Esempio n. 1
//             SDL Functions
void init() {
  //Initialise SDL.
  if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) exit(1);

  //Use double buffering (24-bit).
  SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24);

  //Set vertical sync.

  //Create window.
  if (SDL_SetVideoMode(800, 800, 32, SDL_OPENGL) == 0) exit(1);
  SDL_WM_SetCaption("Primitives", "Primitives");

  //Set up orthographic camera.
  glOrtho(-2, 2, -2, 2, 2, -2);

  //Set the clear color.
  glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);

  //Use the z-buffer.

  //Use vertex and colour arrays.

  //Calculate the vertex and colour data.
Esempio n. 2
	pos = VC3(0, 0, 0);
	speed = VC3(0, 0, 0);
	target = VC3(0, 0, 0);
	mass = 1.0f;
	k = 0.1f;
	overdampFactor = 1.0f;
Esempio n. 3
GridWorld::TilePair GridWorld::getMinSuccessor(GridWorld::Tile*& tile){
	Tile* minTile = 0;
	double minCost = PF_INFINITY;

	std::vector<Tile*> neighbours(getNeighbours(tile));
	for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++){
		double cost = calculateC(tile, neighbours[i]);
		double g = neighbours[i]->g;

		if (cost == PF_INFINITY || g == PF_INFINITY){

		if (cost + g < minCost){ //potential overflow?
			minTile = neighbours[i];
			minCost = cost + g;

	return TilePair(minTile, minCost);
Esempio n. 4
This method does the same thing as the pseudo-code's updateVertex(),
except for grids instead of graphs.

Pathfinding algorimths tend to be demonstraited with a graph rather than a grid,
in order to update the cost between two tiles we must update both the tile and its neighbour.
void GridWorld::updateCost(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double newCost){
	static int count = 1;
	Tile* tile = getTileAt(x, y);
	printf("Updating <%d, %d> from %2.0lf to %2.0lf - Update: %d\n", x, y, tile->cost, newCost, count);
	km += calculateH(previous);
	previous = goal;

	//I am aware that the following code below could be refactored by 50%
	//since it's repeating itself with only a few changes

	double oldCost = tile->cost;
	double oldCostToTile, newCostToTile;

	//Update CURRENT by finding its new minimum RHS-value from NEIGHBOURS
	std::vector<Tile*> neighbours(getNeighbours(tile));
	for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++){
		tile->cost = oldCost;
		oldCostToTile = calculateC(tile, neighbours[i]);

		tile->cost = newCost;
		newCostToTile = calculateC(tile, neighbours[i]);

		if (oldCostToTile > newCostToTile){
			if (tile != start && tile->rhs > neighbours[i]->g + newCostToTile){
				tile->successor = neighbours[i];
				tile->rhs = neighbours[i]->g + newCostToTile;
		else if (tile != start && tile->successor == neighbours[i]){
			TilePair minSucc(getMinSuccessor(tile));
			tile->rhs = minSucc.second;
			tile->successor = (tile->rhs == PF_INFINITY ? 0 : minSucc.first);


	//Update all NEIGHBOURING cells by finding their new min RHS-values from CURRENT
	for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++){
		tile->cost = oldCost;
		oldCostToTile = calculateC(tile, neighbours[i]);

		tile->cost = newCost;
		newCostToTile = calculateC(tile, neighbours[i]);

		if (oldCostToTile > newCostToTile){
			if (neighbours[i] != start && neighbours[i]->rhs > tile->g + newCostToTile){
				neighbours[i]->successor = tile;
				neighbours[i]->rhs = tile->g + newCostToTile;

		else if (neighbours[i] != start && neighbours[i]->successor == tile){
			TilePair minSucc(getMinSuccessor(neighbours[i]));
			neighbours[i]->rhs = minSucc.second;
			neighbours[i]->successor = (neighbours[i]->rhs == PF_INFINITY ? 0 : minSucc.first);


Esempio n. 5
bool GridWorld::computeShortestPath(){
	if (open.empty()){
		std::cout << "ERROR: No tiles to expand on... can't do anything" << std::endl;
		return false;

	while (!open.empty() && (compareKeys(open.front()->key, goal->key = calculateKey(goal)) || goal->rhs != goal->g)){
		Tile* current = open.front();
		//Notice that CURRENT wasn't pop/removed yet

