Esempio n. 1
/* alloc */
value bap_disasm_reg_table_stub(value d) {
    intnat dims[1];
    dims[0] = bap_disasm_reg_table_size(Int_val(d));
    CAMLreturn(caml_ba_alloc(CAML_BA_UINT8 | CAML_BA_C_LAYOUT, 1,
                             (void *)bap_disasm_reg_table_ptr(Int_val(d)), dims));
Esempio n. 2
CAMLprim value caml_ba_reshape(value vb, value vdim)
  CAMLparam2 (vb, vdim);
  CAMLlocal1 (res);
#define b ((struct caml_ba_array *) Caml_ba_array_val(vb))
  intnat dim[CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS];
  mlsize_t num_dims;
  uintnat num_elts;
  int i;

  num_dims = Wosize_val(vdim);
  if (num_dims < 1 || num_dims > CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS)
    caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.reshape: bad number of dimensions");
  num_elts = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++) {
    dim[i] = Long_val(Field(vdim, i));
    if (dim[i] < 0)
      caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.reshape: negative dimension");
    num_elts *= dim[i];
  /* Check that sizes agree */
  if (num_elts != caml_ba_num_elts(b))
    caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.reshape: size mismatch");
  /* Create bigarray with same data and new dimensions */
  res = caml_ba_alloc(b->flags, num_dims, b->data, dim);
  /* Create or update proxy in case of managed bigarray */
  caml_ba_update_proxy(b, Caml_ba_array_val(res));
  /* Return result */
  CAMLreturn (res);

#undef b
Esempio n. 3
CAMLprim value
caml_SDL_Surface_ba_get_pixels(value surface)
    SDL_Surface *surf = SDL_Surface_val(surface);

    Uint8 bpp = surf->format->BitsPerPixel;
    int b_flag = 0;
    long dim = surf->h;

    switch (bpp) {
      case 8:
        dim *= surf->pitch;
        b_flag |= CAML_BA_UINT8; break;
      case 16:
        dim *= surf->pitch / 2;
        b_flag |= CAML_BA_UINT16; break;
      case 24:
        dim *= surf->pitch;
        b_flag |= CAML_BA_UINT8; break;
      case 32:
        dim *= surf->pitch / 4;
        b_flag |= CAML_BA_INT32; break;
      case 64:
        dim *= surf->pitch / 8;
        b_flag |= CAML_BA_INT64; break;


    return caml_ba_alloc(b_flag, 1, surf->pixels, &dim);
/* Adapted from sundials-2.5.0/src/nvec_par/nvector_parallel.c:
   N_VCloneEmpty_Parallel */
static N_Vector clone_parallel(N_Vector w)
    CAMLlocal2(v_payload, w_payload);

    N_Vector v;
    N_VectorContent_Parallel content;

    if (w == NULL) CAMLreturnT (N_Vector, NULL);
    w_payload = NVEC_BACKLINK(w);
    struct caml_ba_array *w_ba = Caml_ba_array_val(Field(w_payload, 0));

    /* Create vector (we need not copy the data) */
    v_payload = caml_alloc_tuple(3);
    Store_field(v_payload, 0,
		caml_ba_alloc(w_ba->flags, w_ba->num_dims, NULL, w_ba->dim));
    Store_field(v_payload, 1, Field(w_payload, 1));
    Store_field(v_payload, 2, Field(w_payload, 2));
    v = sunml_alloc_cnvec(sizeof(struct _N_VectorContent_Parallel), v_payload);
    if (v == NULL) CAMLreturnT (N_Vector, NULL);
    content = (N_VectorContent_Parallel) v->content;

    /* Create vector operation structure */
    sunml_clone_cnvec_ops(v, w);

    /* Attach lengths and communicator */
    content->local_length  = NV_LOCLENGTH_P(w);
    content->global_length = NV_GLOBLENGTH_P(w);
    content->comm          = NV_COMM_P(w);
    content->own_data      = 0;
    content->data          = Caml_ba_data_val(Field(v_payload, 0));

