int main(int argc,char** argv) { int err; char cdmName[10]; int spin2, charge3,cdim; ForceUG=0; /* to Force Unitary Gauge assign 1 */ if(argc< 2) { printf(" Correct usage: ./main <file with parameters> \n"); printf("Example: ./main data1.par \n"); exit(1); } err=readVar(argv[1]); if(err==-1) {printf("Can not open the file\n"); exit(1);} else if(err>0) { printf("Wrong file contents at line %d\n",err);exit(1);} err=sortOddParticles(cdmName); if(err) { printf("Can't calculate %s\n",cdmName); return 1;} qNumbers(cdmName, &spin2, &charge3, &cdim); printf("\nDark matter candidate is '%s' with spin=%d/2\n", cdmName, spin2); if(charge3) { printf("Dark Matter has electric charge %d*3\n",charge3); exit(1);} if(cdim!=1) { printf("Dark Matter ia a color particle\n"); exit(1);} #ifdef MASSES_INFO { printf("\n=== MASSES OF HIGG AND ODD PARTICLES: ===\n"); printHiggs(stdout); printMasses(stdout,1); } #endif #ifdef OMEGA { int fast=1; double Beps=1.E-5, cut=0.0001; double Omega,Xf; // deltaY=4.4E-13; // to exclude processes with virtual W/Z in DM annihilation VZdecay=0; VWdecay=0; cleanDecayTable(); // to include processes with virtual W/Z also in co-annihilation // VZdecay=2; VWdecay=2; cleanDecayTable(); printf("\n==== Calculation of relic density =====\n"); Omega=darkOmega(&Xf,fast,Beps); printf("Xf=%.2e Omega=%.2e\n",Xf,Omega); printChannels(Xf,cut,Beps,1,stdout); VZdecay=1; VWdecay=1; cleanDecayTable(); // restore default } #endif #ifdef INDIRECT_DETECTION { int err,i; double Emin=1,/* Energy cut in GeV */ sigmaV; double vcs_gz,vcs_gg; char txt[100]; double SpA[NZ],SpE[NZ],SpP[NZ]; double FluxA[NZ],FluxE[NZ],FluxP[NZ]; double * SpNe=NULL,*SpNm=NULL,*SpNl=NULL; double Etest=Mcdm/2; printf("\n==== Indirect detection =======\n"); sigmaV=calcSpectrum(4,SpA,SpE,SpP,SpNe,SpNm,SpNl ,&err); /* Returns sigma*v in cm^3/sec. SpX - calculated spectra of annihilation. Use SpectdNdE(E, SpX) to calculate energy distribution in 1/GeV units. First parameter 1-includes W/Z polarization 2-includes gammas for 2->2+gamma 4-print cross sections */ printf("sigmav=%.2E[cm^3/s] = %.2E[pb] \n", sigmaV, sigmaV/2.9979E-26); if(SpA) { double fi=0.1,dfi=0.05; /* angle of sight and 1/2 of cone angle in [rad] */ gammaFluxTab(fi,dfi, sigmaV, SpA, FluxA); printf("Photon flux for angle of sight f=%.2f[rad]\n" "and spherical region described by cone with angle %.2f[rad]\n",fi,2*dfi); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS sprintf(txt,"Photon flux[cm^2 s GeV]^{1} at f=%.2f[rad], cone angle %.2f[rad]",fi,2*dfi); displaySpectrum(FluxA,txt,Emin,Mcdm); #endif printf("Photon flux = %.2E[cm^2 s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV]\n",SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxA), Etest); } if(SpE) { posiFluxTab(Emin, sigmaV, SpE, FluxE); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(FluxE,"positron flux [cm^2 s sr GeV]^{-1}" ,Emin,Mcdm); #endif printf("Positron flux = %.2E[cm^2 sr s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV] \n", SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxE), Etest); } if(SpP) { pbarFluxTab(Emin, sigmaV, SpP, FluxP ); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(FluxP,"antiproton flux [cm^2 s sr GeV]^{-1}" ,Emin, Mcdm); #endif printf("Antiproton flux = %.2E[cm^2 sr s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV] \n", SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxP), Etest); } } #endif #ifdef RESET_FORMFACTORS { /* The user has approach to form factors which specifies quark contents of proton and nucleon via global parametes like <Type>FF<Nucleon><q> where <Type> can be "Scalar", "pVector", and "Sigma"; <Nucleon> "P" or "N" for proton and neutron <q> "d", "u","s" calcScalarQuarkFF( Mu/Md, Ms/Md, sigmaPiN[MeV], sigmaS[MeV]) calculates and rewrites Scalar form factors */ printf("\n======== RESET_FORMFACTORS ======\n"); printf("protonFF (default) d %.2E, u %.2E, s %.2E\n",ScalarFFPd, ScalarFFPu,ScalarFFPs); printf("neutronFF(default) d %.2E, u %.2E, s %.2E\n",ScalarFFNd, ScalarFFNu,ScalarFFNs); calcScalarQuarkFF(0.46,27.5,34.,42.); // To restore default form factors of version 2 call // calcScalarQuarkFF(0.553,18.9,55.,243.5); printf("protonFF (new) d %.2E, u %.2E, s %.2E\n",ScalarFFPd, ScalarFFPu,ScalarFFPs); printf("neutronFF(new) d %.2E, u %.2E, s %.2E\n",ScalarFFNd, ScalarFFNu,ScalarFFNs); } #endif #ifdef CDM_NUCLEON { double pA0[2],pA5[2],nA0[2],nA5[2]; double Nmass=0.939; /*nucleon mass*/ double SCcoeff; printf("\n==== Calculation of CDM-nucleons amplitudes =====\n"); nucleonAmplitudes(CDM1,NULL, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("CDM[antiCDM]-nucleon micrOMEGAs amplitudes:\n"); printf("proton: SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n",pA0[0], pA0[1], pA5[0], pA5[1] ); printf("neutron: SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n",nA0[0], nA0[1], nA5[0], nA5[1] ); SCcoeff=4/M_PI*3.8937966E8*pow(Nmass*Mcdm/(Nmass+ Mcdm),2.); printf("CDM[antiCDM]-nucleon cross sections[pb]:\n"); printf(" proton SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n", SCcoeff*pA0[0]*pA0[0],SCcoeff*pA0[1]*pA0[1],3*SCcoeff*pA5[0]*pA5[0],3*SCcoeff*pA5[1]*pA5[1]); printf(" neutron SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n", SCcoeff*nA0[0]*nA0[0],SCcoeff*nA0[1]*nA0[1],3*SCcoeff*nA5[0]*nA5[0],3*SCcoeff*nA5[1]*nA5[1]); } #endif #ifdef CDM_NUCLEUS { double dNdE[300]; double nEvents; printf("\n======== Direct Detection ========\n"); nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,73,Z_Ge,J_Ge73,SxxGe73,NULL,dNdE); printf("73Ge: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 73Ge",0,199); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,131,Z_Xe,J_Xe131,SxxXe131,NULL,dNdE); printf("131Xe: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 131Xe",0,199); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,23,Z_Na,J_Na23,SxxNa23,NULL,dNdE); printf("23Na: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 23Na",0,199); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,127,Z_I,J_I127,SxxI127,NULL,dNdE); printf("I127: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 127I",0,199); #endif } #endif #ifdef NEUTRINO { double nu[NZ], nu_bar[NZ],mu[NZ]; double Ntot; int forSun=1; double Emin=0.01; printf("\n===============Neutrino Telescope======= for "); if(forSun) printf("Sun\n"); else printf("Earth\n"); err=neutrinoFlux(Maxwell,forSun, nu,nu_bar); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(nu,"nu flux from Sun [1/Year/km^2/GeV]",Emin,Mcdm); displaySpectrum(nu_bar,"nu-bar from Sun [1/Year/km^2/GeV]",Emin,Mcdm); #endif { double Ntot; double Emin=10; //GeV spectrInfo(Emin/Mcdm,nu, &Ntot,NULL); printf(" E>%.1E GeV neutrino flux %.3E [1/Year/km^2] \n",Emin,Ntot); spectrInfo(Emin/Mcdm,nu_bar, &Ntot,NULL); printf(" E>%.1E