Esempio n. 1
void advance_in_time ( double time_step, double position[3], double new_position[3] )
  /* Move a point along the Lorenz attractor */
  double deriv0[3], deriv1[3], deriv2[3], deriv3[3] ;
  int i ;
  memcpy ( new_position, position, 3 * sizeof(double) ) ;  /* Save the present values */

  /* First pass in a Fourth-Order Runge-Kutta integration method */
  calc_deriv ( position, deriv0 ) ;
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    new_position[i] = position[i] + 0.5 * time_step * deriv0[i] ;

  /* Second pass */
  calc_deriv ( new_position, deriv1 ) ;
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    new_position[i] = position[i] + 0.5 * time_step * deriv1[i] ;

  /* Third pass */
  calc_deriv ( position, deriv2 ) ;
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    new_position[i] = position[i] + time_step * deriv2[i] ;

  /* Second pass */
  calc_deriv ( new_position, deriv3 ) ;
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    new_position[i] = position[i] + 0.1666666666666666667 * time_step *
                      ( deriv0[i] + 2.0 * ( deriv1[i] + deriv2[i] ) + deriv3[i] ) ;
Esempio n. 2
void add_visc(Field *fld) {

/* Calculate div(Pi) */	

/* Convolve with 1/Sigma */

Esempio n. 3
 * Calculates the log likelihood (log probability of model given the
 * data) and gradient. If the calc_ll flag is FALSE, the
 * log-likelihood is not calculated and 0.0 is returned. If the
 * calc_grad flag is FALSE the gradient is not calculated and the
 * model partial derivatives are not updated.
double bkgd_evo_mdl_calc_ll(Model *mdl, int calc_ll, int calc_grad) {
  BkgdEvoMdlParam param, ll_deriv;
  Branch *br;
  ColType *cltype;
  BkgdEvoMdlConfig *conf;
  BkgdEvoMdlData *data;
  double ll;
  ColTypeStat *clstat, *cons_clstat;
  long i;
  int j;
  conf = mdl->config;
  data = mdl->data;

  if(data == NULL) {
    g_error("bkgd_evo_mdl_calc_ll: data must be set before "
	    "likelihood can be calculated\n");

  set_bkgd_evo_param_from_model(mdl, conf, &param);

  ll = 0.0;

  clstat  = g_new(ColTypeStat, conf->n_cltype);
  cons_clstat = NULL;
  for(i = 0; i < conf->n_cltype; i++) {
    clstat[i].n = 0;
    clstat[i].ttl_prob = 0.0;
    clstat[i].ttl_prob_double = 0.0;
    clstat[i].ttl_prob_single = 0.0;
    clstat[i].ttl_ll = 0.0;

  for(i = 0; i < data->n_bin; i++) {
    /* Combine non-exonic and exonic B vals and rescale by new
     * deleterious rate estimates. Use precomputed log B values so
     * that rescaling is more efficient (do not need to take logs
     * first and then re-exponentiate)
    param.B = exp(data->bin[i].lB_ex  * param.u_ex_scale + 
		  data->bin[i].lB_nex * param.u_nex_scale);

    if(param.B < 0.0 || param.B > 1.0 || isnan(param.B) || isinf(param.B)) {
      g_error("bkgd_evo_mdl_calc_ll: invalid B (%g)\n"
	      "B_ex=%g, B_nex=%g, u_ex_scale=%g, u_nex_scale=%g\n",
	      param.B, data->bin[i].B_ex, data->bin[i].B_nex,
	      param.u_ex_scale, param.u_nex_scale);

    /* calculate mutation rate for current bin */
    bkgd_evo_mdl_calc_mu(&param, mdl, &data->bin[i]);

    /* calculate probability HC coalescent predates HC/G speciation */
    if(param.T_hcg == 0.0) {
      param.k_hcg = 1.0;
    } else {
      param.k_hcg = exp(-0.5 * param.T_hcg / (param.B * param.N_hc));

      if(param.k_hcg > 1.0 || param.k_hcg < 0.0) {
	g_error("bkgd_evo_mdl_calc_ll: invalid probability of HC "
		"coalescent predating gorilla speciation: k_hcg=%g\n",

