void CreateCourseScreen::on_pushButton_Import_clicked() { model = new QStandardItemModel(this); ui->tableView->setModel(model); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName (this, "Open CSV file", QDir::currentPath(), "CSV (*.csv)"); QFile file (fileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString data = file.readAll(); data.remove( QRegExp("\r") ); //remove all ocurrences of CR (Carriage Return) QString temp; QChar character; QTextStream textStream(&data); while (!textStream.atEnd()) { textStream >> character; if (character == ',') { checkString(temp, character); } else if (character == '\n') { checkString(temp, character); } else if (textStream.atEnd()) { temp.append(character); checkString(temp); } else { temp.append(character); } } }
bool Dispatcher::CLI_StringPar() { // char temp[] = "read cube_test_1.cli"; // input = temp; char * pch; pch = strtok (input," ,"); currentCommand = string(pch); if(!checkString(pch)) { return false; } else { while (pch != NULL) { pch = strtok (NULL, " ,"); if(pch !=0) { if(!checkString(pch)) return false; else { string para = string(pch); parameters.push_back(para); } } } } return true; }
void MainWindow::loadClicked(){ model = new QStandardItemModel(this); ui->courseView->setModel(model); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,"Load CSV File", QDir::currentPath(),"*.csv"); QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)){ QString data = file.readAll(); data.remove(QRegExp("\r")); QString temp; QChar ch; QTextStream inStream(&data); while (!inStream.atEnd()){ if (ch==',') checkString(temp,ch); else if (ch=='\n') checkString(temp,ch); else if (inStream.atEnd()){ temp.append(ch); checkString(temp); } else temp.append(ch); } } }
void EventHandler::processRegister(EventCmd &e,vector<string> &check_cmd) { if(check_cmd.size()!=4) return; //1.eqid 2.name 3.passwd if(check_cmd[1].size() == 0 || check_cmd[2].size() == 0 || check_cmd[3].size() == 0) return; if(check_cmd[1].size()>32 || check_cmd[2].size()>32 || check_cmd[3].size()>32) return; if(checkString(check_cmd[1])==false || checkString(check_cmd[2])==false || checkString(check_cmd[3]) == false){ LOG4CXX_WARN(logger_, "check string false:"<<check_cmd[1]<<";"<<check_cmd[2]<<";"<<check_cmd[3]); } bool check = false; check = dh_->usernameHasBeenUsed(check_cmd[2]); if(check == true){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_REGISTER,ERROR_USERNAME_HAS_BEEN_USED); return; }else{ if(dh_->db_error_ != 0){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_REGISTER, ERROR_SYSTEM_CRITICAL_ERROR); return; } long long user_id; check = dh_->registerNewUser(check_cmd[2],check_cmd[3],check_cmd[1],user_id); if(check == true){ LOG4CXX_INFO(logger_, "register;"<<user_id); string res = buildRegisterResponse(); nh_->sendString(e.fd_, res); return; }else{ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_REGISTER,ERROR_SYSTEM_CRITICAL_ERROR); return; } } //string res = buildRegisterResponse(); //nh_->sendString(e.fd_, res); return; }
void dateTimeHandlerTest::dateTest() { ptr<data> tag(new data(ptr<baseObject>(0))); { ptr<handlers::dataHandler> hTag= tag->getDataHandler(0, true, "DA"); hTag->setSize(1); hTag->setDate(0, 2004, 11, 5, 9, 20, 30, 5000, 1, 2); imbxInt32 year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds, offsetHours, offsetMinutes; hTag->getDate(0, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minutes, &seconds, &nanoseconds, &offsetHours, &offsetMinutes); QVERIFY(year == 2004); QVERIFY(month == 11); QVERIFY(day == 5); QVERIFY(hour == 0); QVERIFY(minutes == 0); QVERIFY(seconds == 0); QVERIFY(nanoseconds == 0); QVERIFY(offsetHours == 0); QVERIFY(offsetMinutes == 