Esempio n. 1
: shutting_down_(false)
, publish_thread_(boost::bind(&ROSOutAppender::logThread, this))
  AdvertiseOptions ops;
  ops.init<rosgraph_msgs::Log>(names::resolve("/rosout"), 0);
  ops.latch = true;
  SubscriberCallbacksPtr cbs(boost::make_shared<SubscriberCallbacks>());
  TopicManager::instance()->advertise(ops, cbs);
Esempio n. 2
int GameClientApp::main() {
  Trace("Game start");

  std::ofstream logFile("log.txt");
  FileFormatter fileFormatter;
  core::logging::Sink fileSink(core::logging::g_globalManager, logFile, core::util::BitSet< LL >() | LL::Error | LL::Info | LL::Trace | LL::Warning | LL::User1 | LL::User2 | LL::User3 | LL::User4, fileFormatter);

  game::Settings settings;
  if (!appshared::parseProtoFromFile("./data/client_settings.pb", settings)) {
    Log(LL::Warning) << "Missing or corrupt game_settings.pb in runtime directory. "
                     << "Game may fail." << std::endl;
    settings = game::Settings::Builder(settings)

  volatile bool active = true;
  volatile bool hidden = false;
  core::window::Window window;
  core::input::InputManager inputManager;

  if (!settings.has_window_settings()) {
    const game::WindowSettings &windowSettings = settings.get_window_settings();
    core::window::DisplayCaps displaySettings = window.getSettings();
    displaySettings.m_fullScreen = windowSettings.has_fullscreen() ? windowSettings.get_fullscreen() : false;
    displaySettings.m_width = windowSettings.has_width() ? static_cast<u32>(windowSettings.get_width()) : 1024u;
    displaySettings.m_height = windowSettings.has_height() ? static_cast<u32>(windowSettings.get_height()) : 640u;
    displaySettings.m_lockCursor = windowSettings.has_lock_cursor() ? windowSettings.get_lock_cursor() : false;
    displaySettings.m_hideCursor = windowSettings.has_hide_cursor() ? windowSettings.get_hide_cursor() : false;

  Callbacks cbs(active, hidden, inputManager, window);
  window.setTitle("Silent Star");

  GameLoop loop(active, hidden, settings, inputManager, window);;

  return eExitCode::OK;
Esempio n. 3
  void UlamElement_Test::Test_RunTests() {

    for (u32 i = 0; i < sizeof(allCases)/sizeof(allCases[0]); ++i) {
      CharBufferByteSource cbs(allCases[i].mangled, strlen(allCases[i].mangled));
      UlamTypeInfo utin;

      OString512 os;

main(int argc, char** argv)
  // Fetch a bootstrap object. The bootstrap object is a special 'root' object
  // from which you can get at everything else. CreateCellMLBootstrap() is a
  // C++ binding specific method, which fetches the CellMLBootstrap object.
  // It is the only non-OO method that you should ever call from the CellML
  // API.
  // ObjRef is a template defined in cellml-api-cxx-support.hpp. CreateCellMLBootstrap
  // has already_Addrefd<iface::cellml_api::CellMLBootstrap> as its return type,
  // which is the signal that a reference is added (i.e. the reference count is
  // incremented on the return value, and the caller must ensure it is decremented).
  // ObjRef will, when given an already_Addrefd argument, not increment the reference
  // count, but will decrement it when it goes out of scope. If an ObjRef is constructed
  // from a pointer or another ObjRef, it will add a reference on construction,
  // and release the reference on destruction.
  ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::CellMLBootstrap> cbs(CreateCellMLBootstrap());

  // Now would be a good time to see what methods we can call. In the
  // CellML_DOM_API source, find interfaces/CellML_APISPEC.idl.
  // This defines the interfaces you can call. Search down to find
  // this text...
  interface CellMLBootstrap
    : XPCOM::IObject
  // We want to load a model, so we want the modelLoader attribute. We fetch
  // the attribute like this...
  ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::DOMModelLoader> ml(cbs->modelLoader());

  // Suppose we only had a general model loader...
  ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::ModelLoader> generalModelLoader(ml);
  // if we wanted to get from this to a DOM model loader, we can't just cast,
  // because the API is designed so it can work through bridges and we might
  // need to switch to a different bridge (you can cast from an interface to a
  // parent interface in the inheritance hierarchy, but not the other way).
  // Instead, we call query_interface to ask the underlying object if it
  // supports the interface we want, and to return us a value.
  ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::DOMModelLoader> ml2(do_QueryInterface(generalModelLoader));
  // ml2 would be null if generalModelLoader didn't support DOMModelLoader.

