int camScale(CamImage *source, CamImage *dest) { CamWarpingParams params; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; CamImage src2; CamROI roi; // ROI (Region Of Interest) management CAM_CHECK(camWarping,camInternalROIPolicy(source, NULL, &iROI, 0)); // Copy the original roi if it exists in order to avoid clipping if (source->roi) iROI.srcroi=*source->roi; params.perspective=0; params.interpolation=1; params.p[0].x=(iROI.srcroi.xOffset<<16)-1; params.p[0].y=(iROI.srcroi.yOffset<<16)-1; params.p[1].x=((iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)<<16)-1; params.p[1].y=(iROI.srcroi.yOffset<<16)-1; params.p[2].x=((iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)<<16)-1; params.p[2].y=((iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)<<16)-1; params.p[3].x=(iROI.srcroi.xOffset<<16)-1; params.p[3].y=((iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)<<16)-1; // Apply the warping on the source image with NULL roi camRefCopy(source,&src2); src2.roi=&roi; if (source->roi) roi.coi=source->roi->coi; else roi.coi=0; roi.xOffset=0; roi.yOffset=0; roi.width=source->width; roi.height=source->height; return camWarping(&src2,dest,¶ms); }
int camYUV2RGB(CamImage* source, CamImage *dest) { unsigned char *srcptr,*dstptr; int x,y; int y1,u,v; int c1,c2,c3,c4; int width, height; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; DECLARE_MASK_MANAGEMENT; CAM_CHECK_ARGS2(camYUV2RGB,source->imageData!=NULL,"source image is not allocated"); if (dest->imageData==NULL) { // Automatic allocation camAllocateRGBImage(dest,source->width,source->height); } CAM_CHECK(camYUV2RGB,camInternalROIPolicy(source, dest, &iROI, CAM_MASK_SUPPORT | CAM_IGNORE_COI_MISMATCH)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camYUV2RGB,source->nChannels==3); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camYUV2RGB,dest->nChannels==3); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camYUV2RGB,dest->dataOrder==CAM_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camYUV2RGB,source->depth==CAM_DEPTH_8U); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camYUV2RGB,dest->depth==CAM_DEPTH_8U); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camYUV2RGB,(*((int*)source->colorModel)==*((int*)"YUV"))); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camYUV2RGB,(*((int*)dest->colorModel)==*((int*)"RGB"))); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camYUV2RGB,(*((int*)dest->channelSeq)==*((int*)"RGB"))); width=iROI.srcroi.width; height=iROI.srcroi.height; INIT_MASK_MANAGEMENT; // Initialize tables if need be if (LUTYUV2RGB[0]==-1) camInitLUTYUV2RGB(); if (source->dataOrder==CAM_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL) { for (y = 0; y < height; y ++) { srcptr=(unsigned char*)(iROI.srcptr+y*source->widthStep); dstptr=(unsigned char*)(iROI.dstptr+y*dest->widthStep); BEGIN_MASK_MANAGEMENT( srcptr+=startx*3; dstptr+=startx*3; ) for (x=startx;x<endx;x++) { y1 = to76309[*srcptr++]; u = *srcptr++; v = *srcptr++; c1 = LUTYUV2RGB[v]; c2 = GU[u]; c3 = GV[v]; c4 = BU[u]; *dstptr++ = clip[384+((y1 + c1)>>16)]; *dstptr++ = clip[384+((y1 - c2 - c3)>>16)]; *dstptr++ = clip[384+((y1 + c4)>>16)]; } END_MASK_MANAGEMENT; } } else {
// Binary images processing // camMonadicArithm1U : source is n bits, dest is one bit int camMonadicArithm1U(CamImage *source, CamImage *dest, CamArithmParams *params) { int x,y; int width,height; CAM_PIXEL *srcptr,*cpsrcptr; CAM_BIT_BLOCK *dstptr,*cpdstptr; CAM_BIT_BLOCK bit_block,eol_block; int sol_offset,bit_offset; int c1=params->c1; int c2=params->c2; int c3=params->c3; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMonadicArithm,(source->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)<=(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL)*8)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMonadicArithm,(source->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)>=8); // ROI (Region Of Interest) management CAM_CHECK(camMonadicArithm,camInternalROIPolicy(source, dest, &iROI, 0)); srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)iROI.srcptr; width=iROI.srcroi.width; height=iROI.srcroi.height; if (dest->roi) { sol_offset=dest->roi->xOffset%CAM_BIT_BLOCK_SIZE; dstptr=(CAM_BIT_BLOCK*)(dest->imageData+dest->roi->yOffset*dest->widthStep)+(dest->roi->xOffset/CAM_BIT_BLOCK_SIZE); } else { sol_offset=0; dstptr=(CAM_BIT_BLOCK*)dest->imageData; } switch(params->operation) { case CAM_ARITHM_ABS: camError("camMonadicArithm","CAM_ARITHM_ABS operation is not possible on binary images"); break; case CAM_ARITHM_SELECT: if (c2) { FOREACH_PIXEL { STORE_BIT((int)(*srcptr==c1)); } END_FOREACH_PIXEL } else { FOREACH_PIXEL { STORE_BIT((int)(*srcptr!=c1)); } END_FOREACH_PIXEL } break; case CAM_ARITHM_THRESHOLD: if (c2) { FOREACH_PIXEL { STORE_BIT((int)(*srcptr<c1)); } END_FOREACH_PIXEL } else {
int camCopy(CamImage* source, CamImage* dest) { int x,y,i,n,c,special=0; int width,height; CAM_PIXEL *srcptr,*cpsrcptr; CAM_PIXEL_DST *dstptr,*cpdstptr; CamROI roi,roi2,*tmp,*tmp2; #ifdef CAM_SATURATE int valpix; int valmin=0, valmax=255; #endif CamRun *run; int startx,endx; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; if (dest->imageData) { // Special cases : // Grey to color conversion : source is one channel, and dest is several channels (3 or 4) if (((source->nChannels==1)||((source->roi)&&(source->roi->coi))) &&(dest->nChannels!=1)&&((dest->roi==NULL)||(dest->roi->coi==0))) special=1; // 3 to 4 channels conversion : RGB->RGBA. Adding an alpha channel else if ((source->nChannels==3)&&(dest->nChannels==4)&& ((source->roi==NULL)||(source->roi->coi==0))&& ((dest->roi==NULL)||(dest->roi->coi==0))) special=2; // 4 to 3 channels conversion : RGBA -> RGB. Removing an alpha channel else if ((source->nChannels==4)&&(dest->nChannels==3)&& ((source->roi==NULL)||(source->roi->coi==0))&& ((dest->roi==NULL)||(dest->roi->coi==0))) special=2; } if (special) { tmp=dest->roi; if (dest->roi) { roi=*tmp; } else { camSetMaxROI(&roi,dest); } dest->roi=&roi; roi.coi=1; n=dest->nChannels; if (n==4) n=3; // Doesn't copy to the alpha channel if (special==2) { tmp2=source->roi; if (source->roi) { roi2=*tmp2; } else { camSetMaxROI(&roi2,source); } source->roi=&roi2; roi2.coi=1; } } else n=1; for (c=0;c<n;c++) { // ROI (Region Of Interest) management CAM_CHECK(camCopy,camInternalROIPolicy(source, dest, &iROI, 1)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camCopy,(source->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)<=(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL)*8)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camCopy,(source->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)>=8); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camCopy,(dest->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)<=(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL_DST)*8)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camCopy,(dest->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)>=8); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camCopy,(source->depth&CAM_DEPTH_SIGN)==(dest->depth&CAM_DEPTH_SIGN)); width=iROI.srcroi.width; height=iROI.srcroi.height; srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)iROI.srcptr; dstptr=(CAM_PIXEL_DST*)iROI.dstptr; INIT_MASK_MANAGEMENT; if (source->dataOrder==CAM_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL) { if (dest->dataOrder==CAM_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL) { for (y=0;y<height;y++) { cpsrcptr=srcptr; cpdstptr=dstptr; BEGIN_MASK_MANAGEMENT( \ srcptr=cpsrcptr+startx*iROI.srcinc;\ dstptr=cpdstptr+startx*iROI.dstinc;\ ) #if CAM_FAST==8 if ((iROI.srcinc==iROI.dstinc)&&(iROI.srcinc==iROI.nChannels)) { memcpy(dstptr,srcptr,(endx-startx)*iROI.nChannels); } else #else #if CAM_FAST==16 if ((iROI.srcinc==iROI.dstinc)&&(iROI.srcinc==iROI.nChannels)) { memcpy(dstptr,srcptr,((endx-startx)*iROI.nChannels)<<1); } else #endif #endif { for (x=startx;x<endx;x++) { for (i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++) { #ifdef CAM_SATURATE valpix=*(srcptr+i); if (valpix<valmin) valpix=valmin; else if (valpix>valmax) valpix=valmax; *(dstptr+i)=valpix; #else *(dstptr+i)=(CAM_PIXEL_DST)*(srcptr+i); #endif } srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; dstptr+=iROI.dstinc; } } END_MASK_MANAGEMENT; srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)cpsrcptr)+source->widthStep); dstptr=(CAM_PIXEL_DST*)(((char*)cpdstptr)+dest->widthStep); } } else { for (y=0;y<height;y++) { cpsrcptr=srcptr; cpdstptr=dstptr; BEGIN_MASK_MANAGEMENT( \ srcptr=cpsrcptr+startx*iROI.srcinc;\ dstptr=cpdstptr+startx; ) for (x=startx;x<endx;x++) { for (i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++) { #ifdef CAM_SATURATE valpix=*(srcptr+i); if (valpix<valmin) valpix=valmin; else if (valpix>valmax) valpix=valmax; *(dstptr+i*iROI.dstpinc)=valpix; #else *(dstptr+i*iROI.dstpinc)=(CAM_PIXEL_DST)*(srcptr+i); #endif } srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; dstptr++; } END_MASK_MANAGEMENT; srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)cpsrcptr)+source->widthStep); dstptr=(CAM_PIXEL_DST*)(((char*)cpdstptr)+dest->widthStep); } }
int camDilateCircle7(CamImage *source, CamImage *dest) #endif // CAM_MM_DO_EROSION #endif // CAM_MM_GRADIENT #endif // CAM_MM_FINDLOCALMAXIMA #endif // CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE7 { int i,x,y,ntb,nlb; int width,height; int top,left; int firsttime; int acc=0; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; #ifdef CAM_MM_DO_EROSION int tabero[9]; int valero[2]; #endif // CAM_MM_DO_EROSION #ifdef CAM_MM_DO_DILATION int tabdil[9]; int valdil[2]; #endif // CAM_MM_DO_DILATION CAM_PIXEL *srcptr,*dstptr,*tmpptr,*cpsrcptr,*cpdstptr; unsigned CAM_PIXEL *linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB]; CAM_PIXEL linesBuffer[CAM_MM_NEIGHB][CAM_MAX_SCANLINE+CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1]; DECLARE_MASK_MANAGEMENT; #ifdef CAM_MM_FINDLOCALMAXIMA int valcenter, xp, yp, zp, found; #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE7 const int lines2test = 5; const int start2test[] = {2, 1, 0, 0, 0}; const int end2test[] = {4, 5, 4, 2, 1}; #else #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE5 const int lines2test = 4; const int start2test[] = {1, 0, 0, 0}; const int end2test[] = {3, 3, 1, 0}; #else const int lines2test = 2; const int start2test[] = {0, 0}; const int end2test[] = {2, 0}; #endif // CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE5 #endif // CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE7 // ROI (Region Of Interest) management CAM_CHECK(camFindLocalMaxima, camInternalROIPolicy(source, NULL, &iROI, 1)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camFindLocalMaxima, iROI.nChannels==1); CAM_CHECK_ARGS2(camFindLocalMaxima, points != NULL, "points destination parameter should not be set to NULL"); #else CamMorphoMathsKernel params; CAM_CHECK(camMorphoMathsKernel,camInternalROIPolicy(source, dest, &iROI, 1)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMorphoMathsKernel,(source->depth==dest->depth)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMorphoMathsKernel,iROI.nChannels==1); if (source->depth == CAM_DEPTH_1U) { // Binary processing #ifdef CAM_MM_DO_EROSION #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_SQUARE3 for (y=0;y<3;y++) { for (x=0;x<3;x++) { params.erosionStructElt[y][x]=1; } } return camErode3x3(source,dest,¶ms); #endif #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE5 for (y=0;y<5;y++) { for (x=0;x<5;x++) { params.erosionStructElt[y][x]=1; } } params.erosionStructElt[0][0]=0; params.erosionStructElt[0][4]=0; params.erosionStructElt[4][0]=0; params.erosionStructElt[4][4]=0; return camErode5x5(source,dest,¶ms); #endif #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE7 for (y=0;y<7;y++) { for (x=0;x<7;x++) { params.erosionStructElt[y][x]=camCircle7StructElt[y][x]; } } return camErode7x7(source,dest,¶ms); #endif #else #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_SQUARE3 for (y=0;y<3;y++) { for (x=0;x<3;x++) { params.dilationStructElt[y][x]=1; } } return camDilate3x3(source,dest,¶ms); #endif #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE5 for (y=0;y<5;y++) { for (x=0;x<5;x++) { params.dilationStructElt[y][x]=1; } } params.dilationStructElt[0][0]=0; params.dilationStructElt[0][4]=0; params.dilationStructElt[4][0]=0; params.dilationStructElt[4][4]=0; return camDilate5x5(source,dest,¶ms); #endif #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE7 for (y=0;y<7;y++) { for (x=0;x<7;x++) { params.dilationStructElt[y][x]=camCircle7StructElt[y][x]; } } return camDilate7x7(source,dest,¶ms); #endif #endif // CAM_MM_DO_EROSION } #endif // CAM_MM_FINDLOCALMAXIMA CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMorphoMathsKernel,(source->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)<=(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL)*8)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMorphoMathsKernel,(source->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)>=8); #ifndef CAM_MM_FINDLOCALMAXIMA CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMorphoMathsKernel,(dest->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)<=(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL)*8)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMorphoMathsKernel,(dest->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)>=8); #endif width=iROI.srcroi.width; height=iROI.srcroi.height; if (source->roi) { left=iROI.srcroi.xOffset; top=iROI.srcroi.yOffset; nlb=left; if (nlb>CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2) nlb=CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2; ntb=top; if (ntb>CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2) ntb=CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2; srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(source->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset+(top-ntb)*source->widthStep)+(left-nlb); } else { srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(source->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset); left=0; top=0; } dstptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)iROI.dstptr; CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMorphoMathsKernel,(width>CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMorphoMathsKernel,(height>CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2)); // Mask management INIT_MASK_MANAGEMENT; // Initialize algorithm for (i=0;i<CAM_MM_NEIGHB;i++) { linesPtr[i]=linesBuffer[i]; } // Initialize neighbourhood // Fill the top lines for (y=0;y+top<CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2;y++) { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_TOP_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { cpsrcptr=srcptr; for (x=0;x<CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; } for (;x<width+CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } for (;x<width+CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=*(srcptr-iROI.srcinc); } srcptr=cpsrcptr; } else { for (x=0;x<width+CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_TOP_INDEX]; } } } // Fill the next lines with image pixels for (;y<CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1;y++) { cpsrcptr=srcptr; for (x=0;x<CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2;x++) { if (left+x-CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2<0) { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_LEFT_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; } else { linesPtr[y][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_LEFT_INDEX]; } } else { // Get border pixels from the source frame linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } } for (;x<width+CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } for (;x<width+CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1;x++) { if (left+x-CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2<source->width) { // Get border pixels from the source frame linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } else { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_RIGHT_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { linesPtr[y][x]=*(srcptr-iROI.srcinc); } else { linesPtr[y][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_RIGHT_INDEX]; } } } srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)cpsrcptr)+source->widthStep); } // Now process the whole image // This is the main loop for (y=0;y<height;y++) { firsttime=1; cpsrcptr=srcptr; cpdstptr=dstptr; // Start a new line // Have we reached the bottom of the frame ? if (top+y+CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2>=source->height) { if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_BOTTOM_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { // Go up one line (in order to stay on the last line) cpsrcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)cpsrcptr)-source->widthStep); srcptr=cpsrcptr; for (x=0;x<CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; } for (;x<width+CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } for (;x<width+CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1;x++) { linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=*(srcptr-iROI.srcinc); } } else { for (x=0;x<width+CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1;x++) { linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_BOTTOM_INDEX]; } } } else { for (x=0;x<CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2;x++) { if (left+x-CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2<0) { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_LEFT_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; } else { linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_LEFT_INDEX]; } } else { // Get border pixels from the source frame linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } } // Fast transfer with memcpy if (iROI.srcinc==1) { memcpy(&linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x],srcptr,(source->width-left+CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2-x)<<(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL)-1)); x=source->width-left+CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2; } else { for (;x<source->width-left+CAM_MM_NEIGHB/2;x++) { // Get a pixel from the source frame linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } } for (;x<width+CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1;x++) { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_RIGHT_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=*(srcptr+(source->width-1)*iROI.srcinc); } else { linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_RIGHT_INDEX]; } } } if (source->depth & CAM_DEPTH_SIGN) { #define linesPtr ((signed CAM_PIXEL**) linesPtr) BEGIN_MASK_MANAGEMENT(dstptr=cpdstptr+startx*iROI.dstinc;) // Process all the pixels in the line for (x=startx+CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1;x<endx+CAM_MM_NEIGHB-1;x++) { #ifdef CAM_MM_DO_EROSION { #define tabX tabero #define valX valero #define XOP < #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE7 #include "cam_morphomaths_code_circle7.c" #else #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE5 #include "cam_morphomaths_code_circle5.c" #else #include "cam_morphomaths_code_square3.c" #endif // CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE5 #endif // CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE7 #undef tabX #undef valX #undef XOP } #endif // CAM_MM_DO_EROSION #ifdef CAM_MM_DO_DILATION { #define tabX tabdil #define valX valdil #define XOP > #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE7 #include "cam_morphomaths_code_circle7.c" #else #ifdef CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE5 #include "cam_morphomaths_code_circle5.c" #else #include "cam_morphomaths_code_square3.c" #endif // CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE5 #endif // CAM_MM_OPT_CIRCLE7 #undef tabX #undef valX #undef XOP } #endif // CAM_MM_DO_DILATION firsttime=0; #ifdef CAM_MM_FINDLOCALMAXIMA valcenter = linesPtr[CAM_MM_NEIGHB / 2][x - CAM_MM_NEIGHB + 1 + CAM_MM_NEIGHB / 2]; if (valdil[0] == valcenter && valcenter >= threshold && valcenter != 0) { // Check that it is the only point with this maximum (in the upper part) for (yp = 0, zp = 0, found = 0; yp < lines2test; yp++) { for (xp = start2test[yp]; xp <= end2test[yp]; xp++) { if (linesPtr[yp][x - CAM_MM_NEIGHB + 1 + xp] == valcenter) { found = 1; break; } } } if (!found) { // Keep this point : this is a local maximum if (points->nbPoints < points->allocated) { points->keypoint[points->nbPoints]->x = x - CAM_MM_NEIGHB + 1; points->keypoint[points->nbPoints]->y = y; points->keypoint[points->nbPoints]->scale = 0; points->keypoint[points->nbPoints]->angle = 0; points->keypoint[points->nbPoints]->value = valcenter; points->nbPoints++; acc += valdil[0]; } else { camInternalROIPolicyExit(&iROI); return 0; } } } #else #ifdef CAM_MM_GRADIENT acc+=(*dstptr=valdil[0]-valero[0]); #else #ifdef CAM_MM_DO_EROSION acc+=(*dstptr=valero[0]); #else acc+=(*dstptr=valdil[0]); #endif #endif // CAM_MM_GRADIENT dstptr+=iROI.dstinc; #endif // CAM_MM_FINDLOCALMAXIMA } END_MASK_MANAGEMENT; #undef linesPtr } else {
int camFillColor(CamImage *image, int x, int y, int fillcolor, int tolerance) { int first=0,last=0; int i,j,d,xp,yp; CAM_PIXEL *ptr,*ptrx; const int nx[4]={-1,0,+1,0},ny[4]={0,-1,0,+1}; CAM_PIXEL pcolor[4],initcolor[4]; // 4 is the maximum number of channels CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; int acc=1; int queuex[FIFO_SIZE]; int queuey[FIFO_SIZE]; // ROI (Region Of Interest) management CAM_CHECK(camFillColor,camInternalROIPolicy(image, NULL, &iROI, 0)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camFillColor, ((iROI.nChannels==1)||(image->dataOrder==CAM_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL))); if ((x>=iROI.srcroi.xOffset)&&(y>=iROI.srcroi.yOffset)&&(x<iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)&&(y<iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)) { for (i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++) { pcolor[i]=(fillcolor>>(i*8))&0xff; } ptr=ptrx=(CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset+y*image->widthStep)+x*iROI.srcinc; if (tolerance>=0) { for (i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++) { initcolor[i]=*ptrx++; } FIFO_ADD(x,y); for (ptrx=ptr,i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++,ptrx++) { *ptrx=pcolor[i]; } while (!FIFO_EMPTY()) { x=queuex[first]; y=queuey[first]; FIFO_NEXT(); for (j=0;j<4;j++) { xp=x+nx[j]; yp=y+ny[j]; if ((xp>=iROI.srcroi.xOffset)&&(yp>=iROI.srcroi.yOffset)&&(xp<iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)&&(yp<iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)) { // Get the color at (xp,yp) ptr=ptrx=(CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset+yp*image->widthStep)+xp*iROI.srcinc; // Is it the same color as the initial color? // Compute distance between colors d=0; for (i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++,ptrx++) { if (*ptrx>initcolor[i]) d+=*ptrx-initcolor[i]; else d+=initcolor[i]-*ptrx; } if (d<=tolerance) { // Yes, then this pixel should be repainted and added to the queue FIFO_ADD(xp,yp); for (ptrx=ptr,i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++,ptrx++) { *ptrx=pcolor[i]; } acc++; } } } } } else { FIFO_ADD(x,y); for (ptrx=ptr,i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++,ptrx++) { *ptrx=pcolor[i]; } while (!FIFO_EMPTY()) { x=queuex[first]; y=queuey[first]; FIFO_NEXT(); for (j=0;j<4;j++) { xp=x+nx[j]; yp=y+ny[j]; if ((xp>=iROI.srcroi.xOffset)&&(yp>=iROI.srcroi.yOffset)&&(xp<iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)&&(yp<iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)) { // Get the color at (xp,yp) ptr=ptrx=(CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset+yp*image->widthStep)+xp*iROI.srcinc; for (i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++,ptrx++) if (*ptrx!=pcolor[i]) break; // Is it the same color as the fill color? if (i!=iROI.nChannels) { // Yes, then this pixel should be repainted and added to the queue FIFO_ADD(xp,yp); for (ptrx=ptr,i=0;i<iROI.nChannels;i++,ptrx++) { *ptrx=pcolor[i]; } acc++; } } } } } } return acc; }
