Esempio n. 1
/* Define the vertex array that specifies the terrain
   (x, y) specifies the pixel dimensions of the heightfield (x * y) vertices
   (xs, ys) specifies the size of the heightfield region 
void terrain_object::createTerrain(GLuint xp, GLuint zp, GLfloat xs, GLfloat zs, GLfloat freq, GLfloat scale)
	xsize = xp;
	zsize = zp;
	width = xs;
	height = zs;

	/* Scale heights in relation to the terrain size */
	height_scale = xs;

	/* Create array of vertices */
	GLuint numvertices = xsize * zsize;
	vertices = new glm::vec3[numvertices];
	normals  = new glm::vec3[numvertices];

	/* First calculate the noise array which we'll use for our vertex height values */
	calculateNoise(freq, scale);

	/* Debug code to check that noise values are sensible */
//	for (int i = 0; i < (xsize*zsize*perlin_octaves); i++)
//	{
//		printf("\n noise[%d] = %f", i, noise[i]);
//	}

	/* Define starting (x,z) positions and the step changes */
	GLfloat xpos = -width / 2.f;
	GLfloat xpos_step = width / GLfloat(xp);
	GLfloat zpos_step = height / GLfloat(zp);
	GLfloat zpos_start = -height / 2.f;

	/* Define the vertex positions and the initial normals for a flat surface */
	for (GLuint x = 0; x < xsize; x++)
		GLfloat zpos = zpos_start;
		for (GLuint z = 0; z < zsize; z++)
			GLfloat height = noise[(x*zsize + z) * 4+3];
			vertices[x*xsize + z] = glm::vec3(xpos, (height-0.5f)*height_scale, zpos);
			normals[x*xsize + z]  = glm::vec3(0, 1.0f, 0);		// Normals for a flat surface
			zpos += zpos_step;
		xpos += xpos_step;

	/* Define vertices for triangle strips */
	for (GLuint x = 0; x < xsize - 1; x++)
		GLuint top    = x * zsize;
		GLuint bottom = top + zsize;
		for (GLuint z = 0; z < zsize; z++)

Esempio n. 2
void MapgenV7::makeChunk(BlockMakeData *data)
	// Pre-conditions
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X >= data->blockpos_min.X &&
		data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
		data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X <= data->blockpos_max.X &&
		data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
		data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);

	this->generating = true;
	this->vm   = data->vmanip;
	this->ndef = data->nodedef;
	//TimeTaker t("makeChunk");

	v3s16 blockpos_min = data->blockpos_min;
	v3s16 blockpos_max = data->blockpos_max;
	node_min = blockpos_min * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	node_max = (blockpos_max + v3s16(1, 1, 1)) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	full_node_min = (blockpos_min - 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	full_node_max = (blockpos_max + 2) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);

	blockseed = getBlockSeed2(full_node_min, seed);

	// Make some noise

	// Generate base terrain, mountains, and ridges with initial heightmaps
	s16 stone_surface_max_y = generateTerrain();

	// Create heightmap
	updateHeightmap(node_min, node_max);

	// Create biomemap at heightmap surface
	bmgr->calcBiomes(csize.X, csize.Z, noise_heat->result,
		noise_humidity->result, heightmap, biomemap);

	// Actually place the biome-specific nodes
	MgStoneType stone_type = generateBiomes(noise_heat->result, noise_humidity->result);

	if (flags & MG_CAVES)

	if ((flags & MG_DUNGEONS) && (stone_surface_max_y >= node_min.Y)) {
		DungeonParams dp;

		dp.np_rarity  = nparams_dungeon_rarity;
		dp.np_density = nparams_dungeon_density;
		dp.np_wetness = nparams_dungeon_wetness;
		dp.c_water    = c_water_source;
		if (stone_type == STONE) {
			dp.c_cobble = c_cobble;
			dp.c_moss   = c_mossycobble;
			dp.c_stair  = c_stair_cobble;

			dp.diagonal_dirs = false;
			dp.mossratio     = 3.0;
			dp.holesize      = v3s16(1, 2, 1);
			dp.roomsize      = v3s16(0, 0, 0);
			dp.notifytype    = GENNOTIFY_DUNGEON;
		} else if (stone_type == DESERT_STONE) {
			dp.c_cobble = c_desert_stone;
			dp.c_moss   = c_desert_stone;
			dp.c_stair  = c_desert_stone;

