Esempio n. 1
UserTracker::Obj::Obj( xn::Context context )
	: mContext( context )
	XnStatus rc;

	rc = mContext.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_DEPTH, mDepthGenerator);
	checkRc( rc, "Retrieving depth generator" );

	xn::DepthMetaData depthMD;
	mDepthGenerator.GetMetaData( depthMD );
	mDepthWidth = depthMD.FullXRes();
	mDepthHeight = depthMD.FullYRes();
	mUserBuffers = BufferManager<uint8_t>( mDepthWidth * mDepthHeight, this );

	rc = mContext.FindExistingNode(XN_NODE_TYPE_USER, mUserGenerator);
	if (rc != XN_STATUS_OK)
		rc = mUserGenerator.Create(mContext);
		if (rc != XN_STATUS_OK)
			throw ExcFailedUserGeneratorInit();

	if (!mUserGenerator.IsCapabilitySupported(XN_CAPABILITY_SKELETON))
		throw ExcNoSkeletonCapability();

	// user callbacks
	XnCallbackHandle userCallbacks;
	rc = mUserGenerator.RegisterUserCallbacks(newUserCB, lostUserCB,
			this, userCallbacks);
	checkRc( rc, "Register user callbacks" );

	// calibration callbacks
	XnCallbackHandle calibrationCallbacks;
	rc = mUserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().RegisterCalibrationCallbacks(
		calibrationStartCB, calibrationEndCB,
		this, calibrationCallbacks);
	checkRc( rc, "Register calibration callbacks" );

	if (mUserGenerator.GetSkeletonCap().NeedPoseForCalibration())
		sNeedPose = true;
		if (!mUserGenerator.IsCapabilitySupported(XN_CAPABILITY_POSE_DETECTION))
			throw ExcNoPoseDetection();

		XnCallbackHandle poseDetected;
		rc = mUserGenerator.GetPoseDetectionCap().RegisterToPoseDetected(
				userPoseDetectedCB, this, poseDetected);
		checkRc( rc, "Register pose detected callback" );

Esempio n. 2
void UserTracker::Obj::stop()
	if ( mUserGenerator.IsValid() && mUserGenerator.IsGenerating() )
		XnStatus rc;
		rc = mUserGenerator.StopGenerating();
		checkRc( rc, "UserGenerator.StopGenerating" );
Esempio n. 3
void MovieDecoder::getScaledVideoFrame(int scaledSize, bool maintainAspectRatio, VideoFrame& videoFrame)
    initializeFilterGraph(m_pFormatContext->streams[m_VideoStream]->time_base, scaledSize, maintainAspectRatio);

    auto del = [] (AVFrame* f) { av_frame_free(&f); };
    std::unique_ptr<AVFrame, decltype(del)> res(av_frame_alloc(), del);

    checkRc(av_buffersrc_write_frame(m_pFilterSource, m_pFrame), "Failed to write frame to filter graph");

    int attempts = 0;
    int rc = av_buffersink_get_frame(m_pFilterSink, res.get());
    while (rc == AVERROR(EAGAIN) && attempts++ < 10)
        checkRc(av_buffersrc_write_frame(m_pFilterSource, m_pFrame), "Failed to write frame to filter graph");
        rc = av_buffersink_get_frame(m_pFilterSink, res.get());

    checkRc(rc, "Failed to get buffer from filter");

    videoFrame.width = res->width;
    videoFrame.height = res->height;
    videoFrame.lineSize = videoFrame.width * 4;

	if(videoFrame.frameData != nullptr)
		delete videoFrame.frameData;

	uint8_t * framedata = res->data[0];

	videoFrame.frameData = new uint8_t[videoFrame.width * 4 * videoFrame.height];
	for(int y = 0;y < videoFrame.height;y++)
		memcpy(videoFrame.frameData + ((videoFrame.height - y - 1) * videoFrame.lineSize), framedata + (y * res->linesize[0]), videoFrame.lineSize);

    if (m_pFilterGraph)
Esempio n. 4
ImageSourceRef UserTracker::getUserMask( XnUserID userId /* = 0 */, bool fillWithUserId /* = false */ )
	mObj->mUserBuffers.derefActiveBuffer(); // finished with current active buffer
	uint8_t *destPixels = mObj->mUserBuffers.getNewBuffer();  // request a new buffer

	xn::SceneMetaData sceneMD;
    XnStatus rc = mObj->mUserGenerator.GetUserPixels( userId, sceneMD);
	checkRc( rc, "UserGenerator GetUserPixels" );
	if ( rc == XN_STATUS_OK )
		const uint16_t *userPixels = reinterpret_cast< const uint16_t * >( sceneMD.Data() );

		if ( fillWithUserId )
			if ( userId == 0 )
				// mask for all users
				for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < mObj->mDepthWidth * mObj->mDepthHeight; i++ )
					destPixels[i] = userPixels[i] & 255;
				// mask for specified user id
				for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < mObj->mDepthWidth * mObj->mDepthHeight; i++ )
					if ( userPixels[i] == userId )
						destPixels[i] = userPixels[i] & 255;
						destPixels[i] = 0;
			if ( userId == 0 )
				// mask for all users
				for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < mObj->mDepthWidth * mObj->mDepthHeight; i++ )
					if ( userPixels[i] != 0 )
						destPixels[i] = 255;
						destPixels[i] = 0;
				// mask for specified user id
				for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < mObj->mDepthWidth * mObj->mDepthHeight; i++ )
					if ( userPixels[i] == userId )
						destPixels[i] = 255;
						destPixels[i] = 0;