int camDrawEllipse(CamImage *image, int xc, int yc, int rx, int ry, int color) { int x,y,run,error,pos,acc,val,curval,incx,incy,yp,c,d; int clipping; CAM_PIXEL *ptrB[4], *ptrG[4], *ptrX[4]; CAM_PIXEL blue,red,green; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; // ROI (Region Of Interest) management CAM_CHECK(camDrawLine,camInternalROIPolicy(image, NULL, &iROI, 0)); if ((rx==0)||(ry==0)) return 1; if (camDrawCircleData[0]==0) { camDrawCircleInit(); } incx=iROI.srcinc; incy=iROI.srclinc; clipping=((xc-rx<iROI.srcroi.xOffset)||(xc+rx>=iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)||(yc-ry<iROI.srcroi.yOffset)||(yc+ry>=iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)); #define CIRCLE if ((iROI.nChannels==1)||(image->dataOrder==CAM_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL)) { if (clipping) { #define SETPIXEL0 TEST(1,-1) for(c=0,d=color;c<iROI.nChannels;c++,d>>=8) ptrX[0][c]=(d&0xff); #define SETPIXEL1 TEST(1,1) for(c=0,d=color;c<iROI.nChannels;c++,d>>=8) ptrX[1][c]=(d&0xff); #define SETPIXEL2 TEST(-1,-1) for(c=0,d=color;c<iROI.nChannels;c++,d>>=8) ptrX[2][c]=(d&0xff); #define SETPIXEL3 TEST(-1,1) for(c=0,d=color;c<iROI.nChannels;c++,d>>=8) ptrX[3][c]=(d&0xff); #define INITPOINTERS(i,sgny) \ yp=yc+sgny*ry; \ ptrX[i]=((CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset+yp*image->widthStep))+xc*iROI.srcinc #include "cam_draw_code.c" #undef SETPIXEL0 #undef SETPIXEL1 #undef SETPIXEL2 #undef SETPIXEL3 } else { #define SETPIXEL0 for(c=0,d=color;c<iROI.nChannels;c++,d>>=8) ptrX[0][c]=(d&0xff); #define SETPIXEL1 for(c=0,d=color;c<iROI.nChannels;c++,d>>=8) ptrX[1][c]=(d&0xff); #define SETPIXEL2 for(c=0,d=color;c<iROI.nChannels;c++,d>>=8) ptrX[2][c]=(d&0xff); #define SETPIXEL3 for(c=0,d=color;c<iROI.nChannels;c++,d>>=8) ptrX[3][c]=(d&0xff); #include "cam_draw_code.c" #undef SETPIXEL0 #undef SETPIXEL1 #undef SETPIXEL2 #undef SETPIXEL3 #undef INITPOINTERS } } else { #define COLOR blue=(color>>16)&0xff; green=(color>>8)&0xff; red=color&0xff; if (clipping) { #define INITPOINTERS(i,sgny) \ yp=yc+sgny*ry; \ ptrX[i]=((CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+yp*image->widthStep))+xc; \ ptrG[i]=((CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+(image->height+yp)*image->widthStep))+xc; \ ptrB[i]=((CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+(2*image->height+yp)*image->widthStep))+xc; #define SETPIXEL0 TEST(1,-1) {*ptrX[0]=red; *ptrG[0]=green; *ptrB[0]=blue;} #define SETPIXEL1 TEST(1,1) {*ptrX[1]=red; *ptrG[1]=green; *ptrB[1]=blue;} #define SETPIXEL2 TEST(-1,-1) {*ptrX[2]=red; *ptrG[2]=green; *ptrB[2]=blue;} #define SETPIXEL3 TEST(-1,1) {*ptrX[3]=red; *ptrG[3]=green; *ptrB[3]=blue;} #include "cam_draw_code.c" #undef SETPIXEL0 #undef SETPIXEL1 #undef SETPIXEL2 #undef SETPIXEL3 } else { #define SETPIXEL0 *ptrX[0]=red; *ptrG[0]=green; *ptrB[0]=blue #define SETPIXEL1 *ptrX[1]=red; *ptrG[1]=green; *ptrB[1]=blue #define SETPIXEL2 *ptrX[2]=red; *ptrG[2]=green; *ptrB[2]=blue #define SETPIXEL3 *ptrX[3]=red; *ptrG[3]=green; *ptrB[3]=blue #include "cam_draw_code.c" #undef INITPOINTERS #undef SETPIXEL0 #undef SETPIXEL1 #undef SETPIXEL2 #undef SETPIXEL3 } #undef COLOR } #undef CIRCLE return 1; }
int camAccumulateLine(CamImage *image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int accumulator) { int dx, dy, xincr, yincr, x, y, xp, yp, i, j; int inc, error, correction, acc, temp, ptrincr, runl, runl2; CAM_PIXEL *ptrX; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; #ifdef CAM_DEBUG int valmax=(1<<(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL)*8))-1; int value; #endif // ROI (Region Of Interest) management CAM_CHECK(camAccumulateLine,camInternalROIPolicy(image, NULL, &iROI, 0)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camAccumulateLine,iROI.nChannels==1); CAM_CHECK_ARGS2(camAccumulateLine,(image->depth&CAM_DEPTH_SIGN)==0,"Supports only unsigned images"); /* Clipping */ if (x1<x2) { x=x1; y=y1; xp=x2; yp=y2; } else { x=x2; y=y2; xp=x1; yp=y1; } if (x<iROI.srcroi.xOffset) { if (x==xp) return 1; y=y+(y-yp)*(iROI.srcroi.xOffset-x)/(x-xp); x=iROI.srcroi.xOffset; if (xp<iROI.srcroi.xOffset) return 1; /* The line is completely outside the ROI */ } if (xp>=(iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)) { if (x==xp) return 1; yp=y+(y-yp)*((iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)-x-1)/(x-xp); xp=(iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)-1; if (x>=(iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)) return 1; /* The line is completely outside the ROI */ } if (y<yp) { x1=x; y1=y; x2=xp; y2=yp; } else { x1=xp; y1=yp; x2=x; y2=y; } if (y1<iROI.srcroi.yOffset) { if (y1==y2) return 1; x1=x1+(x1-x2)*(iROI.srcroi.yOffset-y1)/(y1-y2); y1=iROI.srcroi.yOffset; if (y2<iROI.srcroi.yOffset) return 1; /* The line is completely outside the ROI */ } if (y2>=(iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)) { if (y1==y2) return 1; x2=x1+(x1-x2)*((iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)-y1-1)/(y1-y2); y2=(iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)-1; if (y1>=(iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)) return 1; /* The line is completely outside the ROI */ } #define LINE #ifdef CAM_DEBUG #define SETPIXEL value=*ptrX; value+=accumulator; if ((value<0)||(value>valmax)) {camError("camAccumulateLane","Saturation"); return 0;} else *ptrX=(CAM_PIXEL)value; #else #define SETPIXEL *ptrX+=accumulator; #endif #define INITPOINTERS ptrX=((CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset+y*image->widthStep))+x*iROI.srcinc #include "cam_draw_code.c" #undef INITPOINTERS #undef SETPIXEL #undef LINE return 1; }