			dp.diagonal_dirs = true;
			dp.mossratio     = 0.0;
			dp.holesize      = v3s16(2, 3, 2);
			dp.roomsize      = v3s16(2, 5, 2);
			dp.notifytype    = GENNOTIFY_TEMPLE;
		} else if (stone_type == SANDSTONE) {
			dp.c_cobble = c_sandstonebrick;
			dp.c_moss   = c_sandstonebrick;
			dp.c_stair  = c_sandstonebrick;

			dp.diagonal_dirs = false;
			dp.mossratio     = 0.0;
			dp.holesize      = v3s16(2, 2, 2);
			dp.roomsize      = v3s16(2, 0, 2);
			dp.notifytype    = GENNOTIFY_DUNGEON;

		DungeonGen dgen(this, &dp);
		dgen.generate(blockseed, full_node_min, full_node_max);

	// Generate the registered decorations
	m_emerge->decomgr->placeAllDecos(this, blockseed, node_min, node_max);

	// Generate the registered ores
	m_emerge->oremgr->placeAllOres(this, blockseed, node_min, node_max);

	// Sprinkle some dust on top after everything else was generated

	//printf("makeChunk: %dms\n", t.stop());

	updateLiquid(&data->transforming_liquid, full_node_min, full_node_max);

	if (flags & MG_LIGHT)
		calcLighting(node_min - v3s16(0, 1, 0), node_max + v3s16(0, 1, 0),
			full_node_min, full_node_max);

	//setLighting(node_min - v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
	//			node_max + v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE, 0xFF);

	this->generating = false;
Esempio n. 3
void MapgenV6::makeChunk(BlockMakeData *data)
	// Pre-conditions
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X >= data->blockpos_min.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X <= data->blockpos_max.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);

	this->generating = true;
	this->vm   = data->vmanip;
	this->ndef = data->nodedef;

	// Hack: use minimum block coords for old code that assumes a single block
	v3s16 blockpos_min = data->blockpos_min;
	v3s16 blockpos_max = data->blockpos_max;

	// Area of central chunk
	node_min = blockpos_min * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	node_max = (blockpos_max + v3s16(1, 1, 1)) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);

	// Full allocated area
	full_node_min = (blockpos_min - 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	full_node_max = (blockpos_max + 2) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);

	central_area_size = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	assert(central_area_size.X == central_area_size.Z);

	int volume_blocks = (blockpos_max.X - blockpos_min.X + 1)
					  * (blockpos_max.Y - blockpos_min.Y + 1)
					  * (blockpos_max.Z - blockpos_max.Z + 1);

	volume_nodes = volume_blocks *

	// Create a block-specific seed
	blockseed = get_blockseed(data->seed, full_node_min);

	// Make some noise

	// Maximum height of the stone surface and obstacles.
	// This is used to guide the cave generation
	s16 stone_surface_max_y;

	// Generate general ground level to full area
	stone_surface_max_y = generateGround();


	// Create initial heightmap to limit caves
	updateHeightmap(node_min, node_max);

	const s16 max_spread_amount = MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	// Limit dirt flow area by 1 because mud is flown into neighbors.
	s16 mudflow_minpos = -max_spread_amount + 1;
	s16 mudflow_maxpos = central_area_size.X + max_spread_amount - 2;

	// Loop this part, it will make stuff look older and newer nicely
	const u32 age_loops = 2;
	for (u32 i_age = 0; i_age < age_loops; i_age++) { // Aging loop
		// Make caves (this code is relatively horrible)
		if (flags & MG_CAVES)

		// Add mud to the central chunk

		// Flow mud away from steep edges
		if (spflags & MGV6_MUDFLOW)
			flowMud(mudflow_minpos, mudflow_maxpos);


	// Update heightmap after mudflow
	updateHeightmap(node_min, node_max);

	// Add dungeons
	if ((flags & MG_DUNGEONS) && (stone_surface_max_y >= node_min.Y)) {
		DungeonParams dp;

		dp.np_rarity  = nparams_dungeon_rarity;
		dp.np_density = nparams_dungeon_density;
		dp.np_wetness = nparams_dungeon_wetness;
		dp.c_water    = c_water_source;
		if (getBiome(0, node_min) == BT_DESERT) {
			dp.c_cobble = c_desert_stone;
			dp.c_moss   = c_desert_stone;
			dp.c_stair  = c_desert_stone;

			dp.diagonal_dirs = true;
			dp.mossratio     = 0.0;
			dp.holesize      = v3s16(2, 3, 2);
			dp.roomsize      = v3s16(2, 5, 2);
			dp.notifytype    = GENNOTIFY_TEMPLE;
		} else {
			dp.c_cobble = c_cobble;
			dp.c_moss   = c_mossycobble;
			dp.c_stair  = c_stair_cobble;

			dp.diagonal_dirs = false;
			dp.mossratio     = 3.0;
			dp.holesize      = v3s16(1, 2, 1);
			dp.roomsize      = v3s16(0, 0, 0);
			dp.notifytype    = GENNOTIFY_DUNGEON;