    CAMLreturnT(N_Vector, v);
CAMLprim value bigstring_marshal_stub(value v, value v_flags)
  char *buf;
  long len;
  caml_output_value_to_malloc(v, v_flags, &buf, &len);
  return caml_ba_alloc(alloc_flags, 1, buf, &len);
CAMLprim value
caml_xenstore_start_page(value v_unit)
  intnat dims[] = { PAGE_SIZE };
  unsigned char *page = mfn_to_virt(start_info.store_mfn);
  v_ret = caml_ba_alloc(CAML_BA_UINT8 | CAML_BA_C_LAYOUT, 1, page, dims);
Esempio n. 7
/* _view : ('a, 'b) kind -> dims:int array -> ptr ->
           ('a, 'b, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Genarray.t */
value ctypes_bigarray_view(value kind_, value dims_, value ptr_)
  int kind = Int_val(kind_);
  int ndims = Wosize_val(dims_);
  intnat dims[CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS];
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < ndims; i++) {
    dims[i] = Int_val(Field(dims_, i));
  int flags = kind | CAML_BA_C_LAYOUT | CAML_BA_EXTERNAL;
  void *data = CTYPES_TO_PTR(ptr_);
  return caml_ba_alloc(flags, ndims, data, dims);
Esempio n. 8
CAMLexport value caml_ba_alloc_dims(int flags, int num_dims, void * data, ...)
  va_list ap;
  intnat dim[CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS];
  int i;
  value res;

  va_start(ap, data);
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++) dim[i] = va_arg(ap, intnat);
  res = caml_ba_alloc(flags, num_dims, data, dim);
  return res;
Esempio n. 9
CAMLprim value ocaml_gstreamer_appsink_pull_buffer(value _as, value string_mode)
  appsink *as = Appsink_val(_as);
  GstSample *gstsample;
  GstBuffer *gstbuf;
  GstMapInfo map;
  intnat len;
  gboolean ret;

  gstsample = gst_app_sink_pull_sample(as->appsink);

  if (!gstsample)
      if (gst_app_sink_is_eos(as->appsink))

  gstbuf = gst_sample_get_buffer(gstsample);

  if (!gstbuf) caml_raise_constant(*caml_named_value("gstreamer_exn_failure"));

  ret = gst_buffer_map(gstbuf, &map, GST_MAP_READ);

  if (!ret) caml_raise_constant(*caml_named_value("gstreamer_exn_failure"));

  len = map.size;
  if (string_mode == Val_false) {
    ans = caml_ba_alloc(CAML_BA_C_LAYOUT | CAML_BA_UINT8, 1, NULL, &len);
    memcpy(Caml_ba_data_val(ans),, len);
  } else {
    ans = caml_alloc_string(len);
    memcpy(String_val(ans),, len);

  gst_buffer_unmap(gstbuf, &map);

Esempio n. 10
value caml_ba_change_flags(value vb, value vkind, value vlen)
	CAMLparam3 (vb, vkind, vlen);
	CAMLlocal1 (res);
	#define b ((struct caml_ba_array *) Caml_ba_array_val(vb))
	int flags = Int_val(vkind) | CAML_BA_C_LAYOUT | CAML_BA_MANAGED;
	intnat len = Long_val(vlen);

	res = caml_ba_alloc(flags, b->num_dims, b->data, b->dim);
	Caml_ba_array_val(res)->dim[0] = len;
	caml_ba_update_proxy(b, Caml_ba_array_val(res));
	CAMLreturn (res);
	#undef b
Esempio n. 11
CAMLprim value caml_ba_create(value vkind, value vlayout, value vdim)
  intnat dim[CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS];
  mlsize_t num_dims;
  int i, flags;