0); QVERIFY(hTag->getUnicodeString(0) == L"2004-11-05"); } { ptr<handlers::dataHandlerRaw> hTag= tag->getDataHandlerRaw(0, true, "DA"); std::basic_string<imbxUint8> checkString(hTag->getMemory()->data(), hTag->getMemory()->size()); QVERIFY(checkString == (imbxUint8*)"20041105"); hTag->getMemory()->assign((imbxUint8*)"2004-11-5", 9); } { ptr<handlers::dataHandlerRaw> hTag= tag->getDataHandlerRaw(0, false, "DA"); std::basic_string<imbxUint8> checkString(hTag->getMemory()->data(), hTag->getMemory()->size()); stringUint8 compString((imbxUint8*)"2004-11-5", 9); compString += (imbxUint8)0; // buffer's size is always even! QVERIFY(checkString == compString); } { ptr<handlers::dataHandler> hTag= tag->getDataHandler(0, false, "DA"); imbxInt32 year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds, offsetHours, offsetMinutes; hTag->getDate(0, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minutes, &seconds, &nanoseconds, &offsetHours, &offsetMinutes); QVERIFY(year == 2004); QVERIFY(month == 11); QVERIFY(day == 5); QVERIFY(hour == 0); QVERIFY(minutes == 0); QVERIFY(seconds == 0); QVERIFY(nanoseconds == 0); QVERIFY(offsetHours == 0); QVERIFY(offsetMinutes == 0); QVERIFY(hTag->getUnicodeString(0) == L"2004-11-05"); } }
int64_t parseIso8601Time(const char *str) { // Check to make sure that it has a valid format if (!checkString(str, "dddd-dd-ddTdd:dd:dd")) { return -1; } #define nextnum() (((*str - '0') * 10) + (*(str + 1) - '0')) // Convert it struct tm stm; memset(&stm, 0, sizeof(stm)); stm.tm_year = (nextnum() - 19) * 100; str += 2; stm.tm_year += nextnum(); str += 3; stm.tm_mon = nextnum() - 1; str += 3; stm.tm_mday = nextnum(); str += 3; stm.tm_hour = nextnum(); str += 3; stm.tm_min = nextnum(); str += 3; stm.tm_sec = nextnum(); str += 2; stm.tm_isdst = -1; int64_t ret = mktime(&stm); // Skip the millis if (*str == '.') { str++; while (isdigit(*str)) { str++; } } if (checkString(str, "-dd:dd") || checkString(str, "+dd:dd")) { int sign = (*str++ == '-') ? -1 : 1; int hours = nextnum(); str += 3; int minutes = nextnum(); ret += (-sign * (((hours * 60) + minutes) * 60)); } // Else it should be Z to be a conformant time string, but we just assume // that it is rather than enforcing that return ret; }
PyObject* makeGBFFDataDict(gb_data *ptGBFFData) { int i; PyObject *GBFFDataDict; PyObject *FeatureList; PyObject *ReferenceList; PyObject *RegionTuple; GBFFDataDict = PyDict_New(); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "locus_name", PyString_FromString((char *) &(ptGBFFData->sLocusName))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "length", PyInt_FromLong((long) ptGBFFData->lLength)); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "type", PyString_FromString((char *) &(ptGBFFData->sType))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "topology", PyString_FromString((char *) &(ptGBFFData->sTopology))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "division_code", PyString_FromString((char *) &(ptGBFFData->sDivisionCode))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "date", PyString_FromString((char *) &(ptGBFFData->sDate))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "feature_num", PyInt_FromLong((long) ptGBFFData->iFeatureNum)); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "sequence", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sSequence))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "accession", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sAccession))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "comment", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sComment))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "definition", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sDef))