalculate */
    ro_grad->tramp = skip + (dw + getval("aqtm") - at); 
  if (rampsamp[0] == 'n') {  /* No rampsampling, just use simple RO shape */
    np_ramp = 0; 
    np_flat = npro;
    skip = (ro_grad->atDelayFront + ro_grad->atDelayBack)/2;

    /* Set dwell array */
    for (pt = 0; pt < npro; pt++) 
      dwell[pt] = dw;
    dwell[npro-1] = 2*dw;  /* gradient duration is actually dw too long */

  else {  /* rampsampling */
    np_flat = npro - 2*np_ramp;

  }  /* end if rampsampling = 'y' */

  switch (ro_grad->error) {
    case ERR_NO_ERROR:
      abort_message("Readout gradient too large, increase FOV to %.2fmm",
        ro_grad->bandwidth/(ro_grad->gamma * ro_grad->maxGrad * MM_TO_CM));
      abort_message("Error in calculation of readout gradient (error %d)",

  /* We now have a single lobe, keep that for the navigator echo */
  nav_grad->amp        = ro_grad->amp; 
  nav_grad->duration   = ro_grad->duration; 
  nav_grad->tramp      = ro_grad->tramp; 
  nav_grad->m0         = ro_grad->m0;
  nav_grad->m0ref      = ro_grad->m0ref;
  nav_grad->dataPoints = ro_grad->dataPoints;
  nav_grad->numPoints  = ro_grad->numPoints;
  nav_grad->slewRate   = ro_grad->slewRate;

  /* Readout dephaser */
  ror_grad->balancingMoment0  = nav_grad->m0ref; /* ideal moment */
  /* adjust with grora tweaker */
  if (grora == 0) {
    warn_message("grora tweaker is 0, probably using old protocol - changed to 1.0");
    grora = 1.0;
  ror_grad->balancingMoment0 *= grora;
  ror_grad->writeToDisk       = write_flag;

  /* Expand gradient shapes to full echo train                                    */
  /* Readout - The navigator shape holds a single lobe                            */
  /* Does positive or negative lobe need to be adjusted for tweaker? */
  pos = neg = 1;
  if (groa >= 0)  /* Adjust negative downwards, since positive is already at max */
    neg = (1 - groa/nav_grad->amp);
  else /* groa < 0, Adjust positive downwards */
    pos = (1 + groa/nav_grad->amp);

  /* Increase the size of ro shape to hold full shape */
  /* free(ro_grad->dataPoints); Don't free this, it's now assigned to the navigator echo */
  lobes = (epi_grad->etl + ssepi*2);
  ro_grad->numPoints *= lobes;
  if ((ro_grad->dataPoints = (double *)malloc(ro_grad->numPoints*sizeof(double))) == NULL) 
    abort_message("%s: Problem allocating memory for EPI readout gradient",seqfil);
  ro_grad->duration *= lobes;

  /* Concatenate positive and negative lobes        */
  /* until we have a full echo train (plus ssepi)  */
  pts = nav_grad->numPoints;
  inx = 0;
  for (lobe = 0; lobe < lobes/2; lobe++) {
    for (pt = 0; pt < pts; pt++)
      ro_grad->dataPoints[inx++] =  nav_grad->dataPoints[pt] * pos;
    for (pt = 0; pt < pts; pt++)
      ro_grad->dataPoints[inx++] = -nav_grad->dataPoints[pt] * neg;

  /* Phase encoding  */
  /* Keep blip */
  blippts = pe_grad->numPoints;
  if ((dac = (double *)malloc(blippts*sizeof(double))) == NULL) 
    abort_message("%s: Problem allocating memory for EPI blip",seqfil);

  for (pt = 0; pt < blippts; pt++)
    dac[pt] = pe_grad->dataPoints[pt];

  /* Increase the size of pe shape to hold full shape */
  if ((pe_grad->dataPoints = (double *)malloc(ro_grad->numPoints*sizeof(double))) == NULL) 
    abort_message("%s: Problem allocating memory for EPI phase encoding gradient",seqfil);

  /* Pad front of shape - including ssepi time - with zeros */
  inx = 0;
  lobes = ssepi*2;
  zeropts = nav_grad->numPoints;
  for (lobe = 0; lobe < lobes; lobe++) {
    for (pt = 0; pt < zeropts; pt++) {
      pe_grad->dataPoints[inx++] = 0;
  zeropts = nav_grad->numPoints - blippts/2;
  for (pt = 0; pt < zeropts; pt++)
    pe_grad->dataPoints[inx++] = 0;

