Esempio n. 1
void testCap_segmentCoordinatesReverseStrand(CuTest* testCase) {
     * Tests the coordinates of an segment and its 5 and 3 prime caps.

    Block *block = block_construct(3, flower);
    Segment *segment = segment_construct2(block, 2, 0, sequence);
    Cap *_5Cap = segment_get5Cap(segment);
    Cap *_3Cap = segment_get3Cap(segment);

    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getSide(_5Cap));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, !cap_getSide(_3Cap));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, !cap_getStrand(_5Cap));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, !cap_getStrand(_3Cap));
    CuAssertIntEquals(testCase, 4, cap_getCoordinate(_5Cap));
    CuAssertIntEquals(testCase, 2, cap_getCoordinate(_3Cap));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, !segment_getStrand(segment));
    CuAssertIntEquals(testCase, 4, segment_getStart(segment));
    CuAssertIntEquals(testCase, 3, segment_getLength(segment));

    CuAssertTrue(testCase, !cap_getSide(cap_getReverse(_5Cap)));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getSide(cap_getReverse(_3Cap)));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getStrand(cap_getReverse(_5Cap)));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getStrand(cap_getReverse(_3Cap)));
    CuAssertIntEquals(testCase, 4, cap_getCoordinate(cap_getReverse(_5Cap)));
    CuAssertIntEquals(testCase, 2, cap_getCoordinate(cap_getReverse(_3Cap)));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, segment_getStrand(segment_getReverse(segment)));
    CuAssertIntEquals(testCase, 2, segment_getStart(segment_getReverse(segment)));
    CuAssertIntEquals(testCase, 3, segment_getLength(segment_getReverse(segment)));

static void setAdjacencyLength(Cap *cap, Cap *adjacentCap, int64_t adjacencyLength) {
    //Set the coordinates of the caps to the adjacency size
    cap_setCoordinates(cap, adjacencyLength, cap_getStrand(cap), NULL);
    cap_setCoordinates(adjacentCap, adjacencyLength, cap_getStrand(adjacentCap),
    assert(cap_getCoordinate(cap) == cap_getCoordinate(adjacentCap));
static int64_t traceThreadLength(Cap *cap, Cap **terminatingCap) {
     * Gets the length in bases of the thread in the flower, starting from a given attached stub cap.
     * The thread length includes the lengths of adjacencies that it contains.
     * Terminating cap is initialised with the final cap on the thread from cap.
    int64_t threadLength = 0;
    while (1) {
        assert(cap_getCoordinate(cap) != INT64_MAX);
        int64_t adjacencyLength = cap_getCoordinate(cap);
        threadLength += adjacencyLength;
        Cap *adjacentCap = cap_getAdjacency(cap);
        assert(adjacentCap != NULL);
        assert(adjacencyLength == cap_getCoordinate(adjacentCap));
        //Traverse any block..
        if (cap_getSegment(adjacentCap) != NULL) {
            threadLength += segment_getLength(cap_getSegment(adjacentCap));
            cap = cap_getOtherSegmentCap(adjacentCap);
            assert(cap != NULL);
        } else {
            *terminatingCap = adjacentCap;
            return threadLength;
    return 1;
void printPositions(stList *positions, const char *substitutionType, FILE *fileHandle) {
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < stList_length(positions); i++) {
        SegmentHolder *segmentHolder = stList_get(positions, i);
        int64_t j = segment_getStart(segmentHolder->segment);
        if (segment_getStrand(segmentHolder->segment)) {
            j += segmentHolder->offset;
                    cap_getCoordinate(segment_get5Cap(segmentHolder->segment)) == segment_getStart(
                    segment_getStart(segmentHolder->segment) + segment_getLength(segmentHolder->segment) - 1
                            == cap_getCoordinate(segment_get3Cap(segmentHolder->segment)));
        } else {
            j -= segmentHolder->offset;
                    segment_getStart(segmentHolder->segment) - segment_getLength(segmentHolder->segment) + 1
                            == cap_getCoordinate(segment_get3Cap(segmentHolder->segment)));