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "gi", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sGI))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "keywords", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sKeywords))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "lineage", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sLineage))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "organism", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sOrganism))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "source", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sSource))); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "version", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptGBFFData->sVersion))); /* Create list of region */ RegionTuple = PyTuple_New(2); PyTuple_SetItem(RegionTuple, 0, PyInt_FromLong((long) ptGBFFData->lRegion[0])); PyTuple_SetItem(RegionTuple, 1, PyInt_FromLong((long) ptGBFFData->lRegion[1])); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "region", RegionTuple); /* Create list of references */ ReferenceList = PyList_New(0); for(i = 0; i < ptGBFFData->iReferenceNum; i++) PyList_Append(ReferenceList, makeReferenceDict((ptGBFFData->ptReferences) + i)); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "references", ReferenceList); /* Create list of features */ FeatureList = PyList_New(0); for(i = 0; i < ptGBFFData->iFeatureNum; i++) PyList_Append(FeatureList, makeFeatureDict((ptGBFFData->ptFeatures) + i)); PyDict_SetItemString(GBFFDataDict, "features", FeatureList); return GBFFDataDict; }
SymmetricSolver* SymmetricSolver::readFromFile(std::istream& s) { SymmetricSolver* foo = new SymmetricSolver(); checkString("(SymmetricSolver)",s); foo->the_ixn = BlockCMat::readFromFile(s); s.read((char*)&foo->singular_epsilon, sizeof(foo->singular_epsilon)); s.read((char*)&foo->the_GF, sizeof(foo->the_GF)); if(foo->the_GF) foo->the_GF = BlockCMat_SVD::readFromFile(s); checkString("(/SymmetricSolver)",s); return foo; }
bool wave_open() { static char *channel_mappings[] = {NULL,"mono","stereo"}; unsigned short wFormatTag; unsigned long dAvgBytesPerSec; unsigned short wBlockAlign; long filesize; long header_size; //if((config.wave.file = fopen(config.infile,"rb")) == NULL) ERROR("Unable to open file"); if(!checkString(config.wave.file,"RIFF")) ERROR("Input not a MS-RIFF file"); filesize = Read32BitsLowHigh(config.wave.file); /* complete wave chunk size */ fprintf(stderr, "Microsoft RIFF, "); if(!checkString(config.wave.file,"WAVE")) ERROR("Input not WAVE audio"); fprintf(stderr, "WAVE audio, "); /* WAVE FMT format chunk */ if(!checkString(config.wave.file,"fmt ")) ERROR("Can't find format chunk"); /* my total header size calculations don't work, so this is bogus... */ header_size = Read32BitsLowHigh(config.wave.file); /* chunk size */ wFormatTag = Read16BitsLowHigh(config.wave.file); if(wFormatTag!=0x0001) ERROR("Unknown WAVE format"); config.wave.type = WAVE_RIFF_PCM; config.wave.channels = Read16BitsLowHigh(config.wave.file); config.wave.samplerate = Read32BitsLowHigh(config.wave.file); dAvgBytesPerSec = Read32BitsLowHigh(config.wave.file); wBlockAlign = Read16BitsLowHigh(config.wave.file); /* PCM specific */ if(config.wave.channels>2) ERROR("More than 2 channels\n"); fprintf(stderr, "PCM, %s %ldHz ", channel_mappings[config.wave.channels], config.wave.samplerate); config.wave.bits = Read16BitsLowHigh(config.wave.file); if(config.wave.bits!=16) ERROR("NOT 16 Bit !!!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%dbit, ", config.wave.bits); if(!checkString(config.wave.file,"data")) ERROR("Can't find data chunk"); header_size = ftell(config.wave.file); fseek(config.wave.file, 0, SEEK_END); filesize = ftell(config.wave.file); fseek(config.wave.file, header_size, SEEK_SET); config.wave.total_samples = (filesize-header_size)/(2*config.wave.channels); config.wave.length = config.wave.total_samples/config.wave.samplerate; fprintf(stderr, "Length: %2ld:%2ld:%2ld\n", (config.wave.length/3600), (config.wave.length/60)%60, (config.wave.length%60)); return true; }