GeV anti-neutrino flux %.3E [1/Year/km^2]\n",Emin,Ntot); } /* Upward events */ muonUpward(nu,nu_bar, mu); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(mu,"Upward muons[1/Year/km^2/GeV]",1,Mcdm/2); #endif { double Ntot; double Emin=1; //GeV spectrInfo(Emin/Mcdm,mu, &Ntot,NULL); printf(" E>%.1E GeV Upward muon flux %.3E [1/Year/km^2]\n",Emin,Ntot); } /* Contained events */ muonContained(nu,nu_bar,1., mu); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(mu,"Contained muons[1/Year/km^3/GeV]",Emin,Mcdm); #endif { double Ntot; double Emin=1; //GeV spectrInfo(Emin/Mcdm,mu, &Ntot,NULL); printf(" E>%.1E GeV Contained muon flux %.3E [1/Year/km^3]\n",Emin,Ntot); } } #endif #ifdef DECAYS { txtList L; double width,br; char * pname; printf("\n================= Decays ==============\n"); pname = "h"; width=pWidth(pname,&L); printf("\n%s : total width=%.3E \n and Branchings:\n",pname,width); printTxtList(L,stdout); pname = "~L"; width=pWidth(pname,&L); printf("\n%s : total width=%.3E \n and Branchings:\n",pname,width); printTxtList(L,stdout); } #endif #ifdef CROSS_SECTIONS { double v0=0.001, Pcm=Mcdm*v0/2,cs; int err; numout*cc; cc=newProcess("~n,~N->W+,W-"); passParameters(cc); cs=v0*cs22(cc,1,0.001*Mcdm/2,-1.,1.,&err); printf("cs=%e\n",cs); } #endif killPlots(); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { int err; char cdmName[10]; int spin2, charge3,cdim; // sysTimeLim=1000; ForceUG=0; /* to Force Unitary Gauge assign 1 */ // nPROCSS=0; /* to switch off multiprocessor calculations */ /* if you would like to work with superIso setenv("superIso","./superiso_v3.1",1); */ #ifdef SUGRA { double m0,mhf,a0,tb; double gMG1, gMG2, gMG3, gAl, gAt, gAb, sgn, gMHu, gMHd, gMl2, gMl3, gMr2, gMr3, gMq2, gMq3, gMu2, gMu3, gMd2, gMd3; printf("\n========= mSUGRA scenario =====\n"); PRINTRGE(RGE); if(argc<5) { printf(" This program needs 4 parameters:\n" " m0 common scalar mass at GUT scale\n" " mhf common gaugino mass at GUT scale\n" " a0 trilinear soft breaking parameter at GUT scale\n" " tb tan(beta) \n"); printf(" Auxiliary parameters are:\n" " sgn +/-1, sign of Higgsino mass term (default 1)\n" " Mtp top quark pole mass\n" " MbMb Mb(Mb) scale independent b-quark mass\n" " alfSMZ strong coupling at MZ\n"); /* printf("Example: ./main 70 250 -300 10\n"); */ printf("Example: ./main 120 500 -350 10 1 173.1 \n"); exit(1); } else { double Mtp,MbMb,alfSMZ; sscanf(argv[1],"%lf",&m0); sscanf(argv[2],"%lf",&mhf); sscanf(argv[3],"%lf",&a0); sscanf(argv[4],"%lf",&tb); if(argc>5)sscanf(argv[5],"%lf",&sgn); else sgn=1; if(argc>6){ sscanf(argv[6],"%lf",&Mtp); assignValW("Mtp",Mtp); } if(argc>7){ sscanf(argv[7],"%lf",&MbMb); assignValW("MbMb",MbMb); } if(argc>8){ sscanf(argv[8],"%lf",&alfSMZ); assignValW("alfSMZ",alfSMZ);} } /*==== simulation of mSUGRA =====*/ gMG1=mhf, gMG2=mhf,gMG3=mhf; gAl=a0, gAt=a0, gAb=a0; gMHu=m0, gMHd=m0; gMl2=m0, gMl3=m0, gMr2=m0, gMr3=m0; gMq2=m0, gMq3=m0, gMu2=m0, gMd2=m0, gMu3=m0, gMd3=m0; err= SUGRAMODEL(RGE) (tb, gMG1, gMG2, gMG3, gAl, gAt, gAb, sgn, gMHu, gMHd, gMl2, gMl3, gMr2, gMr3, gMq2, gMq3, gMu2, gMu3, gMd2, gMd3); } #elif defined(SUGRANUH) { double m0,mhf,a0,tb; double gMG1, gMG2, gMG3, gAl, gAt, gAb, gMl2, gMl3, gMr2, gMr3, gMq2, gMq3, gMu2, gMu3, gMd2, gMd3,mu,MA; printf("\n========= mSUGRA non-universal Higgs scenario =====\n"); PRINTRGE(RGE); if(argc<7) { printf(" This program needs 6 parameters:\n" " m0 common scalar mass at GUT scale\n" " mhf common gaugino mass at GUT scale\n" " a0 trilinear soft breaking parameter at GUT scale\n" " tb tan(beta) \n" " mu mu(EWSB)\n" " MA mass of pseudoscalar Higgs\n"); printf(" Auxiliary parameters are:\n" " Mtp top quark pole mass\n" " MbMb Mb(Mb) scale independent b-quark mass\n" " alfSMZ strong coupling at MZ\n"); /* printf("Example: ./main 70 250 -300 10\n"); */ printf("Example: ./main 120 500 -350 10 680 760 \n"); exit(1); } else { double Mtp,MbMb,alfSMZ; sscanf(argv[1],"%lf",&m0); sscanf(argv[2],"%lf",&mhf); sscanf(argv[3],"%lf",&a0); sscanf(argv[4],"%lf",&tb); sscanf(argv[5],"%lf",&mu); sscanf(argv[6],"%lf",&MA); if(argc>7){ sscanf(argv[7],"%lf",&Mtp); assignValW("Mtp",Mtp); } if(argc>8){ sscanf(argv[8],"%lf",&MbMb); assignValW("MbMb",MbMb); } if(argc>9){ sscanf(argv[9],"%lf",&alfSMZ); assignValW("alfSMZ",alfSMZ);} } /*==== simulation of mSUGRA =====*/ gMG1=mhf, gMG2=mhf,gMG3=mhf; gAl=a0, gAt=a0, gAb=a0; gMl2=m0, gMl3=m0, gMr2=m0, gMr3=m0; gMq2=m0, gMq3=m0, gMu2=m0, gMd2=m0, gMu3=m0, gMd3=m0; err= SUGRANUHMODEL(RGE) (tb,gMG1,gMG2,gMG3,gAl,gAt,gAb,gMl2,gMl3,gMr2,gMr3,gMq2,gMq3,gMu2,gMu3,gMd2,gMd3,mu,MA); } #elif defined(AMSB) { double m0,m32,sgn,tb; printf("\n========= AMSB scenario =====\n"); PRINTRGE(RGE); if(argc<4) { printf(" This program needs 3 parameters:\n" " m0 common scalar mass at GUT scale\n" " m3/2 gravitino mass\n" " tb tan(beta) \n"); printf(" Auxiliary parameters are:\n" " sgn +/-1, sign of Higgsino mass term (default 1)\n" " Mtp top quark pole mass\n" " MbMb Mb(Mb) scale independent b-quark mass\n" " alfSMZ strong coupling at MZ\n"); printf("Example: ./main 450 60000 10\n"); exit(1); } else { double Mtp,MbMb,alfSMZ; sscanf(argv[1],"%lf",&m0); sscanf(argv[2],"%lf",&m32); sscanf(argv[3],"%lf",&tb); if(argc>4)sscanf(argv[4],"%lf",&sgn); else sgn=1; if(argc>5){ sscanf(argv[5],"%lf",&Mtp); assignValW("Mtp",Mtp); } if(argc>6){ sscanf(argv[6],"%lf",&MbMb); assignValW("MbMb",MbMb); } if(argc>7){ sscanf(argv[7],"%lf",&alfSMZ); assignValW("alfSMZ",alfSMZ);} } err= AMSBMODEL(RGE)(m0,m32,tb,sgn); } #elif defined(EWSB) { printf("\n========= EWSB scale input =========\n"); PRINTRGE(RGE); if(argc <2) { printf("The program needs one argument:the name of file with MSSM parameters.\n" "Example: ./main mssm1.par \n"); exit(1); } printf("Initial file \"%s\"\n",argv[1]); err=readVarMSSM(argv[1]); if(err==-1) { printf("Can not open the file\n"); exit(2);} else if(err>0) { printf("Wrong file contents at line %d\n",err);exit(3);} err=EWSBMODEL(RGE)(); } #else { printf("\n========= SLHA file input =========\n"); if(argc <2) { printf("The program needs one argument:the name of SLHA input file.\n" "Example: ./main suspect2_lha.out \n"); exit(1); } printf("Initial file \"%s\"\n",argv[1]); err=lesHinput(argv[1]); if(err) exit(2); } #endif if(err==-1) { printf("Can not open the file\n"); exit(2);} else if(err>0) { printf("Wrong file contents at line %d\n",err);exit(3);} { int nw; printf("Warnings from spectrum calculator:\n"); nw=slhaWarnings(stdout); if(nw==0) printf(" .....none\n"); } if(err) exit(1); err=sortOddParticles(cdmName); if(err) { printf("Can't calculate %s\n",cdmName); return 1;} qNumbers(cdmName,&spin2, &charge3, &cdim); printf("\nDark matter candidate is '%s' with spin=%d/2 mass=%.2E\n", cdmName, spin2, Mcdm); if(charge3) { printf("Dark Matter has electric charge %d/3\n",charge3); exit(1);} if(cdim!