        fprintf(fileHandle, "%s: %s_%" PRIi64 " %" PRIi64 " %c %c %c\n", substitutionType,
                sequence_getLength(segment_getSequence(segmentHolder->segment)), j,
                segmentHolder->base1, segmentHolder->base2, segmentHolder->base3);
        getMAFBlock(segment_getBlock(segmentHolder->segment), fileHandle);
static int64_t setCoordinates(Flower *flower, MetaSequence *metaSequence, Cap *cap, int64_t coordinate) {
     * Sets the coordinates of the reference thread and sets the bases of the actual sequence
     * that of the consensus.
    Sequence *sequence = flower_getSequence(flower, metaSequence_getName(metaSequence));
    if (sequence == NULL) {
        sequence = sequence_construct(metaSequence, flower);
    while (1) {
        Cap *adjacentCap = cap_getAdjacency(cap);
        assert(adjacentCap != NULL);
        int64_t adjacencyLength = cap_getCoordinate(cap);
        assert(adjacencyLength == cap_getCoordinate(adjacentCap));
        assert(adjacencyLength != INT64_MAX);
        assert(adjacencyLength >= 0);
        cap_setCoordinates(cap, coordinate, 1, sequence);
        coordinate += adjacencyLength + 1;
        cap_setCoordinates(adjacentCap, coordinate, 1, sequence);
        //Traverse any block..
        if ((cap = cap_getOtherSegmentCap(adjacentCap)) == NULL) {
        coordinate += segment_getLength(cap_getSegment(adjacentCap)) - 1;
    return coordinate;
Esempio n. 6
void testCap_getCoordinate(CuTest* testCase) {
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getCoordinate(rootCap) == INT64_MAX);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getCoordinate(cap_getReverse(rootCap)) == INT64_MAX);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getCoordinate(leaf1Cap) == 4);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getCoordinate(cap_getReverse(leaf1Cap)) == 4);
static void setAdjacencyLengthsAndRecoverNewCapsAndBrokenAdjacencies(Cap *cap, stList *recoveredCaps) {
     * Sets the coordinates of the caps to be equal to the length of the adjacency sequence between them.
     * Used to build the reference sequence bottom up.
     * One complexity is that a reference thread between the two caps
     * in each flower f may be broken into two in the children of f.
     * Therefore, for each flower f first identify attached stub ends present in the children of f that are
     * not present in f and copy them into f, reattaching the reference caps as needed.
    while (1) {
        Cap *adjacentCap = cap_getAdjacency(cap);
        assert(adjacentCap != NULL);
        assert(cap_getCoordinate(cap) == INT64_MAX);
        assert(cap_getCoordinate(adjacentCap) == INT64_MAX);
        assert(cap_getStrand(cap) == cap_getStrand(adjacentCap));
        assert(cap_getSide(cap) != cap_getSide(adjacentCap));
        Group *group = end_getGroup(cap_getEnd(cap));
        assert(group != NULL);
        if (!group_isLeaf(group)) { //Adjacency is not terminal, so establish its sequence.
            Flower *nestedFlower = group_getNestedFlower(group);
            Cap *nestedCap = flower_getCap(nestedFlower, cap_getName(cap));
            assert(nestedCap != NULL);
            Cap *nestedAdjacentCap = flower_getCap(nestedFlower, cap_getName(adjacentCap));
            assert(nestedAdjacentCap != NULL);
            Cap *breakerCap;
            int64_t adjacencyLength = traceThreadLength(nestedCap, &breakerCap);
            if (cap_getPositiveOrientation(breakerCap) != nestedAdjacentCap) { //The thread is broken at the lower level.
                //Copy cap into higher level graph.
                breakerCap = copyCapToParent(breakerCap, recoveredCaps);
                cap_makeAdjacent(cap, breakerCap);
                setAdjacencyLength(cap, breakerCap, adjacencyLength);
                adjacencyLength = traceThreadLength(nestedAdjacentCap, &breakerCap);
                assert(cap_getPositiveOrientation(breakerCap) != cap);
                breakerCap = copyCapToParent(breakerCap, recoveredCaps);
                cap_makeAdjacent(breakerCap, adjacentCap);
                setAdjacencyLength(adjacentCap, breakerCap, adjacencyLength);
            } else { //The thread is not broken at the lower level
                setAdjacencyLength(cap, adjacentCap, adjacencyLength);
        } else {
            //Set the coordinates of the caps to the adjacency size
            setAdjacencyLength(cap, adjacentCap, 0);
        if ((cap = cap_getOtherSegmentCap(adjacentCap)) == NULL) {
bool capsAreAdjacent(Cap *cap1, Cap *cap2, int64_t *separationDistance) {
    if (cap_getName(cap2) != cap_getName(cap1) && cap_getCoordinate(cap1) != cap_getCoordinate(cap2)) { //This can happen if end1 == end2
        if (sequence_getMetaSequence(cap_getSequence(cap1)) == sequence_getMetaSequence(cap_getSequence(cap2))) {
            assert(strcmp(event_getHeader(cap_getEvent(cap1)), event_getHeader(
                                    cap_getEvent(cap2))) == 0);
                    != cap_getPositiveOrientation(cap2));
            assert(cap_getName(cap1) != cap_getName(cap2));
                                == sequence_getMetaSequence(cap_getSequence(cap2)));

