Esempio n. 1
 * Determine if a trap makes a reasonable target
static bool target_able_trap(int y, int x)
	/* Must be on line of fire */
	if (!player_can_fire_bold(y, x)) return (FALSE);

	/* Only player traps allowed. Ignore monster traps and glyphs */
	if (!cave_player_trap_bold(y, x)) return (FALSE);

	/* Ignore hidden traps */
	if (x_list[cave_x_idx[y][x]].x_flags & (EF1_HIDDEN)) return (FALSE);

	/* Known player traps are okay */
	return (TRUE);
Esempio n. 2
 * Apply a "project()" directly to all monsters in view of a certain spot.
 * Note that affected monsters are NOT auto-tracked by this usage.
 * We are able to check LOS from either the character (in which case we
 * use line of fire for speed and accuracy), or from any given grid.
 * To avoid misbehavior when monster deaths have side-effects,
 * this is done in two passes. -- JDL
bool project_los(int y0, int x0, int dam, int typ)
    int i, d, x, y;


    bool obvious = FALSE;

    int who;

    /* Determine whether we are using LOF or LOS */
    bool line_of_fire = FALSE;

    if ((y0 == p_ptr->py) && (x0 == p_ptr->px))
        line_of_fire = TRUE;
        who = SOURCE_PLAYER;
    else if (cave_monster_trap_bold(y0, x0)) who = SOURCE_TRAP;
    else if (cave_player_trap_bold(y0, x0))  who = SOURCE_EFFECT;
    else who = SOURCE_OTHER;

    /* Mark monsters in LOS */
    for (i = 1; i < mon_max; i++)
        monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[i];

        /* Paranoia -- Skip dead monsters */
        if (!m_ptr->r_idx) continue;

        /* Location */
        y = m_ptr->fy;
        x = m_ptr->fx;

        /* Apply character-centered test */
        if (line_of_fire)
            /* Require line of fire */
            if (!player_can_fire_bold(y, x)) continue;

        /* Apply generic grid test */
            /* Get distance between source and monster */
            d = distance(y0, x0, y, x);

            /* LOS extends only to max sight range */
            if (d > MAX_RANGE) continue;

            /* Check LOS if not at grid or adjacent */
            if (d > 1)
                /* Ignore if not in LOS */
                if (!los(y0, x0, y, x)) continue;

        /* Mark the monster */
        m_ptr->mflag |= (MFLAG_TEMP);

    /* Affect all (nearby) monsters */
    for (i = 1; i < mon_max; i++)
        monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[i];

        /* Skip unmarked monsters */
        if (!(m_ptr->mflag & (MFLAG_TEMP))) continue;

        /* Remove mark */
        m_ptr->mflag &= ~(MFLAG_TEMP);

        /* Jump directly to the monster */
        if (project_m(who, m_ptr->fy, m_ptr->fx, dam, typ, flg))
            obvious = TRUE;

    /* Result */
    return (obvious);
Esempio n. 3
 * Hack -- determine if a given location is "interesting"
static bool target_set_interactive_accept(int mode, int y, int x)
    if (mode & (TARGET_TRAP))
        if (!cave_player_trap_bold(y, x)) return (FALSE);
        u16b x_idx = dungeon_info[y][x].effect_idx;
        effect_type *x_ptr = &x_list[x_idx];
        if (x_ptr->x_flags & (EF1_HIDDEN)) return (FALSE);
        return (TRUE);

    object_type *o_ptr;

    /* Player grids are always interesting */
    if (dungeon_info[y][x].monster_idx < 0) return (TRUE);

    /* Handle hallucination */
    if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_IMAGE]) return (FALSE);

    /* Visible monsters */
    if (dungeon_info[y][x].monster_idx > 0)
        monster_type *m_ptr = &mon_list[dungeon_info[y][x].monster_idx];

        /* Visible monsters */
        if (m_ptr->ml) return (TRUE);

    /* Scan all objects in the grid */
    for (o_ptr = get_first_object(y, x); o_ptr; o_ptr = get_next_object(o_ptr))
        /* Memorized object */
        if (o_ptr->marked) return (TRUE);

    /* Interesting memorized features */
    /* Ignore unknown features */
    if (!(dungeon_info[y][x].cave_info & (CAVE_MARK))) return (FALSE);

    /* Find interesting effects */
    if (dungeon_info[y][x].effect_idx > 0)
        /* Get the first effect */
        u16b x_idx = dungeon_info[y][x].effect_idx;

        /* Scan the effects on that grid */
        while (x_idx)
            /* Get the effect data */
            effect_type *x_ptr = &x_list[x_idx];

            /* Point to the next effect */
            x_idx = x_ptr->next_x_idx;

            /* Ignore hidden effects */
            if (!(x_ptr->x_f_idx) ||
                (x_ptr->x_flags & (EF1_HIDDEN))) continue;

            /* We have an interesting effect */
            return (TRUE);

    /* Check grid type with dungeon capabilities */
    return ((*dun_cap->can_target_feature)(dungeon_info[y][x].feature_idx));