=1) { printf("Dark Matter is a color particle\n"); exit(1);} if(strcmp(cdmName,"~o1")) printf(" ~o1 is not CDM\n"); else o1Contents(stdout); #ifdef MASSES_INFO { printf("\n=== MASSES OF HIGGS AND SUSY PARTICLES: ===\n"); printHiggs(stdout); printMasses(stdout,1); } #endif #ifdef CONSTRAINTS { double SMbsg,dmunu; printf("\n\n==== Physical Constraints: =====\n"); printf("deltartho=%.2E\n",deltarho()); printf("gmuon=%.2E\n", gmuon()); printf("bsgnlo=%.2E ", bsgnlo(&SMbsg)); printf("( SM %.2E )\n",SMbsg); printf("bsmumu=%.2E\n", bsmumu()); printf("btaunu=%.2E\n", btaunu()); printf("dtaunu=%.2E ", dtaunu(&dmunu)); printf("dmunu=%.2E\n", dmunu); printf("Rl23=%.3E\n", Rl23()); if(masslimits()==0) printf("MassLimits OK\n"); } #endif #ifdef HIGGSBOUNDS if(access(HIGGSBOUNDS "/HiggsBounds",X_OK )) system( "cd " HIGGSBOUNDS "; ./configure; make "); slhaWrite(""); HBblocks(""); system(HIGGSBOUNDS "/HiggsBounds LandH SLHA 3 1 HB.out > hb.stdout"); slhaRead("HB.out",1+4); printf("HB result= %.0E obsratio=%.2E\n",slhaValFormat("HiggsBoundsResults",0.,"1 2 %lf"), slhaValFormat("HiggsBoundsResults",0.,"1 3 %lf" ) ); { char hbInfo[100]; if(0==slhaSTRFormat("HiggsBoundsResults","1 5 ||%[^|]||",hbInfo)) printf("Channel: %s\n",hbInfo); } #endif #ifdef HIGGSSIGNALS #define DataSet " latestresults " //#define Method " peak " //#define Method " mass " #define Method " both " #define PDF " 2 " // Gaussian //#define PDF " 1 " // box //#define PDF " 3 " // box+Gaussia #define dMh " 2 " printf("HiggsSignals:\n"); if(access(HIGGSSIGNALS "/HiggsSignals",X_OK )) system( "cd " HIGGSSIGNALS "; ./configure; make "); system("rm -f HS.out"); slhaWrite(""); HBblocks(""); system("echo 'BLOCK DMASS\n 25 " dMh " '>>"); system(HIGGSSIGNALS "/HiggsSignals" DataSet Method PDF " SLHA 3 1 > hs.stdout"); system("grep -A 10000 HiggsSignalsResults > HS.out"); slhaRead("HS.out",1+4); printf(" Number of observables %.0f\n",slhaVal("HiggsSignalsResults",0.,1,7)); printf(" total chi^2= %.1E\n",slhaVal("HiggsSignalsResults",0.,1,12)); printf(" HS p-value = %.1E\n", slhaVal("HiggsSignalsResults",0.,1,13)); #undef dMh #undef PDF #undef Method #undef DataSet #endif #ifdef LILITH if(LiLithF("Lilith_in.xml")) { double like; int exp_ndf; system("python " LILITH "/ Lilith_in.xml -s -r Lilith_out.slha"); slhaRead("Lilith_out.slha", 1); like = slhaVal("LilithResults",0.,1,0); exp_ndf = slhaVal("LilithResults",0.,1,1); printf("LILITH: -2*log(L): %f; exp ndf: %d \n", like,exp_ndf ); } else printf("LILITH: there is no Higgs candidate\n"); #endif #ifdef SMODELS { int res; smodels(4000.,5, 0.1, "",0); system("make -C " SMODELS); system(SMODELS "/ xseccomputer -p -N -O -f"); system(SMODELS "/ -f -s smodels.res -particles ./ > smodels.out "); slhaRead("smodels.res", 1); res=slhaVal("SModelS_Exclusion",0.,2,0,0); switch(res) { case -1: printf("SMODELS: no channels for testing\n");break; case 0: printf("SMODELS: not excluded\n");break; case 1: printf("SMODELS: excluded\n");break; } } #endif #ifdef OMEGA { int fast=1; double Beps=1.E-5, cut=0.01; double Omega,Xf; // to exclude processes with virtual W/Z in DM annihilation VZdecay=0; VWdecay=0; cleanDecayTable(); // to include processes with virtual W/Z also in co-annihilation // VZdecay=2; VWdecay=2; cleanDecayTable(); printf("\n==== Calculation of relic density =====\n"); sortOddParticles(cdmName); Omega=darkOmega(&Xf,fast,Beps); printf("Xf=%.2e Omega=%.2e\n",Xf,Omega); // printChannels(Xf,cut,Beps,1,stdout); // direct access for annihilation channels /* if(omegaCh){ int i; for(i=0; omegaCh[i].weight>0 ;i++) printf(" %.2E %s %s -> %s %s\n", omegaCh[i].weight, omegaCh[i].prtcl[0], omegaCh[i].prtcl[1],omegaCh[i].prtcl[2],omegaCh[i].prtcl[3]); } */ // to restore default switches VZdecay=1; VWdecay=1; cleanDecayTable(); } #endif VZdecay=0; VWdecay=0; cleanDecayTable(); #ifdef INDIRECT_DETECTION { int err,i; double Emin=1,SMmev=320;/*Energy cut in GeV and solar potential in MV*/ double sigmaV; char txt[100]; double SpA[NZ],SpE[NZ],SpP[NZ]; double FluxA[NZ],FluxE[NZ],FluxP[NZ]; double SpNe[NZ],SpNm[NZ],SpNl[NZ]; // double * SpNe=NULL,*SpNm=NULL,*SpNl=NULL; double Etest=Mcdm/2; /* default DarkSUSY parameters */ /* K_dif=0.036; L_dif=4; Delta_dif=0.6; Vc_dif=10; Rdisk=30; SMmev=320; */ printf("\n==== Indirect detection =======\n"); sigmaV=calcSpectrum(1+2+4,SpA,SpE,SpP,SpNe,SpNm,SpNl ,&err); /* Returns sigma*v in cm^3/sec. SpX - calculated spectra of annihilation. Use SpectdNdE(E, SpX) to calculate energy distribution in 1/GeV units. First parameter 1-includes W/Z polarization 2-includes gammas for 2->2+gamma 4-print cross sections */ if(SpA) { double fi=0.1,dfi=M_PI/180.; /* angle of sight and 1/2 of cone angle in [rad] */ /* dfi corresponds to solid angle 1.E-3sr */ printf("\nPhoton flux for angle of sight f=%.2f[rad]\n" "and spherical region described by cone with angle %.4f[rad]\n",fi,2*dfi); gammaFluxTab(fi,dfi, sigmaV, SpA, FluxA); printf("Photon flux = %.2E[cm^2 s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV]\n",SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxA), Etest); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS sprintf(txt,"Photon flux for angle of sight %.2f[rad] and cone angle %.2f[rad]",fi,2*dfi); displaySpectrum(txt,Emin,Mcdm,FluxA); #endif printf("Photon flux = %.2E[cm^2 s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV]\n",SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxA), Etest); } if(SpE) { posiFluxTab(Emin, sigmaV, SpE, FluxE); if(SMmev>0) solarModulation(SMmev,0.0005,FluxE,FluxE); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum("positron flux [cm^2 s sr GeV]^{-1}" ,Emin,Mcdm,FluxE); #endif printf("\nPositron flux = %.2E[cm^2 sr s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV] \n", SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxE), Etest); } if(SpP) { pbarFluxTab(Emin, sigmaV, SpP, FluxP); if(SMmev>0) solarModulation(SMmev,1,FluxP,FluxP); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum("antiproton flux [cm^2 s sr GeV]^{-1}" ,Emin,Mcdm,FluxP); #endif printf("\nAntiproton flux = %.2E[cm^2 sr s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV] \n", SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxP), Etest); } } #endif #ifdef LoopGAMMA { double vcs_gz,vcs_gg; double fi=0.,dfi=M_PI/180.; /* fi angle of sight[rad], dfi 1/2 of cone angle in [rad] */ /* dfi corresponds to solid angle pi*(1-cos(dfi)) [sr] */ if(loopGamma(&vcs_gz,&vcs_gg)==0) { printf("\nGamma ray lines:\n"); printf("E=%.2E[GeV] vcs(Z,A)= %.2E[cm^3/s], flux=%.2E[cm^2 s]^{-1}\n",Mcdm-91.19*91.19/4/Mcdm,vcs_gz, gammaFlux(fi,dfi,vcs_gz)); printf("E=%.2E[GeV] vcs(A,A)= %.2E[cm^3/s], flux=%.2E[cm^2 s]^{-1}\n",Mcdm,vcs_gg, 