            if (!cap_getStrand(cap1)) {
                cap1 = cap_getReverse(cap1);
            if (!cap_getStrand(cap2)) {
                cap2 = cap_getReverse(cap2);
            if (cap_getCoordinate(cap1) < cap_getCoordinate(cap2)) {
                if (!cap_getSide(cap1) && cap_getSide(cap2)) {
                    *separationDistance = cap_getCoordinate(cap2) - cap_getCoordinate(cap1) - 1; //The minus 1, to give the length of the sequence between the two caps.
                    return 1;
            } else {
                if (cap_getSide(cap1) && !cap_getSide(cap2)) {
                    *separationDistance = cap_getCoordinate(cap1) - cap_getCoordinate(cap2) - 1;
                    return 1;
    return 0;
Esempio n. 9
void testCap_setCoordinate(CuTest* testCase) {
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getCoordinate(rootCap) == INT64_MAX);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getStrand(rootCap));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getSequence(rootCap) == NULL);
    cap_setCoordinates(rootCap, 5, 0, NULL);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getCoordinate(rootCap) == 5);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, !cap_getStrand(rootCap));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getSequence(rootCap) == NULL);
    cap_setCoordinates(rootCap, INT64_MAX, 1, NULL);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getCoordinate(rootCap) == INT64_MAX);
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getStrand(rootCap));
    CuAssertTrue(testCase, cap_getSequence(rootCap) == NULL);
void mapBlockToExon(Cap *cap, int level, FILE *fileHandle){
   fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t\t<block>\n");
   Block *block = end_getBlock(cap_getEnd(cap));
   Chain *chain = block_getChain(block);
   int start = cap_getCoordinate(cap);
   int end = cap_getCoordinate(cap_getOtherSegmentCap(cap)) +1;
   fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t\t\t<blockName>%s</blockName>\n", cactusMisc_nameToString(block_getName(block)));
   if(chain != NULL){
      fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t\t\t<chainName>%s</chainName>\n", cactusMisc_nameToString(chain_getName(chain)));
      fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t\t\t<chainName>NA</chainName>\n");
   fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t\t\t<level>%d</level>\n", level);
   fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t\t\t<start>%d</start>\n", start);
   fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t\t\t<end>%d</end>\n", end);
   fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t\t</block>\n");
   st_logInfo("mapBlockToExon: start: %d, end: %d\n", start, end);
Esempio n. 11
static int addAdjacenciesPP(Cap *cap1, Cap *cap2) {
    assert(cap_getStrand(cap1) && cap_getStrand(cap2));
    Sequence *sequence1 = cap_getSequence(cap1);
    Sequence *sequence2 = cap_getSequence(cap2);
    int64_t i = cactusMisc_nameCompare(sequence_getName(sequence1), sequence_getName(sequence2));
    if (i == 0) {
        int64_t j = cap_getCoordinate(cap1);
        int64_t k = cap_getCoordinate(cap2);
        i = j > k ? 1 : (j < k ? -1 : 0);
        if (i == 0) {
            assert(cap_getSegment(cap1) == cap_getSegment(cap2));
            j = cap_getSide(cap1);
            k = cap_getSide(cap2);
            assert((j && !k) || (!j && k));
            i = j ? -1 : 1;
    return i;
char *getTerminalAdjacencySubString(Cap *cap) {
    if(getTerminalAdjacencyLength_ignoreAdjacencies) {
        return stString_copy("");
    cap = getTerminalCap(cap);
    cap = cap_getStrand(cap) ? cap : cap_getReverse(cap); //This ensures the asserts are as expected.
    Cap *adjacentCap = cap_getAdjacency(cap);
    int64_t i = cap_getCoordinate(cap) - cap_getCoordinate(adjacentCap);
    assert(i != 0);
    if (i > 0) {
        return sequence_getString(cap_getSequence(cap),
                cap_getCoordinate(adjacentCap) + 1, i - 1, 1);
    } else {
        return sequence_getString(cap_getSequence(cap), cap_getCoordinate(cap) + 1, -i - 1, 1);
Esempio n. 13
int64_t flower_getTotalBaseLength(Flower *flower) {
     * The implementation of this function is very like that in group_getTotalBaseLength, with a few differences. Consider merging them.