  // Start a try, because we might get an exception...
    // We now have a DOMModelLoader, stored in ml. DOMModelLoader inherits from
    // ModelLoader, which defines a loadFromURL operation (check in the IDL).
    // Be warned that is a synchronous (blocking) load. In a real application,
    // you are probably better to download the file using another asynchronous
    // http library, and then creating the model from the serialised text.
    ObjRef<iface::cellml_api::Model> model(ml->loadFromURL(L""));

    // Fetch the models cmeta:id (there obviously lots of other things we could
    // do here!)
    std::wstring cmid = model->cmetaId();
    printf("Model's cmeta:id is %S\n", cmid.c_str());
  // Most parts of the CellML API raise this exception. The DOM/MathML API, on the
  // other hand, raises iface::dom::DOMException.
  catch (iface::cellml_api::CellMLException&)
    // Unfortunately, due to the need to support the 'lowest common
    // denominator' of functionality in our bindings, exceptions can't have
    // supplementary information (to suit XPCOM). However, many classes have
    // a way to get the last error, e.g. lastErrorMessage on ModelLoader.
    // However, threadsafety is potentially an issue with this.
    std::wstring msg = ml->lastErrorMessage();
    printf("Got a CellML Exception loading a model. Error was %S\n",
    return 1;

  return 0;
Esempio n. 5
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

  std::string pose_offset_filename = "./poseoffset";
  unsigned cv_width  = 128;
  unsigned cv_height = 128;
  unsigned cv_depth  = 128;
  float    cv_min_d  = 0.5;
  float    cv_max_d  = 3.0;
  bool undistort = false;

  unsigned idwneighbours = 10;
  bool using_nni = false;

  CMDParser p("basefilename samplesfilename checkerboardviewinitfilename");

  p.addOpt("p",1,"poseoffetfilename", "specify the filename of the poseoffset on disk, default: " + pose_offset_filename);
  p.addOpt("s",3,"size", "use this calibration volume size (width x height x depth), default: 128 128 256");
  p.addOpt("d",2,"depthrange", "use this depth range: 0.5 4.5");
p.addOpt("u", -1, "undistort", "enable undistortion of images before chessboardsampling, default: false");

  p.addOpt("n",1,"numneighbours", "the number of neighbours that should be used for IDW inverse distance weighting, default: 10");

  p.addOpt("i",-1,"nni", "do use natural neighbor interpolation if possible, default: false");


  if(p.getArgs().size() != 3)

    pose_offset_filename = p.getOptsString("p")[0];
    std::cout << "setting poseoffetfilename to " << pose_offset_filename << std::endl;

    cv_width = p.getOptsInt("s")[0];
    cv_height = p.getOptsInt("s")[1];
    cv_depth = p.getOptsInt("s")[2];

    cv_min_d = p.getOptsInt("d")[0];
    cv_max_d = p.getOptsInt("d")[1];
    undistort = true;

    idwneighbours = p.getOptsInt("n")[0];
    std::cout << "setting to numneighbours " << idwneighbours << std::endl;

    using_nni = true;

  std::string basefilename = p.getArgs()[0];
  std::string filename_xyz(basefilename + "_xyz");
  std::string filename_uv(basefilename + "_uv");
  const std::string filename_yml(basefilename + "_yml");
  std::string filename_samples(p.getArgs()[1]);

  CalibVolume cv(cv_width, cv_height, cv_depth, cv_min_d, cv_max_d);

  RGBDConfig cfg;;

  RGBDSensor sensor(cfg);

  Checkerboard cb;