		//std::cout << "Expanding:";
		//std::cout << std::endl;
		KeyPair k_new = calculateKey(current);

		if (compareKeys(current->key, k_new)){
			//Tiles under this branch will have to be updated as incremental search has happened
			current->key = k_new;
			make_heap(open.begin(), open.end(), GridWorld::compareTiles);

		else if (current->g > current->rhs){
			//Majority of the tiles will fall under this conditional branch as
			//it undergoes normal A* pathfinding

			current->g = current->rhs;

			make_heap(open.begin(), open.end(), GridWorld::compareTiles);
			current->isOpen = false;

			std::vector<Tile*> neighbours(getNeighbours(current));
			for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++){
				if (neighbours[i] != start && neighbours[i]->rhs > current->g + calculateC(current, neighbours[i])){
					neighbours[i]->successor = current;
					neighbours[i]->rhs = current->g + calculateC(current, neighbours[i]);

		else {
			//Tiles under this branch will need to be updated during incremental search
			current->g = PF_INFINITY;

			//Update CURRENT
			if (current != start && current->successor == current){
				TilePair minSucc(getMinSuccessor(current));
				current->rhs = minSucc.second;
				current->successor = current->rhs == PF_INFINITY ? 0 : minSucc.first;

			//Update NEIGHBOURS
			std::vector<Tile*> neighbours(getNeighbours(current));
			for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++){
				if (neighbours[i] != start && neighbours[i]->successor == current){
					TilePair minSucc(getMinSuccessor(neighbours[i]));
					neighbours[i]->rhs = minSucc.second;
					neighbours[i]->successor = neighbours[i]->rhs == PF_INFINITY ? 0 : minSucc.first;

		//Uncomment this to see CURRENT'S new values
		//std::cout << "Expanded:";
		//std::cout << std::endl;
	return true;
Esempio n. 6
void VectorDamper::setOverdampFactor(float overdampFactor)
	this->overdampFactor = overdampFactor;
Esempio n. 7
void VectorDamper::setK(float k)
	this->k = k;
Esempio n. 8
int OSM_Model400::calculate( )
    // Return value, assume successful
    int retVal = 0;

    // Vectors for internal component streams
    OSM_Vector x( nSize() );       // net crusher contents
    OSM_Vector y( nSize() );       // material classified for breakage
    OSM_Vector z( nSize() );       // breakage products of y

    // Calculate classification function: C[]
    calculateC( );

    // Create contents matrix if required
    if( contents.rows()!=nComp() || contents.columns()!=nSize() )
        contents.dimension( nComp(), nSize() );

    //-- Main Loop - loop over components in the feed -----------------------

    for( int comp=0; comp<nComp(); comp++ )
        // Aliases to component vectors
        OSM_Vector& feedC = feed()[comp];
        OSM_Vector& prodC = product()[comp];
        OSM_Vector& x     = contents[comp];

        if( feedC.sum() > 0 )                   // Component present ?
            calculateA( comp );                 // Make appearance function
            double misconvergence = 1e20;       // Force misconvergence
            long iteration = 0;                 // No iterations yet

            //-- Iteration Loop - until converged or maximum iterations -----

            while( misconvergence>tolerance && iteration<maxIteration )
                // classify material for breakage y = C(x)
                y.loadProduct( C, x );

                // obtain breakage products z = A(y)
                makeDaughters( y, z );

                // obtain next iteration of recycle: x = feed + z
                misconvergence = x.loadSumWithCompare( feedC, z );

                // a successful iteration (hopefully)
            // product component by balance
            prodC.loadSubtraction( x, y );
            // product component is 0
            prodC = 0;
    // indicate success
    return retVal;
Esempio n. 9
This method does the same thing as the pseudo-code's updateVertex(),
except for grids instead of graphs.