void EventHandler::processLogin(EventCmd &e, vector<string> &check_cmd) { cout<<check_cmd[1]<<endl; if(check_cmd.size()!=4) return; if(check_cmd[1].size() == 0 || check_cmd[2].size() == 0 || check_cmd[3].size() == 0) return; if(check_cmd[1].size()>32 || check_cmd[2].size()>32 || check_cmd[3].size() > 32) return; if(checkString(check_cmd[1])==false || checkString(check_cmd[2])==false || checkString(check_cmd[3]) == false){ LOG4CXX_WARN(logger_, "check string false:"<<check_cmd[1]<<";"<<check_cmd[2]<<";"<<check_cmd[3]); } UserBasicInfo ubi; bool check = dh_->getUserBasicInfo(check_cmd[2], check_cmd[3], ubi); if(check == false){ if(dh_->db_error_ != 0){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_LOGIN,ERROR_SYSTEM_CRITICAL_ERROR); return; }else{ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_LOGIN,ERROR_USER_OR_PASSWD_WRONG); return; } }else{ /*if(check_cmd[3] == ubi.eqid_){ string res = buildLoginResponse(ubi.uid_, -1); nh_->sendString(e.fd_, res); return; }else{ check = dh_->changeEquipment(ubi.uid_, check_cmd[3]); if(dh_->db_error_ !=0||check == false){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_LOGIN,ERROR_SYSTEM_CRITICAL_ERROR); return; }else{ string res = buildLoginResponse(ubi.uid_, getAuthorizeCode(ubi.uid_)); nh_->sendString(e.fd_, res); return; } }*/ if(check_cmd[1]!= ubi.eqid_){ check = dh_->changeEquipment(ubi.uid_, check_cmd[1]); if(dh_->db_error_ !=0||check == false){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_LOGIN,ERROR_SYSTEM_CRITICAL_ERROR); return; } } LOG4CXX_INFO(logger_, "login;"<<ubi.uid_); long long now = time(NULL); long long reaccess_check = now/86400 - ubi.create_time_/86400; if((reaccess_check>=1 && reaccess_check<=6)||reaccess_check == 13 || reaccess_check == 29 || reaccess_check == 59 || reaccess_check == 89){ LOG4CXX_INFO(logger_, "reaccess;"<<reaccess_check<<";"<<ubi.uid_); } string res = buildLoginResponse(ubi.uid_, getAuthorizeCode(ubi.uid_)); nh_->sendString(e.fd_, res); return; } }
PyObject* makeReferenceDict(gb_reference *ptReference) { PyObject *ReferenceDict; ReferenceDict = PyDict_New(); PyDict_SetItemString(ReferenceDict, "authors", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptReference->sAuthors))); PyDict_SetItemString(ReferenceDict, "consrtm", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptReference->sConsrtm))); PyDict_SetItemString(ReferenceDict, "title", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptReference->sTitle))); PyDict_SetItemString(ReferenceDict, "journal", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptReference->sJournal))); PyDict_SetItemString(ReferenceDict, "pubmed", PyString_FromString(checkString(ptReference->sPubMed))); PyDict_SetItemString(ReferenceDict, "number", PyInt_FromLong((long) ptReference->iNum)); return ReferenceDict; }
