Esempio n. 1
cc_int32 ccs_cache_collection_compare_identifier (ccs_cache_collection_t  in_cache_collection,
                                                  cci_identifier_t        in_identifier,
                                                  cc_uint32              *out_equal)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!in_cache_collection) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_identifier      ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_equal          ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = cci_identifier_compare (in_cache_collection->identifier,

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 2
char* ccs_win_pipe_getUuid    (const WIN_PIPE* in_pipe) {

    char*   result = NULL;

    if (!ccs_win_pipe_valid(in_pipe)) {cci_check_error(ccErrBadParam);}
    else                              {result = in_pipe->uuid;}

    return result;
Esempio n. 3
HANDLE ccs_win_pipe_getHandle  (const WIN_PIPE* in_pipe) {

    HANDLE result = NULL;

    if (!ccs_win_pipe_valid(in_pipe)) {cci_check_error(ccErrBadParam);}
    else                              {result = in_pipe->clientHandle;}

    return result;
Esempio n. 4
cc_int32 ccs_os_pipe_copy (ccs_pipe_t *out_pipe,
			   ccs_pipe_t  in_pipe)
    cc_int32 err = 0;

    *out_pipe = in_pipe;

    return cci_check_error (err);
static  cc_int32 ccs_ccache_iterator_release (ccs_ccache_iterator_t  io_ccache_iterator,
                                              ccs_cache_collection_t io_cache_collection,
                                              k5_ipc_stream           in_request_data,
                                              k5_ipc_stream           io_reply_data)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!io_ccache_iterator ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_cache_collection) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_request_data    ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_reply_data      ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_ccache_list_iterator_release (io_ccache_iterator);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 6
cc_int32 ccs_callback_invalidate (ccs_callback_t io_callback)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    if (!io_callback) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!err) {
        io_callback->pending = 0; /* client is dead, don't try to talk to it */
	if (io_callback->owner_invalidate) {
	    err = io_callback->owner_invalidate (io_callback->owner, io_callback);
	} else {
	    cci_debug_printf ("WARNING %s() unable to notify callback owner!", 
    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 7
cc_uint32 cci_identifier_write (cci_identifier_t in_identifier,
                                k5_ipc_stream     io_stream)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!in_identifier) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_stream    ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = k5_ipc_stream_write_string (io_stream, in_identifier->server_id);

    if (!err) {
        err = k5_ipc_stream_write_string (io_stream, in_identifier->object_id);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 8
static cc_int32 ccs_ccache_get_change_time (ccs_ccache_t           io_ccache,
                                            ccs_cache_collection_t io_cache_collection,
                                            k5_ipc_stream           in_request_data,
                                            k5_ipc_stream           io_reply_data)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!io_ccache          ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_cache_collection) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_request_data    ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_reply_data      ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = k5_ipc_stream_write_time (io_reply_data, io_ccache->last_changed_time);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 9
static cc_int32 ccs_ccache_get_credentials_version (ccs_ccache_t           io_ccache,
                                                    ccs_cache_collection_t io_cache_collection,
                                                    k5_ipc_stream           in_request_data,
                                                    k5_ipc_stream           io_reply_data)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!io_ccache          ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_cache_collection) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_request_data    ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_reply_data      ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = k5_ipc_stream_write_uint32 (io_reply_data, io_ccache->creds_version);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 10
static cc_uint32 cci_cc_data_array_read (cc_data      ***io_ccdata_array,
                                         k5_ipc_stream    io_stream)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    cc_uint32 count = 0;
    cc_data **array = NULL;
    cc_uint32 i;

    if (!io_stream      ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_ccdata_array) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = krb5int_ipc_stream_read_uint32 (io_stream, &count);

    if (!err && count > 0) {
        array = malloc ((count + 1) * sizeof (*array));
        if (array) {
            for (i = 0; i <= count; i++) { array[i] = NULL; }
        } else {
            err = cci_check_error (ccErrNoMem);

    if (!err) {
        for (i = 0; !err && i < count; i++) {
            array[i] = malloc (sizeof (cc_data));
            if (!array[i]) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrNoMem); }

            if (!err) {
                err = cci_cc_data_read (array[i], io_stream);

    if (!err) {
        *io_ccdata_array = array;
        array = NULL;

    cci_cc_data_array_release (array);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 11
HANDLE openThreadEvent(char* uuid, char* suffix) {
    LPSTR   event_name  = NULL;
    HANDLE  hEvent      = NULL;
    DWORD   status      = 0;

    event_name = allocEventName(uuid, suffix);
    if (!event_name) status = cci_check_error(ccErrNoMem);
#if 0
    cci_debug_printf("%s event_name:%s", __FUNCTION__, event_name);
    if (!status) {
        hEvent = OpenEvent(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, event_name);
        if (!hEvent) status = cci_check_error(GetLastError());

    if (event_name) free(event_name);

    return hEvent;
Esempio n. 12
cc_int32 cci_identifier_compare (cci_identifier_t  in_identifier,
                                 cci_identifier_t  in_compare_to_identifier,
                                 cc_uint32        *out_equal)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!in_identifier           ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_compare_to_identifier) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_equal               ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        *out_equal = (!strcmp (in_identifier->object_id,
                               in_compare_to_identifier->object_id) &&
                      !strcmp (in_identifier->server_id,

