void CtrlRegisterList::onPopupClick(wxCommandEvent& evt) { switch (evt.GetId()) { case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY32: resolvePointerStrings = false; maxBits = 32; SetInitialSize(ClientToWindowSize(GetMinClientSize())); postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT,0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY64: resolvePointerStrings = false; maxBits = 64; SetInitialSize(ClientToWindowSize(GetMinClientSize())); postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT,0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY128: resolvePointerStrings = false; maxBits = 128; SetInitialSize(ClientToWindowSize(GetMinClientSize())); postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT,0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY128STRINGS: resolvePointerStrings = true; maxBits = 128; SetInitialSize(ClientToWindowSize(GetMinClientSize())); postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT, 0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_CHANGELOWER: changeValue(LOWER64); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_CHANGEUPPER: changeValue(UPPER64); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_CHANGEVALUE: if (cpu->getRegisterSize(category) == 32) changeValue(CHANGE32); else changeValue(LOWER64); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_GOTOINMEMORYVIEW: postEvent(debEVT_GOTOINMEMORYVIEW, cpu->getRegister(category, currentRows[category])._u32[0]); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_GOTOINDISASM: postEvent(debEVT_GOTOINDISASM, cpu->getRegister(category, currentRows[category])._u32[0]); break; default: wxMessageBox( L"Unimplemented.", L"Unimplemented.", wxICON_INFORMATION); break; } }
void WidgetMOItem::onCheckChanged(int state) { QWidget *editor = qobject_cast<QWidget *>(sender()); switch(state) { case Qt::Unchecked: case Qt::PartiallyChecked : changeValue(editor,QVariant(false)); break; case Qt::Checked : changeValue(editor,QVariant(true)); break; } }
void MenuSystem::setJoin() { auto gameOptions = static_cast<SettingsSystem*> (m_world->getSystem(SystemType::SettingsSystem)); GameSettingsInfo settings = gameOptions->getSettings(); auto rocketBackend = static_cast<LibRocketBackendSystem*>( m_world->getSystem(SystemType::LibRocketBackendSystem)); rocketBackend->changeValue(m_joinIdx, "1", settings.ip); rocketBackend->changeValue(m_joinIdx, "2", settings.port); rocketBackend->changeValue(m_joinIdx, "3", settings.playerName); }
void MenuSystem::setHost() { auto gameOptions = static_cast<SettingsSystem*> (m_world->getSystem(SystemType::SettingsSystem)); GameSettingsInfo settings = gameOptions->getSettings(); auto rocketBackend = static_cast<LibRocketBackendSystem*>( m_world->getSystem(SystemType::LibRocketBackendSystem)); rocketBackend->changeValue(m_hostIdx, "4", settings.serverName); rocketBackend->changeValue(m_hostIdx, "5", settings.port); rocketBackend->changeValue(m_hostIdx, "6", settings.playerName); rocketBackend->changeValue(m_hostIdx, "7", toString(settings.defaultGameTime)); }
void SoundSlider::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { if( isSliding ) { QRect rect( paddingL - 15, -1, WLENGTH + 15 * 2 , WHEIGHT + 5 ); if( !rect.contains( event->pos() ) ) { /* We are outside */ if ( !b_mouseOutside ) setValue( i_oldvalue ); b_mouseOutside = true; } else { /* We are inside */ b_mouseOutside = false; changeValue( event->x() - paddingL ); emit sliderMoved( value() ); } } else { int i = ( ( event->x() - paddingL ) * maximum() + 40 ) / WLENGTH; i = __MIN( __MAX( 0, i ), maximum() ); setToolTip( QString("%1 %" ).arg( i ) ); } }