// Drawing functions int camDrawLine(CamImage *image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color) { int dx, dy, xincr, yincr, x, y, xp, yp, i, j, c, d; int inc, error, correction, acc, temp, ptrincr, runl, runl2; int blue, green, red; CAM_PIXEL *ptrB,*ptrG,*ptrX; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; // ROI (Region Of Interest) management CAM_CHECK(camDrawLine,camInternalROIPolicy(image, NULL, &iROI, 0)); /* Clipping */ if (x1<x2) { x=x1; y=y1; xp=x2; yp=y2; } else { x=x2; y=y2; xp=x1; yp=y1; } if (x<iROI.srcroi.xOffset) { if (x==xp) return 1; y=y+(y-yp)*(iROI.srcroi.xOffset-x)/(x-xp); x=iROI.srcroi.xOffset; if (xp<iROI.srcroi.xOffset) return 1; /* The line is completely outside the ROI */ } if (xp>=(iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)) { if (x==xp) return 1; yp=y+(y-yp)*((iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)-x-1)/(x-xp); xp=(iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)-1; if (x>=(iROI.srcroi.xOffset+iROI.srcroi.width)) return 1; /* The line is completely outside the ROI */ } if (y<yp) { x1=x; y1=y; x2=xp; y2=yp; } else { x1=xp; y1=yp; x2=x; y2=y; } if (y1<iROI.srcroi.yOffset) { if (y1==y2) return 1; x1=x1+(x1-x2)*(iROI.srcroi.yOffset-y1)/(y1-y2); y1=iROI.srcroi.yOffset; if (y2<iROI.srcroi.yOffset) return 1; /* The line is completely outside the ROI */ } if (y2>=(iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)) { if (y1==y2) return 1; x2=x1+(x1-x2)*((iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)-y1-1)/(y1-y2); y2=(iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)-1; if (y1>=(iROI.srcroi.yOffset+iROI.srcroi.height)) return 1; /* The line is completely outside the ROI */ } if ((iROI.nChannels==1)||(image->dataOrder==CAM_DATA_ORDER_PIXEL)) { #define LINE #define SETPIXEL for(c=0,d=color;c<iROI.nChannels;c++,d>>=8) ptrX[c]=(d&0xff); #define INITPOINTERS ptrX=((CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset+y*image->widthStep))+x*iROI.srcinc #include "cam_draw_code.c" } else { blue=(color>>16)&0xff; green=(color>>8)&0xff; red=color&0xff; #define COLOR #undef INITPOINTERS #undef SETPIXEL #define INITPOINTERS \ ptrX=((CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+y*image->widthStep))+x; \ ptrG=((CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+(image->height+y)*image->widthStep))+x; \ ptrB=((CAM_PIXEL*)(image->imageData+(2*image->height+y)*image->widthStep))+x; #define SETPIXEL *ptrX=red; *ptrG=green; *ptrB=blue #include "cam_draw_code.c" #undef COLOR #undef INITPOINTERS #undef SETPIXEL } return 1; }
int camIntegralImage(CamImage *src, CamImage *dest) { int x, y; int width, height; CAM_PIXEL *srcptr, *srctmpptr; unsigned long *dstptr, *dsttmpptr; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; unsigned long val; #ifdef CAM_VECTORIZE int i; union i4vector v1, v2; #endif CAM_CHECK_ARGS2(camIntegralImage, src->imageData != NULL, "source image is not allocated"); if (dest->imageData==NULL) { // Automatic allocation camAllocateImage(dest, src->width, src->height, CAM_DEPTH_32U); } CAM_CHECK(camIntegralImage, camInternalROIPolicy(src, dest, &iROI, 0)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camIntegralImage, iROI.nChannels == 1); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camIntegralImage, (src->depth & CAM_DEPTH_MASK) >= 8); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camIntegralImage, (src->depth & CAM_DEPTH_MASK) <= (sizeof(CAM_PIXEL) * 8)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camIntegralImage, (dest->depth & CAM_DEPTH_MASK) == 32); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camIntegralImage, !(src->depth & CAM_DEPTH_SIGN)); /* // One pass algorithm width = iROI.srcroi.width; height = iROI.srcroi.height; srcptr = (CAM_PIXEL*)iROI.srcptr; dstptr = (unsigned long*)iROI.dstptr; srctmpptr = srcptr; dsttmpptr = dstptr; val = 0; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, srcptr += iROI.srcinc, dstptr++) { val += *srcptr; *dstptr = val; } srcptr = (CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)srctmpptr) + src->widthStep); dstptr = (unsigned long*)(((char*)dsttmpptr) + dest->widthStep); for (y = 1; y < height; y++) { srctmpptr = srcptr; dsttmpptr = dstptr; val = 0; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, srcptr += iROI.srcinc, dstptr++) { val += *srcptr; *dstptr = val + *(unsigned long*)(((char*)dstptr) - dest->widthStep); } srcptr = (CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)srctmpptr) + src->widthStep); dstptr = (unsigned long*)(((char*)dsttmpptr) + dest->widthStep); } */ // Two passes algorithm // First pass width = iROI.srcroi.width; height = iROI.srcroi.height; srcptr = (CAM_PIXEL*)iROI.srcptr; dstptr = (unsigned long*)iROI.dstptr; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { srctmpptr = srcptr; dsttmpptr = dstptr; val = 0; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, srcptr += iROI.srcinc, dstptr++) { val += *srcptr; *dstptr = val; } srcptr = (CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)srctmpptr) + src->widthStep); dstptr = (unsigned long*)(((char*)dsttmpptr) + dest->widthStep); } #ifndef CAM_VECTORIZE // Second pass dstptr = (unsigned long*)iROI.dstptr; dstptr = (unsigned long*)(((char*)dstptr) + dest->widthStep); for (y = 1; y < height; y++) { dsttmpptr = dstptr; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, dstptr++) { *dstptr += *(unsigned long*)(((char*)dstptr) - dest->widthStep); } dstptr = (unsigned long*)(((char*)dsttmpptr) + dest->widthStep); } #else // Second pass / SSE2 vectorized dstptr = (unsigned long*)iROI.dstptr; dstptr = (unsigned long*)(((char*)dstptr) + dest->widthStep); for (y = 1; y < height; y++) { dsttmpptr = dstptr; for (x = 0; x < width; x+=4) { // Add 4 pixels at once for (i = 0; i != 4; i++, dstptr++) { v1.i[i] = *dstptr; v2.i[i] = *(unsigned long*)(((char*)dstptr) - dest->widthStep); } v1.v = v1.v + v2.v; dstptr -= (iROI.dstinc<<2); for (i = 0; i != 4; i++, dstptr++) *dstptr = v1.i[i]; } for (; x < width; x++, dstptr += iROI.dstinc) { *dstptr += *(unsigned long*)(((char*)dstptr) - dest->widthStep); } dstptr = (unsigned long*)(((char*)dsttmpptr) + dest->widthStep); } #endif camInternalROIPolicyExit(&iROI); return 1; }
int camMedianFilter(CamImage *source, CamImage *dest) { int i,j,x,y,xp,yp; int width,height; int value,result; int left,top; CAM_PIXEL *srcptr,*dstptr,*tmpptr,*cpsrcptr,*cpdstptr; CAM_PIXEL *linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB]; CAM_PIXEL linesBuffer[CAM_MF_NEIGHB][CAM_MAX_SCANLINE+CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1]; // Data for sorting pixels in the neighbourhood int values[CAM_MF_NEIGHB*CAM_MF_NEIGHB]; int next[CAM_MF_NEIGHB*CAM_MF_NEIGHB]; int first,last,nb,prev; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; // ROI (Region Of Interest) management CAM_CHECK(camMedianFilter,camInternalROIPolicy(source, dest, &iROI, 1)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMedianFilter,iROI.nChannels==1); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMedianFilter,(source->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)<=(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL)*8)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMedianFilter,(source->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)>=8); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMedianFilter,(dest->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)<=(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL)*8)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMedianFilter,(dest->depth&CAM_DEPTH_MASK)>=8); width=iROI.srcroi.width; height=iROI.srcroi.height; if (source->roi) { left=iROI.srcroi.xOffset; top=iROI.srcroi.yOffset; i=left; if (i>CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2) i=CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2; j=top; if (j>CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2) j=CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2; srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(source->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset+(top-j)*source->widthStep)+(left-i); } else { srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(source->imageData+iROI.srcchoffset); left=0; top=0; } dstptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)iROI.dstptr; CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMedianFilter,(width>CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camMedianFilter,(height>CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2)); // Initialize algorithm for (i=0;i<CAM_MF_NEIGHB;i++) { linesPtr[i]=linesBuffer[i]; } // Initialize neighbourhood // Fill the top lines for (y=0;y+top<CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;y++) { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_TOP_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { cpsrcptr=srcptr; for (x=0;x<CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; } for (;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } for (;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=*(srcptr-iROI.srcinc); } srcptr=cpsrcptr; } else { for (x=0;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_TOP_INDEX]; } } } // Fill the next lines with image pixels for (;y<CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;y++) { cpsrcptr=srcptr; for (x=0;x<CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;x++) { if (left+x-CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2<0) { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_LEFT_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; } else { linesPtr[y][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_LEFT_INDEX]; } } else { // Get border pixels from the source frame linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } } for (;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } for (;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;x++) { if (left+x-CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2<source->width) { // Get border pixels from the source frame linesPtr[y][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } else { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_RIGHT_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { linesPtr[y][x]=*(srcptr-iROI.srcinc); } else { linesPtr[y][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_RIGHT_INDEX]; } } } srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)cpsrcptr)+source->widthStep); } // Now process the whole image // This is the main loop for (y=0;y<height;y++) { cpsrcptr=srcptr; cpdstptr=dstptr; // Start a new line // Have we reached the bottom of the frame ? if (top+y+CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2>=source->height) { if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_BOTTOM_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { // Go up one line (in order to stay on the last line) cpsrcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)cpsrcptr)-source->widthStep); srcptr=cpsrcptr; for (x=0;x<CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; } for (;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;x++) { linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } for (;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;x++) { linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=*(srcptr-iROI.srcinc); } } else { for (x=0;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;x++) { linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_BOTTOM_INDEX]; } } } else { for (x=0;x<CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;x++) { if (left+x-CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2<0) { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_LEFT_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; } else { linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_LEFT_INDEX]; } } else { // Get border pixels from the source frame linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } } // Fast transfer with memcpy if (iROI.srcinc==1) { memcpy(&linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x],srcptr,(source->width-left+CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2-x)<<(sizeof(CAM_PIXEL)-1)); x=source->width-left+CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2; } else { for (;x<source->width-left+CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;x++) { // Get a pixel from the source frame linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=*srcptr; srcptr+=iROI.srcinc; } } for (;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;x++) { // Out of frame : fill with border color if (source->borderMode[CAM_SIDE_RIGHT_INDEX]==CAM_BORDER_REPLICATE) { linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=*(srcptr+(source->width-1)*iROI.srcinc); } else { linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1][x]=source->borderConst[CAM_SIDE_RIGHT_INDEX]; } } } // Process all the pixels in the line for (x=CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;x<width+CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;x++) { // Now, let's sort the pixels in the neighbourhood first=0; last=0; nb=1; i=x-CAM_MF_NEIGHB+1; // Get the first pixel value=linesPtr[0][i]; // And put it in the sorted list values[0]=value; next[0]=-1; #define INSERT_VALUE(value) \ values[nb]=value; \ if (value>values[first]) { \ prev=first; \ j=next[first]; \ while ((j!=-1)&&(value>values[j])) { \ prev=j; \ j=next[j]; \ } \ if (j==-1) { \ next[last]=nb; \ last=nb; \ next[nb]=-1; \ } else { \ next[nb]=j; \ next[prev]=nb; \ } \ } else { \ next[nb]=first; \ first=nb; \ } \ nb++; for (xp=1;xp<CAM_MF_NEIGHB;xp++) { value=linesPtr[0][i+xp]; INSERT_VALUE(value); } for (yp=1;yp<CAM_MF_NEIGHB;yp++) { for (xp=0;xp<CAM_MF_NEIGHB;xp++) { value=linesPtr[yp][i+xp]; INSERT_VALUE(value); } } // Retrieve the median value j=first; for (i=0;i<CAM_MF_NEIGHB*CAM_MF_NEIGHB/2;i++) { j=next[j]; } result=values[j]; // Store the result in destination image *dstptr=result; dstptr+=iROI.dstinc; } // Go to next line srcptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)cpsrcptr)+source->widthStep); dstptr=(CAM_PIXEL*)(((char*)cpdstptr)+dest->widthStep); // Reset neighborhood line pointers tmpptr=linesPtr[0]; for (i=0;i<CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1;i++) { linesPtr[i]=linesPtr[i+1]; } linesPtr[CAM_MF_NEIGHB-1]=tmpptr; } camInternalROIPolicyExit(&iROI); return 1; }
int camKeypointsRecursiveDetector(CamImage *source, CamImage *integral, CamKeypoints *points, int nb_max_keypoints, int options) { CamImage filter; CamInternalROIPolicyStruct iROI; CamROI *roi, roix; int i, width, height; CamKeypointShort *keypoints; int pnb_keypoints; int nb_keypoints = 0; unsigned int *abs_value_lines[2]; int *value_lines[2]; unsigned char *scale_lines[2]; unsigned char *lmax_lines[2]; unsigned int *lmax[2], nblmax[2]; int widthStep; camPatchSizeParam = 16; //32 * 2 / 3; // Equivalent optimal value wrt SURF (the descriptor can partially lie outside screen) // Parameters checking CAM_CHECK(camKeypointsRecursiveDetector, camInternalROIPolicy(source, NULL, &iROI, 1)); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camKeypointsRecursiveDetector, (source->depth & CAM_DEPTH_MASK) >= 8); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camKeypointsRecursiveDetector, points->allocated >= 0); CAM_CHECK_ARGS(camKeypointsRecursiveDetector, source->nChannels == 1 || ((source->nChannels == 3) && (source->dataOrder == CAM_DATA_ORDER_PLANE))); width = iROI.srcroi.width; height = iROI.srcroi.height; if (!integral) { // Compute integral image integral = (CamImage*)malloc(sizeof(CamImage)); integral->imageData = NULL; roi = source->roi; camSetMaxROI(&roix, source); roix.coi = 1; source->roi = &roix; camIntegralImage(source, integral); // Computed on the whole frame, not only on ROI integral->roi = &iROI.srcroi; source->roi = roi; } widthStep = integral->widthStep / 4; // Allocate temp memory for keypoints keypoints = (CamKeypointShort*)malloc(CAM_MAX_KEYPOINTS * sizeof(CamKeypointShort)); points->nbPoints = 0; // Allocate value and scale lines for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { scale_lines[i] = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * sizeof(unsigned char)); value_lines[i] = (int*)malloc(width * sizeof(int)); abs_value_lines[i] = (unsigned int*)malloc(width * sizeof(unsigned int)); lmax_lines[i] = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * sizeof(unsigned char)); lmax[i] = (unsigned