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 13
cc_int32 ccapi_ccache_iterator_clone (cc_ccache_iterator_t  in_ccache_iterator,
                                      cc_ccache_iterator_t *out_ccache_iterator)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    cci_ccache_iterator_t ccache_iterator = (cci_ccache_iterator_t) in_ccache_iterator;
    k5_ipc_stream reply = NULL;
    cc_uint32 initialized = 0;
    cci_identifier_t identifier = NULL;

    if (!in_ccache_iterator ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_ccache_iterator) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = cci_identifier_is_initialized (ccache_iterator->identifier,

    if (!err) {
        if (initialized) {
            err =  cci_ipc_send (cci_ccache_iterator_next_msg_id,

            if (!err) {
                err =  cci_identifier_read (&identifier, reply);

        } else {
            /* server doesn't actually exist.  Make another dummy one. */
            identifier = cci_identifier_uninitialized;

    if (!err) {
        err = cci_ccache_iterator_new (out_ccache_iterator, identifier);

    cci_identifier_release (identifier);
    krb5int_ipc_stream_release (reply);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 14
cc_int32 ccapi_ccache_iterator_next (cc_ccache_iterator_t  in_ccache_iterator,
                                     cc_ccache_t          *out_ccache)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    cci_ccache_iterator_t ccache_iterator = (cci_ccache_iterator_t) in_ccache_iterator;
    k5_ipc_stream reply = NULL;
    cci_identifier_t identifier = NULL;

    if (!in_ccache_iterator) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_ccache        ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        cc_uint32 initialized = 0;

        err = cci_identifier_is_initialized (ccache_iterator->identifier,

        if (!err && !initialized) {
            /* server doesn't actually exist.  Pretend we're empty. */
            err = cci_check_error (ccIteratorEnd);

    if (!err) {
        err =  cci_ipc_send (cci_ccache_iterator_next_msg_id,

    if (!err) {
        err = cci_identifier_read (&identifier, reply);

    if (!err) {
        err = cci_ccache_new (out_ccache, identifier);

    krb5int_ipc_stream_release (reply);
    cci_identifier_release (identifier);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 15
static cc_int32 ccs_cache_collection_unlock (ccs_pipe_t             in_client_pipe,
                                             ccs_cache_collection_t io_cache_collection,
                                             k5_ipc_stream           in_request_data,
                                             k5_ipc_stream           io_reply_data)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!ccs_pipe_valid (in_client_pipe)) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_cache_collection            ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_request_data                ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_reply_data                  ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_lock_state_remove (io_cache_collection->lock_state,

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 16
static cc_int32 test_obj_compare_identifier (ccs_object_t      in_object,
                                             cci_identifier_t  in_identifier,
                                             cc_uint32        *out_equal)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    test_object_t object = (test_object_t) in_object;
    if (!in_object    ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_identifier) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_equal    ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!err) {
        err = cci_identifier_compare (object->identifier, 
    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 17
cc_int32 cci_ipc_send (enum cci_msg_id_t  in_request_name,
                       cci_identifier_t   in_identifier,
                       k5_ipc_stream       in_request_data,
                       k5_ipc_stream      *out_reply_data)
    return cci_check_error (_cci_ipc_send (in_request_name, 1,
Esempio n. 18
cc_int32 ccs_list_iterator_current (ccs_list_iterator_t  io_list_iterator,
                                    ccs_object_t        *out_object)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    if (!io_list_iterator) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_object      ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!err) {
        if (io_list_iterator->current < cci_array_count (io_list_iterator->list->objects)) {
            *out_object = cci_array_object_at_index (io_list_iterator->list->objects, 
        } else {
            err = ccIteratorEnd;
    return cci_check_error (err);    
Esempio n. 19
static cc_int32 ccs_lock_status_remove_lock (ccs_lock_state_t io_lock_state,
        cc_uint64        in_lock_index)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!io_lock_state) {
        err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam);