2*gammaFlux(fi,dfi,vcs_gg)); } } #endif #ifdef RESET_FORMFACTORS { /* The user has approach to form factors which specifies quark contents of proton and nucleon via global parametes like <Type>FF<Nucleon><q> where <Type> can be "Scalar", "pVector", and "Sigma"; <Nucleon> "P" or "N" for proton and neutron <q> "d", "u","s" calcScalarQuarkFF( Mu/Md, Ms/Md, sigmaPiN[MeV], sigmaS[MeV]) calculates and rewrites Scalar form factors */ printf("protonFF (default) d %E, u %E, s %E\n",ScalarFFPd, ScalarFFPu,ScalarFFPs); printf("neutronFF(default) d %E, u %E, s %E\n",ScalarFFNd, ScalarFFNu,ScalarFFNs); calcScalarQuarkFF(0.46,27.5,34.,42.); // To restore default form factors of version 2 call // calcScalarQuarkFF(0.553,18.9,55.,243.5); printf("protonFF (new) d %E, u %E, s %E\n",ScalarFFPd, ScalarFFPu,ScalarFFPs); printf("neutronFF(new) d %E, u %E, s %E\n",ScalarFFNd, ScalarFFNu,ScalarFFNs); } #endif #ifdef CDM_NUCLEON { double pA0[2],pA5[2],nA0[2],nA5[2]; double Nmass=0.939; /*nucleon mass*/ double SCcoeff; printf("\n==== Calculation of CDM-nucleons amplitudes =====\n"); #ifdef TEST_Direct_Detection printf(" TREE LEVEL\n"); MSSMDDtest(0, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("Analitic formulae\n"); printf(" proton: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",pA0[0],pA5[0]); printf(" neutron: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",nA0[0],nA5[0]); nucleonAmplitudes(CDM1,NULL, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("CDM-nucleon micrOMEGAs amplitudes:\n"); printf("proton: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",pA0[0],pA5[0]); printf("neutron: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",nA0[0],nA5[0]); printf(" BOX DIAGRAMS\n"); MSSMDDtest(1, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("Analitic formulae\n"); printf(" proton: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",pA0[0],pA5[0]); printf(" neutron: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",nA0[0],nA5[0]); #endif nucleonAmplitudes(CDM1,pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("CDM-nucleon micrOMEGAs amplitudes:\n"); printf("proton: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",pA0[0],pA5[0]); printf("neutron: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",nA0[0],nA5[0]); SCcoeff=4/M_PI*3.8937966E8*pow(Nmass*Mcdm/(Nmass+ Mcdm),2.); printf("\n==== CDM-nucleon cross sections[pb] ====\n"); printf(" proton SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",SCcoeff*pA0[0]*pA0[0],3*SCcoeff*pA5[0]*pA5[0]); printf(" neutron SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",SCcoeff*nA0[0]*nA0[0],3*SCcoeff*nA5[0]*nA5[0]); } #endif #ifdef CDM_NUCLEUS { double dNdE[300]; double nEvents; printf("\n======== Direct Detection ========\n"); nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,73,Z_Ge,J_Ge73,SxxGe73,dNdE); printf("73Ge: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 73Ge",0,199); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,131,Z_Xe,J_Xe131,SxxXe131,dNdE); printf("131Xe: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 131Xe",0,199); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,23,Z_Na,J_Na23,SxxNa23,dNdE); printf("23Na: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 23Na",0,199); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,127,Z_I,J_I127,SxxI127,dNdE); printf("I127: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 127I",0,199); #endif } #endif #ifdef NEUTRINO { double nu[NZ], nu_bar[NZ],mu[NZ]; int forSun=1; double Emin=1; WIMPSIM=0; printf("\n===============Neutrino Telescope======= for "); if(forSun) printf("Sun\n"); else printf("Earth\n"); err=neutrinoFlux(Maxwell,forSun, nu,nu_bar); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectra("neutrino fluxes [1/Year/km^2/GeV]",Emin,Mcdm,2,nu,"nu",nu_bar,"nu_bar"); #endif printf(" E>%.1E GeV neutrino/anti-neutrin fluxes %.2E/%.2E [1/Year/km^2]\n",Emin, spectrInfo(Emin,nu,NULL), spectrInfo(Emin,nu_bar,NULL)); // ICE CUBE if(forSun)printf("IceCube22 exclusion confidence level = %.2E%%\n", 100*exLevIC22(nu,nu_bar,NULL)); /* Upward events */ muonUpward(nu,nu_bar, mu); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum("Upward muons[1/Year/km^2/GeV]",Emin,Mcdm/2,mu); #endif printf(" E>%.1E GeV Upward muon flux %.2E [1/Year/km^2]\n",Emin,spectrInfo(Emin,mu,NULL)); /* Contained events */ muonContained(nu,nu_bar,1., mu); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum("Contained muons[1/Year/km^3/GeV]",Emin,Mcdm,mu); #endif printf(" E>%.1E GeV Contained muon flux %.2E [1/Year/km^3]\n",Emin,spectrInfo(Emin,mu,NULL)); } #endif #ifdef DECAYS { txtList L; double width,br; char * pname; printf("\n================= Decays ==============\n"); pname = "h"; width=pWidth(pname,&L); printf("\n%s : total width=%.2E \n and Branchings:\n",pname,width); printTxtList(L,stdout); pname = "~o2"; width=pWidth(pname,&L); printf("\n%s : total width=%.2E \n and Branchings:\n",pname,width); printTxtList(L,stdout); } #endif #ifdef CROSS_SECTIONS { double cs, Pcm=4000, Qren,Qfact=pMass("~o2"),pTmin=0; int nf=3; printf("pp collision at %.2E GeV\n",Pcm); Qren=Qfact; cs=hCollider(Pcm,1,nf,Qren, Qfact, "~o1","~o2",pTmin,1); printf("cs(pp->~o1,~o2)=%.2E[pb]\n",cs); } #endif #ifdef CLEAN killPlots(); system("rm -f suspect2_lha.out suspect2.out Key.dat nngg.out output.flha "); system("rm -f HB.out HS.out hb.stdout hs.stdout debug_channels.txt debug_predratio.txt"); system("rm -f Lilith_in.xml Lilith_out.slha smodels.* summary.*"); #endif return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { int err; char cdmName[10]; int spin2, charge3,cdim; ForceUG=0; /* to Force Unitary Gauge assign 1 */ /* gauss345_arg(ff,Y,0,1,1E-5,&err); printf("err=%d\n",err); exit(0); */ VZdecay=1; VWdecay=1; if(argc==1) { printf(" Correct usage: ./main <file with parameters> \n"); printf("Example: ./main data1.par\n"); exit(1); } err=readVar(argv[1]); if(err==-1) {printf("Can not open the file\n"); exit(1);} else if(err>0) { printf("Wrong file contents at line %d\n",err);exit(1);} err=sortOddParticles(cdmName); if(err) { printf("Can't calculate %s\n",cdmName); return 1;} if(CDM1) { qNumbers(CDM1, &spin2, &charge3, &cdim); printf("\nDark matter candidate is '%s' with spin=%d/2 mass=%.2E\n",CDM1, spin2,Mcdm1); if(charge3) printf("Dark Matter has electric charge %d/3\n",charge3); if(cdim!=1) printf("Dark Matter is a color particle\n"); } if(CDM2) { qNumbers(CDM2, &spin2, &charge3, &cdim); printf("\nDark matter candidate is '%s' with spin=%d/2 mass=%.2E\n",CDM2,spin2,Mcdm2); if(charge3) printf("Dark Matter has electric charge %d/3\n",charge3); if(cdim!