		DungeonGen dgen(this, &dp);
		dgen.generate(blockseed, full_node_min, full_node_max);

	// Add top and bottom side of water to transforming_liquid queue
	updateLiquid(full_node_min, full_node_max);

	// Add surface nodes

	// Generate some trees, and add grass, if a jungle
	if (flags & MG_TREES)

	// Generate the registered decorations
	m_emerge->decomgr->placeAllDecos(this, blockseed, node_min, node_max);

	// Generate the registered ores
	m_emerge->oremgr->placeAllOres(this, blockseed, node_min, node_max);

	// Calculate lighting
	if (flags & MG_LIGHT)
		calcLighting(node_min, node_max);

	this->generating = false;
Esempio n. 4
void MapgenV7::makeChunk(BlockMakeData *data)
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X >= data->blockpos_min.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X <= data->blockpos_max.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);

	this->generating = true;
	this->vm   = data->vmanip;
	this->ndef = data->nodedef;
	//TimeTaker t("makeChunk");

	v3s16 blockpos_min = data->blockpos_min;
	v3s16 blockpos_max = data->blockpos_max;
	node_min = blockpos_min * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	node_max = (blockpos_max + v3s16(1, 1, 1)) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	full_node_min = (blockpos_min - 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	full_node_max = (blockpos_max + 2) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);

	blockseed = getBlockSeed2(full_node_min, seed);

	// Make some noise

	// Generate base terrain, mountains, and ridges with initial heightmaps
	s16 stone_surface_max_y = generateTerrain();

	updateHeightmap(node_min, node_max);

	// Calculate biomes
	bmgr->calcBiomes(csize.X, csize.Z, noise_heat->result,
		noise_humidity->result, heightmap, biomemap);

	// Actually place the biome-specific nodes and what not

	if (flags & MG_CAVES)

	if ((flags & MG_DUNGEONS) && (stone_surface_max_y >= node_min.Y)) {
		DungeonGen dgen(this, NULL);
		dgen.generate(blockseed, full_node_min, full_node_max);

	// Generate the registered decorations
	m_emerge->decomgr->placeAllDecos(this, blockseed, node_min, node_max);

	// Generate the registered ores
	m_emerge->oremgr->placeAllOres(this, blockseed, node_min, node_max);

	// Sprinkle some dust on top after everything else was generated

	//printf("makeChunk: %dms\n", t.stop());

	updateLiquid(&data->transforming_liquid, full_node_min, full_node_max);

	if (flags & MG_LIGHT)
		calcLighting(node_min, node_max);
	//setLighting(node_min - v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
	//			node_max + v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE, 0xFF);

	this->generating = false;
Esempio n. 5
void MapgenV7::makeChunk(BlockMakeData *data) {
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X >= data->blockpos_min.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X <= data->blockpos_max.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);
	this->generating = true;
	this->vm   = data->vmanip;	
	this->ndef = data->nodedef;
	//TimeTaker t("makeChunk");
	v3s16 blockpos_min = data->blockpos_min;
	v3s16 blockpos_max = data->blockpos_max;
	node_min = blockpos_min * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	node_max = (blockpos_max + v3s16(1, 1, 1)) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	full_node_min = (blockpos_min - 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	full_node_max = (blockpos_max + 2) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);

	blockseed = emerge->getBlockSeed(full_node_min);  //////use getBlockSeed2()!
	// Make some noise
	// Generate base terrain, mountains, and ridges with initial heightmaps
	s16 stone_surface_max_y = generateTerrain();
	updateHeightmap(node_min, node_max);
	// Calculate biomes
	BiomeNoiseInput binput;
	binput.mapsize      = v2s16(csize.X, csize.Z);
	binput.heat_map     = noise_heat->result;
	binput.humidity_map = noise_humidity->result;
	binput.height_map   = heightmap;
	bmgr->calcBiomes(&binput, biomemap);
	// Actually place the biome-specific nodes and what not