ATF_TC_BODY(data_string_new, tc) { struct data_string new_string; const char *src = "Really? Latin? ... geeks"; int len_arg = 0; const char *error; /* Case 1: Call with an invalid data_string pointer, should fail */ if (data_string_new(NULL, src, len_arg, MDL)) { atf_tc_fail("case 1: call should have failed"); } /* Case 2: Passing in NULL src should fail */ if (data_string_new(&new_string, NULL, 10, MDL)) { atf_tc_fail("case 2: did not return success"); } /* Case 3: Call with valid params, length includes NULL */ len_arg = strlen(src) + 1; if (data_string_new(&new_string, src, len_arg, MDL) == 0) { atf_tc_fail("case 3: did not return success"); } error = checkString(&new_string, src); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG((error == NULL), "case 3: %s", error); data_string_forget(&new_string, MDL); /* Case 4: Call with valid params, length does not include NULL */ len_arg = 7; if (data_string_new(&new_string, src, len_arg, MDL) == 0) { atf_tc_fail("case 4: did not return success"); } error = checkString(&new_string, "Really?"); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG((error == NULL), "case 4: %s", error); data_string_forget(&new_string, MDL); /* Case 5: Call with valid params, source string is "" */ len_arg = 0; if (data_string_new(&new_string, "", len_arg, MDL) == 0) { atf_tc_fail("case 5: did not return success"); } error = checkString(&new_string, ""); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG((error == NULL), "case 4: %s", error); data_string_forget(&new_string, MDL); }
/** * @brief Parses in the argument context for the given node. */ void NepParser::genCtxArg(Nepeta::Node &data) { while( notEof() ) { char ch = getCurRaw(); if( isSpace(ch) ) { iterCur(); } else if( checkIdentifier(ch) ) { genArgWord(data); } else if( checkString(ch) ) { genArgString(data); } else if( checkBlock(ch) ) { genArgBlock(data); } else if( isNewline(ch) || ch == ';' ) { iterCur(); return; } else if( ch == '\\' ) { iterCur(); helpSeekNewline(true); } else if( ch == '&' ) { genArgReference(data); } else { mScript.addError(Nepeta::ErrIllegalCharacter, std::string(1,ch), getCurLine(), getCurCol()); helpSeekNewline(false); break; } } }
void RegexValidator::checkImpl(const Context *ctx, const Param &value) const { if(!checkString(value.asString(ctx))) { throw ValidatorException(); } }
CommandBase* Parser::parse(const char* str, bool throwException) { if (str == NULL) return NULL; bool helpMode = false; m_tokens.clear(); //LOG_INFO << "Command: " << str; int ret = m_toker.tokenize(str); if (ret != 0) return new ParserFailedCommand("Failed to tokenize command"); if ((m_tokens.size() > 0) && checkString( m_tokens[0], "help" )) { helpMode = true; m_tokens.erase( m_tokens.begin() ); } Command* result = NULL; try { result = detectCommand(helpMode); if (result == NULL) { result = new ParserFailedCommand("Failed to detect command"); } else if (helpMode) result->setHelpMode(); else result->parse(m_tokens); } catch(Exception& e) { if (throwException) throw; // for testing purposes result = new ParserFailedCommand(e.cause()); } return result; }
Entity parserCore(std::string input) { input.erase(remove_if(input.begin(), input.end(), isspace), input.end()); checkString(input); return _parserCore(input, syntaxAnalysis(input)); }
QString codepageStringCombination(const DataPointer& start, int length) { if(!checkString(start + 1, length - 1)) return ""; QString rv = QString::fromLatin1(start.toPointer(1), length - 1).trimmed(); if(start[0] > 16){ qDebug() << rv << "does not seem to be a codepage-string-combination"; } return rv; }
void Filtering::filterWith (const QString& f) { kdebugf(); bool filter_number = config_file.readBoolEntry ("filtering", "filter-number", false); bool filter_email = config_file.readBoolEntry ("filtering", "filter-email", false); bool filter_mobile = config_file.readBoolEntry ("filtering", "filter-mobile", false); bool filter_startswith = config_file.readBoolEntry ("filtering", "filter-startswith", false); foreach(const UserListElement &u, userlist->toUserListElements()) { if (checkString (u.firstName (), f, filter_startswith) || checkString (u.lastName (), f, filter_startswith) || checkString (u.altNick (), f, filter_startswith) || checkString (u.nickName (), f, filter_startswith) || (filter_number && u.usesProtocol ("Gadu") && checkString (u.ID ("Gadu"), f, filter_startswith)) || (filter_email && checkString (u.email (), f, filter_startswith)) || (filter_mobile && checkString (u.mobile (), f, filter_startswith))) { filter->addUser (u); } } kadu->userbox ()->applyFilter (filter); kdebugf2(); }
