Esempio n. 1
void server::handle_delete(const server::request& req)
	const config& erase = req.cfg;

	if(read_only_) {
		LOG_CS << "in read-only mode, request to delete '" << erase["name"] << "' from " << req.addr << " denied\n";
		send_error("Cannot delete add-on: The server is currently in read-only mode.", req.sock);

	LOG_CS << "deleting campaign '" << erase["name"] << "' requested from " << req.addr << "\n";

	config& campaign = get_campaign(erase["name"]);

	if(!campaign) {
		send_error("The add-on does not exist.", req.sock);

	if(!authenticate(campaign, erase["passphrase"])
		&& (campaigns()["master_password"].empty()
		|| campaigns()["master_password"] != erase["passphrase"]))
		send_error("The passphrase is incorrect.", req.sock);

	// Erase the campaign.
	filesystem::write_file(campaign["filename"], std::string());
	if(remove(campaign["filename"].str().c_str()) != 0) {
		ERR_CS << "failed to delete archive for campaign '" << erase["name"]
			   << "' (" << campaign["filename"] << "): " << strerror(errno)
			   << '\n';

	config::child_itors itors = campaigns().child_range("campaign");
	for(size_t index = 0; !itors.empty(); ++index, itors.pop_front())
		if(&campaign == &itors.front()) {
			campaigns().remove_child("campaign", index);


	send_message("Add-on deleted.", req.sock);

	fire("hook_post_erase", erase["name"]);

Esempio n. 2
bool enter_create_mode(game_display& disp, const config& game_config,
	saved_game& state, jump_to_campaign_info jump_to_campaign, bool local_players_only) {

	bool configure_canceled = false;

	do {

		ng::create_engine create_eng(disp, state);

		std::vector<ng::create_engine::level_ptr> campaigns(
		if (campaigns.empty()) {
					  _("No campaigns are available.\n"));
			return false;

		bool use_deterministic_mode = false;
		// No campaign selected from command line
		if (jump_to_campaign.campaign_id_.empty() == true)
			gui2::tcampaign_selection dlg(create_eng);

			try {;
			} catch(twml_exception& e) {;
				return false;

			if(dlg.get_retval() != gui2::twindow::OK) {
				return false;

			use_deterministic_mode = dlg.get_deterministic();

			// don't reset the campaign_id_ so we can know
			// if we should quit the game or return to the main menu

			// checking for valid campaign name
			bool not_found = true;
			for(size_t i = 0; i < campaigns.size(); ++i)
				if (campaigns[i]->data()["id"] == jump_to_campaign.campaign_id_)
					not_found = false;


			// didn't find any campaign with that id
			if (not_found)
				//TODO: use ERR_NG or similar
				std::cerr<<"No such campaign id to jump to: ["<<jump_to_campaign.campaign_id_<<"]\n";
				return false;


		std::string random_mode = use_deterministic_mode ? "deterministic" : "";
		state.classification().random_mode = random_mode;

		std::string selected_difficulty = create_eng.select_campaign_difficulty(jump_to_campaign.difficulty_);

		if (selected_difficulty == "FAIL") return false;
		if (selected_difficulty == "CANCEL") {
			if (jump_to_campaign.campaign_id_.empty() == false)
				jump_to_campaign.campaign_id_ = "";
			// canceled difficulty dialog, relaunch the campaign selection dialog
			return enter_create_mode(disp, game_config, state, jump_to_campaign, local_players_only);


		if(!jump_to_campaign.scenario_id_.empty()) {
				config_of("next_scenario", jump_to_campaign.scenario_id_)

			//TODO: use ERR_NG or similar
			std::cerr << "Cannot load scenario with id=" << state.get_scenario_id() << "\n";
			return false;
		configure_canceled = !enter_configure_mode(disp, game_config_manager::get()->game_config(), state, local_players_only);

	} while (configure_canceled);

	return true;
Esempio n. 3
	/** Retrieves a campaign by id if found, or a null config otherwise. */
	config& get_campaign(const std::string& id) { return campaigns().find_child("campaign", "name", id); }
Esempio n. 4
void server::handle_request_campaign_list(const server::request& req)
	LOG_CS << "sending campaign list to " << req.addr << " using gzip";

	time_t epoch = time(NULL);
	config campaign_list;

	campaign_list["timestamp"] = epoch;
	if(req.cfg["times_relative_to"] != "now") {
		epoch = 0;

	bool before_flag = false;
	time_t before = epoch;
	try {
		before = before + lexical_cast<time_t>(req.cfg["before"]);
		before_flag = true;
	} catch(bad_lexical_cast) {}

	bool after_flag = false;
	time_t after = epoch;
	try {
		after = after + lexical_cast<time_t>(req.cfg["after"]);
		after_flag = true;
	} catch(bad_lexical_cast) {}

	const std::string& name = req.cfg["name"];
	const std::string& lang = req.cfg["language"];