	// set this new buffer to be the current active buffer
	mObj->mUserBuffers.setActiveBuffer( destPixels );

	uint8_t *activeMask = mObj->mUserBuffers.refActiveBuffer();
	return ImageSourceRef( new ImageSourceOpenNIUserMask( activeMask, mObj->mDepthWidth, mObj->mDepthHeight, mObj ) );
Esempio n. 5
void UserTracker::Obj::start()
	XnStatus rc;
	rc = mUserGenerator.StartGenerating();
	checkRc( rc, "UserGenerator.StartGenerating" );
Esempio n. 6
void MovieDecoder::initializeFilterGraph(const AVRational& timeBase, int size, bool maintainAspectRatio)
    static const AVPixelFormat pixelFormats[] = { AV_PIX_FMT_BGRA, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE };

    auto del = [] (AVBufferSinkParams* p) { av_freep(p); };
    std::unique_ptr<AVBufferSinkParams, decltype(del)> buffersinkParams(av_buffersink_params_alloc(), del);

    m_pFilterGraph = avfilter_graph_alloc();

    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << "video_size=" << GetVideoWidth() << "x" << GetVideoHeight()
       << ":pix_fmt=" << m_pVideoCodecContext->pix_fmt
       << ":time_base=" << timeBase.num << "/" << timeBase.den
       << ":pixel_aspect=" << m_pVideoCodecContext->sample_aspect_ratio.num << "/" << FFMAX(m_pVideoCodecContext->sample_aspect_ratio.den, 1);

    checkRc(avfilter_graph_create_filter(&m_pFilterSource, avfilter_get_by_name("buffer"), "thumb_buffer", ss.str().c_str(), nullptr, m_pFilterGraph),
            "Failed to create filter source");
    buffersinkParams->pixel_fmts = pixelFormats;
    checkRc(avfilter_graph_create_filter(&m_pFilterSink, avfilter_get_by_name("buffersink"), "thumb_buffersink", nullptr, buffersinkParams.get(), m_pFilterGraph),
            "Failed to create filter sink");

    AVFilterContext* yadifFilter = nullptr;
    if (m_pFrame->interlaced_frame != 0)
        checkRc(avfilter_graph_create_filter(&yadifFilter, avfilter_get_by_name("yadif"), "thumb_deint", "deint=1", nullptr, m_pFilterGraph),
                "Failed to create deinterlace filter");

    AVFilterContext* scaleFilter = nullptr;
    checkRc(avfilter_graph_create_filter(&scaleFilter, avfilter_get_by_name("scale"), "thumb_scale", createScaleString(size, maintainAspectRatio).c_str(), nullptr, m_pFilterGraph),
            "Failed to create scale filter");

    AVFilterContext* formatFilter = nullptr;
    checkRc(avfilter_graph_create_filter(&formatFilter, avfilter_get_by_name("format"), "thumb_format", "pix_fmts=bgra", nullptr, m_pFilterGraph),
            "Failed to create format filter");

    AVFilterContext* rotateFilter = nullptr;
    auto rotation = getStreamRotation();
    if (rotation != -1)
        checkRc(avfilter_graph_create_filter(&rotateFilter, avfilter_get_by_name("transpose"), "thumb_rotate", to_string(rotation).c_str(), nullptr, m_pFilterGraph),
            "Failed to create rotate filter");

    checkRc(avfilter_link(rotateFilter ? rotateFilter : formatFilter, 0, m_pFilterSink, 0), "Failed to link final filter");

    if (rotateFilter)
        checkRc(avfilter_link(formatFilter, 0, rotateFilter, 0), "Failed to link format filter");
    checkRc(avfilter_link(scaleFilter, 0, formatFilter, 0), "Failed to link scale filter");
    if (yadifFilter)
        checkRc(avfilter_link(yadifFilter, 0, scaleFilter, 0), "Failed to link yadif filter");

    checkRc(avfilter_link(m_pFilterSource, 0, yadifFilter ? yadifFilter : scaleFilter, 0), "Failed to link source filter");

    checkRc(avfilter_graph_config(m_pFilterGraph, nullptr), "Failed to configure filter graph");