    /* calculate branch lengths and substitution probs for current bin */
    for(j = 0; j < conf->n_branch; j++) {
      br = &conf->branches[j];

      br->set_len(br, &param);

      if(br->len < 0.0 || isnan(br->len) || isinf(br->len)) {
	g_warning("bkgd_evo_mdl_calc_ll: invalid length (%g) for branch %s",
		br->len, br->name);
	br->len = BRANCH_LEN_SMALL;

      branch_set_prob(br, &param, conf);

    /* calc prob of observing each observed column type for bin */
    for(j = 0; j < conf->n_cltype; j++) {
      cltype = conf->cltypes[j];

      /* do only non-conserved columns first */
      if(cltype->subst_type == SUBST_TYPE_CONSERVED) {
	cons_clstat = &clstat[j];

      cltype->set_n(cltype, &data->bin[i]);

      /* compute prob of a single observed column */      
      cltype_set_prob(cltype, &param, conf);
      if(cltype->n > 0) {
	/* add contribution to log-likelihood */
	if(cltype->prob > 1.0 || cltype->prob < 0.0) {
	  g_error("bkgd_evo_mdl_calc_ll: invalid probability (%g) "
		  "for column type '%s'", cltype->prob, cltype->name);

	if(cltype->prob < 1e-20) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "LOW prob column %s: p=%g\n", cltype->name, 

	ll += (double)cltype->n * log(cltype->prob);

	/* for debugging and analysis purposes record some statistics
	 * about each column type
	clstat[j].n += cltype->n;
	clstat[j].ttl_prob += cltype->prob;
	clstat[j].ttl_prob_double += cltype->prob_ttl_double;
	clstat[j].ttl_prob_single += cltype->prob_single;
	clstat[j].ttl_ll += (double)cltype->n * log(cltype->prob);

    /* now add the contribution from the conserved column */
    if(conf->cons_cltype != NULL) {
      cltype = conf->cons_cltype;
      cltype->set_n(cltype, &data->bin[i]);

      /* compute prob of a single observed column */
      cltype_cons_set_prob(cltype, &param, conf);

      if(cltype->n > 0) {      
	/* add contribution to log-likelihood */
	if(cltype->prob > 1.0 || cltype->prob < 0.0) {
	  g_error("bkgd_evo_mdl_calc_ll: invalid probability (%g) "
		  "for column type '%s'", cltype->prob, cltype->name);

	if(cltype->prob < 1e-20) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "LOW prob column %s: p=%g\n", cltype->name, 

	ll += (double)cltype->n * log(cltype->prob);

	/* fprintf(stderr, "bin=%ld, CONS prob=%g\n", i, cltype->prob);*/
	cons_clstat->n += cltype->n;
	cons_clstat->ttl_prob += cltype->prob;
	cons_clstat->ttl_prob_double += cltype->prob_ttl_double;
	cons_clstat->ttl_prob_single += cltype->prob_single;
	cons_clstat->ttl_ll += (double)cltype->n * log(cltype->prob);

    if(calc_grad) {
      /* perform derivative calculations **/
      calc_deriv( &ll_deriv, conf, &param,  &data->bin[i]);

  if(calc_grad) {
    /* update model's derivatives */
    bkgd_evo_mdl_set_mdl_deriv(mdl, &ll_deriv);    
    /* model_write_grad_ln(mdl, stderr);*/

/*   for(i = 0; i < conf->n_cltype; i++) { */
/*     double dbl_pp, single_pp, avg_p; */
/*     char *name; */
/*     name = conf->cltypes[i]->name; */
/*     avg_p = clstat[i].ttl_prob / (double)clstat[i].n; */
/*     single_pp = clstat[i].ttl_prob_single / clstat[i].ttl_prob; */
/*     dbl_pp = clstat[i].ttl_prob_double / clstat[i].ttl_prob; */

/*     fprintf(stderr, "  %s: n=%ld, LL=%g, p(%s)=%g, " */
/* 	    "p(single|%s)=%g, p(double|%s)=%g\n", */
/*  	    name, clstat[i].n, clstat[i].ttl_ll, name, avg_p, */
/* 	    name, single_pp, name, dbl_pp); */
/*   } */

  return ll;