	if (flags & MG_CAVES)

	if (flags & MG_DUNGEONS) {
		DungeonGen dgen(this, NULL);
		dgen.generate(blockseed, full_node_min, full_node_max);

	for (size_t i = 0; i != emerge->decorations.size(); i++) {
		Decoration *deco = emerge->decorations[i];
		deco->placeDeco(this, blockseed + i, node_min, node_max);

	for (size_t i = 0; i != emerge->ores.size(); i++) {
		Ore *ore = emerge->ores[i];
		ore->placeOre(this, blockseed + i, node_min, node_max);
	// Sprinkle some dust on top after everything else was generated
	//printf("makeChunk: %dms\n", t.stop());
	updateLiquid(&data->transforming_liquid, full_node_min, full_node_max);
	if (flags & MG_LIGHT)
		calcLighting(node_min - v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
					 node_max + v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
	//setLighting(node_min - v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
	//			node_max + v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE, 0xFF);
	this->generating = false;
Esempio n. 6
void MapgenV6::makeChunk(BlockMakeData *data) {
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X >= data->blockpos_min.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X <= data->blockpos_max.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);
	this->generating = true;
	this->vm   = data->vmanip;	
	this->ndef = data->nodedef;
	// Hack: use minimum block coords for old code that assumes a single block
	v3s16 blockpos = data->blockpos_requested;
	v3s16 blockpos_min = data->blockpos_min;
	v3s16 blockpos_max = data->blockpos_max;

	// Area of central chunk
	node_min = blockpos_min*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	node_max = (blockpos_max+v3s16(1,1,1))*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v3s16(1,1,1);

	// Full allocated area
	full_node_min = (blockpos_min-1)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	full_node_max = (blockpos_max+2)*MAP_BLOCKSIZE-v3s16(1,1,1);

	central_area_size = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1,1,1);
	assert(central_area_size.X == central_area_size.Z);

	int volume_blocks = (blockpos_max.X - blockpos_min.X + 1)
					  * (blockpos_max.Y - blockpos_min.Y + 1)
					  * (blockpos_max.Z - blockpos_max.Z + 1);

	volume_nodes = volume_blocks *

	// Create a block-specific seed
	blockseed = get_blockseed(data->seed, full_node_min);

	// Make some noise

	c_stone           = ndef->getId("mapgen_stone");
	c_dirt            = ndef->getId("mapgen_dirt");
	c_dirt_with_grass = ndef->getId("mapgen_dirt_with_grass");
	c_dirt_with_snow  = ndef->getId("mapgen_dirt_with_snow");
	c_sand            = ndef->getId("mapgen_sand");
	c_water_source    = ndef->getId("mapgen_water_source");
	c_lava_source     = ndef->getId("mapgen_lava_source");
	c_gravel          = ndef->getId("mapgen_gravel");
	c_cobble          = ndef->getId("mapgen_cobble");
	c_desert_sand     = ndef->getId("mapgen_desert_sand");
	c_desert_stone    = ndef->getId("mapgen_desert_stone");
	c_ice             = ndef->getId("mapgen_ice");
	if (c_desert_sand == CONTENT_IGNORE)
		c_desert_sand = c_sand;
	if (c_desert_stone == CONTENT_IGNORE)
		c_desert_stone = c_stone;

	// Maximum height of the stone surface and obstacles.
	// This is used to guide the cave generation
	s16 stone_surface_max_y;

	// Generate general ground level to full area
	stone_surface_max_y = generateGround();


	const s16 max_spread_amount = MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	// Limit dirt flow area by 1 because mud is flown into neighbors.
	s16 mudflow_minpos = -max_spread_amount + 1;
	s16 mudflow_maxpos = central_area_size.X + max_spread_amount - 2;

	// Loop this part, it will make stuff look older and newer nicely
	const u32 age_loops = 2;
	for (u32 i_age = 0; i_age < age_loops; i_age++) { // Aging loop
		// Make caves (this code is relatively horrible)
		if (flags & MG_CAVES)

		// Add mud to the central chunk

		// Add blobs of dirt and gravel underground

		// Flow mud away from steep edges
		flowMud(mudflow_minpos, mudflow_maxpos);