void SoundSlider::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { /* handle mouserelease hijacking */ if ( isSliding && ( event->buttons() & ~Qt::RightButton ) == Qt::NoButton ) processReleasedButton(); if( isSliding ) { QRect rect( paddingL - 15, -1, wlength + 15 * 2 , wheight + 5 ); if( !rect.contains( event->pos() ) ) { /* We are outside */ if ( !b_mouseOutside ) setValue( i_oldvalue ); b_mouseOutside = true; } else { /* We are inside */ b_mouseOutside = false; changeValue( event->x() - paddingL ); emit sliderMoved( value() ); } } else { int i = ( ( event->x() - paddingL ) * maximum() + 40 ) / wlength; i = __MIN( __MAX( 0, i ), maximum() ); setToolTip( QString("%1 %" ).arg( i ) ); } }
void SlidersController::changeValue(int v) { if (valueSpinManualEdit) { QColor filter = QColor::fromHsv(0, 0, v); changeValue(filter); } valueSpinManualEdit = true; }
Slider::Slider(const QString &label, int defaultValue, int min, int max, Helper helper) : SourceParameters(label), m_frame( new QFrame() ), m_inputText(nullptr), m_label(nullptr), m_slider(new QSlider() ) { m_frame->setLayout( new QHBoxLayout() ); m_slider->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); m_slider->setMinimum(min); m_slider->setMaximum(max); m_frame->layout()->addWidget(m_slider); if( helper == PrintValue ) { m_label = new QLabel(); m_frame->layout()->addWidget( m_label ); } else if( helper == EnterValue) { m_inputText = new QLineEdit(); m_frame->layout()->addWidget( m_inputText ); connect(m_inputText, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(changeValue())); } connect( m_slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(changeValue(int))); m_slider->setValue(defaultValue); }
void SpinSlider::changeValue(int value) { qreal value2 = 0.0; if (type=="linear") value2 = min + value*(max-min)/100; if (type=="log") value2 = min * std::exp( value*std::log(max/min) / 100 ); changeValue(value2); }
void FontPropertyToolEditor::changeFont() { bool ok; QFont font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok); if (ok) { changeValue(QVariant::fromValue(font)); } }
void SpinSlider::setValue(qreal value) { qreal value2 = 0.0; if (type=="linear") value2 = qRound( 100*(value-min)/(max-min) ); if (type=="log") value2 = qRound( 100.0*std::log(value/0.2)/log(1000.0) ); slider->setSliderPosition(value2); changeValue(value); }
void kommuHandler(void){ int i; while(buildCommand(input_buf,command)){ switch(command[0]){ case 'a': if(kommuConnected){ sendCommand("a",1); kommuNoPing = 0; } break; case 'b': sendCommand("c",1); kommuConnected = 1; kommuNoPing = 0; HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOD,GPIO_PIN_12,GPIO_PIN_SET); break; case 's': stopRecording(command[1]); break; case 'r': if(kommuConnected){ startRecording(command[1]); } break; case 'q': stopRecordingAll(); break; case 'x': if(kommuConnected){ changeValue(command+1); } break; } } if(kommuConnected){ for(i = 0; i < sendingCodesCurrent; i++){ sendCode(sendingCodes[i],buffer); } } if(kommuNoPing > maxPingsMissed){ //Max ping loss? kommuConnected = 0; HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOD,GPIO_PIN_12,GPIO_PIN_RESET); }else{ kommuNoPing++; } if((output_currentPos>0) && !ptrUSART->GetStatus().tx_busy){ ptrUSART->Send(output_currentBuffer,output_currentPos); if(output_currentBufferNr == 1){ output_currentBuffer = output_buffer2; output_currentBufferNr = 2; }else{ output_currentBuffer = output_buffer1; output_currentBufferNr = 1; } output_currentPos = 0; } }
void FontPropertyToolEditor::changeFont() { QFont font = value().value<QFont>(); bool ok; font = QFontDialog::getFont(&ok, font); if (ok) { changeValue(QVariant::fromValue(font)); } }