    Flower_EndIterator *endIterator = flower_getEndIterator(flower);
    End *end;
    int64_t totalLength = 0;
    while ((end = flower_getNextEnd(endIterator)) != NULL) {
        if (!end_isBlockEnd(end)) {
            End_InstanceIterator *instanceIterator = end_getInstanceIterator(end);
            Cap *cap;
            while ((cap = end_getNext(instanceIterator)) != NULL) {
                cap = cap_getStrand(cap) ? cap : cap_getReverse(cap);
                if (!cap_getSide(cap) && cap_getSequence(cap) != NULL) {
                    Cap *cap2 = cap_getAdjacency(cap);
                    assert(cap2 != NULL);
                    while (end_isBlockEnd(cap_getEnd(cap2))) {
                        Segment *segment = cap_getSegment(cap2);
                        assert(segment != NULL);
                        assert(segment_get5Cap(segment) == cap2);
                        cap2 = cap_getAdjacency(segment_get3Cap(segment));
                        assert(cap2 != NULL);
                    int64_t length = cap_getCoordinate(cap2) - cap_getCoordinate(cap) - 1;
                    assert(length >= 0);
                    totalLength += length;
    return totalLength;
Esempio n. 14
static stList *getSubstringsForFlowers(stList *flowers) {
     * Get the set of substrings for sequence intervals in the given set of flowers.
    stList *substrings = stList_construct3(0, (void (*)(void *)) substring_destruct);
    for (int64_t i = 0; i < stList_length(flowers); i++) {
        Flower *flower = stList_get(flowers, i);
        Flower_EndIterator *endIt = flower_getEndIterator(flower);
        End *end;
        while ((end = flower_getNextEnd(endIt)) != NULL) {
            if (end_isStubEnd(end)) {
                End_InstanceIterator *instanceIt = end_getInstanceIterator(end);
                Cap *cap;
                while ((cap = end_getNext(instanceIt)) != NULL) {
                    Sequence *sequence;
                    if ((sequence = cap_getSequence(cap)) != NULL) {
                        cap = cap_getStrand(cap) ? cap : cap_getReverse(cap);
                        if (!cap_getSide(cap)) { //We have a sequence interval of interest
                            Cap *adjacentCap = cap_getAdjacency(cap);
                            assert(adjacentCap != NULL);
                            int64_t length = cap_getCoordinate(adjacentCap) - cap_getCoordinate(cap) - 1;
                            assert(length >= 0);
                            if (length > 0) {
                                                cap_getCoordinate(cap) + 1 - sequence_getStart(sequence), length));
    return substrings;
void topDown(Flower *flower, Name referenceEventName) {
     * Run on each flower, top down. Sets the coordinates of each reference cap to the correct
     * sequence, and sets the bases of the reference sequence to be consensus bases.
    Flower_EndIterator *endIt = flower_getEndIterator(flower);
    End *end;
    while ((end = flower_getNextEnd(endIt)) != NULL) {
        Cap *cap = getCapForReferenceEvent(end, referenceEventName); //The cap in the reference
        if (cap != NULL) {
            cap = cap_getStrand(cap) ? cap : cap_getReverse(cap);
            if (!cap_getSide(cap)) {
                assert(cap_getCoordinate(cap) != INT64_MAX);
                Sequence *sequence = cap_getSequence(cap);
                assert(sequence != NULL);
                Group *group = end_getGroup(end);
                if (!group_isLeaf(group)) {
                    Flower *nestedFlower = group_getNestedFlower(group);
                    Cap *nestedCap = flower_getCap(nestedFlower, cap_getName(cap));
                    assert(nestedCap != NULL);
                    nestedCap = cap_getStrand(nestedCap) ? nestedCap : cap_getReverse(nestedCap);
                    int64_t endCoordinate = setCoordinates(nestedFlower, sequence_getMetaSequence(sequence),
                                                           nestedCap, cap_getCoordinate(cap));
                    (void) endCoordinate;
                    assert(endCoordinate == cap_getCoordinate(cap_getAdjacency(cap)));
                           == cap_getCoordinate(
                               flower_getCap(nestedFlower, cap_getName(cap_getAdjacency(cap)))));
Esempio n. 16
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    st_logDebug("Set up logging\n");