int*)malloc(width * sizeof(unsigned int)); nblmax[i] = 0; } // Go ! { int y; int max_scale_y; unsigned int *abs_current_value_line, *abs_previous_value_line; int *current_value_line, *previous_value_line; unsigned char *current_scale_line, *previous_scale_line; unsigned char *current_lmax_line, *previous_lmax_line; unsigned int *current_lmax, *previous_lmax; unsigned int current_nblmax, previous_nblmax; current_value_line = value_lines[0]; previous_value_line = value_lines[1]; abs_current_value_line = abs_value_lines[0]; abs_previous_value_line = abs_value_lines[1]; current_scale_line = scale_lines[0]; previous_scale_line = scale_lines[1]; current_lmax_line = lmax_lines[0]; previous_lmax_line = lmax_lines[1]; current_lmax = lmax[0]; previous_lmax = lmax[1]; // Fill the previous value line with a dummy value for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { abs_previous_value_line[i] = 0; previous_value_line[i] = 0; previous_scale_line[i] = 1; previous_lmax_line[i] = 0; } current_nblmax = 0; previous_nblmax = 0; for (y = 0; y < height; y++) { int x, v; // max_scale is the biggest scale we may apply. It must be more than 0, otherwise we can't do any image processing max_scale_y = (y + iROI.srcroi.yOffset) >> 1; // The preceding formula comes from : // - When iROI.yOffset is 0, max_scale should be 1 when y is 2 (1 pixel margin due to integral image) // - When iROI.yOffset is 0, max_scale should be 1 when y is 3 (1 pixel margin due to integral image) // - When iROI.yOffset is 0, max_scale should be 2 when y is 4 (1 pixel margin due to integral image) // Check max_scale with the bottom line v = (source->height - 1 - (y + iROI.srcroi.yOffset)) >> 1; // The preceding formula comes from "When iROI.yOffset is 0, max_scale should be 1 when y is equal to source->height - 3 if (v < max_scale_y) max_scale_y = v; if (max_scale_y < 1) { // We can't compute anything for that line for (i = 0; i < width; i++) { current_value_line[i] = 0; current_scale_line[i] = 1; } } else { int scale_up = 1; int current_value = 0; unsigned int abs_current_value = 0; int current_scale = 1; unsigned int *ptr = ((unsigned int*)(integral->imageData + (y + iROI.srcroi.yOffset) * integral->widthStep)) + iROI.srcroi.xOffset; int s1, s2; for (x = 0; x < width; x++, ptr++) { int first_scale = current_scale; int max_scale = max_scale_y; // Check max_scale with the left side of the frame v = (x + iROI.srcroi.xOffset) >> 1; if (v < max_scale) max_scale = v; // Check max_scale with the right side of the frame v = (source->width -1 - (x + iROI.srcroi.xOffset)) >> 1; if (v < max_scale) max_scale = v; // We need a scale margin in order to compute the descriptor max_scale -= CAM_SCALE_MARGIN; // Choose the first scale to evaluate, depending on upper and left results if (abs_previous_value_line[x] > abs_current_value) first_scale = previous_scale_line[x]; if (first_scale <= max_scale) { // Evaluate at first scale int scale = first_scale; // alias int yoffset = scale * widthStep; int value; #define CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN \ { \ unsigned int *ptrAi = ptr - (yoffset + scale); \ unsigned int *ptrDi = ptr + (yoffset + scale); \ unsigned int *ptrBi = ptr - (yoffset - scale); \ unsigned int *ptrCi = ptr + (yoffset - scale); \ unsigned int valin = *ptrDi - *ptrBi - *ptrCi + *ptrAi; \ unsigned int *ptrAo = ptr - ((yoffset + scale) << 1); \ unsigned int *ptrDo = ptr + ((yoffset + scale) << 1); \ unsigned int *ptrBo = ptr - ((yoffset - scale) << 1); \ unsigned int *ptrCo = ptr + ((yoffset - scale) << 1); \ unsigned int valout = *ptrDo - *ptrBo - *ptrCo + *ptrAo; \ value = valout - (valin << 2); \ } CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; current_scale = scale; current_value = value; abs_current_value = abs(value); // Let's see if we go upscale or not... if (scale_up && scale < max_scale) { // OK. Let's test the upscale scale++; yoffset += widthStep; CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; s1 = current_scale * current_scale; s2 = scale * scale; if (((CAM_INT64)abs(value)) * s1 > (CAM_INT64)abs_current_value * s2) { // Yes. That was a good hint current_scale = scale; current_value = value; abs_current_value = abs(value); // Let's test again at higher scale if (scale < max_scale) { scale++; yoffset += widthStep; CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; s1 = current_scale * current_scale; s2 = scale * scale; if (((CAM_INT64)abs(value)) * s1 > (CAM_INT64)abs_current_value * s2) { // Even better current_scale = scale; current_value = value; abs_current_value = abs(value); // And we stop there, satisfied... } } } else { // Oh, oh... Apparently, that was not a good hint to go upscale... // Let's try to downscale then... scale -= 2; if (scale > 0 && scale <= max_scale) { yoffset -= widthStep << 1; CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; s1 = current_scale * current_scale; s2 = scale * scale; if (((CAM_INT64)abs(value)) * s1 > (CAM_INT64)abs_current_value * s2) { // Yes. It's better scale_up = 0; // This is the hint for next time current_scale = scale; current_value = value; abs_current_value = abs(value); } // And we stop there, satisfied... } } } else { // OK. Let's test the downscale scale--; if (scale > 0 && scale <= max_scale) { yoffset -= widthStep; CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; if (((CAM_INT64)abs(value)) * current_scale * current_scale > (CAM_INT64)abs_current_value * scale * scale) { // Yes. That was a good hint. current_scale = scale; current_value = value; abs_current_value = abs(value); // Let's test again at lower scale scale--; if (scale > 0 && scale <= max_scale) { yoffset -= widthStep; CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; s1 = current_scale * current_scale; s2 = scale * scale; if (((CAM_INT64)abs(value)) * s1 > (CAM_INT64)abs_current_value * s2) { // Even better current_scale = scale; current_value = value; abs_current_value = abs(value); // And we stop there, satisfied... } } } else { // Oh, oh... Apparently, that was not a good hint to go downscale... // Let's try to upscale then... scale += 2; if (scale > 0 && scale <= max_scale) { yoffset += widthStep << 1; CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; s1 = current_scale * current_scale; s2 = scale * scale; if (((CAM_INT64)abs(value)) * s1 > (CAM_INT64)abs_current_value * s2) { // Yes. It's better scale_up = 1; // This is the hint for next time current_scale = scale; current_value = value; abs_current_value = abs(value); } // And we stop there, satisfied... } } } else { // Oh, oh... Apparently, that was not a good hint to go downscale... // Let's try to upscale then... scale += 2; if (scale > 0 && scale <= max_scale) { yoffset += widthStep; CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; s1 = current_scale * current_scale; s2 = scale * scale; if (((CAM_INT64)abs(value)) * s1 > (CAM_INT64)abs_current_value * s2) { // Yes. It's better scale_up = 1; // This is the hint for next time current_scale = scale; current_value = value; abs_current_value = abs(value); } // And we stop there, satisfied... } } } } else { // Skip this pixel and go back to small scale current_value = 0; abs_current_value = 0; current_scale = 1; scale_up = 1; } current_value = (current_value << 4) / (current_scale * current_scale); abs_current_value = abs(current_value); // Now, we do have the current_value, current_scale and abs_current_value // Let's check whether it is a local maximum or not { // If the current value is strictly greater than all the other values, then this is a local maximum and // the other pixels are marked as NOT being local maxima // If the current value is greater or equal to all neighbours, then this ia marked to be a local