Pathfinding algorimths tend to be demonstraited with a graph rather than a grid,
in order to update the cost between two tiles we must update both the tile and its neighbour.
void GridWorld::updateCost(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, double newCost){
	static int count = 1;
	Tile* tile = getTileAt(x, y);

	printf("Updating <%d, %d> from %2.0lf to %2.0lf - Update: %d\n", x, y, tile->cost, newCost, count);
	km += calculateH(previous);
	previous = start;

	//I am aware that the following code below could be refactored by 50%
	//since it's repeating itself with only a few changes

	double oldCost = tile->cost;
	double oldCostToTile, newCostToTile;
	double currentRHS, otherG;

	//Update CURRENT by finding its new minimum RHS-value from NEIGHBOURS
	std::vector<Tile*> neighbours(getNeighbours(tile));
	for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++){
		tile->cost = oldCost;
		oldCostToTile = calculateC(tile, neighbours[i]);

		tile->cost = newCost;
		newCostToTile = calculateC(tile, neighbours[i]);

		currentRHS = tile->rhs;
		otherG = neighbours[i]->g;

		if (oldCostToTile > newCostToTile){
			if (tile != goal){
				tile->rhs = std::min(currentRHS, (newCostToTile + otherG));
		else if (currentRHS == (oldCostToTile + otherG)){
			if (tile != goal){
				tile->rhs = getMinSuccessor(tile).second;


	//Update all NEIGHBOURING cells by finding their new min RHS-values from CURRENT
	for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++){
		tile->cost = oldCost;
		oldCostToTile = calculateC(tile, neighbours[i]);

		tile->cost = newCost;
		newCostToTile = calculateC(tile, neighbours[i]);

		currentRHS = neighbours[i]->rhs;
		otherG = tile->g;

		if (oldCostToTile > newCostToTile){
			if (neighbours[i] != goal){
				neighbours[i]->rhs = std::min(currentRHS, (newCostToTile + otherG));
		else if (currentRHS == (oldCostToTile + otherG)){
			if (neighbours[i] != goal){
				neighbours[i]->rhs = getMinSuccessor(neighbours[i]).second;

Esempio n. 10
bool GridWorld::computeShortestPath(){
	if (open.empty()){
		std::cout << "ERROR: No tiles to expand on... can't do anything" << std::endl;
		return false;

	double currentRHS, otherG, previousG;

	while (!open.empty() && (compareKeys(open.front()->key, start->key = calculateKey(start)) || start->rhs != start->g)){
		Tile* current = open.front();
		//Notice that CURRENT wasn't pop/removed yet..

		KeyPair k_old = current->key;
		KeyPair k_new = calculateKey(current);

		currentRHS = current->rhs;
		otherG = current->g;

		/*std::cout << "Expanding:";
		std::cout << std::endl;*/

		if (compareKeys(k_old, k_new)){
			//This branch updates tile that were already in the OPEN list originally
			//This branch tends to execute AFTER the else branch
			current->key = k_new;
			make_heap(open.begin(), open.end(), GridWorld::compareTiles);

		else if (otherG > currentRHS){
			//Majority of the execution will fall under this conditional branch as
			//it is undergoing normal A* pathfinding

			current->g = current->rhs;
			otherG = currentRHS;

			make_heap(open.begin(), open.end(), GridWorld::compareTiles);
			current->isOpen = false;

			std::vector<Tile*> neighbours(getNeighbours(current));
			for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++){
				if (neighbours[i] != 0){
					if (neighbours[i] != goal){
						neighbours[i]->rhs = std::min(neighbours[i]->rhs, calculateC(current, neighbours[i]) + otherG);

		else {
			//Execution of this branch updates the tile during incremental search

			previousG = otherG;
			current->g = PF_INFINITY;

			//Update CURRENT'S RHS
			if (current != goal){
				current->rhs = getMinSuccessor(current).second;

			//Update NEIGHBOUR'S RHS to their minimum successor
			std::vector<Tile*> neighbours(getNeighbours(current));
			for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++){
				if (neighbours[i] != 0){
					if (neighbours[i]->rhs == (calculateC(current, neighbours[i]) + previousG) && neighbours[i] != goal){
						neighbours[i]->rhs = getMinSuccessor(neighbours[i]).second;

		//Uncomment this to see CURRENT'S new values
		//std::cout << "Expanded:";
		//std::cout << std::endl;
	return true;