Esempio n. 1
void mixTable(void *pidProfilePtr)
    uint32_t i = 0;
    fix12_t vbatCompensationFactor = 0;
    static fix12_t mixReduction;
    bool use_vbat_compensation = false;
    pidProfile_t *pidProfile = (pidProfile_t *) pidProfilePtr;
    if (batteryConfig && pidProfile->vbatPidCompensation) {
        use_vbat_compensation = true;
        vbatCompensationFactor = calculateVbatPidCompensation();

    bool isFailsafeActive = failsafeIsActive(); // TODO - Find out if failsafe checks are really needed here in mixer code

    // Initial mixer concept by bdoiron74 reused and optimized for Air Mode
    int16_t rollPitchYawMix[MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS];
    int16_t rollPitchYawMixMax = 0; // assumption: symetrical about zero.
    int16_t rollPitchYawMixMin = 0;

    if (use_vbat_compensation) rollPitchYawMix[i] = qMultiply(vbatCompensationFactor, rollPitchYawMix[i]);  // Add voltage compensation

    // Find roll/pitch/yaw desired output
    for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
        rollPitchYawMix[i] =
            axisPID[PITCH] * currentMixer[i].pitch +
            axisPID[ROLL] * currentMixer[i].roll +
            -mixerConfig->yaw_motor_direction * axisPID[YAW] * currentMixer[i].yaw;

        if (use_vbat_compensation) rollPitchYawMix[i] = qMultiply(vbatCompensationFactor, rollPitchYawMix[i]);  // Add voltage compensation

        if (rollPitchYawMix[i] > rollPitchYawMixMax) rollPitchYawMixMax = rollPitchYawMix[i];
        if (rollPitchYawMix[i] < rollPitchYawMixMin) rollPitchYawMixMin = rollPitchYawMix[i];

        if (debugMode == DEBUG_MIXER && i < 5) debug[i] = rollPitchYawMix[i];

    // Scale roll/pitch/yaw uniformly to fit within throttle range
    int16_t rollPitchYawMixRange = rollPitchYawMixMax - rollPitchYawMixMin;
    int16_t throttleRange, throttle;
    int16_t throttleMin, throttleMax;
    static int16_t throttlePrevious = 0;   // Store the last throttle direction for deadband transitions

    // Find min and max throttle based on condition.
    if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) {
        if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) throttlePrevious = rxConfig->midrc; // When disarmed set to mid_rc. It always results in positive direction after arming.

        if ((rcCommand[THROTTLE] <= (rxConfig->midrc - flight3DConfig->deadband3d_throttle))) { // Out of band handling
            throttleMax = flight3DConfig->deadband3d_low;
            throttleMin = escAndServoConfig->minthrottle;
            throttlePrevious = throttle = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
        } else if (rcCommand[THROTTLE] >= (rxConfig->midrc + flight3DConfig->deadband3d_throttle)) { // Positive handling
            throttleMax = escAndServoConfig->maxthrottle;
            throttleMin = flight3DConfig->deadband3d_high;
            throttlePrevious = throttle = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
        } else if ((throttlePrevious <= (rxConfig->midrc - flight3DConfig->deadband3d_throttle)))  { // Deadband handling from negative to positive
            throttle = throttleMax = flight3DConfig->deadband3d_low;
            throttleMin = escAndServoConfig->minthrottle;
        } else {  // Deadband handling from positive to negative
            throttleMax = escAndServoConfig->maxthrottle;
            throttle = throttleMin = flight3DConfig->deadband3d_high;
    } else {
        throttle = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
        throttleMin = escAndServoConfig->minthrottle;
        throttleMax = escAndServoConfig->maxthrottle;

    throttleRange = throttleMax - throttleMin;

    if (rollPitchYawMixRange > throttleRange) {
        mixReduction = qConstruct(throttleRange, rollPitchYawMixRange);

        for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            rollPitchYawMix[i] =  qMultiply(mixReduction,rollPitchYawMix[i]);
        // Get the maximum correction by setting offset to center
        throttleMin = throttleMax = throttleMin + (throttleRange / 2);
    } else {
        throttleMin = throttleMin + (rollPitchYawMixRange / 2);
        throttleMax = throttleMax - (rollPitchYawMixRange / 2);