CsvImportDialog::CsvImportDialog(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), ui(new Ui::CsvImportDialog) { ui->setupUi(this); model = new QStandardItemModel(this); ui->tableView->setModel(model); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 QStringList dataDirList = QStandardPaths::standardLocations(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); // Use user space QString dataBaseDirAndFile = dataDirList.at(0); #else QString dataBaseDirAndFile = QDir::homePath(); #endif QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 0, tr("open CSV file"), dataBaseDirAndFile, QLatin1String("CSV (*.csv)")); QFile file(fileName); if (file.open(QFile::Text | QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QString data = QLatin1String(file.readAll()); data.remove(QRegExp(QLatin1String("\r"))); QString temp; QChar character; QTextStream textStream(&data); while (!textStream.atEnd()) { textStream >> character; if (character == QLatin1Char(',')) { checkString(temp, character); } else if (character == QLatin1Char(';')) { character = QLatin1Char(','); checkString(temp, character); } else if (character == QLatin1Char('\n')) { checkString(temp, character); } else if (textStream.atEnd()) { temp.append(character); checkString(temp); } else { temp.append(character); } } }
QString fixedString(const DataPointer& start, int length) { if(!checkString(start, length)) return ""; QString rv = QString::fromLatin1(start.toPointer(0),length).trimmed(); if(start[0] <= 16 && start[0] >= 1){ qDebug() << rv << "might be a codepage-string combination, codepage" << (int)start[0] << "parsing as such"; return codepageStringCombination(start, length); } return rv; }
void checkString(vector<vector<int> > &vv, int index, string s, const string &str) { for(int j = 0; j < vv[index].size(); ++j) { if(vv[index][j] == -1) { v.push_back(str.substr(0, index + 1) + s); } else { checkString(vv, vv[index][j], " " + str.substr(vv[index][j] + 1, index - vv[index][j]) + s, str); } } }
void ListDataspacesCommand::parse(Tokens& tokens) { if (tokens.size() > 2) { if ((tokens.size() != 4) || !checkString(tokens[2], "filter") || (tokens[3].m_angen != ANGEN_TITLE)) THROW("Invalid format of LIST DATASPACES command"); m_pattern = tokens[3].m_val.m_str; } }
/** * @brief writeRegister Method to append a whole registry. Add new element to database. * @param pFileName is the name of database file to add to. * @param pColumnData it's what to append. * @param columnPos is where to append it. */ bool writefile::writeRegister(string pFileName, array<char*>* pColumnData , array<char*>* pColumnNam){ int currSeek = file.tellg(); string standardDir = createNewFile(pFileName); file.open(standardDir.c_str()); bool isOpen = true; if(!file.is_open()){ cout << "NED " + pFileName << endl; return false; } file.seekg(K->ZE_ROW); int spacesToMove; int Csize; int lon = pColumnNam->getLenght(); array<char*> tempCDataArr = *pColumnData; array<char*> tempNames = *pColumnNam; array<int> ColumnPos (lon); string registerToWrite = K->EMPTY_STRING; string Cdata; const char* charT ; for (int i = K->ZE_ROW ; i < lon ; i++){ charT = tempNames[i]; string strToAdd(charT); ColumnPos[i] = getColumnNumber(&pFileName, &strToAdd); } //Get the register and fill the blanks. fillString (®isterToWrite , getRegisterSize()); for (int i = 0 ; i < ColumnPos.getLenght() ; i++){ Cdata = tempCDataArr[i]; checkString(&Cdata); Csize = columnSize(ColumnPos[i]); //Not sure spacesToMove = sizeUntilColumn(ColumnPos[i]); fillString(&Cdata ,Csize); registerToWrite.replace(spacesToMove , Csize , Cdata.c_str()); } if (file.is_open()){ file.seekg(K->ZE_ROW , ios::end); file << registerToWrite; } file.seekg(currSeek); file.close(); return isOpen; }