maximum // but the other pixels are kept as local maxima // If the current value is greater than any neighbour, this neighbour is marked as not being a local maximum int local_maximum = 1; if (x > 0) { // Compare to the left and upper-left pixel if (abs_current_value_line[x - 1] > abs_current_value) local_maximum = 0; else current_lmax_line[x - 1] = 0; if (abs_previous_value_line[x - 1] > abs_current_value) local_maximum = 0; else previous_lmax_line[x - 1] = 0; } // Compare to pixel above if (abs_previous_value_line[x] > abs_current_value) local_maximum = 0; else previous_lmax_line[x] = 0; if (x < width - 1) { // Compare to the upper right pixel if (abs_previous_value_line[x + 1] > abs_current_value) local_maximum = 0; else previous_lmax_line[x + 1] = 0; } if (local_maximum && abs_current_value > 0) { current_lmax[current_nblmax++] = x; current_lmax_line[x] = 1; } } // Record the data for next line evaluation current_value_line[x] = current_value; abs_current_value_line[x] = abs_current_value; current_scale_line[x] = current_scale; //if (y == 100) { //printf("y=%d x=%d value=%d abs=%d scale=%d\n", y, x, current_value, abs_current_value, current_scale); //} } } // Check the local maxima on the previous line, and record the keypoints IF they are local maxima for (i = 0; i != previous_nblmax; i++) { if (previous_lmax_line[previous_lmax[i]]) { int scale = previous_scale_line[previous_lmax[i]]; if (scale >= CAM_MIN_SCALE) { // Yes, we have definitely a local maximum // Record the keypoint keypoints[nb_keypoints].x = previous_lmax[i]; keypoints[nb_keypoints].y = y - 1; keypoints[nb_keypoints].scale = scale; keypoints[nb_keypoints].value = previous_value_line[previous_lmax[i]]; nb_keypoints++; } } } // Switch previous and current lines { unsigned char *tmp; tmp = current_scale_line; current_scale_line = previous_scale_line; previous_scale_line = tmp; }{ unsigned int *tmp; tmp = abs_current_value_line; abs_current_value_line = abs_previous_value_line; abs_previous_value_line = tmp; }{ int *tmp; tmp = current_value_line; current_value_line = previous_value_line; previous_value_line = tmp; }{ unsigned char *tmp; tmp = current_lmax_line; current_lmax_line = previous_lmax_line; previous_lmax_line = tmp; }{ unsigned int *tmp; tmp = current_lmax; current_lmax = previous_lmax; previous_lmax = tmp; } previous_nblmax = current_nblmax; current_nblmax = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { free(value_lines[i]); free(abs_value_lines[i]); free(scale_lines[i]); free(lmax_lines[i]); free(lmax[i]); } // Post-processing : remove keypoints in a given neighborhood (proportionnal to scale) for (i = 1; i < nb_keypoints; i++) { CamKeypointShort *keypoint = &keypoints[i]; int j = i - 1; int neighborhood = keypoint->scale >> 2; while (j >= 0 && keypoints[j].y >= keypoint->y - neighborhood) { CamKeypointShort *keypoint2 = &keypoints[j]; if (keypoint2->x >= keypoint->x - neighborhood && keypoint2->x <= keypoint->x + neighborhood) { // They are next to each other... if (abs(keypoint2->value) > abs(keypoint->value)) keypoint->scale = 0; // Let's get rid of this one... It has a lower value else keypoint2->scale = 0; } j--; } } for (i = 0; i < nb_keypoints; i++) if (!keypoints[i].scale) keypoints[i].value = 0; if (options & CAM_UPRIGHT) { // Remove keypoints the descriptor of which would be outside the frame boundaries for (i = 0; i < nb_keypoints; i++) { if (keypoints[i].scale) { int scale = keypoints[i].scale; // Save the scale keypoints[i].scale = (scale << 2) + 1; if (!camKeypointDescriptorCheckBounds(&keypoints[i], integral)) keypoints[i].value = 0; keypoints[i].scale = scale; } } } // Sort the features according to value qsort(keypoints, nb_keypoints, sizeof(CamKeypointShort), camSortKeypointsShort); for (i = 0; i < nb_keypoints; i++) if (keypoints[i].value == 0) break; nb_keypoints = i; if (nb_keypoints > nb_max_keypoints) nb_keypoints = nb_max_keypoints; /* Interpolation : * Maxima : solve([y1=a*(x1-p)^2+b,y2=a*(-p)^2+b,y3=a*(x3-p)^2+b],[a,b,p]) * Maxima yields the following formula for parabolic interpolation 2 2 2 2 x1 y3 + (x3 - x1 ) y2 - x3 y1 p = ------------------------------------ 2 x1 y3 + (2 x3 - 2 x1) y2 - 2 x3 y1 */ // Scale super-resolution for (i = 0; i < nb_keypoints; i++) { CamKeypointShort *keypoint = &keypoints[i]; #if 1 int x = keypoint->x, y = keypoint->y; int v, max_scale; max_scale = (y + iROI.srcroi.yOffset) >> 1; v = (source->height - 1 - (y + iROI.srcroi.yOffset)) >> 1; if (v < max_scale) max_scale = v; v = (x + iROI.srcroi.xOffset) >> 1; if (v < max_scale) max_scale = v; v = (source->width -1 - (x + iROI.srcroi.xOffset)) >> 1; if (v < max_scale) max_scale = v; max_scale -= CAM_SCALE_MARGIN; if (keypoint->scale < max_scale) { unsigned int *ptr = ((unsigned int*)(integral->imageData + (y + iROI.srcroi.yOffset) * integral->widthStep)) + iROI.srcroi.xOffset + x; int scale = keypoint->scale - 1; int yoffset = scale * widthStep; int value, num, den, x1, x3, y1, y2, y3; x1 = -1; x3 = 1; y2 = keypoint->value; CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; y1 = (value << 4) / (scale * scale); if (y1 > y2) keypoint->scale <<= 2; // This is a problem : this is not a local maximum in scale... else { int found = 0; scale = keypoint->scale + 1; do { yoffset = scale * widthStep; CAM_RECURSIVE_PATTERN; y3 = (value << 4) / (scale * scale); if (y3 <= y2) { num = (x1 * x1 * y3 + (x3 * x3 - x1 * x1) * y2 - x3 * x3 * y1); den = x1 * y3 + (x3 - x1) * y2 - x3 * y1; if (den == 0) keypoint->scale <<= 2; else { int p = (num << 1) / den; // shift only by 1, because den is shifted by 2 keypoint->scale = p + ((scale - 1) << 2); found = 1; } break; } y1 = y2; y2 = y3; scale++; } while (scale <= max_scale); if (!found) keypoint->scale <<= 2; } } else #endif keypoint->scale <<= 2; } // Angle if (options & CAM_UPRIGHT) { for (i = 0; i < nb_keypoints; i++) { keypoints[i].angle = 0; } } else { camAllocateImage(&filter, CAM_ORIENTATION_STAMP_SIZE, CAM_ORIENTATION_STAMP_SIZE, CAM_DEPTH_16S); camBuildGaussianFilter(&filter, camSigmaParam); pnb_keypoints = nb_keypoints; if (pnb_keypoints > nb_max_keypoints) pnb_keypoints = nb_max_keypoints; for (i = 0; i < pnb_keypoints; i++) { nb_keypoints += camKeypointOrientation(source, &keypoints[i], &filter, &keypoints[nb_keypoints]); } camDeallocateImage(&filter); } // Sort again the features according to value qsort(keypoints, nb_keypoints, sizeof(CamKeypointShort), camSortKeypointsShort); // Keypoints allocation pnb_keypoints = nb_keypoints; if (pnb_keypoints > nb_max_keypoints) pnb_keypoints = nb_max_keypoints; if (points->allocated == 0) { camAllocateKeypoints(points, pnb_keypoints); } else if (points->allocated < pnb_keypoints) { camFreeKeypoints(points); camAllocateKeypoints(points, pnb_keypoints); } if (points->bag == NULL) { #ifdef __SSE2__ points->bag = (CamKeypoint*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(CamKeypoint) * pnb_keypoints, 16); #else points->bag = (CamKeypoint*)malloc(sizeof(CamKeypoint) * pnb_keypoints); #endif } for (i = 0; i < pnb_keypoints; i++) { points->keypoint[i] = &points->bag[i]; points->keypoint[i]->x = keypoints[i].x + iROI.srcroi.xOffset; points->keypoint[i]->y = keypoints[i].y + iROI.srcroi.yOffset; points->keypoint[i]->scale = keypoints[i].scale; points->keypoint[i]->value = keypoints[i].value; points->keypoint[i]->angle = keypoints[i].angle; } points->nbPoints = pnb_keypoints; free(keypoints); if (options & CAM_UPRIGHT) { camKeypointsDescriptor(points, integral, options); } else { camKeypointsDescriptor(points, source, options); } // Finally, set the points' set for (i = 0; i < points->nbPoints; i++) { points->keypoint[i]->set = points; } // Integral Image is now useless camInternalROIPolicyExit(&iROI); return 1; }