    stKVDatabaseConf *kvDatabaseConf = stKVDatabaseConf_constructFromString(argv[2]);
    CactusDisk *cactusDisk = cactusDisk_construct(kvDatabaseConf, 0);
    st_logDebug("Set up the flower disk\n");

    Name flowerName = cactusMisc_stringToName(argv[3]);
    Flower *flower = cactusDisk_getFlower(cactusDisk, flowerName);

    int64_t totalBases = flower_getTotalBaseLength(flower);
    int64_t totalEnds = flower_getEndNumber(flower);
    int64_t totalFreeEnds = flower_getFreeStubEndNumber(flower);
    int64_t totalAttachedEnds = flower_getAttachedStubEndNumber(flower);
    int64_t totalCaps = flower_getCapNumber(flower);
    int64_t totalBlocks = flower_getBlockNumber(flower);
    int64_t totalGroups = flower_getGroupNumber(flower);
    int64_t totalChains = flower_getChainNumber(flower);
    int64_t totalLinkGroups = 0;
    int64_t maxEndDegree = 0;
    int64_t maxAdjacencyLength = 0;
    int64_t totalEdges = 0;

    Flower_EndIterator *endIt = flower_getEndIterator(flower);
    End *end;
    while((end = flower_getNextEnd(endIt)) != NULL) {
        if(end_getInstanceNumber(end) > maxEndDegree) {
            maxEndDegree = end_getInstanceNumber(end);
        stSortedSet *ends = stSortedSet_construct();
        End_InstanceIterator *capIt = end_getInstanceIterator(end);
        Cap *cap;
        while((cap = end_getNext(capIt)) != NULL) {
            if(cap_getSequence(cap) != NULL) {
                Cap *adjacentCap = cap_getAdjacency(cap);
                assert(adjacentCap != NULL);
                End *adjacentEnd = end_getPositiveOrientation(cap_getEnd(adjacentCap));
                stSortedSet_insert(ends, adjacentEnd);
                int64_t adjacencyLength = cap_getCoordinate(cap) - cap_getCoordinate(adjacentCap);
                if(adjacencyLength < 0) {
                    adjacencyLength *= -1;
                assert(adjacencyLength >= 1);
                if(adjacencyLength >= maxAdjacencyLength) {
                    maxAdjacencyLength = adjacencyLength;
        totalEdges += stSortedSet_size(ends);
        if(stSortedSet_search(ends, end) != NULL) { //This ensures we count self edges twice, so that the division works.
            totalEdges += 1;
    assert(totalEdges % 2 == 0);

    Flower_GroupIterator *groupIt = flower_getGroupIterator(flower);
    Group *group;
    while((group = flower_getNextGroup(groupIt)) != NULL) {
        if(group_getLink(group) != NULL) {

    printf("flower name: %" PRIi64 " total bases: %" PRIi64 " total-ends: %" PRIi64 " total-caps: %" PRIi64 " max-end-degree: %" PRIi64 " max-adjacency-length: %" PRIi64 " total-blocks: %" PRIi64 " total-groups: %" PRIi64 " total-edges: %" PRIi64 " total-free-ends: %" PRIi64 " total-attached-ends: %" PRIi64 " total-chains: %" PRIi64 " total-link groups: %" PRIi64 "\n",
            flower_getName(flower), totalBases, totalEnds, totalCaps, maxEndDegree, maxAdjacencyLength, totalBlocks, totalGroups, totalEdges/2, totalFreeEnds, totalAttachedEnds, totalChains, totalLinkGroups);