    // Now add in the desired throttle, but keep in a range that doesn't clip adjusted
    // roll/pitch/yaw. This could move throttle down, but also up for those low throttle flips.
    for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
        motor[i] = rollPitchYawMix[i] + constrain(throttle * currentMixer[i].throttle, throttleMin, throttleMax);

        if (isFailsafeActive) {
            motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], escAndServoConfig->mincommand, escAndServoConfig->maxthrottle);
        } else if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) {
            if (throttlePrevious <= (rxConfig->midrc - flight3DConfig->deadband3d_throttle)) {
                motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], escAndServoConfig->minthrottle, flight3DConfig->deadband3d_low);
            } else {
                motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], flight3DConfig->deadband3d_high, escAndServoConfig->maxthrottle);
        } else {
            motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], escAndServoConfig->minthrottle, escAndServoConfig->maxthrottle);

        // Motor stop handling
        if (feature(FEATURE_MOTOR_STOP) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED) && !feature(FEATURE_3D) && !isAirmodeActive()) {
            if (((rcData[THROTTLE]) < rxConfig->mincheck)) {
                motor[i] = escAndServoConfig->mincommand;

    // Disarmed mode
    if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) {
        for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            motor[i] = motor_disarmed[i];

    // motor outputs are used as sources for servo mixing, so motors must be calculated before servos.

#if !defined(USE_QUAD_MIXER_ONLY) || defined(USE_SERVOS)

    // airplane / servo mixes
    switch (currentMixerMode) {
        case MIXER_FLYING_WING:
        case MIXER_AIRPLANE:
        case MIXER_BICOPTER:
        case MIXER_CUSTOM_TRI:
        case MIXER_TRI:
        case MIXER_DUALCOPTER:
        case MIXER_GIMBAL:

        case MIXER_GIMBAL:
            servo[SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH] = (((int32_t)servoConf[SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH].rate * attitude.values.pitch) / 50) + determineServoMiddleOrForwardFromChannel(SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH);
            servo[SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL] = (((int32_t)servoConf[SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL].rate * attitude.values.roll) / 50) + determineServoMiddleOrForwardFromChannel(SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL);


    // camera stabilization
    if (feature(FEATURE_SERVO_TILT)) {
        // center at fixed position, or vary either pitch or roll by RC channel
        servo[SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH] = determineServoMiddleOrForwardFromChannel(SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH);
        servo[SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL] = determineServoMiddleOrForwardFromChannel(SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL);

            if (gimbalConfig->mode == GIMBAL_MODE_MIXTILT) {
                servo[SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH] -= (-(int32_t)servoConf[SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH].rate) * attitude.values.pitch / 50 - (int32_t)servoConf[SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL].rate * attitude.values.roll / 50;
                servo[SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL] += (-(int32_t)servoConf[SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH].rate) * attitude.values.pitch / 50 + (int32_t)servoConf[SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL].rate * attitude.values.roll / 50;
            } else {
                servo[SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH] += (int32_t)servoConf[SERVO_GIMBAL_PITCH].rate * attitude.values.pitch / 50;
                servo[SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL] += (int32_t)servoConf[SERVO_GIMBAL_ROLL].rate * attitude.values.roll  / 50;

    // constrain servos
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPPORTED_SERVOS; i++) {
        servo[i] = constrain(servo[i], servoConf[i].min, servoConf[i].max); // limit the values
Esempio n. 2
void mixTable(pidProfile_t *pidProfile)
    uint32_t i = 0;
    float vbatCompensationFactor = 1;

    // Scale roll/pitch/yaw uniformly to fit within throttle range
    // Initial mixer concept by bdoiron74 reused and optimized for Air Mode
    float motorMix[MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS], motorMixMax = 0, motorMixMin = 0;
    float throttleRange = 0, throttle = 0;
    float motorOutputRange, motorMixRange;
    uint16_t motorOutputMin, motorOutputMax;
    static uint16_t throttlePrevious = 0;   // Store the last throttle direction for deadband transitions

    // Find min and max throttle based on condition.
    if (feature(FEATURE_3D)) {
        if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) throttlePrevious = rxConfig->midrc; // When disarmed set to mid_rc. It always results in positive direction after arming.