    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_lock_array_remove (io_lock_state->locks, in_lock_index);

        if (!err && in_lock_index < io_lock_state->first_pending_lock_index) {

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 20
cc_int32 ccs_list_release_iterator (ccs_list_t       io_list,
                                    cci_identifier_t in_identifier)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    ccs_list_iterator_t iterator = NULL;
    if (!io_list      ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_identifier) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_list_find_iterator (io_list, in_identifier, &iterator);
    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_list_iterator_release (iterator);
    return cci_check_error (err);    
Esempio n. 21
static cc_int32 ccs_ccache_set_default (ccs_ccache_t           io_ccache,
                                        ccs_cache_collection_t io_cache_collection,
                                        k5_ipc_stream           in_request_data,
                                        k5_ipc_stream           io_reply_data)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!io_ccache          ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_cache_collection) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_request_data    ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_reply_data      ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_cache_collection_set_default_ccache (io_cache_collection,

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 22
cc_int32 ccs_ccache_find_credentials_iterator (ccs_ccache_t                in_ccache,
                                               cci_identifier_t            in_identifier,
                                               ccs_credentials_iterator_t *out_credentials_iterator)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!in_ccache               ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_identifier           ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_credentials_iterator) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_credentials_list_find_iterator (in_ccache->credentials,

    // Don't report ccErrInvalidCredentials to the log file.  Non-fatal.
    return (err == ccErrInvalidCredentials) ? err : cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 23
static cc_uint32 cci_cc_data_array_copy (cc_data      ***io_ccdata_array,
                                         cc_data       **in_ccdata_array)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    cc_uint32 count = 0;
    cc_data **array = NULL;
    cc_uint32 i;

    if (!io_ccdata_array) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        for (count = 0; in_ccdata_array && in_ccdata_array[count]; count++);

    if (!err && count > 0) {
        array = malloc ((count + 1) * sizeof (*array));
        if (array) {
            for (i = 0; i <= count; i++) { array[i] = NULL; }
        } else {
            err = cci_check_error (ccErrNoMem);

    if (!err) {
        for (i = 0; !err && i < count; i++) {
            array[i] = malloc (sizeof (cc_data));
            if (!array[i]) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrNoMem); }

            if (!err) {
                err = cci_cc_data_copy_contents (array[i], in_ccdata_array[i]);

    if (!err) {
        *io_ccdata_array = array;
        array = NULL;

    cci_cc_data_array_release (array);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 24
cc_int32 ccapi_ccache_get_principal (cc_ccache_t  in_ccache,
                                     cc_uint32    in_credentials_version,
                                     cc_string_t *out_principal)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    cci_ccache_t ccache = (cci_ccache_t) in_ccache;
    k5_ipc_stream request = NULL;
    k5_ipc_stream reply = NULL;
    char *principal = NULL;
    if (!in_ccache    ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_principal) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!err) {
        err = k5_ipc_stream_new (&request);
    if (!err) {
        err = k5_ipc_stream_write_uint32 (request, in_credentials_version);
    if (!err) {
        err =  cci_ipc_send (cci_ccache_get_principal_msg_id,
    if (!err) {
        err = k5_ipc_stream_read_string (reply, &principal);
    if (!err) {
        err = cci_string_new (out_principal, principal);
    k5_ipc_stream_release (request);
    k5_ipc_stream_release (reply);
    k5_ipc_stream_free_string (principal);
    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 25
static cc_int32 ccs_lock_status_add_pending_lock (ccs_lock_state_t  io_lock_state,
        ccs_pipe_t        in_client_pipe,
        ccs_pipe_t        in_reply_pipe,
        cc_uint32         in_lock_type,
        cc_uint64        *out_lock_index)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    ccs_lock_t lock = NULL;

    if (!io_lock_state                  ) {
        err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam);
    if (!ccs_pipe_valid (in_client_pipe)) {
        err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam);
    if (!ccs_pipe_valid (in_reply_pipe) ) {
        err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam);

    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_lock_new (&lock, in_lock_type,
                            in_client_pipe, in_reply_pipe,

    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_lock_array_insert (io_lock_state->locks, lock,
                                     ccs_lock_array_count (io_lock_state->locks));
        if (!err) {
            lock = NULL; /* take ownership */

    if (!err) {
        *out_lock_index = ccs_lock_array_count (io_lock_state->locks) - 1;

    ccs_lock_release (lock);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 26
static cc_int32 ccs_ccache_wait_for_change (ccs_pipe_t              in_client_pipe,
					    ccs_pipe_t              in_reply_pipe,
					    ccs_ccache_t            io_ccache,
					    ccs_cache_collection_t  io_cache_collection,
					    k5_ipc_stream            in_request_data,
					    k5_ipc_stream            io_reply_data,
					    cc_uint32              *out_will_block)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    cc_time_t last_wait_for_change_time = 0;
    cc_uint32 will_block = 0;

    if (!ccs_pipe_valid (in_client_pipe)) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!ccs_pipe_valid (in_reply_pipe )) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_ccache                      ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!io_cache_collection            ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_request_data                ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_will_block                 ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        err = krb5int_ipc_stream_read_time (in_request_data, &last_wait_for_change_time);

    if (!err) {
	if (last_wait_for_change_time < io_ccache->last_changed_time) {
	    cci_debug_printf ("%s returning immediately", __FUNCTION__);
	    err = krb5int_ipc_stream_write_time (io_reply_data, io_ccache->last_changed_time);