void CtrlRegisterList::onPopupClick(wxCommandEvent& evt) { int cat = getCurrentCategory(); wxGrid* regGrid = registerGrids[cat]; int reg = regGrid->GetGridCursorRow(); switch (evt.GetId()) { case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY32: maxBits = 32; postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT, 0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY64: maxBits = 64; postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT, 0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY128: maxBits = 128; postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT, 0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_CHANGELOWER: changeValue(LOWER64, cat, reg); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_CHANGEUPPER: changeValue(UPPER64, cat, reg); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_CHANGEVALUE: if (cpu->getRegisterSize(cat) == 32) changeValue(CHANGE32, cat, reg); else changeValue(LOWER64, cat, reg); Refresh(); break; default: wxMessageBox(L"Unimplemented.", L"Unimplemented.", wxICON_INFORMATION); break; } needsValueUpdating = true; needsSizeUpdating = true; }
void CPBoolPlugin::configDialog() { QDialog dialog; QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout; QLabel *topictxt = new QLabel(tr("Topic Name:")); QLineEdit *topicedit = new QLineEdit(topic); layout->addWidget(topictxt, 0, 0); layout->addWidget(topicedit, 0, 1); QLabel *slabeltxt = new QLabel(tr("Show Label:")); QCheckBox *slabelcheck = new QCheckBox(); slabelcheck->setChecked(ui->label->isVisible()); layout->addWidget(slabeltxt, 1, 0); layout->addWidget(slabelcheck, 1, 1); QLabel *labeltxt = new QLabel(tr("Label:")); QLineEdit *labeledit = new QLineEdit(ui->label->text()); connect(slabelcheck, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), labeledit, SLOT(setEnabled(bool))); labeledit->setEnabled(ui->label->isVisible()); layout->addWidget(labeltxt, 2, 0); layout->addWidget(labeledit, 2, 1); QPushButton *okbutton = new QPushButton(tr("&OK")); layout->addWidget(okbutton, 3, 1); dialog.setLayout(layout); dialog.setWindowTitle("Plugin Configuration - Bool"); connect(okbutton, SIGNAL(clicked()), &dialog, SLOT(accept())); if(!dialog.exec()) return; if(topic != topicedit->text()) { emit changeValue("N/A"); topic = topicedit->text(); settings->setValue(uuid.toString() + "/Topic", topic); activateNodelet(true); } if(ui->label->isVisible() != slabelcheck->isChecked()) { ui->label->setVisible(slabelcheck->isChecked()); ui->value->setAlignment((slabelcheck->isChecked() ? Qt::AlignLeft : Qt::AlignHCenter) | Qt::AlignVCenter); settings->setValue(uuid.toString() + "/ShowLabel", slabelcheck->isChecked()); } if(ui->label->text() != labeledit->text()) { emit changeLabel(labeledit->text()); settings->setValue(uuid.toString() + "/Label", labeledit->text()); } }
void StDictionary::set(const StDictEntry& thePair) { for(size_t anId = 0; anId < size(); ++anId) { StDictEntry& anArg = changeValue(anId); if(anArg.getKey().isEqualsIgnoreCase(thePair.getKey())) { anArg.setValue(thePair.getValue()); return; } } add(thePair); }
void TagTree::changeValue(const char* format, ...) { char buffer[XMPQE_BUFFERSIZE]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsprintf(buffer, format, args); va_end(args); changeValue( std::string(buffer) ); }
StDictEntry& StDictionary::addChange(const StString& theKey) { for(size_t anId = 0; anId < size(); ++anId) { StDictEntry& anArg = changeValue(anId); if(anArg.getKey().isEqualsIgnoreCase(theKey)) { return anArg; } } add(StDictEntry(theKey)); return changeLast(); }
void CtrlRegisterList::onPopupClick(wxCommandEvent& evt) { switch (evt.GetId()) { case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY32: maxBits = 32; SetInitialSize(ClientToWindowSize(GetMinClientSize())); postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT,0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY64: maxBits = 64; SetInitialSize(ClientToWindowSize(GetMinClientSize())); postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT,0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_DISPLAY128: maxBits = 128; SetInitialSize(ClientToWindowSize(GetMinClientSize())); postEvent(debEVT_UPDATELAYOUT,0); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_CHANGELOWER: changeValue(LOWER64); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_CHANGEUPPER: changeValue(UPPER64); Refresh(); break; case ID_REGISTERLIST_CHANGEVALUE: if (cpu->getRegisterSize(category) == 32) changeValue(CHANGE32); else changeValue(LOWER64); Refresh(); break; default: wxMessageBox( L"Unimplemented.", L"Unimplemented.", wxICON_INFORMATION); break; } }