        if ((rcCommand[THROTTLE] <= (rxConfig->midrc - flight3DConfig->deadband3d_throttle))) { // Out of band handling
            motorOutputMax = deadbandMotor3dLow;
            motorOutputMin = minMotorOutputNormal;
            throttlePrevious = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
            throttle = rcCommand[THROTTLE] + flight3DConfig->deadband3d_throttle;
        } else if (rcCommand[THROTTLE] >= (rxConfig->midrc + flight3DConfig->deadband3d_throttle)) { // Positive handling
            motorOutputMax = maxMotorOutputNormal;
            motorOutputMin = deadbandMotor3dHigh;
            throttlePrevious = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
            throttle = rcCommand[THROTTLE] - flight3DConfig->deadband3d_throttle;
        } else if ((throttlePrevious <= (rxConfig->midrc - flight3DConfig->deadband3d_throttle)))  { // Deadband handling from negative to positive
            throttle = deadbandMotor3dLow;
            motorOutputMin = motorOutputMax = minMotorOutputNormal;
        } else {  // Deadband handling from positive to negative
            motorOutputMax = maxMotorOutputNormal;
            throttle = motorOutputMin = deadbandMotor3dHigh;
    } else {
        throttle = rcCommand[THROTTLE];
        motorOutputMin = minMotorOutputNormal;
        motorOutputMax = maxMotorOutputNormal;

    motorOutputRange = motorOutputMax - motorOutputMin;
    throttle = constrainf((throttle - rxConfig->mincheck) / rcCommandThrottleRange, 0.0f, 1.0f);
    throttleRange = motorOutputMax - motorOutputMin;

    float scaledAxisPIDf[3];
    // Limit the PIDsum
    for (int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++)
        scaledAxisPIDf[axis] = constrainf(axisPIDf[axis] / PID_MIXER_SCALING, -pidProfile->pidSumLimit, pidProfile->pidSumLimit);

    // Calculate voltage compensation
    if (batteryConfig && pidProfile->vbatPidCompensation) vbatCompensationFactor = calculateVbatPidCompensation();

    // Find roll/pitch/yaw desired output
    for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
        motorMix[i] =
            scaledAxisPIDf[PITCH] * currentMixer[i].pitch +
            scaledAxisPIDf[ROLL] * currentMixer[i].roll +
            -mixerConfig->yaw_motor_direction * scaledAxisPIDf[YAW] * currentMixer[i].yaw;

        if (vbatCompensationFactor > 1.0f) motorMix[i] *= vbatCompensationFactor;  // Add voltage compensation

        if (motorMix[i] > motorMixMax) motorMixMax = motorMix[i];
        if (motorMix[i] < motorMixMin) motorMixMin = motorMix[i];

    motorMixRange = motorMixMax - motorMixMin;

    if (motorMixRange > 1.0f) {
        for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            motorMix[i] /= motorMixRange;
        // Get the maximum correction by setting offset to center
        throttle = 0.5f;
    } else {
        float throttleLimitOffset = motorMixRange / 2.0f;
        throttle = constrainf(throttle, 0.0f + throttleLimitOffset, 1.0f - throttleLimitOffset);

    // Now add in the desired throttle, but keep in a range that doesn't clip adjusted
    // roll/pitch/yaw. This could move throttle down, but also up for those low throttle flips.
    for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
        motor[i] = lrintf( motorOutputMin + (motorOutputRange * (motorMix[i] + (throttle * currentMixer[i].throttle))) );

        if (failsafeIsActive()) {
            if (isMotorProtocolDshot())
                motor[i] = (motor[i] < motorOutputMin) ? disarmMotorOutput : motor[i]; // Prevent getting into special reserved range

            motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], disarmMotorOutput, motorOutputMax);
        } else {
            motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorOutputMin, motorOutputMax);

        // Motor stop handling
        if (feature(FEATURE_MOTOR_STOP) && ARMING_FLAG(ARMED) && !feature(FEATURE_3D) && !isAirmodeActive()) {
            if (((rcData[THROTTLE]) < rxConfig->mincheck)) {
                motor[i] = disarmMotorOutput;

    // Anti Desync feature for ESC's. Limit rapid throttle changes
    if (motorConfig->maxEscThrottleJumpMs) {
        const int16_t maxThrottleStep = constrain(motorConfig->maxEscThrottleJumpMs / (1000 / targetPidLooptime), 2, 10000);