    return 0;
int mapGene(Cap *cap, int level, int exon, struct bed *gene, FILE *fileHandle){
    *Following cactus adjacencies, starting from 'cap', find regions that overlap with 
    *exons of input gene. Report chain relations of these regions with the exons.
    *cap: current cap. Level = chain level. exon = exon number. gene = bed record of gene
   int64_t exonStart, exonEnd;
      Group *group = end_getGroup(cap_getEnd(cap));
      Flower *nestedFlower = group_getNestedFlower(group);
      if(nestedFlower != NULL){//recursive call
         Cap *childCap = flower_getCap(nestedFlower, cap_getName(cap));
         assert(childCap != NULL);
         exon = mapGene(childCap, level + 1, exon, gene, fileHandle);
         exonStart = gene->chromStarts->list[exon] + gene->chromStart;
         exonEnd = exonStart + gene->blockSizes->list[exon];

   cap = cap_getAdjacency(cap);
   Cap *nextcap;
   int64_t capCoor;
   exonStart = gene->chromStarts->list[exon] + gene->chromStart;
   exonEnd = exonStart + gene->blockSizes->list[exon];
   Block *block = end_getBlock(cap_getEnd(cap));  
   if(block == NULL){
   while(!isStubCap(cap) && exon < gene->blockCount){
      End *cend = cap_getEnd(cap);
      capCoor = cap_getCoordinate(cap);//Cap coordinate is always the coordinate on + strand
      nextcap = cap_getAdjacency(cap_getOtherSegmentCap(cap));
      st_logInfo("capCoor: %d, nextCap: %d, eStart: %d, eEnd: %d. Exon: %d\n", 
                  capCoor, cap_getCoordinate(nextcap), exonStart, exonEnd, exon);

      //keep moving if nextBlock Start is still upstream of current exon
      if(cap_getCoordinate(nextcap) <= exonStart){
         st_logInfo("Still upstream, nextcap <= exonStart. Move to next chainBlock\n");
      }else if(capCoor >= exonEnd){//Done with current exon, move to next
         st_logInfo("Done with current exon, move to next one\n\n");
         fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t</exon>\n");//end previous exon
         if(exon < gene->blockCount){
            exonStart = gene->chromStarts->list[exon] + gene->chromStart;
            exonEnd = exonStart + gene->blockSizes->list[exon];
            fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t<exon id=\"%d\" start=\"%" PRIi64 "\" end=\"%" PRIi64 "\">\n", exon, exonStart, exonEnd);
      }else{//current exon overlaps with current block Or with lower level flower
         Cap *oppcap = cap_getOtherSegmentCap(cap);
         st_logInfo("Current exon overlaps with current block or with lower flower\n");
         if(cap_getCoordinate(oppcap) >= exonStart && exonEnd > capCoor){
            mapBlockToExon(cap, level, fileHandle);
            if(exonEnd <= cap_getCoordinate(oppcap) + 1){
               st_logInfo("Done with current exon, move to next one\n\n");
               fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t</exon>\n");//end previous exon
	       if(exon < gene->blockCount){
		  exonStart = gene->chromStarts->list[exon] + gene->chromStart;
		  exonEnd = exonStart + gene->blockSizes->list[exon];
		  fprintf(fileHandle, "\t\t<exon id=\"%d\" start=\"%" PRIi64 "\" end=\"%" PRIi64 "\">\n", exon, exonStart, exonEnd);
         //Traverse lower level flowers if exists
         Group *group = end_getGroup(end_getOtherBlockEnd(cend));
         Flower *nestedFlower = group_getNestedFlower(group);
         if(nestedFlower != NULL){//recursive call
            Cap *childCap = flower_getCap(nestedFlower, cap_getName(cap_getOtherSegmentCap(cap)));
            assert(childCap != NULL);
            exon = mapGene(childCap, level + 1, exon, gene, fileHandle);
            exonStart = gene->chromStarts->list[exon] + gene->chromStart;
            exonEnd = exonStart + gene->blockSizes->list[exon];
   return exon;