LogReader::LogReader(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { if (!isRunning("mongod.exe")){ qDebug() << "MongoDB Server is not running!"; exit(0); } connect(&watcher, SIGNAL(fileChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(fileChanged(QString))); connect(this, SIGNAL(dataReceived(QString)), &sHandle, SLOT(checkString(QString))); connect(&sHandle, SIGNAL(codeChanged(CodeType)), &json, SLOT(inputCode(CodeType))); connect(&sHandle, SIGNAL(codeChanged(CodeType)), &db, SLOT(inputCode(CodeType))); connect(&sHandle, SIGNAL(dataValidated(QRegularExpressionMatch)), &json, SLOT(inputData(QRegularExpressionMatch))); connect(&json, SIGNAL(jsonCreated(QJsonObject)), &db, SLOT(receiveData(QJsonObject))); connect(this, SIGNAL(readToWrite()), &db, SLOT(openMongoConn())); connect(this, SIGNAL(writenDone()), &db, SLOT(closeMongoConn())); directory.setPath("Z:/Log"); fileList << "/Pvqvscmw.log" << "/Pvqvscmw1.log" << "/Pvqvscmw2.log" << "/Pvqvscmw3.log" << "/Pvqvscmw4.log" << "/Pvqvscmw5.log" << "/Pvqvscmw6.log" << "/Pvqvscmw7.log" << "/Pvqvscmw8.log" << "/Pvqvscmw9.log"; // directory.setPath("C:/Temp/Data"); // fileList << "/Pvqvscmw.log"; // directory.setPath("C:/Temp/Data"); // fileList << "/Log (1).log" << "/Log (2).log" // << "/Log (3).log" << "/Log (4).log" // << "/Log (5).log" << "/Log (6).log" // << "/Log (7).log" << "/Log (8).log" // << "/Log (9).log" << "/Log (10).log" // << "/Log (11).log" << "/Log (12).log" // << "/Log (13).log" << "/Log (14).log" // << "/Log (15).log" << "/Log (16).log" // << "/Log (17).log" << "/Log (18).log" // << "/Log (19).log" << "/Log (20).log" // << "/Log (21).log" << "/Log (22).log" // << "/Log (23).log" << "/Log (24).log" // << "/Log (25).log" << "/Log (26).log" // << "/Log (27).log" << "/Log (28).log" // << "/Log (29).log" << "/Log (30).log" // << "/Log (31).log" << "/Log (32).log" // << "/Log (33).log" << "/Log (34).log" // << "/Log (35).log" << "/Log (36).log" // << "/Log (37).log" << "/Log (38).log" // << "/Log (39).log" << "/Log (40).log" // << "/Log (41).log" << "/Log (42).log"; // Força a leitura no arquivo na inicialização. readFile(0); watcher.addPath(directory.absolutePath()+fileList.at(0)); }
void EventHandler::processCreateUser(EventCmd &e, vector<string> &check_cmd) { if(check_cmd.size()!=4)return; uid_type uid; bool check = safeAtoll(check_cmd[1], uid); if(check == false) return; if(check_cmd[2].size() == 0 || check_cmd[2].size()>32) return; if(check_cmd[3].size() == 0 || check_cmd[3].size()>32) return; if(checkString(check_cmd[2]) == false || checkString(check_cmd[3]) == false) return; User * user = dh_->getUser(uid); if(dh_->db_error_ != 0){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_CREATEUSER, ERROR_SYSTEM_CRITICAL_ERROR); return; } if(user != NULL){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_CREATEUSER, ERROR_USER_ALREADY_REGISTERED); return; } /*check = dh_->checkNick(check_cmd[3]); if(dh_->db_error_ != 0){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_CREATEUSER, ERROR_SYSTEM_CRITICAL_ERROR); return; } if(check == false){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_CREATEUSER, ERROR_NICKNAME_USED); return; }*/ check = dh_->createUser(uid,check_cmd); if(dh_->db_error_ != 0){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_CREATEUSER, ERROR_SYSTEM_CRITICAL_ERROR); return; } if(check == false){ sendErrorResponse(e.fd_, CMD_CREATEUSER, ERROR_CREATE_USER_FAIL); return; } LOG4CXX_INFO(logger_, "register;"<<uid); string res = buildCreateUserResponse(); nh_->sendString(e.fd_, res); return; }