  num_dims = Wosize_val(vdim);
  if (num_dims < 1 || num_dims > CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS)
    caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.create: bad number of dimensions");
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++) {
    dim[i] = Long_val(Field(vdim, i));
    if (dim[i] < 0)
      caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.create: negative dimension");
  flags = Int_val(vkind) | Int_val(vlayout);
  return caml_ba_alloc(flags, num_dims, NULL, dim);
Esempio n. 12
/* Bigarray from string */
CAMLprim value caml_ba_from_string(value vkind, value vlayout, value vstr)
  intnat dim[CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS];
  mlsize_t num_dims;
  int i, flags;

  num_dims = 1;
  if (num_dims < 1 || num_dims > CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS)
    caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.create: bad number of dimensions");
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++) {
    dim[i] = caml_string_length(vstr);
    if (dim[i] < 0)
      caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.create: negative dimension");
  flags = Int_val(vkind) | Int_val(vlayout) | CAML_BA_EXTERNAL;
  return caml_ba_alloc(flags, num_dims, String_val(vstr), dim);
Esempio n. 13
CAMLprim value caml_ba_slice(value vb, value vind)
  CAMLparam2 (vb, vind);
  #define b ((struct caml_ba_array *) Caml_ba_array_val(vb))
  CAMLlocal1 (res);
  intnat index[CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS];
  int num_inds, i;
  intnat offset;
  intnat * sub_dims;
  char * sub_data;

  /* Check number of indices < number of dimensions of array */
  num_inds = Wosize_val(vind);
  if (num_inds >= b->num_dims)
    caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.slice: too many indices");
  /* Compute offset and check bounds */
  if ((b->flags & CAML_BA_LAYOUT_MASK) == CAML_BA_C_LAYOUT) {
    /* We slice from the left */
    for (i = 0; i < num_inds; i++) index[i] = Long_val(Field(vind, i));
    for (/*nothing*/; i < b->num_dims; i++) index[i] = 0;
    offset = caml_ba_offset(b, index);
    sub_dims = b->dim + num_inds;
  } else {
    /* We slice from the right */
    for (i = 0; i < num_inds; i++)
      index[b->num_dims - num_inds + i] = Long_val(Field(vind, i));
    for (i = 0; i < b->num_dims - num_inds; i++) index[i] = 1;
    offset = caml_ba_offset(b, index);
    sub_dims = b->dim;
  sub_data =
    (char *) b->data +
    offset * caml_ba_element_size[b->flags & CAML_BA_KIND_MASK];
  /* Allocate an OCaml bigarray to hold the result */
  res = caml_ba_alloc(b->flags, b->num_dims - num_inds, sub_data, sub_dims);
  /* Create or update proxy in case of managed bigarray */
  caml_ba_update_proxy(b, Caml_ba_array_val(res));
  /* Return result */
  CAMLreturn (res);

  #undef b
Esempio n. 14
CAMLexport value
bigstring_alloc (value v_gc_max_unused, value v_size)
  intnat size = Long_val (v_size);
  void * data = NULL;
  intnat gc_max_unused = Long_val(v_gc_max_unused);
  intnat dims[1];
  dims[0] = size;

  if (gc_max_unused >= 0) {
    data = (void *) malloc(sizeof(char) * size);
    if (NULL == data) caml_raise_out_of_memory ();
    /* caml_adjust_gc_speed is also called by caml_ba_alloc below, but it will have
    * numerator 0 when data != NULL. Effectively, that call will have no effect if this
    * call is made. */
    caml_adjust_gc_speed(size, gc_max_unused);

  return caml_ba_alloc (flags, 1, data, dims);
Esempio n. 15
CAMLprim value caml_ba_sub(value vb, value vofs, value vlen)
  CAMLparam3 (vb, vofs, vlen);
  CAMLlocal1 (res);
  #define b ((struct caml_ba_array *) Caml_ba_array_val(vb))
  intnat ofs = Long_val(vofs);
  intnat len = Long_val(vlen);
  int i, changed_dim;
  intnat mul;
  char * sub_data;