unsigned char changeEnum(const char **list, unsigned char currvalue, unsigned char maxvalue, DELTA *delta) { unsigned char output = changeValue(currvalue, maxvalue,delta); put(VFD_CR); print(" "); put(VFD_CR); print(list[output]); return output; }
// One day, this'll show a bar. Ran out of time back then unsigned char changeNumber(unsigned char currvalue, unsigned char maxvalue, DELTA *delta) { unsigned char output = changeValue(currvalue, maxvalue,delta); put(VFD_CR); printnum(output); print("/"); printnum(maxvalue); print(" "); return output; }
void SoundSlider::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *event ) { if( event->button() != Qt::RightButton ) { /* We enter the sliding mode */ isSliding = true; i_oldvalue = value(); emit sliderPressed(); changeValue( event->x() - paddingL ); emit sliderMoved( value() ); } }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { this->resize(800, 600); table_view = new TableView(); count_label = new QLabel(); add_button = new QPushButton(); add_button->setText("add"); connect(add_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(add())); update_button = new QPushButton(); update_button->setText("update"); delete_button = new QPushButton(); delete_button->setText("delete"); connect(delete_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), table_view, SLOT(remove())); clear_button = new QPushButton(); clear_button->setText("clear"); QHBoxLayout *operate_layout = new QHBoxLayout(); operate_layout->addWidget(count_label); operate_layout->addStretch(); operate_layout->addWidget(add_button); operate_layout->addWidget(update_button); operate_layout->addWidget(delete_button); operate_layout->addWidget(clear_button); operate_layout->addStretch(); operate_layout->setSpacing(20); operate_layout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); QVBoxLayout *main_layout = new QVBoxLayout(); main_layout->addWidget(table_view); main_layout->addLayout(operate_layout); main_layout->setSpacing(20); main_layout->setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20); this->setLayout(main_layout); timer = new QTimer(); timer->setInterval(1000); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), table_view, SLOT(changeValue())); connect(update_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), timer, SLOT(start())); connect(clear_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), timer, SLOT(stop())); connect(clear_button, SIGNAL(clicked()), table_view, SLOT(clear())); connect(table_view, &TableView::updateCount, this, &MainWindow::updateCount); this->updateCount(0); }
T_Health takeDamage(T_Damage d) { T_Armor armor = m_armor; armor -= std::get<Pierce>(d); if(armor < 0) armor = 0; if(std::get<Generic>(d) <= armor) return getValue(); else changeValue(-std::get<Generic>(d)+armor); return getValue(); }
void Options::handle(View* view, OptionSet set, int lastIndex) { vector<ListElem> options; options.emplace_back("Change settings:", ListElem::TITLE); for (OptionId option : optionSets.at(set)) options.push_back(ListElem(names.at(option), getValueString(option, getValue(option))).setTip(hints.at(option))); options.emplace_back("Done"); auto index = view->chooseFromList("", options, lastIndex, getMenuType(set)); if (!index || (*index) == optionSets.at(set).size()) return; OptionId option = optionSets.at(set)[*index]; changeValue(option, getValue(option), view); handle(view, set, *index); }