	// Add dungeons
	if (flags & MG_DUNGEONS) {
		DungeonGen dgen(ndef, data->seed, water_level);
		dgen.generate(vm, blockseed, full_node_min, full_node_max);
	// Add top and bottom side of water to transforming_liquid queue
	updateLiquid(&data->transforming_liquid, full_node_min, full_node_max);

	// Grow grass

	// Generate some trees, and add grass, if a jungle
	if (flags & MG_TREES)
	// Generate the registered decorations
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i != emerge->decorations.size(); i++) {
		Decoration *deco = emerge->decorations[i];
		deco->placeDeco(this, blockseed + i, node_min, node_max);

	// Generate the registered ores
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i != emerge->ores.size(); i++) {
		Ore *ore = emerge->ores[i];
		ore->placeOre(this, blockseed + i, node_min, node_max);

	// Calculate lighting
	if (!(flags & MG_NOLIGHT))
		calcLighting(node_min - v3s16(1, 1, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
					 node_max + v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
	this->generating = false;
Esempio n. 7
void MapgenV7::makeChunk(BlockMakeData *data) {
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X >= data->blockpos_min.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X <= data->blockpos_max.X &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
		   data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);
	this->generating = true;
	this->vm   = data->vmanip;	
	this->ndef = data->nodedef;
	//TimeTaker t("makeChunk");
	v3s16 blockpos_min = data->blockpos_min;
	v3s16 blockpos_max = data->blockpos_max;
	v3s16 blockpos_full_min = blockpos_min - v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	v3s16 blockpos_full_max = blockpos_max + v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	node_min = blockpos_min * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	node_max = (blockpos_max + v3s16(1, 1, 1)) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	full_node_min = (blockpos_min - 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	full_node_max = (blockpos_max + 2) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);

	blockseed = emerge->getBlockSeed(full_node_min);  //////use getBlockSeed2()!

	// Make some noise

	// Calculate height map
	s16 stone_surface_max_y = calcHeightMap();
	// Calculate biomes
	BiomeNoiseInput binput;
	binput.mapsize       = v2s16(csize.X, csize.Z);
	binput.heat_map      = noise_heat->result;
	binput.humidity_map  = noise_humidity->result;
	binput.height_map    = heightmap;
	bmgr->calcBiomes(&binput, biomemap);
	c_stone           = ndef->getId("mapgen_stone");
	c_dirt            = ndef->getId("mapgen_dirt");
	c_dirt_with_grass = ndef->getId("mapgen_dirt_with_grass");
	c_sand            = ndef->getId("mapgen_sand");
	c_water_source    = ndef->getId("mapgen_water_source");
	c_lava_source     = ndef->getId("mapgen_lava_source");
	//v3s16 central_area_size = node_max - node_min + v3s16(1,1,1);

	if (flags & MG_DUNGEONS) {
		DungeonGen dgen(ndef, data->seed, water_level);
		dgen.generate(vm, blockseed, full_node_min, full_node_max);

	for (size_t i = 0; i != emerge->ores.size(); i++) {
		Ore *ore = emerge->ores[i];
		ore->placeOre(this, blockseed + i, node_min, node_max);
	//printf("makeChunk: %dms\n", t.stop());
	updateLiquid(&data->transforming_liquid, full_node_min, full_node_max);
	calcLighting(node_min - v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
				 node_max + v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE);
	//setLighting(node_min - v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE,
	//			node_max + v3s16(1, 0, 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE, 0xFF);

	this->generating = false;
Esempio n. 8
void MapgenValleys::makeChunk(BlockMakeData *data)
	// Pre-conditions
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X >= data->blockpos_min.X &&
		data->blockpos_requested.Y >= data->blockpos_min.Y &&
		data->blockpos_requested.Z >= data->blockpos_min.Z);
	assert(data->blockpos_requested.X <= data->blockpos_max.X &&
		data->blockpos_requested.Y <= data->blockpos_max.Y &&
		data->blockpos_requested.Z <= data->blockpos_max.Z);

	this->generating = true;
	this->vm = data->vmanip;
	this->ndef = data->nodedef;

	//TimeTaker t("makeChunk");

	v3s16 blockpos_min = data->blockpos_min;
	v3s16 blockpos_max = data->blockpos_max;
	node_min = blockpos_min * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	node_max = (blockpos_max + v3s16(1, 1, 1)) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);
	full_node_min = (blockpos_min - 1) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE;
	full_node_max = (blockpos_max + 2) * MAP_BLOCKSIZE - v3s16(1, 1, 1);

	blockseed = getBlockSeed2(full_node_min, seed);

	// Generate noise maps and base terrain height.