        // Only makes sense when it's within the range
        if (maxThrottleStep < throttleRange) {
            static int16_t motorPrevious[MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS];

            motor[i] = constrain(motor[i], motorOutputMin, motorPrevious[i] + maxThrottleStep);  // Only limit accelerating situation
            motorPrevious[i] = motor[i];

    // Disarmed mode
    if (!ARMING_FLAG(ARMED)) {
        for (i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            motor[i] = motor_disarmed[i];
Esempio n. 3
FAST_CODE_NOINLINE void mixTable(timeUs_t currentTimeUs, uint8_t vbatPidCompensation)
    if (isFlipOverAfterCrashMode()) {

    // Find min and max throttle based on conditions. Throttle has to be known before mixing

    // Calculate and Limit the PID sum
    const float scaledAxisPidRoll =
        constrainf(pidData[FD_ROLL].Sum, -currentPidProfile->pidSumLimit, currentPidProfile->pidSumLimit) / PID_MIXER_SCALING;
    const float scaledAxisPidPitch =
        constrainf(pidData[FD_PITCH].Sum, -currentPidProfile->pidSumLimit, currentPidProfile->pidSumLimit) / PID_MIXER_SCALING;

    uint16_t yawPidSumLimit = currentPidProfile->pidSumLimitYaw;

    const bool yawSpinDetected = gyroYawSpinDetected();
    if (yawSpinDetected) {
        yawPidSumLimit = PIDSUM_LIMIT_MAX;   // Set to the maximum limit during yaw spin recovery to prevent limiting motor authority

    float scaledAxisPidYaw =
        constrainf(pidData[FD_YAW].Sum, -yawPidSumLimit, yawPidSumLimit) / PID_MIXER_SCALING;

    if (!mixerConfig()->yaw_motors_reversed) {
        scaledAxisPidYaw = -scaledAxisPidYaw;

    // Calculate voltage compensation
    const float vbatCompensationFactor = vbatPidCompensation ? calculateVbatPidCompensation() : 1.0f;

    // Apply the throttle_limit_percent to scale or limit the throttle based on throttle_limit_type
    if (currentControlRateProfile->throttle_limit_type != THROTTLE_LIMIT_TYPE_OFF) {
        throttle = applyThrottleLimit(throttle);

    // 50% throttle provides the maximum authority for yaw recovery when airmode is not active.
    // When airmode is active the throttle setting doesn't impact recovery authority.
    if (yawSpinDetected && !isAirmodeActive()) {
        throttle = 0.5f;   // 

    // Find roll/pitch/yaw desired output
    float motorMix[MAX_SUPPORTED_MOTORS];
    float motorMixMax = 0, motorMixMin = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
        float mix =
            scaledAxisPidRoll  * currentMixer[i].roll +
            scaledAxisPidPitch * currentMixer[i].pitch +
            scaledAxisPidYaw   * currentMixer[i].yaw;

        mix *= vbatCompensationFactor;  // Add voltage compensation

        if (mix > motorMixMax) {
            motorMixMax = mix;
        } else if (mix < motorMixMin) {
            motorMixMin = mix;
        motorMix[i] = mix;

    if (throttleBoost > 0.0f) {
        const float throttleHpf = throttle - pt1FilterApply(&throttleLpf, throttle);
        throttle = constrainf(throttle + throttleBoost * throttleHpf, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    // If gps rescue is active then override the throttle. This prevents things
    // like throttle boost or throttle limit from negatively affecting the throttle.
        throttle = gpsRescueGetThrottle();

    motorMixRange = motorMixMax - motorMixMin;
    if (motorMixRange > 1.0f) {
        for (int i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
            motorMix[i] /= motorMixRange;
        // Get the maximum correction by setting offset to center when airmode enabled
        if (isAirmodeActive()) {
            throttle = 0.5f;
    } else {
        if (isAirmodeActive() || throttle > 0.5f) {  // Only automatically adjust throttle when airmode enabled. Airmode logic is always active on high throttle
            const float throttleLimitOffset = motorMixRange / 2.0f;
            throttle = constrainf(throttle, 0.0f + throttleLimitOffset, 1.0f - throttleLimitOffset);

    // Apply the mix to motor endpoints