	BOOST_FOREACH(const config& i, campaigns().child_range("campaign"))
		if(!name.empty() && name != i["name"]) {

		const std::string& tm = i["timestamp"];

		if(before_flag && (tm.empty() || lexical_cast_default<time_t>(tm, 0) >= before)) {
		if(after_flag && (tm.empty() || lexical_cast_default<time_t>(tm, 0) <= after)) {

		if(!lang.empty()) {
			bool found = false;

			BOOST_FOREACH(const config& j, i.child_range("translation"))
				if(j["language"] == lang) {
					found = true;

			if(!found) {

		campaign_list.add_child("campaign", i);
Esempio n. 5
void server::handle_upload(const server::request& req)
	const config& upload = req.cfg;

	LOG_CS << "uploading campaign '" << upload["name"] << "' from " << req.addr << ".\n";
	config data = upload.child("data");

	const std::string& name = upload["name"];
	config *campaign = nullptr;

	bool passed_name_utf8_check = false;

	try {
		const std::string& lc_name = utf8::lowercase(name);
		passed_name_utf8_check = true;

		for(config& c : campaigns().child_range("campaign"))
			if(utf8::lowercase(c["name"]) == lc_name) {
				campaign = &c;
	} catch(const utf8::invalid_utf8_exception&) {
		if(!passed_name_utf8_check) {
			LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - invalid_utf8_exception caught on handle_upload() check 1, "
				   << "the add-on pbl info contains invalid UTF-8\n";
			send_error("Add-on rejected: The add-on name contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence.", req.sock);
		} else {
			LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - invalid_utf8_exception caught on handle_upload() check 2, "
				   << "the internal add-ons list contains invalid UTF-8\n";
			send_error("Server error: The server add-ons list is damaged.", req.sock);


	if(read_only_) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - uploads not permitted in read-only mode.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: The server is currently in read-only mode.", req.sock);
	} else if(!data) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - no add-on data.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: No add-on data was supplied.", req.sock);
	} else if(!addon_name_legal(upload["name"])) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - invalid add-on name.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: The name of the add-on is invalid.", req.sock);
	} else if(is_text_markup_char(upload["name"].str()[0])) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - add-on name starts with an illegal formatting character.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: The name of the add-on starts with an illegal formatting character.", req.sock);
	} else if(upload["title"].empty()) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - no add-on title specified.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: You did not specify the title of the add-on in the pbl file!", req.sock);
	} else if(is_text_markup_char(upload["title"].str()[0])) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - add-on title starts with an illegal formatting character.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: The title of the add-on starts with an illegal formatting character.", req.sock);
	} else if(get_addon_type(upload["type"]) == ADDON_UNKNOWN) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - unknown add-on type specified.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: You did not specify a known type for the add-on in the pbl file! (See PblWML:", req.sock);
	} else if(upload["author"].empty()) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - no add-on author specified.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: You did not specify the author(s) of the add-on in the pbl file!", req.sock);
	} else if(upload["version"].empty()) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - no add-on version specified.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: You did not specify the version of the add-on in the pbl file!", req.sock);
	} else if(upload["description"].empty()) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - no add-on description specified.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: You did not specify a description of the add-on in the pbl file!", req.sock);
	} else if(upload["email"].empty()) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - no add-on email specified.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: You did not specify your email address in the pbl file!", req.sock);
	} else if(!check_names_legal(data)) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - invalid file names in add-on data.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: The add-on contains an illegal file or directory name."
				   " File or directory names may not contain whitespace or any of the following characters: '/ \\ : ~'",
	} else if(campaign && !authenticate(*campaign, upload["passphrase"])) {
		LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - incorrect passphrase.\n";
		send_error("Add-on rejected: The add-on already exists, and your passphrase was incorrect.", req.sock);
	} else {
		const time_t upload_ts = time(nullptr);

		LOG_CS << "Upload is owner upload.\n";

		try {
				LOG_CS << "Upload denied - blacklisted add-on information.\n";
				send_error("Add-on upload denied. Please contact the server administration for assistance.", req.sock);
		} catch(const utf8::invalid_utf8_exception&) {
			LOG_CS << "Upload aborted - the add-on pbl info contains invalid UTF-8 and cannot be "
				   << "checked against the blacklist\n";
			send_error("Add-on rejected: The add-on publish information contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence.", req.sock);

		const bool existing_upload = campaign != nullptr;

		std::string message = "Add-on accepted.";

		if(campaign == nullptr) {
			campaign = &campaigns().add_child("campaign");
			(*campaign)["original_timestamp"] = upload_ts;