=1) printf("Dark Matter is a color particle\n"); } #ifdef MASSES_INFO { printf("\n=== MASSES OF HIGGS AND ODD PARTICLES: ===\n"); printHiggs(stdout); printMasses(stdout,1); } #endif #ifdef CONSTRAINTS { double csLim; if(Zinvisible()) printf("Excluded by Z->invizible\n"); if(LspNlsp_LEP(&csLim)) printf("LEP excluded by e+,e- -> DM q q-\\bar Cross Section= %.2E pb\n",csLim); } #endif #ifdef MONOJET { double CL=monoJet(); printf(" Monojet signal exclusion CL is %.3e\n", CL); } #endif #if defined(HIGGSBOUNDS) || defined(HIGGSSIGNALS) { int NH0,NHch; // number of neutral and charged Higgs particles. double HB_result,HB_obsratio,HS_observ,HS_chi2, HS_pval; char HB_chan[100]={""}, HB_version[50], HS_version[50]; NH0=hbBlocksMO("",&NHch); system("echo 'BLOCK DMASS\n 25 2 '>>"); #include "../include/" #ifdef HIGGSBOUNDS printf("HB(%s): result=%.0f obsratio=%.2E channel= %s \n", HB_version,HB_result,HB_obsratio,HB_chan); #endif #ifdef HIGGSSIGNALS printf("HS(%s): Nobservables=%.0f chi^2 = %.2E pval= %.2E\n",HS_version,HS_observ,HS_chi2, HS_pval); #endif } #endif #ifdef LILITH { double m2logL, m2logL_reference=0,pvalue; int exp_ndf,n_par=0,ndf; char call_lilith[100], Lilith_version[20]; if(LilithMO("Lilith_in.xml")) { #include "../include/" if(ndf) { printf("LILITH(DB%s): -2*log(L): %.2f; -2*log(L_reference): %.2f; ndf: %d; p-value: %.2E \n", Lilith_version,m2logL,m2logL_reference,ndf,pvalue); } } else printf("LILITH: there is no Higgs candidate\n"); } #endif #ifdef SMODELS { int result=0; double Rvalue=0; char analysis[30]={},topology[30]={}; int LHCrun=LHC8|LHC13; // LHC8 - 8TeV; LHC13 - 13TeV; #include "../include/" } #endif #ifdef OMEGA { int fast=1; double Beps=1.E-4, cut=0.01; double Omega; int i,err; printf("\n==== Calculation of relic density =====\n"); if(CDM1 && CDM2) { Omega= darkOmega2(fast,Beps); printf("Omega_1h^2=%.2E\n", Omega*(1-fracCDM2)); printf("Omega_2h^2=%.2E\n", Omega*fracCDM2); } else { double Xf; Omega=darkOmega(&Xf,fast,Beps,&err); printf("Xf=%.2e Omega=%.2e\n",Xf,Omega); if(Omega>0)printChannels(Xf,cut,Beps,1,stdout); } } #endif #ifdef FREEZEIN { double TR=1E10; double omegaFi; toFeebleList("~s0"); VWdecay=0; VZdecay=0; omegaFi=darkOmegaFi(TR,&err); printf("omega freeze-in=%.3E\n", omegaFi); printChannelsFi(0,0,stdout); } #endif #ifdef INDIRECT_DETECTION { int err,i; double Emin=1,/* Energy cut in GeV */ sigmaV; double vcs_gz,vcs_gg; char txt[100]; double SpA[NZ],SpE[NZ],SpP[NZ]; double FluxA[NZ],FluxE[NZ],FluxP[NZ]; double * SpNe=NULL,*SpNm=NULL,*SpNl=NULL; double Etest=Mcdm/2; printf("\n==== Indirect detection =======\n"); sigmaV=calcSpectrum(1+2+4,SpA,SpE,SpP,SpNe,SpNm,SpNl ,&err); /* Returns sigma*v in cm^3/sec. SpX - calculated spectra of annihilation. Use SpectdNdE(E, SpX) to calculate energy distribution in 1/GeV units. First parameter 1-includes W/Z polarization 2-includes gammas for 2->2+gamma 4-print cross sections */ { double fi=0.1,dfi=0.05; /* angle of sight and 1/2 of cone angle in [rad] */ gammaFluxTab(fi,dfi, sigmaV, SpA, FluxA); printf("Photon flux for angle of sight f=%.2f[rad]\n" "and spherical region described by cone with angle %.2f[rad]\n",fi,2*dfi); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS sprintf(txt,"Photon flux for angle of sight %.2f[rad] and cone angle %.2f[rad]",fi,2*dfi); displayPlot(txt,"E[GeV]",Emin,Mcdm,0,1,"",0,SpectdNdE,FluxA); #endif printf("Photon flux = %.2E[cm^2 s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV]\n",SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxA), Etest); } { posiFluxTab(Emin, sigmaV, SpE, FluxE); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayPlot("positron flux [cm^2 s sr GeV]^{-1}","E[GeV]",Emin,Mcdm,0,1,"",0,SpectdNdE,FluxE); #endif printf("Positron flux = %.2E[cm^2 sr s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV] \n", SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxE), Etest); } { pbarFluxTab(Emin, sigmaV, SpP, FluxP ); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayPlot("antiproton flux [cm^2 s sr GeV]^{-1}","E[GeV]",Emin,Mcdm,0,1,"",0,SpectdNdE,FluxP); #endif printf("Antiproton flux = %.2E[cm^2 sr s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV] \n", SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxP), Etest); } } #endif #ifdef RESET_FORMFACTORS { /* The user has approach to form factors which specifies quark contents of proton and nucleon via global parametes like <Type>FF<Nucleon><q> where <Type> can be "Scalar", "pVector", and "Sigma"; <Nucleon> "P" or "N" for proton and neutron <q> "d", "u","s" calcScalarQuarkFF( Mu/Md, Ms/Md, sigmaPiN[MeV], sigma0[MeV]) calculates and rewrites Scalar form factors */ printf("\n======== RESET_FORMFACTORS ======\n"); printf("protonFF (default) d %.2E, u %.2E, s %.2E\n",ScalarFFPd, ScalarFFPu,ScalarFFPs); printf("neutronFF(default) d %.2E, u %.2E, s %.2E\n",ScalarFFNd, ScalarFFNu,ScalarFFNs); // To restore default form factors of version 2 call calcScalarQuarkFF(0.553,18.9,55.,243.5); printf("protonFF (new) d %.2E, u %.2E, s %.2E\n",ScalarFFPd, ScalarFFPu,ScalarFFPs); printf("neutronFF(new) d %.2E, u %.2E, s %.2E\n",ScalarFFNd, ScalarFFNu,ScalarFFNs); // To restore default form factors current version call // calcScalarQuarkFF(0.56,20.2,34,42); } #endif #ifdef CDM_NUCLEON { double pA0[2],pA5[2],nA0[2],nA5[2]; double Nmass=0.939; /*nucleon mass*/ double SCcoeff; printf("\n==== Calculation of CDM-nucleons amplitudes =====\n"); if(CDM1) { nucleonAmplitudes(CDM1, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("CDM[antiCDM]-nucleon micrOMEGAs amplitudes for %s \n",CDM1); printf("proton: SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n",pA0[0], pA0[1], pA5[0], pA5[1] ); printf("neutron: SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n",nA0[0], nA0[1], nA5[0], nA5[1] ); SCcoeff=4/M_PI*3.8937966E8*pow(Nmass*Mcdm/(Nmass+ Mcdm),2.); printf("CDM[antiCDM]-nucleon cross sections[pb]:\n"); printf(" proton SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n", SCcoeff*pA0[0]*pA0[0],SCcoeff*pA0[1]*pA0[1],3*SCcoeff*pA5[0]*pA5[0],3*SCcoeff*pA5[1]*pA5[1]); printf(" neutron SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n", SCcoeff*nA0[0]*nA0[0],SCcoeff*nA0[1]*nA0[1],3*SCcoeff*nA5[0]*nA5[0],3*SCcoeff*nA5[1]*nA5[1]); } if(CDM2) { nucleonAmplitudes(CDM2, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("CDM[antiCDM]-nucleon micrOMEGAs amplitudes for %s \n",CDM2); printf("proton: SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n",pA0[0], pA0[1], pA5[0], pA5[1] ); printf("neutron: SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n",nA0[0], nA0[1], nA5[0], nA5[1] ); SCcoeff=4/M_PI*3.8937966E8*pow(Nmass*Mcdm/(Nmass+ Mcdm),2.); printf("CDM[antiCDM]-nucleon cross sections[pb]:\n"); printf(" proton SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n", SCcoeff*pA0[0]*pA0[0],SCcoeff*pA0[1]*pA0[1],3*SCcoeff*pA5[0]*pA5[0],3*SCcoeff*pA5[1]*pA5[1]); printf(" neutron SI %.3E [%.3E] SD %.3E [%.3E]\n", SCcoeff*nA0[0]*nA0[0],SCcoeff*nA0[1]*nA0[1],3*SCcoeff*nA5[0]*nA5[0],3*SCcoeff*nA5[1]*nA5[1]); } } #endif #ifdef CDM_NUCLEUS { double dNdE[300]; double nEvents; printf("\n======== Direct Detection ========\n"); nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,73,Z_Ge,J_Ge73,SxxGe73,NULL,dNdE); printf("73Ge: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayPlot("Distribution of recoil energy of 73Ge","E[KeV]",0,200,0,1,"dN/dE",0,dNdERecoil,dNdE); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,131,Z_Xe,J_Xe131,SxxXe131,NULL,dNdE); printf("131Xe: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayPlot("Distribution of recoil energy of 131Xe","E[KeV]",0,200,0,1,"dN/dE",0,dNdERecoil,dNdE); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,23,Z_Na,J_Na23,SxxNa23,NULL,dNdE); printf("23Na: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayPlot("Distribution of recoil energy of 23Na","E[KeV]",0,200,0,1,"dN/dE",0,dNdERecoil,dNdE); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,127,Z_I,J_I127,SxxI127,NULL,dNdE); printf("I127: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayPlot("Distribution of recoil energy of 127I","E[KeV]",0,200,0,1,"dN/dE",0,dNdERecoil,dNdE); #endif } #endif #ifdef NEUTRINO if(!CDM1 || !CDM2) { double nu[NZ], nu_bar[NZ],mu[NZ]; double Ntot; int forSun=1; double Emin=1; printf("\n===============Neutrino Telescope======= for "); if(forSun) printf("Sun\n"); else printf("Earth\n"); err=neutrinoFlux(Maxwell,forSun, nu,nu_bar); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayPlot("neutrino fluxes [1/Year/km^2/GeV]","E[GeV]",Emin,Mcdm,0, 2,"dnu/dE",0,SpectdNdE,nu,"dnu_bar/dE",0,SpectdNdE,nu_bar); #endif { printf(" E>%.1E GeV neutrino flux %.2E [1/Year/km^2] \n",Emin,spectrInfo(Emin,nu,NULL)); printf(" E>%.1E GeV anti-neutrino flux %.2E [1/Year/km^2]\n",Emin,spectrInfo(Emin,nu_bar,NULL)); } /* Upward events */ muonUpward(nu,nu_bar, mu); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayPlot("Upward muons[1/Year/km^2/GeV]","E",Emin,Mcdm/2, 0,1,"mu",0,SpectdNdE,mu); #endif printf(" E>%.1E GeV Upward muon flux %.2E [1/Year/km^2]\n",Emin,spectrInfo(Emin,mu,NULL)); /* Contained events */ muonContained(nu,nu_bar,1., mu); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayPlot("Contained muons[1/Year/km^3/GeV]","E",Emin,Mcdm,0,1,"",0,SpectdNdE,mu); #endif printf(" E>%.1E GeV Contained muon flux %.2E [1/Year/km^3]\n",Emin,spectrInfo(Emin/Mcdm,mu,NULL)); } #endif #ifdef DECAYS { char* pname = pdg2name(25); txtList L; double width; if(pname) { width=pWidth(pname,&L); printf("\n%s : total width=%E \n and Branchings:\n",pname,width); printTxtList(L,stdout); } pname = pdg2name(24); if(pname) { width=pWidth(pname,&L); printf("\n%s : total width=%E \n and Branchings:\n",pname,width); printTxtList(L,stdout); } } #endif #ifdef CROSS_SECTIONS { char* next,next_; double nextM; next=nextOdd(1,&nextM); if(next && nextM<1000) { double cs, Pcm=6500, Qren, Qfact, pTmin=0; int nf=3; char*next_=antiParticle(next); Qren=Qfact=nextM; printf("\npp > nextOdd at sqrt(s)=%.2E GeV\n",2*Pcm); Qren=Qfact; cs=hCollider(Pcm,1,nf,Qren, Qfact, next,next_,pTmin,1); printf("Production of 'next' odd particle: cs(pp-> %s,%s)=%.2E[pb]\n",next,next_, cs); } } #endif #ifdef CLEAN system("rm -f HB.* HB.* hb.* hs.* debug_channels.txt debug_predratio.txt Key.dat"); system("rm -f Lilith_**"); system("rm -f smodels.log smodels.out summary.*"); #endif killPlots(); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv) { int err; char cdmName[10]; int spin2, charge3,cdim; ForceUG=0; /* to Force Unitary Gauge assign 1 */ // sysTimeLim=1000; /* if you would like to work with superIso setenv("superIso","./superiso_v3.1",1); */ #ifdef SUGRA { double m0,mhf,a0,tb; double gMG1, gMG2, gMG3, gAl, gAt, gAb, sgn, gMHu, gMHd, gMl2, gMl3, gMr2, gMr3, gMq2, gMq3, gMu2, gMu3, gMd2, gMd3; printf("\n========= mSUGRA scenario =====\n"); PRINTRGE(RGE); if(argc<5) { printf(" This program needs 4 parameters:\n" " m0 common scalar mass at GUT scale\n" " mhf common gaugino mass at GUT scale\n" " a0 trilinear soft breaking parameter at GUT scale\n" " tb tan(beta) \n"); printf(" Auxiliary parameters are:\n" " sgn +/-1, sign of Higgsino mass term (default 1)\n" " Mtp top quark pole mass\n" " MbMb Mb(Mb) scale independent b-quark mass\n" " alfSMZ strong coupling at MZ\n"); /* printf("Example: ./main 70 250 -300 10\n"); */ printf("Example: ./main 120 500 -350 10 1 173.1 \n"); exit(1); } else { double Mtp,MbMb,alfSMZ; sscanf(argv[1],"%lf",&m0); sscanf(argv[2],"%lf",&mhf); sscanf(argv[3],"%lf",&a0); sscanf(argv[4],"%lf",&tb); if(argc>5)sscanf(argv[5],"%lf",&sgn); else sgn=1; if(argc>6){ sscanf(argv[6],"%lf",&Mtp); assignValW("Mtp",Mtp); } if(argc>7){ sscanf(argv[7],"%lf",&MbMb); assignValW("MbMb",MbMb); } if(argc>8){ sscanf(argv[8],"%lf",&alfSMZ); assignValW("alfSMZ",alfSMZ);} } /*==== simulation of mSUGRA =====*/ gMG1=mhf, gMG2=mhf,gMG3=mhf; gAl=a0, gAt=a0, gAb=a0; gMHu=m0, gMHd=m0; gMl2=m0, gMl3=m0, gMr2=m0, gMr3=m0; gMq2=m0, gMq3=m0, gMu2=m0, gMd2=m0, gMu3=m0, gMd3=m0; err= SUGRAMODEL(RGE) (tb, gMG1, gMG2, gMG3, gAl, gAt, gAb, sgn, gMHu, gMHd, gMl2, gMl3, gMr2, gMr3, gMq2, gMq3, gMu2, gMu3, gMd2, gMd3); } #elif defined(SUGRANUH) { double m0,mhf,a0,tb; double gMG1, gMG2, gMG3, gAl, gAt, gAb, gMl2, gMl3, gMr2, gMr3, gMq2, gMq3, gMu2, gMu3, gMd2, gMd3,mu,MA; printf("\n========= mSUGRA non-universal Higgs scenario =====\n"); PRINTRGE(RGE); if(argc<7) { printf(" This program needs 6 parameters:\n" " m0 common scalar mass at GUT scale\n" " mhf common gaugino mass at GUT scale\n" " a0 trilinear soft breaking parameter at GUT scale\n" " tb tan(beta) \n" " mu mu(EWSB)\n" " MA mass of pseudoscalar Higgs\n"); printf(" Auxiliary parameters are:\n" " Mtp top quark pole mass\n" " MbMb Mb(Mb) scale independent b-quark mass\n" " alfSMZ strong coupling at MZ\n"); /* printf("Example: ./main 70 250 -300 10\n"); */ printf("Example: ./main 120 500 -350 10 680 760 \n"); exit(1); } else { double Mtp,MbMb,alfSMZ; sscanf(argv[1],"%lf",&m0); sscanf(argv[2],"%lf",&mhf); sscanf(argv[3],"%lf",&a0); sscanf(argv[4],"%lf",&tb); sscanf(argv[5],"%lf",&mu); sscanf(argv[6],"%lf",&MA); if(argc>7){ sscanf(argv[7],"%lf",&Mtp); assignValW("Mtp",Mtp); } if(argc>8){ sscanf(argv[8],"%lf",&MbMb); assignValW("MbMb",MbMb); } if(argc>9){ sscanf(argv[9],"%lf",&alfSMZ); assignValW("alfSMZ",alfSMZ);} } /*==== simulation of mSUGRA =====*/ gMG1=mhf, gMG2=mhf,gMG3=mhf; gAl=a0, gAt=a0, gAb=a0; gMl2=m0, gMl3=m0, gMr2=m0, gMr3=m0; gMq2=m0, gMq3=m0, gMu2=m0, gMd2=m0, gMu3=m0, gMd3=m0; err= SUGRANUHMODEL(RGE) (tb,gMG1,gMG2,gMG3,gAl,gAt,gAb,gMl2,gMl3,gMr2,gMr3,gMq2,gMq3,gMu2,gMu3,gMd2,gMd3,mu,MA); } #elif defined(AMSB) { double m0,m32,sgn,tb; printf("\n========= AMSB scenario =====\n"); PRINTRGE(RGE); if(argc<4) { printf(" This program needs 3 parameters:\n" " m0 common scalar mass at GUT scale\n" " m3/2 gravitino mass\n" " tb tan(beta) \n"); printf(" Auxiliary parameters are:\n" " sgn +/-1, sign of Higgsino mass term (default 1)\n" " Mtp top quark pole mass\n" " MbMb Mb(Mb) scale independent b-quark mass\n" " alfSMZ strong coupling at MZ\n"); printf("Example: ./main 450 60000 10\n"); exit(1); } else { double Mtp,MbMb,alfSMZ; sscanf(argv[1],"%lf",&m0); sscanf(argv[2],"%lf",&m32); sscanf(argv[3],"%lf",&tb); if(argc>4)sscanf(argv[4],"%lf",&sgn); else sgn=1; if(argc>5){ sscanf(argv[5],"%lf",&Mtp); assignValW("Mtp",Mtp); } if(argc>6){ sscanf(argv[6],"%lf",&MbMb); assignValW("MbMb",MbMb); } if(argc>7){ sscanf(argv[7],"%lf",&alfSMZ); assignValW("alfSMZ",alfSMZ);} } err= AMSBMODEL(RGE)(m0,m32,tb,sgn); } #elif defined(EWSB) { printf("\n========= EWSB scale input =========\n"); PRINTRGE(RGE); if(argc <2) { printf("The program needs one argument:the name of file with MSSM parameters.