/** * now - current time in seconds */ int getIdle(IdleValveState *idle, int currentRpm, int now) { if (currentRpm == 0 || isCranking()) { return setNewValue(idle, currentRpm, now, "cranking value: ", DEFAULT_IDLE_DUTY); } if (currentRpm < 0.7 * idle->targetRpmRangeLeft) { return setNewValue(idle, currentRpm, now, "RPMs are seriously low: ", lastGoodValue); } if (now - idle->timeOfLastIdleChange < IDLE_PERIOD) { // too soon to adjust anything - exiting return idle->value; } if (currentRpm > idle->targetRpmRangeLeft && currentRpm < idle->targetRpmRangeRight) { // current RPM is good enough // todo: need idle signal input //lastGoodValue = idle->value; return idle->value; } if (currentRpm >= idle->targetRpmRangeRight + 100) return changeValue(idle, currentRpm, now, "idle control: rpm is too high: ", -IDLE_DECREASE_STEP); if (currentRpm >= idle->targetRpmRangeRight) return changeValue(idle, currentRpm, now, "idle control: rpm is a bit too high: ", -1); // we are here if RPM is low, let's see how low // if (currentRpm < 0.7 * idle->targetRpmRangeLeft) { // // todo: act faster in case of really low RPM? // return setNewValue(idle, currentRpm, now, "RPMs are seriously low: ", 15 * IDLE_INCREASE_STEP); // } else if (currentRpm < idle->targetRpmRangeLeft - 100) { return changeValue(idle, currentRpm, now, "idle control: RPMs are low: ", IDLE_INCREASE_STEP); } return changeValue(idle, currentRpm, now, "idle control: RPMs are a bit low: ", 1); }
void Ambulancia(){ uint8_t brilho = Maxbrilho; int i; if(PadraoInit==0){ for(i=0; i < size; i+=1){ values[i]=0; } SendData(values,size); PadraoInit=1; } uint8_t LedPosition[SireneA]; for(i=0; i <SireneA; i++) LedPosition[i] = i; int k; for(k=0; k < 500 && MudaPadrao==0; k++){ for(i=0; i < SireneA && MudaPadrao==0; i+=1){ if(LedPosition[i] >= size) LedPosition[i]=0; changeValue(LedPosition[i],'b',brilho); LedPosition[i]++; } if(LedPosition[0] !=0) changeValue(LedPosition[0]-1,'b',0); else changeValue(size,'b',0); SendData(values,size); Wait(25); } }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { lineCount = 1; timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(isThreadFinished())); test = new testinfo; threadList = new QList<workThread*>; ui->setupUi(this); ui->textEdit->ensureCursorVisible(); // sky_sdfs_init("config.ini"); connect(ui->textEdit,SIGNAL(textChanged()),this,SLOT(textDown())); connect(ui->checkBox,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(changeValue())); }
void SpinSlider::setValue( qreal v ) { //qDebug() << "setValue!!" << v; int value2 = 0; if ( mGrowthType == LINEAR ) { value2 = std::round( 100 * ( v - mMin ) / ( mMax - mMin ) ); } if ( mGrowthType == LOG ) { value2 = std::round( std::log( v / mMin ) * 100 / std::log( mMax / mMin ) ); } //qDebug() << "Position! " << value2; changeValue( v ); }
void caCalc::setValue(double value) { char asc[MAX_STRING_LENGTH], format[20]; int precision; if((precision = getPrecision()) >= 0) { sprintf(format, "%s.%dlf", "%", precision); } else { sprintf(format, "%s.%dle", "%", -precision); } snprintf(asc, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, format, value); setTextLine(QString(asc)); // emit signal when requested if(thisEventSignal == onFirstChange) { if(!eventFired) { emit emitSignal((int) value); emit emitSignal(value); emit emitSignal((bool) value); } eventFired = true; } else if(thisEventSignal == onAnyChange) { emit emitSignal((int) value); emit emitSignal(value); emit emitSignal((bool) value); } else if(thisEventSignal == TriggerZeroToOne) { if((qRound(thisValue) == 0) && (qRound(value) == 1)) { emit emitSignal((int) value); emit emitSignal(value); emit emitSignal((bool) value); } } else if(thisEventSignal == TriggerOneToZero) { if((qRound(thisValue) == 1) && (qRound(value) == 0)) { emit emitSignal((int) value); emit emitSignal(value); emit emitSignal((bool) value); } } thisValue =value; //printf("%s emit change value %f\n", qasc(objectName()), value); // only in case of a change where no calculation takes places, will we update // the data container with the actual value if(thisCalc.trimmed().size() == 0) emit changeValue(value); }