	} else {
	    ccs_callback_t callback = NULL;

	    err = ccs_callback_new (&callback,
				    (ccs_callback_owner_t) io_ccache,

	    if (!err) {
		err = ccs_callback_array_insert (io_ccache->change_callbacks, callback,
						 ccs_callback_array_count (io_ccache->change_callbacks));
		if (!err) { callback = NULL; /* take ownership */ }

		cci_debug_printf ("%s blocking", __FUNCTION__);
		will_block = 1;

	    ccs_callback_release (callback);

    if (!err) {
	*out_will_block = will_block;

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 27
cc_uint32 cci_credentials_union_read (cc_credentials_union **out_credentials_union,
                                      k5_ipc_stream           io_stream)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    cc_credentials_union *credentials_union = NULL;

    if (!io_stream            ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!out_credentials_union) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        credentials_union = calloc (1, sizeof (*credentials_union));
        if (!credentials_union) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrNoMem); }

    if (!err) {
        err = krb5int_ipc_stream_read_uint32 (io_stream, &credentials_union->version);

    if (!err) {
        if (credentials_union->version == cc_credentials_v4) {
            err = cci_credentials_v4_read (&credentials_union->credentials.credentials_v4,

        } else if (credentials_union->version == cc_credentials_v5) {
            err = cci_credentials_v5_read (&credentials_union->credentials.credentials_v5,

        } else {
            err = ccErrBadCredentialsVersion;

    if (!err) {
        *out_credentials_union = credentials_union;
        credentials_union = NULL;

    if (credentials_union) { cci_credentials_union_release (credentials_union); }

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 28
cc_int32 ccs_callback_new (ccs_callback_t                  *out_callback,
			   cc_int32                         in_invalid_object_err,
			   ccs_pipe_t                       in_client_pipe,
			   ccs_pipe_t                       in_reply_pipe,
			   ccs_callback_owner_t             in_owner,
			   ccs_callback_owner_invalidate_t  in_owner_invalidate_function)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;
    ccs_callback_t callback = NULL;
    ccs_client_t client = NULL;
    if (!out_callback                   ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!ccs_pipe_valid (in_client_pipe)) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!ccs_pipe_valid (in_reply_pipe) ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_owner                       ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!in_owner_invalidate_function   ) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }
    if (!err) {
        callback = malloc (sizeof (*callback));
        if (callback) { 
            *callback = ccs_callback_initializer;
        } else {
            err = cci_check_error (ccErrNoMem); 
    if (!err) {
        err = ccs_server_client_for_pipe (in_client_pipe, &client);
    if (!err) {
	err = ccs_pipe_copy (&callback->client_pipe, in_client_pipe);
    if (!err) {
	err = ccs_pipe_copy (&callback->reply_pipe, in_reply_pipe);
    if (!err) {
        callback->client_pipe = in_client_pipe;
        callback->reply_pipe = in_reply_pipe;
        callback->invalid_object_err = in_invalid_object_err;
        callback->owner = in_owner;
        callback->owner_invalidate = in_owner_invalidate_function;
        err = ccs_client_add_callback (client, callback);
    if (!err) {
        *out_callback = callback;
        callback = NULL;
    ccs_callback_release (callback);
    return cci_check_error (err);    
Esempio n. 29
cc_int32 ccs_lock_state_release (ccs_lock_state_t io_lock_state)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!err && io_lock_state) {
        ccs_lock_array_release (io_lock_state->locks);
        free (io_lock_state);

    return cci_check_error (err);
Esempio n. 30
cc_int32 ccs_os_notify_cache_collection_changed (ccs_cache_collection_t io_cache_collection)
    cc_int32 err = ccNoError;

    if (!io_cache_collection) { err = cci_check_error (ccErrBadParam); }

    if (!err) {
        CFNotificationCenterRef center = CFNotificationCenterGetDistributedCenter ();

        if (center) {
            CFNotificationCenterPostNotification (center,
                                                  NULL, NULL, TRUE);

    return cci_check_error (err);