\n" "Example: ./main mssm1.par \n"); exit(1); } printf("Initial file \"%s\"\n",argv[1]); err=readVarMSSM(argv[1]); if(err==-1) { printf("Can not open the file\n"); exit(2);} else if(err>0) { printf("Wrong file contents at line %d\n",err);exit(3);} err=EWSBMODEL(RGE)(); } #else { printf("\n========= SLHA file input =========\n"); if(argc <2) { printf("The program needs one argument:the name of SLHA input file.\n" "Example: ./main suspect2_lha.out \n"); exit(1); } printf("Initial file \"%s\"\n",argv[1]); err=lesHinput(argv[1]); if(err) exit(2); } #endif if(err==-1) { printf("Can not open the file\n"); exit(2);} else if(err>0) { printf("Wrong file contents at line %d\n",err);exit(3);} { int nw; printf("Warnings from spectrum calculator:\n"); nw=slhaWarnings(stdout); if(nw==0) printf(" .....none\n"); } if(err) exit(1); err=sortOddParticles(cdmName); if(err) { printf("Can't calculate %s\n",cdmName); return 1;} qNumbers(cdmName,&spin2, &charge3, &cdim); printf("\nDark matter candidate is '%s' with spin=%d/2 mass=%.2E\n", cdmName, spin2, Mcdm); if(charge3) { printf("Dark Matter has electric charge %d/3\n",charge3); exit(1);} if(cdim!=1) { printf("Dark Matter is a color particle\n"); exit(1);} if(strcmp(cdmName,"~o1")) printf(" ~o1 is not CDM\n"); else o1Contents(stdout); #ifdef MASSES_INFO { printf("\n=== MASSES OF HIGGS AND SUSY PARTICLES: ===\n"); printHiggs(stdout); printMasses(stdout,1); } #endif #ifdef CONSTRAINTS { double SMbsg,dmunu; printf("\n\n==== Physical Constraints: =====\n"); printf("deltartho=%.2E\n",deltarho()); printf("gmuon=%.2E\n", gmuon()); printf("bsgnlo=%.2E ", bsgnlo(&SMbsg)); printf("( SM %.2E )\n",SMbsg); printf("bsmumu=%.2E\n", bsmumu()); printf("btaunu=%.2E\n", btaunu()); printf("dtaunu=%.2E ", dtaunu(&dmunu)); printf("dmunu=%.2E\n", dmunu); printf("Rl23=%.3E\n", Rl23()); if(masslimits()==0) printf("MassLimits OK\n"); } #endif #ifdef SUPERISO slhaWrite(""); system( SUPERISO "/slha.x >/dev/null"); slhaRead("output.flha",1); unlink(""); printf("superIsoBSG=%.3E\n", slhaValFormat("FOBS",0., " 5 1 %lf 0 2 3 22")); #endif #ifdef HIGGSBOUNDS if(access(HIGGSBOUNDS "/HiggsBounds",X_OK )) system( "cd " HIGGSBOUNDS "; ./configure; make "); slhaWrite(""); system("cp HB.slha"); HBblocks("HB.slha"); System("%s/HiggsBounds LandH SLHA 3 1 HB.slha",HIGGSBOUNDS); slhaRead("HB.slha",1+4); printf("HB result= %.0E obsratio=%.2E\n",slhaValFormat("HiggsBoundsResults",0.,"1 2 %lf"), slhaValFormat("HiggsBoundsResults",0.,"1 3 %lf" ) ); { char hbInfo[100]; if(0==slhaSTRFormat("HiggsBoundsResults","1 5 ||%[^|]||",hbInfo)) printf("Channel: %s\n",hbInfo); } slhaRead("",0); unlink(""); #endif #ifdef OMEGA { int fast=1; double Beps=1.E-5, cut=0.01; double Omega,Xf; // to exclude processes with virtual W/Z in DM annihilation VZdecay=0; VWdecay=0; cleanDecayTable(); // to include processes with virtual W/Z also in co-annihilation // VZdecay=2; VWdecay=2; cleanDecayTable(); printf("\n==== Calculation of relic density =====\n"); sortOddParticles(cdmName); Omega=darkOmega(&Xf,fast,Beps); printf("Xf=%.2e Omega=%.2e\n",Xf,Omega); printChannels(Xf,cut,Beps,1,stdout); // direct access for annihilation channels /* if(omegaCh){ int i; for(i=0; omegaCh[i].weight>0 ;i++) printf(" %.2E %s %s -> %s %s\n", omegaCh[i].weight, omegaCh[i].prtcl[0], omegaCh[i].prtcl[1],omegaCh[i].prtcl[2],omegaCh[i].prtcl[3]); } */ // to restore VZdecay and VWdecay switches VZdecay=1; VWdecay=1; cleanDecayTable(); } #endif #ifdef INDIRECT_DETECTION { int err,i; double Emin=1,SMmev=320;/*Energy cut in GeV and solar potential in MV*/ double sigmaV; double vcs_gz,vcs_gg; char txt[100]; double SpA[NZ],SpE[NZ],SpP[NZ]; double FluxA[NZ],FluxE[NZ],FluxP[NZ]; double SpNe[NZ],SpNm[NZ],SpNl[NZ]; // double * SpNe=NULL,*SpNm=NULL,*SpNl=NULL; double Etest=Mcdm/2; /* default DarkSUSY parameters */ /* K_dif=0.036; L_dif=4; Delta_dif=0.6; Vc_dif=10; Rdisk=30; SMmev=320; */ printf("\n==== Indirect detection =======\n"); sigmaV=calcSpectrum( 2+4,SpA,SpE,SpP,SpNe,SpNm,SpNl ,&err); /* Returns sigma*v in cm^3/sec. SpX - calculated spectra of annihilation. Use SpectdNdE(E, SpX) to calculate energy distribution in 1/GeV units. First parameter 1-includes W/Z polarization 2-includes gammas for 2->2+gamma 4-print cross sections */ if(SpA) { double fi=0.,dfi=M_PI/180.; /* angle of sight and 1/2 of cone angle in [rad] */ /* dfi corresponds to solid angle 1.E-3sr */ printf("Photon flux for angle of sight f=%.2f[rad]\n" "and spherical region described by cone with angle %.4f[rad]\n",fi,2*dfi); gammaFluxTab(fi,dfi, sigmaV, SpA, FluxA); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS sprintf(txt,"Photon flux for angle of sight %.2f[rad] and cone angle %.2f[rad]",fi,2*dfi); displaySpectrum(FluxA,txt,Emin,Mcdm,1); #endif printf("Photon flux = %.2E[cm^2 s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV]\n",SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxA), Etest); #ifdef LoopGAMMA if(loopGamma(&vcs_gz,&vcs_gg)==0) { printf("Gamma ray lines:\n"); printf("E=%.2E[GeV] vcs(Z,A)= %.2E[cm^3/s], flux=%.2E[cm^2 s]^{-1}\n",Mcdm-91.19*91.19/4/Mcdm,vcs_gz, gammaFlux(fi,dfi,vcs_gz)); printf("E=%.2E[GeV] vcs(A,A)= %.2E[cm^3/s], flux=%.2E[cm^2 s]^{-1}\n",Mcdm,vcs_gg, 2*gammaFlux(fi,dfi,vcs_gg)); } #endif } if(SpE) { posiFluxTab(Emin, sigmaV, SpE, FluxE); if(SMmev>0) solarModulation(SMmev,0.0005,FluxE,FluxE); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(FluxE,"positron flux [cm^2 s sr GeV]^{-1}" ,Emin,Mcdm,1); #endif printf("Positron flux = %.2E[cm^2 sr s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV] \n", SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxE), Etest); } if(SpP) { pbarFluxTab(Emin, sigmaV, SpP, FluxP); if(SMmev>0) solarModulation(SMmev,1,FluxP,FluxP); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(FluxP,"antiproton