  /* Compute offset and check bounds */
  if ((b->flags & CAML_BA_LAYOUT_MASK) == CAML_BA_C_LAYOUT) {
    /* We reduce the first dimension */
    mul = 1;
    for (i = 1; i < b->num_dims; i++) mul *= b->dim[i];
    changed_dim = 0;
  } else {
    /* We reduce the last dimension */
    mul = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < b->num_dims - 1; i++) mul *= b->dim[i];
    changed_dim = b->num_dims - 1;
    ofs--;                      /* Fortran arrays start at 1 */
  if (ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs + len > b->dim[changed_dim])
    caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.sub: bad sub-array");
  sub_data =
    (char *) b->data +
    ofs * mul * caml_ba_element_size[b->flags & CAML_BA_KIND_MASK];
  /* Allocate an OCaml bigarray to hold the result */
  res = caml_ba_alloc(b->flags, b->num_dims, sub_data, b->dim);
  /* Doctor the changed dimension */
  Caml_ba_array_val(res)->dim[changed_dim] = len;
  /* Create or update proxy in case of managed bigarray */
  caml_ba_update_proxy(b, Caml_ba_array_val(res));
  /* Return result */
  CAMLreturn (res);

  #undef b
Esempio n. 16
CAMLprim value caml_ba_map_file(value vfd, value vkind, value vlayout,
                                value vshared, value vdim, value vstart)
  int fd, flags, major_dim, shared;
  intnat num_dims, i;
  intnat dim[CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS];
  file_offset startpos, file_size, data_size;
  struct stat st;
  uintnat array_size, page, delta;
  void * addr;

  fd = Int_val(vfd);
  flags = Int_val(vkind) | Int_val(vlayout);
  startpos = File_offset_val(vstart);
  num_dims = Wosize_val(vdim);
  major_dim = flags & CAML_BA_FORTRAN_LAYOUT ? num_dims - 1 : 0;
  /* Extract dimensions from OCaml array */
  num_dims = Wosize_val(vdim);
  if (num_dims < 1 || num_dims > CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS)
    caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.mmap: bad number of dimensions");
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++) {
    dim[i] = Long_val(Field(vdim, i));
    if (dim[i] == -1 && i == major_dim) continue;
    if (dim[i] < 0)
      caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.create: negative dimension");
  /* Determine file size. We avoid lseek here because it is fragile,
     and because some mappable file types do not support it
  if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1) {
  file_size = st.st_size;
  /* Determine array size in bytes (or size of array without the major
     dimension if that dimension wasn't specified) */
  array_size = caml_ba_element_size[flags & CAML_BA_KIND_MASK];
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++)
    if (dim[i] != -1) array_size *= dim[i];
  /* Check if the major dimension is unknown */
  if (dim[major_dim] == -1) {
    /* Determine major dimension from file size */
    if (file_size < startpos) {
      caml_failwith("Bigarray.mmap: file position exceeds file size");
    data_size = file_size - startpos;
    dim[major_dim] = (uintnat) (data_size / array_size);
    array_size = dim[major_dim] * array_size;
    if (array_size != data_size) {
      caml_failwith("Bigarray.mmap: file size doesn't match array dimensions");
  } else {
    /* Check that file is large enough, and grow it otherwise */
    if (file_size < startpos + array_size) {
      if (caml_grow_file(fd, startpos + array_size) == -1) { /* PR#5543 */
  /* Determine offset so that the mapping starts at the given file pos */
  page = getpagesize();
  delta = (uintnat) startpos % page;
  /* Do the mmap */
  shared = Bool_val(vshared) ? MAP_SHARED : MAP_PRIVATE;
  if (array_size > 0)
    addr = mmap(NULL, array_size + delta, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                shared, fd, startpos - delta);
    addr = NULL;                /* PR#5463 - mmap fails on empty region */
  if (addr == (void *) MAP_FAILED) caml_sys_error(NO_ARG);
  addr = (void *) ((uintnat) addr + delta);
  /* Build and return the OCaml bigarray */
  return caml_ba_alloc(flags | CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE, num_dims, addr, dim);
Esempio n. 17
CAMLprim value caml_ba_map_file(value vfd, value vkind, value vlayout,
                                value vshared, value vdim, value vstart)
  HANDLE fd, fmap;
  int flags, major_dim, mode, perm;
  intnat num_dims, i;
  intnat dim[CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS];
  __int64 currpos, startpos, file_size, data_size;
  uintnat array_size, page, delta;
  char c;
  void * addr;
  SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;