  ChessboardSampling cbs(p.getArgs()[2].c_str(), cfg, undistort);

  glm::mat4 eye_d_to_world = sensor.guess_eye_d_to_world_static(cbs, cb);
  std::cerr << "extrinsic of sensor is: " << eye_d_to_world << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "PLEASE note, the extrinsic guess can be improved by averaging" << std::endl;

  for(unsigned z = 0; z < cv.depth; ++z){
    for(unsigned y = 0; y < cv.height; ++y){
      for(unsigned x = 0; x < cv.width; ++x){

	const unsigned cv_index = (z * cv.width * cv.height) + (y * cv.width) + x;

	const float depth = (z + 0.5) * (cv.max_d - cv.min_d)/cv.depth + cv.min_d;
	const float xd = (x + 0.5) * sensor.config.size_d.x * 1.0/cv.width;
	const float yd = (y + 0.5) * sensor.config.size_d.y * 1.0/cv.height;

	glm::vec3 pos3D_local = sensor.calc_pos_d(xd, yd, depth);
	glm::vec2 pos2D_rgb   = sensor.calc_pos_rgb(pos3D_local);
	pos2D_rgb.x /= sensor.config.size_rgb.x;
	pos2D_rgb.y /= sensor.config.size_rgb.y;

	glm::vec4 pos3D_world = eye_d_to_world * glm::vec4(pos3D_local.x, pos3D_local.y, pos3D_local.z, 1.0);

	xyz pos3D;
	pos3D.x = pos3D_world.x;
	pos3D.y = pos3D_world.y;
	pos3D.z = pos3D_world.z;
	cv.cv_xyz[cv_index] = pos3D;

	uv posUV;
	posUV.u = pos2D_rgb.x;
	posUV.v = pos2D_rgb.y;
	cv.cv_uv[cv_index] = posUV;

  // load samples from filename
  std::vector<samplePoint> sps;

  std::ifstream iff(filename_samples.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary);
  const unsigned num_samples_in_file = calcNumFrames(iff,
						     sizeof(float) +
						     sizeof(uv) +
						     sizeof(uv) +
						     sizeof(xyz) +
						     sizeof(uv) +
						     sizeof(glm::vec3) +
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < num_samples_in_file; ++i){
    samplePoint s;*) &s.depth, sizeof(float));*) &s.tex_color, sizeof(uv));*) &s.tex_depth, sizeof(uv));*) &s.pos_offset, sizeof(xyz));*) &s.tex_offset, sizeof(uv));*) glm::value_ptr(s.pos_real), sizeof(glm::vec3));*) &s.quality, sizeof(float));

  // reapply correction offsets
  for(unsigned i = 0; i < sps.size(); ++i){
    const unsigned cv_width = cv.width;
    const unsigned cv_height = cv.height;
    const unsigned cv_depth = cv.depth;

    const float x = cv_width  *  ( sps[i].tex_depth.u) / cfg.size_d.x;
    const float y = cv_height *  ( sps[i].tex_depth.v)/ cfg.size_d.y;
    const float z = cv_depth  *  ( sps[i].depth - cv.min_d)/(cv.max_d - cv.min_d);

    xyz pos = getTrilinear(cv.cv_xyz, cv_width, cv_height, cv_depth, x , y , z );
    uv  tex = getTrilinear(cv.cv_uv,  cv_width, cv_height, cv_depth, x , y , z );

    sps[i].pos_offset.x = sps[i].pos_real[0] - pos.x;
    sps[i].pos_offset.y = sps[i].pos_real[1] - pos.y;
    sps[i].pos_offset.z = sps[i].pos_real[2] - pos.z;
    sps[i].tex_offset.u = sps[i].tex_color.u/cfg.size_rgb.x - tex.u;
    sps[i].tex_offset.v = sps[i].tex_color.v/cfg.size_rgb.y - tex.v;

    sps[i].quality = 1.0f;

  Calibrator   c;
  c.using_nni = using_nni;
  c.applySamples(&cv, sps, cfg, idwneighbours, basefilename.c_str());, filename_uv.c_str());

  return 0;