Esempio n. 1
void Error::TraceWrite(const TCHAR * bufp, va_list args)
	// wxWidgets doesn't expect newlines in the string, but Camelot source provides them. So we print each bit
	// separately
#if 1
	// replace \n by a space - the real solution is to remove the \n from all the trace statements (yawn)
	camStrncpy(buf, bufp, MAXERRORFORMATLENGTH);
	TCHAR * b=buf;
		if (*b == '\n') *b=' ';
	} while(*b++);
	wxVLogDebug(buf, args);

	// this way is bad as it doesn't work with args either side of the newline

	TCHAR * newline;

		newline = camStrchr(bufp, _T('\n'));
		if (newline) *newline++=0;
		// We really should pass only the args before the newline here, but...
		wxVLogDebug(bufp, args);

	} while (bufp && *bufp);
Esempio n. 2
>	INT32 StringBase::BuildList(const TCHAR* format)

	Author:		Justin_Flude (Xara Group Ltd) <*****@*****.**>
	Created:	22nd April 1993
	Inputs:		A pointer to the format string to be analysed.
	Returns:	The number of format specifiers in the string, which should be the same
				as the number of arguments to be formatted.
	Purpose:	This private helper function scans the layout string, breaking it up into
				literal text and parameters, which are placed on an private list in the
				order they are encountered, together with their type and which argument
				passed to Format that they refer to.  The formatting must be done in two
				passes as the order of the parameters is not known until the whole format
				string has been scanned.
	Scope:		Private
INT32 StringBase::BuildList(const TCHAR* format)
/*	if (IsUserName("JustinF"))
		TRACE( _T("\tBuildList called with format string %s\n"), format);
	ENSURE(format, "Null parameter passed to StringBase::BuildList");
    const TCHAR* start = format;
    INT32 nArgs = 0;    
    while (*start)
    	const TCHAR* next = start;    	
    	// Look for a format specifier in the layout string
    	if (*next == TEXT('#'))
    		if (IsNumeric(*(++next)))
    			INT32 ArgPos = *next - TEXT('0');		// MS approved method - yuck!!!
				ENSURE(ArgPos >= 1 && ArgPos <= 9,
						"Illegal format string passed to MakeMsg!");

    			if (*(++next) == TEXT('%'))
    				// Seem to have found the beginning of a specifier,
    				// so try parsing it, to extract the type information
    				if (*(++next) == TEXT('-')) next++;
    				if (*next == TEXT('#')) next++;
    				if (*next == TEXT('0')) next++;
    				while (IsNumeric(*next)) next++;
    				if (*next == TEXT('.'))
    					while (IsNumeric(*++next));
    				// Ok, we have skipped the width, precision etc. and
					// "next" should now be pointing at the type character(s)
					ArgType kind;
					if (*next == TEXT('l'))		// an INT32 something or another?
						switch (*++next)
							case TEXT('d'):  case TEXT('i'):
								kind = SIGNED_INT32_ARG;
							case TEXT('u'):  case TEXT('x'):  case TEXT('X'):
								kind = UNSIGNED_INT32_ARG;
							default:			// false alarm, can't be a specifier
								next = start + 1;
								goto not_format;
						switch (*next)			// single type character
							case TEXT('c'):
								kind = CHAR_ARG;
							case TEXT('d'):  case TEXT('i'):
								kind = SIGNED_INT_ARG;
							case TEXT('p'): // a pointer
								kind = UINT_PTR_ARG;
							case TEXT('u'): case TEXT('x'): case TEXT('X'):
								kind = UNSIGNED_INT_ARG;
							case TEXT('s'):
								kind = CHAR_POINTER_ARG;
							case TEXT('S'):
								kind = STRING_POINTER_ARG;								
								next = start + 1;
								goto not_format;			// boo hiss hooray!
					// Successfully parsed the format specifier, so add
					// it to the Item list.  Skip the leading #n of the specifier,
					// so (next) now points to the character following the '%X'
					// format specifier.

					// Extract the specifier.
					TCHAR temp[64];
					INT32 len = next - start - 2;
					camStrncpy(temp, start + 2, len);
					temp[len] = 0;
					new Item(temp, ArgPos, kind);
					start = next;
/*					if (IsUserName("JustinF"))
						TRACE( _T("\tItem: (%d) at #%d  %s\n"), kind, ArgPos, temp);
						TRACE( _T("\t\tRemaining: %s\n"), start);
    				// Put back the previous character
    	// Scan a literal up to the next '#' or null, whichever is sooner
    	while (*next && *next != TEXT('#')) next++;

		TCHAR temp[256];
		INT32 len = next - start;

		camStrncpy(temp, start, len);
		temp[len] = 0;
		new Item(temp, 0, LITERAL);
		start = next;

/*		if (IsUserName("JustinF"))
			TRACE( _T("\tLiteral: %s\n"), temp);

	return nArgs;    	