  lobes = epi_grad->etl-1;
  zeropts = nav_grad->numPoints - blippts;
  for (lobe=0; lobe < lobes; lobe++) {
    for (pt = 0; pt < blippts; pt++)    
      pe_grad->dataPoints[inx++] = dac[pt];
    for (pt = 0; pt < zeropts; pt++)
      pe_grad->dataPoints[inx++] = 0;
  /* Add a few zeros, half the duration of the blip + one lobe, at the very end */
  zeropts = blippts/2 + nav_grad->numPoints;
  zeropts = blippts/2;
  for (pt = 0; pt < zeropts; pt++)
    pe_grad->dataPoints[inx++] = 0;

  pe_grad->numPoints = ro_grad->numPoints;
  pe_grad->duration  = ro_grad->duration;
  /* Keep some parameters in EPI struct */
  epi_grad->skip      = skip;
  epi_grad->np_flat   = np_flat;
  epi_grad->np_ramp   = np_ramp;
  epi_grad->dwell     = dwell;
  epi_grad->duration  = ro_grad->duration;
  epi_grad->numPoints = ro_grad->numPoints;
  epi_grad->amppos    =  nav_grad->amp*pos;
  epi_grad->ampneg    = -nav_grad->amp*neg;
  epi_grad->amppe     =  pe_grad->amp;

  /* Write shapes to disk */
  if (writeToDisk(ro_grad->dataPoints, ro_grad->numPoints, 0, 
                  ro_grad->resolution, TRUE /* rollout */,
                  ro_grad->name) != ERR_NO_ERROR)
    abort_message("Problem writing shape %s (%d points) to disk",
                  ro_grad->name,(int) ro_grad->numPoints);

  if (writeToDisk(nav_grad->dataPoints, nav_grad->numPoints, 0, 
                  nav_grad->resolution, TRUE /* rollout */,
                  nav_grad->name) != ERR_NO_ERROR)
    abort_message("Problem writing shape %s (%d points) to disk",
                  nav_grad->name,(int) nav_grad->numPoints);

  if (writeToDisk(pe_grad->dataPoints, pe_grad->numPoints, 0, 
                  pe_grad->resolution, TRUE /* rollout */, 
                  pe_grad->name) != ERR_NO_ERROR)
    abort_message("Problem writing shape %s (%d points) to disk",
                  pe_grad->name,(int) pe_grad->numPoints);

  /* Create EPI tables */
  /* Generates two tables:  */ 
  /* t1 that specifies the k-space ordering, used by recon_all */
  /* t2 that specifies which direction in k-space to go in a given shot */
  /*     1 = positive blips, and -1 = negative blips */
  if ((epi_grad->table1 = (int *)malloc(pe_grad->steps*sizeof(int))) == NULL) 
    abort_message("%s: Problem allocating memory for EPI table1",seqfil);
  if ((epi_grad->table2 = (int *)malloc(nseg*sizeof(int))) == NULL) 
    abort_message("%s: Problem allocating memory for EPI table2",seqfil);
  switch(ky_order[0]) {
    case 'l':
      inx = 0;
      for (seg = 0; seg < nseg; seg++) {
        epi_grad->table1[inx++] = -fract_ky + seg;
        for (n = 0; n < epi_grad->etl-1; n++) {
          epi_grad->table1[inx] = (int) (epi_grad->table1[inx-1]+nseg);
      for (seg = 0; seg < nseg; seg++) 
        epi_grad->table2[seg] = 1;
    case 'c':
      inx = 0;
      for (seg = 0; seg < nseg; seg++) {
        epi_grad->table1[inx++] = -(nseg/2 - seg);
        for (n = 0; n < epi_grad->etl-1; n++) {
          if (epi_grad->table1[inx-1] >= 0)
            epi_grad->table1[inx] = (int) (epi_grad->table1[inx-1] + nseg/2);
            epi_grad->table1[inx] = (int) (epi_grad->table1[inx-1] - nseg/2);
      for (seg = 0; seg < nseg; seg++)
        epi_grad->table2[seg] = ((nseg/2 - 1 - seg >= 0) ? -1 : 1);

      default:  /* This should have been caught earlier */
  steps = inx;

  /* Print table t1 to file in tablib */
  switch(ky_order[0]) {
    case 'l': sprintf(order_str,"lin"); break;
    case 'c': sprintf(order_str,"cen"); break;
      abort_message("%s: ky_order %s not recognized, use 'l' (linear) or 'c' (centric)\n",

  if (ky_order[1] == 'r')  /* not reversed */

  if ((fp = fopen(tab_file,"w")) == NULL) {
    abort_message("Error opening file %s\n",gpe_tab);

  fprintf(fp,"t1 = ");
  for (inx = 0; inx < steps; inx++) {
    if (ky_order[1] == 'r')
      fprintf(fp,"%d ", epi_grad->table1[inx]);
      fprintf(fp,"%d ", -epi_grad->table1[inx]);