	// Generate biome noises.  Note this must be executed strictly before
	// generateTerrain, because generateTerrain depends on intermediate
	// biome-related noises.

	// Generate base terrain with initial heightmaps
	s16 stone_surface_max_y = generateTerrain();

	// Build biomemap

	// Place biome-specific nodes
	MgStoneType stone_type = generateBiomes();

	// Cave creation.
	if (flags & MG_CAVES)
		generateCaves(stone_surface_max_y, large_cave_depth);

	// Dungeon creation
	if ((flags & MG_DUNGEONS) && node_max.Y < 50)
		generateDungeons(stone_surface_max_y, stone_type);

	// Generate the registered decorations
	if (flags & MG_DECORATIONS)
		m_emerge->decomgr->placeAllDecos(this, blockseed, node_min, node_max);

	// Generate the registered ores
	m_emerge->oremgr->placeAllOres(this, blockseed, node_min, node_max);

	// Sprinkle some dust on top after everything else was generated

	//TimeTaker tll("liquid_lighting");

	updateLiquid(&data->transforming_liquid, full_node_min, full_node_max);

	if (flags & MG_LIGHT)
				node_min - v3s16(0, 1, 0),
				node_max + v3s16(0, 1, 0),

	//mapgen_profiler->avg("liquid_lighting", tll.stop() / 1000.f);
	//mapgen_profiler->avg("makeChunk", t.stop() / 1000.f);

	this->generating = false;
/* Define the vertex array that specifies the terrain
(x, y) specifies the pixel dimensions of the heightfield (x * y) vertices
(xs, ys) specifies the size of the heightfield region in world coords
void Terrain::createTerrain(GLuint xp, GLuint zp, GLfloat xs, GLfloat zs, GLfloat sl)
	xsize = xp;
	zsize = zp;
	width = xs;
	height = zs;

	/* Scale heights in relation to the terrain size */
	height_scale = xs;

	/* Create array of vertices */
	GLuint numvertices = xsize * zsize;
	vertices = new glm::vec3[numvertices];
	normals = new glm::vec3[numvertices];
	colours = new glm::vec3[numvertices];

	/* First calculate the noise array which we'll use for our vertex height values */

	/* Define starting (x,z) positions and the step changes */
	GLfloat xpos = -width / 2.f;
	GLfloat xpos_step = width / GLfloat(xp);
	GLfloat zpos_step = height / GLfloat(zp);
	GLfloat zpos_start = -height / 2.f;

	/* Define the vertex positions and the initial normals for a flat surface */
	for (GLuint x = 0; x < xsize; x++)
		GLfloat zpos = zpos_start;
		for (GLuint z = 0; z < zsize; z++)
			GLfloat height = noise[(x*zsize + z) * perlin_octaves + perlin_octaves - 1];
			vertices[x*xsize + z] = glm::vec3(xpos, (height - 0.5f)*height_scale, zpos);
					// Normals for a flat surface
			if (height > 0.48) {
				colours[x * xsize + z] = glm::vec3(
					(1.0 * (1.0 - height) * 2.0),
					(1.0 * (1.0 - height) * 2.0),
					(1.0 * (1.0 - height) * 2.0)
				normals[x*xsize + z] = glm::vec3(0, 1.0f, 0);
			else if (height < 0.2) {
				colours[x * xsize + z] = glm::vec3(
					(1.0 * (1.0 * height) / 1.0),
					(1.0 * (1.0 - height) / 1.0),
				normals[x * xsize + z] = glm::vec3(1.0f, 0, 0);
			else {
				colours[x * xsize + z] = glm::vec3(
					(1.0 * (1.0 * height) / 1.0),
					(1.0 * (1.0 - height) / 1.0),
				normals[x*xsize + z] = glm::vec3(0, 1.0f, 0);

			zpos += zpos_step;
		xpos += xpos_step;

	/* Define vertices for triangle strips */
	for (GLuint x = 0; x < xsize - 1; x++)
		GLuint top = x * zsize;
		GLuint bottom = top + zsize;
		for (GLuint z = 0; z < zsize; z++)

	// Stretch the height values to a defined height range 
	stretchToRange(-(xs / 8.f), (xs / 8.f));

	// Define a sea level by flattening low regions


	// Calculate the normals by averaging cross products for all triangles 