  fd = Handle_val(vfd);
  flags = Int_val(vkind) | Int_val(vlayout);
  startpos = Int64_val(vstart);
  num_dims = Wosize_val(vdim);
  major_dim = flags & CAML_BA_FORTRAN_LAYOUT ? num_dims - 1 : 0;
  /* Extract dimensions from OCaml array */
  num_dims = Wosize_val(vdim);
  if (num_dims < 1 || num_dims > CAML_BA_MAX_NUM_DIMS)
    caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.mmap: bad number of dimensions");
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++) {
    dim[i] = Long_val(Field(vdim, i));
    if (dim[i] == -1 && i == major_dim) continue;
    if (dim[i] < 0)
      caml_invalid_argument("Bigarray.create: negative dimension");
  /* Determine file size */
  currpos = caml_ba_set_file_pointer(fd, 0, FILE_CURRENT);
  if (currpos == -1) caml_ba_sys_error();
  file_size = caml_ba_set_file_pointer(fd, 0, FILE_END);
  if (file_size == -1) caml_ba_sys_error();
  /* Determine array size in bytes (or size of array without the major
     dimension if that dimension wasn't specified) */
  array_size = caml_ba_element_size[flags & CAML_BA_KIND_MASK];
  for (i = 0; i < num_dims; i++)
    if (dim[i] != -1) array_size *= dim[i];
  /* Check if the first/last dimension is unknown */
  if (dim[major_dim] == -1) {
    /* Determine first/last dimension from file size */
    if (file_size < startpos)
      caml_failwith("Bigarray.mmap: file position exceeds file size");
    data_size = file_size - startpos;
    dim[major_dim] = (uintnat) (data_size / array_size);
    array_size = dim[major_dim] * array_size;
    if (array_size != data_size)
      caml_failwith("Bigarray.mmap: file size doesn't match array dimensions");
  /* Restore original file position */
  caml_ba_set_file_pointer(fd, currpos, FILE_BEGIN);
  /* Create the file mapping */
  if (Bool_val(vshared)) {
    perm = PAGE_READWRITE;
    mode = FILE_MAP_WRITE;
  } else {
    perm = PAGE_READONLY;       /* doesn't work under Win98 */
    mode = FILE_MAP_COPY;
  li.QuadPart = startpos + array_size;
  fmap = CreateFileMapping(fd, NULL, perm, li.HighPart, li.LowPart, NULL);
  if (fmap == NULL) caml_ba_sys_error();
  /* Determine offset so that the mapping starts at the given file pos */
  delta = (uintnat) (startpos % sysinfo.dwAllocationGranularity);
  /* Map the mapping in memory */
  li.QuadPart = startpos - delta;
  addr =
    MapViewOfFile(fmap, mode, li.HighPart, li.LowPart, array_size + delta);
  if (addr == NULL) caml_ba_sys_error();
  addr = (void *) ((uintnat) addr + delta);
  /* Close the file mapping */
  /* Build and return the OCaml bigarray */
  return caml_ba_alloc(flags | CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE, num_dims, addr, dim);
Esempio n. 18
static value to_bigarray(char *data, mlsize_t size) {
	intnat array[] = { size };
	return caml_ba_alloc(CAML_BA_UINT8 | CAML_BA_C_LAYOUT, 1, data, array);
Esempio n. 19
/* Here and in the generated .c files, we must put CAML_BA_EXTERNAL instead of
   CAML_BA_MANAGED because the C string cannot be freed. */
CAMLprim value ocaml_plugin_archive (value unit __attribute__ ((unused)))
  intnat dim = 5;
  return caml_ba_alloc(flags, 1, s, &dim);