		(*campaign)["title"] = upload["title"];
		(*campaign)["name"] = upload["name"];
		(*campaign)["filename"] = "data/" + upload["name"].str();
		(*campaign)["author"] = upload["author"];
		(*campaign)["description"] = upload["description"];
		(*campaign)["version"] = upload["version"];
		(*campaign)["icon"] = upload["icon"];
		(*campaign)["translate"] = upload["translate"];
		(*campaign)["dependencies"] = upload["dependencies"];
		(*campaign)["upload_ip"] = req.addr;
		(*campaign)["type"] = upload["type"];
		(*campaign)["email"] = upload["email"];

		if(!existing_upload) {
			set_passphrase(*campaign, upload["passphrase"]);

		if((*campaign)["downloads"].empty()) {
			(*campaign)["downloads"] = 0;
		(*campaign)["timestamp"] = upload_ts;

		int uploads = (*campaign)["uploads"].to_int() + 1;
		(*campaign)["uploads"] = uploads;

		if(const config& url_params = upload.child("feedback")) {
			(*campaign).add_child("feedback", url_params);

		const std::string& filename = (*campaign)["filename"].str();
		data["title"] = (*campaign)["title"];
		data["name"] = "";
		data["campaign_name"] = (*campaign)["name"];
		data["author"] = (*campaign)["author"];
		data["description"] = (*campaign)["description"];
		data["version"] = (*campaign)["version"];
		data["timestamp"] = (*campaign)["timestamp"];
		data["original_timestamp"] = (*campaign)["original_timestamp"];
		data["icon"] = (*campaign)["icon"];
		data["type"] = (*campaign)["type"];
		find_translations(data, *campaign);


			filesystem::scoped_ostream campaign_file = filesystem::ostream_file(filename);
			config_writer writer(*campaign_file, true, compress_level_);

		(*campaign)["size"] = filesystem::file_size(filename);


		send_message(message, req.sock);

		fire("hook_post_upload", upload["name"]);
Esempio n. 6
void server::handle_request_campaign_list(const server::request& req)
	LOG_CS << "sending campaign list to " << req.addr << " using gzip\n";

	time_t epoch = time(nullptr);
	config campaign_list;

	campaign_list["timestamp"] = epoch;
	if(req.cfg["times_relative_to"] != "now") {
		epoch = 0;

	bool before_flag = false;
	time_t before = epoch;
	try {
		before = before + lexical_cast<time_t>(req.cfg["before"]);
		before_flag = true;
	} catch(bad_lexical_cast) {}

	bool after_flag = false;
	time_t after = epoch;
	try {
		after = after + lexical_cast<time_t>(req.cfg["after"]);
		after_flag = true;
	} catch(bad_lexical_cast) {}

	const std::string& name = req.cfg["name"];
	const std::string& lang = req.cfg["language"];

	for(const config& i : campaigns().child_range("campaign"))
		if(!name.empty() && name != i["name"]) {

		const std::string& tm = i["timestamp"];

		if(before_flag && (tm.empty() || lexical_cast_default<time_t>(tm, 0) >= before)) {
		if(after_flag && (tm.empty() || lexical_cast_default<time_t>(tm, 0) <= after)) {

		if(!lang.empty()) {
			bool found = false;

			for(const config& j : i.child_range("translation"))
				if(j["language"] == lang) {
					found = true;

			if(!found) {

		campaign_list.add_child("campaign", i);

	for(config& j : campaign_list.child_range("campaign"))
		j["passphrase"] = "";
		j["passhash"] = "";
		j["passsalt"] = "";
		j["upload_ip"] = "";
		j["email"] = "";
		j["feedback_url"] = "";

		// Build a feedback_url string attribute from the
		// internal [feedback] data.
		const config& url_params = j.child_or_empty("feedback");
		if(!url_params.empty() && !feedback_url_format_.empty()) {
			j["feedback_url"] = format_addon_feedback_url(feedback_url_format_, url_params);

		// Clients don't need to see the original data, so discard it.

	config response;
	response.add_child("campaigns", campaign_list);

	std::ostringstream ostr;
	write(ostr, response);
	std::string wml = ostr.str();
	simple_wml::document doc(wml.c_str(), simple_wml::INIT_STATIC);

	async_send_doc(req.sock, doc, std::bind(&server::handle_new_client, this, _1));