void EventHandler::processLogin(EventCmd &e, vector<string> &check_cmd) { if(check_cmd.size()!= 5) return; if(check_cmd[1].size()==0 || check_cmd[2].size()==0 || check_cmd[3].size()==0 || check_cmd[4].size() == 0) return; if(check_cmd[1].size()>32 || check_cmd[2].size()>32 || check_cmd[3].size() > 32 || check_cmd[4].size() >32) return; if(checkString(check_cmd[3])==false || checkString(check_cmd[4]) == false) return; uid_type uid ; bool check = safeAtoll(check_cmd[1], uid); if(check == false) return; struct sessionVerifyInfo * svi = new struct sessionVerifyInfo(); svi->uid = uid; svi->fd_=e.fd_; svi->eq = eq_; svi->nickname = new string(check_cmd[4]); svi->eqid = new string(check_cmd[2]); string sign = buildSessionVerifyString(check_cmd); svi->sign = new string(sign); pthread_t tid; pthread_create(&tid, NULL, sessionVerify, (void *)svi ); return; }
void RenameDataspaceCommand::parse(Tokens& tokens) { if (tokens.size() != 5) THROW("Invalid RENAME DATASPACE command"); if (tokens[2].m_angen != ANGEN_IDENT) THROW("Expected existing dataspace name"); m_oldName = tokens[2].m_val.m_str; if (!checkString(tokens[3], "to")) THROW("Expected key word TO"); if (tokens[4].m_angen != ANGEN_IDENT) THROW("Expected new dataspace name"); m_newName = tokens[4].m_val.m_str; }
void permute(int index){ if (index == length){ checkString(); return; } else { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){ string[index] = buttons[sequence[index]-2][i]; permute(index+1); } } }
void RenameMetricCommand::parse(Tokens& tokens) { if (tokens.size() != 5) THROW("Invalid RENAME METRIC command"); if (tokens[2].m_angen != ANGEN_IDENT) THROW("Expected existing metric name"); m_oldName = tokens[2].m_val.m_str; if (!checkString(tokens[3], "to")) THROW("Expected key word TO"); if (tokens[4].m_angen != ANGEN_IDENT) THROW("Expected new metric name"); m_newName = tokens[4].m_val.m_str; }
void dateTimeHandlerTest::timeTest() { ptr<data> tag(new data(ptr<baseObject>(0))); { ptr<handlers::dataHandler> hTag= tag->getDataHandler(0, true, "TM"); hTag->setSize(1); hTag->setDate(0, 2004, 11, 5, 9, 20, 40, 5000, 1, 2); imbxInt32 year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds, offsetHours, offsetMinutes; hTag->getDate(0, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minutes, &seconds, &nanoseconds, &offsetHours, &offsetMinutes); QVERIFY(year == 0); QVERIFY(month == 0); QVERIFY(day == 0); QVERIFY(hour == 9); QVERIFY(minutes == 20); QVERIFY(seconds == 40); QVERIFY(nanoseconds == 5000); QVERIFY(offsetHours == 0); QVERIFY(offsetMinutes == 0); QVERIFY(hTag->getUnicodeString(0) == L"09:20:40.005000"); } { ptr<handlers::dataHandlerRaw> hTag= tag->getDataHandlerRaw(0, true, "TM"); stringUint8 compString((imbxUint8*)"092040.005000"); compString += (imbxUint8)0; std::basic_string<imbxUint8> checkString(hTag->getMemory()->data(), hTag->getMemory()->size()); QVERIFY(checkString == compString); hTag->getMemory()->assign((imbxUint8*)"9:20:40", 7); } { ptr<handlers::dataHandler> hTag= tag->getDataHandler(0, false, "TM"); imbxInt32 year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds, offsetHours, offsetMinutes; hTag->getDate(0, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minutes, &seconds, &nanoseconds, &offsetHours, &offsetMinutes); QVERIFY(year == 0); QVERIFY(month == 0); QVERIFY(day == 0); QVERIFY(hour == 9); QVERIFY(minutes == 20); QVERIFY(seconds == 40); QVERIFY(nanoseconds == 0); QVERIFY(offsetHours == 0); QVERIFY(offsetMinutes == 0); QVERIFY(hTag->getUnicodeString(0) == L"09:20:40.000000"); } }