flux [cm^2 s sr GeV]^{-1}" ,Emin,Mcdm,1); #endif printf("Antiproton flux = %.2E[cm^2 sr s GeV]^{-1} for E=%.1f[GeV] \n", SpectdNdE(Etest, FluxP), Etest); } } #endif #ifdef RESET_FORMFACTORS { /* The user has approach to form factors which specifies quark contents of proton and nucleon via global parametes like <Type>FF<Nucleon><q> where <Type> can be "Scalar", "pVector", and "Sigma"; <Nucleon> "P" or "N" for proton and neutron <q> "d", "u","s" calcScalarQuarkFF( Mu/Md, Ms/Md, sigmaPiN[MeV], sigmaS[MeV]) calculates and rewrites Scalar form factors */ printf("protonFF (default) d %E, u %E, s %E\n",ScalarFFPd, ScalarFFPu,ScalarFFPs); printf("neutronFF(default) d %E, u %E, s %E\n",ScalarFFNd, ScalarFFNu,ScalarFFNs); calcScalarQuarkFF(0.46,27.5,34.,42.); // To restore default form factors of version 2 call // calcScalarQuarkFF(0.553,18.9,55.,243.5); printf("protonFF (new) d %E, u %E, s %E\n",ScalarFFPd, ScalarFFPu,ScalarFFPs); printf("neutronFF(new) d %E, u %E, s %E\n",ScalarFFNd, ScalarFFNu,ScalarFFNs); } #endif #ifdef CDM_NUCLEON { double pA0[2],pA5[2],nA0[2],nA5[2]; double Nmass=0.939; /*nucleon mass*/ double SCcoeff; printf("\n==== Calculation of CDM-nucleons amplitudes =====\n"); #ifdef TEST_Direct_Detection printf(" TREE LEVEL\n"); MSSMDDtest(0, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("Analitic formulae\n"); printf("proton: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",pA0[0],pA5[0]); printf("neutron: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",nA0[0],nA5[0]); nucleonAmplitudes(NULL, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("CDM-nucleon micrOMEGAs amplitudes:\n"); printf("proton: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",pA0[0],pA5[0]); printf("neutron: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",nA0[0],nA5[0]); printf(" BOX DIAGRAMS\n"); MSSMDDtest(1, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("Analitic formulae\n"); printf("proton: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",pA0[0],pA5[0]); printf("neutron: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",nA0[0],nA5[0]); #endif nucleonAmplitudes(FeScLoop, pA0,pA5,nA0,nA5); printf("CDM-nucleon micrOMEGAs amplitudes:\n"); printf("proton: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",pA0[0],pA5[0]); printf("neutron: SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",nA0[0],nA5[0]); SCcoeff=4/M_PI*3.8937966E8*pow(Nmass*Mcdm/(Nmass+ Mcdm),2.); printf("CDM-nucleon cross sections[pb]:\n"); printf(" proton SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",SCcoeff*pA0[0]*pA0[0],3*SCcoeff*pA5[0]*pA5[0]); printf(" neutron SI %.3E SD %.3E\n",SCcoeff*nA0[0]*nA0[0],3*SCcoeff*nA5[0]*nA5[0]); } #endif #ifdef CDM_NUCLEUS { double dNdE[300]; double nEvents; printf("\n======== Direct Detection ========\n"); nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,73,Z_Ge,J_Ge73,SxxGe73,FeScLoop,dNdE); printf("73Ge: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 73Ge",0,199); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,131,Z_Xe,J_Xe131,SxxXe131,FeScLoop,dNdE); printf("131Xe: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 131Xe",0,199); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,23,Z_Na,J_Na23,SxxNa23,FeScLoop,dNdE); printf("23Na: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 23Na",0,199); #endif nEvents=nucleusRecoil(Maxwell,127,Z_I,J_I127,SxxI127,FeScLoop,dNdE); printf("I127: Total number of events=%.2E /day/kg\n",nEvents); printf("Number of events in 10 - 50 KeV region=%.2E /day/kg\n", cutRecoilResult(dNdE,10,50)); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displayRecoilPlot(dNdE,"Distribution of recoil energy of 127I",0,199); #endif } #endif #ifdef NEUTRINO { double nu[NZ], nu_bar[NZ],mu[NZ]; double Ntot; int forSun=1; double Emin=0.01; printf("\n===============Neutrino Telescope======= for "); if(forSun) printf("Sun\n"); else printf("Earth\n"); err=neutrinoFlux(Maxwell,forSun, nu,nu_bar); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(nu,"nu flux from Sun [1/Year/km^2/GeV]",Emin,Mcdm,1); displaySpectrum(nu_bar,"nu-bar from Sun [1/Year/km^2/GeV]",Emin,Mcdm,1); #endif { double Ntot; double Emin=1; //GeV spectrInfo(Emin/Mcdm,nu, &Ntot,NULL); printf(" E>%.1E GeV neutrino flux %.2E [1/Year/km^2] \n",Emin,Ntot); spectrInfo(Emin/Mcdm,nu_bar, &Ntot,NULL); printf(" E>%.1E GeV anti-neutrino flux %.2E [1/Year/km^2]\n",Emin,Ntot); } /* Upward events */ muonUpward(nu,nu_bar, mu); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(mu,"Upward muons[1/Year/km^2/GeV]",1,Mcdm/2,1); #endif { double Ntot; double Emin=1; //GeV spectrInfo(Emin/Mcdm,mu, &Ntot,NULL); printf(" E>%.1E GeV Upward muon flux %.2E [1/Year/km^2]\n",Emin,Ntot); } /* Contained events */ muonContained(nu,nu_bar,1., mu); #ifdef SHOWPLOTS displaySpectrum(mu,"Contained muons[1/Year/km^3/GeV]",Emin,Mcdm,1); #endif { double Ntot; double Emin=1; //GeV spectrInfo(Emin/Mcdm,mu, &Ntot,NULL); printf(" E>%.1E GeV Contained muon flux %.2E [1/Year/km^3]\n",Emin,Ntot); } } #endif #ifdef DECAYS { txtList L; double width,br; char * pname; printf("\n================= Decays ==============\n"); pname = "h"; width=pWidth(pname,&L); printf("\n%s : total width=%.2E \n and Branchings:\n",pname,width); printTxtList(L,stdout); pname = "~o2"; width=pWidth(pname,&L); printf("\n%s : total width=%.2E \n and Branchings:\n",pname,width); printTxtList(L,stdout); } #endif #ifdef CROSS_SECTIONS { double Pcm=250, cosmin=-0.99, cosmax=0.99, cs; numout* cc; printf("\n====== Calculation of cross section ====\n"); printf(" e^+, e^- annihilation\n"); Pcm=250.; Helicity[0]=0.5; /* helicity : spin projection on direction of motion */ Helicity[1]=-0.5; /* helicities ={ 0.5, -0.5} corresponds to vector state */ printf("Process e,E->2*x at Pcm=%.3E GeV\n",Pcm); cc=newProcess("e%,E%->2*x"); if(cc) { int ntot,l; char * name[4]; procInfo1(cc,&ntot,NULL,NULL); for(l=1;l<=ntot; l++) { int err; double cs; char txt[100]; procInfo2(cc,l,name,NULL); sprintf(txt,"%3s,%3s -> %3s %3s ",name[0],name[1],name[2],name[3]); cs= cs22(cc,l,Pcm,cosmin,cosmax,&err); if(err) printf("%-20.20s Error\n",txt); else if(cs) printf("%-20.20s %.2E [pb]\n",txt,cs); } } /* { double stot=0; int i,j; char * sq[25]= {"~dL","~dR","~uL","~uR","~sL","~sR","~cL","~cR","~b1","~b2","~t1","~t2", "~DL","~DR","~UL","~UR","~SL","~SR","~CL","~CR","~B1","~B2","~T1","~T2", "~g"}; Pcm=4000; for(i=0;i<25;i++) for(j=0;j<25;j++) {double dcs=hCollider(Pcm,1,0,sq[i],sq[j]); stot+=dcs; printf("p,p -> %s %s %E\n", sq[i],sq[j],dcs); } printf("total cross section =%E (without K-factor)\n",stot); } */ } #endif #ifdef CLEAN killPlots(); system("rm -f suspect2_lha.out suspect2.out HB.slha Key.dat nngg.out output.flha "); #endif return 0; }