  /* Return values in VnmrJ parameter pe_table */
  putCmd("if ($ex > 0) then\n");
  putCmd("  pe_table = 0\n"); //reset pe_table array
  for (inx = 0; inx < steps; inx++) {
    putCmd("  pe_table[%d] = %d\n",inx+1,
      ((ky_order[1] == 'r') ? 1 : -1)*epi_grad->table1[inx]);
Esempio n. 5
File: dmp.cpp Progetto: Lolu28/dmp
 * @brief Use the current active multi-dim DMP to create a plan starting from x_0 toward a goal
 * @param[in] dmp_list An n-dim list of DMPs that are all linked by a single canonical (phase) system
 * @param[in] x_0 The (n-dim) starting state for planning
 * @param[in] x_dot_0 The (n-dim) starting instantaneous change in state for planning
 * @param[in] t_0 The time in seconds at which to begin the planning segment. Should only be nonzero when doing a partial segment plan that does not start at beginning of DMP
 * @param[in] goal The (n-dim) goal point for planning
 * @param[in] goal_thresh Planning will continue until system is within the specified threshold of goal in each dimension
 * @param[in] seg_length The length of the requested plan segment in seconds. Set to -1 if plan until goal is desired.
 * @param[in] tau The time scaling constant (in this implementation, it is the desired length of the TOTAL (not just this segment) DMP execution in seconds)
 * @param[in] total_dt The desired time resolution of the plan
 * @param[in] integrate_iter The number of loops used when numerically integrating accelerations
 * @param[out] plan An n-dim plan starting from x_0
 * @param[out] at_goal True if the final time is greater than tau AND the planned position is within goal_thresh of the goal
void generatePlan(const vector<DMPData> &dmp_list,
				  const vector<double> &x_0,
				  const vector<double> &x_dot_0,
				  const double &t_0,
				  const vector<double> &goal,
				  const vector<double> &goal_thresh,
				  const double &seg_length,
				  const double &tau,
				  const double &total_dt,
				  const int &integrate_iter,
				  DMPTraj &plan,
				  uint8_t &at_goal)
	at_goal = false;

	int dims = dmp_list.size();
	int n_pts = 0;
	double dt = total_dt / integrate_iter;

	vector<double> *x_vecs, *x_dot_vecs;
	vector<double> t_vec;
	x_vecs = new vector<double>[dims];
	x_dot_vecs = new vector<double>[dims];
	FunctionApprox **f = new FunctionApprox*[dims];

	for(int i=0; i<dims; i++)
		f[i] = new FourierApprox(dmp_list[i].weights);
	double t = 0;
	double f_eval;

	//Plan for at least tau seconds.  After that, plan until goal_thresh is satisfied.
	//Cut off if plan exceeds MAX_PLAN_LENGTH seconds, in case of overshoot / oscillation
	//Only plan for seg_length seconds if specified
	bool seg_end = false;
	while(((t+t_0) < tau || (!at_goal && t<MAX_PLAN_LENGTH)) && !seg_end){
		//Check if we've planned to the segment end yet
		if(seg_length > 0){
			if (t > seg_length) seg_end = true;

		//Plan in each dimension
		for(int i=0; i<dims; i++){
            double x,v;
                x = x_0[i];
                v = x_dot_0[i];
                x = x_vecs[i][n_pts-1];
			    v = x_dot_vecs[i][n_pts-1] * tau;

			//Numerically integrate to get new x and v
			for(int iter=0; iter<integrate_iter; iter++)
				//Compute the phase and the log of the phase to assist with some numerical issues
				//Then, evaluate the function approximator at the log of the phase
				double s = calcPhase((t+t_0) + (dt*iter), tau);
				double log_s = (t+t_0)/tau;
				if(log_s >= 1.0){
					f_eval = 0;
					f_eval = f[i]->evalAt(log_s) * s;

				//Update v dot and x dot based on DMP differential equations
				double v_dot = (dmp_list[i].k_gain*((goal[i]-x) - (goal[i]-x_0[i])*s + f_eval) - dmp_list[i].d_gain*v) / tau;
				double x_dot = v/tau;

				//Update state variables
				v += v_dot * dt;
				x += x_dot * dt;

			//Add current state to the plan
		t += total_dt;

		//If plan is at least minimum length, check to see if we are close enough to goal
		if((t+t_0) >= tau){
			at_goal = true;
			for(int i=0; i<dims; i++){
				if(goal_thresh[i] > 0){
					if(fabs(x_vecs[i][n_pts-1] - goal[i]) > goal_thresh[i])
						at_goal = false;

	//Create a plan from the generated trajectories
	for(int j=0; j<n_pts; j++){
	for(int i=0; i<dims; i++){
		for(int j=0; j<n_pts; j++){
			plan.points[j].positions[i] = x_vecs[i][j];
			plan.points[j].velocities[i] = x_dot_vecs[i][j];
	plan.times = t_vec;

	//Clean up
	for(int i=0; i<dims; i++){
		delete f[i];
	delete[] f;
	delete[] x_vecs;
	delete[] x_dot_vecs;